The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 30, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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Representative C. N. McArthur,
who left for Washington this morn
ing to be on hand for the coming
session of. congress, scheduled to be
gin next Monday, declares his oppo
sition to any and all plans to- In
crease the membership of the house.
On the other hand, . he said he fa
vors a reduction in the number of
representatives and expressed the
opinion that such a reduction would
promote both economy and effici
ency in ihe conduct of the. nation's
business., - ,:. j
"I shall vote asainat all proposals to
r Increase the membership of the house,"
said McArthur. . . v
. 'The present membership tf 435 is
'altogether too large and unwieldy and
there is too much dodging of individual
responsibility. It has been the history
of all large legislative bodies that power
gravitates into the hands of a few lead
ers, while smaller bodies tend to devbp
Individual ability and responsibility. ,C j-l
"As matters stand, it is almost Im
possible to keep order In the house and
with the addition of 50 or 60 new mem
bers, conditions would become Intoler
able ,1 cannot predict the result of the
agitation for a larger house but I am
fully determined to oppose any and all
legislation atonic that line and, if the op
portunity presents itself, I shall vote to
reduce the membership. .
' "This agitation for a larger congress
comes from states which have failed to
keep up with the population procession
and which will lose some of their pres
ent membership if the existing quota Is
maintained. Members of 'congress
naturally do not like to vote themselves
out of office after the expiration of the
sixty-seventh congress, but the interests
of the country are mqr important, ac
cording to my way of thinking, than the
interests of politicians ; and the par
ticular states they represent,
t' "It has been " argued thaCan increase
in the membership of the house would
give . Oregon another, representative.
. .What benefit would tbts be to Oregon if
vorresponding increases were allowed in
all other states that have increased in
population since the last apportionment?
. "I would like to see larger delegations
from Oregon and other Western states,
but what could they accomplish If more
members were allotted to the East and
Middle West?
, "I am in favor of a constitutional
amendment lengthening the term of rep
resentatives In congress to three years
and lengthening the presidential term
to six years, with-a one term limitation.
Such an arrangement would produce
better legislation, better administration
and less small politics." -
Mrs. McArthur accompanied her- hus
band. They will reach Washington Sat
Pendleton Attacks
'Phone Company Plea
For Increased Kates
, Salem, Nov. SO. In the face of the
present condition of business through
out the country, the recent application
of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph
company ' for an increase in telephone
rates In Oregon is most inopportune,
according to an answer to the applica
tion filed with the- public service com
mission this morning by the city of
Pendleton. ?
The answer attacks the application
and declares that the increases sought,
npr any increase whatever, are Justified
under existing conditions.. It points out
that thousands .Of " men are being
thrown out of employment through the
closing down of industries, farmers are
being compelled, to sell their produce
at a loss, and many 'business men are
facing ruin, while the Pacific Tele
phone company continues to hand out
huge salaries to its numerous officials
. and big wages to . many of its em
ployes. .
Medford Growers
Back Association
And Lewis' Plans
Medford. Nov. SO. After hearing CI.
Lewis, organisation manager of the Or
gon Growers' Cooperative asaovlatiloik
talk about the aucceas of the association
during its short existence and about Its
future plans, 150 members of the local
district of the association ei pressed their
faltfcwin Lewis and his plana.
Lewis, made explanations to all sorts
of Inquiries as to th conduct ef various
features of the association's operations,
answering mild objections by two mem
bers as to the slowness of the final ra
ce tpts coming from the Bartiett pear pool
sales. He said the delay was due to
the regular course of bookkeeping and
routine. -He advised the growers to
raise as large pears as possible in 1921
as the large pear was what the public
Lewis characterised as a near miracle
the getting together of seven bank pres
idents of Portland in a room and In
ducing them to advance 1500,000 for the
marketing of the association's fruit crop.
J isunderstandlng of the California
divorce laws cost Harold G. Blakeley
a three year sentence at the hands of
Judge TaawelJ, of the circuit court
Monday on a charge of big
amy.' ' Because of the misunderstand
ing and Blakeley's good naval rec
ord, however, tlie court paroled him.
In March. 1916, Blakeley became the
husband of Eldora Hhll in King county,
Washington. She subsequently obtained
an Interlocutory decree of divorce In
California, which carries an embargo
against remarriage -inside of a year.
Blakeley married Margaret McKensie
at Vancouver, last August, which was
before the year had .elapsed. This led
to the trouble.
The district attorney urged the court
ta be lenient as Blakeley .evidently did
not realize the limiting effect of the
California divorce.
Schoolboy Struck
By Auto Receives
Serious Injuries
John Hayes, 11, son of Mr. and Mrs.
T. C. Hayes. 100 East Thirtythlrd street,
suffered possible , Internal ' injury and
serious body bruises when he was struck
by an automobile driven by Roy Conger,
Route A. Box 495, Portland, late Mon
day afternoon.
. Conger told the police that he was
driving slowly, on Belmont street 'be
tween Thirty-seventh and Thirty-eighth
streets, when the boy suddenly ran out
from the curb in front of the car. A
front fender struck the body, knocking
him to the pavement. The boy carried a
lunch pail which was run over by the
automobile.- He was on his way home
from St. Stephens academy. He was
taken to his home.
Conser ms not held by the police.
and satisfaction
in every cup of
make it the ideal
drink for those -who
want to live well
and sleep well.
FREE-S25 Worth of
Pathe Records
with '.. every cabinet model Pathe phonograph.
. I Sold on easy terms.
ipinatt Wolfe do (So,
cfWerchandise of cMerit Only"
Salespeople and cashiers who would like employment be
'fore Christmas, either full or part time, will do well to apply
at our employment office before 11 :00 A. M.
man woue ckdko.
"Merchandise of cMerit Only"
Should be sent to our Personal Service Bureau as early as
possible, to be filled while stocks are most complete as to
sizes and colors. ,
Hand-Painted Nippon China .
The loveliest of inexpensive gifts
Sale Priced 95c to $7.00
The shapes are so graceful, the colors so rich and the floral and conventional decorations so dainty
and artful the special prices on this ware are bound to be highly appreciated.
, Whipped-cream sets . -95c
Dresser sets ......................... .$1.75 Tea Cups 50c
Sugar and Cream sets....... $1.25 17-piece Tea sets. ; ......$7.00
Sixth Floor,- Lipman, Wolf At Co. . '
The Savings in These Table Linens
Are Tremendous
These famed Meadow Bleached Irish Linens have just arrived for Chlst-
mas a direct importation, priced close to today's import price. The new
circular designs with that inimitable satin finish in wide assortment.
TABLECLOTHS, size 7072 inches $ 7.75
TABLECLOTHS, size 70x90 inches. $10.00 '
TABLECLOTHS, size 70x108 inches $12.50
NAPKINS, size 22x22 inches, dozen '$10.50
Art Linens Reduced 25 Per Cent
Our Entire Stock of Lace-Trimmed Table Cloths, Scarfs,'
Center Pieces and Doilies in This Pre-Holiday Sale
Wonderful machine-made filet Table Napery with pure linen or cotton centers an inspiration for
Christmas gifts and a delight to the hostess, -Scarfs from 18x36 to 18x54 inches; Centerpieces from
27x27 to 70x70 inches; doilies In all sizes. )
Second Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
$7.25 Is the Lowest Price of the Season
on These Blankets
-For these are full-size, wool-mixed Blankets in white with pink or blue borders and wide binding to
match. Size 70x80 inches. . i .
Down-Filled Comforts $18.00
The lightest, warmest and. daintiest of bed coverings, the most delightful to receive as gifts are these
of pure, selected down with fine sateen covering in all-over patterns or with plain . borders. No such
special has been offered this season on fine Comforts.
Oregon City Indian Blanket
At Wholesale Cost, J7.75
Now Ts the time when these blankets are most
appreciated for the couch, or for motoring and
traveling. And right now you can save mightily
on them. Many handsome patterns.
Extra Large Satin
Bed Spreads, $6.7 '5
Bates' satin bed spreads, noted for their firm
weave, handsome patterns and beautiful finish;
plain hemmed or scalloped with cut corners.
Size 88x98 inches.
Second Floor. Lipman, Wolfe Sc. Co.
, ; a ,
Special! Dresses for Baby
Actual .Reproduction
Hand-Made Dimity Dresses
Sizes land 2 Years, $4.65
In three pretty styles real fnet
lace trimmed with a touch of em
broidery at the neck, or smocking,
turn-back cuffs, plain or two-tuck
Philippine Dresses, Sizes 6
Months, 1 and 2 Years, $7.50
Hand-made little garments with
kimono sleeves, tiny tucks and
pretty sprays of hand-embroidery,
scalloped hem. Gretchen style
eyelet finish and run with pink rib
bon two rosettes.
Pretty Little Nainsook
Dresses, Sizes 6 Months, 1
and 2 Years, $5.95
Of softest nainsook, hand-made
with groups of tucks, sprays of
dainty embroidery at neck and dou
ble hemstitching.
Infants' Nainsook Slips
$1.85, $1.95, $2.35, $2.95,
-r-Dainty tucks, and finished in
feather stitching or smocking
lace-trimmed at neck and sleeves.
Three styles of Night Slips in
cluded. Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co,
American Toys Made in American
Factories by American Workmen
l . -
TOYLAND IS FULL OF THEM! It's a great sight! Don't miss it! Why there are so many toys that
Toyland on the Eighth Floor has overflowed and thousands of toys are in ANOTHER TOYLAND in the
Basement, both being exactly alike in the respect of variety of toys. And Old Santa Claus is meander
ing around listening to everything little boys and girrls have to tell him. "
Two Very Fine Specials for Wednesday
(7 Xr
The Sammie Kar .
at $2.50
White Coaster
Wagons at $9.75
Made of heavy hardwood; wooden wheels with
steel axles and supports; removable too; 8-in.
wheels; equipped with brakes; size of bed 14 Vx
36 inches. The kind of wagon an active boy
cannot break.
This Is a wonderful offering. You may recall
what the original prices used to be. Made of
wood and attractively painted in red, white and
blue. Adjustable seat and propelled by the
handle and easily steered by the feet.
Santa Clause will be in Toyland on the Eighth Floor from 10 to 12 and from 2 to 5
- Toyland, Eighth Floor and Basement, Lipman, Wolfe r.& Co.
i j '- ;
Men's Beacon Blanket Robes
In a Style Exclusive Here in Portland
At Far Less ThantfieJlegular Prices
A Most Appropriate Gift for a Man
and One Sore to Be Appreciated
This is a wonderful offering at any time of year, but coming right at the
time when more Blanket Robes are sold than any other season, it presents
a timely opportunity.
These Robes were made according to our own specification In a style
to be had only here in Portland shawl collar model with patch pockets
made of an excellent quality of heavy weight Beacon Blanket cloth in every
new pattern, including a handsome variety of Indian designs.
Every robe has best grade of silk fiber cord. There are all sixes for
small, medium and large men.
And Here Is an Extra Special for Boys, $5.95
The same Blanket Robes in size 6x12 for boys the same quality the
same styles the same patterns, but at a lower price- 15.95.
Fifth Floor, Ltpman, Wolfe it Co.
A Wonderful Handkerchief Offering!
1200 Pure Linen Hand-Embroidered
Handkerchiefs at 48c Each
These are the daintiest, prettiest and, we believe, the very best
Handkerchiefs you can obtain anywhere at this price which is much
lower than the same quality sells for elsewhere this we have learned
to our satisfaction by comparison. You cannot give a better Handker
chief as a gift at the low Wednesday price. The embroidered designs
are beautiful and neat consisting of scroll, floral, fleur de lis and many
others. Narrow hemstitched borders.
Street Floor, lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Our Entire Great Stock of Plaid Skirtings
at 33V3 Less
Second Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Gate-Leg Tables
Special $39.50
A Great Saving
Just twelve of these fine Tables
at this very special price mak
ing it possible for one to' five
a gift that is substantial, serv
iceable and, a handsome addition
to any home at a great saving.
Solid mahogany tops, and
birch legs, finished in dull ma
hogany. Two sizes: 36x49 and
34x43 inches.
Fifth Floor.
A Mammoth Stock of Men's Shirts
in a Sale at 30 Per Cent Off!
Now $2.10, $2.45 and $2.80
Offering the Shirts you have wanted to wear at the prices you are willing to pay.
At $2.10
At $2.45
Shirts of fine corded madras in smart styles the best shitts
and the best selection that you are likely to ; find before
Christmas at anywhere near $2.10.
The madras in these shirts is of superior quality, and so Is
the workmanship. You will find' neat black stripes and bolder
effects in colors.
Fine Wool Madras Shirts at $2.80
There is novelty, there is good taste in the woven-color pat
terns of the splendid madras, there is fine tailoring and long
wear in these shirts. In appearance and quality they are the
kind anyone may well be proud to give or receive for Christmas.
The 30 PerCent Reduction Continues on All Manhattan Shirts
".,,? - ' . Men's Shop, Wahinton-St. Entrance, Lipman, Wolfe St Co.
Wilton Rugs
Reduced to
3 Feet by 5lA-Feet
These Wilton Rugs are of
standard grade, in pretty Orien
tal designs, and such colored
combinations as "blue,, rose, tan
and taupe. Firmly woven and
finished -with a linen - colored
fringe. Handsome rugs that will
give long and satisfactory wear
and remarkable values at Wed
nesday's prices.
Fifth Fleer,
Lipman, Wolfe Sc Co.