The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 01, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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DECEMBER 1, 1920.
By John Glelssner
' United Newt Staff Correspondent "
. Washington, Pec, 1. Formation
of a treaty between the IJnlted States
and Mexico, embodying definite .as
surances that American oil . proper
ties In Mexico will riot be confis-
cated, la "suggested by . Secretary of
SUte Colby In a letter to Roberto P.
I'eBcueira, confidential gent of the
Mexican government. '
esquelra .came to Washington as all
ivoy of President-elect Ohrepoa and
Provisional President Be la liuerta,
seeking; recognition for his government
and endeavoring to settle differences be
tween the: two nations. Colby's letter,
the official expression of .this govern
ment's policy,, was . handed Pesqueira
; prior to his recent departure for Mexico
" City and was made "public Tuesday'
The' plain implication in Colby's state
ment is that If a treaty 'is negotiated,
PUttirig the envoy's verbal promises in
"black and white," Mexico will be rec
ognized.. It also is a declaration of prin
ciples upon which the United States will
Insist. . .' :i
The chief point In dispute between the
two countries concerns the extensive
holdings, of oil lands by Americans In
Tamptco and adjacent regions. The
American .contention is that Article
XXVII jot the Mexican constitution,
adopted under the iCarranza regime, in
effect would confiscate these lands by
nullifying legally acquired titles to therru
After stating that misunderstandings
about Artiple XXVII have exercised an
unfortunate restraint upon -the impulses
of friendly governments in their desire
to deal with the Mexican people," Colby
informed Pesqueira : -SUGGESTS
"I can conceive of nothing better cal
culated to correct this misunderstanding
and to allay the fears of those whb have
acquired valid titles, or who hav? made
substantial investments in conformity
with Mexican -law and In reliancal upon
its protection, than the statements of
your letter referring to the declaration of
President de la Huerta ana President
elect Obrepon. to the effect that Article
XXVII "is not and must not be inter
preted as retroactive or violative of valid
property rghts'."
! After declaring that there is no wish
tp interfere with any .Mexican policy
with regard to Its lands,, or the preven
tlon of waste In Its natural resources,
Colby stated :
"It only remains to give these under
standings a form which is usual in deal
ings between friendly states, and I have
the honor to Buggest as our fruitful dis
cussion draws to a close -that a commis
sion be ' promptly designated by both J
Mexico and the united Slates, to formu
late a treaty embodying ,the agreements
which have been reached:: as the result
of your -successful mission."
The 'proposed treaty also would pro
vide for the adjudication of claims
against Mexico by citizens of this and
other countries, resulting from revolu
tionary destruction of recent years.
"We have not required the assurances
so unqualifiedly given, in your letter5 of
Mexico's regard for the discharge of her
obligations, and of her respect for the
principles of international law," said
Colby. ' J, ' ' ' .."
Your suggestion of a Joint arbitra
tion commission to. adjudicate the claims
presented by citizens of other countries,
for damages sustained as a result of
disorders in your country, and the fur
ther proposal to enlarge and strengthen
existing . treaty provisions for the arbi
tration of all controversies, now pend
ing or which may arise between our re
spective nations, bring convincing sup
port to your declarations. If that were
needed," f '
San Francisco Bank
Buys Property of
' : George F. ; Warren
All of George F. Warren's property
In Clatsop, Maripn and Lane counties,
Bold at public auction last week by depu
ties from the United States marshal's of
fice, was purchased by the CrocSer Na
tion bank of San ;Franclsco, plaintiff In
the suit against.'Warren.
The federal court allowed the bank
?1,428 and costs and ordered Warren's
property sold until the sum was obtained.
The holdings in the three counties did
not net that sum. sb the marshal will
auction off Warren's: holdings In Crook
county in the near future. The. Clatsop
county property included a large part Of
the city of Warren ton. - Judgment was
given the bank because Warren, failed to
return money borrowed .from; the bank.
Basket Social Xets 957
Beaverton, Pec 1 The Whitford
school, two miles southeast of this place,
gave an" entertainment and basket social
Saturday night. Fifty-seven dollars was
realized from the sale of baskets. This
I -i
London, Dec. 1. (I. S.)- An
army of unemployed, more, than 1000
strong, today marched on the ' cen
ter of Edmonton, a town, ot Middle
sex, eight miles .from London, seized
the town hall as "their headquarters,
and raised the red flag.
The jobless men and women then pre
sented a set -of demands to the! town
councillors and prevailed upon them to
evacuate the city building.
Scotland Yard warned the government
today that another great demonstration
of unemployed In Londoil is being ar
ranged and that "terrosts and the
criminal element may attempt to take
advantage of the opportunity to spread
disorders.' ,'
According to secret service agents the
leaders ofthe unemployment demonstra
tion 'plan a procession to Whitehall to
appeal to Premier Lloyd George "for
truce to end the present terrorism;."
Labor leaders say that Great Britain
is face to face with a tremendous men
ace in the face of unemployment during
the winter, r
money will be used for equipment In the
domestic art and manual training departments.
Husband Accused
Of Threatening to
Kill Wife, Twins
Felice Tamasl. living at 88 Sixth
street, was arrested on a charge of
threatening to kill his wife and their
8-year-old twins Tuesday, and witt be
held in jail until he provides a peace
bond. Deputy District Attorney Richard
Deich announced. " ; i ,
Tamasl married a 16-year-old Spanish
girl in Mexico in 1918.' They removed to
Portland In September, 1918. Mrs. Tam
asl grew homesick and often begged her
husband tp return with her to- the home
of- her childhood. ' At first he refused
even to consider' returning, but recently
announced his change of mind.
. Monday Mrs. Tamasi went abpUt her
packing as she regaled .the young twins
with tales o'f the : happy days
they would now spend with their
grandparents in - Mexico.' Tamasl
entered while she was packing; and
informed her that she would have her
wish he was going to take her back
to Mexico, but he was going to take her
where no one could find her and then
would kill her. So threatening- was his
manner and so strange his actions that
the wife "fled with her children to the
women's protective bureau. Where they
spent Monday night.
Tamasi found his wife and the twins
at the protective bureau this Vnornlng
and went there, making threats; toward
his family and the attendants. ,' He was
taken to the district ' attorney's office
and there made violent threats; and
Deich took the precaution of locking
him up.
l li ll II II I
You Pay Less at Powers
For Good Gift Pieces!
There will be much discretion shown in; spending money for Christmas gifts this year.; Little money
will be wasted on trivial knick-knacks'. Furniture, the most sensible, most appropriate gift, -is right now , in
greater demand than ever before. Our stock embraces furniture, gifts, pretentious -or simple as you desire,
from gate leg tables, smokers, desks, davenports, to complete suites at low prices that are really remarkable.
; , p ijTfB--
$16.75 Oak Smokers
Made of quartered qak stck
fitted- with drawer and glass ash
tray.. Just "one of the scores ; of
patterns we have to offer you.
Rugs for Christmas
- Get Them Here for , Less
Select from tne finest rug showing .we have ever made. Select beautiful, hew
rugs at lowered prices.
7 patterns, $45.00 912 seamless tapestry Brussels rugs. . . . .. .$38.75
9 patterns, $55.00 Heavy seamless tapestry Brussels rugs . . .v. .. . -.$46.65
10 patterns $97.50 9x12 best grade heavy seamless Axminster nigs . .$86.45
20 patterns, $75.00 and $77.50 heavy seamless velvet rugs, 9x12. ... .$59.85
8 patterns, $85.00, $90.00 and $95.00 Wilton velvet rugs .......... .$69.50
3 patterns; good, heavy $1.45 print linoleum, yard
15 patents, of $2.25, $2.40 and $2.50 inlaid linoleum, yard
100 Velvet Rugs
' . $3.95
27x54 velvet rugs, all Rood
patterns; reduced from 4.75
to $4.85.
Carpet Sweepers
HuRro special de luxe sweep
ers, nickel finished rubber
corners. .
50 Velvet Rug4
27x54 velvet rugs in a number
of splendid patterns, the kind
that sell-regularly for 6.00.
Lt i ;lif
e- : - - ;:
'Hi.. 1,1
. - , . . . II
All Cedar Chests
Cedar . chests ' make splendid
gift pieces. Ve have them in
every wanted size some plain,
others with copper trimmings.
I Each and every style is reduced
; this week.
Davenports Cost Less at Powers' This Week
An unusually fine lot ofijtapestry upholstered davenports have tbeen reduced in price
1afpr if von choose: i i - 'i
; $145.00 tapestry davenp'ort, with ilJQQ PA
" seat and loose cushion effect. .! . .tJ)0tJ
, $167.50 spring seat and back AP! AA
tapestry davenport jTfAAdltlU"
f Special overstuffed , tapestry davenport with
roll arms, spring cushion. seatJ g 50
; $265.00 tapestry davenport with- QQ A A
'. mahogany finished frame. ... . ti)XIUU
$15.00 Cash $3.00 a Week
ouy vjirt rieces lhkj w
'Pay, for Them Next Year
; When you realize that more than 90 per cent
of the big business of this country is "done on
credit Or money - borrowed from the banks it
becomes apparent that a big furniture store like
this is virtually both a bank and a furniture store,
enabling you to establish your home on credit
just as a bigusiness concern establishes its
plant on credit.' '
Choose while the assortjnent is complet we will deliver
arm davenport fJTQ" QQ
$240.00 spring
in blue.velour
$400.00 spring, arm davenport?
covered in bliie'' tapestry. . . ...
$295.00 large Karperi spring OOQ A A
arm davenport ..... . ........ hdLi tUU
aavenport,. extra size. . . .
Z $270.00
fll " ' ' Victrola
A. . A W
Outfit coniiiU of
Ictrokt XI, ten dou
ble faced records (20
tele ctkn),' record
brush, 300 needles.
The rrice of the outfit is S1S8.S0 and these spe
cial terms have been made that you way easily own
this Victrola outfit now and have if delivered be
fore Christmas - day. You have your choicerof
either oak or mahogany cabinet, as. V eil as of .ten
Black Label records. :
No Interest
A Real Gift for Daddy
Here, is a great YAz comfortable leather covered
rocker that would make a fine gift for Dad, or
that erown up son in your home. It has spring
filled seat land back and a wonderfully balanced
frame. The usual selling price is $76.50.
Other Rocker Specials
$ 69.50 leather covered rockers;.. $54;75
$ 81.00 leather covered rockers. .63.50
$150.00 leather 'covered chairs. ..$99.50
$ 29.50 imitation father rockers;. 21.25
's Suits . ;
y4 OFF-
the manufact
urers price;
means a greater
saving for yoii
than a siniilajr
discount off the
average retail-:
er9s price! '
FACTURERS of Men's and Boys'
Pure Wool Clothing. Here in pur
big store you can make your e-.
, lection from one of the finest
stocks of Men's Clothing on the
coast -at genuine savings too.
This treat stock is the result of the over
production in our bis; factory and consistent
with our Mill-to-Man policy we are llins; it
direct to you.
Largest Manufacturing Clothiers West of Chicago
(Entire Bldg. (S. W. Cor.) 3d and Morrison
m - i , , 3 " i ! i i ii - .I. i- in i ii i ; i
Astoria urene .PORTLAND Marshfield North Bend
to any, nian, woman or child who will show us a
better way. . t
.Bfi Jewelry jFfirim
Mie li Fay
tttto Ti rrr n
J I We won't pay and we can't pay. They have
raised the rent nearly double.
Are forced I Gtoss
the store and go OUT of Business at 315 Wash
ington, near Sixth St For full particulars
We want every one in Portland to understand ' f
w4iy this store is going out of business. ;
i .