The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 30, 1920, Page 10, Image 10

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    TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1920,
C 8. JACaUHlN ..... -v. .. .Publisher
" ! Be cxlm. b confident, be cheerful wd dp unto
other aa yon would hare- them do unto yon-2
P-blihed aeery day-and Sunday oroinf.
t Tho Journal Building. Broadway and Xam
bill trt, Portland, Oregon. -
Juaterad at tho pcatoffk-e at Portland, Oregon,
for tramniiMloo through taa mail " tecona
riaie natter. .
TEIEfHUNEA Main 7178, Automatic M'""
All department rearhed by tneae iinaber.
TIVK Benjamin Kantnor Co, -S?S
Building, 225 Fifth arena, rw York.
' Waller Building. Chicago. - : ,
PAriFIO COAST K K I'll KS T A T IV E W -Jlaranger
Co.. Examiner Building. s" .
ueo; Titia Inaurance Building. Loe nge.
- roat-Inteligenaar Building, Seattle. , j
TUB OKE;ON JOLHNAL, reaertr the right to
km ulntll-inf ooiit which It deem oo-
i .. ii iM tujl nrint anr copy
that in ant way aimulaAee reding matter or
, that cannot readily ha reoognmw
tinng. ' '
By Carrier, City and Country
. Ti rr w A vr nnvnAT ,
... .18 1 On monxn ......
mtfT -1 HITND1T
;.. a 1(1 I One week......! .08
l.u Mnnth. ... .45 M
Ona year. .-88.0O ( Tbren montha. . . 13 25
L. .iiii . a. as r Una month..... .7
( Without Sunday)
Ona year... ,..88.00
Kix montha. . . . 8 25
Three montha. 1.75
Ona month. ... .60
(Every Wedneaday)
Ona year...... $1.00
L. i v mnnth . .50
Ona year $8.00
Six months .... 175
Tore montha . . 1.00
On year..... .$$60
rI- .nnl. .nnl in ! Vfeat-
v Rate to Eautern point furnished on applica
tion. Make remittance by Money Order.' Exprea
Order or Draft. If your postoffic i not a
Honey Order office, J- or 2-eent tamp will be
accepted. Make all remittance payabla UfcTn
Journal. Portland, Oregon.
God fir. as men
Who nerer shame their mother;
Who nerer fail their brothers.
TP HE elalm of Great Britain is
. 1 that America has no right to
participate in the oil development
' of Mesopotamia because, the British
I note says, we did not send soldiers
s or spend money in the pacification
; of Mesopotamia.
: This is a subterfuge. America
'loaned tne antes aDout ten Diinon
dollars for war uses. She sent near
; ,ly two million men to France. These
. acts turned a lost war into a won
; war.
: ' . . It is affair assumption that if
i . America had not done these things,.
Great Britain would not now have a
mandate over Mesopotamia as a
v partV of" the future kingdom of
.Arabia. The early days of July,
1918, were the gloomiest period of
' the war. Ilaig and his splendid
troops bad been fearfully, pressed at
, Picardy. The victorious Germans,
reinforced by fresh legions from the
Russian front, were driving the
French on the Marne. With bated
breath, civilization watched with
f gloomy apprehension each new shift
in the tide of battle. Paris seemed
" doomed. '. ;
And we know now that one to
three days more of the overwhelm
lng German tide" would have split
the French armies asunder, stopped
.'the movement of American soldiers
and munitions into France via Brest
and chanced the whole map of
the war. .
Was it not American Eoldiers that
! became the famous Rock of the
' Marne? Was It not an American
contingent that- stood like, a stone
wall on ' the banks of the Marne
after : the Frenclryhad fallen back ?
' Was .It not American fire and steel
that cut to pieces the German ad
vance ah4 started the great retreat?
, It was, and by that token the mil
, Hons ; and the dead that . America
threw Into, the war made it possible
. for Great Britain to exercise a man
date, over Mesopotamia and its oil
' - But for , America, Germany, not
; Great Britain, would ' in all likeli-
hood be in control of the Mesopota-
mlan oil fields. "
m ' ' Life is Just one occasion for cele
l b ration after another. Before the
t Thanksgiving dinner bill for 60-
cent turkey has even been presented
for " payment,-: father confronts the
raiyzlng question, "What are you
to get me for Christmas?"
rst of it is that he knows if
get it he will "get It."
no reason why the
Ameitcan people
said Edward Ab-
should be
ner Thompson
ston " In The
3, aay' added:,
J, . " l"U4rer.?evei0P"Snt the average
I ... 9ftsvM.itijit voice i
become as
t -
beautiful as voirwn sr.
! though our. mode of livi
X?Sr52i JT m?.?ot bVuctve
.'to softness of tone. Life can. nnM
with its
i elated, enriched and mad
' ahle if people can only expresshVm-
- ..... -..r...w.. ,o a, usure in ne
of America's' greatest institution's
5 interpretive expression. He is besf
j known at the colleges of the country
: through his efforts to soften and en-
rich the ; American speaking , voice
j, lie do
and to promote the' art of expressive
reading. Saturday night, at Couch
school, he is to render "'Disraeli, a
thrilling'; drama of modern life',
which Introduces the magnetic char
acter of the famous Earl of Bea
consfleld of England.
A master of his profession, pos
sessor of an organ-like voice, a ma
gician who, ' once on the platform.
wholly effaces himself in the per
fection of his art, Mr. Thompson is
accounted One of the most finished
and powerful readers on the Ameri
can platform. - -
It is from such an authority that
there comes the appeal for better
reading and for Improvement of the
American speaking voice. Both are
arts that the American schools have
largely lost sight of. The ability to
read aIoud and, by the reading, to
interpret and communicate to lis
teners the author's meaning, is now
so rare in high school and college
graduates as to have become a lost
art. It is one of the penalties of a
hurly-burly age In which 'the ma
terial overwhelms the spiritual and
the false idols of Mammon submerge
so much that is good and true.
The earth is ordinarily well be
haved, but many a devout Christian
as well as others less religious was
doubtless rudely shocked when Ola
Mother Earth did the shimmy in
the Northwest Sunday morning.
SH1PS pay. Six shipping board
vessels have recently left in
Portland a total of $638,946.15 in
purchase of supplies and employ
ment of labor.
The Abercos spent $111,254.01, in
cluding $18,090 for fuel.
The Pawlet's local bill of expense
was $99,705.41.
The Waban's expense account In
Portland was $88,202.41 plus $8000
for repairs. .
The West Nivaria left here $116,
743.06; the West Nomentum, $106,
073.49, and the WeSt Keats, $108,
967.77. f- 'f"r
These figures are entirely apart
from the value of the cargo brought
into or taken from the, port by the
vessels named. -
The average amount spent in
Portland by each vessel for food
stores was $13,000.
Labor's interest in each vessel
was about' $15,000.
The mere presence of almost any
ship is worth $60,000 or more to the
Many of the officers and crews of
the vessels in regular service to
Portland have their families here.
They help to put the salt of the sea
into the life of Portland.
Pride and business interests both
are expanded by maintaining the
traffic of ships. Port investment is
only profitable when, port facilities
are fully used by ships.
The condition precedent to the at
tracting of ships is cargo. To keep
ships going ana coming, fully laden,
is worth the strenuous, united, busi
ness pulling effort of . the entire
community. Ships pay.
Their size does not give heavy
trucks right of way at intersections.
The law provides that the machine
to the right is entitled to the way
whether it be the heaviest truck or
the lightest car.
1 h
THE past two years, Oregon
has invested $20,000,000 in good
roads. Another $10,000,000, voted
by the people, will be expended next
year. The Interest is running night
and day against these investments.
To offset at least a part of these
invested millions, the state is bid
ding for tourist business. It is
spending legislative appropriationa
to carry on a, publicity campaign to
lure sightseers to Oregon.
It is then Oregon's business to see
that the tourists whom we lure to
Oregon, have accommodations at
such wonder spots as we advertise,
There, for instance, is Crater
Lake, It is one of our great lures,
We advertise it as a premier attrac
tion. People journey across the
continent to. see it. What if there
is no place for them- to eat and
sleep when, tired and worn, tourists
reach Crater Lake?
Tourists do not come to Oregon
merely to ride over the roads. They
come to eee tne wonder places.
Having advertised' these places and
spent millions on the roads, having
profited handsomely from tourist
travel,' are we to permit the work
to remain unfinished by failure to
provide at suh places as Crater
Lake ample living accommodations?
Maintaining a resort hotel at
Crater Lake' is attended with great
difficulties. - Because- of the handi
caps, it s almost impossible to en
list the interest of men acustomed
to make such investments on sum
mer resorts. The national director
of parks has tried for years to en
list capital In. the East and West and
everywhere in the Crater Lake hotel
The man who went into the wll
derness and gradually built up
there a hotel where tourists can be
comfortably housed and adequately
fed, has proven that the business
can' be made to pay. It returned a
profit : of $1000 .in 1919, and more
than $9000 In 1920. -.
s'But the growing , number at ' peo
pie ' who " gx to Crater Lake have
made; his resources inadequate.':'.
x xxere s me poini, ; jmneiner ine
Business pays or " doesn't pay, it
should be financed. All tourists wh
j go there should be housed and. fed.
Those who are profiting directly or
indirectly from tourist travel owe
it to themselves to see that the
Crater Lake hotel Is adequately
financed. If they do not, they will
help cripple the tourist activity in
Oregon. Jt is a matter of cold blood
ed business.
The revolver is mostly used these
days to send an .innocent victim to
the grave and the slayer to the pen
for life or to the electric chair.
A BANK messenger was mur
dered in Camden, New Jer
sey, late in September. ... Early In
October. Frank James and another
man were arrested and charged with
the crime. James confessed the
Last week a smartly dressed
woman came to the Camden county
jail. She was led up the stairway
to the sixth floor of the building.
There she was told by the turnkey
to wait a moment. She was to wait
for the turnkey to go to "murderer's
row" for her husband.
The wife'was later taken to the
cell to see her slayer-spouse for the
first time since his arrest. She em
braced him and sobbed softly on his
shoulder. They sat quietly In the
grim suroundings for five minutes,
the time allowed the wife for the
visit. She held his hand in hers.
He asked about his son. The faith
ful wife embraced her husband
again before she was led from
murderer's row."
'I feel better, now that I have
seen him," the little woman sobbed
as she was aided down the long
stairway. ' i
It was the end ofHhe seen?. The
murderer, the wife, the dreary cell,
and it was all over. It was a pitiful
meeting. Tears were- shed and
hearts broken. Lives, cemented to
gether, .-were torn apart. '
The crime of it all is the suffer
ing, not the suffering of the slayer.
but the suffering of the faithful
wife who committed no murder,
who perpetrated no crime, who in
jured no one, but who is left to
fight her way through a cold world
alone, harboring a pang of the heart
of which there can be no surcease.
The Council Bluffs mail car rob
bers didn't get much money for their
efforts. But they will face a lot of
trouble before they are through.
No one ever heard of wealthy rob
bers, but there are many of them in
the penitentiaries.
D ORTLAND won shipping board
vessels that otherwise would
have been allocated to competitive
A Portland man was selected for
one of the. two shipping board com-
misslonerships allotted to the Pa
cific coast.
Portland was released from the
Seattle division of shipping board
These achievements are the first
fruits of dogged, determined, united
battling for Portland by Portland.
Their significance was ably pre
sented by Manager Dodson of the
Chamber .of Commerce at the forum
of that body last Monday. But none
has better reason to know the full
importance of his additianal asser
tion that these things are but a be
ginning. Eternally keeping on the
Job and fighting for Portland's rights
knd recognition are the price of
Portland's continued successes. Com
petition is keen and strong. Jeal
ousies to the north and the south,
particularly to the north, are intensi
fied by every gain in commerce, in
dustry and distributive capacity.
To hold what Portland has gained
means the constant gaining of more.
Portland, busy fighting for Port
land, will have no time, inclination
or energy for fighting within Port
land. By such a course Portland can
lead the communities of the Colum
bia basin toward that definite goal
in commerce, industry and agricul
ture which men of vision know to
be within the possibilities of this re
T f OW long will the present system
11 of regulating public utilities
Will we always regulate utilities
is now, or will we presently decide
that regulation as we apply it is a
failure? If so. what will be the next
step? . '
The utilities demand that we pay
a fair return on the Investment. But
they manage tho property. They
determine the expenditures except
such taxes and tolls as we exact. All
we do is to attempt to require good
service and fix the rates. Nobody
will say that it la a really intelli
gent or very businesslike process.
Some of the utilities go further.
They say the public- through satis
factory rates must provide for ex
tensions of plant and development
of the business facilities. It is in
effect a demand that the public
supply the capital for the business,
which, as a matter of fact, makes
the managers of the utility mere
trustees with nothing to do but run
the business and pocket the profits
which - the public must guarantee.
When, as, they will, later, the utili
ties demand that all the capital
shall! be supplied them and profits
be guaranteed, It will be public own
ership under private management
of properties run for private profit.
Nothing like this is done in pri-
vate business. Nobody insures a
private business against loss or fail
ure. Nobody undertakes to assure
a mercantile house or a manufac
turing industry or any other private
enterprise against loss or to guaran
tee that the public shall pay it
enough to enlarge its plant.
Perhaps such things properly go
with public regulation. But cer
tainly they are debatable. They are
a twilight zone in which nobody can
know much of anything about any
thing. Decisions . regarding .it are
in the hands in most states of three
public officials, and it is a tremen
dous power for them to exercise.
They are pretty largely without
guiding precedents and operating in
a field very little trailed or trodden.
Generally speaking the benefici
aries of. these guarantees of profits
to utilities are men of very large
means. The thought inevitably ob
trudes itself, why should they be
guaranteed a profit while the over
all armies go hanged?
The best observers doubt if public
regulation can be made successful.
Under public regulation . railroad
rates have almost constantly risen.
Many lnsjst that we are in a forma
tive period, that so far regulation
is a doubtful experiment and that
the complications and increasing
problems must have a better pro
cess. ...
War Investigators Busy Smirching an
Administration Instead of Assail
ing the System That Is
Waste Personified.
From the New Tork World.
Those who have followed the proceed
ings of the congressional committee in
vestigating the shipping board must
have noticed that names are rarely men
tioned. Witnesses have dwelt at great
length upon extravagance and downright'
waste. They have dealt mostly in mil
lions and billions. On the face of things,
it always appears that when govern
ment was a purchaser it yielded readily
to extortion and when a seller that it
was easily and systematically tricked.
Of course. That is war, and it is one
reason why we have war.
Men who make these disclosures are
wise after the event, and yet they and
their inquisitors forget or conceal knowl
edge that ought to be in everybody's
mind and without which committees of
congress investigate in vain. War means
prodigality. There is no aspect of it
that does not involve -useless expendi
ture. In life, in health, in money, in
labor, war results in woful waste all
along the line. Few battles have been
fought that were not criticised after
ward for the ' bootless expenditure of
blood and treasure.
Although it is vastly more important
to fix this fact in the public mind than
to rave atwut millions and billions
squandered, congress Is at the old game
of smirching a war administration in
stead of indicting a system which never
can be anything but lavish and -Is al
most habitually corrupt. The inquiry
now in progress has developed what was
well known before that war is costly,
that war appeals to the worst as well as
the best in mankind and that if victory
is to be gained the price in everything
that we value is to be prodigious and
often regrettable
Nations that go to war are familiar
with all this. They simply put it out
of their minds for the time being. They
are well aware that whole armies, whole
estates, are to be offered up, perhaps
without appreciable gain, and that debts
are to be incurred which will burden
generations unborn. They know, too,
that in most cases near and remote it
is not nations but individuals that profit.
and that where dishonesty is apparent.
punishment is as rare as suitable re
wards for the actual heroes of the strife.
Which brings us again face to face with
the fact that the house committee is not
exposing individual guilt. It Is doing
nothing but establishing a case long ago
proved against war, the devouring mon
ster, and attempting meanly to make po
litical capital out of it
Barring thievery, not yet specifically
alleged, what we paid and are still to
pay for the great war, whether we got
our money's worth or not,, is a matter
for which the American people are col
lectively responsible. If they regret their
Investment, as their recent voting would
seem., to indicate, they will do well to
remember that the policy of peace that
they rejected offered the one hope of
deliverance from wars and wastes to
come more terrible and more inexcus
able. -
For a Greater Portland
Pencil Factory in Portland to Use an
Oregon Wood ; County Commis
sioners Place a Large Order at
Home New Milling Corn-5
The Morningstar-Pacific Pencil com
pany proposes to erect a plant in Port
land and begin the manufacture of lead
pencils early in 1921. The chief pur
pose of the company in locating here
is to be near the source of Its supply
of raw materlaL Juniper wood, found
In abundance in Eastern ' and Central
Oregon, Is In great demand py pencil
manufacturers ana is being cut into pen
cil slats at Bend lumber mills and
shipped east in carload lots. Increased
freight rates make it more economical
to locate the factory here and dis
tribute the finished product from this
city. ( Graphite and clay used by the
plant will be obtained from western
Encouragement of home industry- was
the avowed purpose of the Multnomah
county commissioners In placing a re
cent order for $10,000 worth of new fix
tures for the tax department of the
sheriff's office with the Albatross Metal
Furniture company of Portland. Strong
Eastern competition has stood In the
way of placing previous orders for this
class of equipment with the local firm,
according to the commissioners. The
plant of the Albatross company Is lo-'
cated at 715 Thurman street.
Articles of incorporation were filed at
Salem last week by the Oregon Fir Mill
company, capitalized at $5000. The
new corporation proposes " to operate
lumber mills and logging camps. In
corporators are . W. O. Van Scirayver,
G. R. Bleecker and N. D. Simon, all of
Letters From the People
Con-munication sent to The Journal for
pabucaoon in tnia department enouia Da wmian
en only ona aide of the paper; abould not exceed
BOO worda in length, and mxut be aicned by the
writer, whosa mail addrea in tali canst accom
pany the contribution. I . .
Vancouver. Wash., Nov. 2. To the
Editor of The Journal. Professor Mal-
loch's recently published letters suggest
thought of "creation" and its a priori.
Is if not so that prior to creation there
was neither time, space nor eternity?
Nothing (what' is "nothingtxisted.
No time, no space, no place, no matter,
no void, no abyss, no vacua, no spirit
this for the reason that place and time
are absolute necessities to any manner,
form or thought of existence Now
comes "creation." Infinite space (there
was no space) within a given time (there
was no time) must be filled with matter
(there was no matter). Here was an
overtaking rather than an undertaking.
There was no time through which to
work; no place In which to work ; no
matter on which to work ; nobody . to
work on nothing and nothing to work on
anything. Who did it? There was no
"who to do it When was it done?
There was no "when" time did not
exist. . Where was it done? There was
no "where" place was non-existent.
Why was it done? Go ask Echo.
...... J. Harold.
Soldiers Home, Orting. Wash.. Nov.
26 To the Editor of The Journal Now
that the election is ever and the extent
and the effect of the landslide are more
fully realized, the victors rind they have
fallen heir to a reconstruction problem
that makes the one Andrew Johnson
faced after the Civil war look like 30
cents. Just where to commence to re
trench and meet the obligations of the
government and reduce taxes and make
good their promises to the farmers and
laboring men, and all those new senators
and congressmen wanting something '
It will be worth a dollar gate fee to see
them play ball, now they have their In
nings. But the real fun is over here in the
good old G. O. Pi stata of Washington.
In order to beat Bridges they called on
the Democrats to help defeat him, and
thereby indorsed the Hart administra
tion with all the waste of public funds
on- a- building' program that has tied
hundreds of thousands of dollars in
buildings erected when materials and
labor were at the highest In years, some
of which were not needed at all. But
now they have a free hand and from
the demands being made for appropri
ations the whole state will soon be in
debt as badly as Pierce county, with a
per capita debt . of aW $40 to pay
taxes on. Well, it is tough those who
tried to elect men who would to get
out of debt, but those kickers have
roared about high taxes and then voted
for the same men who have piled up the
indebtedness on them, don't deserve any
sympathy and will not get any. Some
people are mean enough to say they
hope the G. O. P. will bankrupt the State
then maybe the peep' will come to
their senses. Truly, the people of Wash
ington are easy marks. If their political
wisdom is any criterion. They like to
be robbed by the men they choose to
spend their money.
Well. I. and thousands more, know
what it means to get back to a peace
basis from a war basis, and a few mil
lions more of Americans are going to
get a taste of what it means, who con
tracted debts on cheap money and will
try to pay with 100-cent dollars. Wheat
farmers and stockmen who are Dorrow
ers are finding that out. Well, let the
G. O. P. go to it. It claims to have a
corner on all the wisdom and construc
tive ability; now let it demonstrate it.
The rascals are all turned out.
S. Van Scoyac.
Portland. Nov. 27. To the Editor of
The Journal Now that the people have
voted to turn the government over to
the reactionaries, let us see just what
we may expect from their policies. One
of the measures they advocate is defla
tion, or reducing wages and, to some
extent prices. Many persons think If
wages and prices were reduced to the
old ' standards we would be as well off
as at present, but that is a fallacy, be
cause we must consider not only present
expenses but also the debts we owe.
Our national debt is near $200 per
capita. That is, the man with an aver
age family must pay near J1000, or, at
$5 a day, he must work 200 days. But
If wages and prices go back to pre-war
standards he must w ork 400 days to
nav the same debt.
But the huge national debt is only
part of the total. Every bond, note and
mortgage, and every dollar of money
represents a debt which must be paid
by the labor of someone, and with wages
and prices cut In half It will take twice
as many days' work to produce the
wealth necessary. Is not the burden
heavy enough now?
The avowed policy of the victorious
party Is. higher tariff; yet the rate of
exchange is so heavy against European
countries that trade with them is great
ly hampered. If we make the tariff
rates higher those countries win
to curtail even the present small pur
chases from us. When, then,-will we
sell our surplus goods?
. Notwithstanding the cry of under
nroduction. there is in this country a
glut of goods unsalable, and employers
are everywhere reducing wages and dis
charging workers and thus adding to
business stagnation, for the man with
out a job cannot long conUnue a pur-
There is a widespread fallacy that
workers' are now getting very hfgh
wages. The only fair way to measure
wages is with what they will buy. and
by that standard there has never been a
time in the last 30 years when wages
were as low as a few months ago when
prices were at their peak. Thirty years
ago in Portland one could buy two
loaves of bread for 5 cents, and a meal,
good enough for anyone and all that a
longshoreman could eat, cost ' but 15
cents. Comparison of prices then and
now of 11 articles of food and clothing,
such as workers need, shows their prices
have been multiplied by four. The
average daily wage then for common
labor was about $2, carpenters $3,. brick
layers $6. Multiply these figures by
four, and we find that laborers should
now have $8. carpenters $12. bricklayers
$24. Tet the average wage is about
half those figures. J. m. wnne.
Curious Bits of Information
Gleaned From Curious Places
The fountain pen is an American in-
vention, being the idea patented in
by the Rev. N. A Prince. The pen dif
fered Is no essential rrom tne iouniam
pen of the present. It was even a self
filler, having a plunger which when
pulled sucked the barrel full of Ink. The
Inventor mentions, in his description .of
the penaithe cap which prevents the ink
from drying up and Also permits of the
pen being carried in the pocket The
pen was made of gold and the reservoir
and other parts of protean, or -prepared
gutta percha, thus being lncorrodable.
Inasmuch as protean, the forerunner of
hard rubber, had just then been Invented,
it is hardly possible that a commercially
usable fountain pen could have been pro
duced at ' an earlier date. However,
Miss Charlotte J. Hawkes of Jersey
City says that her great-grandfather,
George F. Hawkes. who kept a store in
New York, patented a fountain pen in
1845. Prince advertised his pen exten
sively, quoting the opinions of the press
as well as of reporters and authors.
His retail price ranged from $3 to $4.50.
j Uncle Jeff Snow Says:
The reason why certain and sundry
candidates didn't make it in the 'lection
waav set forth at the Corners Com
munity club t'other day by Sol Hep
burn, who accounted fer the misses by
Bayin' their friends didn't git to votin'
early enough and cominc; back often
enough. Accordin. to the returns, it
wouldn't of done a lot of favorite sons
over the country no good even If their
friends had begun votin' at milk in'
Four paydays , before Christmas 1
And then an empty sock on the mantle.
Would we refuse a million? Just
try us.
Women's clubs are - Institutions, not
implements. ... . "
.Let's have the channel and be done
with talking about it
Can't say we'd enjoy this Paris busi
ness of being mobbed by spinsters.
"Get box of apples at lower prices."
a headline suggests. Wish we could.
. .
Somehow the children never show off
their cute tricks when they're out visit
ing. Harding's gone to Jamaica probably
to put a little ginger into a slow vaca
tion. Prices will have been, restored to nor
mal when we can buy coffee-and for a
a a .
Everyman Is willing to divide his for
tune with his friends as long as every
tnan has no fortune.
"Shingles shipped by parcel post." Next
thing we'll be sending bprtsble feky
scrapers in registered letters.' -
Since bandits with artistic souls are
working In duos and trios, history may
develop another famous sextette -outside
the opera. '
Random Observations About Town
For. 15 years A Frank was superin
tendent of the Fred Harvey dining
car service on the Santa Ke syBtem.
He had not been with the Harvey sys
tem long when he employed : a bright
young lad In his stockroom who did
hot know it all and who was anxious
to learn. The young man's name was
Haren J. Titus. Later Titus went to
the Northern Pacific, and within a few
years was in charge of the dining car
service of this syBtem. He it was who
introduced the "big baked potato" to
the traveling public, i Two years ago
he bought an interest ln; the Chauncy
Wright chain of restaurants in Seattle,
consisting of four small restaurants.
Today the Chauncy Wright chain con
sists of eight restaurants and four bak
eries, which spend over $1,100,000 a
ar in Seattle for supplies, and ' their
annual payroll amounts to $511,000. Mr.
Titus has taken in A Frank, nib one
time boss, as his partner, and the new
firm will erect a bakery costing $300,
000, and when this is under way they
plan to build a modern, homelike hotel
in Seattle. Men like Hazen ?J. Titus,
R. W. Child and Phil Metschan Jr.
have capitalized capacity, character
and cheerfulness and; made service to
the public . their pleasure, not their
duty, and service cheerfully rendered
has a way of showing up on the right
side of the ledger, for the traveling
public likes sunshine: and good cheer
and will go out of the way to get them.
Calvin Cobb and daughter Margaret of
Boise and W. J. Putnam of the same
place are seeing the sights of Portland.
Mr. Cobb Is one of Idaho's best known
newspaper men, publishing the Idaho
Statesman at Boise.
Robert J. S. Searce, a former Univer
sity of Oregon man and an overseas
veteran. Is down from his home at
Mosler to attend a meeting of the Greek
fraternity to which he belongs.
The following well known Westerners
are registered at the Benson : C. C.
Clark of Eugene, Dr. J. E. Biidgewater
of Albany and Charles Hall of Coos
Eastern Oregon guests registered at
the Cornelius are J. A. Rooper of Ante
lope, F. M. Driver of Wamlc and James
Murtha of Condon.
Western restaurants are planning to
make greater, use of caribou and rein
deer shipped from Alaska. The home
economics department of the United
States department of agriculture is
By Fred Lockley
( The pioneer achoolmaater of the Grande !
Rondo Talley recount to Mr. Lockley hi ei
periences in that line aa well aa in the mora
uraal if more atrennous line of proapecunx,
Infighting. Indian fightint and the like.
Today the Grande Ronde valley Is
thickly settled. We think of it as one
of the older settled parts of the state.
Vet, a day oi so ago I ran across the
man who taught the first school in the
Grande Ronde valley. His name is N.
F. Nelson, and he came to Oregon in
1851 from Springfield, 111. As a boy he
went to school at Pleasant Hill, in Polk
county, in the early 50s. Later he at
tended school at Dallas, and in 1858-59
he was a student at the Portland Acade
my and Female Seminary in Portland.
Still iater he took advanced studies at
Bethe academy, in Polk county, under
Dr. far L. Rowland, who was later state
superintendent of public instruction.
"I worked as a boy for A. Bush on the
Oregon Statesman," he said, "After
that I set type on the Expositor, at Eola,
for the Rev. Charles Matoon, a Baptist
minister. Then I went to school for a
few years, and between whiles taught
school. The first school I taught was
at Oak Grove in Polk county, not far
ef rom McCoy, In the Bethel hills. In
1860, when I had just come of age, I
got a Job as teacher In the Fred Way
mire schoolhouse on the Luckiamute.
I taught there six months. I could talk
to you for hours and tell yon. of the
rnrlni'M I had thir. Fred Wavmire
, duck i hd no bonk du-
l8-rwcation but he was endowed with plenty
of horse sense. Uncle Fred, as his
neighbors called him. was absolutely
honest and was unsparing In his denun
ciation of crookedness. He believed in
simplicity in all things and had no use
for frills, in legislation or elsewhere.
He was 'agin high taxes,' and he had
It in for corporaUons of every sort for
he said all they did was to skfo the
public His neighbors always sent him
to the legislature to watch the. 'rascals'
there and see they didn't plunder the
taxpayers. '
"Teaching didn't seem to get me ahead
much, so I bought up a lot of cows and
drove them east of the mountains. This
was in the spring of 186L I ran them
on Rock creek, about 30 miles east of
The Dalles. Tom Scott and I put in the
winter of 1861-6! together on Rock creek.
lime in the mornin' and kep' It up oncet
ever three hours till after supper.
Olden Oregon
Federal Appointees In Early Times
Aroused Popular Wrath.
During territorial days federal ap
pointees as a rule were not very popular.
Governor Gaines was made the object of
bitter partisan attack. A writer calUng
himself 'A Kentucklan," In a communi
cation to the Salem Statesman criticised
the governor's exercise or the pardoning
power in the case of Enoch Smith.' 'He
reminded Governor . Gaines that Ken-
Recent court rulings suggest that
while a man's home may be his castia,
it may not be his brewery. Bend Bulle
tin. It would be easier for wheat to make
yardage if it were not for that monu
mental corn crop. Pendleton iJiat. -re-gonian.
If hard work will get that state high
way between Portland and the Nehalem.
via Cedar Mill. North Plains. Banks
and Buxton, it is as good as aasurea
Hillsboro Argus. '
The incoming administration will first
"patch up the differences n Mexico,
but If things keep up it wilt be necessary
to do a little patching at bonra. Med
ford Mall-Tribune. .
The campaign for a Chamber ot
Commerce development fund of $lu,wo
a year is a sign that Eugene - Is back
again In the ranks of ths up and com
ing. Eugene Register. ; ,
Cooneration of Its citizens i the one
thing essential in making city prog
ress. Indifference to one's ; surround
ings and a don't-care policy never get
a city anywhere except to lose us
prestige. Baker Democrat t
A I.a Grande butcher has become a
millionaire by the death of a rtcn
uncle. This incident is worthy of spe
cial mention only because most butch
ers become millionaires by the simple
process of raising the retail price of
meats every time the livestock market
slumps to a lower leveL Eugene Guard.
urging the use of hair seal, rabbit
kid and horse meat, all of which are
said to be nutritious and palatable if
properly prepared. Please pass the
horse meat and a little horse radish!
Fred L. Wallace, a traveling man
from Philadelphia, is at the Multnomah
and had an unusual piece of luck Fri
day. Coming in at the Union . station,
he stopped near the baggage room to
get out his irunk checks and left his wal
let on a ledge near by. He did not
miss It until several hours later attho
hotel, and Immediately rushed back to
the station, where he found it exactly
where he had left it although there
were dozens of people all around "It
and orobablv several hundred nau
passed it by since he had put It there.
Th nurse contained 1230 In bills, a-i
mileaKe book, a Liberty bond ana two
firm checks for $100 each.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Gorman of Edmon
ton are at the Portland. They are tour
ing the beauty spots or the racinc
coast, . '
Mr. and Mrs. Sigurd W. Peterson and
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Tennant of Cor
vallls are at the Imperial.
Charles E. Herron, newspaper pub
lisher of Anchorage,- Alaska, is a Port
land visitor.
General Liggett has reserved rooms at
the Portland and will spenasome time in
a a a
Fred S. Fisher, the flour mill man,
with Mrs. Fisher, Is here from his' home
at CorvalllsN "
a a a
F. S. Barlow, who calls the county
seat of Morrow county his home, is a
Portland visitor. ,
- f
H, Holgate, welt known citizen of Cor-
vallls, is registered at. the Multnomah.
Miss Angle McCullough of Salem is
in Portland to visit'frlends.
Mr. and Mrs. IL E. H111 of Astoria
are at the Oregon.
C. A. Carson of Buxton Is at the
a - a
3. P. Jones of Bend is spending a day
or so in Portland.
C. A. Adams of Redmond is at the
Imperial. x
Mr. and Mrs. .T. A. Jameson 'of Bend
are Portland visitors.
Like everyone else that winter, we lost
most of our stock. That was the "hard
winter that all old settlers dated every
thing from for years thereafter The
next spring I went to Walla Walla,
where I fell In with Tom Brents, later
congressman from the state of Washing
ton for three terms.. - With, Brents and
the Hall boys. Johnson and one or two
other young chaps, I struck out for the
mines. We tried our luck for awMle at
Auburn and later at Union Flat, rrom
there we started prospecting and wound
up on the John Day. 'N We called our
party of (nine the Trenton party. We
put up teie first cabin at what is now
Canyon City.
a ; a a
"I started carryjng letters and gold
dust from the diggings there to The
Dalles. Later I sold out to Wells-Fargo.
Still later C. H. Miller ran an express
from Canyon City to The Dalles. When
he started to write poetry he took the
name of Joaquin Miller. Cayuse George
succeeded me as express rider. He was
working in those days for the WeHs
eFargo people. With the money I re
ceived from the Wells-Fargo company
for my express route I started a pack
train. I had 19 packhorses. I hired two
men to help me, a man named Ashley.
and John Espey. On our second trip to
canyon City the Indians swooped down
on us. They shot Espey in the back Just
under the shoulder blade, but the bullet
hit a rib, followed It around and came
out in rront. we lost IS of our 19 horses.
We followed the Indians and found
where they had dumped the flour by the
side of the trail and- thrown out the stuff
they didn't want I never recovered my
horses. I returned to The Dalles, bought
12 more horses, got goods on credit from
Hoboing, who had the principal store
there In those days, and went back to
Canyon City.
. ' . a e ' .
"ftje next trip I made Was to Powder
River, where I sold my pack outfit for
$700. I wintered at Powder River, help
ing William M. Ward on his ranch. Early
that spring I went to the Grande Roride
valley. Hearing they were planning to
start a school at the Cove, I applied for
the place as teacher. - Minor, Bloom and
Mitchell were the achool directors. They
offered me $245 to teach a three months'
term, so I accepted and taught the first
school at Cove and In the Grande Ronde
tucky. which was the native state of
Gaines, produced also nearly all the
Oregon murderers. "Common sense,
sir,"' said the communication, "should
teach you that the prestige of Kentucky
origin will not sustain you in your
mental Imbecility and that Kentucky
aristocracy devoid of sense and virtue
will not pass current in this Intelligent
market." ; - -
. , From the Dallas New . '
One of the hardest things in this world
for a woman to understand Is what her
husband does with his moAey after he
quits smoking.
The Oregon Country
NorthWMt nappenintj In Brief Form tor tbe k
-.... , Busy Header .' "
' The Altoona Packing company has be
gun construction on a large modern cold
storage plant at Astoria. , I
The bridge spanning Rock creek, east
of Koseburg,' collapsed last week under
the weight of a drove of cattle. . I
Island City has a new factory, the ,
main output of which Is sewer pipes,
drain pipes and buildiii'g blocks. I
With a capitalization of $500,000, t)M
Smith Timber company has been organ- .
ised, with Marshfield as the location of .
the main offices. -. I-
An .addition 75 feet long will be built
to the freight depot of the Oregon Elec
tric railway at Eugene, making the total
length of the building 290 feet, 4 ' -'
More than 60.000 Oregon children are
enrolled in the Modern Health Crusade,
a-system of teaching children hygiene
that imparts good health habits.
Representatives of the Centralla
Ftriquetting company are looking: over
the Coos Bay coal fields with a view
of locating a plant at Marshfield. j
Hood River county is the first In the
state lo reach the completion of lis .
quota In the $125,000 campaign drive f or -the
Oregon W, C. T. V- farm home, !
L E. Arnold, a poultry fancier - of
Lebanon, has found bv the trap-nestlnT,
method that one of his hens laid 2t)8 "
and another 298 eggs during the year,.
A i contract for the Immediate con
struction of a gravel highway between
Vale and Brogan was let the past week.
The 25 mlles'of road Will cost $62,000. I
A Jersey cow belonging to C. O.
Deveres, which he Imported from i Eng
land and paid $260. for as a calf, was
killed by a train near Cottage ' Grove
last week. ' t
Sorghum, peanuts, broom corn and
filberis, not to mention a host of others,
are crops upon which farmers of in )n
iuirlng mind are experimenting in the
tviuameite valley. , v j -..- -
A tie' factory has just started opera
tions at Albany for the purpose of
manufacturing washing powder, polish
ing and cleansing preparations and con
centrated food flavoring.
A liquid air plant, the output of which -would
be used largely in 'research work.
Is Included in the equipment .to be added .
to the laboratory Tot the . physics de- I
partment, of the University of Oregon., -i'
Ex-Governor Bass of New" HampshlreT
has arrived in Eugene. He has accepted '
a position on the Ktaff of the Untveralty
of Oregon and will teach industrial' re
lations. Industrial arbitration and ther
subjects having to do with labor.
The city of Seattle has announced lla
determination to fight the increased gas -rates
In the state supreme court i
a new city hall, complete in every rla
ail and costinir 145.000. will h th itvla
Christmas gift to residents of Bremer- '
Machinery for the Christ eYVson saw
mill, near White Salmon la being in
stalled and the mill will soon be in
The Balcuna Coal & Coke company,
capitalized at Raymond for $150,000, Is
opening; a coal mine on the north fork
of the Newaukum river. r -j
The body of George Ridings, a ploneor
of the Aberdeen section, .was found lit
the road near Fords Prairie, lis bad
evidently dted of apoplexy. ,
J. M. Curtis, late of Seattle and
Everett, is under arrest charged with
securing $50,000 within two years from
credulous victims In a land swindle;
Called to discuss all angles -of s the
shingle and allied industries, the fourlh -annual
Red Cedar Shingle congress will
be held at Seattle December 7 and-!..
The state highway department de
mands $50,000 from Yakima county as
a condition of resuming work on the
river road between Yakima and Ellena
burg. An unidentified man ended his life '
Saturday by leaning from the top deck
of the steamer Washington Into I'uget
Sound while the boat was approaching
Development work' in oroerreaalnar ran-
Idly at the Columbia Colliers -company's
mine cast ot centralla. and the-company
expects to begin taking out coal ,
about January 15.
It Is 'estimated that 65 per cent cha
1320 wheat crop in the vicinity of Pull
man Is still In the hands of the farmers.
Forty-five per cent has been sold at
from $1.25 to $2.16 per. bushel.
The Wills pa Lumber company Is In
stalling Improvements, the cost of which
will be upwards of $160,000. and which
will make the Raymond plant the larg
est and most efficient In the Northwest,
The new Gardens. bridge, near Idaho
City, which cost 29,035.80, has been
thrown open to traffic ,
'Many hundreds "of acres of sugar
beets are said to be still in the ground
in some districts of Idaho.
Bounties for 83 coyote pelts have been
issued at Rupert since the first of the
month, representing a valuation e
William Frazee, 21 years old, a brake
man on a freight train, was killed at
Mcfammon while switching l the
yards there.
All clocks In Boise will be set ahead
one hour at midnight of December 4,
and the city will thereafter operate oa.
mountain ttm t- ,
c-T. W. Hartley of Moscow has sold to
Edwin Johnson Bessie's Fernwood Bios- '
som, claimed to be Htaho' champion
Jersey cow. The consideration was
$1000. 1 j
An effort to secure the return of the
state quarantine on districts in Idaho
where alfalfa hay is infected with'
weevil will be made by the Twin Falls
Chamber of Commerce.
A contract has lust been closed for
the construction of three miles of the
A natone-Asotin highway, the consider
atlon being $19,000. This will bring the
road to within one mile of Asotin. - .
That vgood substitute for linen can
be produced in nearly all farming re
gions of the Northwest Is the belief of
A. E. Neighbor of Moscow, who has
been making tests with the ordinary
sweet clover.
rCNow youRi.
Portland has 1277.8 miles of streets,'
(97.05 miles of trunk sewers, 763
miles of water mains. 859 miles of
gas mains and 251 miles of electric
conduits, according to figures com
piled by City Engineer O. Laurgaard.
. The city's ! investment in streets,
ewers and water mains represents
an aggregate investment of $46,
884,000. ; - '
The city engineer's, figures ire as
follows : H ----- .
' '-' I ST E EFTS
Kind.; Miles. . Cost.
Graded with id-.
- walk only. i $00.07
Macadam ........ ' 89.9 '
Hard urfe. . . , 4 1 3.0 -Unisuprored
...,, S04.13
Trnnk rer 24 Ina. 115.78
Under 24 ina. .... 681.3
All alze
"" aoV ar 'i a 1 "no nun
ioo.uu a .(i.vuii
i 'j S4S.884.00O
... , j . . BSD. Of "
AH aizes
All Ixea - '
P. It. L. a P. Co. ,4 114.00 ,
N. W. Elee. o... . 7I.0O-,
Pac. Tel. A Tel. Co. 62.00
Waatern Union.,.. . 4.09 ,
. Total ......... 251.00 r- .
Because of having street Inter
sections at "intervals of 200 'feet,
Portland- probably exceed-, almost
any, other city in the United States
for street area in proportion to the
general area of the city, which Is
66.6 square miles. .