THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 10 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1920. PORTLAND. OREGON. jflethodist Church to -jut on Ration Wiide Centenary educational Campai go NEW MEMBERS TO BE ENROLLED IN GIGANTIC DRIVE , A great Centenary educational pro gram to start with the heads of the Methodist church' and to be carried out until the last member is enlisted is included in the program for the comingr year, which the 21 national area secretaries formed at Boston last week. The Iiev. A. L. Howarth, executive secretary for the Portland area, which includes the Northwest, returned Friday from Boston, full of enthusiasm -and ready to launch the program in this area. 1 The first move, will , be., a meeting of area district superintendents during De cember, with Bishop W. O. Shepard and Vr. Howarth. : The Northwest, in com pany with other districts, will be asked to enlist her share of tha 400,600 new members in Methodiam in order that losses rftay be offset. One -of the out standing problems confronting the Cen tenary men at their conference was the formulating of plans to bring Centenary subscriptions to the full amount asked for during the present church year. PORTLAND AREA STANDS WELL The national centenary treasurer's re port for the year ended October Zf Shows the total receipts for the year were J5,489,J62, or aDout tz per ceni 'of the amount due. May was the small est nonth, only $628,552 being received, ; while 12,889,334 was paid during Septem ber, Portland Rrea stands well in the 'nation, having averaged 72 peracent for the year and 86 per cent for tne period ' of the Centenary which began June 1, 3918. . In- addition to attending the national secretaries' meeting Dr. Howarth at ' tended the meetings of Methodist editors and the book committee, meeting of the ' board of benevolence, conservation and advance committee, and board of foreign .missions. The later meeting was in , New York, the others being held in Bos ton -In rapid auccesslon. TO DOUBLE CIttCLLATION At the editors' 'meeting plans were in augurated for increased circulation of Methodist Advocates. For the Pacific Christian Advocate, which is published In Portland and circulates in six states. WESTMINSTER DR. E. a PENCE. Pastor Chaplain Gilbert - preaches ' 10:30 "He Gave ThankV' ' 7 30 "Christ in History" HAVE YOU HEARD HIM? EAST SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH COR. EAST 20TH AND SALMON 11:00 i Carnal Christians DR. W. P. WHITE REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF THE MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE. u ' 7:30 :,''; Life's Second Chance REV. H. T. CASH, AuoclaU MlnltUr. TAKE HAWTHORNE, 8UNNYSIDE. MT. TABOR CARS TO E. 20TH. AND WALK t THREE BLOCKS TO SALMON. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH PAEK AND MADISOX STEEETS Br6adway and I-J Car to Block ot . ... Church A Few Blocks South of. Hotels Dr. McELVEEN Preaches 11:00 A. M. "SETTING THE FASHION IN GOODNESS" 7:S P. M. SPECIAL THANKSGIVING CONCERT By Superb Quartet and Chorus of Thirty five Voices, J08. A. FINLEY Conductor. . 7:30 P. M. Brief Organ Recital, MISS ROSS. DR. McELVEEN tells a fifteen-minute orig inal Thanksgiving story. "THE YARN OF BROTHER DEO GtATIAS." SEATS FREE. ' , First Spiritualist Church SERVICES SUNDAY 3 AND S P. M. LECTURE AT S P. M. SUBJECT: "Tha Manual Swedenboralnn Teaohlnqs; Life After Death," By REV. WILLIAM REECES. v Massacre by O. W. SHAW, Pastor. Solo by S. HICKS and Mrs. ANNA SNYDER. MID-WEEK MESSAGE SERVICES ON WEDNESDAY, S P. M. CORDIAL INVITATION EXTENDED TO AjpL. ; THE TESTS AND ORDEALS or an . EGYPTIAN INITIATE By ELAINE SCRIBNER . SUNDAY, t:00 P. M., ' AT THEOSOPHICAL HALL, i SOI Central Building Oornar Tenth Street. EVERYBODY WELCOME. ehut-3fns of Cast 2ide Baptists Sre Quests at Jf east The "Shut-Ins" of the East Side Bap tist church and the Pat ton home began Thanksgiving feasting early, -as they were' given a 1 "Sunshine Social," with chicken dinner, last Saturday afternoon, November 20, in the parlors of , the East Side Baptist church, by the men's "Four Nlneteen" and the women's "Inasmuch" classes. ' The men's class, headed by their teacher, Dr. E. A. Weir, conveyed the guests to and from' the church in automobiles, and the women's class, with their teacher, Mrs.! S. J. Beid, pre pared, and served the dinner. There were about GO of the elderly friends- present, severat'of Whom were paralyzed and had to be carried in, they being also carried to the tables, when dinner was served, that they might en Joy eating with the others. A number of friends who were invited to enjoy the occasion with them, were in the parlors to receive them. i . With a few words of, welcome, Eart Jones of the men's class conducted a contest, in which each one wrote his name and date of birth,' the oldest and youngest one, respectively, receiving a present of a box of chocolates. The old est was a man over 90 years of age, the youngest a woman, paralyzed, and the youngest in the Patton Home. After this there was a program, in cluding short addresses by Rev. H. T. Cash, 1 assistant pastor, and Dr. S. J. Reid, State evangelist ; reading by Mrs. K. A. Weir, solo by Miss Esther Wood ruff, and a selection by a male quartet. A feature much enjoyed was the singing by all the company of favorite- songs and hymns. A course djnner was served at four long tables, at the conclusion of which an unusually interesting and appropriate address was given by Samuel C. Lan caster, engineer of the Columbia high way. ; "There were many expressions or ap preciation as the guests departed, many of them saying It was the happiest time they had had for years. the plan Is to double the circulation. A feature to increase patronage will be the addition of a magazine number each quarter containing special articles on Centenary development ana otner ae nominational work. . Local Methodists expect to start at once on this new program, as they desire to have all business matters up to date bv May 11. 1921. when the board of bishops meets here for its spring con ference. This convocation will bring every American bishop, of which there are 21, and several foreign bishops to the city, in addition to a large number of other church officials, completion or the program before these men arrive will prove- a great advertising asset to the city. Dr. S. J. REID WTTY AND EARNEST IRISH PREACHER EVERY EVENING AT 7:30 EXCEPT SATURDAY Third Baptist Church KNOTT STREET AT VANCOUVER AVE. Williams Ava. and RutMil-Shaver Can. "THE CHURCH OF THE CORDIAL WELCOME." Come and Hear Dr. L. S. Chafer Sunnyside Congregational Church EAST TAYLOR AND 32D, AT 11 A. M. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH , 18TH AND TAYLOR Pabllo Worship 10:1 A. 31. and 7:44 P. . Dr. Stansfield "WILL PREACH ON Tercentenary of Landing of the Mayflower A New Presentation or a Revival of the Old. ' The Chorr-h of the 'Warm "Welcome and Within Walking; Distance of Hotels ST. STEPHENS (Pre-Cathedral) 1STH AND CLAY RV. Rev. Waltsr T. Sumner, D. D., Bishop. Vary Rev. ft. T. T. Hicks, Dean. . HOLY COMMUNION AT 7:45 A. M. CHURCH SCHOOL AT 8:45 A. HI. MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON Subject "ADVERT" YOUNG PEOPLE'S MEETING AT 6:30 P. M. EVENING PRAYER and SERMON at 7:46 Subject -"ST. ANDREW" THE DEAN WILL PREACH Tata l-J or Sunnyslda (Hall St) CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HTH AND CLAY ST 8. Be. L. Bowrtn? Quick, Minister , .. ' 11:00 A. M. -Junior Sermon "THE FAIRY LAKE." V Morning Sermon "REGENERATION" 7 :80 P. M. "FURTHER." - SABLE SCHOOL 10:30 A. M. :30 P. M. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR Jurist tT "YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN," and. He knows. 3mportant jeW '! A meeting of the educational com mittees of the Multnomah County Sunday School association and the Portland federation of Churches will be held within the near future when plans will be made for. the spring semester of the Portland Training school. The fall semester will close December 15. This school has grown to be one of the popular pursuit non-sectarian enterprises put on in Portland for the education of church workers.. " v BAPTIST At the White Temple on Friday eve ning, December 3, the Willamette "Asso ciation of Baptist Young People's unions will hold a rally and reception for all pastors of Baptist churches of Portland and vicinity, and their wives. Follow ing the rally and rollcall, at which all pastors will be presented by the presi dents of the unions, there will occur the reception. Miss Naomi Armstrong of Oregon City will sins, and the Highland church orchestra will furnish music. The Baptist Youns People's union of the White Temple will meet at 6;30 Sunday ee nm. Miss Zelda Waters of the Temple Chinese mission will lead. Young people especially are invited. The special terrice held each evening at the Third Baptist church are proTine attractive. lr. S. J. Beid. who is assisting Partor R. E. Close in the special meetings, is an Irish preacher whose ministry combines wit, pep. pathos and earnestness, and the attendance at the services is steadily growing.; The meetings will continue each night except Saturday unUl December 5. The congregational song services begin at 7:30. CHRISTIAN The Rev. Harold H. Griffis will speak DIRECTORY First Sunday,in Advent ! Uniform Sunday School ticsson 'How Jcsua Was Received." Mait. ll;l-fl, 18-19. 25 30: 12:14. GoMen Text "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will five jou rest." Matt. 11:28. Young People's Topics Baptist Union "America's Genius for Aa umilation." Col. 3:1-11. ('hriatian Endeavor "Inspirinit Stories From Home Mission Fields." Acts 10:1-6, 34-38. Kpworth League -"Unchristian America; A Menace and a Challenge." I Cor. 9:20, 27; Rom. 12:1-5. aptlrt First Whit Temple, 1 2th and Taylor. 11, "The Salvation to Be Revealed." by lr. V. V. Munro of Kansas City: 8:30, "Satan," by Dr. Lewis S. Chafer of New York; 7:45, "The Inevitable Christ," by Dr. D. If. Munro. Et Side K. 20th and Salmon. Rev. W. B. Hinson. 11. 7:30. Third Vancouver and Knott. Rr; R. K. Close. Preaching by Rev. S. S. Reid. 11, 7:30. Arleta 48th are. and 64tb at S. K. Re. Owen T. Day. 11, "The Militant Church"; 7:30. "Pour Fathers." CalvarjF E. 8th and Grant. Rev. J, K. Thomas. 11, "Possibilities Through the Cross" and communion; 7:45, Illustrated sermon. Glencoe E. 45th and Main. Rev. W. B Stewart. 11. 7:30. Sell wood Bethany Rev. W. N. Ferrla. 11. 7:45. Grace E. 76th and Ash. Bv. W. H. Tol liver. 11, 7:30. Swedish 15th and Hoyt Rev. T. G. Sjolan der. 11. 7:30. 8t Johns Chicago and Leonard 11, 7:30. Hiahlano E. 6th and Alberta. Her. Walter L. Riley. 11, 7:30. Peninsula Orew and Fiske. 10:80, 7:30. ML Olivet colored) Broadway and Everett. Rev. J. W. Anderson. -11.8. Elim Swedish Vancouver and Knotfc Be. August Olson. 2:30, 3:30. Ienta 88th sL and 60th ave. Re. E. A. Smith. 11, "My Bible"; 7,:30, song service and preaching. Second (German) Rodney and Morris. Be. F. Hoffman. 11, 7:30. Catholta ' -15tb and Davis. Pro-Cathedral-8:80. ft 4 5. 11. . 7:15. St. Peters Lents Be. 3. P. O'Flynil. 8. 10:30, 7:30. St. Lawrence 3d and Sherman. Rev. J. C Eughes. 0. 8:30, 10.80. 7:80. St. Francis E. 12th and Pine. Ker. L B. McNamee. 6. 8. 8.15, 11, 7:45. Immaculate Heart of alary Williams and Stanton. Re. W. A. Daly. 6, 8, 8, 11, 7:30, Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamas. Re. E. 8. Olson. 6, 7, 8, 8, 11, 7:30. 8t Rose E. 53d and Alameda. Re. J. O'Farrell. 8. 10:30. 4. St. Andrews E. 9th and Alberta. Be. J. Kiernan. 8, 10:30. 7:30. The Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou. Ret. George F. Thompson. 7:30, 9, 1L Ascension E. 76th and lamhill. Franciscan Fathers. 8. 10:30. 7:30. f Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandena. Rev. V. W. Black. 8, 10:30. 7:30. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin. Rev.. C Ray mond. 8. 10:30, 7:30. St. Ignatius 3220 43d St. 8. E. Jesuit Fathers. 6:30, '8, 10:30, 7. St. Stephens K. 4 2d and Taylor. ' Rev, Warren A. Waitt 8. 8:30. 10:30, 7:80. Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Van couver ave. Rev. William J. lie vine. 6, 8," 10:30, 7:30. St Philip Neri (Paulist Fathers) E. 16th and Hickory. Re. M. L. Ferry. 7:30. S. 10:30, 7:30. St Clement S. Smith ave. and Newton. Servite Fathers. 6. 8. 10:30, 7:30. X. Sacred. Heart E. 11th and Center. Rev. F. Gregory. 8, 10:30. 7:30. St Agat&a u. J Bin ana jNenaiem. Re. J. Commisky. 8. 10:30, -7:30. 8t Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and Fall ing. Rev. F. Matthew. 8. 10:30. 7:30. St Joseph (German) 15tb and Couch. Rev. Fronin Eppes. 8. 10:30, 7:30. St. Michael (Italian) 4tn and MiU. Ba. M. Balestra. 8:30, 10:30, 7.30. St. Claires Capitol Hill. Father Aloyatus, O. F. M. 7:30. :20. 8t Charles E. 83d and Alberta. Be. M. Wallace. 8. 10:30. " All Saints K. 89th and Glisan. Ba. Father William Cronin. 8, 10:30. ! St Patricks lth and Sarier. Re. Charles U. Smith. Masses 6:30. 8, 8:15. 10:30. 7:48. Christian First Park and Columbia. Be. Harold H. Griffis. 11, "One Boweth and Another Reap- ets ; 7:o, Man s supreme Accomplishment. East Side E. 12th and Taylor. Re. B. H. Sawyer. 11 8. Church of Christ Rodney and Knott (tem porary location) Re. Joseph 1, Boyd. 11, First Presbyterian Church PORTLAND, OREGON Alder Street at 12th ' ' Tha Pastor HAROLD LEONARD BOWMAN will preach at 10:30 A. M. 'THE MAGIC OF GRACE" AT 7:45 P. M. The Qnartet. assisted by a Chorus of 12 voices. wm giva "THE HOLY CITY , By Gaul. - A1 REV. A. BEERS of San Francisco, will fill the Dulolt at tha FIRST FREE METHODIST CHURCH. EAST r NIIITH AMR MILL, SUNDsT MORHInu AND EVENING. . I 1 a i ii 4 of Portlands Churches and joung Sunday morning at the First Christian church -on the individual citizen's debt to society. The special music by the church quartet will include the baritone selection, "In the Garden" (Miles), by Guy Mannan. Following the evening sermon there will be the administration of the ordinance of Christian baptism. Thursday at 1:30 p. m., in the church lec ture room, the pastor will begin a series of mid-week' services for the benefit of Sunday school teachers. The conference will be known as teachers' meetings, . with the following three distinct periods: (1) Hints on Kiblo Study; (21 "Bringing tip John," text by Edward Leigh Pell; (3) clearing house of Questions and an swers. On Friday evening the main auditorium the first of a series of student recitals, made up largely of humorous and dialect readings,- will ba given by the expressional pupils of Mrs. C. M. Kiggins. The readings will be interspersed with vocal solos by J. I. Long, tenor, and Miss Kmly Cibmark. contralto. Admission to this recital is free. The public is invited. The tercentenary of the landing of the Pil grim Fa there will be observed at 11 a. m. by Dr. J. Jf. Gbormley at the Kern Park tAristian church. At the evening hour Mrs. Ward B. Swope viU bring echoes from the national con vention of the Churches of Christ, recently held in St. Louis. Well prepared musical programs will be given it both services. r- CONGREGATIONAL At the Sunday evening service at the First Congregational church the reor ganized quartet and chorus choir of 35 voices will give a special Thanksgiving concert, after which Dr. W. T. McElveen will give a short talk. On Tuesday the women's association will hold their an nual bazaar, and on Wednesday an all day meeting, with a luncheon at noon and election of officers at 2 o'clock. On Thursday night the annual election ."of officers and business meeting will be held, ct which time the purchase of a moving picture machine will be dis cussed. For Friday night is announced the neighborhood sociable. At a formal meeting of church officers last week the members voted to "erect an electric OF CHURCH "Second Corinthians Eight"; 7:30, "The Re ligion of a I'erson." , Uontavilla E. 78th and Glisan. Rev. Car roll C Roberts. 11. 7:30. Kern Park Rev. F. H. Uhormley. 11, "The Discovery of the Rare Book'r 7:30, talk by Mrs. Ward B. Swoje on national church con vention. St. Johns Central and Oswego. 11. 7:30. Christian Science Lesson subject: "Ancient and Slodem Ne cromancy. Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced." - " First 19th and Everett. 11. 8. ' Second E. th and Holladay. 11, 8. Third E. 12th and Salmon. ' 11. 8. Fourth Vancouver and Emerwn. 11. 8. Fifth 2d and 4 2d ae. 8. E. 11. Sixth Masonic temple, 388 YamhilL 11, 8. Seventh Smith ave. and New York. 11. All churches Wednesday, 8 p. m. Congregational Pint Park and Madison. Dr. W. T. McEl- veen. 11. "Setting the Fashion in Goodness": 7:45, "The Story of Brother Doe Gratias." Sunnyside E. 32d and Taylor. Re. J. J. Staub. 11.- preaching by Dr. Lewis S. Chafer of New York city: 7:45, "The Secret Dynamic of the Christian Life." Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett. Re. E. E. Flint. 11. "An Unselfish God"; 7:30, illustrated lecture. Highland E. 6th and Prescott, Re. Edward Constant. 11, "Our Rewards and Obligations"; 7 :30, Thanksgiving concert. Waverleish Heights E. 32d and Woodward. Rev. Oliver P. Avery. ll,x7:30. Laureiwocd 45th ava. and 65th at. S. S. Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 11. 7:80. Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. ,11, 7:30. University Park Haven and Lombard. Ba. a H. Johnston. 10:30. 7:30. Finnish Mason and Aibina. Re. A. A. Harju. 6 and 8 p. m. St. Johns 8. Ivanhoe and Richmond. Re. John W. Threlfall. 11, 7:30, lecture by 3. O. Bailey on "The Conduct of State Business by State Officials." Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner Rev. Ole Torgessen. il, 7:30. First German E. 7th and Stanton Re. Gecrge Zocher. 11, 7:30. Second German E. 8th and Skidmore Re. Henry. Hagelganz. 11, 7:30. Zion German E. 9th and Fremont Re. I. II. Hopp. 11, 7:30. Dunkard , Church of the Brethren Borthwick and Brai nard He. George C. CarL 11, 8. Episcopal Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen 13th and Clay. Rt R Walter Taylor Sumner, bishop; Very Rev. R. T. Hicks, dean. 7:45, 11, 'Advent"; 7:45, "St. Andrew." Trinity lit.. and-Eerett Re. A. A. Mor rison, rector. 8, 11, 8. St. David's E. 12th and Belmont. Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7 :30, 9:30, 11, 7:30. St. Mark's 21st and Marshall. Rev. J. G. Hatton, rector. Daily, 7:30 a. m.; Sunday, i :ao. 11,7 -.43. - i St. Philips 242 Russell. 10. 11. St. Andrews--Hereford st.. Portsmouth. Rev. ) John D. Rice. 8. 11. 7:30. Grace Memorial East 17th and Weidler. Re. O. W. Taylor. 11. 8. special St. Andrews service with preaching by Bishop E. A. Shay lor of Nebraska. St Michael and All Ansela' E. 43d and Broadway. Rev. t. T. Bowen, vio.r. 8, com- Church of Our Savior COth ave. and 41st st S. E. Re. John B. McCormick. 7:30, 11. Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan botpital. Rev. F. E. Howard. 7 and 9:30 a. m. 8t Paul a. Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Tav- lor 4. AH Saints' 25th and Sarier. Be. Frederie K Howard. 10 and 11. 8t Johns Memorial 7. VKt.H anil T7 m- Rev. E. H. Clark in charge. 11. St Matthew's Corbett and Bancroft. 1?i John B. McCormick, 10 and 11. Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham. Re. John Dawson, rector. 7:30, 9:45, 11. 7:30. Mission at St Johns Bickner's Hall R. John D. Rice, vicar. 2. school; 3, preaching. Evangelical First 7. flth and Market Re Ezra Maurer. 11. "The HWy Ghost's Method of Bringing About a Revival"; 7:30, "A Dream With a Mission." Clay Street 10th and Cla. Re. Jacob Stacker. 10:45, "The Ministries of tha Holy opine ; ins earing urace oi tiod. Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th and tilisan. Rev. J. C. Ledin. 11. 7:30. Lents F. B. Culver. If. servire in rhanre of Woman's society; 7:30, song service and preacmng. St Paul's E. 8th and Failing. Re. J. Her- gert 9:30. 11. 6:30, 7:30. . Frea Methodist First E. 9th and Mill Re. W. J. Johnston Preaching by Dr. Alexander Beers at 11 and 7:ao. Central E. 65tb and Flanders. limr S u Bo per. II, i Alberta . autll and Wvirant R.v a r. euros, ii. :d. St. Johns t. Richmond and Hudson Ra. ML. u. siacamao. ii, t :su. Friends First E. 35th and Main. Re. Homer T. Wx. xi, :i. Second E. 2d and 61st are. rt.v xerreu. ii, i :ou. , Wast Piedmont Borthwick and Jermcv s. aiay.deaaupp. ii, o. Jawlsh Congregation Beth Israel (Reformed) 19th and Main. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Of fie 7 Id Chamber of Commerce bldg. Babbata services tnmij ac o p. m., ana aaiuraay at XU:SU a. sa. Bcuooi. ouuuays a x a. ui. Congregation. Ahaai Sbolom Park and n sta. Rabbi R. Abraham son. Friday, 8 p. ni; Congregation Novah Zedek Talmud Torah ou ana txmu e. Aoranam a, isosencraota. Friday, 8 p. m.; Saturday a. m.; Bumiaj In a, m. steugioua scuuoi. Latter Day Saints Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Da ai. zotu ana jaauuun. tuoer c. IrersoB, mission president 10, 6:30. Raorgamxea - i-iiurcn ts. 7 eta and' Irrfau. Elder C K Jones. 11. 7:45. .-v..' Lutheran SL 'James W. Park and Jefferson Re William E. Brinkman. 9:45, 11, 7:45. St Pauls a,. 12tb and Clinton, Re. A. Krause. 10:d0, "Startling Advent Calla"; 7:30. "How Should Ve Begin tha New Church Xearl" i'rinity (Missouri Synod) Rodney tad Ivy AST. m A. AUOIWCU. Church for Dk1 -Rodney and Ivy Re J, A. C Beyer. It -.30. . Oar Saviour tu. iota and Urant, Re. U. A. Christeneen. 11, "The Pilgrim's Vision" (Pil grim memorial service) ; 6:3U, Young People's suciely pauiuuu auug avrvicv. BeUilenein Norwegian 14th and Dana Ifv 1L 1. Thorpe. 11. S. Bethel .Evangelical Norwegian (Free) Wy. cant and Eodney Rev. A. A. Bo'rrcTik. 11 7:48.-. ' Grace (English) E. 24th and Broadway Rev. C. H, Bernhard. 11, "How to Celebrate Advent Aright"; 7 :3 sign 12 feet by 3 feet in front of the church. I hree f members of the congregation, who are advertisers, were appointed to study the entire question of church advertising, and bring in a report with recommendations at a future meeting. Kunnyside Congregational church has installed a large electric tan in . connection with its heat ing plant, which will serve the double purpose of more quickly heating the building and securing better ventilation. The series of Sunday night illustrated lectures on 'The Jourheyings of the Pilgrims," will close Sunday night at Atkinson Memorial Congrega tional church, Both slides and moving pictures will be used. A Thanksgiving concert will be' given at the Highland Congregational church on Sunday eve ning, under the direction of Mrs. Caldwell. There will be selections by the W. C. T. U. quartet, vocal solos by Mrs. Vogel and others, and violin solo by Miss Wanda Wentz. There will be short addresses by the Rev. Edward Con stant EVANGELICAL The Women's Missionary society will have charge of the Sunday morning service at Lents Evangelical church. A returned missionary from Armenia will speak. At 7 :30 p. m. a Bong and praise service will be conducted, followed by a sermon by the pastor. "A Dream With a Mission" ' will be pre sented in a program" of merit i at the K-t Market Street Evangelical church 'Sunday night. In the morning the pastor will tell what he believes to . be the Holy Ghost's method of bringing about a revival. ijl " EPISCOPAL The Right Hev. Earnest Vincent Shay Ier, Episcopal bishop of the diocese of Nebraska, will be a Portland visitor for a few. days, arriving Sunday night. Bishop Shayler Is well known hi the Northwest, having formerly been rector of St. Marks Episcopal church In Seattle, and has been a frequent visitor to this city, especially during the war period, during which time he delivered a num ber of patriotic addresses. Grace Me morial Episcopal church has arranged a SERVICES IN Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Mor rw Ker. L. p. Kjoller. 11. 7:30. St Johns Peninsula and Eilpatrick -Re. L. Ludwig. 10:45. 7:30. Swedish Augustana Stanton and RodneV Rev. V. . Ogren. 10:45, 7:45 Immanuel 10th and Irving Re. A. V. An derson. 11, 8. Portsmouth Lovely and Fortune Re. S. .O B. Knutopn. 11, 7:30. Zion Evangelical (Missouri Synod) Chap man and Salmon Rev. H. H. Koppeimann. 9:15, 10:15, 7:45. Immanuel (Mis-ouri Synod) E. 15th and Leo Rev. H. C. Ebeling. 9:30, 10:30, German. Evangelical Church of the Redeemer 15tb and Wygant 10, 11. Finnish 179 Fargo. Rev. A. Salminen. 19 Sunday achool, 7. St Marks (Wisconsin Synod) Mallory and Skidmore Rev. P. Hinderer. 10:30. Methodist Episcopal Centenary-Wilbur fc. 8th and Pine Re. Frank L'. Wemett. Rev. Eugene C Hickman, as seriate pastors. 11, 7:30. f Central Vancouver and Fargo Rev.s A. B. Maclean. 11, 8. Clinton-'kelly E. 40th and Powell. Be. E. S. Mace. 11. "Paul's Second Letter to the Seven Churches"; 7:30, service in charge of visiting minute men. Epworth 26th and Savier. Be. Frank L. Moore. 11, address by Mrs. William O. Shepard; 7:30, second study in the Book of Revelations. First 12th and Taylor. Re. Joshuafetans field. 10:80, "What the Pilgrims Brought to America"; 7:45, "A New Puritanism Now Need ed or a Rtvival of the Old." First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt Rev. C. A. Peterson. 1 1, special sermon to old people; 7:45, "The Import of the House of God." " German Rodney and Stanton. Re. F. A. Schumann. 10:45. 8. Ladrelwood E. 63d and Foster. Re. F. E. Finley. 11. 7:30. preaching by. Dr. Edgar, C- TulleT, assistant secretary of general conference deaconess brd. Lenta 86th snd 63th are. Re. F. R. Sibley. 11. 7:45. Lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln. Re. W. N. Byars. 11. 7:80. Monta villa E. 80th and Pine. Re. F. A. Ginn. 11, 7:30. "Mt Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Be. D. L. Fields. 11, 8. Patton Alberta aid Michigan. Rev. Georgs H. Bennett 11. 7:30. Rose City Park E. 5Sth and Alameda. Rev., a W. Huett- 11, "Whole Views of Life"; 7:30. "fa There Nothing in God to Fear." Sellwood E. 15th and Tacoma. He. W. S. Gordon. 11, 7:30. Sunnyside E. 35th and Tamhili, Re. T. H. Gallagher. 11, "Taking Risks for God".; 7:45, "The Young Man Fool." St Johns W. Leavitt and Syracuse. Be. W. E. Kloster. 11, 7:80. Swedish Beech and Borthwick. Re. Abe) Eklund. 11, 8. University Park flske and Lombard. Be H. T. Atkinson. 11, 7:30, "Law Enforcement: (iet a Big Stick, ' by W, J. Herwig, superin tendent Anti-Saloon league. Vancouver Ave. Norwegian-Danish Skidmore and Vancouver. Rev. Gustave Storaker. 11. Wesieyan E. 53d and Glisan. Be. D. B. Hampe. II, 7:45. Westmoreland Milwaukie and Midway. Re. ES. Mace. 10, children's church; 11. 7:30, preaching by the pastor. Woodstock 44 th and Woodstock 8. E Be. I.. C. Poor. 11. preaching by Dr. Edgar C fTuller. assistant secretary qf general conference pcaconess board : 7 :. Woodlawn E. 10th, near-Durham ave. Re. J. H. Irvine. 11, "Christ's Call and Commis sion to the Epworth League"; 7:30, "Can ( hnstian and Unchristian Spirits Truly Lore Each Other and Wisely Intermarry?" African Zion 4 IT Williama ave. Bev. I. A. Moore. . 11, 7:SO. District snuerintendent Rev. William Wallace Toungson, D. D., 691 E. 02d st N. Tabor 2780. M. E. 8outh First Union- and Multnomah Re. J. B. Harris. 11, "When the Books Are Opened"; 7:45, "The Heavenly Guest" Nazarena First E. 10th and Weidler. Re. A. M. Bowes. 11, 7:45. Sellwood E. 9 th and Spokane. Rev. Henry Bell. 11, 7:30. Brentwood 65th ave. and 67th st Re. C. U. Fowler. 11, 7:80. Highland Park E. 14th and Jarrett Re. W. P. Keebaugh. 11. 8. Scandinavian 94 8 Garfield. Rev. Daniel Hallstr j. 11, 7 :30. Presbyterian First 12th and Alder. Dr. Harold Leonard Bowman. 10:30, "The Magic of Grace"; 7:30. Surpassing the Senses. Westminster East 17tti and Schuyler. Re. Edward H. Pence. Preaching by Chaplain Gilbert 10:30, "He Gave Thanks"; 7:30; "Christ 1n History." Central E. 13th and Pine. Re. Walter Henry Nugent 11, "The Catastrophe of Ln- ba.lanr.ed Genius": 7:45. illustrated .lecture. Calvary 11th and Clay. Re. L. Bowring Quirk. 11. Regeneration": 7:30. "Further. Mt Tabor E. 66th and Belmont Be. Ward MacHenry. 11. "A Blood Bought Church 7:30, annual thanksgiving and praise service of Women's society. Vernon 19th and Wygant Re. J. C Mergler. 11, communion and reception to new members; 7 o u. Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Revs' J Francis Morgan. 11. 8. Fourth First and Gibbs. Re. Monroe G. Everett 10:80. "The Holy Spirit Our Com rade God"; 7:30. "What la liie Unpardonable Sinf" K mil worth- E. 84th and Gladstone Rev. L. K. Grimes. 11, "Christianity and Educa tion": 7:30. "Sowing and Heaping." Hope- 7 $th , and Everett. Kev. fl. E. Giles, 11, 7:45. Row City Rev. Donald W. U. MacCluat, 11 1 -A fl Forbes Graham and Gantenbein. Be. Ward Willis Long. 11. "The Righteous Man"; 7:30 "The Ungodly." - Trinity Virginia and McDraaaa. Omt. Joha D. McLennan. 11, 7 :3U. Anabel Rev. F. H. MixseO. 11. 7:30. Millard Avenue 65th ava. and 73d at Rev. John H. Gardner. 11, "Ttie Shadow of Turn- ing "; 1:30, missionary sermon by Rev, A. P. Carr. returned African missionary. Marshall Street 17th and MarshaU. Be. A. J. Hanna. 11. Uiapah E. 19th and Division. Be. D. A. Thompson. 11. 7:45. Unity E. 71st and Sandy. Be..S. W. Sea man. 11, 7:30. Arbor Lodge Bryant and Curtis. Rev. Alex ander U. Evans. 11. 7:30. Holt Chinese 133 First Re. Gee Sing Hoy. T p. to. school; b, 9, young people. , Rtf armed Eanaef!eaJ First 12th and Clay. Re. G. Hafaer. 10:45. 7:80. . Reformed Presbyterian First Minnesota and Ainsworth. Be. F. D, Fraaer. 11. 7:30. I Seventli Day Adventlata Kate Regular services of this denomination are held on baturday. people s Societies special St. Andrews service on Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, at which time Bishop Shayler will occupy the pulpit. The bishop will be the guest of Mr, and Mrs. A. G. Flndlay while In this city. Dean. R. T. T. Hicks will -preach at both services Sunday at St. Stephens Pro-Cathedral. The young people will go to Good Suoiriun hospital Sunday afternoon to sing in the wards. In the evening they will hold their meeUng in the parish house., Lester Norelt will lead. Plans will be made at this meeting to go to Hilbbore Friday next, where a new young people's societ) will be organized. BP REE METHODIST Dr. Alexander Beers, pastor of Bishop. Hart "Memorial Free Methodist church of San Francisco, and Mrs. Beers, are in Portland for a few days visiting friends. Dr. Beers will occupy his for mer pulpit at the First Free Methodist church .Sunday morning and eveninfr, where he was pastor for three years. In the evening he will relate experi ences gained while superintendent of Japanese mission work in California for the denomination. f - :-. i LUTHEBAJT The new series of ' adveiU texts will be used during this advent season by the Rev. C. H. Bernard,' pastor of Grace Lutheran church. The first sermon In the series will be given Sunday morn ing. Those taking part in the Christmas program will rehearse Sunday at 2 p. m. The Rev. A. Krause. pastor of St. Pauls Lutheran church, has prepared special sermons for Sunday, as this is the first Sunday of the new church year. Confession will be held at 10 a. m.. with holy communion and morning sermon half an hour later. All morning serv ices are in German and evening services in English. , METHODIST ' Dr., Edgar C. Tuller, assistant secre tary of the general conference deacon ess board ot the Methodist Episcopal PORTLAND Central E, 11th and Eerett. L. K. Dick son, pastor. 10. 11:15 ' Tabernacle 6th and Montgomery. B. J. Hibbard. minister. 10. 11. Montavilla E. 80th and Everett J. A. Ger hart 10, 11. Lerit-94tb at and 68th ava. W. D. Huntington. 10, 11. St. Johns Central ave. and .Charleston. A 11. Folkenbern. 10. 11, Aibina Skidmore and Mallory. Elder John Isaac 10, 11. ' . x j Salvation Army Corpa No. l 243 Ash st Adjutant Henr R. Cozens. 11, 3:16. 8. ! Corps No. 4 128H 1L Ensign Jessie Millar ind Envoy Mrs. Upton. 11, 1:80, 3. . 8. - ' Spiritualist First Spiritualist E. 7 th and Hassalo. 8, messages by C. W. Shaw; 8. messages by Mrs. Anna Snyder, C. W. Shaw and Mrs. Downs. First Spiritual Science 85 ft 6th st Re. Max Hoffman. 3. 8, "The Prince of Peace." Church vl Modern Spiritualism 409 Alder. 3, 7:45. . Scientific Christian Spiritualist AHsky hall. Re. H. M. Singleton. 3. 5, 8. Spiritualist Church of Eternal Light 1340 Division. Rev. May A. Price. 8. Swedenborglan New. Christian 301 Central building. Bev. W C. Reece. 11, "Every Man A Temple of Divinity." Unitarian Church of Our Father Broadway and Tim bill Thomas L. Eliot, D. D., pastor emeritus. Re. WiUism G. Eliot Jr. pastor. Preaching by Kev. N. Addison Baker of Bellingham at II and 7:45. 1 United Brethren Conference auverintendent Be. G. E. Mc Donald. First E. 15 th and Morrison. Re. Byron J. Clark. 11, "The Greatest Wonder of All Hoies"; 8, "The Coronation of The King." Second a 27 th and Sumner. Re. Ira Hawley. 11, "Jesus Will Part With Him"; 8, presentation of eight exnert Endeavor diolomas. Third 67th st and 32d-ave. S. E.J Rev. E. O. Shepherd. 11, "Prayer and the Word"; 8. "My Work Among the Spanish: Americans" by Miss Leila Luckey. Fourth Tnemont Rev. Leila Luckey. Re vival services at 11 and 8. : United Evangelical First E. 16th and Poplar. Be. J. A. Goods, 11, 8. Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay Re. H. H. Farnham. 11. 7:30. St Johns Re. C. P. Gates. 11, 7:30. United Presbyterian First E. 87th and Hawthorne. Re. H. F. Given. 11, 7:30. ' Church of the Strangers Grand and Wasco. Re. E. S. Du Bois. 10:30, "The Nest in a Rock": 7:30. "Four Men. a Fifth, and the Master. ' Kenten 120 w. Lombard. Re. Geo res K. Taylor. 11. 8. Minions Christian and Missionary Alliance- E. 9th and Clay. Rev. John E. Fee. 11,7:80. PenieI Mission 109 Second. 3. 8; daily. 8; Portland Codsraons Front and Burnsiae. Be. Myra B. Smith, supt 3, 8. Apostolic Faith Front and Burnaide. Re. Florence Crawford and R. R. Crawford. Sunday, 10:30. 2:30. 7:30. Daily, 7:45. Saturday, 7:45, all nations: meeting. Pentecostal First and Washington. Re. Will C. Trotter. ' 11, 3, 7:30; daily. 7:80. Glad Tidmcs (Pentecostal) 246 First 2. 3, 7:30. Pentecostal 1474 First George R. Farrow. 3, 8. - Pentecostal 310 TamhUL 2:30. 7:30: daily. 7:30. Christian Aneemblr K. 20th and Ankeny. Pastor A. W. Smith. 11, 2:45 7:45. Volunteers of America 224 Burnside. Even ings except Monday, 8; Sunday, 8, 8. (iospel Mission a Union ae. S. 8:15, 7:45. Mlsoeilaneoua T. M. C. A.- 6th and Talor. 3:30 9. m. Sunday. Church of God 282 Falling. Re. Harry NeaL 11. 7:45. Realization League 148 18th. Re. Edward H. Mills. 11, g. Divine Science 816 E. Cla. Rev. T. M. Minard. 11. Church of Divine Truth 412 Central bldg. Nettie Taylor Kloh. 11. Tbeosoplucal Societjp 301 Central bldg. B, "The Testa and Ordeals of an Egyptian Initiate." Universal . Messianic 318 Abington bldg. 11. 8. SUNNYSIDE METHODIST CHURCH 35TH AND EASY YAMHILf. 11:00 A. M. "TAKING RISKS FOR GOD" 7:45 . M. "THE YOUNG MAN FOOL" (Fourth fn Series on "8ome Modtrn Fools.") Dr. Gallagher. . SPEAKER. A Straight Tsnksrl A Hard Hitter. First M. E. Church South COR. UNION AND MULTNOMAH invites you to worship at it a. m. or 7:45 p.' m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. with classes for every body. Epworth League, Wednes day at 7:30 p. m. , "t I pitle 5nstitute s (Klill Close Clith Sunday Services The popular Moody Bible Institute, which haa been in session here during November, will close with three services Sunday at the White Temple. Dr; Donald Duncan Munro of Kansas City will preach at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. The Temple quartet will sing at both serv ices. A special mass meeting will be held at 3 :30 p. m.. when Dr. Lewis S. Chafer of New York will give his final Bible talk. The public is invited. church, will be In the city from Novem ber 28 to JDecember 5. Ir. Tullar brinsra with him pictures of Ihis deaconess work rrom an sections of the United btaies, including; city missionary work, work for children, old people, lit hospitals and ! all other lines. These pictures -were ; iriven at Des Moines in May at the gen eral conference, Sunday morning Dr., Tullar will speak at the Woodstock Methodist church, Sunday evening at Laurelwood, Tuesday evening; at Monta villa, Wednesday evening at Ients, Thursday evening at University Park, Friday evening at Woodlawn and Sun day evening, December 5, he will speak at Mount Tabor church. At the First Methodist church next Sunday there wjll be a tercentenary anniversary of the landing of 'the Mayflower. In the morning Dr. Joshua Stansfield will tell what the Pilgrims brought to America and in the evening he will inswer the q.uetion, "A New Puritanism Now Needed, or a Revival of the OldT" . ' W. J. Herwig.. superintendent of the Ahti Saloon League of Oregon, will be the speaker at the University Park Methodist church at 7 :80 o'clock Sunday. Herwig will discuss ' the law enforcement campaign which has been inaugu rated by the Anti-Saloon league of Oregon. Mrs. William O. .Shepard. wife of the bishop, will give the Sunday morning sermon at Ep worth Methodist church. At night the Be. Frank L. Moore, pastor, will preach. The Rev. J. H. Irvine intends to discuss the much discussed question before his Sundsy eve ning audience at Woodlawn Methodist church: ''Can Christian and Unchristian Spirits Truly Love Each Other and Wisely Intermarry I" The sermon is primarily for young people. A siecial sermon to old people will be given Sunday morning at the First Norwegian-Danish Methodist church by the Bev. C. August Petrr son. The old and shutins will be taken to the church in automobiles for the morning service and the young people will meet them at the doors with floral offerings The evening service will be a reunion . for all who have been mcip- bers of the church. The young people will have a social hour from 6:15 to 1:15 p. as. A group of visiting minute men will have charge of tne Sunday evening servioe at Clinton Kelly Memorial Methodist church. The pastor. Re. S. E. Suttoij Mace, will preach morning and 'at night at Westmoreland church. PH-PSBLTERIASr The Firbt ' Presbyterian church will (Concluded pn Page Seven, Column Four) CENTENARY -WILBUR METHODIST CHURCH EAST NINTH AND PINE "Tha Friendly Church" DR. FRANK 1. WEMETT PASTOR DR. EUGENE C. HICKMAN ASSOCIATE PASTOR Sunday, Nov. 28 TWO OREAT SERVICES 11:00 A. M. Dr. HICKMAN Praaohea. 7:30 P. M. THE HIGH TIDE MEETINO, By Men's Gospel Team, C. W. MILLER Presiding. ' EVERYBODY WELCOME. The Sunday School Will Meet at S:4S A. M. Mission COR. FRONT A 2TD BURNSIDE Meetings held at 10:30, 2:30 and 7 :30 every Sunday, 7 :4S everyt night in the week. All nations meeting Sat urday night," ALL WELCOMESO COLLECTIOIT THE GOSPEL SPREAD BY AIRPLANE Church of Apostolic Faith (Unitarian) , BROADWAY AT YAMHILL REV. THOMAS L. ELIOT, REV. WILLIAM G. Rev. N. Addison Baker Preaches Sunday. November 28 11 A. M. "Religious -Prescriptions" 7:45 P. M. "Superlatives" MR. BAKER has recently completed a three-thousand-mile circuit of the Unitarian churches of. the Pacific Coast, sipeaking for. the three-million-dollar fund, under the auspices of the National Unitarian Laynaen's Lelgue. He is an earnest and enthusiastic speaker. THE CHURCH OF OUR FATHER is for, notagainst, the other churches of this community. It urges upon alt the renewal and strengthening of sincere church allegiance. Unsensational and with-. out appeal to selfish interest of mind, body or estate. It offers a church fellowship to those who are now without a chbrch home, MILLIONS SOON TO BE RETURNING FROM THE GRAVE YOUR FRIENDS WILL BE AMONG THE: 4 WITH WHAT BODIES WILL THEY COME? This interesting lecture under the auspices of the Ir ternational Bible Students' Association. SUNDAY, NOV. 28, 7:30 P. M. I Many scriptural quotations to prove that the ;"Jeititution of a"!! things" spoken of by the ancient prophets is soon tel be seen. ' W. O. W. llth Street Between YOU ARE Seats Free ST. DAVIDS CLUB WILL BE OPENED T The new club h use of St. Davids Community club will be formally opened next Thu -sday night at 8 o'clock A special program, includ ing a. forma address by Biher w. T. Sumner, is announced. DrXfi. K. Josephj will officiate as chairman. The clubhouse hai been built chiefly by the men of the -parish and is fur nished . for' a men's club, who will ub It exclusively after the opening night. The function, ot the club Is to promota ' fellowship among iren. While theprol- ; ect is somewhat of an experiment, it Is felt that neighborhood men will rally to the support of ijn effort that 'tend to widen the vision of life and draw mert Into closer companionship. Refreshments will he eerved on "open house" night. An Invitation la extend ed by the club? to all .vslio arc' Inter ested to join in tht ' festivities and fu ture program. ' Former l'ortlartdcr to Preach Hcv. J?. Addison Sakor of BellinKhmi Wash., will preach Sunday mortiintr und. " evening at the Chi rch of Our Katlicr (Unitarian).. About 12 years ago Mr. Baker was graduated from thi Mend" ville Theological sehool and his first ; charge was In Portland, where he was ordained, and for one year was assist-', ant pastor of -the Church of Our Father. G R A G E BAPTIST CHURCH E. 76TH and ASH, MONTAVILLA PREACHING lit and 7:30 SUNDAY SCHOOL 8:45 Rev. W. H. TOLLIVER, Pattor FISE SERMONS GOO l Ml'fclC "THE FIRST OR THE' SEVENTH HE Astonndlnp Faetil Sharp Analyses Irresistible t'ojnclaalojiR on the JUacb-DlscBssetl Qursllon ot j the Sabbath,. . p $25,000 Was Offered for a ' , J ' i ' ' A S Iron if Exponltlory t'nfeldlngr of" a Most PromlneBt Theme LOuisolCKSON EVANGELIST . -5 SUNDAY NIGHT, NOV. 28 AT m' jo'CLOCK WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT HALL Cor. Tenth n id Taylor Sta. I 80NGS THAT CHEER are heard and (pnrnrd and loved when Prof. I. L Colcord leads. : Special (Juartets PUBLIC INVITEI SEATS FREE Our Father O. D.. Minuter Emeritut ELIOT. JR.. Minuter TEMPLE Waahinfton and Al WELCOME der No Collection THURSDAY NIGH ii . n f