V' THE "OREGON DAIIY ljOUP.NAL;, PORTLAND.! OfeEGON 20 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1. 1920. 5- Am k i t i if a ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE ' ' , ; -'FAMC!if - " VtMNlSHKtl r(xmVwitb board, 353 E. tWi : . Phone K. h099, Ro-e Ctty car to 12-th. HOrSEKEF.PI-N'O ROOMS yntlUKKl) AND tMTRMHKlj FURNISHED lisht housekeeping room very rea . uiiihljt, walking dtahee.480 E.Pine at, ; TW'o" Yai.ii. "famished," housekeeping, et 545 Vi - Wash Bdwy. 148. ONE stngh- v H- K. room, -with Wdln. 486. 203 Wnton t. teat- heat. HOI'SEKEEPIXO ROOMS FCKMSHFIt AM) VNFERSISHEB ' P RIVATE FAMILY - 78 wXNTElt-Yofcng lady. to share . small tur vinhed houl with employed young lady. For Interview call a,;roor 209 city tall. -Mar. 4100, local 10:. . -: ' , .j : ,VOR HIST-HOT8E8 IS FINE large boux. East Side, clow in, nm 3 rarlines, partly carpeted and witfi window slides, Vi block grounds, suitable for. residence, school, sanitarium, small boarding or rooming house. Wakefield, F?ie Co.. 85 4th Lv or telephone Marshall 2474 before 1:30 p. m. 4r" "STORAGE ?" " COMMERCIAL 'AND HOL 8EHOLD ' GOODS, j MOVING. PACKING, SHIPPING. Reduced freight rates. For expert erv ice rail Broadway 703. Manning Warehouse A . .Trsnsfer Co. ' '-'.'-' - FOR RENT--Three, liotisea. two hirated Os ! wegn, onr-'in Wodt.ck. All durable aud in good condition. No phpne information. . -RALPH HARRIS CO... y W Chamber of Commerce, ,T CATLRRmDWAY 580 -j NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY. ; W ASHINGTON ATTENTII BTBEET. . $27 80 S ROOM flat. 91 Cable it.", ' Work frcm Chapman and-Mill; walking di-tanc; clean, modern; elegant view. Irrington car.' FfK RENT Strictly modem liotu, rooms and leernug porch, 1 block to car. Phoiia Tabor ?;ift. ' - - - - ' " - - - KEaFtTfI'L- 7 loom reisidetire. H- block from Alameda drire. in Rose City. $70 per month. Mar. a&fts. . , ; .- - FOR ilKNT Strictly modem iiue, 6 rooms and !ileeT)injr iiorch, 1 block, to car. $50. THiotie T bora 203. ' . "IN FJ : R N IS H El houM. not modern. $12.50! 2 fuminhed bfflin. .- 1 7. f0 and $20 month. 231 H Morrison M., rocm 18. NEW., modern, 4 loom house. Kent $3500. , Adnitt only. OR 332-21. : j t 1 r" n ' ' " ' HOlhES FOB r.EMT EEIaMTt MV. - FOR SALE 38 ;EJK RENT 7 room bouse, $1.0: furniture and piano for tale. .No dealers.' 360 Uciitun t. riiona Kat 7'"L . FfRNITl'RE of 5 room uppew flat for aale, flat for rent. Eat 2355. FeSnITCRE of 8 room flat for aale; flat for rent, - Marahall 054. - Fl'RS'ITrRK of 5 room houe for aale, house for rent; clnoe in.. 30l Holloday are. FI'RSISHEO HOrSES 3 SCENIC IXtlHiK COTTARS r.?4 lleighta terrace. Hall street ear on Mor rison to 13th, two blocks west, 20 minutes' walk to heart of city. Fine iew mountains ami I - city. Rent reasonable. See td appreciate. Three rooms and poeh. - -J ' ' Fl'RNISHEO FLATS 8 A SMALI furnished flat wiUTbath, gas and elec, tricity. Conwnieut and pleasant. AdulU only I-near enr line. - C14 1 45ih are. S. E. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 43 WHY PAY HIGH RENT ' When v(if can bur first-claw furnishing of a modern' 7 room flat at a bargain I Cozy home ' wiih $75 income, which can be increased, witu .nice apo. fcr-self; swell location, W. S.t owner, AnL 51H-54. . ' FOR RENT A nice, Uaht, airy apartment, com ': pletely furnished; good heat and hot water-. 614 Jefferson at. ROOM furnished apartment for rent, -$14 per month. No objection to small baby. Take St. Johns car, 1717 Portsmouth are,. I'OIMTSMOnTH 3 unfurnished ioonn. -elec tricMy, gas anf toilet; rent $14. 853 OberUir t., 2 blocks to St. Johns car. . STORES AND OFFICES 11 FOR RENT Nice little private office, entrance on .main hall. With phone' extension, if de sired. H10 Chamber of Commerce bUUi. FOR I'ESIKABIE apace In fireproof wara bmisa phnna Bdwy. 3715. Security Storag A Transfer Co., 63 4th L, cor. Pine, DESK room ' witti telephone and stenographic aerriee. Phone Bdwy. 8715. Security 8torr .aia A Transfer Co.. 63 4th SL, cor. Pine. . STORE building, with living, rooms above, at BIO Alder, comer lflth. Ideal location for auto lines. See VV, T. O'Brien, 235 Stark at. REAL ESTATE FOR salf: HOUSES I - SACRIFICE: Owner compelled to aell this ' $4500 home for $3350; 0-room double con- strticted bungaldw with ' Si lot. . chtcken houses, ' all kinds., of fruit and shrubbery; enough in v fact for part of living; beautiful lawn. . We cannoi fell yoti half in this ad. Call us 'up qr ewe . in. Only a small payment down. 'V jQ!hiniso.ffiiDodson Co. . " -W. Bank bhlg. . " Main 878f. LAURELlirRiJT SPECIAL A Very "attractive 1 story. t room house, built 5 years; large living room. French doors separating music room; also dining room. Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors. 2 fireplai-es full basement, furnace, lota of built -ins, -clone to park and car. This is truly a snap: owner has to leave the city and has put -price down to "bed rock. See J. A. McCarty, 270 H Stark. Main 1 700 ; evenings. Tab. 5057, SEVEN ROOM AND MODERN , . This Is tha be.it buy in town and within walk- ing distance Jrom butiness center, 2 blocks ' west of Union and only 2 short blocks from Broadway-; 7 fine rooms, hardwood floors down stairs, large fireplace i, full cement basement, fine "sfurnace and large sleeping porch; $5500; rea sonable terms. Address, owner, M 645, Journal, r" $400 DOWN IMMEDIATE POSSESSION-' , '. - Sacrificed artiatic 5 room .bungalow, almost rww, in Piedaiont, near Jeffetvon high, Price vonly $4600. This place must? be sold at once, is the reason' ttua place i offeratl on these terms. J. U -UAIITMAN? CO., - - 8 Chamber of Commence bids. V $3150 5-ROOMBUNOALOW . . . Modern; except u mace; has. hardwood floors, fireplace, s bulfetbookcasea, lriitcti kitchen, ce ment basement, SOxlOO lot; improved with fruit and shrubbery, V .. . . . JbhnsonDodsojn Co. ' ft$3 X. W. Ban bldg. ? Main 3787. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST : ' Una of Iurelhurst's mot exclusive homes. 8 ; rmnns, with . every conceivable- modem con vnience, tha last word in a modern home. Price .. " 12.500. Some terms. Mar. 3!M3. - P tFOR SALE Seven room hoBse with electric . lighta, city water and bath-room; on main paved street 4 blocks front d"Pot and 2 blocks from atate paved highway. Jill be, sold very cheap. FX-263, Jorunal. BUILD SOW; -' See sts' for designs and estimates free; get bungalow book of 100 designs '$1; established 10" years; satisfaction assured. - U K BAILEY CO., 924 WW. Bank Bldg. . BY OWNER -' " Pot aale or trade for acreage, equity in new modern 6-room bungalow. iCall Tabor 2919 ' aftar 6 p. m. j f N. HAWTHORNE 5 room modern bungalow, built- iru, cement basement, furnace and laundry - J travs, garage, paved. lUwt. - Easy terms, liar. SflOS. t - V FINK six -room bouse, tile basement, garage, full VV. lnt atgeetr improvementa all paid, one bhjck ; " from car; 'close in. Eat sidt, $3500, $1500 -. ca-h Owner. P-287. Jotlrnal. ..,.; - ..,' ... . . 'NEAR IRVINOTON " . ; ' 'Atfrsvtive 3 story 6 room residence. one'tlat - . is v rtally aelling below the real value-. Price - $"'250., Maf. lyoOsr. -' ; ' ': . f ' 'BELL WOOD MODERN BUNGALOW $"3000 ' " Paved at. i almost new, nice large rooms,' lot -. 12750. garage, 2 blocks car. $750. cash. Sell. 2106. ,'i AWT HORN E 6 room furnished bungalow, paved strvsits, good location, only $500 down. This ia'lesa than the furniture la worth. Mar. :S993.- - " - : - - ' - ' . .T'. '. ! ROSE CITY PARK" ' ' ' 6 room' modem bungalow, hard floors; fire place and "built-ins, $2000 cash, balance easy terms. Owner, 758 E. 65th at near Fremont. : FOR SALE By owner, house anil tumture. no cash required. Will accept other security as first payment Address 290 Ulena ave. Call Tabor 7022. .. ' - i - . psr.iju. cr,ai iMnituii 6-room 2-story house. City View, paved st.. furnace, fireplace, aauay nome. arty icasonabie terms. Sell. 2706. - - . ; ALBERTA -7 rooms and bath, 1 blk. to car. . Lot 80i 100, with alley, fruit trees. $4000, ; vacant Call owner, 36 Husseli or lst 653T. s $2500 $500 down. Nearly new 6 room colo--. nial bungalow. 1 4 blocks to oar. store and school. Mar. 8993. "sDWNER. $4250 Easy - terms, view , bungalow lea. than cost. .Wilt take some-Liberty bonds or acreage. tabor VJI. " FOR SALE - . "; $3800 -rooro house, full lot; terra. Ownet ' leaving city. - 808 Grand ave. N. Kast 2093. EDGE OP LAITRELlirRST . $3000. 4 room bungalow, cement basement. laundry trays, near car and school. 'Mar. 8993. ... HOL'SES Vi .ROSE CITY . ' SixT rooms and sleeping porch, landscape Tiew. for quick aale. $ 540Q. Owner. Ant 328-S9. TcfNR 7 -room house and two lota at Newport Or., for sale at one-half the cost t budd. Beautiful locailoo. AilJreia WX-590, Joumai KKAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 . :-miEraoH! '- :" , Rose City Park . . Buyers ' IP YOU ARK GOING TO BI T IM ROSE-CITY I'ARK YOU OWE IT TO YOI'KXEI.F TO URST INSPECT OUR I lTrH:s. WE HAVE- SOLD PROP EBTVBI THIS DISTRICT KOR YEARS. Most Or ol'B SALESMEN LIVE IM ROSE CITY I'ARK." WE MAINTAIN A BRANCH OFEH'K THERE AT 5TH vi SAVPY. WK KNOW THE HIS-, TORI OF NEARLY EVERY HOUSE IN" H DISTRICT. THOME WHO WANT TO KF.LL NATURALLY LIST THEIR PROPERTY WITH US. YOU HAVE ALL TO GAIN WE WOULD CONSIDER IT A PRIVILEGE TO SHOW TOli. YOU WILL BE UNDER NO. OBLIGATIONS POSITIVELY. ..;'. . . A. Q. Teepe Co. ? 270 Siark at.,.' near 4tli. Main 3092. Branch Office.-' 5Uth and bandy. 1 f(M-lk A vnnM V .... 1 ...1.1. ' ' ' .....tir uuiikbivit llv-t 11. . Willi fewer; 2 . bedrooms. aa and electricity; tbia 1 i1 .vmj 4 fiio-a irom car arm may ne had for a rcry amall down .payment. ,.' BaSir-Carey Corporatirj 2! 1 Railway Exch.'Bldg.. Third and Stark tn, .Main 74H7. V" OPEN SUNDAYS AND LVKMNiS , '. MR. AND ARS.. HOME- SEEKER, JUST LOOK AT THESE F0R CHEAP , HOMES - . H room m'rfierri bungalow (except furnace) , AOrlort n ,.J.w ,,.i i school and onjy $:i2o0. j -f ' , raom btutjalow, SOilOO lot afrd mccly fur EB.hed; cioe to car and rtores. orilv lKOK. i J. B HOl.BROOK 214 215 Panama hldg CONSIDERABLE BELOW VALUE ' Practically new B rooms and story and half bungalow, with 4 room and bath on first floor, beautiful hardwood Noon, fireplace, bookcases, built-in bu'ffe. in dining room, rcry ni'-e Dutch kitclien. .lots; of built-in-., cooling cupboard, laundry trays in basement, two nice bedrooms Slid sleeping porch on second floor. This house is -double constructed and in Al condition, about 2 years old; 50il0ll lot, eat slope ML Tabor. Price $31. 10; $r0 cash. O. A. Pearce. 815 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3138; erenings, Kellwood 1115. FOR" M H. II A N DYM A N lV(.hie i splendid lot. Z50xl00, with a building 30x53, with concrete foundation. This was originally intended for light manufactur ing. It is well constructed and can he con verted into a good-sized bungalow. Total price $1050. S450 cash, balance 2 years. . A rcry decided snap 732 Chamber of Commerce. APT. HOUSE -SITE- HALF PRICE '100x100 lot. '.i bloct on the V- E. corner of E. 13th and Ah sts., an H room liouse", in good condition, with modern phinRring, street work all in and iaid; total price $4500, $2000 cash. $25 monthly; tha assessed Talue'of this property is $4490. ' 1 - stsLTont 732 Chamber "of Commerce. i-Five Roosms and Oarage -ifty 5-roonv--uncIoW with liirdwood floors, fireplace. Untfh kitchen, buffet, cement ' base ment, etc.; block from car circurastauce compel owner to .sell. . A; 0. Teepe Co. 276 Stark st'.. i 4th. Main 3092. Francb Office. 50th and Sandy. ' $3o0 COMPLETELY FT'RNTSHED '- i-JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL Three blocks to Jefferwon high, we have a 6 room hotrie. beautifully finished in white enamel. hardwood floors,- full cement basement. . All fur niture, 'carpets, sewing machine, beds, bedding, $80 wortIif wood- everything goes for $3500; with $!0o. down, or will sell unfurnished and laite ju uown. iiurry - ana .see il, . COMTE A KOI1LMAN, 20S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 6550. Where the ASr Is Pure At Multnomah near car and school, a nifty 4 r. bung., 2 bedrooms, house just like new, selling at actual cost. . Price for house, making a pres ent of land, only $2300. With small payment down, balance 123 i-r mo., including interest- LMaiw 8352, eve.. Tabor 300. FOR SALE. SNAP IF TAKEN SOON Six room house with . full cement bssement and laundry tubs, good size kitchen, dining room, parlor and reception hall, three bedrooms and bath and full attic.- one block from cur. one block from Jefferson high school; cloe to normal school; ail assessments in and paid to date; some terms. 153 Alberta st. ' 2-FAMILY FLAT A real investment, appearance of large, beau tiful borne, on well improved lot, in nice district; a splendid bn, $5900, $1500 cash; rent will take rare of balance of payments. JohnsonDodson Co. 833 X. W, Bank blds Main 3787. 5 'ROOMS, 1 floor; Dutch kitchen, electric lights, gas, paved street, walking distance. This is a substantial plastered house, well con structed throughout, on a corner lot: rooms are all light and cheerful. Price $2700; $350 down. Tentlike terms; lot 35x50. N. W. cor. E. 8th and EveretL Owner. Mar. 746 forenoons. A REAL BARGAIN IN. SUNNYSIDE Modem 5 room cottage, bath, toilet, electric lights, comer lot, streets paved and- paid. If you are looking for a coxy home, let us show -you this. Price $3000: terms. TAC1GART BROS.. 1102 Spalding bldg - ; Mt: Tabor Cottage 5 r., fireplace, built-in kitchen, cement base ment. Full lota and fruit, trees ; vacant, move right in. $2000, $400 cash. Mar. 33521; ere.. Tabor 3090. IRV1NGTON $4250 Semi-modera 6 room cottage, full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, full comer lot; 1 block from irrington car and only 3 Dlocks from Broadway; must have $2500 cash. For appointment address owner, N-340, Journal. $4500:.1LWTHORNE: TERMS ft room strictly modem bungalow, living room with fireplaee, bookcanes;. dining roomr built-in buffet; hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, two large bedrooms, floored attic, fui! cement base ment, furnace and laundry trays. Mar. 8993- FINE semi-modem 10 room house, "within walk ing distance of west aide business center. 2 blocks from Union ave. and Broadway carlines. corner lot, full cement basement, good furnace. ih trays, etc.: fine cement garage: asooo, $2600 cash. Address owner. N-339. Journal, FOR SALE by owner, 6 room bungalow, cora- rjletelv furnished, full cement basement, for esee. Alberta district, froit trees; $2000 cash. balance easy terms, jsui. oi.i-oa. $2300 5 room house, garage, on paved street, near school and car, o5u cash, balance to suiL W1I Bull l JOUNO, . Henry Building. . j $TfT0"4nROOiI HOUSE 2V4 blks. to ML Tabor car. Will accent auto as PL payment. Lot 50x100. : Phone Ta bor 01 3. i KRAZY KAT . ."'.-.- t. , i 1 1 1 1 . mtmmm -i "aM"MH ' "- " -'. . - . - ' . .. ." J ' . s r " j 1 ; o REAL1 ESTATE EO It. SA h E M OI'SES CI st; ik.v ' 5 room bungalow. I 2 aleepin; norchei. new pipelesw furnace. Ilrrplare. 48100 lot, I block to rir and rtardsurfaee street; cloaa U "scuopl. Wonderful alu, I30OO. m 600 IrOVYN ' 6 large rorr.3, all .one floor, neat breai "f ax. . nook, paneled .dining room; all built ; ins. firrplat, batb I between 2 bedroom, hardwood floor?; SOljOO cor.. 1 block to I nion are.. J4300, arid; a spue ia I offer be afdcs.. .f'- .. . : ' $1000 IK)WX 6 room, 2 fetory boufe, on pared afreet, cloae to STinnvide I car and Laurelhurnt -I'ark, $3600. baL easy. ' -A. OOK1X.V ROSS. . INTERSTATE I INVESTMENT CO.; Broadway 4751, ! j; 4-10 Henry Bldg. '--Garfield; Near Shaver S Room?-S200P Very well, built, " attractive houi-e. on pared street, veith sewer:- 2 1 bedrooms, living room, kitchetw dining room: best of plumbing. This U a snap;' tery small ; down payment. ;';;- ' ... Bihr CareyiCorporation 211 Railway Exch. Bldg. Third and Stark sbcj; Main 7487. OPEN SUNDAYS'? AND EVENINOS HEART OF i n SE CITY PARK 51 E. 0TH ST N . I "A BMX'KS ; - SOUTH OF KANtY $5500, liberal - termri: new, - just completed, strictly modern o room bungalow, large sleeiiiog jKirch. 'lianlwood floors,, fireplace, Dutch kitchen,' floored attic, built in effects, elegant plumbing and electric fixtures ivory and enamel finish: tine color schemes, furnace, full lot, paving and sewers paid r fine neighborhood, fire workman ship, double constructed. See this today. Owner on premises 12 to 5 daily. 1'hone Auto. 233 44 . DEAL DIRECT ; WITH OWNER. 4.Rooinnis$1850 JoubJfrrt7r..stTnictei house, one Mock from ar; fireplace; be?t of plumbirrgt sleeping porrh. This is an umiAual plwe frtr the money and may be ltatl for biii nil down jt&yment. . - Bih rCarey. Corporation 2l Railway-Exch. BSdg. THIRD AND STARK STS. Main 7487. "PROCRASTINATION - IS THE THIEF OF TIME" If you put i,if buying your home you will be throwing away your red money and running the: rik of" bWng out in the rain and the. fleet and the snow, with", nothing to rent and -nothing t.; buy. See Mr. Cable at once. He will help you.j Call it 5S29 72d r.L S. E. Tabor 2475. Cable! Realty Co. i - IOOK HERF-V'i.-.O CASH MT. TAIIOR 'DISTRICT Talk about a bargain, tlere it is: On Eaft Stark street we have an' 8 room old-style house with bath and furnace. The lot is 120x233 feet. This is about 5 V4 lots, v The street is paved, the sewer is in and paid "for. The price of. the house and lots is. $4450. with only $250 down. The lota alone tit worth the price asked. See us today. COMTE & KOHLMAN, 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 6550. $500 CASH, $1000 buys 5 r., 16th-and Brook lyn. ' . 500 ca-h. Irv. dist. Furnace, oak firs. S50 cash. 0 r.. Irv. Park, oak firs., firpl. $4300. great snap. f $350 cah. 5 r. neat' homes 3 blk. Irv. car, modern, ,$2275. Paved U. - JMit) rash, neat bung., modern, terms, $1050 near 30th and Ankeny. $475 cash. 7 t., 80x100, mod., firepl., etc., $3450. Q. C. G0LDENBERG AB INGTON ;HD. ' JI A IN H03. NON RESIDENT CORPORATION HAS STRICTLY MODERN II ROOMS Richmond, hardwood floors, extra large living room witb fireplace, French doors, lovely dining room with buffet, lart:e bedrooms with closets, plenty of windows, double constructed, full ce anent basement,' wajh , trays, furnace, 2 blocks car. This place must b sold. Make offer; any reaibnable term. See T. O. Bird ' 520 Cham. Com. Mar. 1022, Sell. 2706. Plea.se do not answer this ad unless, yon mean business. a Hawthorne tTTt56Mi4ii6TWATEii HEAT $4350 Nice 6 room tpuse, electricity, bath, in fine condition throughout: cull cement basement, hot water- heat, trays, large cabinet kitchen, corner, lot 50x60 2-3; room for garage, paved street and all wotlt in and included in price. A bar gain at $4S50; $1150 cash and $30 per month. Shown by Bppoinrroent only. C.RUSSI A BENNETT, 318 321 Board of Trade. 'Main 7452. 11 60$fl 6(0)0; : ' Lents District 5 room bungalow style. 3 blocks to car; nearly half acr. . You can keep pigs and ewarything. Owner wanting money is sacrificing. Ground cast prica a-tked. Might take small car with some cash. Marshall 3352: evenings Tabor 3090. " J. B. ROCK CO. ROSE CITY SACRIFICE 7 room vtrictly modern bungalow, fireplace, all the tiuiltin features, hardwood floors, full cement ba-sement. furnace and laundry trays, 50x100 lot, -paved street, price $5000 or will ell with S2000 worth of furniture for $6000. Mar. 3993. FOR SALE Nine room house: electric light. , city water, together with fine bam, cottage and bungalow; nine acres land; within 1 block of . electric station and paved ; highway. An ideal country home in the Willamette valley, about 35 miles from fortland. ; A fine home for someone. Address XX-1 50. JourltaL VACANT DEC. 1 5 6 ROOlOroUSE On 80x100 lot, all improvements in and paid; 1 block to Williams ave. car. ' Owner wants quick action and put his price $4000; $500 cash, balance to suit. - 1 U'NION SAFE DEPOSIT A TRVST CO., 284 OtaaT St. , . B roadway 4 3 . $600 CASH buys my equity in a 6 room hoiise, west side, good location; big corner lot 75x 165. This place is. located at 1098 First st. 11 is a. good residence' district and not in Jew town; balance to be paid at $25 a month, in cluding interest. Marshall 1612. MODERN, $3900 near Walriut Park, on paved . streeL 5 rooms and bath,, fireplace, buffet, cement; basement, furnace, garage; a bargain. ' JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W". Bank bldg. Main 3787. $5250; ALAMEDA: TERMS . Beautiful new bungalow, 5 rooms and sleep ing porch, all . the built-ins. firerjlace. Dutch kitchen, white enameled plumbing, cement base ment, iaunary. trayB, ooxiuu lot, paved. street, garage. Mar. 3993. - OWNER GOING FARMING OFFERS Dandy 6 room, well located bungalow, with gaa range, coil heater, bath, sink, toilet, lavatory, electrio lichta, paid walks, other extras, for $1850. Take ML Scott car. to Laurel wood See 6248 Foster Road. .- , ' ON THE HEIGHTS Cozy little 5 room cottage, commanda a won derful view of the city and mountains, in fme condition fruit and flowers. A snap at $2500. Mar. 3993, HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW . Will sell very, cheap 6 rooms and attic, fire place, buffeL- bookcases, beamed ceUings, cement garage, fine Dutch kitchen, full basement. ' rosea. Call Tabor 8614 or 236 East 48th sl ' HOUSE for first, installment, that's all; rents ay. balance. Ask Cross, East 6371. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOl'JiiES CI i i Peninsula f. . 3 Rooms,' Furnished Substantial 3 room house on lOOilOO lot; best of plumbing: 4 blocks to car. This is a fine buy and may be' had for only $335 down. This bouse is on Boston, near llolnian. ' . . f . ; . . ' BshrCarey Corporation 2 II II Railway Exch..' BSdgi Third and Stark ts. ' Main 7487. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVEMNOS HAWTHORNE ! Five-room cottmge. 4UslOO.tot, Orarit street, all improvements p.id. furnace, garage, inlaid linoleum on kitchen and bath: 34 tons briquets ali included for $3075. t0 cash. , . STEPHENS ST., NEAR E, 39TH ST: Rve-roWm cottage in best ' of' condition. Enam-I woodwork.' 40x100 lot, 3 block to car. $3850. I 1 AI.B1NA- DISTRICT Kerby. near Alberta sL,. 7 1 room. story. 50x100 lot, near Jefferson litgh, $3750, $500 c.a.-h. t Y J PENINSULA ! Four-room bungalow. ' like i new, oh paved street; close to car and tchooi; ; SOilOO lot, $3300, $500 cash. . IXJE A. McKENNA &' t'O., 82 Fourth street Main ,4522. WEST SIDE-J-6ROOM- HOUSE SNAP t;ood 6 room house, furnace, electricity, gas, bath, tiasement, 3 bedrooms, corner lot 40x120; ia city liens to assume ; on Kelly -St., near. Fail ing school; close in; only 12 mrnues' ride dwn town. Price $2500; $50o cash, $25 . month; shown by aipoiiitment only. t 1 ; (iRUSSI A BENNETT, ; 31 S 321 Board of Trade. ! Main 7,452. FOR SALE LOTS 1$ A LOT? mm not? Building materials gracefully coming down and by surma will hare reached a sensirjle level. A lot bought now in University Park . will assure your homemaking csrly n?xt year, and on terms of $1 down and ?1 weekly, you cannot afford to miss this ootiortunitv. Obev that imoulv. dig into a garden, ;ive the family 'a chance, and hurty. J Coe A. McKenna & Co. S2 Fourth SL Main 4522. NORTHEAST corner of Everett street and Floral are., lAurelhurst ; grounds wnial to about 2 lots. Improvements in and laiid for. Price only $2200. E. A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co. 35 N. W. Bank bldg. ROSE CITY. 100x100 corner. 52d" and Han cock; improvements paid; $1700. . Phone Tabor 6441. ALAMEDA PARK corner. 29th and Prescott st. ; paved, paid; $900, terms Tabor 6441. TWO lots, on ha rd surface, some . trade. Auto matic 331-18. ACREAGE CHOICE ACREAGE BARGAINS 6 acres, all cultivated, fruit' arid ber ries; 5 room bouse, 50 .ft. chicken house, barn, machine shed, well: on electric line . and good road, $3500. This is real. 7 acres, beaverdam. - no fruit: new 5 room plastered house, barn, chicken house, pigpens, well; 1 miles from electric line, $5P00; halt cash, balance 6 per cent. OH acres, half cultivated, balance pas ture; 7 room house, 24x40 barn, some fruit and graic5; right on pavement, close to school and church. $4200; terms $1200 down, baiance 0 tier cent. See these at once. 1 All within approxi mately 8. miles of Vancouver; Wash., close to pared highway and on go d road. A. GORDON ROSS, ' INTERSTATE LN VESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4751. 41e Henry Bldg. REAL ACREAGE BARGAIN 5 acres, located, on macadamized road. 1 mile from station, Oregon City line; 4 acres under cultivation. 1 acre pasture with creek; no gravel or rock. Bearing orchard of apples, phams, iprunes, logan and straw berries and 50 peach trees; 14 acres seeded to clover. Good new 4 -room plas tered bungalow, with attic, all the built ms, front and rear porchea screened in. Chicken house 14x40, fruit and vegetable cellar with double walls and filled 'with awdut between. Woodshed 12x18. With the place goes 3 tons clover hay in bam, H acre kale and cabbage, cream separator, chickens and garden tools. Price $3100, $1600 cash. WeU worth $4000. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. . CHICKENS AND BERRIES . Splendid 5 acre tract, all in cultivation, neat 4 room house with fireplace, chicken house and other buildings. Vi acre strawberries, located on gravel road, O miles northeast of . Vancouver, Wash., 1 Vi miles from the electric line. Thia is an obsolute sacrifice ab $1950, $1000 cash. 8 FREE) iIRft&kI3 r . WrAi.voaC 732 Cham, of Com. EXCELLENT LAND AT $30 PER ACRE On Columbia river, between Portland and Astoria; 7200 acres of logged off land just put on tha market in small tracts; deep rich soil, slightly rolling, good transportation, schools, church, store, post office, warehouse and docks. Select now while you can get choice tracts; easy terms Arrange to go Sunday or Wednesday. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. -Main 3787. 20 ACRES, less road. V4 mile from elec tric station, 13 miles from courthouse, horthwesL All can be cultivated. .Small amount under cultivation. Good county road that will be paved ;.4-room double con- ' structed house with some furniture; large chicken huse for COO cliickens. Price' $2500, $350 cash, balance $50 quarterly ' 7 Tr. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. $50 DO WN $ 15" MONTHLY buy 3.76 acree of land, all cultivated, in the Beavertnn-Reedville district, small shack. Price $400 per acre. BtALTOBS 732 Cham, of Cora. 10 ACRES unimproved land. 6 miles from city limits of Portland, S. E.; good land, no rock, or gravel; about 300 cords of wood in standing timber. Price $1000; terms. Also 20 acres down- the Columbia river. Price $20 per acre. Kelson. 245 Vi- Wash. sL. room 1 V . from 3 to 6:30 p. m. . WEST SIDE.. 27 ACRES, $2700 ' 10 miles center of Portland; 7 acres Cleared, mostly tillable; creeks, springs, best soil; no rock or gravel; fir and cedar; berry land; aback and bam, $1000 will handle. J. C CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewjg bldg. BIG BARGAIN , Two acres, irrigated, close Richland (Wash.) high school: ideal for berries., potatoes, poultry. Price $600. Claude Cole, 426 Lnmbermens bldg. . 80 ACRES-. 2000 ords wood, paying $7.5 per cord on car: good piling;- 3 miles from R. on gravel road, creeks and springs. Good house, $1500. .Terms. C. W. Mfllership. Alder hotel Main 5275. Acres, 35(D4? Unimproved; rich soil, close school; easy terms. Claude Cole, 426 Lumbermena bldg. (Copyright, 1920. by International Feature Service. Inc.) REAL ESTATE ACREAGE . . -1 n ' : 1 9 ACRES, in Marion county, south of Salem : 1 miles to school. On main macadamized - highway. All tinder cultiva tion; small 2-rooro bouse. -Telephone. R. F. D., cream route. Creek on line. Price $1450.1 $400 cash, balance $150 jrar 6T. John Ferguson, Gierlinger bldg. ONE acre, Newhurit Para, close to tUaeLnm road. $400. $50 cash. $10 per mo. COLE. Main 867" owner. iV-B IKHAN HOMES 7t IF YOU ARE WANTING A GOOD SUBURBAN . 1IOMK BEE THIS j , BY ALL MEANS! -10 acre. vHith modern 5: room bungalow, fire- nlace. modem ; bath, mil and cold water, good barn, other outbuildings. W ith this ypu get liorse. cow. 20 cnu-aens, ail tools; ft acres ot this is in j,12-year-oid -prune orciiard: l mil to streetcar Bne, scnooi ana i-uurcu; -.uuu can balance time. ! STEWART fa Hl t'k. 315 Northwestern rUnk Bldn. -f f, r- HALF acre, with lots of fruit, 4 room hoiise. cement basement, plumbing, city water, es, ; electric. iligUta, chicken house, garage, fine- woodshed with Iota of brio queta wfliich are included with place: nice grounds,- lawn i and hedge, in city limits; price $ii500. $650 cash. Personally in spected.! JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bids. ; '. 1 j , I i CAPITOL HILL Nearly Sjiun, half mile from station; 1 , acre i under cultivation, balance pasture along creek;. 15 young bearipg fruit trees. 3 room, house, large store" room, 2 chicken, houses, icily water and gaa in house; price $1650.' $650 cash, balance . $15 month 6 per .cent. Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger. bldg. 2 ACRES, 2 blocks from Base Line mad; 30 fruit ;trees, cherries, apples, peaches, etc.; 4 acre of berrirs: city water, gas .and lights can be had; balance of land in wheat: j price $1575, $500 cash. Person ally inspected. ! JOHN FERGUSON, Ger linger building. i. FOR SALE FABMS IJ Stock and Grain . Ranches THREE BEST BUYS ON THE MARKET Personally Inspected . GUARANTEED AS REPMi-.SENTED Klickitat Co., Wash. ' 92$ acres; 200 acres fall wlpat. " acres 'for spring sowing, 400 acres more can be plowed, rest fine hunchgrass pas ture; -all well fenced, some hog fenced, . plenty!" water, mild winters, good build ings. 16 room hou-.e, barn for 30 head etk,( all stock, crop and machinery go with aanch, - plenty feed for winter, lo . heavy hcres; 31 grade Durham cattle, ,10 sheep 4 bogs, lot cliickens, 3w?gons, I hack, ,'4 sets harness, header and-head-r bed, i2 gangs, j. walking plows. 24 and "16 ft. harrows, 14x20 inch dicc, feed chopper, blacksmith outfit, all small tools 'and extras, first' class condition, put up for quick sale on account of sick ness, f Some terms. $25 per acre. S Baker County 1200 acres, 300 acres in cultivation," 100 lacres in fall wheat, about 300 acres more ctn be cultivated, balance bunchgrasa pasture, thousands of acres of outrange, plenty water, well fenced, fair buildings, about 75 acres subirrigst ed, .raise good timothy; 20 acrea pine timlvx. 1 1 head hor-es. 3 cows, lot chickens. 8 ?ts double harness, 1 sin gle harness, 2 farm wagons, 1 hack, 1 buggy,, 1 cart, 12 ft. header with binder attaciimenL hay rake, nijwcr, fanning rniil, -.8 Vi,1 ft. disc, horse cultivator. O liorse. .harrow. 12 ft. packer; two way plow., bob leds, 40 hor e C. ' L. Be-t track laying tractor with plows, worth bvr $5000, good as new: small combine thresher new this year, all kinds of farm extra-s. too numerous to mention. Price $30 per' acre, i '.Wasco County 4 80 anrSs. w(th good Irrigation ditch, about 200 acres) in cultivation, rest pine timber, all could be plowed except about, 40 acrirsj'IAboutl 100 in fall grain, good buildinesj 8 room hAue. large bam. all wall fc'nccd, plenty feed- for winter, about 2 aces orchard, some of the best pear land Tin the -tate. O bead hor-es with complete double and single harness. 20 head , of grade' cattle, some hogs, lot cliickens. ' full set of- farm machinery, 'everything needed to ran the. ranch, all goes Switlr place. Price $20,000 T..J. SEUFERT, 628 Henry bldg.. 20 ACRES', 2 miles from Raymond or South Bend, Wash. ; 4 acres 'under cultivation, 15 acres can be cultivated, small .orchard, "spring and creek, cheap 3 room house with hot art cold water; bam 30x36. chicken house (1x22 ; ' spring water piped to house. Included with place, 3 cows, 5 heifers, team of males; 3-year-eld colt; equipment, gas oline launch, hay and feed, telephone in house. Price $3300. $950 cash; Vi mile to school, i JOHN FERGUSON .Gerliuger Bldg. , 20 ACRES, located on fine road. .1 block from electric, station, town and stores; all unifier cultivation, good 7 -room house, bam and. other buildings, small bearing orchard,- the place is stocked and eqnipped. feed and seed; located on the electric line 12 miles east of city limits; $1500 cash, balance at 6 per cenL JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. ! ' ' FOR SAjLE : 85 sere stock ranch in Cowhtx county,- Wa5h.; 25 acres cleared. 15 slashed, from l,j00,000 to 1,125.000 ft. timber. 6 roomed hjouse, 2 bams, other .outbuildings, well, spring, family orchard, 35 head cattle, 3 horses, 15 bogsi tool. 15 stands bees, implements, 11 min. Tfrora, town, lots of outrange; $10,000. Might take business up to $8000. FX-262. Journal. " T$300 WILL HANDLE 40 acres ef logged of f land between Portland and Asteria ;; deep, rich soil, no brash ; good roads, school, churches, store and po&toffice. Price $30 per acre, on easy terms., ,-JolhnsonDodson Co. $33 N. "w. ; Barkbidg. Main .3787. .Corvallis "Fanrn 60 acres, 50 plowed; creek, some timber, fair buildingsj fniit, few rods to school,' 1 4i mile to electric station, only 6 miles on fine road to Corvallisj price for few days. $7500, $3000 cash down. 426 Lumbermen bldg. FOR SALE f-4 i acres in Oregon City, all undtr cultivation; fenced, liea level, 4 room house and barni and other bldgs.,' good well, family och ard. $3000, $1200 oash. baL 6. Room 226 Ubbebldg, FOR SALE-r-40 acres. 11 miles from Portland courthoirse, 35 acrea under cultivation: 6 acres beaverdam; fine creek on the place; poor boui; good bam.' ' Personal property for sale. J. Linari. St. Paul hotel. 30 ACRES A GOOD BUT Good soil, ' half under cultivation, good spring water; price $60 per acre; $800 down. 6 years' time on balance. Draper, 307 McKay bldg.. 3d. and Stark. 9 TV A. for $8000; 40 acres under cultivation: with stock and Ortcachinery : $11,500. Write: Eric Lindstrom, uTToltori. Or. ;.'-' IF MIOKING for fine home place Investigate this: 40i acres near Mosier, " excellent soil; part orchard; $4000; terms. L. C. 'Miller, 684 Gliaan. Mar, 197. FORrRENT r aaleT 300 acre, about 240 acres in cultivation, 941 L, Journal, Vancouver, Washington.- '.'.' mm REAL ESTATE v FOR. SALE FARMS TI 30 ACRES. AIA. IN HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION Perfectly level, not a foot of- waste land. 4 miles from Forest Grove, garden spot of Oregon; has a 5 room house nearly new, furniture nice and clean: bam. lots of outbuildings, fall crops ntuat ail in; family orchard, clrwe to' school, on mHk and mail route. With this go good team, 3 fme cows. -1 00 chickens. 1 2 tons of hay, lota of kale and potatoes, wheat and corn for feed. Don t paas this up Price $8000. You can go here and start, right in and make money. . . STEWART & BUCK, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg . 167 ACRES, 41 miles north Portland, L mile from good county seat town. 30 acres under cultivation 80 acres can be fa-med: -half mile to high and grade school ; 4 00 fruit trees 8 years old, prunes, cherries, apples; creek through place: 8 room house, bam 30x50, chicken bouse, wagon shed: price $7000, with 13 cows. 1 bull, lots of open pasture on place, making this a good dairv ranch: $3500 CJi.il. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. , CHICKEN ANIV JsERRY RANCH ' 30 acres, 4 miles north of Willamina. 4 room hoiirf. 2 room house, about 6 acres in cult!., 1 acre. loganberries, about 100' anple trees; fenced; fine spring; some firewood: Kood soil. $2500. $500 down, bal. 6 per cent 10 acres, close to Willamina. Yamhill county. 1 acres in apples, 10 years old, in good shape; spring; $1000, $250 dowiv, bal. 6 per cenL SKA WOOD REALTY CO.. ' 226 Chamber -of Commerce B!dg. , FOR R EN T -T A RMS 14 MODERN dairy farm ner Oregon City, reason able rent; stock at a bargain and ea-y terms. Wilbur F, Joitno. Henry Bldg. - FA RMS WAXTETl RENT OR HI T US IF YOU have a farm to rent, lease or transfer a.nd personal prolierty to sell, send decrip timi to Wilbur F. Jnuno. Henry hldg. HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEADS One hundred and sixty acre homeatead. all level laud, on rrigation ditch plenty of wood and water, on main auto road 8 miles from town ; excellent so I and no rock. an ideal location. Will let Swedish people have it for $1 an acre: none other need appy. t. O. box 60, La Pine. Or. CAN IjOCATE you on a good linmestead, Port land or Roseburg district, farining or timber tracts. Also have some good rrlinquishmenta. K. W. Helm-, 317 Board of Trade bldg. TIMBER NOTICE. OF SAI E OF GOVERNMENT TLu BEH GENERAL LAND OFFICl Washington. D, C. October IS. 1920. Notice Is hereby given that subject to tit. coTt eitiens and limitations of the Act of June 9. 1915,- (39 Stat.. 218), and the instructions of the secretary- of the interior of September 15, 1917, the timber en the following lands will be acid November 29, 1920, at 10 o'clock a -m . at public auction at the United States land of fice at Rosebarg, Or., to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shewn by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The pus chase price, with an additional sum of ort. fifth of. one per cent thereof, being comrdissions allowed, must be deposited at time of tale, money to be returned if sale 4s not approved, rthcrwrse patent witl issue for the. timber wbicb must be removed within 10 years. Bids will b received from citizens of the United States, as sociations of such citizens and corporations or ganized ut-der the laws of the United States ot any state, t.sitory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being iucluded In any ofter of a larger nnit. T. 21 S.. R. 1 W . Sec. 31. NEV; Sff i . fir 640 M , cedar 15 M., NW 4 NWV4. lir 870 M. None of the fir cr redar to be sold for Jess than $1.50 per M. T- 21 S., R. 8 W . See. 81. N W Vi SEVi, fir 425 M., NE Vi 8W Vi . fir 820 M., NWViSWVi, fir 500 M., gW K SWVi. fir 900 M. None of the fir to be sold for ) tan $1.50 per M, SEVi SWVi, fir 825 11.. SWVi SEVi. fir 600 M. None of the fir to be auld for lesa than $1.75 per M. , - CLAY TAI. I.MAN. Comm. General Land (Of ffce. NOTirn OF SALE"OF g67ERNMT J?iM BER. General Ijod Office. VWnTngon. D. C., November 3, 1920 Notice is hereby given hat, subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of June 9, 1916 (39 StaL, 218), and the instructions of the Secretary of the In terior of September 15, 1917. fherimber on the fonowjng lands, will be sold Detember 22, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction' at the United States Land Office at Ponland. Oregon,'' to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value aa shown by this notice, aal. to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. r The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be de posited at time of sale, money to be returned if the sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which . must - be removed within ten years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any state, ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 4 S.. K. 3 E. Sec. 5, NE 1 NW Vi, 760 M., cedar 20 M.; SEVi NW Vi . fir 910 cedar 15 SI.: NW H KWH. fir 8 is SI ; SWVi SWVi. fir 880 M.. cedar 20 M: SEVi SWVi, fir 600 M.. cedar 10 M. : sec. 33. SE '4 NWV4. fir 1370 M. ; SWVi NWVi. fir 10BO 11.; NWVi SWVi, fir 425 M., none of the fir or cedar to be sold for less than $1.50 per. Al. CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner General Ea nd Offtce. SELL 50,000.000 fir, "excellent logging; ex perienced logger; will take half interest and operate. F-635, Joumai, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 85 52 A. near Oregon City, buildings, good roads. , $9000, $1000 rash. baL to suit. Would con sider exchange up to $5000. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE ACREAGE HOMES AND FARMS 6 acres, 3 miles .from Sycamore I Estacada line), ali in cultivation; good 5 -room bungalow, new bam, outbuildings; good creek; price $3500; will exchange for 5- or 6-room bungalow in Portland up. to $3000. , 1 0 acres, 1 block from end !of Mt. Tabor eariine, all in cultivation; 9-room house. 5 of which are finished; family orchard, frrapea. ber ries (all kinds) ; price $10,000; will exchange for city property to $7000, if priced right. 50 acres, all i,ncultivation ; 9-room house, good plumbing; all kinds of outbuildings; -tim. hogs, chickens, and all tools; 3 14 miles from Estacada; price $14,000; will exchange for city property to $0000. 400-acre wheat ranch. 300 acres tillable; 200 acres in cultivation; 2 springs, 2 wells, small family orchard: old honse; 5 miles from rail road; price $14,000; will exchange for Port land residence, flat tir aiartment house up to $10.noo. 1200 acres, 1000 acres in cultivation, irri gated with Artesian well; 7 -room bouse, bam and several outbuildings; 3 miles from North Powder; a splendid stock ranch: will exchange for flat or apartment bouse to $50,000. See MR, STEPHENS, a-" , t.'i'at-T0? i mS 732 CHAM.JF COM COUNTRY HOTEL Located In good lower Columbia river town. Right on river, railroad .and highway. Building, grounds, furnishings and equipment all included. Customers principally better clasa of working men. Owner non-residenL Will exchange for 40 to 100 acres, Oregon or, Washington, tribu tary to Portland. Submit (complete details to A. K. Hill, 426 Lnmbermens bldg,.l'urtland. Or. WANT" Small place near Portland for 90 acre farm in Sutheriin valley. ' 185. miles south of Portland; 90 acres, part in cultivation, fair house, bam, good fences, good well water. 5 acresi commercial orchard, 115 young prune trees, 900 loganberries. : Will exchange for property In or near Portland. , RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 2tf;5l:7J"'4jl.Tr2J?1(l'': 1. 10 ACRES 4 Vi acres under diftivetiinn, bal ance logged off land at Mnlloy, Or., to trade for modem 6 room house, Albina preferred. Call Mar. 3837. in evening. , ' . V-v" s iiZ.Z:3-: ' v.'-"'' '' --J'if ;v-.ari .' t . . . vA .Y'' 4. -v 1 iiii - K) 1ao ev Mm. fumsi pi.nre. M. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE REAL ESI ATE V44 W AVERLEIGH HEIGHTS $5000 This splendid 7 room house, thoroughly mod em, hardwood floors, all. kind of fbui.lt-ins. good garage, will exchange for 4 or 5 acre suburban home, prefer Tigard district; will j trade even ' or ill a-sburo. small amount See Mr. .Stephens. j , 732. 1 liamner or .t.ommerce. . - - $25ToOO Farui-for- lrTInd income property. ! ftt) acres. 115 under! cultivation. 7 ai-rea prune, ft acres fluxed orchard, plenty water. - good buildings. ; fully stocked and equipped, "30 nulcsi-from Portland; will excbatige for I'urtlaiid uv-onie properry. RITTER. LOWE & f.. WI-3-3-7 Board of Traile Bldg 1 ,v AJS TJ' ,nFl K VS1 TK ' I 81 IF YOUR house is for sale and you' wamf quick action, call, on ua. We have cuMoincri wait ing and we make quirk . sales. Price mus tbe rieht. We will not list your home u leas we think it will sell. ' We call, appraise and pono graph yiAir property. J. L. llaitman Cimiiany, 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4tb and Stalk. Main 2ok ,. Y- J i, 5 ACREH. ail under cultivatiln with exception ally nice h; bungalow, fireplace, Portland gas In house; located at OreSco, 330ir. Wit) trade for Portland house ahoufl same value, o. A. Pearce, 815 Chamber of tom. Main 36A1; eves.,J4ell. 1 1 1 5. .T IS YOUR HOME FJlltTsAI E? L List it wiih us.. We needs homes ranamg in price irom auuu nu jnutju; ana utie Buyers nailing. Phone, call, wriie. COE A. M KKNNA A CO., 82 Fourth si. Mam. 4522: WE nd your farm and close; in acreage H' j buyers nailing Phone,' write or call ou uj at onva. ' , J. A. WICKMA CO.. 24 Starkvt. Min W94 and 683. NOTICE We buy, sell: or eixchange cijy prn! erty, any izc; alvi (srmJi or largrf tracis. A. K- Hill Co.. 4 20 lumbermen bMg. Realtors. LONGKSTABLISHED REL1ABLL SK11V WANT lot or partly modern ,'houae as part pay iiient 'on tine new bungalow. Owner, Tabor 3825., WHY WORRY? I can sell or trade anytbing, anywhere. C, W. Millershlp. Alder hotel. Main 275. ; WaSt 0 or 7 room motlern home, 4 rooms on first-floor. Rowr City or Mount Tabor. Not over $50(HI. phone after 0 p. in. Selh 1115. WANTED From iiwnn. 5 or 6 loom house, not over $2ou0, $3(10 'cash, balance monUiIy. 0-545. Journal. WANT bargain in 4 or lot and balance ca-h. 5 -room house. Have 3200 E. S2d sL ROOMING HOUSES. APARTMENTS AMI HOTELS FOIt SALE S3 ST. JOHNS HOTEL 27 rooms, mo tly H. K.. about 1 0 un furnished, electric lights, gas, stove heat, very low rent. 1,ocatr4 In good- factory' distri. L Will accept half cash or consider equity . in houc - or small car. EAST SIDE BARGAINS 1 7, rooms, r!q.-e. in, all on one floor. 2 rnum 1 suites, rent reasonable. . 100 cash will- lumdle. ' 10 rooms, al-o easy walking dislsjhce, good resideiu-e district, a nice yard .and at tractive huui-e. $600 cash, $40. per month. 16 rooms in good factory district, all oh one- f I ior: steam heaL gas, electricity, splen did income. Very reasonable TRANSIENT HOTEL " Good small hotel, on. East Side, rlwe to 'steam and electric transportation lines. Run- nm water, Kewanee furnace, well equipiwd with all necessary articles for upkeep- For good m-h payment will sacrifice. $550. . Mrs. Albaugh. with JOHN FERGUSON, ; Gerlinger bldg. , FORSALE-lvwlie!rooming house, close in, west side, clean Jso month. $12H0. Z 950, Journal. HEADcjUAItTEHK FOR ROOMINi HOUSES H. W. GARLAND, 201 3D. COR. TAYLOR. ,-BrStNF.SS rPORTr'ITIF.S t ESTABLISHED farm products' bin-inrss, best wholesale and retail trade in town; must dis pose of on account of health: will consider poultry , ranch or farm in exchange; reference furnished. O 559 Journal. CHICKEN ranch for rent, close n, .3 room bouse and garage. 3 large chicken houses, large lot, cow bam: rent $15 I'lno. &0 chick ens, 23 rabbits; 14 . pairs of pigeons. 5 In- cubators. for sale. Wdln. 5902. BAKERY for. "sale cheap on account of other buiiness ' 2 ovens, 2 showcases and soda foun tain and all bnkina titen-tK Price $11 50. Terms Cor. E. 31tth and Whcolu.. Phone. Ta bor 6105 FOR BALI- Meat market, in a town of 1 500 population, doing good bisiness; must leave on account of sickness. Address v. '. ltonr, Wallowa. Or.. MAN liatidy wiih tools, and little money, to join me.in the general repair business. See sue at 8 5 3 Oherli n st. WILL SELL cheap home bakery doing good business. Good reason for aelling. Apply 776 Willisms ave. ' Printing for Less Ryder Ptg. Co. Main B5i. 192 Sd T- GAROLINE filling talon. ne of best in the citv. Living rooms. East 8428. $75Obo INVESTMENT; you will consider if Investigated". V-603, Journal. jlONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 87 CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION Ori improved property or for improvement purpose. . The best and easiest method of paymz a loan Is our monthly payment, plan. (32.26 per month for 30 months, or $21 24 per month for 60 inonttia. 'or $15 17 pr month for 96 months pi s a loan of $1000 and interest. Loan of other amounts in -same - proportion. Reiyment Privilege. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASS N. 242 Stark SL. Portland. Or, I .' 1 HAVE THE MONEY READY "No wifing ; several clients after me to place their money for them. If you want a loan in ar.y amount "P to $0000 at - and 1 in terest, come and ee m , while I have the money available. Fred S. Williams. 500 Pan- amabldg. .NO DELAY NO 1 1 EE AY 1100O $1500 $2000 $3000 AND UP We Loan Our Money on Real Estate. F H- j 3IION'' 6 " cnAM- r ' OM $300T $400. $500, $000, $750. $1000 AND ' up. Lowest rates, quick action. Pay $100 or more ny interest date. Gordon Mr.rtgage Co.. 13l Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370 MONEY TO LOAN $300." $5007 $700. $lHf, $1500, $2000, on city improved proirty at 7 tier cnL J. L.Wells Co. 003 Oaaco bldg. $300. $4boT$506; $V50, $1000 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce XAAt BL'nTniNG loana on city and suburban projierty. money advanced as work progresses- W. . Beck, 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 407. MONEY to loan. $100 to $5000. A7'U. Bell" 11 Mulkey bldg. Main 4379. 8EEOREGON INV. A MORTGAGE COT222" Chamber qf Commerce, 4th and Stark. MOSET'TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES $7 PORTLAND -REMEDIAL IX) AN ASS'N , Phone Broadway 910. "394 Stark St.. Near 10th. ; Loans on diamond, watches, Victrolas, piartos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, muaical insirumenu and anything "f vsliie. . ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER, CABBIE M TERS-HERM AN, ? Manager.- " By Herriman V Ike? f ' ii-ao - . r- " MOSET TO LOAf CHATTELS, ' j SA LA RI ES 7 DO YOU NEED MONEY? - LOANS MADK N AUTOMOBILES . . ' FTRNITURE. PIANOS; HOUSEHOLD GOnfis REAL ESTATE,- BONDS OR ANYTHING OP VALUE SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSION.- ALSO SALARY LOANS j TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THK1R NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER IAIAS COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILR CfN- TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE, WK VILIV PAt THEM UP. ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY, IK NKCKSSAI1T. AND YOU CAN REPAY I l ls SMALL MOMNTHI.Y PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DELAT ! PORTLAND 'LOAN CO.. (LICENSED) 306 307 DEKUM BLIKi., 3D AND WASlt SALARY LOANS WE LOAN MONEY CHATTELS on short not! -e lo salaried , or - working men. on their own notes. Weekly, semi nvnthlj. nt monthly piynieiits. Each UanaacUou ilrfclly coiifidcntiaL NO MORTGAGK tn INIiOftSEB .' ABSOLUTELY NO KKCIHITT We also loan on bouselmld furniture. pianos. etc., Wljllollt removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. (LICENSED) -219 TAILING BLDG - MONEY TO LOAN On goods placed in slorsce with us. . ' W. can see. von monev - I jaw ..tu ' I'hn.i. Broadway 3715. - S.M-urify Storage A Transfer to.i A3 4th st.. corner iof Pine, QUICK munev tn salnrled pople otT imseeured note.; " Confidential investigstion. 816 Cham- . her f ("nm mere, bldg Licensed. - LOANS WANTE t on CHOICE FlieT MilltTGAiiK LOAN See A. K. Hill, H26 1 iimherniens bldg. ti ESTABLISHED It ELI A BLE SERVICE Si:!;: 'OREGON INV. A M()RTGAGE CO 2'-i ' namnrr or commerce. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN On surplus stocks of merchandise plsred In atoe atie with us. Phone Broadwav 8715. -untv Storage It Transfer Co , 63 4tb at., corner of Pine. WE BUY first and sjecond mortgage and aaUT7 contracts. ; F. E. BOWMAN A CO..' 510 Chsmber of Commerce Bldg. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' conttaeti on real estate tn Washington .or Oregon. . H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermen bldg. . HORSF.SrVEHlCf.ES, ETC. 18 ! U. S. STABLES ; -14 head of msres and horses from 8 I f years old, weight 1300 lbs. to 1800 lbs., heavy, boned, block y built; some well matched teams; sll hor-es guaranteed as represented; trial . al lowed. U. 8. Stables. 363 Union ave, 8 , eor nmm r w... . .. . , I, xiuii.MaHH a. c-1. EV1D Oliv f2 HEAD OF HORSES f and mares, agea front 4 to 8 year old;! weight from 1200 to 180(1; some nice, well thatched' trans;! every one sold with a guarantee Va rep resented and can try them to your satis taction. G;S.W llliamon,24 0E. 8th, cor. Main at. AM SKLLIN'ti '(Hit 6 sian of good work horse. 3 rets of liarneas. 10 good milch cow, 4 veal calves. Come and mapie me an. offer. Will sell one or all -.very cheap or will trade any of this stork for an auUrmobile. Call at 896 Powell Valley road, cor, of 2th sL ' TEAM, weight 240ft; harness and 8 Inch farm wagon ; good worker, $140: 10 bead of other good work horses, weight 1100 to 1600, to be sold cheap, age from A to 10 year. Wagons buggies and harness. Wood Yard B ta bles, cor. E. Dth and Hawthorn art. 1'hon East 6106. $35 BUYS a nice arntle pony and a4dle; one big 3200 lh. team and Britehen hamea.. $150; lone 4 yr. old col L "eight 1600, ntl rnd broke in aitigle and double. ,- Harry Dsvis, ','34 Ftont st;. fL of Main. GtilN( out of bualneas; must aell at once; fl head or good work horses: some well metchau teams. Just out of hard work; all kinds of -harness and wagons 430 Hawthorn ave. FOR RALE At a bargain, IS heads, of .horse weighing" from 1300 to 1800 lbs., 4 to 8 years -old. Call at HeLsrr Transfer stables,' E. 9th 'and Flauders, 2500-1,11. team, 7 and 9 years old, hartiM aiiil i a no wugtm. ana. itiua iiawuiorne ave.. cor. Both. ... 2U(10-LB. team, block y built, lurhess and wide tire farm wag'Wi. t JK-an or trade lor a font, W'podyard, cor. . 50th and Hawthorne. . ' FOIU'ciALfc "rtr7ide","" heavy lieam, SOfjOllw. Will trade for Kurd auto and pay balann In cash. Sell. 843. . '!.' - ' : $125 TAKES' 2(top-lb. Jteam and hameas, 7 and 8 years old: $175 takes jiiiig-in. team ana harness; 3 Vi" wagon.. 420 Hawthorne ave. WILL sell 2 saddle pi, nice, team, rent saddle horse, work horse and set wagon and Har ness. 880 Front st. ' .."'..- lIOlfSESfor "rent, double and aingl. 64i L Front. DEAD horses, taken quicklyT Call fur data cows. phone Tbor 4 203. LIVESTOCK 1 rmr SALE OS SHEEP Any breed, any number, either trad or ; regialered. Box 61, North Portland. Or. FOIt-SALE 8 Jerey cow, on fresh, 2 com ing fresh Jan -Feb ; give 2 Vi gal. now; $60 and ur. 42H E. Maln. . l8tvGISTERKD"Cotwoid ewea, coming 2-year, old, $15 per head. Box 51,' North Portland, Oregon. . FRESH dairy and family cows; tak. beef in exchange. 928 . Belmont, Hunnysiderar. f"RESIIJerVey"cowforiiar. 629 Columbia blvd. Woodlawn 4144. 1 -FoIPSAl-E Five cows, some fresh. Price $50 -rand up. 'fl. H. Mickey, loot of Taylor. WA N'rtfD'c?, ' and ling. Tabir fM32. JPOIITIIT ATfD RABBITS 87 ? PROGRESSIVE -I ' HATCHERY ; ' 534 E 12TU N. WDLN.. 1485. Demand will be greater 4an ever lot" I BABY CHICKS tlii spring; order for Feb. .and Mrr4 NOW, so -a 'in secure om of our Hnganlzed, trap nested; Reds, Il(ks and lghoma. 100 "f IIOROi.'UHBRED White Leghorn March . and April pulletJi. aom laying; take a many as von Want: $1-50 and up. Heavy egg strain, 1 94 8 Eaat tartejand 75th st M. V.-Star-Nor. BABY chicks." lies vy laying S. C. W. Leghenis. winter egg machine; 221 eggs flock avenge; firt hatch Feb. 20; order now. A. T. Me Cauley. 600EJpavla. Portland. Or. -East 404. ' JOHN'S RHODE . ISLAND BEDS Splendid breeding cockerels, ate sacrifice. 956 Williams eve. Call 817-81. . , FOIlUICK'aale, 18 6. A; C. WhitsTLeghorn "pulleU, $1.75 each. Some laying. Tabor 8097. .-I : . . . 1 2 H ENS aTid 12 puiiet Reasonable. 643 0 - 83d 'sL S E. ' : . - . ' YOU will find that B. A F. Is being sold in the ' best .grocery store of tbe city. B. A F. C. WTHEAirOATS' r1TJ IC! IP? Ti rr' M-f,H SCRATCH $3.50 " llJ'WodUw-4n44.- rOR 'SAI.E 34 White lighorn"" bene 1 r old. I Tabor B323. j '..- ; . --... WHITE LEGHORN bans, $1.25. delivei. Tabo 6893. 6348 .84(1) sL M. - "' BOOS, BIRDS. PETS, ETC. 1 4 TOT black and tan pnppi. Chihuahua mioplej. Tbre. mile east Beaver preek roed. J. R.. Lsw.Toy KenneU. R.a,, B;, 62-, Oregon- Cit FOIt 8ALI-: 8 beautiful Pe .iati kitten; orange male,' gtay male, fawn female; ready for Im mediate delivery Cain Tabor 7274. LLEWELLYN st"te" pup "for aale. -fanhall. 433a. asi noon - THOROUGHBRED SL . Andi-aaburg rouer u oig Pn! K'P 1. - ' TRAINED St. Andreaaburg Rolier very rra-oai- able. Eat 060. , . . IMlRTEb St. Andreasburg' rollers; good 'sing ers and rome tested female. Marshall 2683. C.QOD ilnti-M aud females; cheap. , 695 Johnjoti. A CTflM OBILF.S A5 ACCESSOBIES 44 OVERLAND' rrsailster; a f ood buy," $250. Call Broadway 8600. . . Fol'.D touringr 1 20 rtms and starter. Coldweil Itaiber 8hsip,.St. Jolni. j . ... DODGE machine. . Will consider, some . trad. Automatic 381-1J. J . . j"Vi "TON "Federal trnck with trailer for $800- for cordwsod hauling, wain. .via. FORDS repainted. $187! 6th and Midison. "Bobinsoor Smith Lo. VlBESSlightlr used. $3 to $1 each. pert tire repairing. 207 Msdisoa. - GASOLlNE28e per gslWrmrad greaaea. PioneTPait o., 186 Firt t. - ' AFoU"lt wheel, "iolid tir trailer to fit FoTst; WcTific $60. Maui- 2383. I , FORD sedan, 1918,- good mechanical condition. Williams Ave. Garage. 4 8Q Wat, as. Eaat 283. .CEVFor(rradsler2ody. Fjuk 4876. ... f17 FORD touring, only $260. 743 Gltsan. (Continued en Fellowlne, Paoe) I-