The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 01, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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    "A, A-A: A
Engraved ' Cards
Christmas and New
Year's Greeting Cards that
are to be engraved, should
be ordered at once. ;
Street Floor,
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Former Employees
Salespeople and cashless who are not now em
ployed and would like employment before. Christ
mas, either full or part time, will dowell to apply
at our employment office before 11 a. m. ;
' ' The Hoover
She wants a Hoover
Mail Orders for Gifts
Christmas. Sold
should be sent to our Personal I Service Bureau as
Merchandise of cJ Merit Only
on easy terms. "
Street Floor.
early as possible, to be filled while stocks are most
complete as to sizes and colors.
A 1
reat -Sale of ' 400 0
Bought at the Lowest Prices
$1.45 Aa-fe '
Men's Holiday Ne c k't i es
And Sold at the Lowest Prices
Which prices are almost half
ioz they would be iflpur-
' v - '-'.- x . ' ' ' A ' . I M
chased in the regular way.
At $1.00
New beautiful silk and silk mix
tures in attractive new stripes,
florals, ombres and fancy designs.
You will open your eyes in as
tonishment when you see these
ties at this price.
t . Mirrors Are Everlasting Gifts
Beautiful Polychrome Mirrors
Thursday at Very Low Prices
In. our Art'. Galleries are wonderful Oriental mirrorsmirrors
depicting the highest type of Chinese" art, with ornaments of jade and
hand-carved symbols, birds and inscriptions --magnificent French .
mirrors, exquisitely finished trk gold with dainty, designs in pastel
shades popular mirrors of the Adams period and masterpieces of
the Italian art -over a hundred of h& choicest mirrors for gift
selections mirrors for the entrance hall, for the library, for the
living room, most artistic hand mirrors and -mirrors for mantels and
beautiful polychrome mirrors with designs of fruits and flowers.
dirrors ranting in rrices from S6.9S to $85.00. ' . ' A
-See this special exhibition of mirrors 1n the Picture Galleries.
-Seventh Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Inlaid Linoleums
Cut Down in Price
to $1.59 Sq. Yd.
-2200 yards of rood' standard quality Linoleums iriJt variety of
handsome patterns frorfi which you can select appropriate designs for
bedroom and on each square vara you Duy
significant amount of money that in this sea-
kitchen, bathroom and
you make a saving a
son of holiday purchases can bemused quite advantageously.
Printed Linoleum Reduced to $1.09 Sq. Yd.
A good standard gride in a good variety of patterns for kitchen
and Bathroom use.
. Fifth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Invites you
To an American To
On Eighth Floor and Basement
Which Is Packed -Yes, Jammed With
American Toys Made in American
f Factories by American Workmen
- ... -. - ......
. Santa Qaus spends five hours a day here: From 10 to' ;
12 in the morning and from. 2 to 5 "in the afternoon
- Each day Santa promises the enticing, most special toy",
sales. -
Tomorrow There Is Offered, a Special Bargain
. . Doll Orioles
One-Half Price
Just like, baby's own of reed with
upholstered seat and back with canopy
top--adfustable back, with: six-inch rub
ber tired wheels and a strap to fasten
dolly in. Now 6.38 Santa says this is an
exceptionally low price -.for Doll Orioles .
that will last as long as little sister plays
with , dolls. Some are slightly damaged
from handling.
At $1.45
In beautiful new and original
patterns and handsome color com
binations giving- at once a rich,
dignified but not too conservative
appearance. .
At $1.95
Hand made, .hand sewn, care
fully matched bands, made of the
finest of heavy taffeta, basket
weaves, imported Swiss silks.
Men's SHop, Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Ties -made-by the manufacturer of the
finest Neckwear in America. 4000 brand
new, handsome, original distinctive, serv
iceable Scarfs ' that will appear . on our
counters fr the first time Thursday. 4000
Scarfs that will :solve satisfactory, 4000 gift
problems, and'000 men will be pleased
mightily to get
one of them, is
any man, no matter how-finicky he may
be about his neckwear, j will take pride in
wearing it.
them because every single
i w
decidedly worth while and
Women's Kayser Knit Underwear
in a Great Seasonable Sale
a Reduction of 25
Kayser Knit Underwear
in All Sizes
In All Weights
In Best .Qualities
Union Suits, Vests
and - Bloomers
at 25 Less at 25 Less at 25 Less
Spring needle ribbed Union Suits, "
low neck, sleeveless, medium weight cotton.
Regular sizes. ....... . .1.12
Extra sizes. ....... ...t.Jo
Low neck, sleeveless Union Suits, j-
band top.
. Regular sizes ...$1.87
Extra sizes .......... $2.05 ." '
Fine Lisle Union Suits,
low neck, sleeveless.
Regular sizes ......
Extra sizes
Silk Top Union Sails,
good weight Italian Silk.
Regular sizes $2.25, $3, $4.19
Swiss Ribbed Vests,
low neck, sleeveless,
bodice tops.
Regular-sizes ...
Extra sizes
band, regular and
......56c A
,. .63'
Fine mercerized Suits,
low neck, sleeveless, band top and
shoulder straps.
Regular sizes . ;
Extra sizes . .
.53.37 : I
Lisle Union Suits,
lpw neck, sleeveless.
Regular sizes . .
Extra sizes . . . .
Medium weight cotton Union Suits,
low necKy swevetess. ,
Regular sizes
Extra sizes , . .
.!. $2.62
Fine mercerized Bloomers,
marvelfit, extra wide, pink, i $2.74
Kayser Knit Underwear at
25 per .cent less than the regu
lar prices. Think of being able
to get this unclerWear in all
sizes at the very beginning of
the season, at this price-reduction.
-You will be "first to ap
preciate this offering. , There
,are all styles; weights and
qualities; our regular stock
reduced for the sole purpose of
giving our customers an ex
cellent value.'
Lisle Vests,
low neck, sleeveless.
Regular sizes . .
' Extra sizes . . . .
Lisle Vests,
low neck, sleeveless, full size bodies, band
top and shoulder straps.- -
Regular sizes ...... 4 .$2.06 '
Extra sizes .-. . . .$2.25v
Fine Knit Knee Bloomers,
elastic at waist and knee, pink.
! Regular sizes . . . i . . . .$1.52
Extra sizes ,.$1.69
Cotton Bloomers, '
. knee length, elastic at waist and knee, full
size. Splendid-quality.
Regular sizes 94c
Extra sizes $1.12
Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Lovely New Blouses
Of Crepe de Chine and Georgette1
That Are 'Exceptional Values. "
at $5.00
- '' ." - ' ''. . :" t - . ... -'..' ' ' '' ' ' '
. - ' " ' v i ;; '- j ' " " . -" A
An assemblage o Blouses in a seemingly unlimited van-,
ety of noyelty and tailored styles some trimmed with pretty
laces and tiny insertions as well as beaded, tucked. and pleat- ;
ed effects. ' V " ' .
Every Blouse .is brand new and in .the styles most in de
mand this season, two of which we illustrate above. The
colors are flesh,- navy, Aztec, bisque oriole, brown,-also :
black and wTiite; . . - .
. Third Floor, Lipman, Wolf it Co. '
l- -4 . .. - ' , .. .. , ,; .. . . .
Very Special! 300 Women's Umbrellas
of Fine Colored Silk Splendid at $10.00
They are wonderful gift Umbrellas with high-grade handles of ivory "and bakelite reproductions. White,
amber and mottled styles in heavy round and oval rings, also Prince of Wales crooks;, the latter; very popular
here in Portland. AFine silk covers in navy, green, purple, taupe, brown and red. Be sure to sse our window
display.- ..." A ' . " A .; -
1 Street Floor, LipmanWolfe & Co. ' " '
Women's Imported
v Sports Handkerchiefs :
Excellent at 25c
" ' ' -:. t -. jf
-Thi's is as pretty a lot of Sports Handkerchiefs as we; have
ever jse'en assembled to sell at-"25c each. The designs are so
unusually clever that you simply have to admire them
s We want you to see these, because we know that several of your
gift problems are going to be solved satisfactorily and quickly. . The
Handkerchiefs are of a soft lustrous batiste.
Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe it Co.
All Our Choicest Velveteens and Plushes
Thiirsday at Half Price and Less Than Half! ,
Together with an unprecedented price-otit Paon velvet a sale of the richest and most desired of all weaves for winter wear the fabrics that are
the most beautiful ever produced for wejiriwith furs marked at the irreducible minimum rijht at the time when you simply must have them.
Plushes $6.25 t6 $13.75 Yard j !
Plain and Fancy A j
These plushes are from the best manufacturers only. They are the
kind for which we have built up a reputation in Portland.' . ;
--5Q and 5 ipch plushes in plain black, mole and beaver are 6.25 to
,$13.75 yard. , 1
Fancy plushes in black, mole and faultless reproductions of real fur
fabrics that will retain their first beauty during Ion service; 6.75
to 13.75 yard. ' .. v
' x Velveteen $3.95 Yard j I
. ' 48 Inches Wide ' . . . !'
This is the .very best velveteen that money "will buy-the fmestiof
..jrics for style and service. Black, navy, taupe and plum. ? j
Velveteen $2.05 Yard .
Including Boulevard Velvet -
Chiffon finish and other 36-inch velveteens.' sold with every guaran
tee that jtoes with the best of fabrics. Black, navy, brown, taupe, plum
and Copenhagen. ' ' . .', . .
' f ; ' ; ' ' . ' : " "- - ' '. v :'. v;.-;.: '
36-Inch Paon Silk VelvetX
$4.95 Yard
iThe depth of color, the play of high lights and shadows in this velvet
are inimitable.S And what wonderful service it gives truly a good
investment at 495. , Black, navy, brown and garnet.
"i Second Floor, Lipman, Wolf it Co. '
xFor Holiday Decorations and. Gifts
Fes'tive red and green j ones in all manner-of attractive
shapjes. . ' ' " ' ,
s , NEARLY EVERY SORT of plain colored candles you
.can think of square, Tound, fluted, twisted,; dip shape
Aat Sc to 50c each. . . '
. ' are 1.00 a pair. -.:;'...
. RED ONES dripping' with green 3Sc and 5oc a pair.
And candlesticks to put
them in. ' , 1
Also fancy candles
in gift boxes.
These are from 1.2$
to ti a pair.
Some are hand painted;
some have -curiously
twisted ornamentations- on
thelf1 surfaces. - ,
. Sixth Floor, Lipman, Wolfo it Co:
Colonial brass ernes,' from 4.00
to 7.75 each - -
Mahogany some with beautiful '
etched glass shade at 1.25 to 9
each. ' ' .