1 L'O i i THE OREGON DAILY OUF.NAL; -PORTLAND. OREGON Tuesday; November 30, r iS2u Si - ROOMS AHJ) BO ASH It THB MARTHA VrASnTINGTON 8'f) 10th n ror business - gtrl tod clm; reasonable rates. - Marshall Silt. EXPERIENCED nurse miu two children to room and board by day or wek. Mr. 20 8.. KOO.MS AS D BOARD FKIV ATE "w . FAMILY, '' -- - ' '' 71 MsE. (ITTFaTik7"W own a new room bungalow that will not rent.' but wUl Mil .cm- 'traight tortnrt nTnwnte, n)r (43 jnovith. ... Tbi tlw include. h inirtw. No .mortgage to assume. . Only $850 cash psym-t dmm required. Loested on 60x105 ft, corner ! '. bebif tin southeast -WW of " Klickitat t., blocks north of Sand; bird I. I.. HA HTM AX -0.. t : . 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids. " ' ; ; . - Main- 200. firirMH and" board for two employed in Uuref- hunt bum. If yon are looking for some thing nut of th ordinary rati and a this. Bate csannahle; I92 K. t-lanoare. Aot 223-23 WILL board and car for jaunt infant from 1 work to 1 roar old. airing best mother's care, by experienced mother and baby nurse; doctor' reference. East 4928. ' "" 1 "' WOULD lik to board schoolgirl over 11: mor. for company; 'next door to- school; $20 P month, Woodlawn 4484. WILL board"-scbwnlhny; good home; Irvington school. ., East 212$. ' ; .- ' : ; iiOOM and board,? west aide; me a preferred Broadway 876-. FURNISHED .room with board. 658 E. Couch . st Phone E. 8090. Row City car to 12tb, iToOM and board in modern borne. HE. 10 th at. H. Phone East. 1195.- WANTElc WoTnYn to bordand room two boy. age 6 and 7, Wdln. 4086." -. - HOISEKEEPINO ROOMS ' furbished t an d unfurnished FURNISHElj light housekeeping room Try rea sonable, walking distance. 480 E. Pine at. ONE single-H. K. room, with atemheat. Wdln. 40 86. 203 Stanton'st. . - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FUR1SHED AN UNFURNISHED PRIV ATK FA.M II.Y .;.7 MCELY- furnished room and- iitchetiette. in, private lioiDf; walking distance. 461 Rodney areiuie. - 'TWO furnisbedr bouackeeping room, lawn 4S.")7. Wood- ii. K. and alt homo prirlirgfi for one in Jorely motrn home, , Adulta. ' gellwood 838. iiF.SIRABLK H. K. room for girl employed; walking ditancc; rafarencea. Main 3018. K0R "REST-MOI SES 19 ' : ' t'lV' K ITR.M $H E I tlNE Iarg boiuia, Eaat Side cloaa In, near 8 carltnea. partly earped and witb window ahadra, H block groundi, aultable for reaidence. chool; anitartnm, amall . boarding or rooming tiotum. Wakefield. Iriea Co., 85 4tb at, of telephone Marahall 2474,btor 1 :30 p. m. . " . "stor'aok" COMMERriAf, AND HtTUSfiHOtiD G00D3, IIUVING. PACKl.VU. BHIPFINO. , Reduced freight rale". . For expert aerrice call. Broadway 703... Manning Warebouae A Tranafer Co - . - to leae for 10 mnntlia to party buyinsr wood and part fnrnitbinga, $125. Rent I'-T.&iH 0S8;i?72d at. N., Koae City. l'Vione Tabor 804 8. Xlt 'K 0 room Una e, lurnane, - dining room, .kitchen in basement. Call frr.m 11 to 4. 632 Daria, wet aide. . So' children. Fine lo- eation. CAM. BROATTWAyB8(r north vvkmter.n', klkt'trio compant, wahiiii;ton atjtenth street. I27.RO 5 ROOM fla't. 881 CableaC" bUct frm Chapman and Mill; walking di-tance; clean, mtxiem; elegant riew. Irrington car. FOR RENT (Strictly modern hou, oroom' and kleeping porcb, 1 block to ear. I'hone Tabor g200. -818 3 IIOOM houae, am, electricity, no bath. 1892 E. t;nen, Tabor 1470. I'NFPRMSHEt) 8 room house good bath and gaa; we.-t side. -Mar-hall 1289. rKKlM modern uufurouhed buugaiow. 182!i nnaiyaii. HOVSES FOR REST-FCIVJIITUIIK FOR SAI.K. 83 FOR RENT 7 room bouae, $40; furniture and piano for file. No dealers 360 Benton it l-none jKt 7081. FCRNITCUE of 5 room upper flat for sale, flat for rent. Eat 2855. . -Fl'RXITf'RE of 6 room houe for sale, houae for rent; rloae.fn'. 808 Hollodar are. ' Ff RMSHED FLATS 50 8MAI.I, f nrnb-bed flat with aas bath and kn rwity; rery conrrnienf and rery, pleasant; adulta only, near cm line. 6141 45tli ave. S. E. LAFART.IKXTS FOR RENT 48 BLNSON Al-T., 205 N. 20th at three-room furnUhed apt, Tacant on first of month. All uhiUide roomi. large dreaalng room . aad bath, krtO per montli; adult only. Mgr.,- phone Rdwy. 4448.: - : , - ;.; FOR RENT A nice, licht, airy apartment, com pletely furniabed; good -beat and hot water. 614 Jefferson at. 2 ROOM furninhed apartment for rent, $14 per month. No objection to small baby. Take St. J ohm car, 171T Port moutU ire. PORTSMOUTH- 3 unfurnUhed roomi, el tricity. gaa and toilet; rent-$14. 853 Oberiih : at., -3 blocka to St. John car. STORES ANI) OFFICES - 11 FOlt JtENT In Ramapo hotel- buiidin;, bet " Washington and Burnnide. a -very deairable combinaiton of office, aales and atorage rooms. Reaxonabla rent and cloaa to rat tracks. 108 14tn at FOB FES1HABI.E apace .in fireproof wan l)pnaa phona Bdwy. 3715. Security. Storace Tranefer Co., -6a 4th at. cor, Pine.. t)E8K roum with telephone and atenographle terrice. Phone Bdwy, 3 Tl 5, . Security Stor- ata A Transfer Cb.. 88 4th at., cor. Pine. isrlKK building, with tiring rooma aboreT at 510 Alder,- corner lth. Ideal location tot auto linea. JSee W. T. O'Brien. 233 Stark at. V REAL ESTATE FOR 8A.LE HOrSKS 1 FOR MR. HAN Df MAN" We-bant a aplendii lot, 60x100, with building 80x52, with concrete foundation. Thii wa originally intended for light mannfactur rn. It t well contracted and can be rim Terted Into a good-siaed bungalow. Total price $1050, 8450 cash, balance 2 yean. - A eery decided snap . , 732 Chamber of Commerce. $3300 Exceptional borne bargain. Just think! ohly a short distance east of Laurel- . hurst,- thia beautiful bungalow, home t ' pf 6 rooma and attic; fireplace, built . ins. full basement, wash trays, 2 blocks to car. Only $3800. Owner has . purchased new borne in Laurel hunt and . will gire immediaU poisession. Easy terms. '--; "T- v J, A. Wickinan Co. : , V v. 'Shortest.' Way Home" ? C Stark St Main 583 and 1094 . . Five Rooms and Oarage Nifty 5 room bungalow with hardwood floor. , fireplace. Dutch kitchen, buffet, cement base ment etc.; block from ear; circumstances compel owner to sell. -.A. G.Teepe Co. . 570 SUrk st.. near 4th. Main 3092. r raiicn umce. outn and Sandy. APT 1 T T I - C C- L- f,,tn-nn,w , -v.t-.. -i.,a nflii.p rnitd lOOxlOfl i lot 44 block fon the N. E. corner il ldtli and Ah sta.', an 8 room house. In good condition, with modern plumbing, street work all in. and paid total price $4 500 $2000 cah, $25 m.withlyi the assessed value of this property is $4490. I OH $&tj& Sine room house; electric lighta, - city water, together with fine barn, couage and bungalow; nine acre land: within 1 block o electric . station and paved highway. An Weal country home in the Willamette valley about 85 miles from Portland. A fine home Ioracone Addreaa XX I 41), Journal. $600 CASH buys my equity In a 6 loom house, aat side, good location; big corner lot 75x 165. This place is located at 1098 First i-t. It w a good residenoa district and not in Jew town; balancer to be paid at $25 a month, in cluding inteHtjaarshaJl 1612. t F0 R S AEE by ewner, -3 room bungalow, eom i pletely furnished, fun cement baeement. fur naiej Alberta district, fruit trees; S200O cash, baiaace easy terma. . Aut 318-68. "v--RU Cnion are.- home, witb income and' buai , nesa future, 180x100; 2 4 room bouses: bar gain; want money. - Let .owner tell you how cheep. 940 E. 40th at Seilwood 1757." 1T.R7BT 1 i 7 room and bath. X blk. to car. Lot 80x ,100, with alley, fruit trees. - 84000, vacant Call owner, 89U Russell or East 6587. - C-AtJ GITC $3800 9-roora house, fuil lot; terms. Owner leaving city. . 808 Grand ave. N. East 2093. FINE T-room bouse and two lots at Newport, Or., for sale at one-half the eot to build. Reautiful location , Address WX-590. JnurnaL HOl'SE for first installment, tha"t"'aU: recta cay balance. Aak Cros. East 8371. - t . . EE AX ESTATE FOR SALE HOI SF.S - 41 BihrCarey Corporation REALTORS . ' ... "Main 7487 .. Mt. Tabor - '4 RoonisS20 $2 OO down will takev- thia anbatantial 4. room bungalow on lot 100 by 100. on flay ft., near 78th; 2 brdmoma, garage, 4 blorki from car, 1 from arboot, . AUberta 6 Rootnt$2800. On. $300 nereuwry ' to handle thia double constructed 6 mom bnngalow typo bnuae, with 2 bedraoma npataira and 2 dnwn: cement basement, laundry traya; 3 bkicka from car. This is excellent value. , PeffainsisSa , . 4 RoooisBSS Substantial, good-looking 4 room bouse, with 1 bedroom and sleeping porch; 1 block from car; fireplace: f ihe plumbing. Tbia is - excellent raiue andV may lie had on eon- :" yenient terms. - Rose City ; . ; 6 Rooms$30C!0 V Very well constructed bnngalow type house of 6 rooms, 2 bedrooms upstairs and - 1 down; built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen ; cement basement, laundry trays. This houa i tf years old and in excellent condition. . Only 2 blocks from car. Very conrenient ' terms. . -.' BihrCarey Corporation 2H Railway Exch. Idg. THIRD AND STARK 8TS Main 7487. , . OPEN EVENINGS $500 DOWN SNAP 6-mora hiyvgalow, two sleeping pore he, new pipelem fumace, fireplace. 48x100 lot, 1 blk. to car. and hard stiriaca street, rloe to Montarilla school: A real buy. L $S00. ' $800 DOWN 8 large rooms including break 'ast nook, paneled dining room. Dutch kitchn, fire place, bookcaem, bath between two bed rooma, hardwood floors. 58x10 cor.. 1 blk. to I'nion are., close to Woodlawn school. $4200. A. (Jordon Rws INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. GROt'P OF GOOD VALUES $1850 $650 down, 5 room cottage, Glenn are. Garage, 80x100. $2600 500 down. 6 room house, near car. on Graham ae., $2700 $700 down, 5 room cottage, small lot. E. Couch, near 28th. $3000 $00 down, room cottage, Clera- land are. Comer, garage. $32508500 down, 0 room, semi-modern, 62x100. pared. Williama are. add. Half block to car. Ormssi k Bennett . 318 .121 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. $3350 5 ROOM3 DOWN STAIRS A reel nap. This i a regular S room bunga low downatairs and 4 good rooma n retain. Ce-B-ent baaement. Place modern and in good re pair throughout lxcated on 5-d rt. near 4 2d ave. Clox to car and school. Owner mn t sell at once. J. L. Hart man Co., 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. Evenings call Tabor 8380. ' NON-RESIDENT' CORPORATION HAS STRICTLY MODERN ROOMS Richmond, hardwood floors, extra Urge living room with fireplace, French doors, lorely dining room with buffet, large bedrooms with closeu. tllentv nf vinrlnn ,!.,. .,!.. . . . . " . " l , wiT-iiucbcu, lull , "C- niit basement, wvsh trays, furnace, 2 blocks . ... c uin-1 iK buiu. ,i.iKe oner: any reasonable terms. See T. O. Rird 526 Cham. Com. Mar. 1022. Sell. ,2706. Please do not "jwefthis ad unless yon mean business. SAil?JS65wn?-- compelled to--" sen this -4500 borne. -Jpr $3350; 6 room, double constructed bungalow with 3 lots. chicken houses, all kinds of fruit and shrubbery, enough in fact for part of living expenses; beautiful lawn. . We cannot tell you half in this ad. Call HggnvS?&u.Unl' mu dowa ment- : " Jo!hnonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Rank Bldg. Main S787. CORBETT ST.. SOUTH PORTLAND ' want to show you thin B room bungalow on Corbett at. - It's a real California, bungalow with fireplace, full basement, pared at. screened front and back porch. The price is only $2600 with $00 dowu. If you are looking for a place in South Portland, see this at once tomte ft Kohlman, 208 Chamber of Com- mt-r. Xl-ain iiKKft FTJRXISHED $3200; 5 rooms and bath,"fuTl cement li.nn..-. , ku...j..i . - . ' .u ,i.i - , fc. rawuiui kjl. iruit ana shrubbery; close to carjuid school. Only $1100 JohnsonDodson Co. gjSNVBank Bldg. Main 3787. 5 -ROOMS. 1 floor; Dutch kitchenTTiectric lighta. gas paved street, walking distance. Thia is a aubatantial plaatered house, well con it,fuce? throughout, on a corner lot; rooms are all light and cheerful. Price $2700; $350 down, rentlike terms; lot 85x50. N W cor E. 8th and Everett Owner, Mar. 746 forenoons! $3150 -FOR SALE, 5 room house, modern. partly furnished; 100x100 lot, berries and fruit trees, chicken house for 500 chickens; fur nace; on pared street and car line. This is the biggest bargain in; the city and must be sold at once. Call Ant. 230-01 ' no-"10' DISTRICT $2700 $300 or take Ford as first payment; S rooma downstairs, 1 bedrooms upstairs; hard surface fruit trees gas, furnace; large lot. 1 block car: "a'??Steif.JS2sr-No one information. FOR SALE Seven room house with electric lights, city water and bath room; on main paved street 4 blocks from depot and 2 blocks UrI:?2i1 highway. Will be sold ery Z sj, efUaVUIfeXi. 2 alio nfiYtTARo! ,. 1 5 room limim on Mrlin. run. 20 chick.; M lm"en .mall payment down, $15 monthly, 6 per cent vuri, vivv C.U KL. O. P.. RI'TT n 3 fXIXt""" 111 . a a. A-' VT MJkam nl fnw Hakiairrvtai m.w ' x bungalow book of 100 dc-igos $1; wubltehed 1 a.. K BAILEY CO.. 924 NW. Bsnk Bide. MODERN 5 room bungalow, full lot full ""V"' basement fireplace. Dutch kitchen. TZYi!1' nnet" electricity, fine condition. 82500. $500 cah. 30th, near Holgate F F Smith, owner. Phone Rdwy. 2986. . " ' ' R Mm VnnAmrn Hi i n . T V. 1 a. - . .. --'- iwm iioora: zire place and built-ina, $2000 cash, baUnce easy "u' nu near.rremont FOR SALE A 3-room cottage, large lot and iiuv necs, xvuu; win tag f ord or Chev rolet Mr in mnrtA AMrfilU. v. . :: ,i: V i1"" " ,u utn casn ma inn, jJ IIICIL. T, Ulfl. 9 5 3. 81250 $400 DOWN; nicely furnished two rocm house, lot 50x100, ahed 15x50. 40 block, from Rose City car. Tabor 9386. SVT.T. ItVQT rvTCTDTCT ------ ' ' . , -111 1 1111. I . fi-eoom O-fftnrw mi.. f ' 1. 1 . . . . . furnace, fireplace, dandy home, any reasonable terms. Sell. 2706. $2450 ROSE CrtT PARK TERMS Siliftv mnHim himiralrtw A , t iwnn inu sleep ing porch, bath, gas, electricity, nice full lot - - . ui m,p, Dsr .. a i . BT owner. 6 room modem bungalow, newhr utrii.i, uamwood floors, tnn cement basement, garage. Phone aauor ivio. KRAZY KAT Igpppl I lig "mamm, V IT- 7 V I 'T is - J WOT ) iw . ,, ' , . . . .. , .... ' ' 1 .it " " I - - N-i ' . V" ,,.':,- iM aw km rcavusw cwvaasTtwc HEAT. ESTATE FOR SALE HOFSFK I Rose City Park . Buyers IF Ton ARE tiQlXC, TO BCT V ' BONE ( ITT PARK TOU OWE IT TO yOVRSELK TO FIRST INSPECT OCR IISTIMiH. ' WE HATR SOLD PROP ERTY IN THIS DISTRICT TOR YEABS. MOST F OCR SALESMEN LIVK IN ROSE CITT PARK, WE MAINTAIN A BRAXtH OFFICE -THERE AT 60TH AVO SANDY. WK KNOW THE HIS TORY OF NEARLY EVERY HOL'SE IN 'HIE DISTRICT. THOSE WHO WANT-' To SELL NATt'RALLY LIST THEIR i PROPERTY WITH I-S. TOU HAVE ALL TO GAIN WE WOl'LD CONSIDER IT A PRIVIu;f;r3 TO SHOW YOU. 1 YOU WILL BE UNDER NO OBLIGATIONS POSITIVELY. ,. A. 0. Teepe Co. : 270 Stark st. near 4t.h. Main 3092: Branch Office, 60th and Sandy. HOME buyers, attention! Rose City Park, the most popular medium priced home section in Portland. We have made a specially of this particular section sine it was placed on the market in vacant Iota. ' We .are thoroughly fa miliar with values -and know the homes where owners;, must aejl, ' You can get in touch with real bargain by seeing us. Inspect oar photos before buying. $4250 This is an attractive bungalow home of A rooms and sleeptna porch, fireplace, usual built-in features and garage. Terms. liOOO Let us show you this attractive corner bungalow borne of 6 room) and bath; finished in enamel and tapestry paper, fireplace, buffet Dutch kitchen, with 7 breakfast nook, hardwood floors, full cement basement, wash trays, street Improvements are all in and paid. This is an exceptional value with immediate lioaeession. Let us show you. It place you under no obligation; autoa at your service. J. A. Wickman Co. "Shortest Way Home" 264 Stark St Main 583 and 1094. HEART OF ROSE CITY PARK 561 E. 60TH ST. N . 1 BLOCKS SOUTH OF SANDY $5500, liberal terms; new, just completed, strictly modern 5 room bungalow, large sleeping purch, hardwood floor. fire:lace, Dutch kitchen, floored attic, built-in effects, elegant plumbing and electric fixtures, ivory and enamel finish; fine color schemes, furnace, full lot paving and sewers paid; fine neighborhood, fine workman ship, double constructed. See this today. Owner on premise 12 to 5 daily. Phone Auto. 233-44. DEAL DIRECT WITH OWNER. J $850CASH$8S0 WONDERFUL ARTISTIC BUNGALOW 43t0 $4300 $4300 $430O 6 LARGE ROOMS SPACIOUS ATTIC HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE , Beautiful buffet. Dutch kitchen and cement basement, extra fine plumviing. NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW Owner's time is all you pay for; no excess; will compare with $6500 homes in other locali ties See it, 50x100. block to car G. C. GOLOENBERG Abington Bldg. Main 4 803. ROSE CITY, $3400 Here is your chance to start right; nice little bungalow of 3 rooms, modern as they make them; furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. Dutch kichen, cement base ment, 'garage and 2 lots. It takes only a amall down payment. JofononOodson Co. 633 N, W.Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $350 CASH UNION AVE. CAR Say. here is I good buy : 1 block to Union ave. we have a good 6-rooxn house with bath, good basement, paved street. If you buy this you'll have the best car service. Union ave. The price is only $3150 with $350 cash, balance ea-.y term. COMTE & KOHLMAN. M. 6530. 208 Chamber of Ccmmerce bldg. SEVEN ROOM AND MODERN .. This is the beot buy in town and within walk ing distance from business center, 2 blocks wet of Union and only 2 short blocks from Broadway; 7 fine rooms, hardwood floors down stairs, large fireplace; full cement basement, fine furnace and large sleeping porch; $5500; rea sonable terms. Address, owner, M 645, Journal FOR SALE SNAP-n-TAKEOONSix-roora house with full cement basement and laundry tubs, good size kitchen, dining room, parlor and reception hall, three bedrocms and bath and full attic, one block from car, one block from Jefferson high school, clofe to normal school; all assessments in and paid to date; some term". 153 Alberta st. . $3150 5 ROOM BUNGALOW Modern except furnace, has hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, ce ment basement, 50x100 lot, improved with fruit and shhrubbery. ' JohnsonDodson Co. 633 NW. Bank J31dg. Main 8787. FINE semi-modern 10 room house, within walk ing distance of west side business center, 2 blocks from I'nion ave. and Rroadway carlinea, corner lot, full cement basement good fnrnac, wash trays, etc.; fine cement gsrage; $6500, $2500 cah. Address owner, N-339, Journal. 1HVINGTON $4250 Semi-modern 5 room cottage, full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, full corner lot; 1 block' from Irvington car and only 3 blocks from Broadway; must have $2500 cash. For appointment address owner, N-340. Journal. LEAVING town, must -sell 7-ruom 2-story . modern bungalow; fireplace, full basement, all "built-ins. Hardwood floor. 'Make me an offer. Tabor 4177. BARGAIN 6 toom modern neat house on busi ness cor., 88x100; improvements complete and paid; no encumbrance. Prices at sacrifice terms. Call at 630 E. 24th rt. 8. Phone Sell. 717. FINE 6 room house, tile basement, garage, full- lot, st improvement all paid. 1 block from ear. close in. East Side. $3500; $1500 cash. Owner. P-287. Journal. BY OWNER For sale or trade for acreage, equity in new modern 6-room bungalow. Call Tabor 2919 after6p. m. . . 8ELLWOOD MODERN BUNGALOW $3000 Pared at, almost new, nice large rooms, lot 127x50. garage. 2 blocks car, $750 cash. Sell. 2706. IRVINGTON $0000. Modem house. 6 rooma. 518 Ch. of Com. bldg. Main 4190. FOR SALE LOTS 1$ CHOICE LOTS. $1 payments, 50x100; cement walks; half acre", $2 payments; acre. $3 pay ments; Alberta car Kennedy school. It. W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. ROSE CITY. . 100x100 corner, 52d and Han cock: improvement paid; $1700. Phone Tabor 6441. . LOT for sale or trade for equity in a amall hour or furnisfainga of apartment or flat Sell wood 1009. ALAMEDA PARK comer, 29th and Prescott sts. ; paved, paid: $900. terms. Tabor 6441. TWO lota, on hard surface, some trade. Auto matic 331-18. ' LADD addition lot at sacrifice. J-140, Journal. ACREAGE S7 10 ACRES, in Marion- eounty, south of Salem; 1 miles to school. On main macadamized highway. All under cultiva tion; small 2-room house. Telephone. R. F. D., cream route. Creek on line. Price S1430. $400 cash, balance $150 year 6 . John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 8 ACRES, all in cultivation, some strawberries, 40 fruit trees, 35 chickens, good cow: place all equipped; 7 room bungalow, all furnished. The best buy in Tigard district 10 miles from Portland. 111 Sell. 8588. or see me at horn. 4 89 E. 34 th st Milton J. Edwards. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 87 CHOICE ACREAGE BARGAINS acres, all cult, fruit and berries, 8 room bouse, 50 ft chicken bona, barn, machine shed. welt. On elec. Una and good ' road. $3500. Tbi u real. . T acre neaverdam. no fruit, new 6 mora plastered house, barn, chicken house, pig pens. well. 1 Bile from dec line. 5000. Half cash, feL . ..- Mr acre, half cult. hal. pasture. 7 room house. 24x40 barn, hum fruit and grapes : right on pavement, ' close to school and church, $4200, terms $1200 down. baL 6 12 acre, all fenced, all eult, on good road, close to elec. line, no building. $1800. Terms. . See -these at once. All within approx. , 8 miles of Vancouver, Wash., close to paved highway and on good roads. A. Gordon Itosst INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry bldg. REAL ACREAGE BARGAIN 5 acres, located on macadamised road, 1 mile from station, Oregon City line: 4 acres under cultivation, 1 acre pasture with creek; no gravel or rock. Bearing orchard of apples, plugns, prunes, logan and straw berries and 50 peach trees; 1 V acres seeded to clover. Good new 4 -room plas tered bungalow, with attic, all the built ina, front and rear porches screened in. Chicken house 14x40, fruit and vegetable cellar with double walls and filled with sawdust between. Woodshed 12x18. With the place goes 3 ton clover hay in barn, acre kale and cabbage, cream separator, chickens and garden tools. Price $3100, $1600 cash. Well worth $4000. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. A New Addition Just Opening Up Down the Columbia nver. close to river, railroad, Columbia highway, school, church, stage and truck lines; on the Oregon side; fine laying land, free from rock or gravel; in traits from 5 to 40 acres. Prices range from $20 to $60 per acre, on terms of $2 per acre down and $1 per acre a month. Or can sell you a fine 10 acre tract at $20 down and $10 per month. Some of these tracts have a beautiful view of the nver, and also fine streams.. Charles Delfel 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. 20 ACRES, less road. mile from elec tric station. 13 miles from courthouse, northwest All can be cultivated. Small amount under cultivation. Good eounty road that will be paved; 4-room double con structed hous with some furniture; large chicken house for BOO chickens. Price $2500, $350 cash, balance $50 quarterly 7 . John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. Excellent landat"$30TPER"ACRE" On Columbia river", between Portland and Astoria; 7200 acres of logged off land lust put on the market in amall tracts: deep rich soil, slightly rolling, good transportation, schools, church, stqre, post office, warehouse and dock. Select now while you can get choice tracts: easy terms Arrange to go Sunday or Wednesday. Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. 10 ACRES unimproved land, 6 miles from ci,.y limits of Portland, S. E.; good land, no rock, or gravel; about 800 cords of wood in standing timber. Price $1000; terms. Also 20 acres down th Columbia river. Price $20 per acre. Nelson, 245 H Wash, st, room lVs, from 3 to 5:30 p. m. 9T4 ACRES. 6 cultivated, 60 fruit trees, small fruit, some buildings, spring; close electric line, $1500; $500 cash, balance terms. Att Bell, room 11, Mulkey bldg. Main 4379. SUBURBAN HOMES 79 HALF acre, with lots of fruit, 4 room house, cement basement, plumbing, city. water, gas, electric lights, chicken house, garage, fine woodshed with lots of bric qiarts which are included with place: nice grounds, lawn and hedge, in city limits; price $2500, $650 cash. Personally in spected. , JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. CAPITOL HILL Nearly 2 acres, half mile from station; 1 acre under cultivation, balance pasture along creek; 15 young bearing fruit trees, 3 room house, large store room, 2 chicken houses, city water and gas in house: price $1650, $050 cash, balance $15 month 6 per cent. Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. 2 ACRES. 2 blocks from Base Line road; 80 fruit trees, cherries, apples, peaches, etc. ; acre of berries ; city water, gas and lights can be had; balance of land in wheat; price $1575. $500 cash. Person ally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON, Ger linger building. FOR SALE FARMS 17 20 ACRES. 2 miles from Raymond or South Bend. Wash. ; 4 acres under cultivation. 15 acres can be cultivated, small orchard, spring and creek, cheap 3 room house with hot and cold water; barn 30x36, chicken house 9x22; spring water piped to house. Included with place, 3 cows, 5 heifers, team of mares, 3-year-old colt; equipment, gas oline launch, hay and feed, telephone in house. Price $3300. $950 cash; mile to school. JOILN FERGUSON .Gerlinger Bldg. 20 ACRES, located on tine road, 1 block from electric station, town and stores; all under cultivation, ' good 7 room house, barn and other buildings, small bearing orchard, the place is stocked and equipped, feed and seed; located on the electric lino 12 miles east of city limits; $1500 cash, balance at 6 per cent JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. FOR SALE 65 acre stork ranch in Cowlitz county, Wash.; 25 acres cleared. 15 slashed, from 1,000.000 to 1,125,000 ft timber, 5 roomed house, 2 bams, other outbuildings, well, spring, family orchard, 35 head cattle, 3 horses, 15 bogs, tools, 15 stands bees, implements, 11 min. from town, lots of outrange; $10,000. Might take business up to $8000. FX-262. Journal. $300 WtU, HANDLE 40 acres of logged -off land between Portland and .Astoria; deep, rich soil, no brush; good roads, school, churches, store and postoffic. Price $30 pet acre, on ea-y terms. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. HOW would you like to have a home that would pay for itself in 2 years? New 4-room bunga low and other improvements, 1 5 acre of bear ing apple orchard, including 30 walnnta, 1 acre of dear land. Call Cable Realty Co.. Tabor 2475. ' , ALFALFA and corn. Choice tracts on Col. highway and river under new govt irrigation canals, low altitude, abundant water, cuts four crop per year alfalfa. Will sell or rent O. C. Howard, owner, 1116 N. W. Bank bldg. Tabor 7884. FOR SALE 4 acres in Oregon City, ell under cultivation,, fenced, lies level. 4 room house andibam and other, bldgs., good well, family oeh ard. $3000. $1200 cash. baL 6. Room 226 Labbe bldg. FOR SALE 40 acres, 11 miles from Portland courthouse. 35 acres under cultivation; 5 acre beaverdam; fine creek on the place; poor house; good barn. Personal property for sale. J. Linari. St. Paul hotel. 80 ACRES A GOObBfjY " Good soil, half under cultivation, good spring water; price $60 per acre; $30k down. 6 years' time on balance. Draper. 307 McKay bldg.. 3d and SUrk. Copyright, 1920, by International rector Service, Inc.) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS II r THIS WEEK ONLY .-. This beautiful farm home will powtivel - withdrawn from th, market At the end of Xhu week if not sold. 80 acres, all in high state of colti ratios except 5 awns reserved lor paa-iur.- about ooe half rich river bottom land, the ha lance extendina along the foothill, eliahtlv rolling. Splendid spring in pasture, good well at house, excellent fagnily orchard, 3 tons pear sold this season; a fond 10 room house, large new barn with room for IS head of atock, doubi garage, chicken house 12x82, brooder 14x20, hog house 14x24, on gravel road, few rods to hard aurfeee road, H anile to electric R. R. station, 1 mil to Dayton high school, churches, lodges,, store, etc.. Price for quirk sale actually cut from $9500 to $8000. Long tim. on half at O. B. RtPPET. 610 MtKsy bldg., 8d and Starkv Main 6229- 30 ACRES, ALL IN HIGH STATE. OF CULTIVATION- . ' Perfectly lerrl, not a foot of waste land, 4 mile from Forest Grove, garden spot of Oregon; has a 6 room house nearly new, furniture nice and clean; bam, lota of outbuildings, fall crops most all in; family orchard, close to school, on milk and mail route. - With thia go good team. 3 fine cows, J 00 cbicketm. 12 tons of hay. lot of kale and potatoes, wheat and corn for feed. Don't pass tbia up. Price $8000. You can go here and start right in and make monev. STEWART ft RUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. - 167 ACRES. 41 mile north Portland. X. mile from good county seat town, 30 acre under cultivation, 80 acres can ba farmed; half mile to high and grada school; 400 fruit tree 8 years old, prune, cherries, apples; creek through place; 8 roorrt house, barn 80x50, chicken house, wagonr shed; price $7000, with 13 cows, 1 bull, lots of open pasture on place, making this a good dairy ranch; $3500 cash. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Hldg. FOR RENT or sale. 300 acres, about 240 acres in cultivation. 041 L, Journal. Vancouver, Washington. FOR BENT-FARMS 14 THIS IS A DANDY DAIRY PROPOSITION 20 bead of cattle, good team, all tools and farm machinery, fins big red barn, 8 room house, running water, rent of 80 acres is $200 year. All personal property is $3000, some terms. Plenty of hay and feed for winter; on mail and cream route, 22 milea from Portland. STEWART ft BUCK, 815 Northwestern Bank Bldf. IRRIGATED LANDS 43 LET your irrigated farm- pay for itself. AU you need is a reasonable payment down, balance to suit you up to 20 years. Ocboco Irrigated Farms are not excelled anywhere. Call or writ for booklet on details. 806 N. W. Bank bldg. M. 4410. Ochoeo Irrigated Lands Co. HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEADS One hundred and sixty acre homestead, all level land, on irrigation ditch; plenty of wood and water, on main auto road, 8 miles from town; excellent soil and no' rock, an ideal location. Will let Swedish people have it for $1 an acre; none other need appy. P. O. box 60. La Pine, Or. CAN LOCATE you on a good homestead, Port land or Roseburg district, farming or timber tracts. Also have some good relinquishment. E. W. Helm. 317 Board of Trade bldg. TIMBER 8 hOTiCE OF SALE OK GOVERNMENT TIM BER GENERAL LAND OFFICE Washington. D. C. October 18. 1920. Notice im hereby given that subject to th. con ditions and limitations of the Act of June U. 1915. (39 Stat, 218), and the instructions of the secretary of th interior of September IS. 1917, th timber on the following lands will b sold November 29, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m , at public auction at the United State land of fice at Rowbarg, Or., to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sal to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior, i- The pur chase price, with an additional ton of on fifth of one-per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at tim.v of sale, money to be returned if salfts not approved, ctherwis patent will issue for th. timber which mu't -be. removed within 10 yean. Bids will b receired from citixens of the United States, as sociations of roch citizens and corporations or ganized ni.de r the laws of the United Stales ot any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, th. timber on any legal subdivision will b. offered separately be for being included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 21 8.. R. 1 W . Sec. 81. NEtA NW14. fit 640 M.. cedar II U, NW 14 NW4, fir 87w M. None of th. fir or cedar to b. sold for less than $1.80 per U. T. 21 8., R. 3 W . Sec. 81. NW1 SE, fir 425 M., NE14 8Wli, fir 820 M., NWSW. fir 500, M., SW54 SW14. fir 900 M. None of the fir to be aold for 1ms ft an $l.r.0 per M . BE 14 SW14. fir 82S at., 8W 14 SE , fir 500 M. Nona of th. fir lo b. sold for leas than $175 per M. CLAT TALLMA.V, Comm. General Land Of fie. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER, General Land Office, Washington, D. C, November 3. 1920 Notice is hereby el Ten that, subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of Juna 9. 1916 (89 Stat, 2181. and the instructions of the Secretary of the In terior of September 15, 1917, the timber on the following lands will be sold December 22, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction at the United States Land Office at Portland. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value a shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of on. per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be de posited at time-of sale, money to be returned if the sal is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed within ten years. Bids will b. received from citizen of the United States, associations of such citizen and corporations organized under the laws of the United .States or any state, ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered eeparately before being included in any offer of a larger unit T. 4 8.. R. 3 E... Sec. 5, NE NW , fir 760 M., cedar 20 M.; 8EH NW. fir 960 M.. cedar 15 M. ; NW 14 SW4. fir 815 M. ; SW14 8W14. fir 380 M., cedar 20 M; SE 14 8'S, fir 60O M.. cedar 10 M. : sec 33 BE 14 SW14, fir 1370 M. ; SW NW14. fir 1090 M ; NW SW. fir 425 M., none of th fir or cedar to ba sold for less than $1.50 per. At. CLAY TALLMAN Commissioner General Land Office. SELL 50.000.000 fir. excellent logging; ex perienced logger; wilt take half interest and operate; F-63J ,Jonrnal. EXCH AX GE REAL EST A TF. 24 UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY ON EXCHANGE 19 acres of the very bet loam soil, 6 acres of river bottom, 1.6 acres under the plow, all fenced and cross fenced, exceptionally fine trout stream through back side of place, 2 acres of assorted orchard in full bearing, small fruits of all kinds, good 6 room house, extra good dairy barn, con crete foundation: good dairy, woodshed, cellar, tool bouse, wood for domestic use, bountiful laying piece of land, rolling enough for good drainage, fine spring near the house, adjoining highly im proved farms. 1 14 miles from small town and cheese factory on main county road 2 mile from electric car line with all rural advantage. Will accept good city property or acreage up to $3000. Price $5000. THOMPSON. SWAN A LEE. Third and Main St. Vancouver, Wash. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS $5000 Thia splendid 7 room bouse, thoroughly mod ern, hardwood floors, all kinds of built-ins, good garage, avill exchange for 4 or 5 acre suburban home, prefer Tigard district; will trade even or will assom amall amount Se Mr. Stephens, PEE IRKaAEl ? 732 Chamber of Commerce. WANT8 SUBURBAN HOME Client has 4 80 -acre wheat farm in Sherman Co., 400 acres summer , fallow, ready to seed: price $40 an acre. Will exchange for improved tract near Portland, with good buildings. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES H4 acres under cultivation, bal- ance logged off land at Mnlloy, Or., to trade for modern 8 room house, Albina preferred. Call Mar. 3837, in evening. EXCHAXGE REAL -ESTATE U HEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE OFFICE ACTION! ACTION! - ACTION 1 Tour vacant lots, your bntn or other city property., try experienced brokers. . A. I Jordon Rosa, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Bdwy. 4751. . 410 Henry Bldg. I HAVE tome cash Dd clear land, W. Klickitat Co., for yoor house equity. Wxnt 4 to 6 r. soon. G C. Howard, 1115 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8931. WANTED REAL ESTATE - 81 IF YOUR house fs for sal and you want quirk action, call on us. W have customer wait ing and w. make quick aales. Prices mus the right We will net list your home unless we think it will sell. W call, appraise and photo graph your property. J. L. liartman Company. S Chamber of Commerce . bldg., 4 th and Stark. Main 208. 5 ACRES, til under cultivation with exception ally - nice log bungalow, fireplace, Portland gas in house; located at Orenco, $330rt.--)a,W'iI trade for Portland house about same value. O. A. Pcaree, 15 chamber of Com. eves.. Sell. 1115. Main 3638; IS YOUR HOME FOR SALE? List it with U5. We need home ranging in price from $3000 to $6000 and have buyers waiting; Phone, call, write. COE A. M KENNA 4 CO., 82 Fourth at Main 4522. W E need your farm and close in acreaga. Have buyers waiting. Phone, write or call on ut at once. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. ?64Starkat. Main 1094 andBSS. NOTICE We buy, sell or exchangeclty prop erty, any size; also farma or large tracts. A. K. Hill Co.. 426 Lumbermen bids. Realtors. LONG ESTABLISHED RELIABLE SERVICE WHY WORRTT I ran sell or trade anything, anywhere. C W. Villership, Alder hotel. Main 6276. WANTED From owner. 6 or 6 room house, not over $2000, $300 cash, balance monthly. 0-545, Journal. 1 WANT a bargain in a fractional kt with ot without house, south of Montgomery street between 6th and 20th sts. H-78. Journal. IF PRICES and terms are right can get imme diate results. 228 Chamber of Commerce. WANT small property Alberta district: give par- Oculars. 228 Chamber of Commerce. , WANT bargain in 4 or 5 room house. Have lot and balance cash. 8200 E. 52d st. Booaiura houses, apartments AND HOTELS FOR SALE 88 HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMING HOUSES H. W. GARLAND, 201 3D. COR. TAYLOR. , BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 26 WANTED-Today, $500 to $1000. Services office, shipping and selling. Fancy Pacific coast fruits, nuts. etc. Special combination boxes, baskets and packages. Wholesale and retail. Big holiday trade aura. J. B. Leiser, Hotel Couch. ESTABLISHED farm producta bu-iness, best wnoiesale and retail trade in town; must dis pose of on account of health; will consider poultry ranch or farm in exchange; reference furnished. Q-559, Journal. . ONE of the best livery-or sale stables in Port- land with 15 good cows and 12 horses: also feed fur winter. Will sell above for any reasonaoie oner, or trade lor a larm. o-184. Journal. tnitatx ranch tor rent close wi, 3 room house and garage, 3 Urge chicken houses, large lot. cow barn: rent $15 a mo. 00 chick ens. 23 rabbits. 18 pairs of pigeons, 5 in- cuoator. ior sate. wain. oo. FOR SALE Meat market. In a town of 1500 population, doing good business; must leave On account of sickness. Address P. F. Kohr, Wsllowa, Or. FOR SALE or trade, stor. building and fix tures; living rooms, modem, good plumb ing; good place fur grocer or butcher shop. 6405 S2d st S. E. IF YOU are looking for a little business at in . voice pric where all your time is needed, address G-74. Journal, for interview. MAN handy with tools, and little money, to loin i me in the general repair business. See ana at 853 Oberlin st- a i FRUIT stand for sale, Yamhill between 1st and 2d. See Mr. Fox before December 1. Party leaving town. 231 Yamhill st. WILL SELL cheaD home bakery doing eood business. . Good reason for selling. Apply 776 Williams ave. Printing for Less Ryder Ptg. Co. Main Kn86. 192 d at. $10,000 INVESTMENT; you will consider if investigated. V-605, Journal. PRINTING BUSINESS for sale. . 105 14 4 th st. presses. Bl"SIESS OPPORTUNITIES WASTED S WANTED To buy interest in rooming bouse or chicken ranch. F-631. Journal MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 CITT LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property or for improvement purpose. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or 11' 1.24 per month for 60 months, or- $15.17 per month for 96 months pays loan of XiUUO ana interest. Loans of other amounts in same proportion. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASS'N. 242 Stark St. Portland, Or. I HAVE THE MONEY READY No waiting; several clients after me to place their money for them. If you want a loan in any -amount up to $8000 at 6 and 7 in terest, come and see me now. while I have the money available. Fred S. Williama. 506 Pan ama bldg. NO DELAY NO DELAY $1C00 $150J9 $2000 $8000 AND CP We Loan Our Money on Real Estate. F. H. DESHON, 615 CHAM. OF COM. $300. $400. $500, $600, $750. $1000 AND up Lowest rates, quick action. Pay $100 or more shy Interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Msin 1370 MONEY" TO IX1AN$3007$500. $7007$ 1 OOfTi $1500. $2000, on city improved property at 7 per cent J. L. Well Co., 008 Gasco bldg. $300, $400. $500, $750. 11000 and" up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. Ger- man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BUILDING loana on city and suburbs n property, money advanced aa work progresses. W. G. Beck, 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 8407, MONEY to loan, $100 to $5000. a7"H. Belt ll Mulkey bldg. Main 4379. SEE OREGON INV. " MORTGAGE CO.. 225 Chamber of Commerce. 4 th and Stark. JIONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 SALARY LOANS CHATTELS WE LOAN MONET on abort noti-e to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly payment. Each tranaaction strictly confidential - NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. (LICENSED) . 218 FAILING BLDO. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N Phone Broadway 910. 894 Rtark St.. Near 10th. Loans on diamonds, watches, Victrolas. pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. CARRIE MYERS HERMAN, Manager. MOSEY TO IO AN CHATTELS, - :'J SALARIES DO YOU NEED MONEY? JOANS MADE ON ' AUTOMOBILES FURNITURE. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATK. BONDS OR ANYTHING OF JAI.I E. SKfURITY USUALLY LEFT IN lOI R POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES R ON FURNITIRK OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE, WE WILL PAY THEM UP, ADVANCE TOU MORE MONEY. IF NECESSARY, AND YOU CAN REPAY tS IN SMALL MOMJiTHI.Y PAYMENTS TO 8UIT YOUR OONVENIENCK LEGAL RATES NO DELAT PORTLAND ' LOAN CO. (LICENSED 806 807 DEKUM BLDG.. 3D AND WASH. MONEY TO TcOAN On goods rTsced in storage with ns. We can save you money. I.nw interest rates. Phone Broadway 8715. Security Storage Transfer Co., 534h at., corner of Pine. QUICK money" to "salaried people" on unsecured note. Confidential investigation. 816 Cham bcY ,if Commerce bide. Licensed. IQAjiy WANTED FOR CHOICE FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS See A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermen bldg. LONG ESTARLISHEl) REMABLE SERVICE SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber ot Commerce. - FINANCIAL $1 MONEY TO LOAN On surplus stocks of merchandise placed In stor age with us- Phone Broadway 8715. Security Storage. & Transfer Co., 63 4th at, ;cornr- of tine WE BUY first and second -mortgage and aeli, VUltLI CIB- 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CASH yaid for mortgages and sHer'entrsrts on real estate in Washington or Oregon, ii E. Noble, 816 Lunibermn bldg. - HO RSE S, VEH 1CLES. ETC. 18 FOR SALE OH EXCHANGE 70 head of horses. Will exchange for automobiles, boraes, males or cattle. I guarantee all of my stock aa 1 represent it Have horse from 4 to 12 years old and 4100 to 1700 lbs. Hire by the day, week or month. Have all kinds of harness, farm implements, grading tools and wagons; Kirstin stump puller, one of the best makes; Hurst sprayiiig machine. Phil Uuetter, 285 Front st.'Crimn Stable. U. S. STABLES 1 4 head of marcs and horses from 5 t 1 years old. weight 1300 lbs. to 1800 lbs.; hevy boned. blocky built; some well, matched team; all horse guaranteed as - represanted; trial al lowed. U. S. Stables. 863 Union ave. S., cor ner of Stephens st., G. D. Williamson A Glaaa. TEAM, weight 2400; harness and 8-inch farm wagon; good woggtcra. $140; 10 head of other good work horses, weight 1100 to 1600 to be aold cheap, age from 6 to 10 year. Wagons, buggies and harness. Wood Yard Sta bles, cor E. 9th and Hawthorn av. Phone East 6106. GOOD young pair senile, trut. seiviveable mares, roan and black, Belgian stock, weight 2500 lbs., very chunky birlt, used to ranct. work. Price $190 cash. 381. Water, corner Montgomery, west side. $35 BUYS a nice gentle pony and saddle; one big 8200-lb turn and Bntchen harness. $150; on 4 yr. old colt weight 1H0O. atml. f.nd broke in single and double. Harry Davis, 234 Front st. ft of Main. $225 BUYS pair or matched sorrels, weight 2400 lbs.; guaranteed gentle and good work ers; harness and 3 14 -in. wagon; all in good snape. 7 1 07 Ih av. M-s car, go west 4 block. Tabor 6634. SPAN 2700 lb. brown Percheron mares, 6 years old, well broke and gentle, in good condition. Price $200. Keystone -Stables, 381 Water, cor ner Montgomery, west sloe. THREE good young teams, 4 and 5 years; some single horse,' one young mule. Stock is all right Come, see for yourself. Will ex plain more. Just from farm in Washington. .4 27 E. Clay at., aero s from Ziegler Feed store. FOR SALE, team of geldings, weight 2400 lbs. 8 and 9 years eld, farming buplements, jut used one season; must sella.t onre. leaving ranch. Ownr, 4125 72d ft Tavwr 4427 K. Bracy. GOING out of business : must telST iC once :l!5 head of good work horses; some well matched teams, just out of hard work; all kinds of bar ness and wagons. 430 Hawthorne ave. F0H SALE At bargain, 1 3 head of horses weighing from 1900 to 1800 lbs.,. 4 to R y -i. old. Call at Uel&er Transfer, stables, E. 1. and Flanders. 'Ji.AM weighing 2400 lbs., sound and gooo workers, harness and farm wagon. Will sen cheap as I have do further il tot them. 4010 67th st Mt Scott ear. 8EVERAL good, cheap teams and aingl. hones, wagons, buggies and harness cheap,, or exchange for cattle or anything that 1 can use. 802 Front street 2400-LB. team. 7 and. U years old, harnes and farm wagen, $175. Mt Scott car to 1 re mont station. 4 blocka sotitii to ; 65th ave. a block .we-t. Southwest corner. FOR 8 ALE OR TRADE for Ford car,- team of horses, weight 2600; sound and true; good harness. 3W-in. wki. tired wagon. 293 East 6 thv - . $125-"rAKES 2000-lb. team and harness, 7 and 8 years oid; $175 takes 2U00-lb. team and harness; 3 14-wsgon. 420 Hawthorne ave. BROWN mare 1200 lbs., gray mare 1050 lbs., harness and wagon, cheap for cash or trad, for anything I can use. East 3550. SIX in of good young horse, weight from i 2500 to 3500 lbs.; also 5 sets of double bar nes,eryj5liep. Call at886 Powell Vsllcy road. 2800 LB. team. 2300 "lb. team, alngieliors. 1200', 1250 lb. mule, harness and three farm wagons and buggy. 844 17th st, near Market. A GOOD 2400 lb. team, mar and gelding; first man with $75 takes them. Aak for Edd team, 802 Front at 13O0-LB. bay mare, single harness and light wagon, $110. 1394 Hawthorne an, Corner 50th st 2900-LR. team, blocky built, harness and wide tire farm wagon, cheap, or trade for a car. Woody A Conner, 50th and Hawthcmc. $70 BUYS 1200 lbs. bay mare, young, gentle, sound, broken single or double. 381 Water, corner Montgomery, west side. i TEAM honest work horse, weight 2550 lbs., sound, harness and wagon, $200 for all. 6647 85th st Woodstock car. FOUR teams of young mares, ju-t off my ranch. 2400 to 2600 lb. $175 to $250 per team. 4301 67th at. Mt, Scott car. - . HORSES for rent, double and singl. 540 Front. DEAD horse taken quickly, cow. Phone Tabor 4203. Call for dead B0RSE for sal. 177 Watts st. LIVESTOCK 10 COWS, fresh and coming fresh. $ to 5 gals Sell or trad for beef cattle. Take Vancouver car to Columbia blvd. go I block north. " L8 REGISTERED Cotawold ewe, coming 2-year-old, $15 per head. Box 61, North Portland. Oregon. ' 10 HEAD of good cows, 1 fresh and 9 heavy stringers: will sell the herd'Tery cheap tf taken at once. Call at 896 Powell Valley road.'t FOR SALE Two Jerseys, T Holstein, ear old heifer, $60. Call Aut 815-87; eve nings, after 8. - -" THREE milch goats, 1 Billy, $100. A bargain. 8f N. 19th t " FllESH dairy and family cow; take . beef in exchange. 923 Belmont, Bunnyside car. F7rR""TsALEl fresh Jemy-Iurbam'cow.CaTl Tabor6272. FRESH Jersey cow for sale.. S 29 '""Columbia blsid. Woodlawn 4144. . FOR iSALE Five cows, soma fresh. Pric. $50 and up. II. Mackey, toot of Taylor. FAMILY cow for sale cheap. 4607 Halyt WANTED Beef, v.a! anoTbog. Tabor 78357 By Herriman i I 1 1 V a l. if -r r, Ir. a 1 .a. ne., 1 int-v-M vviuj nji lou-trvuiiHZ, I LL. ifcr ST H.VE. OAJ MW . . HE 5 JUSTUS 4 ABLE AS 64 t A TAt'CAI rtAi It LIVESTOCK ' 1 FOR SALE A 4"yearold reredTWiiuV. fresh !ecembet 2: her da was from th famous Hollywood farm and i-Vkrd 60 pounds with ordinary rare aa a 8 year-old. - A rare op portunity to get th best foundation atock at Seasonable price. .J. C. Lemon, 1 mil north of lewberg,; Orf - -.: - - - FIRE SALE ON SHRKP - ' - Any breed, any aimtwr, either grade eavj"' registered, . Boa 61, North Portland, Or. FOR HALE Young sow with M pigs ready to wean. $70. It J. Wilson. Hull ave,, Jen nrng I .odge. Or. On bank -of Willamette river. POULTRY AND TtABBITS; IT PROGRESSIVE : HATCHERY 1834 K 12T11 N. WDLN. 148L Demand will be greater than ever fog BABY CHtCKS this spring: order for Feb. and March NOW. ao aa to secure soma of our Hoganlaed, trag nested Reds, Rocks and Leghorns. - lOiT fHokOUifllHUKD VVhru'Tglmra March end April pullets, aom. laying; take as many as you want; $1.60 and up. Heavy egg strain ' Stark and 75th st W. y.-Stark car.- BABY rhk-ks, 'heat laying s. a Ctiiiit'M, winter egg machine; 221 egg flock average) . first batch Feb. 20; order now. A; -T. Me- '-Sllln- PA B: i'1"- Portland. Or. East-404. JOHN'S RHODE ISLANDTEDS' ' f Splendid breeding cockerels, at a sacrifice. " oSSWihams ae:jrli3l7.8t. FOR QUICK sale, 18 O. A. C. Whit Leghorn pullets. $1.75 ech. gom laying. Tabof . TANCRED. strain Whit 1-eghorn' hen. puUeta. cockrels. incubators. Tabor 3822. WHEAT. $8 50 Tpp-prx-UCKLE"M"ASft SCRATCH $8.75 IT ECU Woedl.w. 4344. WHITE LEGH6RTTi.na7$1.257 We" dalive. Tabor 6895. 6848 84th t B. E. DOGS, BIRDS. PETS, ETC. 48 EXCEIJJENT stock St. And res, berg rollerT males $10, females. $2. Call after Sonday at 1091 East 24th st N. . TOY black and tan puppies. Chihnahnji pnppi. Three miles east Beaver Creek road. J. H. Law. Toy Kennels, R. 8, B. 62t Oregon City. BIRDS for sale. Linnetta- Hart-mounUi singers. Tabor 7056.- LLEWELLYN setter pups , for sale. Mart hail 4333. .684 Hood,- 1 HO ROUG 1IB RED St Andreasburg roller m song. Phone Sellwood 2801. TRAINED St Andreasburg Roller very reaaosv able. East 660. PEDIGREED Airedale puppies. Tahor 2474. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 Real. Buys"-- .',-.- Dodge touring, Just overhauled andre painted. at $685. It' a buy. 7 Oakland Six. en of those light is that cnsts.litUo to run. It's a 1919. Only $750. - .' . Overland model 90. Tea.-u.'a a ltlts I r i. uu yw VTiKm MM OOJJ OUU. Paige Ught six at $1050. Think of Rt 1919 Chevrolet touring at 1600. , Don't paa these up. WELLER MOTOR COMPANT, . Washington at 15th. - PLAIN PRICES' - . . - The merchant who bains your confidence Is all bis cards on the table h. put plain prices on his goods. We. as sellers of used ears, do likewise. All of our ads show the yesr, model and price. Every csr Is tagged In plain figures.. Corns in and be your own salesman. 1917 Overland 78. touring, rebuilt; a goo vain. $354)' 1918. Overland 90, touring, repainted. - i good tirea and repair . . - ., 600 - 1918 Chevrolet Baby Grand tourini, eitrt, good condition throughout ........ 7S( 1020 Overland touring, used........ 86 1920 Overland 4. roadatar. $U Eight Ter Cent Interest on Deferred , U PaymenU WILLYS OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY. Hroadwar and Dana LIBERTY ROADSTER. '19 MODEL " HERE 18 THE M A K E CAR TO IT-r RARELY SEE ON THE MARKET. AND T1U ONE IS IN THU .VERY finaat condition that a car could ba in. lias aom. .xtraa and th. ear rnna perfectly. We have a very low price on tad , one, and will tak $4 25 down, balance easy, or , take touring car In trade at right pric. Opea Sundays at 514 ALDER ST. r MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY ATTENTION. CAR OWNERS W will overhaul your ear for a small eon tract price. We specialize on complete over hauls, generator and electrical work, battery re charging and repairing,, welding and bracing. Get our prices, they will aurpris you. AU work absolutely guaranteed. Ford magneto re charged. Hemphill Trade Srhoola. 707 Haw thorn, cor. goth. Phone East 8068. MAXWELL TOURING, $465 This is a lata model and ha been refinished and run fine; full leather top has been put on, and this is bargain at th above pric. Wilt take a Ford in trad. Open Sundays. Tak $175 down, balance monthly. MURPHY MOTOR UAR COMPANY, -. loth at Alder St. WEAVER TIRE COMPANY -FEDERAL TIRES . ' OREGON VULCANIZING CO, - TIRE REPAIRING 883-895 Burnsid t Broadway. COLUMBIA SIX. 5-PA8S TOURING. LOOKS AND IS ALMOST LIKE NEW. COIUL TIRES, CUTOUT. SPOT LIGHT AND OTHER EXTRAS; FOR DEMONSTRATION AND PRICK CALL MAIN 6641, APT. 800. FORD SEDAN Brand new 1920 Sedan, nm 850 mile, many extras. Bargain for quhjk sale. Koota Benson hotel. FbRWtoadaters. equipped ' for light deli v.ry s (OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS) 845 UNION AVE., NR. BROADWAY EAST f6. 1920 STEPHENS, aiort model, touring ear, one of th best buvs in Portland In a fina ear. Will take a light car or bug aa part payment Terms. Broadway 8606. 1916 PODGE Rokdatex in good mechanical cot- dltion. $425. ' t. (OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINfiS) s 845 UNION AVE.. NR. BROADWAY. .EAST 88, 1418 BUtCK 0 Touring in A-l machaoloal condition; bargain. (OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS! - ? 4 UNION AVE., NR. BROADWAY., EAST 18. HUDSON 6-40, In good running order, new paint tire, etc: 8200 dawn, easy terms. Phone Broadway 3606. AT YOUR PRICE Winton 6-48. Bring- the cash end drive r$ away.- 210 Jefferson. CASH paid for old cars, condition no obit: part for all make of ear. Oregon Ant Exchange, 448 Flanders, nr. 11th. Bdwy. 8508. . 80x3 MICHEI.IN 5 ply tires, $20. None better. We know how to repair tires. Vnl- ran Tire shop, ;rnd ve. at Pin. E. 4898. MAX WEL touring, look and runs like M amall payment down, eaajr. terms on balance. , Broadway 3605. ' Auto Tops STxwS: Tti Salmon st, between 6th end Broadway. HAVE 19liTlodge"totrd for lot Most be In good location and clear; oat pavement Tabor 1655. FORD delivery body et practically your own price. Terminal Garage, 5tb and Hoyt. Broad- way1585. . ' .. . Tlf A T CI.A H8 Y tallow Oldsmobniritearcat road- . ster. WiH sell outright or trade lor touringOJ car. 2si rrom cor. jeiierson. FOR SALE 2 kvaiKt new Federal cord ttrea. , 83x4. at cast price, $52 each; taken 16 osv account. Phone Bdwy. 8287. WE PUT Steel testhln your old hy wheel; crank aha ft turning. H. B. Black, machine shop. 684AMerL . Broadway 2681. AUTO " WRECKING, ll pari for all ear. PORTLAND AUTO WRECKING CO.. 29t Union ave., near Hawthorn. EAST 7 sen. Ol.Do 8 touring, lttl. cord tires; will trade lot light ear. Eat 4376. i . . OAKLAND 6, with new paint onT must U, aa make us an offer, Broadsray siun 1 TON Federal truck with trailer for 8699 for eordweod hauling. Wdln. 1978. - - OVERLAND 90, in good nihoinf . order, and very cheap. Brodwy 8606. ? ". "" EYiKfui reoaintedr-618. Boblnaon Smith Ca.l Ath and liadiaon. V 1918 BUCK touring, good tirea, good ruwn order. 4 811 72d at 8. E. Tabor 89T2. , fTRES Slightly need, $8 to 81$ each. Jtx nert tire repairing. 807 Mdiow- . : . TRAILER. $50; Master carburetor, $11, nor 8938. - Ta- Pioneer Paint 86 rim at. 3250 BUYS 1817 MaaweU in good wmditioo, 2 new tire. Et 178. " 1917FOBD touring, only $260. 742 Glin." - (OentrnMeal n reOowing Paste)