THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 28, lfceO. 1 r STEW TODAY AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 169-171 Second Street Near Morrison NO SALE AT OUR s SALESROOMS MONDAY EXTRAORDINARY CO.M.MEJrpSG TOMORROW (Monday) AT 10 A. M. WE AHK ISSTlirftTEl) TO SELL THE ESTIRK FURNISHINGS OF THE BARON APARTMENTS 295 14TH STREET : (Corner Columbia) Comprising About 100 Well Furnished Rooms Including , BED BAVEIPORT, LEATHER SEAT and WOOD SEAT ROCKERS, MORRIS CHAIRS, COUCHES, LIBRARY and CENTER TABLES, SANITARY COUCHES AND PADS, COCCI! COVERS, PORTIERES, LACE CURTAINS, DRAPES. WILTON, AXMISSTER- and BRUSSELS CAR. PETS and ROOM. SIZE RUGS,. EX TENSION TABLES, DINING CHAIRS, BPFFEXS, CHINA CLOSETS, LADIES' DESKS, COSTtTMEBS. BRASS, VER NI8 MARTIN and ENAMEL BEDS, STEEL SPRINGS, GOOD FLOSS and FELT 'MATTRESSES, FEATHER PIL LOWS. BLANKETS, COMFORTERS, SPREADS, oak DRESSERS and CHIF FONIERS, White Knamel DRESSING TABLES and OTHER EFFECTS, SUCH AS USED IN A. FIRST CLASS APARTMENT HOUSE. ALL IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. J. T WILSON, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAT and FRIDAT at 10 A. M. REGULAR SALES AT OUR SALESROOMS For GENERAL HOUSEFURNISHINGS SPECIAL BARGAINS IN OUR, PRIVATE SALE DEPARTMENT .Everything to furnibh your home in HIGH-CLASS GOODS LARGEST STOCK OF USED GOODS IN THE CITY PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST i J. T. WILSON, Proprietor. If you have Furniture to sell for cash, call us up. Main 1626. .-. OX ACCOUNT Of AuctionSale 35 NET WEST SIDE BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE - W ALKING DISTANCE PAYS 35 NET ON AMOUNT IN VESTED AND 20 NET ON THE - TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE f, 'IE! EAST TERMS ON DEFERRED PAYMENTS FULL PARTICULARS GIVEN AT THE OFFICE OF 0. W. BRYAN It CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Broadway and Salmon i 50x75 AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BROADWAY AND SALMON.. ST NOW OFFERED At a" Low Price ! A Bmall cash-"payment, -with the balance as long as want ed. Where - can the 'same money be placed t.o, make more than on this corner at this price'and these terms? R. F. BRYAN 49 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INVESTMENT ! HOME nd FUTURE APARTMENT SITE. WEST SIDE. CLOSE IN, FIXE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. SURROUNDINGS THE BEST POS SIBLE. A beautiful modern home. Spacious, everything in It the best that money could buy. - - In absolutely perfect ' condition. Large velvety lawn, trees - and shrubs. But Portland is growing steadily, and apartments are getting nearer and nearer; therefore this property Is increasing1 in value. Buy it. live in it for a few years and sell it for far more than . you , pay for it. or build a money maker on it, for the price i low. The lots alone are worth the price asked. If you want to. know more about! It inquire f , MRS. HELEN S. TURNER , 1006 Spalding Bldg. Main 8(1 ' Residence, RHer dale, .Main 7271 NEW TODAY 3ft ESTABLISHED 1893 ON TUESDAY NEXT AT THE BAKER AUCTION HOUSE WE1 SHALL HATE' TO OFFER YOU FIRST-CLASS. NEARLY NEW FUR NISHINGS FROM A PRIVATE HOME, WITH INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE OWNER TO SELL THE SAME AT AUCTION. Comprising several pieces In rattan with cretonne "'coverings. Viz: Settees, Rockers and Chairs in old Ivory and frosted brown tiniohe ; Mahogany Duo fold with tapestry seat back. Oak and Mahogany Rockers in late designs, sev eral costly and beautiful Paintings and Pictures, Floor Lamp with shade In blue,, several good Ruga In various sizes, nearly new Webster Dictionary and Stand, genuine Marble Pedestal, Jaco bean Oak William and Mary Dining Room Table and ' Set of Chairs with leather seats, also Dining Room Suite in early Kngllsh finish, viz : Pedestal Table, -Buffet and Set of Chairs, Com bination China Cabinet and Buffet in golden quarter-sawed oak. Dinner Set in white and gold. Massive Colonial Bed stead and Dresser ; Ivory Bed Suite as follows: Bedstead, Dresser, Dressing Table with Bench and Chiffonier, full size Brass Bed, Iron Beds. All beds are complete with best springs, sHk floss and cotton felt mattresses, pillows. Oak and Maple Dressers and ,many other first-class pieces of furniture. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE If you .are furnishing of making changes, don't overlook , this auction. You .will find these, goods as advertised. You are quite welcome to call , and look over' this list of furnishings , at? y.our leisure, whether-you intend purchasing or not. (On view Monday.) AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. ON THURSDAY NEXT OUR USUAL SALE OF VARIOUS CONSIGNMENTS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS. SALE AT 10 A. M. ON DEC. 10TH NEXT Storage sale at. the C. O. Pick Co. warehouse. 2d and Pine streets. Full details later. ON DEC. 20TH NEXT At the warehouse of the Hunt Trans fer Co., 45 North Ninth street. Details later. We buy household goods for cash. Phone Main 3332 if you want to sell or need the services of an Auctioneer. AV. C. BAKER and VT. H. DEAN Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers PTfHIAN BUILDING Yamhill find West Park Streets (Formerly Masonic Temple Building) E.B.G00DC0. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Offer in order to speed up building and give employment 10 CASH GUARANTEE against any loss due to drop in prices or wages on any building designed or erected by us. Flat price or commission. Cottages, homes and all classes of buildings. Call for full information E. B. GOOD CO. Complete Building Service 210 Stock Exchange Building Marshall 2310 A DIFFERENT HOME! Of bungalow type, with liv ing room 16x31, xoff which is sunroom with French doors; also dining room with coloring in blue and black; large, light, sunny kitchen; 1 bedroom 1st floor, 3 on second floor; bath room equipped with set-in tub, pedestal lavatory, etc." Full cement basement, good garage. Excellent location,! in heart of lrvington district. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER East 7976 , Installment Loans OS IMPROVED City Property Prom One to Ten Tears NO COMMISSION Union Abstract Co. Close-in Property on Quarter Block at East 15th and Schuyler 9-room house, .hardwood . floors throughout, gas furn ace, in excellent condition and location; suitable for home or apartment. MRS, HARRY PRICE PALMER East 7976 $8250 41 CANDIDATES' NIGHT Kirkpatrick . council 2227, Security Benefit association. lArge class inuiaticn next Fri day. Krery captain is now ask ing the hearty cooperation or every member to help win the fastest membership race on record. Watch the mule, pis, elephant, buffalo, camel and goat in a clos contest for the greatest speed made on record; a barrel of fun and it corns yon nil. All members invited; Come. MEMBERS Anchor council No. 748. Security Benefit as sociation, Tuesday night reg nlar meeting. We are leading the state in membership con test Keep up the good work. Have yonr candidates for ini tiation Tuesday nicht Fred Miller has an excellent pro gram. Usual refreshments. AL KADER SHRINE BAND annual formal dance, Chria tensen's hall, Friday, Decem ber 3. Tickets, $2.20, at Brady & Oliver's cigar stand. Yeon bldtf. ; Kemick's Song shop and Sandy's. All Masons welcome. A SPECIAL. CONCLAVE OF Washington Commander No. 15. K. T.. will be held Tuesday, eTening. Not. 30. at 7 :30 o'clock. The order of the temple will be conferred. Candidates please report at the asy lum 7 o'clock promptly. G. C. EISMAN. KVcorder. ITANHOE homestead No. 503S. B. A. If., will have full initiation Wednesday. Dec. 1, at the Women of Woodcraft lull, 10th and Tay lor streets, at 8:15 sharp. Annual Christmas masquerade December 20. W hat else is hap pening on that big night 1 Come and bring your friends and see. A big surprise awaits all. . PEARL OWENS, Correspondent. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. Phone Main 967. M. W. A. Rose City camp meet ' in ita own hall. No. 8 11th St.. near Stark, every Monday evening. Visitors cordially in vited. H. 3. WHIPPLE. Consul, J. W. SIMMONS, Clerk. -3 1 8 Yeon bldg. EAST GATE ' "LODGE NO. 155. A. F. A. M , E. 80th and GlUan sta Special communication Monday evening, Nov. 29. Work in F. C. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. By order W. M. CHAS. P. NELSON. Secy. PORTION" D STAR HOMESTEAD. NO. 24, BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN TEOMAN. will give a dance Thursday evening, Dec. 2, in the Turn Verein hall. 255 13th st Music by the Bins orchestra. Yetta Haines, correspondent, 20!5 AH kv bMg. Phone Main 635. COURT MULTNOMAH NO. 3, F. of A., will give its annual entertainment and dance Monday eve.. Nov. 29. at W. O. W. temple. 128 11th st. Program, 8:00; dance, 9:30 p. m. Admis sion free. 00O PARTY to be given by Queen Elizabeth Review No. 24 Bnd Multnomah Tent No. 67 of the Maccabees Monday evening, Nov. 29, at Odd Fellows' hall. E. 0th and Alder: 8 grocery prizes: admission 25c: everybody welcome. Eld HI. EM JKWiLiti a specialty, buttons, pins, charms Jaeger Bros.. 131-133 6th st DEATHS AND FUNERALS VKLOSKY In this city. Nov. 20. Joseph V. Velosky, aged 34 years. Deceased was a member of Portland council No. 078, Knights of Columbus; local union No. 123, Injrmational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, and the Em ployes' lienefit association of the P. R , L. & P Co Funeral will be held frrm the residence of Mrs. T. Frank Carney. 20tl N. 19th st., Monday, Nov. 2'J, at 8 43 a. m., thence to cathedral 15th and Davis sta., where requiem mass will be offered at 9 a. m. Friends in vited to attend. Interment Jit. Calvary cem etery. Arrangements in care of Dunning & Mc E ntee. TRTJAX In this city, Nov. 24. Roy M. Truax. aged 36 years, beloved son of Mrs. Su.san Truax, brother of Doris and llargary Truax of San Francisco, Cal., Mrs. J. J. Seely of Vancou ver. Va.h,, Mrs. James Condon and Darwin H. Truax of Dos Kiss, Cal. Deceased was a mem ber of Iongshoremen's union local 3R-6 of this riLy. Funeral services will be held at the residential funeral parlors of Dunning & Mc Entee. Morrison st- at 12th, Monday, Nov. 2!). at 1 :30 p. m. Friends invited to attend. Inter ment Mt. Scott Park cemetery. LL'KK In thU city, November 26. Alvin Luke, ac-d 22 years, bploved son of Mr. end Mr. Herman Luke and brother of Emil Luke. Mrs. Gtrtrnde Weber and Mrs. Marie Kkll and Mrs. John Jancek, all of trAs city. Funeral services will be held 6unday. November 28, at 2 p. m., at "the chapel of Miller & Tracer. Interment Monday, 2 p. m.. at filwaukie Cemeter SOLOMON At the residence. 169 N. 23d at.. Nov. 26, 1920, Fannie B. Bolomon. aged 76 years, belov mother of Mrs. Edward L. Brown and Mr, bigmund Sichel. Friends in vited to attend the funeral services at the above residence, at 1:30 p. m. today (Sunday), Nov.- 28. 1920. Interment Beth Israel cem etery. Please omit flowers. SII INNERS Nov! 27. aT her lata residence, 206 Broadway, Kathleen Chaniig tihinners, seed 34 years, wife of Edward J. Shinners, daughter of 11. Kiely of Oskland. Cal., sUter of Bert F. Kiely and Mrs. J. H. Byrne of Oakland, Cal., and Jerry Kiely of Portland. The remains are at Finley's. Montgomery at 5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. TRACY In this city. -Not. 26. Corctta Tracy. agfd 15 years, late of Crabtree. Or., daughter of Mrs. E. J. Tracy and nitter of Mnrria and Roy Crabtree of Portland. The funeral service will be held Tuesday. Nor. 30. at 2 ;3() o'clock p. m. at Finley's, Monteomery at 5th. Friends invited. 'Concluding serrice. Rosa Cfty cemetery. M'NULTT In France, June-2 9TT9 tsTMiTrTi Mcfrrtty. aged 2S yearn, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McXully of Roy, Mont The funeral serv ice will be held Monday, Not. 20, at 2:30 o'clock p. m. at Finley's. Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Concluding service, Mt. Scott cenn tery. MCSCOTT The funeral Ferries for the Ute Frank H. Muwott of 284 McMillen st will be held Monday, Nov. 29, at 10:30 o'clock a. m. at Finley's. Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. t. oncluning senrice, Kitemew cemetery. Toe deceased was a member of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. COCRTRJGHT In this city, Nov. 26, 1920. Ruth Courtright, aged 33 years, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Courtright Funeral services will be held Monday. Nov. 29, at 10 a. m., from the chapel of Miller & Traoey. Interment Rose Ciry cemetery. HARDY In this city. Friday, Nov. 26. Floyd Hardy, aged 40 years, lata of 218 E. 72d st . husband of Mrs. Susie Hardy, father of BethaL The body Is at the parlors of Chambers Co., 24 8-250 Killingworth ave. Funeral announce ment will be made later. EDY In this city, Nov 26, Baby Edy, beloved infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Allen Edy of the Meredith apartment. Funeral from the residential funeral parlors of Dunning & McEntee. Morrison st at 12th, Monday, Nov. 29. at 3 p. m. Interment Rooe City cemetery. MARTIN Private funeral service for the-lati John A. Martin of 37 E. 47th st. will be held Monday. Nov. 29, at 1 o'clock p. m. at the above residence. Concluding service. River Tiew cemetery. J. P. Ftnley & Son. directors. OSBOKXE The funeral service for the lata Stella Osborne of 251 26th st. N. will be held Monday, Nov. 29, at 2 o'clock p. m. at th Portland Crematorium, 14 th and Bybee sta. Friends invited. 4. P. Finley & Sons, directors. MARLOW In this city. Nov.' 26, 1920. Victor A. Marlow. Remains at Hotmail's funeral parlors. Third and .Salmon sts. Notice of fu neral later. FI'X ERA I. DIRECTORS EDW. iiOLMAN & S Fooeral Dn rectors TH1HD AND SALMON STREETS Miin 507. A 1511 Idy Assistant EAST SITE FTNERAT, DIRECTORS F.' S. DUNNING, INC.. . . ."The F"1 SeU the Price-' 414 E. Alder. phone East 52. A. D. Kenworthy & Co. RRO2-5R04 92D ST. S. E . LENTS Phone Tabor 5267. Home Phone D-61. CHAMBERS CO., ' , Funeral Directors. All the Conveniences of a Home Woodlawn 3306. 2 4 S -KiUingsworth Ave. R. T. BYRNES SJffiS?5J Williams ave. Woodlawn 220. Lin8,, P.LXerch M UNDERTAKERS. E. 11th and TT. WIrL";R TRACEY, independent fuivral di rectors. Prices as low as $20. $40 60 Wa-sh.ngton at Ella. Main 2tI ttViZ MoSer: MNEMAR-A homeltk. placei E.n4 m Prices" Ir"n' Strict PtoS R W. GABLE TO . iT3 K.83S2r to w- u!r"?- .... PhSdVa'v "Ti ..5Sb -Ziz oo, Home A-2133. Breeze&Sn'ook lP, A wn am . 1 . . . vi i tseimont sr. AerCoTSE m ;irrr-rrjr-- 1 . - - Belmont t MEETING NOTICES FUNERAL DIRECTORS . J.P.HNLEY&S FONERAL DIRECTORS Main 9 MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. MON UMENT8 Portland -Marble Works 286 4th St.. Op. City Hall. Neu Bros.. LAESING GRANITE On kJ 27-3(Q ST AT MADt$Qf1 ft; FLORISTS yr KAT J 12Jo UP, YfQEfcTHS" 529-17 'MORRlSO A AIDER. 4 ( MOllON PORTLAND HOTIk MAR. 753 'fiAne Accra eouorrao 4 MORBISOM gsPOAOMWY 8, PAJIK MAR.. 157 And Floral Designs. 25 Large Hothouses. No Branch Stores. b- 4th nd r,,n- leicpuuQfl main i iup. Smith's Flower Shop . "Portland's Progrssive . Florist." i Flowers for All Occasions. Main 7215. T. C. LUKE. Mgr., 6th and Alder. GEO. BETZ" & SON ?fts. FRESH FLOWERS FOR FUNERALS and all occasions, 697 Williams ave. Just call Woodlawn 1512. Joseph Beta, Manager. MARTIN A FORBES CO.. florists. 854 Wash ington. Main 269, A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. N. Wl Bank bidg. Main & 6116. . 331 Morrison at. -, FLORAL SHOP C 3 245 Alder. Marshall 5922. LOST AND FOUND 21 THE following articles were found on cars of the P. It,, L. & f. Co., ov. zo: o purses. book. 3 books, insurance policy, pair glasses, 3 pairs eloves. 1 single glove, cold cream, 8 pack ages, overalls, pair rubbers, lunch box, auto cur tains, 18 umbrellas, owners may ootain prop erty at First and Alder sta. AN AIREDALE dog came to me about 10 days since. Owner can have nun; prove ownersmp and pay expense, if not called for in A dass, will sell cheap, if assured of good home for ham. 5723 85th st. 8. E. LOST In front Rose City restaurant, 109 6th St., purse containing currency and silver; am working girl and need the money. wain. 3616 after noon, or 106 6th st. X. LOST Friday p. m.. on Morrison, a small silver wrist watch having Roman numbers to 12 and Arabic numbers to 24, attached to black ribbon guard; reward Tabor 4210. LOST Lady's black handbag, containing Lib erty bond, some cash, several notes and re ceipts and lady's handkerchief; reward. East 8277; LOST Small red bankbook, inclosing certificate of deposit on Folk County State bank. Pay ment is stopped. Return for reward to Mrs. Frank Creamer, 1212 Boise ave.. Portland, Or. LOST A Japanese cross fox fur, between 50th and Hawthorne and Harrison, Friday eve ning about 5:30. Finder please call Tabor 892. Reward. LOST Near Failing and Vancouver ave., one EnglLsh setter pup about 6 months old. Black snd white with tan spots on neck. Phone Woodlawn 6189. I WILL pay 10 reward for information lead- ing to whereabouts of female Llewellyn Set ter, strayed or stolen from 30th and Killings worth about 2 weeks ago. Wdln. 3160. WILL Gentleman who picked up by auto lady and 3. children on Taylor Ferry road return bag with 2 prs. slippers in to H. B. Goodfellow. Oldi. Wortman A King? Reward. LOST A small purse containing bills and change, also wedding ring, near 6th and Sher man, or on 1 6th st. car. Finder please call Mjuall2698. LOST-"-Ladies" platinum ring, set with diamond solitaire. Prpbably Lipman s, Nov. 20. Phone Marsliall4020. Reward. - LOST In downtown district silver bar pin, set with sapphires and brilliants Finder please call East 5715. LOST Waterman fountain pen. Friday evening. West elide. Phone Marshall 4400, Apt. 517. Reward. LOST Australian discharge badge, on Sixteenth, Johnson or Washington sta. Reward. Phone Main 5769, or call 620 SweUand bldg. LOST Party picking up blue silk umbrella in New Republic grill lavatory, please call Main 1B03. Reward. WIT.L party who picked up purse in Eetacada 8:40 a. m. car. please return purse and kevs to 2060 Willamette bird.? j LOST Knameled brooch, shaped 3 violets, pur ' pie and white, with diamond in center of each, j Reward. Mr. Kochnine. 4 89 Clay, Banner ap'A LOST Diamond and amethyst tie pin. near E. ISth and liavu. Phone 220-28 or return to 50 F. 18th X. Reward. LOST In Meier & Frank's store or downtown district, part of gold pin with small pearl aet ting. Tabor 3914. Reward. FOCN'D On highway near Woodland, new Goodrich cord tire, M. Lv Barr, Woodland. Wash. LOST Siprna Delta fraternity pin, tnrqrioi5e and ruby stones, valued as keepsake. Reward. 665 K. 6:?d st. N. Tabor 1264. LOST An Kiain watch, probably on Base Line road to Powell Vailey store. Phone 285 Gre!"ham. Suitable reward. LOST Bill book in downtown district Sat aft ernoon. Please return to 705 N. W. Bank bjdeJ Main 69S. LOST Fur at Auditorium Wed. night, valued keepsake. Return to Olds, Wortman lc King's delivery room; liberal reward. LOST Dehorned Jersey cow; reward for in formation or return to 1199 E. 17th at N". Phone Wdln. 903. Mrs. Flack. LOST On E. 13th" st, bet ROselawn "are. "snd Alberta st. a black leather-covered Chris tian Science quarterly; finder phone 321-99. LOST A gold cuff link. Initial H. Reward. Marshall 1850. LOST Maltese cat male, white legs and bress Call Tabor 7590; reward. LOST Jeweled A. T. O. fraternity pin. call Tabor 6P8. Reward. Finder FOUND Fur neckpiece, Tuesday a. m. , on East Broadway. Phone East 4808. LOST Nugget charm, engraved "Mother to Harry." Large reward. Olsen, Wood. 21 6- LOST Eastern Star pin. Please call East 7816. BfSrVESS AXI TRADE SCHOOLS 99 LEARN COMMERCLVL ART Here is your opportunity to study commercial art with an experienced artist and teacher. 1 Thorough instruction given in drawing, per spective, composition, designing, lettering, etc. Learn thu lancinating profession and increase your income. For further information or appointment, call Mr. Loss, Main 8829, A ready bldg., 12th. and Jefferson. West's I-arges. Business College. Assures EVERT "GRADUATE A POSITION All business courses, including comptometer training. Enroll anytime day .school, night school. Write for free c talogue. Fourth near Morrison. Phone Main 590. A Position for Each Graduate ALISBTY BUILDING LADIES. ATTENTION I The Marinello National School of Cos meticiary. located at Chicago, 111., have a chief special agent in your city to give you full in formation of our work. Classes will be formed Dec. 1. G-490. Journal. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young, men and women wanted; ran 434 Railway Exchange bldg ; splendid opportunity to learn a well paid profession. Railway Tele graph Institute. Night classes. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, receive some pay while learning. Position secured. Ex-service men re ceive state aid. Write or call fo catalogue, 234 Bumslde at MEN wanted to join evening claas for watch making, engraving. Good work, steady em ployment Those wanting to learu, call Tabor S39S. 1367 East Lincoln. PORTLAND Barber College teaches the barber trade in eight weeks; pays while learning; good set of tools given; position secured ; tuU tion reduced. 3S N. Second. STEEN SEWING 8CHOOi Bheek's systetm of ladies' tailoring and dressmaking taught; pat terns cut to measure. Phone East 12359, B-33? 152 Crsnd ave near Belmont. ROCKY MOUNTAIN Teachers' Agency. Enroll frqe.. Frank K. Welles, former assistant state supt. Mgr., N-W. bank bldg. Phone Main 827. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Kegina Buck el's private school; individual instrrction. 122 4 Grand ave. East 427. OREGON law school, Ausky bldg., 2d and Mor rison sts. W. E. Richardson, see. Main 977. mm ChappeM PeopS Found Employment V THROUGH USING JOURNAL "DIME A LINE" WANT ADS Portland, Or., Nov. 21. Oregon Journal - Gentlemen: I have benefited a great deal by reading Journal "Dime a line" want ads. I also have had a lot of experience with them. One afternoon I went down to The Journal building to put an ad in the paper and the very next time the paper came It was right there. .In a, VERY little while it was answered and I still have the job for which I advertised. I am also very satisfied with iL You'll always be satisfied, no matter how hard you tried, with The Jour nal's "Dune a line'' want ads. MISS N. 1. COPELiANL. 845 East Ash St., Portland, Or. The Journal wants more letters telling of experiences resulting from read ing Journal "Dime a Jine" want ads. One dollar will be paid for each letter used. , Address your letters to the "Classified Advertising Man ager," Oregon Journal, Portland, Or. BUSINESS AJfD TRADE SCHOOLS 0 TOUR ONE BIO CHANCE TO LEARN OX Y ACETYLENE WELD ING AND OUTTlNti EXTRA SPECIAL!!! If you have had no experience we can give you ft special course that will enable you to take a job and hold it after TWO DAYS INSTRUCTION and you can then finish learning while you hold down a job. You need not feel backward in com ing if you are a welder and want to become a better one or learn the weld ing of metals you are not familiar with. We have now enrolled as stu dents welders that have had five years or more experience. The trade is only 10 yean old and, heretofore, there have been no places giving any attention to instruction save as a side line in order to Ktl equip ment or as a means of getting cheap helpers. By our method of lndiyidual instruc tion under experienced teachers WE WILL TEACH YOU WELDING OF ALL METALS more thoroughly and in less time than can be done in any other way. If you Are going to learn welding come at once as the number of students we can take is very limited and classes for the winter are filling fast. Our clashes beginning Jan. 1 are uow fully enrolled. Have room for a few more students between now and that time and afterward. Apply day or evening at 427 E. Ninth st., near Grant. COMMERCIAL SCHOOL OF WELDING LEARN AVIATION EARN J75 TO 300 WEEKLJ' Complete courses in mechanics and flying. Aero club license on gradnation. AU courses free to federal vocational training men. The state of Ore gon aHows (25 per mouth for educational pur poses to Oregon ex-service men. First and only .exclusive Aeronautical school In the Northwest. A SCHOOL WHICH HAS OVER 2000 PER CENT ..MORE" PUPILS THAN ANY OTHER SIMILAR SCHOOL IX THIS TERBJTOKT. No bond required. Catalogue-on request; DUDRET AIRCRAFT COMPANT. Portland. 824 Morgan Bldg.' Oregon. LEARN automobile and tractor repairing and driving in America's largest and finest system of trade schools. We also teach all branches of ignition, electrical and battery work, vulcanizing and re-treading, welding and brazing, and instruc tion on all types of marine and stationary en gines and farm lighting planta. You tak. tha tools in your hand-) and get the actual practical shop experience. The Hemphill schools turn out thousands, of successful graduates every year. Do you want to join this class of well trained and high paid men! State aid to former service men. Information and catalog upon request Day and evening classes. Hemphill Trade Schools, Inc.. 707 Hawthorne ave., cor. 20th. AKE TOU LOOKING FOR A BETTER JOB? Get into the mto and tractor business. A few weeds' training in our big, practical shops qualifies ?you for a big paying position in any branch of this business. Includes automobiles, tractors, tire repairing, battery work, machine shop. Men of any age eligible. No previous experience necessary. Splendid working condi tions. You can earn your room and board the few weeks you gre learning. Unusual oppor tunitiea to locate in California. Ideal cli mate. 9000 N. A. S. graduates holding highest paid position in the country. FREE employ ment service. W rite now for your book of facts. Tells how YOU can earn big money in this business. . Its 1KEE. National Automotive School, S04 S. Figueroa. Los Angeles. CaL MEN, SPEND YOUR WINTER AT OUR EVENINGS Automobile and tractor engineering, welding and bronzing. Special ignition, battery and electrical work. Vulcanizing and retreading. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS 707 Hawthorne Ave., Cor 20th Terms If Desired. MEN. WOMEN learn barber trade; wages while learning; positions guaranteed. Mgr. 22 years' experience. Oregon Barber College, 238 Madison. HELP W Ay TED MALE 15 NORTH SZND.STREETa 1 1 EMPLOYMENT cERVICE 7 BROADWAY 57. HELP WANTED High class real estate salesman, with good references, to handle a very attractive acreage proposition at Vancouver, Wah. N. W. MEUBIFIELD, 810 Washington St, Vancouver, Wash. BOYS 10 to 14 yeaTS old can earn some eay Christinas money by selling the Christmas number of the Ladies Home Journal, wliich goes on sale November 80. Besides a liberal commission on each copy sold, special prizes such as flashlights, watches, baseballs, tennis balls, games, etc., will be given for a stated number of sales. Fred N. Bay. 270 4th st THE MEIER & FRANK CO. require the services of an experienced man for making hard candies. Apply Employment Bureau, Suth floor. Meier & Frank Co. COMBINATION buyer and floor manager for main floor of largest department store in Idaho. City of' 80,000. Position calls for high class man; salary commensurate with capa bility. Give experience, qualifications, etc. W-594. Journal. . EARN A DAY We" want four men willing to put in eight hours per day selling at half price the best tire on the market See saiesmanager. Perfection Tire Co., 10th and Siark st WANTED Young man 25 years of age or gn- eral office work; must have had (.revious experience. Answer in own handwriting, giving reference and experience. 0-557, Journal. WANTED A reliable salesman to sell good brands of well advertised cigars as a sideline Hi the country, Oregon state. Automatic Cigar Co.. Tab. 559. Call Sunday. 297 E. 83d. WANTED Trunk salesman, must thoroughly understand the -' business, none other need apply. Beat of references required. Answer, E-493, Journal. WANTED 5 bridge carpenters, $8.50 per day. South. Long job. Must have blankets and tools. Butts A Oake. 241 Couch. WANTED Sausage maker and all around back room man. Steady job for the right man. HilLsboro Mercantile Market. Hillsboro. Ore. WANTED Good hustler with a little money to purchase truck and take A 1 bread route. See Nehl. 200 2nd st SPECIALTY salesman wanted-to handle portable moving picture machine; good commission. 0-763, JournatV WANTED Man and team to grade two lota. L. W. Noolta. 110 E. "Cmerson. comer Miss. If AN with small motorboat, pay by hour, reason able. Call Monday East 4460, "3 HELP WASTED MALE V I MP1CW ME NT flyf A-USn LABOR TALK TO EMPLOYEES Last week we talked of employment about the market being the lowest at the end of the year, and that we believed conditions would be better after the first of January. This week we are dealing in-facta. Suppose you were "Big Business" either as a merchant, a wholesaler, a factory man or a producer, and you had made your profit for 18 2D. Your income tax cornea due January I, and about 90 per cent of your profits from November to January will be taken by the income tax. Now "Big liusineas" says, "I can't make any money by selling at a profit and I am going to unload my surplus at cost . and make room for my new stock." Now the retailer announces sales at cost, the wholesaler sales at a reduction, the manufacturer cuts prices and the producer either must hold his supply or sell at a like reduction. The surplus is unloaded and each in turn -purchases goods or labors at a reduction and all profit without paying an income tax. If you sell $1,000,000 in merchandise and reproduce with the $1,000,000 cash, merchandise from the wholesaler at 33 1-3 less, you would pro- j duce in quantity $500,000 in profits, which is not snuwu as an income. . mat represents profit in quantity represented by new stock on your slielTea. The big banks state prices have gone down, and they have, and your borrowing power must be curtailed, and it has been, and so everbody is unloading. When wheat is $1 a Dusnel and sheep and cattle and hay and lum ber are down, the banks must, nave more and better security to be stable and conservative, and business recognizes the necessity of raising cash. All this helps to make conditions as we bare stated. We deal in labor and furnish employment. Now is your time to get in touch with us and prepare for the business of the coming year. We make labor a study. We study production and distribution. Our success depends on fore seeing conditions. Now we prophesy better times after January 1 and while the war prices will not prevail the market will be adjusted and labor, commodity and factory will all become stabilized on an equitable basis. There will be no hard times. Our supplies are needed and a way will "be opened to market them. We furnish employers with farm help, wood cutters land clearers; we furnish mill and camp help; we handle hotel, store and factory help. In fact we furnish everything to be furnished in labor. No order too large for our success ful consideration and attention no order so small but we will fill it with - care and courtesy. Phone Broadway 2278, or wire us at our expense. The "Old Pioneer" has 21 years of service and experience for its clienteL You caa profit by dealing with us. CD LV. mT im OQtGOH WANTED Young men that are ambitious, en ergetic and willing to work; none others need apply; salary and commission for selling article ofmerit. See Ruthruff. Oregon hotel, after 10 a m. today. - SALESMEN WANTED S8 'collection sauist,. r-xpeneacea collection agency salesmen: New, attractive, vfell advertised proposition, insures $200 weekly to producers. Secure your territory at once. ARROW SERV ICE. Schenectady, N. Y. SALESMAN . WANTED Proposition open for men to earn from 930 to $75 per week. Must have references. American Window Wind shield Co., 323 Mohawk bldg., 3d and Morrison ts. c all hnnday bet 10:30 a. m. and 3 p. m. SALESMEN Specialty men: New, quick de tachable, non-skid automobile chain. Salary $40 per week and bonus. Bear Chain Co.. 948 Market, San Francisco. $500 MONTHLY, selling new patented gasoline vaporizer, 66 miles per gallon made with Ford. One sample free. Stransky Vaporizer Co.. 5 87 Pukwana. 8. Dak. WANTED Salesman, liberal commission basis; well known tonic sold as medicine for gro cery and drag stores; pocket sample. Write H. L. Monheimer, 951 Marquette bldg., Chicago, 111. WANTED Salesman, well educated and able to interview readers in schools and dubs. Reference essential. 0-762, Journal. WASTED- AGENTS EVERY HOME ON FARM. IN SMALL TOWN or suburb needs and will buy the wonderful Aladdin mantle light; 5 times as bright as elec tric; tested and recomtnended by government and leading universities; awarded gold medal; 4 sales a day means yearly income of $6000; no experience needed: excellent spare time and eve ning seller; no capital required; write quick for distributor's proposition and lamp for free trial before territory is taken. Mantle Lamp Co., 82 Grand ave., Portland, Or. AGENTS Get wrticulsrsromthe oldest and largest agency Company in United States; send for catalogue of the finest quality of soaps, per fumes,, toilet articles, food products, eU- Write today. American Products Co., 480 American bldg., Cincinnati. Ohio. GARTSIDE'S IRON RUST SOAP CO.. 4054 I-ancasier ave., Phila., Pa., Mfrs. of the only ORIGINAL Iron Rust Soip, want agenta. Trade mark, print and copyright registered in V. H. Patent office. This op removes iron rust, ink end unwashable stains from c-othing, marble, etc, like magic. 25c tube. Big profits. BIG profit selling Duplex transformers ; every auto owner needs them; save gss, banish spark plug trouble; exclusive territory; write qtrck. Jubilee Mfg. Co..2 164 Station C. Omaha, Neb. AGENTS Large manufacturer wants agents to sell hosiery, underwear, shirts, dresses, skirts, waists, shoes, clothing? Free samples. Madison Mills, 503 Broadway, New York. CUT YOURownha.r The"DuplexTutomaTu! hair cutter cuts while you comb your hair. Price $2. Buy one. Agents wanted. Write W A. Turner. 385 3d st, Portland, Ore. HELP WASTED FEMALE LIPMAN, 'WOLFE A CO. FORMER SALESPEOPLE AND CASH IERS OF LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO not now engaged, who wish to work part or full time through the holiday, are invited to report at the employment bureau before 10:30 a. m. LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO. MRS. L.' V. SCOTT, formerly director of em ployment for women with the federal gov ernment, will assist women to secure employ ment in all lines. Office. 329 Henry bldg., cor. 4 th and Oak. Bdwy. 4537. WANTED A young lady experienced in taking orders over the telephone, meat business pre ferred. Anewer in own handwriting, state ex perience snd giv references. Q-558, Journal. ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to the Sal vation Army Rescue Home, Mayfair and Alexander sts. Phone Main 3450. DM. car. HIGH CLASS millinery designer wanted. Good salary, long season. Oive references where laet emplryed first letter. B-97, Journal. WANTED Maid to assist housekeeper. Good hours. Apply housekeeper of Multnomah clnb, 5 81. Salmon. WANTED Woman 85 to 40 to do housework : at Hillsboro for four adults. No washing. i evenings and afternoon out K-943, Journal. TO ASSIST with bousewcr Bdwy. 274. and 2 adren. PIANO lessons given for sewing, laundry or housework; reference. Main1 30 8. W A N T E D Woman for housework by the hour. Eat 0384. WANTED Chocolate dipper. Belle Confectionery, Salero. Write Gray WANTEI Girl to assist in general housework. Apply 281 East 15th N. HAVE opening for two girls to learn MulUgraph. 411 Artisans bldg.. Broadway at Oak. PIANO lessons given lor sewing, laundry or housework; reference. Main 8018. WEST BIDE school girt to car for 2-year-old chad. Refereoosi required. Main 2862. HELP WASTED FEMALE' I I MEIER & FRANK OOMPAJfT As in pst yean Invites all former employe not now engaged, to call at the employment bu reau, liath floor, any. time during store hours to make arrangement for work during the holidays. Former inspectors, cashiers and aalesveople may arrange convenient working hours if not able to work all day. MEIER & FRANK COMPANT THE MEIER ft FRANK CO. require tha nerr ices of 111 experienced chocolate dipper. Apply Employment Bureau, auth floor. Meier It Frank Co. Situations male MIDDLE AGED man wishes employment with private family, attending to furnace and gen eral work around place' at fair wagea. Can furnish good reference. Y-493. Journal. WANTED Cordwood cutting bjr contract; only long joba and good timber conaidered. Phone Woodlawn 4800 or iddrea 655 Commercial at. C. W. fcahn. MAX with 20 years' experience buying and deal ing in grain wishea employment with some good' grain and feed house. Can furnish good references. X"' 83, Journal.. - LICENSED independent electrician, wiree 8 rooms for $12, 5 rooms, (20. All new ma terial nsed and guaranteed to pass inspection. Wdln. 3791. HIGH school boy wants permanent position after school and Saturday. Wants clianro for ad vancemeut Good references. Phone 221-68. GET wood cutters, grubbers and land clearers from the Pioneer Employment Co., 14 N. 2d st Phone Broadway 2278. RELIABLE parties, man and wife, wish position as managers of hotel, apartment house or rooming house; experienced. J-725. JoumaL ATTENTION. REAL ESTATE MEN" Carpenter -and painter need work, any kind; new or repair and masonry. East 1974. ELECT KIClAiN, competrnt inside man, wishea petition. Will consider propueiuon. Address II. O. Edmitn. McEwen. Or. STENOOH. '11EK First class man, agn 30. S years Journal. experience private secretary. -833, EXPERT furnace cleaning and repairing, gutters cleaned and repaired; will fix your roof in good shape. ' Call Leonard. 826-61. EXPERIENCED orchardiat wishes to take charge of place, or would like to rent on shares, Bdwy. 2058. WANT work for 3 big team with drivers; lum ber, or longing. Will toko contract Alias Woodyard. 82 7 Front. KALSOMINING, painting. Reasonable, Main 2865. plaster- s tch log. CARPENTER snd contractor, Jobbing; anything in the building line. East 8656. CARPENTERING, REPAIRING and REUOD- EI.ING. TABOR 234. POSITION - by experienced middle aged man janitor. Tabor 814 5. YOUNG man would 102 1st st like positiou on farm. WILL paint, tint and paper your house reasonable day's wage. East 8798. for WANTED Excavating, geueral team work. Sellwood 2088. MOVING or hauling. lH-ton trucks, with driv- ers by hour or contract East 8677. PLASTERING, cnimney and cement work. 101 E. 46th st Tabor 2858. ROOF repaired, gutters and down spouts cleaoe out Call Autom-tie 317-27. FUR manufactured and remodeled at 400 Jef ferson st. Phone 4901. CARPEN TE RING, repairing remodeling, built- in fixtures a specialty, call Automatio oi i- t, CEMENT WORK for talking machine. Bros. Main 2820. y Soule WANTED Contract hauling wood or anything. Have 3 H ton truck. Call Charles. Mar. 2045. CARPENTER Repairing and remodeling new work, garages; prices reasonable. Hell. 3758. HOUSES andbuildings. woodwork and furniture repairing, etc 4 4c for first hour. Wdln.6084. ROOM S tinted, -$3 and-$4.r'good work and satisfaction. Phone Main 6588. PAINTING, calciminlng. floors refinlshed. rea sonable. A. Garrow. 708 E. 7th. SeU. 2682. SHINGLEUS When you want shingling done call Wdln. 5206. RESH1NGLING and roof repairing done, shall 1072. " ! Mar- JAN1TOR, married, no children. Marshall 677. SITUATION! -FEMALE HAVE girl, will soon be 13. in the seventh grade; would like good Christian family where she can help after school snd on Saturday for board. She is good with children and to do wtprk. For snpointmeut write 1292 W. Lombard st, St Johns. B.ESPBC T A BLB, competent, refined widow with well behaved child of 11 wishes position as housekeeper in A respectable home. No triflers need apply. Call in person at 223 W. Park st, Apt No. 3, after 1 p. m. - A MIDDLE AGED widow, that wants good first home, light work, $10 snd expenses month. Write or call N. Mam st R. J. Kinney, Newberg, Ore., R. 1. WANTED Mending of all kinds. Men's sooks and shirts a specialty. Aprons made to or der for Christmas. Packages over $1 oalled for and delivered. East 6843. 8CHOOL girl of 14 wants place to work for room and board in Elliott school district. Phone Col. 568. A COMPETENT and efficient business woman desires a position of responsibility as chief clerk or office manager. U-447. Journal. WOULD like to care for children, days and evenings; can furnish reference. Phone Sellwood 1829. LACE. SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE CUR TAINS. DRAPERIES. BLANKETS: DONE FP LIKE NEW; WILL CALL. EAST 851 8. ACTIVE young lady "would like general office work. 3 years,' experience. Will alart with reasonable salary. Call Main 4462. - WILL care for children afternoons and e-venings. - References. Phone Marshall 677. TYPIST and billing clerk, half a day, afternoon preferred. Sell. 11615 .- GRADUATE piano teacher will teach at your home, lessons 75c. Main 4506. YOUNG Japanese girl wants position, light house- work. F. Takeno. 271 Salmon St. CROCHETED TAMS mad to order. 2609. Broadway THREE years' experienced elevator operator, or in Dr. office, wishea position. Mar. 406l. EXPERIENCED-lsdy" wants day" work" bouse cleaning. etc. ; work guaranteed. Wdln. 6305. MIDDLEAGED lady will care for children by hour. Bdwy. 2609. WOMAN wishes day work. Tabor 4174. DRESSMAKIXGJ 40 DTEtNTT cleaning, pressing, dressmaking, re- movielins. reiininff. alterations, nleatina : rea sonable prices. The Cabinet 'flesners A Dyers, 424Morrion nesrllth. Main 1825. RELIABLE dresf making, fancy and plain ins:, ail kind" alteration. Shop at 375 Taylor or call Tabor 8462 after 6 p. m. ALTE RATIONS, refitting snd making of ladles' garments, reasonable prices; work guaranteed. J. Reubin, Ladies' Tailor. 4 08 Bush A Lane bldg. DRESSMAKING Ladies'- and children's' dress making and tailoring: also alterations. Will go out to sew. I'bone Tabor 7565. IF first class tailoring, cutting, fitting ' or de signing you want for men, women or chil dren; see Mashin, 245 5th. ItUI.IABLK dressmaker and tailor. Engage ment by day. "all between 12 and 4 Tabor 3648. Mrs. Maire. WANTED Altering, plain and fancy sewing by day. Apt 40, 12th and Mjuvhall. Bdwy. K038. 14 VK in Rose City Park. Drem-making or remodeling. Reasonable. Tabor 94 89. MRS. MAE PATTERSON, doll dressmaker, 665 E) Salmon, Phone 215-87. DRESSMAKING and tailoring by the day; tailoring a specialty. Woodlawn 2172. 51RSF.8 WANTED Patients for private maternity home. best of references. East 7349. 697 Union avenue north. NURSE going to California woo id care for in valid or children en route. Ref. givern V- 4 01 , Journal. - ; EXPERIENCED nurse, best references. Phone Main 1072. FOR the care of invalid or children hoar, call Nurse, Tabor 4059. by the if EXPERIENCED nurse wants maternity ease, pre ferred at home. Phone Tsbrr 6200. ' C. S. MATERNITY HOME Tabor 9228. FUR5ISHED ROOMS t PRLNCES HOTEL, 349 E. fiurnsid; heated rooms with bath, by day or week. Get away from tbe big h priced rent ' , . WHY' pay downtown prices? Clean rooms $1 to $2.50 per wk. ; transient, 50c; new man agement. 412 N. 19th st. NEW ROYAL HOTEL 103 H 4th. - Rooms by day or week, steam beet Rates per day 75e up. FURNISHED room, private bath, in an apart ment with 2 other gentlemen. Board if de aired. 20th and Marshall. Z 943, Journal. NOB HILL, small room lor gentle rain. 84 N. 21st, cor, of Everett FURNISHED ROOM with or without hoard. 733 Johnson, bet 22nd and 23rd. SiORTONIA HOTEL. PortUnda downtown FCRN ISIIED BOOMS high-class family hotel rooms en suite or single, with or without .board, for families and business men and women. We give yon, all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. TAiTThOTEL.; corner of 12 ill arid - Ot'Vk sta., under new mansgement: modern. cimS. all outside rooms, private baths: peoole of sW4 character desired. Hates from $U to (IS f week. . . HOTEL OHIO. 269 FRONT. COR, MAD180M Housekeeping and transient rooms, steam neat, hot and cold water, automatic elevator, rates BOe) day up; weekly rates. LARGE, light airy sleeping rooms, private res.. buk. district walking distance, near O. 8. church; gentleman preferred. .654 Everett st cor. 17th.F Bdwy,3926. FURNISHED room In good bom;v fentlemeat Olio Madison st Auto. 212-96. FURNISHED ROOM S PRIVATE FAMILY Ji NEWLY furnished room, modem convenience. waiaing oistance, private home, ref. required. Overton street Main 504 6. LARGE fmnt room for one or two girls of women employed, with kitchen pririleges. 269 Hall. ; SLKKPIMi rooms, modern. In private family! gentlemen preferred; walking distance. li R 9th at Ah PI-EA8ANT heated room in private noma tot couple or 2 ladies employed. 814 llalsey sC -East S788. LARGE comJoriable front room, modern, euiU able for two, walking distance. Nob Hill dis trict. Main 9485. LARGH modern front room suitable for two gentlemen, near east approach - Broadway bridged 1'hone A tit 815 31. NICELY iurnisiied front room, suitable for on or twoj furnace eW. 548 Yamhill iu Mar. 1712. ROOMS in 5 room house, partly furnished. part loth. or unfurnished. n u u ."V . Call after I :B0 or on Snnday. LARGE flront room, close in on east aide; furnace heat, home privileges, wlU or With out board. East 8006. LARUE front bedroom, suitabhj for two gen- tletnen: close west aide, furnace. Mam 9398'. FOR RENT Ursa front room, close In, Msr- shsll 5167. WANTED Furnished roomi quiet place for middleaged man: references. F-638, Journal. VN FT KM SHED It 0 OJ! S 1 FURNISHED room for rent, 780 Corbett s'C Marshall 722. ROOMS AND BOARD THE MARTIIA WASHINflTOIt 880 10th st For buainess girls and stn dents; reasonsble ratea Marshall 261. - - BOARD and room, modern accommodation, heat,' hot and cold water, bath; two blocks front Broadway bridge; $11.50 per week. 87S Most st. Phone East 2560. LADY hiinir alone would like lady to share lief room. Would board her. Call Sunday at 272 yj Williams ave., room 8. FURNISH i.D room for one or two young ladle. near oar barns ud telephone office. 1189 Montana are. KXPER lEjfCKD' "mine wants two "children ti room and board by day or wei. Mar. 266:.' NEAT sleeping rooms reasonable. BoOvffiisiJii ave. i ltOOMS AND DO A It D PRIVATE FAM II Y 71 HOSE CITY PAItlL. We own a new room bungalow that-ws will not rent .but will sell on Hraiglit-3 contract pavmeuu, only $45 a month. Tills also includes the interest, . No mortgage to assume. Only $50 cash payment down riuirci. Located oa a 60105 ft, corner lot, being the southeast corner of 69th an4 Klickitat sts., 8 blocks ninth of Sand bird. I. L. HAKTMAN CO., Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. , , ROOMS and board for two" employed in Laurel hurst home. If you are looking for some thing out of the ordinary call and see tins. Rausl reasonable. 1092 E. Flanders. Aut 223-28. VILL board and care for young Infant from t week to 1 year old, giving best mother's ears. ' by experienced mother and baby nurse; doctor s reference. East 4928. ROOM AND ROARD"in private home, all home comforts and conveniences. Adults only. Phone Wdln. 5783. -J. WELL Iroated front room in rastrictM district 18 minutes out on two carllnjie, for one of two ladies; breakfast snd dinner. fWdln. 1976. WOULD like to bosrd schoolgirl oir.r 11; more for company; next door to school;. $20 pee month. Woodlawn 4434. t WANTED A boy or girl,, age 610. board i an4 Towm. ' 1 smr vein.. EoVMndboard,westdel men' iiroaaway 8784. WANT children to board, $20 per month; good itnmh .ml nl..l. Af f V. T.V. 2 T ri FUUN ISH ED rooms witlTboard, 668 E. Com st Phone E. 8099. Rose City car to 1 2th. CHILDREN to board, mother', car. 1304 li 18th st N. Automatic 328-60. ULnmi auu ooara in monem noma. j l k i nut St. 8. Phone East 1195, WANTED Men U, hoard and . JolmsUm st Main 8796. room. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISH ED AND US F VRX TIEI LIGHT clean front room,- either housekeeping rj sleeping, for employed people. 827 W'el 2 IWiOMfJ furnished fir housekeeping, modern $14 a month. 1717 Portsmouth are. Tak St. Johns csr. . LARGE private gsrsge with If K. rooms sbovsw 84 N, 21st cor. Everett Bdwy. 8600. - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 1 FURMSHED AD UN V V R ISHETr j- , ,P I V A T V. V A M IL Y ; TWO clean, nicely "furnished houjwkeeplng rooms private family, east .side, close in ; good hetgli borhood. 730 East Salmon. East 8496. HOI UK E EPINi ; rooms for rentin privet family, front room and kitchenette. -46 L'nioo ave. in. t ' , ; - WANTED 1 or 2 unfurnished housekeepii. rodtns, desirable location, Klosa in, reason able. .Bdwy. 1427. ' A KKITNLD ooupla employed caa hare a reaj home; walking distance. 64 9 East Aider st, bet. 12th and 13th tn. SN1CELY furnished housekeeping, rooms; pres. ; fer couple employed. Phone Msin 6195. IL K. and all Home privilege, for one In lovely modern bofne.' Adults, Sellwood 886. FOUR unfurnished IL K. rooms for rent with, . fireplace snd bath, $15 yer mo. 802 Harvard. DESRtABLK H. K. room for girl ert'pToyed) walking distance; references. Main $018 Ft' RN IS H ED hoikeepini "room, 3U YanjhfiL Marhall -4 238. - . . i . FOR BElfT HOUSES 1 UNFURNISHED It MEIER It FRANK'S . INFORMATION AND RENTAL BUREAU Relikhle," up to date list of desirable wean, houses, apartments and flats with definite inlor maiion pertaining to each. . . Newcomers to Portland will find this bnresq of great value in helping them gets properly ana quickly located. EIGHTH FLOOR FINE large house. East Side, eToseTTn, near t csr lines, partly carpeted and with window shades, 'A block grounds, suitable lor residence, school, sanitarium, small boarding or roomina house. Wakefield, Fries Co., 85 4th st, of ' " " STORAGE ' " ' " " COMMERCWL AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS, MOVING. PA KING, SHIPPING. 7 Reduced freigM rates. For expert servirl csll Broadway 70S. Manning Warehouse 4k Transfer Co. - - 6-lUKM new hou. wster, VHlet, gas; near Banu.w station, on Oregon Electric, 8 l-3 commutation fare. Rent $20, luruiturs f,-f sale $ 2 1 0 Phone Mar-Jiall 18 77. 6 ROOM modorS bungalow, eom pletely furnished. for Tent De 1. if not sokl- before. Ope a for inspection today, 2 to B p. m. ,1022 H S9th, WooiLtrk rr to 50th are. R. W. 'ary. F0RSA"LE or rent, good 5-roora liouse; 8 blocks from carlinr. on paved st ; all in good condition, vacant. Phors- Tabor 3196. . ( A,X-BROA.rjWAY 580 NORTH WESTERS Kl.EfTHIC f:OMPANT. WASHINGTON ATJTENTH STREET . JflbB-BOOM flai, 88lUble "st., WocS - frr Chaiman and Mill; walking distance; clean, modern; elegant view. lrvington car.- FOR RENT s'room howe. 62V Kerby st, 3 2 if a month: renter must boy 7 cords of wood now in bsserpent, $5o. T'bon Anto.2I4-64. EIGHT room modsrn bouse, -close in oa Firv 8ide, $50 per month. Herman, Moeller, lUii Gasco bldg; ' " ' Z ' FOR RENT 4 rorrns, 1st floor fiat, i wjii absolu'elytlean; full basement; big yard. 913 Haight ave. - ' ' -i . 1 . &Tb 1C TLY modern 6 rooms, Bose. City Par'. Will leas to responsible party n pajli g 6 months' rent In advance. Tabor 1606. . NICK tf room houae! fumarr, d:nio$ room. . kiuben and basement. Call frrra 11 to . 4. -f32 lsvl. w-t side. ' No children, y ' -FIV&ROOM modem houa. 378 E. 64 Lh st. Hawthorne car. Phone Ant 213-86. sTrVkiM "modern iinlurnished bungalow, 1851 Siskiyou. '- " ' ''' ' - - ' ' FOR RF.NT 6-ioom ijtrnXjud house, fusL B39 itoss at. . :