The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 29, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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    MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1920.
i 1
Trawler to all points of th United Stats or
abroad ahould tak. advantage of experienced in
formation and acrvie. offered throucn The Ore
con Journal Information and Travel Bureau, in
personal charge of Doraey B. Smith. Railroad
tickets and ateemship, bookings arranged. For
eign exchange issued. . Information given regard
ing paasporu.
First Annual Oregon Stat Corn Show, Port
land, November 13 to February 2T.1921.
Oregon Stat Horticultural aoctety, annual
meeting, Eugene, December 2, 8 and 4.
Oregon and Booth -Idaho Educational union.
The bailee, December 2 to 4,
Oregon Stat Hotel Men. Eugene. December
3-4. , -
Western Winter show. Oregon Poultry and
Pet Stock aaaociation. The Auditorium,' Port
land, December 13 to 18. '
Stat Teachers' aaaociation, ; Portland. Decem
ber. T, P. A. state aaaociation, Portland. Decem
ber si.
Itetail Hardware and Implement dealer, Fort-
lana, January 2 to .zs.
- Oregon Bet ail Msrcbanjs' aaaociation. Marsh-
iir, February.
' , Pacific Coast Society of Orthodonlata, Febro
ary 10 to 18.
Brotherhood of American J somen, (late eon-
dave, Eugene, April. 1921
a. k. u.
W.. grand lodge. April, third Tuea-
Foresters! of America, arand court. Portland.
May 22 to 123.
Military 'Order of the Loyal Legion. Portland,
aiay lu.
Kniebte of Columbus, state council, Portland,
Uay 30. -
'State Dental aodety. 1021.
- " r .' ''
Portland and Vicinity Tuesday rain; south
erly winds. .
' Oregon and Washington Tuesday rain west
portion, occasional rain or snow east portion ,
moderate southerly winds.
I-ow pressure pre rails from Alaska southward
to Vancouver Island and southeastward to Al
berta, and a small depression ia central in Mis
souri. The remainder of the country ia core red
by two high pressure area, one central near the
t.ult or fit- I -aw r-nee ani the other jn,soutneei
ern Idaho; precipitation haa occurred on the ex
treme North Pacific coa-it, OTer a belt reaching
from Iowa to Texu. and locally in North Da
kota and the District of fWimbis- The heaviest
rainfall repotted was 1.T2 inches at 'mangle
Island, a. ;. The temperature is a bo re norma
in ,the extreme Northwest and in the central
valleys and below normal in other sections.
Relatire humidity at Portland: Noon yester
day, 68 per cent; 5 p. ro. yesterday, 72 per
cent; 6 a. ra. tooay, 97 per cent.
Precipitation since January 1: Total. 32.01
inches; normal, 37.66 Inches: deficiency, 4.65
inches. EDWAitU . HiU.3.
Baker; Or ,
- liaston, Mass.
Iiuffahv N. Y t, . . .
t'algary. Alberta .......
fliicai-te 111. ...........
Itenvrr, Colo. ..........
lips Moines, Iowa ..
Fresno. -Cat. .. ........
Clveston. Texaa .......
Helena, Mont ......
Honolulu, T. II...
Huron, 8. 1. ........ .
-Juneau, Alaska
Kansas t'ity, -Mo. '....-..
l.os Angeles, Oil.
. ManhficM, Or."
Medford, Or.
Memphis, Tenn. .......
New Orleans, I .a.
New Tork. N. Y
Nome, Alaska
North llnul. Wash. .....
l"North I'latte, Neb
Oklahoma City, Okla. ...
Phoenix, Ariz .
Pitsburg,. Pa.
Pocatelln, Idaho .......
Portland, i Or. .........
Prince Rupert, B. C. ....
ldieeburg. Or. .........
Koswell. N. M. ........
Macramento, Cel. .,
St. I-ouU, Mo. i . . . . .
(.. . 1'sul, Minn.
.Halt Uke City, Utah
Kan Iie Cal.
Sa Francisco. Cel. . . . .
- Sfattle, Wash
Sheridan, Wyo. . . . J. . .
' fipokane. ... t . T .'. ,
Tatixvih Wand, Wash.1...-.
Tnnonnh, Nee. j .
Tnantle B. C: ....
ValUe. Alaka
Vancnuier. B. C
Waila Walla, Wash
Vfashintfon, I. C '
Yakima. . Wft-h.'- .. r. . . . .'.
Aftcriiimn. report of preceding day.
3 9 a
1 V S
& 11 11
42 32 U
88 24 0
38 84 0
48 14 0
44 " 40 0
38 20 0
48 88 .04
64 46 ' 0
, 6 60 . oa
88 24 O
7 . . .72
36 30 0
42 .. .40
48 40 .22
78 64 -0
68 86 O
46 28 0
68 44 0
62 60 0
44 34 O
6 . . O
62 46 0
44 26 O
48 82 .06
68 36 0
44 3 0
38 22 0
64 "87 0
42 40 .60
48 86 0
60 .20 0-
68 44 0
52 38 0
42 32 0
38 24 0
74 82
00 50 O
60 44 o
40 20 O
48 34 0
62 48 .04
42 82 0
48 38 1.72
26 .. .08
50' 40 . 04
5 34 0
44 38 .04
44 20 0
come from regions where Irrigation and
water rights are Involved. Questions
which affect this state upon riparian
rights will also be taken up. Other
courses to be given during the winter
term are bills and notes, contracts, evi
dence, equity, law of officers, agency,
torts, corporations, real property, mort
gages and moot court.
Church Gives Pageant In place of the
regular sermon a pageant, "Advance the
Line," was given at St Davids Episco
pal church Sunday morning. The char
acters were : The rector. Rev. Thomas
Jenkins ; verger, Cecil Parker ; soul of
the parish, Ernest Brokenshlre ; messen
ger, David B, Mackle; the guardian an
gels. Marian Jenkins, Grace So per and
Dorothy Taylor. Confession of imper
fect church service during the past was
made by some characters, whereupon
others directed the way to the more
perfect line. The lessons of the pageant
were appropriate as immediately foil own
ing the sermon the financial committee
visited members In their homes to .secure
the finances for the coming year.
Suffers From Shell Shock Fearing an
attack of shell shock, Frank Walsh, for
mer member of the 251st Canadian bat
talion and wounded overseas veteran,
left a note with the clerk of the Saranac
hotel, Sixth and Davis streets, asking
him to communicate with the Red Cross.
The clerk called the emergency hospital
and a city physician found Walsh un
able to leave his bed without assistance.
He was taken to St Vincents hospital
Authorities report that he is better this"
morning and will probably soon recover.
Walsh is a homesteader near Calgary,
Alberta. .
License law tTnconstitutolnal The
Washington state barbers' license law
was held unconstitutional in a decision
handed davi- last week by Federal Judge
I&;EL Cusjjman in the caseof Frank
Timrnons, a Tacoma barber, who was ar
rested last June on a charge of prac
ticing his trade without a license. The
state, barbers' law was one of three
passed by the legislature in 1901 pro
viding for state examinations in trades,
all of which have now been annulled by
court decisions.
Berdnne Arrested In Idaho Joseph
Berdune, formerly of .Portland, who
has served two terms In the Oregtfn
state penitentiary for forgery and who
was acquitted, on- a similar charge by
the Marion county grand Jury last
January, has been arrested at Lewis
ton, Idaho. Berdune waa pardoned
from the penitentiary at Salem in Sep
tember, 1919. It Is reported that Ber
dune's operations in Idaho netted him
a large sum of money.
Honument to Pioneers A meeting of
Captain Thomas Sweeney, repre
senting the Inland Construction com
pany, was awarded the contract for
the construction of a shed at pier
No. 2, terminal No. 4, by the dock
commission at a special meeting this
morning. The bid was the lowest
of four and the amount named was
$181,364.60. The board agreed to
waive the error in the bidder's bond
and to grant the contract in order to
facilitate the work.
Specifications for the construction of
this shed call for a structure 715 feet
long, 180 feet in width (including the
rear platform), and an elevation of 44
feet. The main deck will be 20 feet in
the clear beneath the trusses.
Considerable controversy developed
between Commissioners Knapp. Bur
gard and Averill regarding dispensing
with the letter of the advertisement
and awarding the contract to the low
est bidder. The trouble started over
the bonds accompanying the bids. City
Attorney La Roche offered an opinion
to the effect that they were not ac
cording to the letter of the law, but
that the commission could waive the
error- Knapp held that it was a good
time to put art end to waivers.
The contract for the construction of
the shed was originally granted to Steb
binger Bros., for a little over S174.000.
Later they filed a writ of error in the
sum of $9000. This was granted by the
board. The bid Traunchell and Parel
lius was then taken ; later It was handed
back to Stebbinger : then all : bids re
jected. On the opening of new bids the
bond matter came up and further delay
was the result
Sudden & Christiansen, owners of the
steamship Edna, formerly the old Maz
atlan, stand In a good way to recover
, . .ki-o . i , tiic iiiuiicjr vii tin: ujuv uiiai icio witcn
, , J . -v.. . i ' 41 that vessel was In the service of the
"""I,";' 7"r!, ' British government during the period
bany on December 8 to organize the . "
i ... if 1 .. I nlrtlr, anil I ' Wir.
X"ulLr"tU":rnr :! The matter is now before the privy
:u ",tl" council, and, barring the general speed
of the British admiralty, a settlement
is in sight Sudden & Christiansen
bought the Mazatlan in good faith and
renamed her the Edna. They had a
claim for the time charter when she
flew the English flag.
to erect a monument somewhere in the
county to the memory of the first fami
lies 'who broke sod in Linn county.
Shingles Go By. Parcel Post Begin
ning last Tuesday the Tum-A-Lum com
pany at Hood River has been shipping
shingles by parcel post to S. C. Johnson
of Spray. The order for 6000 shingles
was completed Saturday. The shingles
were shipped ln25 bundles, the postage
ranging from 41 to 60 cents a bundle.
Portland "Boys Arrested Donald Cha
ney and Floyd Wettman. young boys,
were taken in charge at Roseburg by
officers for appropriating goods from a
Southern Pacific car irt j.the local freight
yards. They are being held pending in
formation from the Portland juvenile
court, both claiming this city as their
Henry Falling Honored A large
framed portrait of the late Jlenry Fail
ing, prominent citizen of Portland and
for many years a regent of the Uni
versity of Oregon, has been presented
to the university by the daughters of
Mr. Failing. The portrait will be hung
In the president's office.
Revenne Officer Resigns G. V. Wim-
berly, division chief deputy of the in
ternal revenue office, has resigned to
accept a position as cashier of a new
bank to be established at Klamath
Falls. Prior to accepting work with
the government he was assistant cash
ier at a Rosburg bank.
Arsonist Is Paroled Fred F. Theroux,
"Brakes and Braking" The first free
lecture by" the National Safety council
aimed at prevention of automobile ac- Mind musician and music dealer, who
otdents will be given at the public! was sentenced to serve one year in the
library hall tonight at 8 o'clock. The I penitentiary for arson following the dis-
sneaker will be K. E. Goehler of Ben- astrous lire in uregon city last Apru,
son Polytechnic institute. The subject
villi be "itrakes ami Braking." This is
the first of a series of 12 weekly lec
tures, all prepared by exiierts and each
devoted, to a discussion of motor-car
operation and care.
Sliephard's Auto Bos Lines rortland
Multnotnah Falls division Leave Port
land 9-.30 a. m., 10 :30 a. m., 4 p. m. : ar
rive Multnomah, 11 :15 a. m., 12:15 p. m.,
5:45 p.m. Leave Multnomah 7:45 a. m.,
1 p. m., 4 :15 p. m. : arrive Portland 9 :30
a. rri.. 2 :45 p. m., 6 p. m. Saturday and
Sunday, leave Multnomah 6 p. m. ; leave
Portland 11:15. p. m. Buses leave St
Charles hotel, Front'' and Morrison.
Phone Marshall 4381. Adv.
8hephard Anfo Bos Lines Portland
Kt. Helena division Leave Portland 7 :30
a. m., 10 a. m 1 :30 p. m.. 4 p. m. ; ar
rive St. Helens, 9. a. m., 11:30 a. m., 3
p. m., 5 :30 p. m. Leave St Helens 7 :30
a . m.. 10 .a. m., 1 :30 p. rh., 5 :30 p. m. ;
arrive Portland, 9 a. m., 11:30 a. m., 3 p.
m., 7 p. 'rri. Saturday and Sunday leave
St Helens 6 p. m. ; leave Portland 11:15
4 n. Buses leave St t'hnrlesnhotel.
Front and Morrison. Phone Marshall
4381. Adv.
II.' L. Miles Home Kobbed Thieves
who are said to have'jimmled the rear
bedroom window at the home of H. L.
Washington, Nov. 29. (WASHING
The shipping board today advised Sen
ator Charles McNary it had refused
Astoria's request to make that place a
port of call for the Matson Navigation
company steamers on a guarantee of
500 tons of freight If the tonnage
guarantee is increased the matter will
be given further consideration.
Tamalpais Still Aground
Aberdeen, Wash., Nov. 29. The
steamer Tamalpias, supposed to have
been pulled off the mud flats In the
lower harbor Saturday, is still aground.
An attempt Sunday at high tide failed
and another attempt will be made late
has been admitted to parole and has re
turned to Oregon City:
Coming to Town Tonight! Tou can
leave your "Dime a Line" Journal want
ad for tomorrow's Journal at The Jour
nal want ad service station in the Owl
Drug Co.'s store at Broadway, and
Washington Btreet Open each evening,
except Sunday, until 10 o'clock. Adv.
Faces Larceny Charge Elvin Rust,
who is alleged to have stolen an automo
bile last March, was arrestedSunday
night by Patrolmen Ferry anaAbbott
on a warrant charging larceny. Rust
was arrested in Eujfene. The machine
is said to belong to O. N. Smith.
The Brotherhood of Railway Clerks
announces a dancing party at Cotillion
hall. Fourteenth street near Washing-
ton, Tuesday evening, November 30.
1920, given under the auspices of all
lodges, Portland and vicinity. Public in
vited. Adv.
Salem -Mill City Stage Line Connects
O. E. train No. 5 Salem, arrive Mill City
1 p. m. Also connects -O. E. train No. 9
Salem, arrive Mill City 7 p. m. Joseph
Hamman, proprietor, Salem. Phone 44.
Silhouette Pie Party A silhouette pie
party will be given by the'United Arti-
i sar Fram cadet team Tuesday evening
Positions of Vessels
Radio reports from North Head give
the positions of the following vessels at
8 p. m. November 28 :
SS. Yosemite, San Francisco for Port
Ludlow, 60 miles south of Columbia
SS. Dei Rosa, Anacortes for San Fran
cisco, 630 miles north of San Francisco.
SS. Ernes.t H. Meyers, Grays Harbor
for San Pedro, barbound inside Grays
Harbor bar.
SS. Admiral Wainwright, Vancouver
for Redondo, 140 miles south of Tatoosh.
SS. Brave Coeur. Bellingham for San
Pedro, 79 miles south of Cape Flattery.
SS. Admiral Seebree. Ocean Falls for
Wellington, 614 miles from Ocean Falls.
SS. Ed Kingsley, Vancouver, B. C, for
San Francisco, 50 miles south Columbia
News of the Port
.Miles, 619 Fifty-first street Sunday aUi the hall. 386V4 Washington street
evening, took family Jewelry valued at
$100. Miles returned to his home about
10:30 o'clock Sunday evening, saw a
light in his house and heard someone
jump from a rear window.
Demorratic Woman's Club Luncheon
The- Democratic Woman's club, , of
which Mrs. Redmond Marshall Is presi
dent, will give a luncheon Friday at 12
o'clock in the Tyrolean room of the
Hotel Bensoji In hftnor of Dr. Esther
J'ohl Lovejoy, who will leave soon for
New York. I
Shephard's Anto Bos I.lnest-Portland-Hood
River division : Lea vd Portland
9:30 a. m., 10:30 a. m., 2:45 p. m. Ar
rive Hood River 12 :30 p. m., 2 p. m.. 8 p.
m. Buses leave St. Charles hotel. Front
and Morrison. Phone Marshall 4381. Ad.
Shephard's Anto Bus Lines Portland,
Astoria and Seaside division Leave
Tortland 10 a. m.. 1 :30 n. m. : arrive As
toria 4 p. m., 7 p. m. Leave Astoria, 10
a. m.. :30 p. m. ; arrive Portland. 4 p.
. m., t p. m. Buses leave St. Charles
noiei, Tont and Morrison. Telephone
Marshall 4381. Adv.
Xew Courses In Law School In the
winter a new course on water rights
will be given by the law school of the
Lniversiiy 01 Oregon, 'ine course will
be especially designed for students who
There Is One
J Safe Place to
(Buy Your
2 or v
I Convenient Payments Arranged f
Admisslou to men will be free.
Portland Camp 107. W, O. W will give
entertainment Wednesday night, 8
o'clock, at W. O. W. temple, 128 Eleventh
street Members and friends Invited.
Admission free. Adv.
P-Wtland-Xevrberg Buses leave Fourth
and Alder daily, 8 :30, 9 :30, 11 a. m., and
1, 2 :30, 4 :15, D :30, 6 :30 p. m. ; Saturday
and Sunday, 11 p. m. Phone Main 3314.
Adv. '
Bazaar St. Davids Episcopal church,
assembly room, 'Hotel Portland, Friday
2 to 10 p. m. ; Saturday, 10 a. m. to 6
p. m. Adv. . '
Steamer Iralda for St Helens and
Rainier, daily at 2:30 p. m.. foot of
Alder street. Sundays, St -Helens only,
1:30 p. m. Adv.
Artistic Teeth I Dr. E. C. Rossman,
Plate Specialist, makes the kind that
please. 309 Journal bldg. Adv. ,
McCargar, Bates t Llvely--Fire, life,
casualty and automobile insurance. . Yeon
building. Telephone Main 168 Adv.
Dr. Otis B. Wight has returned. Adv.
The Journal, the Owl Drug Company
and Journal "Dime-a-Une" Want Ad
Service Stations Will fjive Them Away
to Sunday Journal "Want Ad" Users,
Distribution Starts Thursday and Fri
day of This Week. ,
' Beginning Thursday and -Friday, De
cember 2 and 3, The Journal, the Owl
Drug - company and outlying Journal
pine-a-Line" want ad stations will
give away 4000 Christmas toys. These
toys will be given to Dersona wrm
sin on the above days with aT-4"Dime-a-Llne"
want ad for the big Sunday
journal or December 6. Onjy one toy
will be given to each person. The only
conditions are that your ad must be
brought in on Thursday or Friday, it
must run Sunday. December 5. and it
must be naid for at tim nf
- Arrivals November 29
P. H. Buck, American steamer, from Monte
rey, oil.
Abercos, American steamer, from Orient, fen'
eraL i
Arrival! November 28
Alaska. Amrmcan steamer, from San Fran
cisco, passengers and general.
Paraiso, American steamer, ,rom San Fran
Cisco, Keneral.
Lake Filbert, American steamer, from Seattle,
cargo in transit. -
Departure November 29
, Barge No. 93, for San Francisco, ballast
Departures. November 2S
K1 HeeiiiHio. American steamer, for San
fedro, DaUasU
Weather at River's Mouth
North Head. Not. 29. Condition aa the
moutn ol the river at noon Sea, moderate
wind, southeast. IS miles; weather, cloudy.
Tides at Astoria Tuesday
Htjh Water I Ixiw Water
4:22 a. m.. 8.3 feet 10:21 a. m., 3.2 feet
3:52 p. m.. 8.0 feet 10:57 p. m., 0.0 feet
8 a. m.. Pacific Time.
si Irs
stations r& ag
. . ' IJ
T'matilla 25 475 0.1
Eugene 10 7.0 -l.H
Albany 20 13.6 -1.0
Salem ; . . . 20 12.5 0.1
Oregon Uiijr .X . . . . ill 0.8 "0.4
Portland .... 15 n . 1 o
() Rise. ( ) Fall.
The Willamette riTer at Portland will fall
slowly during the next two or three days.
Astoria, Nov. 29. Arrived, at midnight and
left np at 1 a. m.. steamer F. H. Buck, from
Monterey. Sailed At 1 1 :20 a. ra., steamer
For Yokohama, Kobe and Shanghai
8. B. ANTO MABO. 12.000 tons, loading
January 18. 1D2X.
For rate, (ana, spsea'ov information, address
General Aoants
Direct Connection for South Beach. ati.M
Daily, for San Franciseo. Sailed At 7:50 a.
as., steamer 3 Segundo, for San Pedro. Left
np at 11 a. m-. steamer Abercos.
Coos Bay, Nor 28. Arrived At S a. m..
steamer Curacao, from Portland, for Eureka and
San Francisco.
San Francisco, Nov. 28. Sailed Steamer
Hawaiian, from Portland, for New Tork. Arrived
At midnight and sailed at 4 d. m., steamer
W. F. Herrin. for Portland. .
Astoria. Nov. 28. Arrived At 7:20 and left
np at 11:30 a. m., steamer Alaska, from San
Francisco; at 8:10 and left np at 10 a. ra.,
steamer Para iso. from San Francisco; at 10:25
and left up at 11:45 a. m., steamer I.ake Fil
bert, from Seattle. Sailed At 10:30 a. m.,
steamer Multnomah, for San Francisco; at 2:20
p. m.. steamer Trinidad, for San Pedro. Arrived
At 10 p. m., steamer Abercos, from Orient.
Nanauno, Nor. 28. Arrived Steamer Ju
neau, from Seattle, for Portland.
San Pedro, Nov. 28. Sailed Steamer West
Camsk, from Portland, for Iondon.
Cristobal, Nov. 25. Sailed Steamer Steel
maker, from Astoria, for New Tork.
San Francisco, Nov. 29. (L N. S.) Ar
rived. Nov. 28: W. F. Herring Astoria, 12:05
p. in.: Prentiss. Coot Bay, 12:15 p. m.; West
Kedron, Leith, 4:15 p. m.; Raymond. Grays
Harbor, 1 :30 p. m. ; Hawk, Santa Crux, 3 :20
p. m.; Tiverton, 4:05 p. m. ; Charles Christen
sen. Loa Angeles, 5:25 p. an.; Admiral Dewey,
Seattle, 8:30 p. m.
Sailed Nov. 28: Bandon, Bandon, 8:20 a.
m.; Admiral Farragut, Corinto, 8:40 p. m. ;
Hawaiian, New Tork. 10 s. m. ; Whittier, Port
San Luis, 10 a. to.: Delago Mara. Manila. 11
a. m. : C. 8. Holmes. Paget Sound, 11:55 a.
m.; West Inskip, New Tork, 12:20 p. m.; De
stroyer McCauley, San Piego, 1:50 p. m. Pasa
dena. Loa Angeles, 2:25 p. m.; Coquelle, Fort
Brace. 4 p. m.; W. F. llerrin. Linnton. 4:40
p. m.
Arrived Nov. 29: Klamath. Los Angeles,
12:10 a. m.: West Camargo, Honolulu. 3:20
a. m. ; Sea Foam. Mendocino, 8:25 a. en.;
Arctitc, Los Angeles, S :?0 a. m. ; navy tanker
Patoka, Manila. 8:25 a. m. : President, Loa
Angeles, -0 a. m.
Sailed No. 29: V. S. S. New Mexico,, Mis
sissippi. Idaho, New Tork, Texas, Arkansas.
Wyoming, for maneuvers off port, 9 a. m.
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 29. (L N. S.) Ar
rived, Everett, from San Diego, via San Fran
etco, at 1 a. m. Sailed. West Pester, for Ma
nilla via, porta and Bellingham, at 8:15 a. m.
Arrived, November 28. Hyades, from Honolulu
via San Francisco, at 11 a. m.: U. S. L. S.
Umatilla, from Umatilla Reef, at 8:55 p. m. ; V.
S. L. 8. Relief, from Sea Duty, at 3:30 p. ra.
Sailed. November 28, Oregonian, for New Tork
via Tacoma and porta, at 6:30 a. m. ; Prince
George, for Prince Rupert, at 11:45 p. m. -
Juneau. Nov. 28. Railed. Alameda, west
bound, at 9 p. m. Sailed, November 27. Ad
miral Wataon, westbound, at 3 a. ra.
Petersburg. .Nor. 2S. Sailed, Spokane, aonth-
bound. at S a. m. Sailed, November 27, Jef
ferson, northbound, at 12:85 p. nt.
Ketchikan. Nov. 28. i Sailed. North west rri.
southbound, at a. as. : Alameda, narttabonnd,
at 8:30 a. m. SaUed. Novunber 27. Bcdondo,
aoutiibound, at midnight
Sydney, Nov. 27. Sailed. CapadiahXExporteT.
tor Vancouvm via porta, "
1 Victoria, Nov. 27. Arrived, Governor, from
Seattle, at 4 P. m.. and proceeded for Baa Fran
cisco, at 5:1.5 p. m.
Vaacouver, B.- C. Nov. 2 S. Arrived. H. B.
Lovejoy, from San Pedro via San Francaeo;
West Ivan, from Manila; Mount Berwin, from
Mtr.illes via Saa Francisco; MatUwa, from
Hongkong; Teucer. from Seattle and Tacoma.
Philadelphia, pa., Nov. 27. Cleared, Caiza.
for North Pacific porta.
Kobe, Nov. 23. Sailed. Wnaatland Mont, for
Seattle via, porta; Empress of Asia, for Van
couver. t
Cristobal. Nov. 27. Sailed. Steelmaker, for
New Tork; Clauseus, for United Kingdom.
Sailed. November 28, Eastern Belie, for Cuban
Honolulu, Nor. 28. Sailed, Canadian In
ventor, for Vancouver.
San Pedro, Nov. 28, Arrived. Wilmington,
from Seattle and Tacoma.
KvereU. Nov. 29. Arrived. , Oregonian, from
Seattle and Taeoma, at 7 a. m. i
Tacoma, Nov. 29. Sailed, Admiral Evans, for
Seattle: Arrived, November 28, Mukiiteo, from
San Franciaco. :
The Associated tanker F. H. Buck ar
rived at Linnton thin morning; and is
discharging- fuel oil.
The steamship Abercos. from the Ori
ent in the service of the Admiral line.
is due this afternoon. She arrived at
Astoria Sunday.
The Standard tanker El Seeundo and
barge 93 got away from Astoria this
The Bteamshin W. V. Herrin is north.
bound from San Francisco for Portland.
The steamship Alaska ' of the San
Francisco and Portland line, is dis
charging at Ainsworth dock.
The steamship Lake Filbert, General
Steamship corporation, will finish at
Portland. She will take 640.000 feet, of
luuiuci tLiiu aw tuns vi xiuur xor tne
West Coast,
Bringing 1000 tons of nitrate for the
DuPont Powder company, the steamship
Silverado will arrive from the West
Coast Wednesday. She will berth at
Municipal ivo. 4.
'. H-LIEBES & CO O ' :
V J.
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fresh start
If. you're in the wrong job-start
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The greatest values H. Liebes & Co. have ever offered
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Reductions Ranging to i
50 V
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manufacturers' M samples, but our entire
stocks of Liebes well selected, dependable,
distinctive apparel at reductions
of phenomenal importance
Suits ;
Every Suit Originally $95 and Over, Half Price
Other Groups at $33, $43, $53 $63
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$66.50 Also All Highest Grade Dresses Reduced
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Exceptional Assortments at $38, $58, $78, $110 v
All Highest Grade Coats Also Reduced j
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