The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 29, 1920, Page 16, Image 16

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Santa Clam Here Daily
from 10 to 12 and 2 to 5.
Plaything free 10 to 13.
All Charge Purchases
Go on the December Bill
Payable January 1, 192X.
12 Cans Standard
Tomatoes $1.05
Latest California pack, labelled Puree, convenient No. l tall cans,
doz. cans 1.05, 3 cans 28c. -
Sliced Peaches, superior quality.
No. 2 Vi ' cans, doz. I- AQ
cans. S4135. 3 cansDlv
Federal MUk, tall cans, case
$5.75, doz. cans OPn
$1.45, 2 cans......
Toasted Wheat, Joy o' Wheat,
' made to sell , at 30c, I A
now, . package. ... I . . lvt-
Rolled Oats, freshly milled, large
flakes, No. 9 RKn
sacks .. UtJV
Campbell' Soups, nearly all vari
eties, doz. cans $1.50, QQ
3 cans...... .i J7
California Rice, fine Jap style, 5
lb. saclcs 55c, 12C
Fine Salmon, McGowan's Laurel,
No. 1 cans, 3 cans 85c. 29C
Ceylon Tea, orange Pekoe, own
importation, 70 C
Macaroni of Spaghetti, best Ore
gon make, No. 15 pkg.,
Telephone orders taken by ex
perienced grocery saleswomen
from 8 A. M. to 5:45 P. M.
M. & F. Health Bread, Loaf 16c
Made from the finest whole wheat that possesses all the properties
of the wheat' bferry.
Ginger Bread, oblong Southern style, 15C
Cup Cakes, dark with chocolate, top,
Brown Breed, Boston-style with fruit, 1
each -LtJV'
Meier & Frank's : Ninth Floor.
Offers for Tuesday
Men's Shirts
Regularly $1.49 and $1.79. . . .
Dress shirts of percale and softnon-starched shirting in plain and f
fancy colors. Cut in coat style with stiff and French cuffs. Blue aj
pink striped effects; Sizes 15 to MVt in the lot.
' Men's Shirts '
Formerly sold at 2.49, 12.98
and 13.49. Wool mixed shirts
in gray, khaki, drab and navy..
Full cut garments with military
and turn down collars. Sizes 14
to 17.
Men's Sweaters
Formerly sold for 1.49.
Heavy cotton slip-on sweaters in
maroon, gray and navy. Sleeve
less style with round neck. Sizes
38 to 46. Limited number.
Men's Und'erwear
A clearaway of about 400 me
dium weight wool mixed shirts
and drawers. Formerly sold at
$2.50 each. Natural shades only
Shirts in sizes 36 to 42, drawers
in sizes 30 to 36 only.
Boys' Knickers
300 pairs boys corduroy
knickers in mouse color. Narrow
ribbed corduroy knickers with
all seams double stitched will
give excellent service for school
wear. Two. buttons at knee.
Sizes 7 to 16 years.
Women's Corsetsi $1! .69
Very Specially Priced . . . . .
Women's front lace corsets with elastic top. Well staved and
fitted with four hose supporters. Colors are flesh and white. Broken
Women's Girdles
Regularly $2.98. ' H. & W.
elastic tape sport; girdles in flesh
and white. Large sizes only. No
Women's Petticoats
" Women's knitted petticoats in
dark colors only. Knee and
three-quarter length.
Misses' Bloomers
Regularly 11.25. Bloomers of
fine quality sateen in flesh and
white. Sizes 24 and 25 only.
Women's Chemise
Soft muslin. ? chemise neatly
trimmed with narrow embroidery
edges and with ribbon shoulder
straps. All sizes.
Women's Drawers
Women's and misses' muslin
drawers trimmed with embroid
ery edge. Full cut garments.
Women's Union
Suits 79c
Light weight, fine ribbed cot
ton union suits in white. Tail
ored tops, tight knees. An ex
ceptional value at 79c suit.
Women's Union
Suits 98c
Regularly i.5o.
mercerized cotton
Color . white. Tieht
tailored top. Very s p e c i a 1 1 v
priced at 98c suit..
Misses' Union Suits
Heavy weight cotton u nion
suits in white. Slightly fleeced,
naif open front. Drop seat style
Sizes 10, 12 and '14 years.
Swiss ribbed
union suits.
knee and
Children's Stockings T ET
Sub-Standards of Better Grades f
reaTVSacte that give
"Kcmuy pncea at, pair 25c.
-Meier A Frank-,: Lower Price Store. Basement Balcony.
mffliyQ rvNE HESITATES to apply the somewhat hackneyed (5 J XV
dfl-Ni. I I word "sale" to anything so exauisite as these silk v NT
P ;
shirts. - But it is ;inhatically a sale an extraordi
nary one so lar as prices bo call it what you will but
come and prove its value, to you
- W
Tax 40c
360 Were.. $15.00, 17.50, $20.00
360 Were 13.50
1680 Were . , . . ...... .$12.50
240 Were ..." ....$11.00
480 Were $10.00
Tlx Sl.l6
WE HAVE HAD silk shirt sales before, as what store has not? But
neither this store nor any other that we know of has offered silk
shirts of the quality of these at any such price as this. We have not
stopped at sacrificing the very cream of our silk shirt stock so that we should
be able to say as we do say to the men and young- men of Portland and sur
rounding territory "Gentlemen, we are going to give you a silk shirt sale
the like of which you have not known nor are likely to see for a long time.
These Are the Makes:
America's Best
4 "Rotary" 'TVfanhattan" "ExceBo"
"American" "Columbia"
The shirts are from our regular stock Many are brand new just oat of tkeir boxes.
All are the fine, clean sort of merchandise that men and women baying for men aprreciate,
especially where one buys with gift thoughts in mind.
3120 Shirts in the Sale
The most finely serviceable qualities. .
some colors. The finest in workmanship'.
Empire Satin Striped Broadcloths
Empire Flat Striped Broadcloths
Satin Striped Crepes
Peau Raye Jacquard Crepes
Heavy Empire Crepe de Chine
Plain White La Jerz Silks
The most wanted patterns. The most haud
The perfection of fit.
White Satin Striped La Jerz -Colored
Satin Striped La Jerz
Famous Solway Silks
(Silk-md-Cotton )
: Radiam Silks v
It is all in all an assemblage of silk shirts the like of which would be rare at any price,
and the like of which is not to be found at $7 each or 3 for $20.
Sizes 14 to 17 V alterations free.
What a Fine Gift for a Man!
Meier & Frank's: The Store for Men. Main Floor. (Mail Orders FUled.)
Down Any Time Before Christmas the Balance to Be $5 Monthly Beginning Janu
ary 1 Will Send a Hoover Suction Sweeper to: Your HomeTake Advantage of
This Special Offer!
-Meier & Frank's : Seventh Floor and Basement Balcony.
ill l "
Entire Stocks of
: And reduced substantially! A woman can select any-
separate skirt m the splendid stocks of the Meier & ank
Fashion Salons at a new having of which the followmg list
will give sorne idea:
$12.50 Skirts Reduced to $10.63
$15.00 Skirls Reduced to $12.75 1
$17.50 Skirts Reduced to $14.88
$25.00 Skirts Reduced to $21:25
$35.00 Skirts Reduced to $29.75
Serges, tricotines, velours, velvets, baronette satins
what you will. Plain skirts and fancy skirts. Plain and
pleated models. Choose now at a saving.
All Sizes for Women
Meier & Frank's : Fashion Salons, Fourth Floor, (Mall Orders Filled.)
Entire Center Aisle
Bargain Squares
Main, Floor, Fifth Street
Devoted to This Sale
Over 20,000 Yards
Were $2.50 to $4 Yard
For this probably the, last big silk event before ' the.
holidays vc have gone -the limit in providing qualities;
assortments, values so that this shall be a silk sale of mag
nitude and one holding, forth splendid inducements to those
who .iollow the growing custoni of making gifts of silks.
There are silks for every purpose in this sale. All fiijst
quality standard grades. All new this season. All wanted
colors. All at a third less than half of the earlier prices.
are the following qualities which represent silks most in
demand, as every woman knows:
40-Inch Crepe de Chine
Former' 4 erade. Exception
ally heavy quality 40-inch crepe
de chine in white, flesh, pink,
plum, apricot, American beauty,
navy, Copenhagen, old r o s e,
taupe, emerald, black, etc. Now,
yard 1.65.
36-lnch Satin Duchesse , ,
and satin de luxe in black. These
are equal to trades that formerly
sold at 3 and J3.50 yard. Now,
yard 1.65.
36-lnch Plain Taffetas
: Former Jt3 grade. Handsome
Elain shades of navy. Copen
agen. king's blue, emerald,
nickel, plum and black.- Now,
yard 1.65.
36-Inch Fancy, Taffetas
Former $2.50 -grade of yard--wide
fancy taffetas in bandsojne
tartans and t fancy plaids dark
and light combinations. -f Also
beautiful changeable taffetas, 36
Inches wide, in ereen, blue and
These were former
All now' at, yard
ly 3 yard.
36-Inch Messalines
Former 2.5q and 3 grades of
standard 3 6-inch messalines in
black, white, navy, king's blue,
Copenhagenpj) Ink, turquoise,
gold, myrtle, silver. Jade, taupe,
seal, cardinal, apricot, nickel, old
rose, Belgian blue, etc. - Now,'
yard 1.65. (
36-Inch Peau de Soie .
Former .3 grade. F I n e f y
woven, lustrous qualities of heavy
peau de soie in black. Now,
;yard i.65.
40-Inch Hahutai
Former 2.25 grade. Hand
some printed habutai in foulard
patterns light and dark grounds.
Including plenty of navy. Scrolls,
figures and block "patterns. Now,
yard i.6S.
Mail Orders Filled
While Quantities Last
Meier & Frank's s Center Artie, Main Floor.