The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 30, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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Exquisite French Pearl
" Bead Necklaces ,
at $3.95
AYery Special Offering!
Necklaces with a lambent flame
such as you find in those sell
ing in high-class and exclusive
jewelry stores necklaces with
that fascinating sheen you see in
pearls from the Orient, in a
cloudless luster reflecting cream,
Oriental and white, according to
your selection.
In neck, 18- and 24-inch lengths
and in uniform and graduated sizes.
Each Necklace comes in a gift box.
Other Necklaces in nearly all colors and sizes ranging in price from
1.95 to 75 a strand.
Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe Ac Co.
Dainty Boudoir Caps
Specially Priced
Bewitching bits of femininity
that add charm and loveliness to
every woman.
In a splendid assortment and the
most fetching styles bonnet shapes,
wired effects and regulation styles.
Some of satin with lace edge; others
of shirred net with tiny pleated ruffles
and streamers, or satin combined with
net, puffs and wee French, flowers. In
shades of maise, blue, pink- and rose.
Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Christmas Gift Special!
5000 One Quire Boxes
of Fine Stationery
3 Boxes $1.00
This is much less than you could
buy them for regularly and is one of
the best offerings in stationery we
have ever made. "'
Coming as it does with Christmas just a
few weeks away, It will, no doubt, solve many
a gilt problem. The stock is a good quality
Gloria Lawn Fabric in a good range of colors,
and in five of the most popular letter sizes.
mere are also correspondence cards.
Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
- 'K ..
For Wednesday Only!
Women's Umbrellas
New and Smart
Special! $9.35
-Which price means a saving of several dollars. To
profit by this offering youwill have to make your
purchase Wednesday because back they goto their
regular price the next day.
Prince of Wales malacca wood handle and rod;
frames tipped with white bone. Covers in several
solid colors, including navy and green with fancy
striped borders. In regular and Luzon shapes.
Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Beautiful Gift Pieces
in Art Needlework
Very specially Priced and
in Some Instances at Less
Than Wholesale JC ost
No gift is more appreci
ated by women than these
dainty things from our Art
Needlework Section each
item bearine the mark nf
originality and careful
Pure Linen Scarfs, $3.95
-Size 18x54 inches. inad nf
pure linen centers with linen
medallions and insertion in
sets, edges finished with two
inch linen cluny lace.
Linen and Cotton Boudoir Slips, 95c
- tUt 5-inch Pure Linen Slips, made up and trimmed with linen
lace edging and Swiss embroidery medallions.
I3xl5-inch lawn, Slips, made up and finished with lace edeinr
and medallions. r
Stamped Card Table Covers, 95c
34-inch Card Table Covers of white art cloth, made up and cor
ners nicely bqund with tape and tape ties. Stamped with card spots,
baskets and father simple but effective patterns. This low price
also includes wolhig-cotton. p
Bag Handles, $1 Each
Frames, In plain and fancy shapes. Celluloid and metal frames
combined with chain handles, tnd all-metal frames with chain handles
Six and seven-inch-sizes. They make the most desirable of Christmas
Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Rue de la Paix
Street Floor
c'Merdiandiso of C Merit Onljr
Mendel Dustproof
Wardrobe Trunks
Fifth Floor
Here Are Christmas Gifts!
many of which were bought specially
and all to be sold at special prices
for the purpose of inducing you to
Shop Early!
WE. COULD SAY many things about these Christmas offerings for
Wednesday, but one will be sufficient to explain this and tht
scores of other splendid Gift Offerings to follow day by day right up
to Christmas Eve, and that is:
Careful planning and early buying will produce more happy results
than you can ever hope to achieve by delaying your shopping. This
great establishment, for the remainder of the holiday shopping days,
will be one BIG CHRISTMAS STORE literally brimming over with
new and delightful thipgs pleasing to gaze upon, appropriate to give,
delightful to possess and inexpensive to buy.
t ; '
Women's Strap-Wrist
Slip-On Cape Gloves
This is a most popular glove,
and dozens of pairs are sold
daily at the regular price. At
$2.9S they will go quickly.
P X M and Pique styles in
brown and beaver, sizes 5 Va
Street Floor.
Wrisley's Toilet Water
Assorted odors. including
Violet, Rose, Le Trefle, Trailing
Arbutus, San Toy and Lilac.
Put up in beautiful Gift Boxes.
Street Floor.
Large Red Cedar Chests
Now $37.50
A Notably Big Reduction
These are made of genuine Tennessee Red Cedar and will
last a lifetime. There are just twenty of them in twelve
different styles from which to select. Many are copped
trimmed, while others are plain in new styles. With or
without sliding trays. Large sizes. 44 and 48 inches.
Fifth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe 6t Co.
The Season 's Great Coat and Wrap Sale
For Which Women Have Been Waiting
Our Entire Stock of Women's Finest
Winter Coats and Evening Wraps
at $22.50 to $237.50
or A and V3 Less Than Former Prices
-The materials are:
Orlanda Bolivia DuveteVelour
SilkDuvetyn Polo Cloth
Chamotstyn . f ,
Veldyn Veldecyne
Chamois Suedene Cypress Bolivia
' LuellaCloth
Wool Velour
. The assortment comprises all the season's newest and most exclusive models. There are coats suit
able for all occasions the variety is very extensive almost every desirable style can be found here,!
from the utility mixture coat to the elaborate fur-trimmed coat.
The fur collars and cuffs are of
Nutria, Australian Opossum, Beaver, Mole, Hudson Seal, Coney, Raccoon, Squirrel
The linings and trimmings are the best. ,
Every coat is new and in the season's absolutely correct models.
Third Floor, Lfpmari, Wolf & Co. .
Silk Petticoats in :
Christmas Boxes
Useful Holiday Gifts
Any woman will be delighted to
receive one ot these hnadsome
Petticoats. They are .made of a
good grade of all-silk jersey in
black, navy, brown, emerald, rose,
taupe, gold, French blue, magen
ta, peacock and Belgian.
In a variety of plain and combina
tion trimmed styles. Some are knife
pleated, while others have ruffles and
Third Floor, Lipman, Wolf & Co
Women's Heather Hose
Wednesday Only
at Less Than 'Half
$1.19 Pair
A Wednesday offering only then
back they go to their regular prices.
Smart wide-ribbed Hose in brown and
olive heather and plain white. '
Street Floods Lipman, Wolf & Co.
Extraordinary N$ws !
Kayser Italian Silk
Vests and Envelope Chemises
A t Very Special Prices
The kind that dainty women love to wear
so soft and clinging with a touch of
luxury about their rich, silky smoothness.
Kayser Italian Silk
Vests $4.65
Extra long Vests made regular or bodice top
style, in a delicate pink shade. Neatly tailored.
Sizes 36 to 42.
Kayser Italian Silk
Envelope Chemises, $4.95
Regular or bodice top Envelope Che
mises full size and neatly tailpred of
heavy quality silk. In pink. Sizes 36
to 42.
Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co
Of XJ I 1
II 1 I
These Adorable
Polly Prim Aprons
Think of It!
Their quaintness has endeared them to
women and makes them very desirable
gift suggestions
And this is a new lot,, too, the shipment re
ceived containing the most effective styles fea
turing chambrays in plain shades of pink,
lavender and blue, and percales in checks,
stripes and fancy figured patterns. Two pock
ets and sash. Trimmed-with ric rac.
Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Go.
And These Wonderful
Wash Satin Camisoles
Only $1.39!
Another lot of, those beautiful
wash satin Camisoles so desirable
fof gifts and for one's own use, and
such splendid offerings at this ex
ceptionally low price. - I ? '
Splendidly tailored and fin- , "
ished in slip-over styles; hem
stitched in many different "ef
fects. Also dainty lace-tnmmed
styles. The kind of dainty things
that do not remain in our sjiop
Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolf it Co."
Imported Japanese
Crepe Kimonos
This is indeed a wonderful -offering.
By quick action on the
part of our buyer, who Very ad
vantageously purchased the lot
during the slump of the cotton
market in Japan, we are able to
sell them at this low price.
AH full-length styles, wide
loose sleeves and sash, of heavy
quality crepe, and beautifully
embroidered on back, front and
sleeves in pansy, morning glory
and forget - me - not - patterns.
Some combined with butterflies. : -
Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolf A Co.
4h t'J)h i