.:inrtnnri a r rr,,ra'rT3r i 1 fVA 18 CHILI COPPER SHOWS LEADERSHIP IN TRADING SPECULATORS i ARE TRYING TO COVER SHORT SALES THE OREGON ' DAILY 50U RNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. II HIDE PRICES ARE DOWN EN CELLAR - Further sharp reduction In Wd values to price that are almost the lowest Ithln the memory of the local trade, is enowlng at this time, with country calf eking down to 8c and klpo at 7c a pound. For city packer hide the trde la offering a high u lit I pound for calf ikiria and He for kip, but even thM . values ara about 2e be Jow previous gootatione. Inability "to find an outlet for wool auppliea haa created as abnormal situation in tba trad hera. ' Loral wool dealer ara not putting out any price list whtvr and on eonigned tock ' are allowing th mill or buyers to make their own pricea . - ' As regard the bid ltution. a local firm advises that, while prevailing valne appear low,- the market i thoroughly demoralized and the . firm la- receiving only teliat tock w can aigned to it at the price named. - All buyer bare been taken off the road. . ' The following pricea are generally named tor tilde here: Bait hide, all weight, per lb. . . . (ireen hides, all weighta. pet- lb. Halt bulla, per lb. ........... 4,reen bulla, per lb.. Calf akina, green or salt, per lb. Kip akin, green or aait, per lb. Bait Kelt, full wool, each ' lry aalt wool pelta, fine, per lb. . . . i 1 try long wool pelt, medium, per lb. . Iwjr long ftool pelt, coarse, per lb.... .25 to $0.00 .05 .05 .04 .08 .07 .40 .07 .08 .04 Tboae desiring special information regarding i any ' market should writ the Market Editor, Oracon Journal, inclosing stamp for reply. . . ' -.' BCTTEB IS STEADY AT ECLIXE ! Uarket for butter ia ataady here at the do line of 4e which went Into effect Tneaday. I There ia now practically no fear of further im- - I po nation of California or foreign atock. EGO TRADE IS STILL SCRAMBLED Trad in th -egg market continue mixed. Demand is subsiding in the local field" and while New York kt etill quoting former extreme value ' for white extra tb local trad i burdened with pullet. . , ' CBAHBERbV PMCE8 ARE SHADED Despita the fact that coast growers are asking ' a atlf ( advance for cranberries, actual ale are I being made along Front street down to $4.50 per box for good stock, as compared with J 8 -as " asked by growers. Much atock is rotting on the 'market and the tau trade 1 likely to rule st extrems value. r" MEAT, PRICES' ARE OCT Of USE 1 Country meat prices are out of line with live--lrtck values, in favor of the" country shipper. -. Vealare selling at 18 19c for tops, while 1 hoes are ranging from 17 18c generally. fELEBY SUPPLIES ARE 8CAST Scant auppliea of celery are shown on the local market and stock i quoted firm at fl a doten. Little really well bleached atock ia now of ferine and importation will soon be nee- , - ; . BRIEF KOTE8 OF PRODCCE TRADE , Oranges down another BOc' a box. t'abbag contlnuea quiet; likewise cauliflower. Rid for 1920 caacara now at 8o pound. Chicken, pricea about steady .but trade lack " Market -overstocked with poor apple. 1 Potato and onion '-buying in country pTaeti - eauy nil. ' WHOLESALE PRICES III PORTLAND These are prices retailer pay wholesaler, ex cept as otherwise nated: , ' ' Dafry Products RrJTTER Selling price, box lot: - Cream- ery. extra, parchment wrapped, 5 5r 'per lb. Jobbing pricea; Cubes, extras, 51 52c lb. ; - dairy, buying price, 85c per in. . .. - BUTTERFAT Portland dehvery bans, 63c, ft 54c, best grde: country aUtkms, 41(Sp50o- ' CHEESE Helling price: Tillamook, .fresh Oregon fancy tripleta, 83c per lb. ; Young Amer Iras, 34a lb. Pricea to jobbers, f. o. b. Tilla mook: Triplet. 80c; l'oung Americ. . 31c Helling price: Block Swiss, 48 04Uc; limburges, 4042e per lb. , . . EOGS Buying price; Current receipts. 86 67o dozen: candled, selling price, 70 72c; select. 78 74c per dosen. , - ' ' LITE POULTBY -8ellin price: Heavy hens, 26a per pound; light bens, 18e per pound: 1 eirringL. light. 28930c; heavy, .20$ 21c;- old rooster, 12 14c per lb.; turkeys, hve. 85c; dressed. 40c; ducks, 28 30c; geese, 22 25c Fresh Vegatabla and Fruit FRESH FRTJIT Orange. $7.00 BOO box; banana. 12118Ho lb.; lemon. 84.75 a i M rt s-rsnefrnit. Florida. 88.00 W $9 00; California. $3.00; pears, $2.502.75; ' Tokay trapes, loo per lb.; Jap orange. $3.00 , bundle. f A1-FLE3 New. $1.00 33.00. , ' URIED FRUITS Data. IHomedarie. $8.85; Fsrds, $3.80 per box; fig. $2.00 4.00. ONIONS Belling price to retailer: Local, ' $1.75; asarcialion selling price, per car, $1.25; California onions, $1.35 1.75; garlic, i:0c: green rations, 45o per doxen bunches. . POTATOES Selling price . Oregon fancy, $1.752;0; aweetK, 44Hc per lb. , BEUKIES Hu-kleberries. 18e lb.; cran kerrtea, -locaL . $4.50 5.00 box; eastern. . $18 60 bbP- . ' - . VEGETABLES Turnips, $2.00 per 'sack; errtvta $1.50; beet, $1.75; lettuce. $326 - 8 60 per crate; encumber, I ) -tomatoes, California,' $3.00 8.50 per lug; egg plant, 15 t?20c; broccoli. $1.76 2 00; bell peppers, 16 17Hc lb ; eelery. 85o$1.00 do,; Bubbard, . . aqnaab..202Hc per lb. Menu and Previsions , COUNTRT MEATS Selling price: Country V hog, 17 018e per lb. for top blocker; heavy, ir15c; veal.. 18 10c; heavy veal. 12 13c ""bmOIKED MEATS Ham, 4246o per lb.; - breakfaM bacon. 83 56c; picnics, 27 per lb.; " cottage roll. 85c per lb. lRD Kettle rendered. 29 Ho lb.;' tierce beats, compound. 20 He. ... , . Flb x-d ShaJIflsh KKESH FISH Salmon, 'Steelhead, 18e per - It. . Krinrside. 16c: hsliBut. fresh. 1820o lb.: . sturgton. ( ); black cod. 11 12c; kippered salmon, $2.50 per 10-lb. basket; kippered cod, " $2.85: rasor clama, ); crabs, $2.75 3.75 per doeen ; ling cod. 6 8o Per lb. OYSTERS Eastern, per . gallon, $5. Of ; Olympia, $5.50. , OrooTlea v BUGAR Refinery basis:' 'Cube. $11.76; fruit and berry, $10.00; I) yellow. $9.40; grsn- nlsted. $10.00; extra C, $8.80; golden U $9.50. ' - .' ' HONEY New, $T.00 7.60 cs; bulk, 18c '' per lb. ' ' " 1UCE Japan" style. No. 1, 7 He; Blue Rose. i 10c per lb. SALT Coarse, half ground. 100a, $17.25 - ' per ton; 60s, $18.76; Uble dairy, 60s. $27. 2 1; i bales, 9.tt ; rancy taoie ana dairy, $84.50: lump rock. $26.50 par ton. BEANS Bales by jobbers: Small whit-, ' a lb.: larg white. 6c: pink. 7c per lb.: lima. 10c; bayoui $4e; reds, 7 He; Oregon beans. buying price, nominal. - CANNED MILK Carnation. $6.00; Bordtl. $$.00; Aster. $5.90; Eaele. $12.50-; Libby, i $6.90: Mount Vernon, $5.l0 per case. . COFFEE Roasted, 19 42c in sack or i drama , . ' t BOOA CRACKERS In bulk. 18r per lb. NUTS Walnut. 23 26c p rib.; almonds, 27 28a; filberts. 32c in sack lots; peanats. 1 Hi ajfoc; pecans, i.ic; oraziia, a DC t ......-.:-..,. Rope, Paint, Oils -ROPH SisaL dark. 16c; white, 18e lb. ' standard manila. 26 He. . LINSEEH OIL Raw. bbla, 96c gal.: ket- tie boiled, bbl,. 98c: raw. cases. $1.11; boiled, . : easea. 81.18 per gallon. COAL OIL Pearl or water white, in drum or iron barrels. 17 He gallon; cases, 3 Oo per caUon. - ax j GASOLINE Iron barrels, c: oases. . 41 He. - WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 18 He; 600 lbs.. 14c per lb. - TURPENTINE Tanks. $1.41; cans. $1.68; 10 case tot, lo lea. ' . V - ' Hone, Wool and Hide . HOPS Nominal 1920 crop. 30 32c lb. HIDES Calfskin. 8 10c; , kip. 78e; - a-reen hide, 5 6c per lb. MOHAIR Long. 25e; short. 15c TALLOW AND GREASE No. 1 tallow, 5c; Vo. 2. 4c. ' CASCARA BARE New. Re lb. - WOOL Coarae. 10c; medium. 20c; fine, 25e - ' per lb. . - - - "'V Chleajo PoUto Market Chicago, Dec 1. (L N. 8 ) Potatoes R. i eerpta. M cars: Minnesota and Dakota, Ohios, - f 1.0 l.TOj Wiseonaisi, $1.85.. CMAR.ICET BASKET RETAIL PRJCXJ. . Br Hrnia H. Cokes It begins to look as if the price of foodstuffs win show little further de cline for the Immediate future. An ex amination, of the trade in foodstuffs In dicates Ujat the price changes are run In cycles, f The resent flurry and down pour of values appear to have subsided and during the last few days there have been no marked changes in gen eral. . . ' That the public be not deceived by the great howls in some -quarters of fast de clining values, an examination shows that, except in a few -staples such as flour, sugar,, potatoes and onions, the. declines of late are no more than were the advances 'made JuBt after the armis tice w,as signed. Therefore the real ad vances in foodstuffs during .the war pe riod have not- been generally molested: In some instances canned goods have shown sharply lower values than open ing figures for the season, but It will be noticed that most of these declines still left the prices reasonably high, while original figures were ' utterly too high, considering all conditions. . The following prices ruled generally in retail shot for good quality. Some values are frac tionally highest- and inferior tuf f fractionally lower : Butter Best creamery, 80 62c. , Egg Fresh laid, 80c doxen; -ordinary, 78V: per dozen. 1 Poultry -Chickens, dressed. 35 40c per lb. Fish .Salmon, 1530c lb.'; halibut, .25 30c ner lb. - d Flour Best local patent. $2185 3.0ft per. aack, 49 lb. . Potatoes Barbank. 2 H 3c. S Unions Oregon, i ft e. , . Storage .Stqpks of ; Butter Are Small GEL GOOD BUMPING WEDNESDAY WHEAT MARKET Bid. Oam. ..$1.50 'it .. 1.4i 7e .. 1.47 ,4e .. 1.4S 7e .. 1.45 7c .. 1.4$ Ite Hard White . Soft White .. White CIbb ..v... Hard Winter .... Sortlifm Spring . RedValla ....... . . , . NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS (Reported by Portland Merchants' Exchange). Care ,. Wheat Barley. Flour. Oata, Hay. Portland. Wed.. 56 "1 14 6 Tear ago ; .... . 22 1 17 ... 16 Season to date.. 7484 122 372 259 888 Year ago 4733 119 1943' 329 839 Tacoma. Tuea ... 4 ... 1 ... ... Year igo ...... , 16 ...... 1 2 Season to date. .2887 41 432 68 473 Year ago 3345 55 ... 109 5U Seattle. Tuea. . , 23 ... 1 8 2 Year ago 63' ... . 3 3 2 Season to date. .2783 157 162 202 927 Year ago ......3116. 138 365 869 699 - Cold storage stocks of dairy produce at Port land showed -for November 29 and the previous week: Portland Nov. 29 Last. .Week. 345.324 105.369 6,011 ' 197.322 Batter, lba.. . 329,714 Cheese, lbs. 99.462 Eggs. -cases 3,974 Poultry, lba. 197,623 Seattle stocks showed : , Nov. 29. Last. Week. Butter, lba 664,157 576.146 Cheese, lbs. i... 304.541 338.764 Eggs, cases- 1,659 2,607 Poultry, lba 147.946 126,172 - t ' DAIRY PRODUCTS OF THE COAST - San Francisco Market San ' Francisco, Dec. 1. (U. P.) Butter ExtrsK, '5.4 H c. . Eggs Extras, 85c;, extra pullets. 72c; un dersized pullets. 68 H c. Cheese California flats, fancy, 33 He; firsts, 26 He . . . Seattle- Martst Saatflle. Deo. 1. U. P.) ButtersCity creamery cubes, 54c; brick. 55c. ; Eggs Fresh . ranch. 65c; pullets, 85c. ' " Los Angeles Market Lo Angeles, Cal., Deo. 1. (L N. 8.) Butter 57c. Eggs Extras, 76c; case count, 7.5 e; pullets . 68c: peewees. 60c Poultry Hens. 80 32c; broilers. 40 ( fryers. 40c . I ) 47c; POTATOES ALONG THE COAST Seattle Market iSeattle. Dec. 1. (U. P.) Potatoes Yakima -Gems, $42; local, $32 35. San Francisco, Dec. .1. (tT. P.) : River White, $2.25 2.40; Salinas. $3.00; sweets, 3 SHc. v Onions .Yellow and white, 75 90c; Aus- trauan brown, 15cil.i. Le Angeles Market Lo Antelea, Cal.. Dee. '1. ( I. N. S.) Po tatoes Stockton BurbanksV $2.85 2.50; Idaho russets, mostly $2.15 2.35. LOWER IN YARPS WED3f E8DAY HOO5 MARKET Tone . To Portland i tie lewer 12i5 Chicago .......Steady 1MI Omaha tie lower Kansas City ..Fair Denver , ..Steady ia.o 9 JO PORTLAND LIVESTOCK BUN ! Hoga Cattle. Calves. Sheep.; cars. Wednesday .... .818 95 Week ago. . ... .321 48 Two week ago.. 808 874 Four weeka ago. .364 Year ago. .227 V 27 Two year ago.. 637 204 Three years sgo.861 -48' Four yeara ago.. 7 86 , .46 10 2-18 1S1 922 575 813 140 1371 1 T 1 '- 892 ) Foreign short sellers are Still being forced to pay liberal premiums over the established exchange values for wheat to fill sales made some time ago. While the international clique is still evidently in control of the situation, its hold ap pears to . be slipping somewhat. A the time approaches when actual Wheat!1, must be- substituted for the "paper" wheat of the esstern exchanges,. It become evident thk those allied witht the international clique are- teas sure aoout Deing -aoie iu uiciaie me price to the American grower. The fact that actual purchases of real wbest hsve been made in the East at an advance of 25c a bushel above the future quotation on the Chicago market, indicates that the letter represents little saide from speculative activity. There has been a farther drop of $1 a ton in corn - in the feedstuff market and scratch feed shows a similar loss. FLOCk Selling price. mlTi door: Patent, $9.80: MonUna spring wheat, $10.20; Willam ette valley brands, $8.15; local straight. $7.90; bakers local, SO :S5& 9.50; granam. Stt.uu; whole wheat, $8.20. Price for city deliveries 15c extras auburban, 20c extra. HAY Buying price, nominal. Willamette timothy, fancy, $28.00 30.00 per ton;, clover, $20 00: cheat, $23.00; straw. $11.00 11.50; grain. $25.00; alfalfa, $24.00 per ton. GRAIN SACKS Nominal. No. 1 Calcutta, 10c; domestic. 11c, ,in car lota; less amount higher.. MILLSTCFFS Mill run at mill, sacked, ton lets, $40.00: carloads, $39.00 per ton. OATS Per ton. buying price: Feed, $41.00 43.00. BARLEY Baying price: Feed, $42.00; mul ing. $43.00. SEED Buying price, nominal; no demand. Red clover, recleaned, ) per . lb. ; alsike. ( 1 ; vetc! ( ) . FEEDSTL'FFS F. O. B. mills: Rolled bar ley. $53.00; alfalfa Heal. $35.00; coeoanut meal. $39.00; cracked corn, $53.00: whole corn, $50.00 ton;, scratch feed, $67: aoy bean meal, $63.00: linseed n $80.00; whole oata. $51.00; rolled oats, $S3 0 per ton. - ROLLED OATS Sellii.g price: $10.60 bbL Merchant Exchange bids? ' WHEAT , Dec. Jan. Hard white . 150 150 Soft white 145 145 White club . . . .' . 147 150 Hard winter .-. v 145 145 14 5 14 5 143 143 Nine loads of livestock formed local arrivals at North Portland for :r the Wednsday ' morning trade, floga were weaker and about a quarter lower cat tle were about steady, while sheep were dull. - . ; In : the hog alley the extreme top of th Wednesday market at North Portland j waa $12.25, a loss of 25c from the pferiouai day. Only a small run of about - three Toid was Shown for the day. q General hog market range: Prim, mixed 812.00 12.25 Smooth heavy 11.2511.75 Rough heavy .. 9.00 10.25 Fat pig 10.25 11.25 Feeder .pigs. 9.00;; 9.50 Caul About Same - While there was nothing available tn the Cards for the Wednesday trade that would bring he extreme top quoted for cattle, the market was considered about steady for the day. It appears that extreme quotation are for excep tional quality and none of this has been arail- able during recent weeks. . i( r-ijenerai caiue marset range: IChoiee steers Good to choice steers Medium to good steers .... Fair to good steers ...... Common to fair steers Choice cows and heifers . . Good to choice cows-heifer. Medium to good cows-heifers' Fair to medium cows-heifers Common, cow and heifer. . Cannera Bull Choice dairy calve Heavy calve Best light calve Medium light calve Choice feeders ......... Fair to good feeders Sheo Continue Slow Sheep and lamb situation at North Portland continues to abow a very alow tone. Wednes day's arrivala were limited, but there was no snap whatever in the buying. Pricea wen not molested. General sheep market range: r:At ol mountain lamb Willamette valley lambs Feeder lamb Heavy lamb ....... Cull lamb Yearlings Wether Ewe .Tu6dsy Afertnoon Sals COWS 5few York Batter and Eggs New York; Dec. 1. (L N. S.) Butter 8tedy. Creamery extras, 67 59 He; firsts, 46 58c; higher scoring, '67 H 61c; state dairy tubs, 34v54c; renovated extras, 44 4 5c. Cheese Irregular; 25 29c; whole milk spe cial. 23tt8c: fancy. 20 22 He: skims, specials. 18 20c; choice, 15 17.He;- gooa, 1214Hc Egg Steady. Nearly fancy white, $1.08: brown. 90 93c; extra. 88 88c; firsts. .76 81. -f - ,-" ''. Chicago Dairy Produce Chicago. Dec. 1. I. N. 8.) Butter Re ceipt,' 4592 tubs; creamery, extra, 52o; firsts, 41 49c; packing stock, 22 27c ' . Eggs-i Receipt, 18iS eases; current receipts. 62 71c: ordinary firsts, 61 65c; firsts. 72 73c; checks. 40 47c; dirties. 45 55c Cheese Twins, new. 25 He; daisies. 26 He; Young America,' 27 He; Longhoms, 27 He; brick. 24o.i . I,ive. poultry Tnrxeys, 33c; cmckeiu, low 23 He: springs, 25c; roosters, 18c; geese, 27o; ducks, 27c. Aid Berry Cnitore. . Aberdeen. Wash.; Dec 1. Berry grower of Gravs Harbor county met here recently to per fect an organization formed some weeks ago. It is proposed to make the orgamzaUon very effec tive lor toe advancement oi perry culture in this section, .which last year and the rear pre vious has been stimulated by the work of W. C. Mumaw, -. manager of the berry cannery at Montesano. Officers sre to be elected soon snd a campaign for more extensive berry culture started. , ' ' , 'Wenatrhee Apple Shipment Wenatchee. Wash., Dec 1. The Wena tehee district haa ahipped out over 6000 can- of an- ples to date, me number is out. Trie fruit Is still going out at the rate of 50 cars and more a day. The Wena tehee district is entitled to 20 votes --in the state grade and pack fruit conference to be held in Spokane JJecember 15. mlegates are -being appointed at Chelan. Kntiat, Brewster; Okanogan. Cashmere, Peshastin, Ephrata ' and Wen tehee. ., Dried Fralt and Beans ' New York." Dec. 1.- (L N. 8.) Beans Market dull. Marrow, choice, $9.00; pea. choice. $5 25 5. 75; red kidney, choice, $10 60. i. Dried fruits Market steady. Apricots, extra choice,, to fancy, 2936c; apples, evaporated, 8l2He; prunes. 30s to 60s, 1420c: 60s to 100s, SH 18; peaches, extra choice to fancy, 18, 21 He; seeded raisins, choice to fancy. 23 H 25c. Northern spring .... Red W alia FEED OATS No. 2 whit No. 2 gray ... ....... BARLEY Brewing Feed . - . . CORN No. 3 eastern (balk) ........ No. 3 local (bulk). 4 200 4100 4000 420Q 4100 4300 4100 - w York. Sugar and Coffee Jlw York, Dec st, (T. P.) rSugar quiet; raw. $5.7-6; refined,, quiets granulated, 8.75 9.0O. . Coffee No. 7 Rio spot, 77Hc; No. 4 Cantoa. 10H10o. Higher Price at - Opening of Wheat . i Pit in Chicago -- - o ', A Chicago,- Dec. 1. (I. N. S.I Grains closed strong and sharply higher. Heavy short covering late in the session was .in evidence and prices were bid up rap idly.. There was a vast improvement in sentiment toward the buying side der spite many reports of financial trouble throughout the grain belt. : Provisions were bid up to sharply higher prices late In the day. Closing prices for- December wheat were at gains of 58c. March was up 56c; December corn advanced Z 2&c; May,.lHlc, and July llVic up.1 December oats were c higher, May ac higher and July ric-up. Chicago. Dec 1. (I. N. 8.) Fairly active and scattered commission house buying featured tha whear market st .'the oneninz today, but lo cals pressed the selling side immediately after the start and forced a quick reaction. Decem ber started He lower to He higher, and March waa 1 H e higher.- Corn opened with December He lower to Vi c higher and V e We ner tor May. commis sion houses took the offering at the start, but after the opening the market ran into increased selling. Oats started unchanged to He higher for De cember and I H c higher for May. Thera was elling after the opening by Northwest interest and Eastern ' wire nouses. Provisions started lower, with1 a light trade. Pork waa off 25o at the start. Chicago rang of prices furnished by United Press: WHEAT Dec. . ;.156H 165 156H 182H March J.151H 156 149 H 155 H i CORN Dec ... ..J. 65 H 68 H 65 H 68 H May 72 H 74 72 H 74 OATS Dec. . . 44H 45H - 44 H 45H May 48H 494 48H 49 H PORK Jan. .'2250 2335 . 2230 2325 LAUD JanJ ,1500 1525 1492 1525 K1BS - Jan. j.1250 1270 1235 1267 HI K Dec 1404 145 May- 129 132 BARLEY Dec 5 H, 66 May ....;. 71 71 H Cash barley, 68 92c Caeh wheat: No. 2 hard,' $1.68. , .$ 8.75 : 9.25 , . l 8.25, -8.75 , . 7.75 m : S.2o . . 7.00 7.75 ... 6.50 T OO i. '.75'7.25 .. 6.25 6.75 .. 6.50 6.25 . . 4.75 6.50 . . 4.00 ;4. 75 , . 2.5ff 4.00 , . 5.00 6.00 ,. 13.0014.00 ,. 7.00 8.00 ,. 11.00 13.00 9.00 11.00 6 50 L7.25 6.75 '6.75 .,. 8.O0 9.00 8.00 '8.60 6.50 7.60 '6.00 7.50 !6.00 16.00 5.00 7.50 6.00 .60 1.00 4.50 No. Ave. lbs. Price. No.' Are. lbs. Price. 1.... 690 $ 2.00 2.... 660 $ 8.25 2. ...1110 4.50 1.... 940 6.50 1 980. 6 00 1....1190 56.50- CAI.VES 8... i 108 $12.25 I 1.... 17 $ 9 00 1.... 130 9.00 I 3.... 160 J.2.60 HOGS 5 188 $12 60 8. ... 148 $12.25 2 355 10.00 3.... 233 12.50 2.... 165 12.50 15....; 162 .12.50 2.... 135 10 50 4....' 190 12.60 '2.... 310 11.50 3....U33 9.00 1 320 11.50 10... j; 221 12.25 2.... 215 12.50 S.t. ,J 18.1 12 50 18 83 11.00 2...,i 410 9.00 2.... 425 8.50 7..., 221 12.25 16.... 226 12.00 20 i 150 12.25 1 350 10.00 6 814 10.00 6 275 12.25 6. . . . 206 12. 5. LAMBS 9.... 65-$ 4.00 26. . . . 59 $ 8 00 224 66 GOO 13.... 70 .25 10 80 7.00 5... 78 7.00 20.... 77 7.50 6.... 80- p.00 EWES 12 131 $ 3.00 I 8..V. 110 $-4.00 5 120 2.75 I - i T WETHERS I! - 2.'... 180 $ 4.25- I , MIIXED .J .t 4 137 $ 4.00 SMALL LOSS AT STOCK OPENING New York. Dec- 1.-4L N. S.) Senti- stock market closed strong today. Buy ing- became urgent in the final few min utes. Southern Pacific became most prominent and from ah early low of 150ft Jumped to 110, reacting at the close o 10. Steel common, selling ex-dividend; aft er being forced down to 794, rallied to 8154. ! Baldwin recovered to 97. Cru cible rose nearly 8 points from the low to 97. reacting at the finish to 91, Mexican Petroleum was over 4 points above the low at 162 and Pan-American Petroleum rosei 2 points to 78. Studebaker rose nearly 2 points to 96. Dealings! in Southern Pacific rights on the curb market this afternoon opened at 18 and - on tremendous dealings rose to 24, with the final sales being, made at 23. Thetrights represent the right to subscribe to the stock of the new oil company expected to be formed by. the S. P. railway company,, the details -of which will be announced this evening. Government bonds unchanged, rail way and other bonds strong. Furnished : by Overbeck A. Cooke Co.; Board of Trade building: ' Standard OU Istocki Closing Bid. Aak. Anglo 10S 109 Borne Scryraser ;'..'. 400 420 Buckeye '...-. 85 ' 88 Cheesebreugh .' 195 . 210 do preferred 100 . 102 Continental ,.. 10H 112 recent, .r 28 $1 Cumberland . ...... 125 135 Eureka P".. ...... ', .. -''.1 . 90 100 Galena, common .l.......... 50 53 Galena, old preferred ... i ... . 90 94 Galena, new preferred .. ' 8 82 Illinois Pip 159 -'162 Indiana Pipe 85 88 National Transit 25 27 N. Y. Transit 158 16S Northern Pipe . . 90 H 102 Ohio Oil 294 298 Inter. Petroleum 15 H 16 H Peun. Mex.J 40 42 Prairie Oil 510 620 Prairie Pipe ..... 205 210 Solar Refg. t 30 390 Southern Pipe 98 102 South Penu Oil 250 252 8 W, Penn Oil 80 , 65 8, O. California 323 .328 S. O. Indiana 720 752 S. O. Kansas 600 625 S. O. Kentucky .- 420 440 8. O. New York 857 , 882 8. O. Ohio 400 416 do preferred 103 105' Swan A Finch ,. 85 06 Union Tank 100 105 do preferred ............. 95 98 Washington ................. 80 35 Vacuum ......-.. 810 320 8. O. Nebraska 410 480 .Imp. OU . -. - 4 98 ' Forrlffa Exrhaare Market New York. Dec 1 TT. P.) little chance was manifested at th opening of the foreign exchange today. Sterling waa unchanged at $3 48H: franca, .0606, unchanged; lire. 0367. un OftOl mark 0I4S im nnni Canadian dollar. .8990. unchanged. Starling closed at $3.48H: franm. .0607: lire. .0368; lire cables. .0369; marks, .0144; . . , : , i . b , . j.. An vjsnanian uouara, .sioi. oil ,viud. Xew Tork-Losdoa Silver New Tork.'Dec 1. (I. N. 8.) Turpentine Savannah. 92 H : New York. 97. Koain Savannah, 1100;; 'New York, 1050. Goodyear Tire & Rubber plans to issue $30,000,900 first mortgage bonds. PACIFIC COAST BAWK STATEMEFf' , '; . 4orUna) Bank . ..;.-. Clearings ThlaWeek. Tear-Ago., Monday ....$ 8.811.20.63 $ 8.971.813.13 Tuesday .... 4.794.475.34 6.946,(13.12 Wednesday ,. 6.038.575.71 &.5TT.347.46 A tan Franolao Rank Oearinga Wcdneaday $28,900,000.00 L Angel ' Banks Oearinga Wednesday ....... . $14,957,924.00 Tanoma Bank Clearing Wednesday $ . 854.527.00 Balance Wednesday . v 69.488.01 apefcana Banks Clearings Wednesday .......$ 2.121.964.00 I, . i..in ' Ran 570 mi aa,iina ivuii7ibj " Aeattla Bank! CiearingS Wednesday 8 6.070.6R7.0O Balance VWnesday 1.169.790.00 STOCK High Low 400! 700 7500 500 200 100 400 300 7500 2000 2000 800 2600 500 2800 600 '600 7900 600 7800 12800 7500 200 Alaska Gold . . . AUia-Cbalmers Am. Beet Sugar Am. F-in Co. . . . Am. Am. m. Jar 4 Fdy L:ot. Oil xpres Am. Bide A Leath. Am. Jce ........ Am. InU. Corp. . . Am. Liinseed Am. Loco. ....... Am. Ship A Comm. Am. smelter Am. Steel Fdy. . . Am. Sugar Am. 'Sumatra Am. Tel. & Tel.-. Am. Tobacco Am. Wool ....... Am. Zinc Anaconda Assd. Oil ....... Atchison ,....?-... Atlantic Coast Line. Aa Gulf & W. L Baldwin Loco. Balto. ec Ohio Beth.i Motors Booth Fish . B. H. T. ... Butts C A Z. 1H 1 30 H 53 H 25 H 124 21 41H 41H 58 H 85 H 10 45 S1H 93 72 99 11-6 72 7 39H 101 83 H io'9 97 88 H Wednesday Momlna Sale No. Av. Lbs. Price. I No. Av. Lba. 630 $ 4.00 Price. 8.. 1. . 9. . 6., 1 . . 7.. 17.. COWS 695 $ 8.85 I 1... 762 2.00 1 MIXED CATTtB 793 $ 5.00 HOGS 216 $12.25 I 1... 470 10.00 3.. . 268 12.00 3... E-WES 185 $ 3.25 950 $ 8.00 310 $12.25 120 12.00 190 12.00 PRICES ... ar ' ion .uttai .liaraet New York. Dec 1. (L N. '8.) Copper Dull. ISpot, November, December, January, February and March, offered. 14. Lead-i Dull; Spot. November, December and January, offered, 650. Kpelter Dull. Spot, November, December and January, offered, 570. Sew York 'Wool and Hide New York, Dec. 1. (L It S.) Wool Maraet unsettled. . Oomestic fleece, XX Ohio, 29 52c; domestic pulled scoured basis, 30 BOc: domestic, Texas scoured basis, 60c $1.00. - Hides Market, demand improving. Native steers, 19 20c; branded steers. 14H15Hc. - Mlnneapolis-Dulnth Flax Dumth, Dec 1. (L N. 8.) Flax Decem- Der, si ; January. $2.02; May, $2.12 H track and arrive, $2.02. . Minneapolis, Dec al. Flax Track and r- nve, -.uois i.u(. - Jfaral Stores Market New Tork, Dec. 1. .(I. N. 8.) Commercial oar silver: . iwroesue. unchanged at 99 He foreign. lc higher at 69 c London. Dec. 1. ( L N. 8.) Bar silver waa -mu luicucr waar ai 4 vaL. . S San Francisco Cash BarleT - San Francisco, Dec 1. (TJ. P.) Spot bi- 15. i . gtoeka, Bond. Cotton, Grain, Etc. tl - 1. Board of Trada BaUdlat DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL KCIHLANGES ... ' , . , ' . t - . II embers C&leago Board of Trad Correspoadeata of Lnras Bryaa . CAlraxo ' Jiw Tork i- ?Jw Tork Potato Market New York. Dec 1. (L N. S.) Potatoes m duis. nmrrei or oac ) aiaraet steady. Nearby white. $2.50 4.50; southern. 82.00 3.00. 140 128 65H 70 145 . 132. 66 70 H LIVERPOOL RECOVERY HAS GOOD EFFECT OA" COTTOX Newr York. Dec 1.- (L N, S.) An un expected recovery in Liverpool, following early weakness, caused . a . Hum opening of the cotton market here today, tint prices showing a net rise of .25 to 48 points. Wall street and the trade were good buyers on the advance, while New Orleans and other Southern interests sold. The firmness at the start was fairly well maintained and at the end of the first 20 min ute the list waa about 3a- points higher,, helped by a late cable reporting a better demand for the Spot article from the continent. Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co., Board! of Trade building: The market turned firmer in the last hour and closed at a net advance of 67 75 points. AMERICA?? LIVESTOCK? Omaha Hog $10.00 . Omaha. Dec. 1. (I. N. 8- Ho Re ceipt, 9200, 25c lower) bulk, $9.40 9.85; tops, $10,00. Cattle Receipt. 4700, generally steady on all classes; best western steers, $10.50.' Sheep 7000,! killing grades 25 50c higher; top fed lambs, $11.40; ewes, $5.1-5 feeders, strong. . : Chicago HOgs $10.00 Chicsgo, Deri 1. (L N. S.) Hogs Re ceipts. 21,000, tedy: Bulk, $10.1510.40: tops. $10.50; heavyweight, $10.20 10.50; medfem weight, $10.30 e 10.50; liehtweight, $10.20 10.45; light lights, $1 0.00 19.35 ; heavy packing sows, smooth, $9.75 19.10; packing sows, rough. $9.40 9.76; pigs, $9.50 10.50. ii. Cattle Receipts, 11.000, steady. 'Beef steers Choice snd prime,. $14.50 17.00; medium snd good, $8.75 14.50; lightweight, $10.75 17.00; good end choice, $10.75 17.O0; common and medium, $6.75 10.7 5. Butcher cattle Heifers, $4.75 12.26; cows, $4.65 10.25; bulls. $4 35 9. 00. Cscner and cutter Cows and heifers, ' $3.50 4.60; canner steers, $3.75 5.50. Veal calvea flight and handyweight) , $1 1.50 13.00; feeder teen, $6.75 10.00; stocker steers. $4.00 K..75: stocker cows and heifers, $4. 00S 6.25. Western rang cattle Beef steenf; $8,90 11.50; cows and heifers, $5.25 9.25. Sheep Receipts, 12.000, 25c higher; lambs (84 lbs. down), $11.50 13.00; lambs, culls and common. $8.5011.00; yearling wethers, A.50 10.75; ewes, culls and common. $2.00 3.50. i- Kansas City Hags $9.90 Kansas City, Dec. 1. (L N. S.) Csttle--Receipts. 5500; lifeless. Steers. $7.00 11.00; cows, $4.50 11.00, Blockers and feeders. $7.0010.00; calves. $6,0012.75. Hogs r-Receipbt, 10,000; fair. Bulk. $9.00 9.80: top, $9.90'; heaviea, $9.4O0.8O; lights," $9.50 9.90; mediums, $9.40 9.80. Denver Hog $10.25 Denver, Colo., Dec. 1. n. P Receipts. 1600; steady. Steers, $5.25 9.25; cows and heifers, $5.00j6.25; stuwati .iU feeders, $7.00 8.50; calves, $5.00 9.50. Hogs Receipt 200; steady. Top, $10.25; ouix. .oo (B jo. no. Sheep Receipts. 23t)0; steady. ' lamb. $9.75 10.25; ewes. $3.00 4.50; . feeders. ; Spot cotton was steady today, nig ner at lo.oan. .o sates. J Month Jan. ......... Feb. Men. ......... April . . ; ..... . May ... June ' ......... July . Aug. " ......... Sept. Oct. Dec- 65 points Open. High. Low. Close. 1570 1611 1542 1608 ........ . '. . .- 1610 1690 1620 1647 1610 1568 1565 1615 1600 1629 1560 1615 i 1625 1600 1633 1572 1622 . . . . .... 1620 1623 1595 1623 1587 1023 1670 1615 1553 1615 300 5.00 TOOIButta & Sup Cdde OU 3800Canadian Pac, 1700 Cen. Leather 2100iCerroi de fiasco 3000ICbgo. AN. W..; 2200Chiea6 Gt. W. . . . 7 100. Chili Cop 2500 Chind ...... 17000 G. M. St. P 2500 C. AY O. .' 600 : Colo. F. A I 200 Colo. Southern. . . . 600 Col. Gas A Elec. . 2400)Con. : Ga ... Cons. Cigars.... 8100 Corn Prod 9000 Cosden Oil 2900IC, K. -LAP 15500jCrucmt . 200 j Del. &. Hudson. . . . 300Dome Mines 200D: 4 K. G 10100, Erie ( ......... ... . . . Fed.! Mm. A Smelt 00;Gen. Cigars - .... . 2100Gen., Electric 5000Gen. Motor. ; 200Granby -500Great Nor. Ore... 200Great Nor. pfd. . . 500 Greene Cananea. . Gulf, 8. Steel... 1000 Hast Barker .... 23O0 Houston Oil 200 Illinois Central: . . 1600 Inspiration ..... 200 lnt, Agr. Corp., c. 200 Interboro ....... Interstate Callahan InU Hart. ...... 600 Int. Mer. Marine. Int. Nickel ..... 3900Int. Paper. ....A 3800 700 4500 8200 600 1900 100 Invincible Oil Island Oil . , . . . K. C. Southern. Kennecott Lack, Steel . . . Lehigh Valley . . U 3 N . 11 6H 10S 115 88H 80 H 75 H 8 9 19 32 H 64 29 H 79 7S" " 31 30 H 92 1 14 128 16 19 H 80 79 20 35 H 69 83 33 14 29 H 53 25 122 "21, 41 H 39 56 83 ioh 44 30 91 H 71 98 114 Hi 69 H ' 7H 38 99 82H 104 H 94 H 35 '9 5 10 H iis 37 29 H 74 8 7 18H 28 H 61 28 77 70 26 28 87 13 126 15 19 30 77 20 H 85 57 H 79 32 13 SHORT TERM NOTES 18800Mex.. Pet ouu 500 400 500 17400 1100 400 "iioo 11690 14200 200 2400 1800 .1.100 "7666 3300 2000 8500 1400 100 2200 1400 "iioo 5900 5000 4000 '3800 . 8800 1800 230 4500 23000 "6300 400 44500 16 H 14H 49 H 26 5 20 18 52 H 49H i82H 16H 12 32 14 14 47 25 5 19 18H 61 H 47 158 it H 31 Miami Middle States Oil MidreJe Steel. . M. K.. tc T. Mont. Power . Mo. Pac Mont. Ward M. & St. L. ..... Nat,; Biscuit - Nat.; Enamel: ... Nat' Lead . . . . . Nevada Con. . . New ' Haven . . . . Norfolk as W... . Nor. Pac . . . .. N. T. Air Brake . N. T. Central . . . Okla Prod, ref . . . OntaVio A West. . Pacific Dev. Pac. Gas A Elec. Pan, Am. Pet . . . Penna. . . . j . . ; . Peoples Gaa i . . . . Pure Oil . . . . . . Pierce Oil Preased Steel Car. Pullman . Ray Cons. ...... Reading-. Repiogle Steel . . . 1 Republic I A S. . . 4 2 00 Royal Dutch Oil. . 400IShattuck. Ariz. . . 1332008o. Pacific ... 67uossoutnem Ky St. U-4 S. F Stndebaker .....' Swift & Co. Term. Cop. A Chem, Texas Oil i ITexaa Pacific . . . . Tobj Products Tran, Contl. Oil. . . Union Oil I ml Union Pacific U. S. Ind. Alcohol V. 8. Rubber. V. S. SmelUng. . . U. S. Steel. 3500 Utah Copper 3 0 0 j Virginia Chem . . . 7400Vanadium Steel . . 600Vivandou 1600Wabash .... IWell Fargo . . 1300 Western Pac. . . . .... I Western Union . . lOOOiWestinghse E A M 1 700Willi-OverUnd . . 14001W. A U E. ., . Tot4 sales Mock. 899.700 share. 54 21 20 13 -. . 48 .'' 21 101 H 85 87 74H 3H 18 78 40 36 34 12 104 11 88 73 67 69 5 110H 24 24 46 105 H 8 49 19 63 H 8 21 V. 119 70 67 42 81 51 38 42H 9 52 18 19 11 9 19s 98 82 86 72 3 17H 76 40 34 83 11 103" 11 84 68 65 68 5H 105 H 23 H 22 44 H 104 7 48 .18 51 H 8H 20 116 68 85 41H 79 50 87 89 9 8H A 42 H 7 42 7 Bid 1 30 H 54 23 124 20 112 8 41 41H 57 85 10 44 31 93 72 H 98 115 71 7H 89 100 83 H 87 H 108H 97 H 37 2 3 10 H 5 10 H 14 116H 38 80 75 8 9H 16H 31 63 28 H 28H 66 75 65 72 29 80 90 101 11 14 6 66 127 15 19 80 79 20 85 68 82 88 H 32 13 4 9 94 15 14 48 26 5 21 18 H 52 H 49 101 162 Hi 16 12 32 3 53 20 20 12 102 47 70 20 H 100 84 87 73 3 17 18 48 78H 40 85 H 84 11 83 104. HH 88 73 66 69 5H 109 24 24 45 104 7 48 19H 53 H 8H 21 H 118 H 69 7 H 41 81 51 H 38 41 9H 8H 47 ir 42 7 10 Quotation furnished by Clark, Kendall A Co., Inc. ... Security Maturity. Bid. ' Asked. Am. Cot Oil 6s 9-2-24 89 i 90 Am. T. At T. 6. . ., 10-1-22 . 95 j 95 Am. .T. & T. 6.... 2-1-24 I 3 i 94 Am. Thread 6s.... 12-l-;!8 '93 ! 05 Am. Tobacco 7s. . .. 11-1-20 94 H 96 Am. Tobacco 7s.... 11-1-21 9b 100 Am. Tobacco 7a.... 11-1-22 99 100 Am. Tobacco 7s. .. . 11-1-23 99 100 Anglo Am. Oil 7 g. 4-1-25 99 10.1' Armour Conv. 7s. :. 7-15-30 95 98 Belgian govt 7Hs. 6-1-45 97 ' " 8T Belgian Gov. 6s.... 1-1.21 99 99 Belgian Gov. 0s. .. . 1-1-25 91 92 Beth 8teei 7s..... 7-15-23 97 08 Beth Steel 7s 7 15 22 98 H 97 British Gov. 6Hs.. 11-1-21 97 98 British Gov. 6Hs.. 11-1-22 94 H 95 Canadian Gov. $s. 8-121 98 98 H Canadian Gov. 6 Ha. 8-1-29 91 H 91 H Cudahy Packing 7a.. 7-15 23 97 97 Inter. R. T. 7a.... 7-1-21 70 71 Japanese gov. 4Hs. 7-10-25 74 75 Kennecott Cop. 7s.. 2-1-30 92 93 H Ligg. Myers Tob. 0s. 12-1-21., 98 08 Molin Plow 7s...., -l-21 'J8 .... Molite Plow 7s.... 9-1 22 95 .... Molin Plow 7s..,. -l-23 94 - . Molina Plow 7.... 9-1-24 93 .... Nor. Pac, Eq. 7s.. 6-15-22 994 .... Pacific Gas 7 5-1-25 96 .... Swift, 6 v 8 15-21 97 98 . V. S. Rubber 7s. . . J 2-1-23 92 82 i 1 m ' ! w Tork Bond Market (Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co ) ' Bid. i Ask. Atchison Genl. 4s.... 75 75 BaL A Ohio Gold 4s. . , 69 69 Beth. Steel Ref. 5s.. 78 79 Cent Pcific 1st 4. ....... 72 72 C. B. A Q. CoL 4s 96 96 St Pul GenL 4H 77 78 Chicago N. W. GcnL 4s. ...... 77 77 Li it N. UnU 4s. , 80 81 New York Ry. 6s 20 20 H Norbtern Pac. P. L 76 77 Heading Genl. 4s........... 82 83 H Union Pac. 1st 4s .. 80 80 U. S. Steel 6s....... 91 92 H Union Pao. 1st Ref. 5s 73 73 Southern Pac Conv. 6s...... 108 1O0 Southern Pac Conv. 4 76 76 Penna. Conv. 4 H. ........ . 89 H 89 H Penna. 1st 4 Ha... 80 80 H Chea A Ohio Conv. 5s 84 Ore Short Liner 4 79 80 FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES Corrected- daily by the foreign exchange de partment of the United State National bank. Quotations below, except the pound eterlinar. are quoted on the basis of 100 units foreign currency. Opening nominal rates on bank tranaactlnna Draft Cable . Par London Checks. Transfers, - Value. Lba sterling. $ 3.48 Pana Francs. 6.07 Hamburg-Bremen Marks 5enoa '-Lire. . Athena Drachmae . Copenhagen Kroner . . , Chriatiania Kroner . . , Stockholm Kroner . . , Hongkong Currency ., Japan Yen Shanghai: Taels . . . 1.44 8.65 8.S5 13.55 13.60 19.30 62.00 60.70 80.00 $ 3.49 .08 1.44 3.66 4.866 19.30 8.45 165 13.70 19.40 62.50 50.95 80.30 23.81 19.80 19.80 28.70 20.70 20.70 48.84 Exempt From Federal Income: Tax Northwestern Municipals ' ,The following list of Income Tax Exempt Issues 'offer exceptional walue. The bonded indobtodneas of those districts is trivial .compared with' their valuations. - - ' "' ;.;'-.' '.--' ' Highway Bonds . $70,600 Jerome County Idaho, Hillsdale Highway District 6 Bonds. $ 7,000; Iinldoka County, Idaho, Bonds of the Heyburn-Paul Xiigh - way District. $16,000 Buhl Highway District 6 Bonds. County of Twlri Falls. Idaho. . School District Bonds $16,000 Bonner County, Idaho School District No. 4, BH Building Bonds. Price to yield 6. $ 3,500 Fremont and Madison Counties, Idaho,, Joint School-District No. 7. Refunding 6 Bonds. 120,000 Fremont and Madison Counties, Idaho, Joint School District No. 8, School Building 67o Bonds. $27,000 Fremont County, Idaho, Funding 6H Bonds or St. Anthony Independent School District No. 2. Price to Yield . $29,000 Rigby Independent School District No. 6, Jeff ersorr County, Idkho, j Building 6 Bonds. $12,000 Power County. Idaho, Rockland Independent School District No. 2, School Funding 6 Bonds. r . " ' . . S . J Circular Containing Details on Requett . Principal and semi-annual Interest payable "in New Tork City or. at The offices of Morris Brothers, Inc. Telephone or Tiorapli Orders at eur Bipwnse. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. "The Premier Montclpal Boid Hooie" !: Ettabllihed Over e i Quarter Caatary PORTLAND, OR. MORRIS BLDC Capital 309-11 ST?ARK BROADWAY 2151 - Other Offices at Seattle,- Tacoma, M.U1IOB Wash., and ,San . Francisco, Cat ' Dollars SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES Money and. Exchange New York, Dec. 1. Call money on the floor of the New York atock exchange today ruled at 7 per cent; hjeh 7 per cent; low 7 per cent Time money waa steady. Rate were 7 H 7 per .cent : The market tar prime mercantile pa per was a Lead y. Call money in London today was 9 per cent Sterling exchange waa steady with business in bankers' bills at $3.98 for demand. , 1 HOTEL HO YT Strictly Fireproof. . Near Both Depot and eonvnuent ear service to all part of the city. SlnoJ Room Without Bath, 01 and up Single Room With Bath. 02 and up ELBERT 0. ROBK , Managar Liverpool Cotton Qnlet Liverpool. Deo. 1. L N. 8.) Spot cotton opened quiet Pricea wexw steady. Sales. 4000 bale. - American middlinc. 15. SO; good nxiddrincs. 12.75: fuU mkMling. 11.75; middlinca. 10.25; low middlings, 7:50; good ordinary. 4.60; or-. dinary, 3.50.( Future opened, steady. "' Cranberry- Men Scrap ' ' South Bend. Wash.. Dec. 1. Action baa been" brought against A. H. Moora and H. J. afoAfee by th Washington Cranberry Growers' asso ciation which sks the issuance at a writ of in junction which win restrasn them from daspoa. i ing ot thear, cranberry crop in deals independent of the association in violation of an aUeared con tract made by the defendant with that body. - Saa Francisco Poultry Market J Sn Francisco. Dec 1. (TT. P.i RniUn j 50?55e; larg hens, 35 37c; best ducks, (20 25c , Whatcom I County, Wash. 6 Road Bonds Denomination $500-$1000 i - Dated Due i Oct. 1, 1920 Oct, 1, 1924-30 Price 100 yielding j 6 Income Tax Exempt, v- - Province British Columbia 6! Gold Bonds Denomination $1000 . Dated Due Oct. 25, 1920 Oct. 25, 1923 Price 96.03 yielding 7.50 , - Exempt from Canadian ' t - Taxes YIRE ORDERS COLLECT Ralph Schneeloch Company iorsicjpiasjum corporation ytkan ce - tA4saarjaaCNS euitorao Liberty Bond Sales (Reported by Overbeck A Cook Co.) High. Low. Liberty. SHs 9100 9030 Liberty. 1st 4s........ .... Liberty, 2d 4s. ....... . .1.. . ... Liberty. 1st 4 Ha 8690 8600 Liberty. 2d -4 a. ...... 630 8542 Uberty. 8d 4. ...... 8H40 8800 Liberty. 4th 4 8600 8542 Victor. 4 s 9570 9550 Victory. 3... 9564 9550 Close. 9070 8600 8530 8600 8542 8802 8586 9554 9550 The Famous 200,000 Acre Farm Financed by J. P. Morgan & Go. Is in Big Horn County, Montana - Its County Seat and trade center is , HARDIN, MONT: ' - i ' j , whose , 6 Improvement District Bonds . we offer to yield from 6.85to70 -iL ; Bonds due 1 925-30 All .Maturities Priced at "94.50 Denomination". $500 Broadway and Oak Herrin & Rhodes, Inc. Cstebliihad 1800. Railway Cichanea Bldo. Fst Frtvat Duplex Wire OOAOT TO COAST. Stock. Bonds. Grain Cotton.- MiseeTlane na Beenritiea and Liberty Bonds, bought and aold for cash or conservative margin. Mmbrs Cwlcega Beard of Trade. - Comtswnatem C F. Huttoe AO. . i - .. MKMBER0 -- tlrVork atock Kxohene. Mw York Oottoe Kichanoa. Mew Orvsan Cotton fxcriaio. OfTicee . - Seattle, ortlawe, Taoome. Main xrS4. Bonds for December Investment City of Aberdeen, Wash., 5i2. to "yield 5.90 . Due Dec. S. 1931 to 1936. Price 95.88 to 96.77. K Douglas County. Wash:, Road 6$ . . ... . to yield 6.00 Due Sept 10. 1921 to 190. Price 100. J , City of Forest Grove, Or., F4g.'6s;'.. . .to yiefd '6.00 Duo Oct 15, 1921 to 1926. PrtceMOO. - ,( City of Marshfield, Or., Imp 6s. . . . to yield 6.00" Due Aug-. 1, 1930. Est. Aug-. 1, 1926i Price 100. ' , City of Tbppenish, Wash,, Imp. 7s. ... . to . yield 7.00, Due June 1, 1932. Est. Jnne 1, 1D22 to 1930. Price 100. ' I up 4o City of Casper, Wyo., Imp. 6s -, . to yield -7.51 Due Sept, 1, 1930. t Eat.' Sept. 1, 1922 to 1930. Price 97.60. j Province 'of British Columbia 4V2 to yield 7.50 Due July 1. 1926. Price 86.62. . . . .j ' Prov. of Manitoba (guaranteeing) 4s. .to yield 7.50 Due June 30, 1930. Price 76.38. . - City of Vancouver, B. Cy'4s. ...... .to yield 7.75 Due Feb. 1, 1923. Price 93.64. . v '. ' x j w ! ' Sears, Roebuck & Co. 7s. . . . ........ .to yield 7.70 Due Oct. 15, 1922. Price 98.72v "I i t ! Galena-Signal Oil Co., conv. 7s ....... to yield 8.00 ; Due Apr. 1. 1930.i Price 93.50. ! '. ;-..'- ''.-- ' i National Leather Co. 8s. ......... . . . .to yieldiM)07 uue xnoiv. ia; iszo. 1'rice iuo. DETAILS UP03T BEQUEST f giKFREEMAN, Smith a Camp Co. ssrrLaH0 ban rstAMcieeo a . hound rt,oo . LuMBKKMCNS BUILOIN FIFTH A NO STARK . WAT B749 $2,000,000 United Light & Railways Co. 10-Year 8 Secured Gold Notes Due November I, 1930 j Denominations $500 and $1000 This issue of notes is secared by $2,666,000 First and Refunding Mortgage 5s due 1932. ' Company serves rich agricultural and manufacture ing sections of Illinois, Iowa and Michigan. Th present population served is estimated at 645.0Q0. - ' - - Seventy-five pep" cent of the earnings are derived fromthe gas and electric business. Net earnings are 2.78 times required interest charges. - ' " . " i - i" We offer these notes with our full recommendaion. Circular on request. ' . - ! At 97 to Yield : 8.45 ' Clark, Kendall & Co., Inc. 5TH AND STARK STS. PORTLAND, ORE.