The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 29, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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Ardmore, Okla., Nov. 29. (T. N.
S.) Thousands of Oklahomans gath
ered her today to pay final respects
-to Jake 1m Hamon, Republican na
tional CQmrniticriiiiiii (uuiu-uit-
1Ionalre oil magnate, who died from
- the efects of a bullet wound. .The
. funeral service was to be brief with
. interment at 2:30 o'clock this after
noon. V -
r- While final tribute wl being paid to
Hamon. a systematic search was under-
taken by Oklahomans for Clara Smith
. Hamon, cousm of the dead man by
marriage, who is Charged with bavins
. fired the shot that resulted in his death.
Police, aided by sheriff and marshals,
were combine every county of the state
ln their search for the woman who is
: known to have been in Hamon's hotel
apartment on the night he was shot
Hamon's millionaire business associ
ates, the town builders of Ardmore, have
completely hushed the scandal that broke
around the circumstances that led to
his death. Hamon was shot last" Sun-.
day with a small calibre automatic re
volver. "As he went to the operating;
'lable smoking a cigar he is quoted as
' saying, "I shot myself, but no one will
believe It."
Beautiful" Clara Smith, stenographer
to the dead millionaire, is still missing.
Startling rumors have been current in j
i Ardmore today about this mysterious
woman who is charged by the Carter
rnunty attorney . with flrlrfg - the, shot
, that resulted in the politician's death,
, . The public, always eager to gossip
v nbout the mighty, accepts with Implicit
. faith the story that Hamon fell before
1 the woman's automatic in a heated quar
' rel In the oil magnate's room in an Ard
more hotel. With this class the belief
is prevalent that Frank L. Ketch, busi
1 ness manager of the Hamon interests,
has the woman secreted in some place
where she is safe from the county offi
cers. Qn the other hand, the substantial
business men of the town profess to
believe that Hamon died as the result
"of an accident. Their theory is that
the fur coated, be-dlamond favorite of
the dead oil king has been safely hidden
by the county attorney.
, Hamon made no secret of -his affec
tion for Clara Smith. It Is understood
that he faced the necessity for parting
with her after a great struggle in which
the advice of his friends prevailed.
.'Hamon was ambitious. His meteoric
career in Oklahoma politics led him to
believe that he might ascend to national
eminence. His name was once before
the Chicago convention . for the nomina
tion of the presidency.
The Smith woman has known Hamon
since she was ' 17 years old. She first
nice, si 1 til lit ikH ivii nuns buv t h sb vtvia
in a drygoods store. She went to Ard
more later as bis stenographer. A few
years ago she married a nephew of
Hamon's, as she is said to have put it,
:"to get the, name of Hamon!" She
never lived with young Hamon. ' It Is
rumored that a $50,000 settlement was
made with the woman . by Hamon at
the time of her marriage' to his nephew.
BET OS HE8tJlT';f: " ,
Charges have been made that the in-
formation filed by Russell Brown, county
1 attorney of Carter' county, are the out-
v growth of political enmity. Hamon's
manager, Frank L. . Ketch, has even
charged that the statutory charge was
a political frame-up. The fact remains,
' however, that the influential Democrats
-of -Carter county are assisting in the
work of hushing the rumors of scandal
surrounding Hamon's death.
Betting is : even today that Russell
Brown will not press the charge of as
sault with intent to kill, made against
the woman. It is not generally believed
that the charge will ever be changed
to manslaughter or-murder. The adult
, ery charge ; brought Jointly against
Hamon and the woman, it is thought,
will not be pressed against Clara Smith.
Immediately after Hamon's death the
leading business men of Ardmore met
in secret conference and decided to ap--"
ply pressure to the end that the reports
. current about Hamon-shall be forgotten,
I No official statemen was made by the
men who were in , the conference. . It
is significant that Southern Oklahoma
' newspapers owned by Hamon's friends
never carried more than a statement of
aimon condition.
Despite the fact that Cltra Smith
lived In Oklahoma for many years, no
picture has been found. Studios have
destroyed the negatives of her picture
and the few copies that were in exist
ence In Ardmore at the time of the
shooting were collected and destroyed
.; before metropolitan f newspaper men
struck town.
(Continued From Pais Om)
military patrol arrived to arrest the po
lice offenders.
Comment on the outbreaks In liver
pool and London was withheld by the
Irish office here. The attention of au
thorities was concentrated on reports of
the arrival of Sinn Feiner gunmen in
Dublin. It was believed arrests would
- b made shortly: :
Meanwhile, the prison camps built
v here -and at Newcastle for Sinn . Fein
suspects were approaching completion.
Temporary cell rooms here were
crowded, but patrols continued bringing
in prisoners.
r " " ' " --
"F-5SIW TTTV nnrs Pr.ivr.. -
' - ' -a AO
By Percy Sart
(Flitted Ktn Staff r7--A
London, Nov. 29. Sinn Fein carried'
the Irish war into the industrial heart
of England with an outbreak of arson
in Liverpool Sunday morning. Twelve
warehouses stocked with', cotton and
other materials, and a number of lum
ber yards, were set on fire slmultane-
ously. A policeman was shot dead as
he tried to arrest a man running from
one of the burning buildings, and a
boy who had the misfortune to observe
the firebugs on one job was another
At one time there were IS bad fires
going' in the warehouses and lumber
. yards. Including six in the Bootle sec
, tion alone. All the Liverpool, fire en
gines, as well as those from the subur
- ban stations, were out simultaneously .
and other apparatus was summoned
from neighboring town. . .
No estimate of the damage can yet be
attempted, but It will certainly amount
to many thousands of pounds. Many
; fires were stiU burning despite the best
' effort of the entire fire and police de
partments, at J o'clock Sunday after- J
noon. . Several score of fire bugs are be
lieved to have worked on the "Jobs in
parties of varying numbers. "v
When the police rrfshed to the fires
In the north end they were fired upon
by pickets stationed to stave off Inter
ference. None was hit, however.
Bootle had a total of 12 fire alarms
during the arson orgy. Several huge
six-story warehouses, crammed with raw
materials Just unloaded from ships or
with manufactured goods about to be
shipped, were burned' out.
At one time there were three 'great
fires going in Regent street, including
one lumber yard containing thousands
of feet of timber badly needed for hous
ing construction. In Sandsfield lane a
similar lumber yard went up in flames
and - two immense cotton warehouses
were badly damaged. . . , r
The outbreak took place according te
the plan attributed to the Irish repub
lican army and revealed to the United
News on Thursday by the Irish ofice.
As these dispatches announced at the
time the plan favored Sunday morning
as the best time to attack Liverpool and
Manchester with the torch and explosive.
While Liverpool was being threatened
with destruction and the entire forces of
the great seaport city were making a
-bewildered fight against attacks in
many 'quarters, precautions went for
ward In London to prevent the assassin
ation : of Lloyd George and ' other high
officers of .the government,
Heavy' police guards were stationed
throughout the Whitehall and, West
minster districts, housing respectively
the many government departments and
parliament. Saint James park, including
a ground, in the rear of the
prime minister's residences the admiralty
and the foreign office was turned Into
a mobilization field for the special po
lice and a concentration of these officers
were kept there all day ready to be
shifted to any point of attack oh a sec
ond's notice. , -
The government Is "still reticent re
garding the details of the plot, but the
plan of destruction is revealed as the
most elaborate in the history of the Irish
troubles, with hundreds of men impli
cated. In Manchester and Liverpool precau
tions had been taken as well.
There are thousands of Irish and
others of known Sinn Feiners feelings
In both of these great seaports and man
ufacturing centers and the government
evidently, had reason to fear trouble
from some of them. . As the original plot
was said to have purposed the dynamit
ing of lqpks and other Important public
works In both cities, that part at least
of the reign of it has been thwarted.
And in the absence of trouble in White
hall it was believed that the presence
of the guards had scared off dynamiters
or assassins if any had actually planned
to make their attack today.
Five; arrests were made in Liverpool
Hundreds of empty gasoline cans were
found near the scenes of the fires. En
trance to the warehouses was gained by
the forcing of locks or by cutting them
out of th doors.
The police reported that a total of 18
fires had been started between 9 and
10 o'clock Sunday morning. They were
in widely separated neighborhoods, on
the north and south Bides of the city,
some being six miles apart. The police
stated that there must have been a
number of well trainee and organized
gangs of firebugs, well acquainted with
the interiors of th& big warehouse build
ings which were the largest iu the port
It was reported in London that . the
government had discovered an elaborate
plan for the destruction of government
property and the assassination of Lloyd
George , and Other government officials.
This plan was to have been carried Into
execution on Monday, it was said, -and
the names of several of the plotters, are
understood known, to the admin
istration. The government is taking a
very serious view of the plots evidenced
by th effort expended to organise for
resistance in Whitehall.
There was another report that Sinn
Fein , assassins planned to dash through
Whitehall in automobiles eri Sunday, toss
bombs into , Downing street where the
premier lives, and speed away. It was.
in respect for this plan that the high
barricade was erected across the mouth
of Downing street
The assassin who shot the policeman
at the scene of one of the Liverpool fires
was reported to have been .arrested later.
Further, arrests "were promised by the
The extension of terrorism from Ire
land into the heart of England sent a
shudder over the land, lest this be the
beginnlng'of a reign of terror even worse
than- that of the Fenian outbreaks, 25
years ago; but it is plain that attacks
of this nature will only stiffen the gov
ernment's resolve to stamp out Sinn Fein
to the very last sparks. - . "
The authorities claim to regard the
terrorism of the last two Sundays as the
expiring struggle of a beaten adversary.
They believe Sinn Fein did not turn Its
attention to England until it -became too
hard pressed by the soldiers and the
black aijd tans in Ireland.
Observers Deneve ine ursi reaction oi
the English people to the Liverpool fires
will be a feeling of horror and resent
ment whicji will line up the nation solidly
behind the government, as reports or
the"" fire circulated throughout liOndon
Sunday ordinary Londoners were say
ing, "This is .war the Irish war," and
the strife of two successive Sundays
seemed to have shocked the Englishman
out of his apathy, solidifying sentiment
against Sinn Fein.
Dublin, Nov. 29. (L N. S.) Twelve
hundred arrests have been made in Ire
land In the past eight days, It .was an
nounced today. Among the prominent
Sinn Feiners arrested today was William
Sears, a member of parliament Raids
by soldiers and Black and Tan police
are being made continuously. Traffic
was halted by police activities today
General Liggett to
Attend Reunion of
41st Division Vets
Members of the Forty-first division
are to hold a reunion, at the Armory
following the dinner to Lieutenant Gen
eral Liggett Tuesday night at 8:30, for
the purpose of organising)
General Liggett, former commander
of the division, will attend the meet
ing to be with the men of his former
command. The organisation will be
purely-social and no dues collected. Afl
men who wre attached to the division
are requested to attend.
! The : committee In charge of the re
union' consists of 'Captain H. C. Brum
baugh. Captain Eugene "Wbby, Captain
James J. Gay and Lieutenant Manciet
California's Views
On Japs Considered
Sacramento, CaL, Nov. 29. U. P.)
California's views on - the Japanese
situation are being taken into consid
eration in pegotlatlngf the ' new treaty
with Japan, Secretary of State Colby
telegraphed John S. , Chambers, chair
man of the-executive committee of the
Japanese Exclusion league, today.
ihmn'ir . H"ir''--""T-riirTr--mi'-inr-niiiirin-YiTiiiwiiifiiift-ri i1-"' f-f-fiiiii'mMiiXiiM'MOTf ;,iBwiimnimMmmi-iiriirtri
Tliis photograph was taken when the
down to the stabs she carried when
Pirrle was one of the best known
Due to low, inadequate license fees
fpr rooming houses, food, soft
drink and confections dispensers and
similar businesses, the city of Port
land is losing approximately $150,
000 a year in properly caring for.
those places, J. S. Hutchinson, city
license inspector, announced today.
"It is costing the city approximately
$249,000 a. year through the functions of
it various departments to govern these
business concerns for which service
those enjoying the city's aid and pro
tection are paying approximately $39,
000, Hutchinson said.
"As an example, the rooming houses,
and similar Institutions are paying a
llcenee, or rather a record fee there is
no license fee of $1 a year to main
tain their businesses, while the Inspec
tion of the fire, police and health de
partments and the work in the auditor's
department and in the city license bu
reau, all of which must be performed
before the Jicense Is granted, costs the
city over Jo." " -1-
Apartment houses pay no license what
ever into the city's treasury, notwith
standing the expense to which the city
Is put in the proper regulation and con
duct of those places, the Inspector de
clared, and he, believes the landlords
who are now enjoying such extreme
rentals from their properties should be
Included In the proposed revision of the
license program and thus be compelled
to bear their share of the. city's upkeep.
'More than 8500 concerns twill be af
fected by the proposed license increase.
the inspector states. -
As a result of the general survey of
the license situation Commissioner of
Finance 'Piper announced that be ex
pected to ask for a material increase in
the license fees.
The commissioner made this statement
following the announcement of Hutchin
Naval Reservists
Requested to Send
Cruise Applications
All naval reservists In Oregon desir
ing to make the cruise to South Ameri
can ports with the Sixth division of the
Pacific fleet, beginning in December; are
requested by Lieutenant Commander
John A. Beckwith to send their appli
cations either to the commandant of the
Thirteenth naval district or to himself
as commander of the Oregon sub-district
as soon as possible.
Reservists will report at the Bremer
ton navy yard between December 6 and
13 for transportation to the fleet in the
Sonth. The cruise win ena about
April 1. . . . . ,
This cruise U part or me poucy oi
th navv deoartment to give training
periods to members of the reserve and
at the same time make the cruises of in
terest. Another cruise later in the year
is. planned to New Zealand. Tasmania,
Australia ana outer pri mo ovum
lTnnn her arrival the McCawley will
land at the North Bank dock, at the
foot of Fourteenth street. a commit
tee of welcome headed by Mayor Baker
will meet the ship and extend the hos
pitality of the city. . t ' ,
Destroyer Bringing
Fleet Team for JBig
Football Contest
with th Pacific fleet football team
aboard, the destroyer McCawley will ar
i k tiarhnr at S o clock this after-
1 I W .1' . ' -' -- . .. - -
noon. The McCawley is ine vanguaru
the destroyers -coming tor uie
xo niQvod between the Multnomah club
and Navy team. Six more destroyers
with the fleet band and rooters wiu
make the port Friday afternoon.
To make a big Navy turnout an naval
reservists and ex-navy men have been
requested to attend tne game oaiuruay
in uniform and occupy the Navy section
of the grand stand.
Aerial Mail Plane
Sails From Chicago
Chicago, Nov. 29. (L N. S.) Air mail
service was opened today between Chi
cago, St. Paul and Minneapolis. The
first plane left the Maywood fieldjere
shortly after o'clock, piloted by Wil
liam Carroll. It carried 400 pounds of
mail for Twin Cities.
Professor Howell :
': Killed by Pathans
' London. Nov." 20.-(L N. S.) An
American geologist. Professor Howell,
and his interpreter, have been killed by
Pathans. in the Loralai district of Brit
ish Baluchistan, according to a dispatch
received by the Dally Express from
Allahabad today. The murder took place
on November 24. ?-
I'irrle was in Portland harbor and
she sailed from Tacoma, last week
ships sailing In the grain trade out
Jeannette Rankin
Steads Eeception to
Mrs. MacSwiney
New York, Nov. 29. Miss Jeannette
Rankin, former congresswomaa from
Montana, will head the American Wo
men's reception committee of five hun
dred which 'will greet Mrs. Muriel Mac
Swiney, widow of the late lord mayor
of Cork, on her arrival here Friday on
the liner Celtic, it was announced to
day. Mrs. MacSwiney will be accom
panied by her late husband's sister. Miss
Mary MacSwiney. - Boh are to testify
before the American commission on Ire
land organized by Oswald Vlllard.
(Cootuinod Vrora Fig Oim)
which was towing the Pirrle, announced
today that two men in an automobile
left Clallam and two others set out from
Neah bay yesterday to search the coast
and to question Indians in Quillayute
country to the south of Cape Johnson,
off which the Pirrle Is thought to have
gone down.
The Santa Rita, patrolling off the
coast, reported this morning that she
was unable to get close enough to Cape
Johnson to identify a large quantity of
drifting lumber sighted there. It is
said toy be likely that this lumber is
that which the Pirrle was carrying. The
barge is a steel hull vessel carrying only
"stub" masts, and it is unlikely other
wreckage would be found should the
vessel have gone down. '
No furjJier word- has been received
from the cutter Snohomish, also patrol
ing the coast, since she announced the
departure of the four men from Neah
and Clallam bays.
Grace & Co. have not entirely given
up hope, however, that Captain A. B.
Jensen, master of the barge, through
skill as a mariner, was able to get his
vessel safely through the storm.
(By CaiTtMl Serried
Seattle, Wsfth., Nov. 28. Of the 23
members of the crew of the barge W. J.
Pirrle, cut loose from her tow in the
storm of the last few' days, only two
are Americans, according to the list
registered by immigration officials at
Los Angeles harbor, Nov. 3. The two
were Fred J. Breckenridge, 47, purser,
and Placido Villamor, 38, fireman, Fili
Captain Alfred Jensen (Danish), his
wife, 21, and their son. Haakon, 1 year
old, were also listed. Most of the others
were Chileans. TJie personnel of the
crew may have changed some since that
registration. The home port of the barge
was Valparaiso.
The list of officers and crew follows:
Captain, Klfred Jensen, 0- Danish.
"First mate, Peter Hohraann, 30, Ger
man. , i
Purser, Fred J. . Breckenridge, 47,
. Engineer, D. W. Crosland, 65, English.
Second engineer, Carlos Peterson, 21,
Boatswain, Juan Lamplot, 39, Slavo
nian. -
Second boatswain, Alfredo Ayancan,
30, Chilean, i x
Fireman, "Placido Villamoor, 38, Fili
pino. , '
Steward, Albert Schroeder, 22, Ger
man. .
Cook, Enrique Robles,- 40, Chilean.
Mess boy, Simon Olivares, 20, Chilean.
Sailor, Jose Andrade, 23, Chilean.
Sailor, Manuel Devia, 38, Chilean.
Bailor, Ernesto Araven, 23, Chilean.
Sailor. Oscar Ortix, 26, Chilean.
Sailor, Carlos Sanches. 19, Chilean.
' Sailor, Pasquale Gomel. 20, Chilean.
Sailor, Miguel Cordervo, 24, Chilean.
Sailor, Eulojio Qulmez, 32, -Chilean.
Sailor. Fructuousb Paredea, 37, Chilean.
(Continued From Fill One)
ntyed all the way to Oregon City, Or..
to capture his prisoner, decided to stop
Sunday in Windsor, pending the arrival
from Chicago of Inspector William Wal
lace, who will reinforce the official es
cort bound for the Ontario capital.
Preparations are being made at Toron
to to expedite the arraignment and trial
of Doughty, it was learned today. : De
lighted over the apprehension of the for
mer secretary qf her husband. Mrs. Small
is exercising every citort to pusn the
Ttnurhtv rtreservps th um atMtfcaHo
altitude that has characterised hi de
meanor since nis arrest, with cold in
difference he recites the story that he
has consistently told throughout the trip,
carefully evadine anv comment an th
vital questions In the i case. Which he
steadfastly refuses to answer.
For two hours Doughty was grilled by
Sergeant Mitchell and Windsor police of
ficials, closeted in a hotel room here
Sunday.' But when asked why he so pre
cipitately riea uaaaa, aeserted nts little
familyf two children and took refuge
in a remote village in the Westr where
he admits he was net previously ac
quainted, ne answers :
"Oh, reasons of my own. They'll come
out m time.
Only when mention is made ef the two
s hp
before her masts had been cut
In tow as a barge. Formerly the
of Portland. '
(By TJoiTerul Serrio)
Washington, Nov. 29. A regard
of $5000, full protection and secrecy,
and a free pass to any part of the
world or death by hanging this
was the choice given by the British
military to Kevin Barry, the 18-year-old
patriot recently executed for al
leged complicity in the Irish trou
bles. v , '
A letter received; here today by Mrs.
Reardon, 3328 Thirteenth street, from
her mother, the 'widow of an Irish ma
gistrate, and a Unionist of Dublin, gives
an intimate picture of the last hours of
the young patriot. The letter quotes one
prominent in public affairs in Dublin
as furnishing the facts. It was mailed
on November 12.
"Kevin Barry was banged this week
for attacking a lot of fully armed sol
diers and taking their rifles." says the
letter. "The day before his death a con
ditional reprieve arrived . from Lloyd
He was taken out of his cell, by
two officers, shown the scaffold with the
rope dangling from the roof and told
that that was for him.
If, however, he gave the names of
his comrades he was to get 1000 pounds
for each name, full protection, absolute
secrecy and a free pass to any part
of the world. He listened attentively
pointed to the scaffold and said i "I am
quite satisfied with the arrangements.
They seem- to be quite perfect. Now,
take n back to ray cell and let me pre
pare for eternity. I hope . never o see
any of you again, either here or there."
According to the communication,
Barry was 18 years old, a medical stu
dent, and the only child of a widowed
(Continued From Fui One)
will not advance the cause of Socialism.
His refusal to accept the money will
have no part in changing the present
system, which is the aim of Social
Do you think he was wise In refus
ing the money?"
Lee smiled and shrugged. "I am not
altogether familiar with the details of
the case," he admitted, "but offhand I
should say he was a bit of a fool."
"Would you accept a million dollars
of you were in his position V
Lee laughed. "I am egotist enough to
believe I could accept a million dollars
and still remain a good Socialist," he
said. "I should certainly accept the
money. It may be that, having accepted
such a sum, I might cease to be a So
cialist I don't thirik I would, but I
might. A million dollars is a danger
ous sum for anyone to have. But It it
were offered to me, I would accept It,
believing firmly that I would remain a
good Socialist and would make a better
disposition of the money than some
other heir or any chairtable institution
to which It would be left it I refused it"
"Then you think Garland's action was
silly?" - '
"I think it is pathetic," he answered.
Any futile sacrifice is pathetic and
Garland's sacrifice la futile. It changes
nothing; it benefits no one. It is futile
and, consequently, pathetic"
So even the Socialists don't love a
man who refuses a million. Garland
reminds one of the Irish Socialist who
was explaining his theory to a friend.
'Do you mean to Bay that if you had
92,000,000 you'd diwy up and give me
a million?" the friend asked. '
'Sure," said the Irishman.
'And if you had two feoats, you'd
divvy up and give me one of eiri?"
Gwan. said the Irishman, "you can't
catch me that way. You know I've got
two goats." .
The average human beingi Socialists
as well as followers of other political
philosophies, can understand the Irish
man's state of mind. The average be
ing, Socialists included, cannot under
stand the state of mind that caused
young Garland to refuse to accept his
inheritance. Garland bad two goats, and
gave them bom away.
little tots that he left behind him, does
be alter his mein of stolid indifference.
"Any father with a heart couidn't help
being glad to get back to his kiddies,"
he said once upon mention of them.
At no time has Doughty satisfactorily
answered questions regarding the two
charges preferred against him, first, the
alleged conspiracy to kidnap his former
employer, based largely on the testimony
of another employe who claims he over
heard some such plot and. secondly, the
theft of the $100,000 worth of bonds
owned by the Toronto theatrical mag.
nate, that disappeared with him.
Night Officer Xamed
Milton. Or.. Nov. 29. . William Mc
Cardie has been appointed night officer
of Milton.. v
' , i '
Salem. Or.. Nov. 29. Warren G.
Hariing received . & plurality of
63,573 votes over James M. Cox,
Democratic nominee for president, in
Oregon, according to the official
canvass of the vote of November 2,
as announced by Secretary of State
Kozer Monday. - ' i
The official canvass gives Harding a
total of 143.C92; Cox 80,019 ; Aaron S.
Watklns, Prohibitionist, 3595 ; Eugene V.
Debs, Socialist. 9801: William W. Cox,
Industrial Labor! te, 1518. A total : of
247,899 Oregon voters participated in
the election; the official figures show.
The official canvass of the vote, con
ducted in the presence -of W.'T. Vinton
of McMlnnville, president of the senate.
who, by virtue of his office is governor
of Oregon In the absence from the state
of Governor Olcott. shows the following
totals :
For presidential elector Republican,
M. C. George, 143,592 : Clarence R. llotch-
kiss, 143,281 ; Joseph Hume, 143,189 ; John
Y. Richardson. 143.141 : Walter L. Robb,
' Democratic Oscar Hayter, 79,38 s Dr.
E. T. Hedlund. 79,935; Robert A. Miller,
80.019 ; A. E. Reames. 79,775 ; Elton Wat
kins, 78.647.
Prohibition William F. Amos, 8578 ;
Mary H. Jewett, 8695 ; E. T. Johnson,
3486; B. Lee Paget, 3587; Cyrus H.
Walker, 3452.
Socialist John K Johnson. 97S3 ; W.
W. Myers, 9801; B. F. Ramp. 9733; W.
S. Richards, 9733; R. R. Ryan, 9696,
Industrial Labor Charles H. Bear-
man, 1515 ; Anders D. Berglund, 1471 1
Felix J. carison. 14 : , wets tx. uoxi,
U144C; John Olson, 1604.
r or uniiea oiilics wnmiur ucui xj.
Chamberlain, Democrat. 100,183 ; Thomas
A. Hayes, Ind., 4456; Albert Slaughter,
Socialist, 6949: Robert N. Stanfleld, Re
publican, lie. 698 ; c. m. avenson, inae
Dendent-Labor. 1782.
For congressman. First .district W. C.
Hawley, Republican-Democrat-Prohibition.
75,697 ; Harlin Talbert, Socialist,
For congressman. Second district-
James Harvey Graham, Democrat, 13,
049 ; N. J. Slnnott, Republican. 29,655.
Vnr rnnminnuL Third district F. T.
Johns. Independent-Labor, 3252; Esther
C N. McArthur. Republican, 87.884.
For secretary of state Sam A. Kozer,
Republican, 178,722; J. P. Sears. Social
ist, 14,730 ; Upton A. Upton, Independent-Labor,
11,318. - ' .
For justice supreme court (four to
elect )Hnry.J. Bean, Republican-Democrat
165,75t; Henry L. Benson, Republican-Democrat.
153,652 : Lawrence
T Harrft. Republican-Democrat, 155,
782 ; Thomas A. McBride, Republican
Democrat, -158,802.
For justice supreme court to fill va
cancy Oeorge M. Brown, t Republican,
52,481; William Smith, 971; W. O. Mc
Carthy. 2318. ,"",'.;'
For attorney general J. O, Bailey,
Republican, 11,570; O. P. Coshow, Dem-
ocrat. 8245 : J. J. Johnson, 3152 ; L it.
Van Winkle, 25.277. .
For dairy an food commissioner C
L. Hawley, Republican-Democrat, 163,
859 ; F. J. Von Behren, Socialist, 18.651.
For public service commissioner, East
ern Oregon district H. H. Corey, Re
publican, 31.585.
For public service commissioner.
Western district William D. Bennett,
Democrat, 46,344 ; Fred O. Buchtel. 97,
09?; Otto Newman, Socialist, 11,076.
Initiated and referred measures:
Compulsory voting
Majority against . '.
Regulating legislative session :
Yes -
No ......
Majority against ..
Oleomargarine bill :
Yes . . .....
r. .'..'...".".".'.' .119,'l26
Majority against
Single tax:
... 52,025
... 37,283
Majority against
County officers' term :
. 97.854
. 80.983
Majority for
Port consolidation :
Yes ;..
Majority against
Anti-compulsory vaccination :
. 4,337
. 63,018
Yes "
Majority against
Interstate rate bill
v. .
. 28,976
Majority against 129,697
Roosevelt bird-refuge : .....
V 7B,Sl
hNo .......107,383
Matoritv aralnst
. 28,422
. 67,791
Divided legislative session :
No ...
Majority agatnst ...........
State market commission :
Majority against
England Lenient -
Witlj Labor, Says I
Nebraska Bishop
Tjihor organisations are much stronger
but jiot so active as those in the United
States, according to Bishop Ernest Vin
cent Shaylor of Nebraska, who arrlvfcd
in Portland Sunday nignt tor a onei
visit The bishop formed this opinion
after sitting as a committeeman on an
Industrial board at Uie iamoein, Eng
land, conference last summer.
He reports finding the English gov
ernment more in sympathy with labor
movements than the American govern
ment and for that reason believes dan
ger from labor agitation is not so great
in England as in wis country.
Two years ago Bishop Shaylor left the
rectorship of St Marks church, Seattle,
to accept his new position. He served
the Seattle church 10 years. He will
aneak at the St Andrews Brotherhood
banauet tonlgnt in st Lavias parisn
home. While here he is the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Finley4
There 1$ One I
Safe Placm to
Buy Your
or I
2 Cesvealest Vayntatf Arrasgcd 1
n N ' - . . . ' 3
Tt . !
1 -
Dr. li. C. nickman
. (Continued From Pat Om)
man through and make a "real minis
ter" out of him. This is the first tithe
In the history of Methodism this "scheme
About nine months ago Dr. Hifkman
came to Portland as pastor .of Wilbur
Methodist church, which met h the
Muitnoman hotel. A few weeks ago
that organisation voted to combine with
Centenary church. For two years pre
vious to this time Dr. Hickman was di
rector of organisation for, the Centenary
movement throughout the United States,
with headquarters at Ntew York city
and before that time was director of
publicity for the board of education
handled all publicity In connection with
the educational jubilee of the church
when $35,000,000 was secured. Dr. Hick
man Is a graduate of Hamlin university
at St Paul and Garrett Biblical Insti
tute at Kvanston. 111. lie has been ac
tive in the ministry for eight years., al
though he 'has served the church for a
longer period. About the first of the
year Dr. Hickman will move his resi
dence to Salem.
Wedding Bells Ring
For Portland Couple
Pasco, Wash.', Nov. 29. Four couples
were married Saturday by, Justice Her
man Warden. They were Karl 1 Davis
and Blanch Cramer of Portland j Richard
E. Staples and Doris K. Stranahan of
Lind, Wash. ; Frank McGlothlin and
Lena Campo of Attalta, Wash,, and C.
W. Kldd of Pendleton, Or., and Margaret
Moore of Boise. Idaho.
Al St; John's "Trouble"
Peoples New, Orchestra
i I k wrbctTo
UMssBssV. !
lim.i".l ....... i .
Saturday in
"Good References"
"Just Between You and Me"
V says the Good Judge
W-B GUT is a long fine
Dudrey Aircraft company today
announced its plans for the erection '
of a new bulldina- at rtrrinm ft Air!
field to house an extension of its 'k
school of aeronautics,' the present
enrollment of. 70 students and the .
applications of a score more having
taxed former accommodations.
" C. V. Dudrey. mimnr nf lh. mm.
panjv estimates the new building,. to
have a capacity of 200. and will contalnv
a lecture hall, shops and equipment both
for Instruction and for thoso students
who may be interested In constructing
their own aircraft. The Dronosed struc
ture will be of two stories and contain
12,000 feet of floor space. The lecture if
hall will be 60x80 feet. Work will be
started on the building about January L
Three courses are being offered by the
school, which has for chief Instructor
Csptaln F. S. McClurg. In addition to
the graduate course, the curriculum in
cludes the complete pilot's course, a :
course, for mechanics and the ground j,
mechanic's course. Miss Gradelle Leigh
of Portland Is one of the students, said
to -be the first girl student of aero
nautics In the Northwest,' snd James -Moy.
son of the 'hi news consul here, is
another. Moy may return to China upon
the completion of the course and stsrt
a company of his own", he says. :
Oscar Wilson Held .
On Charges Which
Concern Mann Act ,
Oscar Wilson, a fisherman, was ar
rested Sunday night and Is being held
in the city Jail for federal authorities,
pending an Investigation of charges that
he supplied money to Mrs. Lela horn
ton and Induced her to come to Tort
land from Spokane Bridge, Wash. Harry
Thornton, her husband, told the police
he ' trailed his wife, who disappeared
from home with her two babies, . about
a month ago, and found her at 2116
East Alder street.
She Is alleged to have been living with
Wilson. Mrs. Thornton Is 'said to have
admitted that Wilson sent her $60 with
which to make the trip. Mrs. Thornton
was booked as a witness and released on .
her own recognisance.
B6y's Peculation
Laid to Desire to
See Wounded Dad
Spokane. Wash.. Nov. ' 29. Believing
that his father, Karl Mttchener, was
dying in Spokane, Kiliott Mltchener, 16,
an office boy in the employ of the Bald
win Locomotive works at Philadelphia,
has disappeared - with pay envelopes
containing $4500. according trrrword from
Philadelphia. The boy Is believed to be
headed toward Spokane. "
The father is employed an a foreman
by the Diamond Drill Construction
company of Spokane. A few weeks ago.
while at work at Coeur d'Atene. city, he
was mysteriously shot in the head. He
was found In his house unconscious. He
returned to his work Wednesday.
iBBfc(i o'Wmett ."' .;".
Here's gemline chewing 7.
:i satisfaction for you, hook-
? .i ' 1
ca up wiux real economy.
A small chew of this class
of tobacco lasts much long1
cr thair a bi chew of the
ordinary kind that's be
cause the fijll, rich, real
tobacco taste lasts so long.
Any man who uses the ,
Real Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
Put ufi in two styUs . 1 - v
- cut tobacco
CUT is a! short-cut tobacco