The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 30, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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    TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1820.
' Trawlers to all point of th. TTnitad State or
troad should tak. adrentac. of axpcrfcneed in
formation and aerrlee offered through Tb. Ora
on Journal Information and Travel Bursan, in
personal charge of Doner B. Bmitb. mad
Beasts and atcaminip booking, arrant ad. For
ties xchanga Issued, '. Information sires regard
kn passports.
Flrrt Animal Orctoa Stat Corn Snow. Port
land, Kovaoibcr 18 to February 87. 1921.
Orctoa Stat Horticultural aocirtr. annual
seatta. Eoaana, December 2, and 4.
Orecoa and goutb Idaho Educational nnloa,
Th. riallaa, lcmbeT 2 to 4.
Oncost SUM Hotel Man. Kocana. Itaoambar
Western Winter bow, Oreeon Poultry and
Pat Stock association. Tba Auditoninn, Porv
land. Deormber IS to 18. -
lata Teacbera' association. Portland. Daeam
aar f. P. A."'jrat aaaociaUoa. Portland. Daoam-
Retail nardeara and Implement dealer. Fort
4and, Janata 23 to 8. i
Oreana association. Marsb
(J.14. February.
Pacifia Coast -Society of. Ortnodonlata, Fbr
TJ 19 to IS. - ' i ,
Brotherhood of Amfrli-in Teomen, lUU eon
elara, Eugene. April. 1921.
A. O. U. W.. grand lodge. April, third Tues
day. ;
Foreatera nf America, (rand court. Portland,
alar 22 to 28. '
Military Order of tha Loyal Legion Portland,
Uty 10 , M
Knighta of Colnmtraa, Uta council, Portland.
Mar SO.
-State Dental society. 1S21.'
'PorUand and Vicinity Vtdnda Tain;
easterly wind.
. Oregon and Washington - - Wednesday fair
east portion, rain waat portion; moderate east
erly winda.
Shallow drprMainna are apparent in Miasonri,
in western Canada and off the north Pacific
riaat. Elsewhere the preaeur. is high, the high
est, reading being on the north Atlantic coast
I ml In Southeastern Idaho and Northern t ub.
PreclpiuUon haa occurred in British Columbia,
and in the Lake region, middle Miaeiaainpi
alley and central plains statea. The weather
is much colder in parta of British Columbia, Al
berta and Nebraaka, and much milder in Colo
rado. The temperature la generally snore nor
mal in the northern itate and below normal in
the South. , . .. .. jf ' .
Relative humidity at Portland Noon yester
- day, 15 per cent; 6 p. m. yesterday, 77 per
cant; 5 a. m. today, 87 per cent.
Precipitation alnce January 1 Total, SZ.91
inches; normal. 87. T9 faichea; deficiency, 4.88
inches. EDWARD L. WELLS.
Baker. Or
Boston, Mass
Buffalo. N. T.
'hlraeo. III. ........
Tienrer.. Colo.. ......
Pea Molne. Iowa ....
Freano, Cal. .......
GaJreston, Texas . . . .
Helena. Mont. ......
Honolulu, T. U.
Huron, B. D. .......
Juneau, Alaska .....
Kansas City, Mo. . . . .
Loe Angela. Cal ....
Marafafield, Or.
Hertford, Or.
Mempbia, Term. . . . . .
New Orleans, I. a. . . .
New Tork. N. Y.
North Head Wash. ..
Oklahoma City. OkU.
Pboenix. Aria.
Pittsburg. Pa- ......
PocateUo. Mafia
Portland. Or.
Prince Rupert, B. C. .
Boseburg, Or .
Boewell, N. M. i
. Sacramento, CaL , . . .
St. Louis, Mo. i . . . .
St. Paul, Minn.
Salt Lake City. Utah. .
Sao Inego. Gal
San -Francisco. Cal. . .
Seattle, Wash
Sheridan, Wyo. -
Bpokane. Wash, : . . . .
Tatnoah Island, Wash,.
Tonopah, Ner. . ...
Vancouver, B. C. . .
Walla Walla, Wash. . .
Washington, D. C. .
Takima, Wash.
b .
TEMP. , g
42 80 0
44 84 O
40 44 .18
44 28 0.
42 40 .42
68 42 0
60 62 0
. ... 28 O
T8 02
82 26 0
88 24
42 80 .05
78 80 0
64 88 0
4 81 0
50 40 .08
62 46 0
42 80 0
56 52 0
50 84 .01
72 84 0
48 86 0
88 24 0
68 41 0
42" 86 .20
4' 40 O
62 22 O
60 44 0
48 40 .18
' 86 '86 0
86 24 0
74 62 0
60 62 0
52 44 0
60 20 0
46 82 0
48 ....
60 88 0
48 46 .62
48 84 0
88 88 0
48 28 0
'Afternoon report of preoeding day.
. . Ad Clab domination Nomination of
offlcerg for election one . week" hence la
to constitute the very exciting' program
at the Portland Ad club, "Wednesday
jrcon. While there will be much contest
- for directorships, it is said that there
, ; will be little opposition to the candidates
tor the principal offices. W. S. Kirk
pa trick for president. George L. Rauch
. for first vice president. L. It. Bailey for
second vice president and W. J. Piepen-
brlnk for Rocretary-treasurer. Charles F.
Berg will preside. Percy Campbell and
his American band will furnish the
Shephard't Aato Bai Llaea Portland
St. Helens division Leave PorUand 7 :30
a. m.. 10 a. tn., 1 -.30 p. m.. 4 p. m. ; ar
rive St. Helens, 9 a. m., 11 :30 a. m., 3
p. m.. 5 :30 p. m. Leave St. Helens 7 :S0
a m.. 10 a, m.. 1:30 p. m., 5:30 p. m. ;
. arrive Portland,, 9 a. m., 11:30 a. m.. 8 p.
' m.. 7 p. m. Saturday and Sunday leave
St Helens p. m. ; leave Portland-11 :15
p m. Buses leave St. Charles, hotel,
Front and Morrison. Phone Marshall
. 4381. Ady.
'Class Meets Tonight The class in In
terior decoration which Everett Bab-
cock Is conducting will meet this evs
- ring at 8 at Cartosian Bros.' store, 893
" Washington street. ' Miss - Nazik JCiris-
hian will demonstrate weaving. Turkish
coffee and Oriental confectionery will
be served at the conclusion of the lec
tures. :
Bids for Provisions Bids for supply
ing groceries and merchandise for state
' institutions will be received by the state
board of control until December 18. Pro
posal blanks of the supplies needed have
been received by the trade department of
; the Chamber of Commerce.
Scandinavian Missionaries The Rev.
and Mrs, M. D. Chrlstensen, mission
aries in the Scandinavian' Alliance to
Swaziland, Africa, will speak and sing
-. at the Swedish tabernacle. Seventeenth
and Glisan streets, Wednesday evening
' at 8 o'clock. An offering will be taken
for the mission they represent.
Snephard's Anto Bnt fines Portland
Hood River division : Leave PorUand
9:30 a. m., 10:30 a. m., 2:45 p. m. Ar
rive Hood River 12 :!0 p. m., 2 p. m., 6 p.
m. Buses leave St. Charles hotel. Front
and Morrison. Phone Marshall 4381. Ad.
Deaconess' Work Lecture Dr. E. C.
Tullar, assistant secretary of tha gen
eral deaconess board of the Methodist
Episcopal church, will deliver an illus-
7X2? 1
(rated lecture, showing deaconess work
at Montavilla Methodist church tonight
at S o'clock. ' The lecture will twi re
peated Wednesday night at the Lents
church. Thursday night ; at University
Park and Friday night at .Woodlawn
Mail Robbery Charged Lea Weygandt,
20, now held In the county Jail at Mc
Mlnnville, was formally charged Monday
afternoon with robbing the postofflc at
Ballaton, "Polk county, the night of No
vember 18, and with, stealing $2.77 from
the postal funds. He broke a window to
gain entrance, according to Postal In
spector E. C. Clement, and stole other
merchandise In the store where the post
office is located. Weygandt resides at
Carlton. Clement also) filed complaints
against Harold Huffman and Clark King
of Oswego, charging them with Injuring
five rural mail boxes near Oswego. .
Sbephard's Aato Baa Llaae portland
Multnotnah Falls division Leave Port
land 9:10 a. m., 10:30 a. m.. 4 p. m. ; ar
rive Multnomah', 11 :15 a. tn.. 12:li p. m.,
S :45 p. m. Leave Multnomah 7 :4S a. m.,
1 p. m.. 4 :15 p. m. ; arrive Portland :20
a. m- 2:45 p. m., 6 p. m. Saturday and
Sunday, leave Multnomah 6 p. m. ; leave
Portland- 11:15 p. m. Buses leave SL
Charles hotel. Front and Morrison.
Phone Marshall 4381. Adv. .
A. L. McCartney Freed Charges of
violating the federal prohibition law were
dismissed Monday afternoon against A. L
McCartney of Linnton by United States
tommisaioner Kenneth i-raaer for lack
of evidenced Hamilton, who resides on
a scow, was accused of owning a 'still
found a quarter of a mile from hla home,
according to the testimony.
Sbephard's Anto Bns Lines PorUand,
Astoria and Seaside division Leave
PorUand 10 a. m.. 1 :30 p. m. ; arrive As
toria 4 p. m.. 7 p. m. Leave Astoria, 10
a. m., 1:30 p. m. ; arrive Portland, 4 p.
m.. 7 p. m. Buses leave St. Charles
hotel. Front anrj Morrison. Telephone
MarshaU 4381. Adv.
Comlnv to Town Tonlahtf Totr wan
leave your "Dime a Line" Journal want
ad for tomorrow's Journal At The Jour
nal want ad service station in the Owl
Drug Co.'s store at Broadway and
Washington street. Open each evening,
except Sunday, until 10 o'clock. Adv.
Salem-MIll City Stags Lias Connects
O. K. train No. 5 Salem, arrive Mill City
1 p. m. Also connects O. E. train No. 9
Salem, arrive Mill City 7 p. m. Joseph
Ilamman, proprietor, Salem. Phone 44.
PorUand Camp 187, W. O. W will give
entertainment Wednesday night, 8
o'clock, at W. O. W. temple, 128 Elevejith
street Members and friends invited.
Admission free. Adv.
Portlasd-Xewberg Bases leave Fourth
and Alder daily, 8 :30, 9 :38, 11 a. m., and
1, 2:30, 4 :15, 5:30, 6:30 p. m. ; Saturday
and Sunday, 11 p. in. Phone Main 3314.
Powers Coaple Aeqnltted A verdict
of acquittal was given by a jury in Dis
trict Judge Bell's court Monday for Mrs.
E. B. Powers and R. B. Powers, charged
with maintaining a nuisance. They eon-
ducted Canary Cottage, a roadhouse
near tha city limits.
Danes Every Tfcnrsday at t. Johns
Rink: new floor; given by K. of P.
Music by Council Crest orchestra. Starts
at 8 :30 p. m. ah welcome. Adv. .
Steamer Irald for St. Helens and
Rainier,- dally at 1 :30 p. m.. foot of
Alder street. Sundays, St- Helens only,
1 :J0 p. tn. Adv. , " -:
Dr. Edith L Phmips, eorrsct glasses.
450-45 oittock blk. Bdwy. 1305. Adv.
Three Pioneers Die
In Jackson County
Ashland. Or.. Nov.0. Three Jack
son county pioneers, living tn Ashland,
have died within a few day : Mrs. IL
8. Emery, for whom funeral services
were held Monday ; Mrs. Catherine Rog
ers, whose funeral will be Tuesday, and
Mrs. Sarah Firestone, whose funeral
will be held Wednesday.
DIstrlbatioa Starts Thursday and Friday
of This Week.
Beginning Thursday and Friday, De
cember 2 and 3, The Journal, the Owl
Dru company and outlying Journal
'Dime-a-Llne want ad stations will
give away, 4000 Christmas toys.-These
toys will be Riven to persons who come
in on the above days with a. "Dime-a.
Line" want ad for the big Sunday Jour
nal of December S. Only one toy will be
given to each person. The only conditions
are that your ad mutt be brought tn on
Thursday or Friday, it must run Sunday,
December 6, and it must be paid for at
time of insertion. Come early to get the
best selection. Adv.
There will be an opportunity to meet
some of the most distinguished Oregon
authors this afternoon and tomorrow
afternoon in the book department of the
J. K. Olll company. The booklovlnar
public Is cordially invited to attend this
eception ana to reaa at least one book
y an uregon autnor. wnemer it is od
alned here or elsewhere. Thirty au
hors have agreed to be present at the
ecention and there will be amnio ormor-
tunity to meet and converse with them
and to have books autographed. Adv.
Gasco Calendar
with valuable hints how
to save gas.
There should be one in
every kitchen. ,
In order to know how
many to print, we want
you to drop us' a postal,
saying, "Send Calendar,"
or leave your name with
any clerk on salesfloof.
Tear this out to remind you,
so you'll drop in as you pass
by at Fifth and Alder. Write
name and address on the ad.
Thank you.
L- A
If youH remember these
prices when meal tinV
comes, you'll remember
them all the time, because
breakfast, lunch or dinner
is ready for you here at any
50c to 75c
Table d'Hote
Lack of Driver's
License Leads to
County Jail Term
Eugene, Nov. 0. A man giving the
name of C F. Martin drove into Eu
gene about midnight Sunday, hailing
from Portland. He was found to be
without a driver's license and was ar
rested and fined $30. In lieu of this
he was given 10 days in the county
jail. Tha sheriff notified PorUand of
ficers in the belief that the car had
been stolen.
The automobile of Dan Marsters. pro
prietor of the Osburn hotel jitney ser
vice, was almost demolished when it
was struck by a car driven by Paul
Rittenburg, a Ioca business man. Sun
day. Rittenburg -as considerably in
jured.. The Marslsra car was unoccu
pied and stood at the curb.
Search Is Instituted
For Man Under Bond
Albany, Or., Nov, 30. Search for
James Ward, wanted on charges arising
from the death of Marshal M. Storle of
Sweet Home, was instituted by county
officials and Ward's bondsmen In view
of the approaching session of the grand
Jury. Ward is under 38J00 bond. Rob
ert Bruce, his companion in the fight
which resulted in the aged marshal's
death, gave himself up but haa been al
lowed his liberty nndar a similar bond.
To Lease Electric Dredge
Aberdeen, Wash.. Nov. 30. The Grays
Harbor port commission agreed Saturday
to lease the electric dredge of the Ta
coma Dredging company for work In the
Inner harbor, at the price of 82500 a
month, for an 'undetermined period.
Work will be begun in the harbor on the
arrival of the dredge, about February L
Frank Branch Eiley -Is
Reengaged" for
His Lecture Series
The services of Frank Branch Riley
for eastern lecture tours exploiting the
scenic beauties and Industrial-agricultural
opportuniUes . of the Northwest
were formally epgaged for one year,
Monday, by the Riley lecture committee
recently named by Mayor Baker. Tha
contract also tentatively covers a three
year period. Riley is to deliver 100 lec
tures annually before leading organisa
Uona. of the east and middle west, in re
turn for which he is to receive $45,000,
which will cover salaries and expenses
of his organlxaUon. The money Is to be
raised by subscription through the activ
iUes of the committee composed of Ed
ward Cooklngham, Jonah B, Wis and
John F. Daly. v ,
Tickets for Grand Opera '
Box office sale of tickets for the opera,
'The Force of Destiny." to be presented
at The Auditorium next Friday and Sat
urday nights by the Portland Opera as
sociation, will open at Sherman, Clay A
Co.'s Wednesday, December 1. Popular
prices $1.60. $1. 75c. 50c. 26ru Adv.
Stage Driver Gets
5 Days for Speeding
Oregon City, No-. 30. -Five days In
jail for speeding over Clackamaavcoun-
ty highways was given 3. Fodnalck, '
driver of the Portland-Salem stage, who
had been warned repeatedly, say the of
ficials, against speeding. He was ar- '
rested Monday, by Speed Officer Long -on
the road between Oregon City and
New Era. and given a $25 fine, in addi
tion to the jail sentence, by Justice Llvy
SUpp, W--:"'"-:? V
The Lowest Fries Guaranteed
With Every Change of Market
Over 1,7 SO, 000 Served
a Yew
TL D-- t"
4 fiCIC 9 U nswavii
Grocery Bargains
for Wednesday and Thursday
Sugar 5 pounds 49c, 10 pounds 98c; sack $9.80
bnowdrift 2 lbs. 47c, 4 lbs. 92c, 8 lbs. $1.80
at .aa sasasa.
A-l Butter 1 pound 59c, roll. . . . .$1.17
Royal Club Coffeek 43c, i. $1.27, Uu $1.95
Tree Tea lb. 26c, 1 lb. 49c, 5 lb. ..... $2.43
S.W. Beans 3 lbs. 25c, 8 lbs. 48c, 16 lbs. 96c
Brooms . . . .58c, 78c, 88c, 98c
White Corn Meal 9-lb. sack 39c, 2 sacks . . . 77c
Baby Lima Beans 2 pounds 20c, 5 pounds 45c
Rolled Oats 9-pound sack 60c. 2 sacks Sl'lR
Sugar Corn 3 cans 50c. 6 cans 95c. case S3.65
Sugar Peas 3 cans 50c, 6 cans 95c, case $3.65
Um'd 1 omatoes 6 c'ns 65c. dz. $1 .25. c'se $2.40
Crimson Rambler Syrup, Bonnie Treckle or Rut-
ter Scotch No. 2k 72c: No. 5. $1.25: 10. $2.23
Campbell's Soup 2 c'ns 25c. 6 for 70c. dr. $1 35
Canned Peaches 23c, 5 cans $1.00, case. .$4.75
Vim Flour Sack $2.49, barrel. . . . . . . . $9.89
Pineapple No. 2; 3 cans $1.00, 6 cans $1.98
o, v.,0.'iroSrr.rj.,rs STKr-' c-
Swedish Delicatessen & Grocery Store
225 Yamhill N. W. Corner First and Yamhill
al I I I ...vssaaassV
500 Pounds of French Fried Potatoes
Served Daily at the Coffee Cup
To supply the patrons of our three big places with po
tatoes prepared in various ways, we order them by the
carload. Three women do nothing but prepare potatoes
all day long. First potatoes are plunged into big boil
ers and thoroughly cleansed then into the electrically
operated peeler they go. If they are to be sliced or diced,
another mechanical operation awaits them before they i
are reaay ior cooKing. uur poiaioes are ine iinesi we
can buy. You'll enjoy eating them at the Coffee Cup.
We Serve a Special Lunch
From 11 to 3 for. 20c
Including choice of Meat or Fi$h,
Pie or Pudding, Coffee
or Tea.
the Bert
and Sell
for Less
Roast Beef 20c Baked Apple
French Fried Potatoes. 5c Coffee
Bread and Butter Included
. . .10c
. . . 5c
We Make and Bake Everything We Use
Most Talked of and Best Thought of Eating
Places in the City
133 Park Street 124 Broadway 332 Washington St.
Specials for Wednesday
25c lb.
12c and 15c Pound
Fresh Churned
1 Lb. 58c 2 Lbs. $1.15
Tender Sirloin Steak OA- lla,
or Round Steak at . . UC 1D
r J?l lib iTljLk I
A Restaurant Internationally Known for the Quality
of the Food and the Excellency of the Service.
The Famous Multnomah Orchestra
Dsaciac arvenmrs (sxeept Sunday) 6 to 8. 9 to 12
Concert Sunday evenings 6 to 8
Principal Portland Afentt ' Butterick
Patterns All tbo New Styles Ar
Hmrm ui An Siss
"Tie Store That
Undersells Because
It Sells for Cash"
Eeoaony and Quality Combined for
Biff er Butiassa sad Bettor Values
AD Mail Orders Promptly sod Care
fully Filled Same Day as Received
Parcels Pest Pkfs. Prepaid :
Only 21 More
Days Before
You will have a great deal more change coming to you after making your
Christmas purchases here than you would if you made them somewhere else.
You can prove the truth of this assertion to your own satisfaction by coming
in and pricing some, or all, of the things your list is enumerating. 4Ve feel cer
tain that if you will do this you will not stir from pur -floors until you have
secured every item you have jotted, down. Why do we feel so sure about this?
Because we have a. good reason to; all our goods are of the highest quality and
we can cite savings that are teeming with economy. These items for example;
Brighten the Home for the Holiday Period by
New Colored Scrims and
Marquisette Curtains
At Half Price
12i2c'to 45 c Yard
v. ka r-yrvu'.ncA (mm few cSeces
j but from our entire stock of Colore! Scrims
border styles detached center effects in figures and flowers -H-over
figure designs in light arid dark colors, etc. It Is a sale few
housekeepers in need of curtaininn materials for most any JPrpo
can well afford to miss. You have unlimited choice from 2Mc to
45c a yard.
Make An Early Selection of a
Gift That Will
Please Him
From Our Unsurpassed Showing of
Serviceable Articles
Men's Eiderdown
Bath Robes at $7.45
A specially reduced price' on a fine lot of regulation
style Eiderdown Bath Robes in a full assortment of
patterns and colors. All sizes. ;
Men's Thread Silk
Socks at 85c Pair
Strictly a high-grade, pure
thread Silk Sock, made with rein
forced lisle top. heel and toe
all sizes in navy, white, black,
grey and tan. This Sale at 85c.
Men's Hagandorn
Ties at $1.00 Each
Extremely beautiful patterns
and color! n;s in regulation Four-in-Hand
Ties alsd the popular
satin stripe effects in large open
end Styles. This Sale at SI. 00.
EX T R A !
Now! At This Sale and
Pay Next Spr in g's
1 35c Pair
3 Pairsfor $1.00 -
Fine durable Stockings for
boys and girls In all sizes 5 to 10.
Fine 2-thread combed cotton
Stockings, in black, white, brown
and cordovan, at 35c a pair or
3 pairs for $1.00.
50c Pair -For
Lisle Hose '
Fine Mercerized Lisle Stock
ings of exceedingly durable qual
ity. AU sizes 5 to 10 in black,
white, brown' nd cordovan
Cotton Hose
at 50c Pair f
Boys ribbed medium weight
Scotch Hose in fast black. All
sizes 6 to to.
Two Undergriced
Offerings in
Women's Fine
Silk Hose
W o m e n's Full - Fash
ioned Silkllose,
All Sisee
$1.95 Pair
Exceptionally fine, full fash
ioned, pure thread silk Hose with
lisle double sole, heel, toe and
lisle too with wide garter hem
black, white and field mouse In
all sizes.
Women's Clock Silk
All Sites
$1.95 Pair -
Exceedingly popular fine
clocked Silk Hose with seamed
back, reinforced lisle heel and
toe and lisle top -they come In
white with black clocking and
black with white clocking all
sizes. .
tTk u II ail
131 fiffltZT I
. We've a Splendid New Stock at New Low Prices of
Vanity Bags, Purses and Swagger Bags
w newer tor personal use or for gift purposes, you can find
aw P HO Drettler or more rfrirjihls Tath.- Knvslh'a. Vi tUmm.
i " M. HV t VIVIWJ
now on special display and sale in our Glove and Leather
Goods Section. it. , ,
We have made several advantageous purchases which we
wish you to profit by. and accordingly you'll find our prices
to be as attractice as the goods are beautiful. Come, make
selections now. A small deposit will hold your purchase for
luiure aeiivery, n you so desire. Uut in any event, don't fail .
to inspect these offerings. -
CANTEEN BAGS of fine quality leather in
, the best shades of brown and green a
goad large bag with complete inside fittings
specially priced this sale at $7.90.
VANITY CASES the latest styles in imi
; tation patent, also dull and tool leathers,
various colors, all with silk lining and in
side fittings. Choice at 32.50, S3.00,
$3.50 to $5.00. .
VANITY CASES made of the finest of patent
and tool leathers latest styles with silk or
leather lining mirror and inside fittings.
Unlimited choice at $5.00, $0.00,
$6.75 to $8.50.
NEW SWAGGER BAGS in the extremely
pretty tool work; various styles cleverly
developed in green, . brown and other
shades. Unlimited choice at $2.50,
$3.50, $5.00 to $7.50.
NEW SWAGGER BAGS in both patent and
dull leathers all the popular new shapes
and sizes an assortment from which all
tastes can be suited at $3.50, $4.00,
$4.50 to $10.00.
CANTEEN BAGS in imitation patent
leather and of good size. Silk lined and
equipped with mirror and coin purse. A
most exceptional value at $3.89.
Our Store
Opens at
9 A.M.
'ini ,rr. a, i
The Most in ValueThe Best in Quality
aT ar f 1 4TMJ WIL,
Store Closes
at 5:30 P. M.
, -A
at 6 P.M.