SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1920. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, -PORTLAND. OREGON. 13 HALTED BECAUSE . Acceptance ' of bids for the con etructlonof a shed at pier No. 2, terminal No., 4, were passed at a special meeting o the dock commis sion until Monday at 10 a. m. City Attorney ." ta Roche and Engineer Hegardt submitted a report which gave as an opinion that all bonds and certified checks were not in ac cordance with the law. A waiver was suggested, but Commissioner Knapp, supported by Hindman, ob jected. Kna'pp and Attorney Hindman con tend that the, letter of the law will be held. in the awarding of contracts. The law is specific in that surety bonds and certified checks on bids shall meet all demands. In the matter of the coiiBtruc- tion of the shed at pier 2, terminal No. 4; it w,as decided that the bonds did not meet the advertised requirements. All bids were held in abeyance until the ad journed meeting-. - L.e Doux and Schwab were bidders with a certified check from the bankat Mount Angel. The Inland Construction company offered a bidder's bond which failed to paJKnglneer Hegardt and City Attorney La Roche. Police Court Not To Be Held Tuesday Announcement was made this morning that there would be no session of the municipal. court Tuesday, on account of the absence of Judge Rossman, who has been invited to deliver an address before the law class at the University of Ore Ron. Judge Kosaman wilt leave for Kugene Tuesday morning, getting: back to Portland Tuesday night. Judge Ross an will, speak on "Proceedings in Criminal Cases in Municipal and Justice ol th. Peace Courts." f Immense deposits of high grade phos- i'uj i uayo ucen discovered in i rencn Morocco. TRANSPORTATION RIVER STEAMER " Harvest Queen" DAILY SIRVIOsT. (Cicept Saturday) batwaen PORTLAND andSTORIA And way larfangs from A I MS WORTH POCK, P. M. Par, 62 each way. Including war tai. Returning steamer lea res Astoria T A. SI. every dsy eeetit Sunday. Apply to any of jur represents Urea to muke four reservation. L. . OSIER, City Pinntpr Atmt, 701 Well Fargo Building, l'liona Broadway 4500. CONSOLIDATED TIOKST OFFICE, Third and Washington Street. I'Lona MIu 3530. C. F. HEYWOOD, Aitent, Ainsworth Dock. Broadway 268. WM. McMURRAY, . Gtnrral Patianger Agent, PORTLAND. OR. . CfiWWim itKtUil TBAKlATlAXTigUl i Boca Hrial OTriea 4JEW. YORK HAVRE PARIS FRANCE . ..........Dec. 2 .... ROCHAMBEAU Dec 4 .... LA LORRAINE ......Dac.11 LA TOURAINE ...... Dac. 18 . .:. LA SAVOIE .........Dec.24.... Fugaxl trot.. Pacific Coast Agtnu, 10 Gharry trait, Seattle, or Any Local Asacrt,- ASTORIA AND WAY POINTS STR. GEORGIAN A Reund Trip Dally (Except Friday) Leave Portland 710 a. m.. Alder St. Deck LEAVES ASTORIA 2:00 P, M. FLAVEL OOOK ' . ' FARE $2.00 EAOH WAY Direct Connection for South. Beaches. Night Beat Dally, p. m. Every Day Eicept Sunday Main 1422, Ml -22 OF LEGAL FAULT DEPENDABLE FREIGHT ATT PASSENGER SERVICE v CALIFORNIA SERVICE Rtfolar Freight and Faitenrer Service to COOS BAT, EUREKA sad SA2T FKAXCISCO 8AII.I50 FROM POBTLAND, I F. M. SS. "CURACAO," November 25, December 7 Connecting at San FYanclscrr with Steamers lor Los Angeles and Kan JMero Resjuler Freight and Pasaenaer Service le MEXICO,' CENTRAL AMERICA an ALASKA. Tram-Pacific Service Intercoastal Service To All Oriental Ports. Boston and Philadelphia. U. 8. Shipping Board A-l Steel Nawsco Une VHUO-Ton Bteet Arnerl- -American. Vessels. - can Vessels. 8AIMXO FROM PORTLAND SAttTHGS FROM FORTLAX 8. 8. ABERC09 Dec IS . 8. WEST TOQUS .....Not H. FAWLKT Jaa. IS 51. C. BRUSH.. ........... ....Dee, 16 8. 8. COAXET .Feb, IS 8. 8. SrKIJiG FIELD ..Dee, t . 'a FOR FURTHER ISFOBMATIOX APPLY TO 101 THIRD STREET . PHONE MAIN 8281 International mercantile "Marine Co. 8 Ideal Whiter Cruises JAmjART-FEMLUART-MARCH. lttl West Indies Windward Islands Panama Canal South America LARGEST ITXAKXRS TO THE TROPICS White Star Una . . .S. Meganti AsnericaBUne ., . B. 8. Mew Tor Americaa Uae , . . s.s'. St. Pauls Philadelphia Lirerpooi Haverford ...Dte. S!Jaa. RED STAR LINE New York Southampton Cher. bourf Antwerp f Kreonlaad" XoT.tTJan. I 'Feb.- fi lalaad , DriullUss.iiiiT.kii Zeelaad ; Dec.lS!aaa.faiFii.M F" ttan. ' News of the Port Arrivals Wovembec 27 John VT. Well. . Americas s schooner, from Ipswich, ballast. ' - ' Cap Henry, American steamer, from Balti more, ateei. M Moerdyk, Dutch 'steamer, from Rotterdam, central..- - - Bearport, American steamer, from Saa Fran cisco, ballast. Arrivals Rovamber It EI 8egundo, American ateamer, from Baa Pe dro, ballast. Departure November f 7 Multnomah, American steamer, for San Fraa ciaco, passengers and lumber. MAE.INE ALMANAC . Weattner at Rirar Mteut North Head, ' ro. 27. Conditiona at the mouth of the river at noon, aea rough; wind south, 15 milea; weather, cloudy. Tldea at Aatorl Sanda High, water. Low water. 2:39 a. in.. 8.2 feet. 8:24 a. m., 8.1 feet 2:04 p. m., 10.2 feet. 0:19 p. m., 1.6 feet. SAILT IttVER RE.1DIXGS , 8 a. m.. Pacific Time. " "" 53 ;a aro B5-M STATIONS .& ff. ?fif afef. : : ; ; t.'matilla ....I 25 0. 1-0.2 I 0.18 Kniena .......... 10 11. S 5.0 0.65 Albany 20 10.2 2.4 0.42 fialem 20 10.2 m2.9 0.58 Oregon City ....... 12 8.0 0.8 0.45 PprUand . . . . 15 8.6 0.5 0.38 () Hiae. ( ) Fall? ItlTEB FORECAST The Willamette river at Portland win rise Sunday an1 remain nearly atationary Monday. AT NEIGHBORING POH.TS . Astoria. Nov. 27. Left op at 11:30, laat nigiiu schooner John W. Well. Arrived at :13 a. m. Steamer Cape Henry from Balti more via way oorts. Sailed at 8:20 a. m. Hteamrr Curacao for Cooe Bay. Eureka and Sa irancisco. Arrived at :80 a. m. Dutch steamer Moe'dyk, from Rotterdam and way ports. Arrived at :33 a. m. Steamer Bearport, from San Francisco. Tacoma. Nov. 28. Sailed Steamer West xogu.v, tor Portland. Astoria, Nov. 20. Left Up at 1:40 p. m. a learner rj negunao. San Francisco, . Nov. 28. Arrived Steamer Haxtum, from Ulasgow, for Portland. Sailed at 1 p. m. Steamer AUuka. for Portland. San Pedro. Nov. 26. Arrived at a. m. and sailed at 4 p. m. Steamer Ilaleakala, from Portland, -for London. Arrived Steamer West Camak. from Portland, for United Kinadom Sailed-t-Steamer Wapama, for Portland via Saa Francisco. San Diego, Nov. 26. Sailed at 6 a. m. r reamer aJamatA, for Portland via San Fran cisco. St Helens, Nov. 27 Passed at 7 a, m- jscnooner John w. Well". San Francisco, Nov. 27. Sailed it 7 L m. Steamer Elkhorn. for Portland. Balboa, Nov. 24. Arrived Steamer Steel maker, from Astoria, for New York. Nov. 25. bailed Steamer Steel Voyager, from New York, for Portland. Cristobal, Nov. 25. Sailed British steamer Uera, from Portland, for Antwerp. Boston, Nov. 26. Arrived Steamer Artigas, from Portland. San Francisco, Nov. 27. (I. N. S.) Ar rived Port Saunders Moss Landing, 8:10 a. m. ; Amazon Mara. New York. 12:05 a. m. ; laiy Matthewa, Redondo, 9:10 a. m. ; Delaaao Mara, Philadelphia, 0:16 a. m. : destroyer Mc Cawley, San Diego; Santa Flavia, Callao, 11 a. m. Sailed yesterday Skagway, Seattle. 7.45 1. w. Sailed today Motorship Balcatta, Val paraiso, 5 :2S a. m. ; Elkhnrn, PuK"t Bound, 7:10 a. m. : West Nornmiw, Seattle, 8:55 a. m. San Francisco, Nov. 27. (I. N. S.) Ar rived. Nov. 26: Queen. Los Angeles, 1:15 p. m.; Admiral Schley. Seattle, 5:40 p. m.; Hayfair, Eureka. 8:05 p. m.: Elisabeth, Bandon. 8.20 p. m. ; Nanking, Hong-kung, 9:35 p. m. ; Mar garet, Monterey, 10:50 p. m. : Anazon Maru, New York, 11:15 p. m. Sailed. NoV. 26: Oleum, Port Ran Luis, 8 a. m.; Willamette. Lo Angelos, 11:50 a. m. ; Alaska. Portland, 12:45 l. m. : Yosemite, Seattle, 2:5Q p. m.; President, Lm Angeles, 3:20 p. m. ; West blip, Singapore, 4:05 p. an. : Humboldt, Ii Angeles, 4:15 p. m : Seafoani, Mendocino, 4 :20 p. m. ; Erskine M. I'lielm, Port San Luis, 5:45 p. m. ; Carmel, Ora? Harbor, 6:30 p. m. ; Y. 8. Loop, Seattle-, 7 p. m. : Brooklyn. Bandon. 7:45 p. m. : Silver ado. Portland, 7:45 p. m. ; Claremont, Willapa cxaroor. v:ii p. m. Seattle. Nov. 27. I L N. R. 1 Arrinxl HH Norwood from Taeoma, 1 a. m. Sailed SS. (.iovemor for San Pedro, via Victoria and San Franci'co, 11 a. m. ; Juneau for West Coast via Nauaimo and Columbia river, 5:45 a. m. ; Tijama Maura for Tacoma, 7:45 a. m. : lighthouse tender Manxita lot sea doty, 8 a. m. Arrived November 26 SS. West Toens frrfm Tacoma at 4 p. m.; Coaster from Britixh i.ommtla, 8 P. m. Sitka, Nov. 27. (I. X, S. ) 8ailed 8S. Spokane, southbound via Juneau, 2:15 p. m. reiersnurg, ov. u. ( 1. N. a.) Sailed S3. Admiral Watson, northbound, noon. Ketchikan, Nov. SB. (I. N. S.) Sailed SS. Jefferson, northbound. 10 p. m. Liverpool, Nov. 20. (!. N. 8. flailed Eureydamus, for Seattle. Hiln, Nov. 24. (I. N. 8.) Arrived SS. Hollywood, from Seattle. Honolulu, Nov. 26. (L N. B.) Arrived SS. Canadian Inventor from Australia. San Pedro, Nov. 26. (I. N. 8.) Arrived 88. Elkton from Seattle and Tacoma, 6 a. m. ; Stanwond from Tacoma. Arrived. November 23 SS. Siskiyou from Bellinghsm. Tacoma. Nov. 26. (I. N. S.) Sailed SS. Admiral Hodman 4or Ocean Falls: Teucer for Hesttle, via Vancouver; Del Kosa for West Coast, Sailed November 25 SB. Anne Hanify for San Pedro, Point Wells, Nov. 26. (l-N. S.) Arrived MS. Charlie Watson from San Francisco. Everett, Nov. 26. (l N. 8.) Arrived S3. Steel Hanger from Seattle. ' f Police Raid Residence fcine callers in ones hour at the home of Mra: Mary Belletich, 528 Pettygrove street, aroused the suspicion of Ser-g-eant Schad, who was -watching - the house. An Investigation revealed three pint bottles of moonshine hidden under the bed -covers, . the police say. Mrs. Belletich "and 'her son John were ar rested on charges of violating the pro hibition law and maintaining a nuisance. WHITE STAR LINE New York-Cherbourg Southamp tots Antwerp '.v- 017m pie . ....... ; . .3f ot. t7!Pee. t'Ju. ;fi Atlrlatie Jec. lilyta. 1Mar. 9 New York Lirerpeol Baltic Celtle .Dee. l)i Jan. ltjFeb.SG s N. Y.GibralUr Naples Genoa "J, ...Dee.fiFeb.!J Cr,ti0 .......Jaa. SlPeb.28 WHITE STAR-DOMINION . Portland, Me Halifax -Liserpool From porilaad!Ha!!fax .....Dee. 4Dee. S ....... ...Dee. li;iec If Caaada . . Mea-aatle i . SARQENT, Jaa. lllJr.a.ll WW..., nsvpia, aTIltaWISJ ,19. MARSHAL STORIE, HURT IN MAKING ARREST. IS DEAD Albany, Or., Nov. 27 .; M. Storie, aged 78, marshal at Sweet Home, died at his residence Thursday night at 10 o'clock, death. It is said, being due to injuries received September I in a battle with James Ward and Robert Bruce, whom he was trying to arrest at "a Sweet Home hotel. Al though officials have said that they are undecided as to the course they will -pursue, they announced that both "Ward and Bruce will be brought before the grand jury. Storie had been a resident of Sweet Home for 25 years. He is survived by his- wife ; a daughter, Mrs. William Dauijherty. and two sons, Ed and Parmer Storie, all of Sweet Home. The funeral was held Saturday. The battle in which he received his fatal injury occurred after he had at tempted to arrest Ward for alleged dis orderly conduct while the latter was drunk at a hotel at Sweet Home. Bruce became involved when Mayor J. H. Schenck of Sweet Home attempted to assist the marshal. After exchanging blows at close range for a time, Ward and Bruce, it is said, resorted to throwing; rocks, one o which hit each of the officials. .Bruce and Ward were brought to Al bany and arraigned In the justice court on two charges of assault with a dan gerous weapon. They were bound over under $8000 bonds each. The grand Jury will meet here Wednesday. a Yanks Not Likely To Leave Cpblenz On Knox's-Motion Washington, Nov. 27. The cry of "get the boys out of Coblenz by Christmas," voiced some time ago by Herr Bell in the German reichstag, does not bid fair, at present, to matte much of an impres sion upon congress. There is little likelihood that a special resolution demanding the recall of the American forces in- Germany will be brought forward at the coming short session, senate aud house leaders say. Of course, if the resolution declaring peace with Germany, sponsored by Sen ator Knox of Pennsylvania, should be passed, the troops In the Khineland would be ordered home almost auto matically, but both Senator Lodge, Re publican leader in -the upper chamber, and Speaker -Gillette In the house doubt the possibility of peace being effected before the incoming administration takes over command on March 4. Confesses Theft of Auto Used in Taking Five Girls to Social Edgar Gill, 21-year-oid son of Mr. and Mrs. James Gill, 123 Vi Russell street, was held over to the grand jury by Mu nicipal Judge Rossman on a charge of larceny, following his confession to the police that he took a machine belonging to II. A. Hampton. 374 Kast Twenty sixth street north, in order to help. five girls procure decorations for the church "social," While they were decorating the church, two patrolmen disco'ered that part of the license plate was cov ered' with the back of a notebook. When Gill came out of the church he was ar rested. The suspicion of the police was confirmed when Gill carefully inspected the license plate before starting; the ma chine. The police say that Gill answers the description of men wanted in connection with several recent hold-ups. Xeatly rolled up n his pocket the police found a cap. ' Ethical Society to Fight Lewd Screens Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 2". (U. P.) Bathing girls with fetching forms, cig arette smoking women, shapely shanks and lureful lingerie these will be eradi cated from the motion picture screen if the Kthical Motion Picture Society of America has its way. The society came into being here last night when 115 mem-J bers were enrolle By-laws were adopt-1 eu ueciaruig war on scenes portraying loose morals, unclean life and. crime. INDOOR SPORTS SE xi fit w:r I - ! S L STEVJ Nl G TO TAN O WO 10 C 7 wTrt' -rtep rfowc opeerD- GETS LETTER THE WHITE HOUSE . WASHINGTON Hjr daar young fritndi It gtres n pleasure to tell yon of ty dee ppreoiatlon qt tha intelligent and ooMolentloue Banner in whloh you, as a member 0t the Boy Soonts or -amerioa, have secured sut3ription for Thrift and War-Sayings Statnps. Vv Woa th 4ttaotion of haTlng sWei niore suah sutsoriptions during ttm 1918 War-3aTinp canpaign than any other sa out la your State. mm J? "noised courage, courtesy thought and" all boy. - an exampla that will surely aid inhi 1tt21 of Taluahle qualities of mind and heart. 8P0h, t w-J you ln th of the whole country, and 1 wish to oonrey to your parents, your coraiunltV firT training that has developed in you suoh a fine snirit of wholesome and loyal oitigenship. P Tlt Cordially &ni sinoeroly yours. faster B. Ottenheiner, Portland, Oregon, eOY SCOUTS ADD MANY NAMES TO MEMBERSHIP ROLL The price of admission at the Boy Scout rally held Friday night at Lin coln high school was one new Scout member, and according to th'e at tendance, which numbered about 1000. the Portland Council of Scouts has 500 new members. The rally was in the nature of a kiekoff in the challenge campaign in which Portland will exert every effort during the coming week to secure' more members for the Boy Scouts than Spo kane, that city havtnr challenged them to this task. Friiay night's demonstra- tion looked as if the Spokane scouts Win have to "go some, The program, which was in charge of the scout executive, James E. Brock way, opened with a community sing led by J. C. Oakes. Buglers and trap drummers ' gave several scout calls. Miss Evangeline Yerkex gave several readings and there were three reels of moving pictures. One. of the notable features of the evening was te presentation to Rich ard W. Ottenheimer of the letter from President Wilson, the letter being in recognition of the fact that he sold $12,000 worth of AVar Savings and Thrift Stamps during the period, this amount being larger than that sold by any other Oregon scout. The president of the council, C. C. Colt, made the speech of presentation, in which he stressed the Ideals of scouting. The following boys were presented with the badges of first-class scouts, following strict examinations : Harold Blazier, troop 52; Glover Clark, troop 49; Uoyd Lee, troop 41 ; Wallace Biglln, troop 41 ; Lyle Myers, troop 1 ; Kenneth Rudey, troop 73, and Ladner Kosa, troop 6. G. E. C. Knapp, a former scoutmas ter and British war veteran, told of meeting Russian scouts during the war and urged upon the boys an apprecia tion , of their opportunity to promote world peace by advancing the work of the scouts. Seal Sale Opens Monday Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 27. The sale of Christmas seals bv the Anti-Tuber- culosis league will bepin in Vancouver Monday, according to Mrs. O. T? T.M, i charge. Booths will be established in downtown business houses and banks. iCopvriiht, 1930, by Btrrice. I KEPT TV, .V HOL-C COrVHO UWT1 L Atf- (6. f-FA. . V)J0JCrVOrW fVHrvlT - - J vME. Otfc A AErMl RUM- vWv ONWStTE-OeW I puTQvjeR A tf3j300 u CM io soiteR? FOR- UP A - .. - V FROM WILSON Ootobar 26, 1920a jjifc 'ifa'astssssMsMri'n Facsimile of letter written XU chard W. Oppenhelmer, whose picture appears below the letter, by Pres ident Wilson congratulating him on selling $13,000 worth' of War Saving Stamps in Oregon. Man Tries to Escape From Officer; Is Held On Larceny Charge Lester BJ. Butler, who made two un successful attempts to escape while being taken to the city jail Friday, this, morning waived hearing in the munici pal court and was held to the grand jury for investigation on charges of larceny from a dwelling. Victor Hammer, proprietor of the Ockley hotel, took Butler in hand and Started to the police station Friday aft ernoon. Butler threw his suitcase in front of Hammer, causing the hotel man to stumble and fall. But ln the chase that followed. Hammer overtook Butler, catching him by the overcoat. Butler slipped out of the coat but was over taken by Hammer a 'second time. Butler is said by the police to have confessed that a stole, a suitcase filled with clothing from II. JL Schroeder, a roomer at the hotel. Several other rob beries are accredited to him, the police say. He is said to have been, sentenced in 1916 for stealing clothing and to have served a term ln the penitentiary, being later paroled. He has a wife and child. Bail was set at $1000 by Municipal Judge Rossman. IniernaUonai feature Inc.) - .0O(OOQ fy-:.i:-v:cs4;;..-:v 4 J fiv'i i ymyMmmMm WM THE WHO" m r I tr j x I sT-lsr- t Jl" f M S" aV S sT asJt A-VT SeT A LANDLORDS YELP WHEN OLD WORM STARTS TO TURN ' . - : - ". Chicago, Nov. 27.(L N. S.) At tempt which may be made to enact more stringent rent laws or Increase uu on apanmeni nouse pro- prietors, will be fought with a $200,-1 000 fund which is being raised today """m. t ridee. i6l n. hv ttim lsnitlArila Af rhiax OTVlO&y. between 78th and 77th stm. : builder. M. . 7T.. . ... . tuna tiaewise wui do usea to zignt I sadiuan : S1200. . efforts of janitors to obtain increasesLLtte.W&r, nuifot 1 ln wages. At a. meeting of the Chicago real es tate board it was decided to levy assess ments against flat owners to provide a fund to combat unfavorable legislation on taxation and realty control.- Sugges tions that the landlords gain the good will of the public by a voluntary reduc tion of rents were hooted down from the floor. "We'll have to raise them!" was the cry. Leaders of the movement declared also that the landlords would enter politics and work for the defeat of candidates who favor the passage of a bill Increas ing the tax rate. BE PHILIPPINES HEAD (By TTniTenej fierriee) San Francisco, Nov. 27.- David Prescott Barrows, president of the University of California, has been tendered the post of governor gen eral of the Philippines, according to reports circulated on the campus to day. Dr. Barrows has just returned from an extended Eastern tour.. President 'Barrows, when directly Approached on the subject, said: "I have nothing to say af this time." Christmas Charity Work to Be Carried On Systematically That Portland's Christmas charities may extend into every home where there is want or privation, the Confi dential Exchange today announced its plans for continued Cooperation with all charitable, agencies in the city. The exchange operated with great success at the Thanksgiving season, making it possible for charities to cover the greatest possible territory by elim inating duplication of effort among 13 agencies. There . are many additional agencies working in preparation for the Christmas season, however, and the ac tivity Is, expected to be on a greater scope. Suggestion that the Portland lodge of P. B. O. Elks establish in its club rooms a headquarters space for th? work of tne exchange Is being considered. Men Invited to Hear Dr. Hickman , Talk Tomorrow "Tackling a Real Man's Job" Is the text of an address to be given by Rev. Dr. Eugene C. Hickson of Centenary church before, a special men's meeting Sunday afternoon at 3;30 in the T. M. C. A, auditorium. The meeting Is for men only and all men who can attend are invited. A musical program has been arranged featuring the Y. M. C. A. orchestra. ' Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock the prises win te awarded the winners of the mem' bership campaign team. The meeting will be held ln the auditorium and will be presided over by W. H. Chatten. A. B. Carlson won first place -and will re oelve a watch, 1L M. Kostead won sec ond place and will receive a $10 hat. The remainder of the winners named ln or der are: P. A. Ten Haaf, A. S. Hawk, C. A. Hood, E. J, Berry, S. Stlbe and U. 13. Karev Corrallls Folk Gnrsta Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 27. Mr. and Mrs. George Dickinson of Corvallls were Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred S trickling of Vancouver. By Tad ir acrimvc: BARROWS MAY Bogus Check Artist Must Serve Year George Dwyer, who, made small pur chases at two -Portland stores and .then tendered bogus checks, receiving back ln each Instance change,, to the amount of about $20, will serve a year in the state penitentiary. : He was sentenced by Pre siding . Judge Taiwell Friday, after changing his pies to guilty. He was ap prehended by a police officer after cash ing the second check, hut made his es cape on the way to the police station, and later was picked up by a deputy sheriff. - BUILDI5Q PERMITS Baildiaf permits for epentlon ot 91000 er Reld: lot W7-40 ft. of . block 10. I.bomd. 8. Lere'a addition: builder, tame: 11500. Hansen Bros., erect residence. 448 47th st. between Division and . Bberman sta. ; bnilder. same; lot 12, block S, Virtatoa at. addition; S3000. Labi Save your w erpeta. rues and "mot to clothlns. I nak new rust far ou. mm w 1St 1. Sth A. Phone Kast S5I0 WE CALL AND DELIVER Tba eldest and nest equipped factor ta the Northwest, Fluff and rt ruca WOTSB AU alzaa. Carpets cleaned, ato. FOR Mail. ORDERS SEND FOR BOOKLET Portland Rug Co. UXSEB NEW M-aNAQIMEST We Have Cut Our Prices for- a Limited Time OCTE txll FT. VhVrV tgQQ Cft BITO Jaliia4Ovr ONE Sxlt FT. Fieri1 fj AH Other Work at t9 Dlseoaatt Fluff Bogs Hade From & Carpet BAG RT70" A SPECTALTT GITK US A T&IAL We Call and Deliver U7I-1I74 E. 17TH ST. .SELL. SMI i SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS (Wa Call and Deilm) OU ftua and WooUn Clothlno Wa Make RaearsIM. Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS SalO ft. Fluff But. ......... S1T.B0 Sa ft. Fluff Rua. 4.SS Raaj Rugs Woven, All Silas OlMhea Cleaning anal Dyeing Dept. Mall : Orders, Send fee Booklet Matli-eues Renovated, Made Ovar, Mads to Order Feathers Rtnevalee) Carpet Oleanlng, Refitting Eta. 0x1 S Ruga Steamed Cleaned, $1 .60 WESTERN FLUFF RUO CO. 84-60 Union A. Bart 51 SICTlONAk HOUSES and OABA0I8 Made of standardized built. 4-foot sections. Beady and aeay to erect. Shipped anywhere. ." Oat cataleua. RCDIMADst BUILDINO tlO. PORTLAND, ORCOOrl t. 11th end Mark st, er SOS Lewi tide, Phones East B114 or Broadway 433S AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS . DECEMBER 10, 1920 AT II 8EC05D 8TBEET ; All storage accounts 4 months past sue. uooas auDject to sale on this gate. C O. FICX TRA7TSFEB ITOUOE (JUMPASX Oref-on Fluff Rug Co, Fartnarijf Montarllla Rug Oa. fluff Ruga Meat From Old Ctrpato Kafl Rusa Woren All Sixes Carpet Oteenln", Sizing, RvflttUng . Ve Call ana) Batlvar 1SS1SS4 K. Stark St. Tabor 7S14 MEETING yOTlCES 41 aMTKADEIl TEMrc-rriro, N. M. 8. -SUtcd session Bst nrday. Not. 2T. at S p. m.. Pyth ian building. West Park and Yamhill ; sta. Social and enter tainment. Visiting nobles cor dially invited. By order of the potentate. HUGH J. BOTD. ' ltaeordcr. XVANHOE homestead No. 6038. U. A. will hate full initiaUon Wednesday, Dac. 1, at tha Women of Woodcraft halU 10th and Tay lor strectst 8:15 sharp. Annual CbriMmM maaauerada December 2. What else is hap pening on that big night t Coma and bring your friends aud aee. A big surprise awaits all. ... . , PEARL OWENS, Correspondent 81 a Ttsllwiy Eichange bldg. Phone Main 67. PALESTINE LODGE NO. 14TTA. V. AND A. M. Special eom munlcatwn Saturday; Norember 27, at 7 p. m. M. M, degree. Via. Iting brethren welcome. Archer Place, Mt. Scott car. By ordr of W. 8. TOWJfSEXDs. DANCE at Hit's hall toniuht. two cood ooor jmzes. n liiisms ana riuseii. EMBf.EM JEWEUtX a specialty, button, plot, warms, jaeger una., isi-isa am st - Vital statistics tnarriagcs.Birt&s. Dcafbx BIHTHS TETUJi To Mr. and Mrs. &. Teraji, lUS Vint, November 20, a daughter. McBEE To Mr. and Mrs. A. E. MeBaa, 4104 8ixty-fourth, November 19, a sou, , PIHL To Mr. and Mrs. It. Plhl, 1035 East Emerson, November ii2, a daughtar. WE 18 EN BEE To Mr. and Mrs. Ooorga A. Weiaensoe. 805 jat Eighth, November 21, LaAR To Mr. and Mrs. C. E. I Mar. 788 Cleveland. November 23. a daughter. - GABLE To Mr. and Mrs. A. Oablo. 884 Orand avenue, November 24. a daughter. MAHKSHAL'SEN To Mr. and Mrs. H. Edward MarmuiAusen, ustrauder. Wash.. Novambar 19, a aon. ' HAOEB To Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Hag sr. 535 East Davis. November 20. a. son OTT Ta Mr. and Mrs. O. OU, 703 pUtaop, nBTrmow J, a oaugnur. -BAWWIN To Mr. and Kit F, E. Baldwin, 841 Fourteenth. November 28. a aim. HACE To Mr. and Mrs. O. Mag. 1874 Eatt i Ivan. November 22. a aon. - ' E1GOS To Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Eigga, 894 HKMmorw, November 18. a aon. TILWELL To Mr. and Mrs. George SUlwell. 173 East Elehtll! November 22, a aon; 1 SABBA To Mr. and vMra. II. A. Sabba, 810 Fourteenth, November 10, a n. CARTER To Mr. and Mrs. Willi m U Carter. I Urr.nde, Or. November 23, a aon. POINDEXTEB To Mr, and Mrs. C. PoJndeiUr, zfwm H .5 g r -- - 1 - - sssseMSKSSFseseseee ins W. Vi. BIO BIRTHfJ TL To Mr. mad Mrs. R. BiL 837 Jstisaouri. November S 1 , a daughter. DEATHS AND FUXERALS SOI.OMON Xrthe residence, 169 N. 28d at.' November SO, 100, Kannle B. Solosaon. aSed 7 Sears .!. haln.Ml anUm nf V1i4nl fJ-JB.rown '!. BigiuBd SichrL "riants lnnea to attend the funeral aarrieaa at tba Kboe reeidenco at 1:S0 n.v as. tomorrow (Rusr u.T i . Norembee 1 f'0 Kl.u k,s ; - Remains at Holmanta funeral parlors, Sd oaunoa si, laiariacct Beta laraci eetM- tery., ... , .. t .... . , ..... U & Vnnc: Jue 2K. 1918. Mnrla Mo.Nsnlty. aed 2 year, sob ot Mr. and Mr. T. V. McNultjf of Hoy, Mont; Tba funeral serr '" 'U be 1W Monday. Norember 20, at m- ' Plnlej'a.- jMontsomery at llfth. trieodf lOTited. Coneludkur uniM. Mount Scott cemetery. " . OSBORNK-The tunersl I serrice for tha ' lata) RJfU 0 of 251 TwentyUth street north, will ba held Monjuy. November 89. ' p. m., c mi roruuia crematorium, kourteenta. wi Dnm aLrecia. 1,'neaiia in.ttMi j i r miry at aen, director. IHAtl In Uiis city. f,)uber 28, Ooretta, -sraor. ura j,i years, lute of Crabtree, Or., danchter of Mrs. K. J, Trat-y. and Wstar pt, Horn and Roy Orabtree ol Pordoud. The rwntlna are tt Finley'a, Montgomery at FHth. NoUoe of lunenu nereaitrr. . H I -N tRS rNoTember il, at htr lr.te rani- denre. 208 fBroadway, Kathleen (X Bhtnnera. el 84 yean, W'fe ot K. 1. tShinners. The re- maina are ai riniry s, UonUoniery at ilfth. Notice of funeral hrrgafteij. rJLR7ri';un"'1 errleri'of Pearl Terry will be held Saturday. Norember 27. at 3 p. ns . at the chare! of Miller Tracey. Interment Mount Scolt. Park cemetery. 'EIX)8KEt In this city1, Norember 28,1. P irrasey o soi n. iBth at. Kemalna are u ina reuaenual funeral Darlors of lltinnine Sc. JJcKntee. I'unersI noltri later. WHITE In thiaPitr FhiliD White, aeed 74 'Norember ' iW. 182a," preirs. Remain are at funeral parlor of A. If. Kenwortliy ft Co., urn,j-pe o.q St. p. f... nU, Wr. - r COCRTRI;HT IiTthTrt.Norp75". 1V20, Ruth Courtrieht. aeed S years. Be maina at . tha. residential parlors of. Millar aV Tracey. I-Xineral notii-a later, SHAFKEIl Klorenoa T Shaffer. 11S9 Bast 25 yor; tubercular Ninth, Notemoar 25, perltonitia.. W1IVJON Aire Wilaoh. 52 Irrinf. Norember ' 23. 117 yrsrs: brrmchtsJ niunmnnli SWANMAX Ciri lonald 8wanman. rmanuel hospital, Norember 2i 22 years; perforation of bowls. . U Rl I,L K i-Urn ry N. OtifUe. 44 i Second, o rember 28, 1 2 years; rupture of .rght and left rentricle. " WOODWAKDrSibyl Woodward. 83 East vrS-.JL?9?'9' 88 tuherrulosia. 601XJMON Fannie B. Solomon, 168 North Twenty-third. Norember 26, 78 years; arterio arlerrasia, AlTEl) Airne P Aptd, Patten Home, No .T2n.ber 23vflS nn' bert disesae. t McCLKUUND WUlian J. MotHelUnd, T80 Mississippi, NoTember 25. S yaara; tubtreular snenlngitis. T MANWKIIJER Adam Mnweller,;' Iloma of tha Aed, Norember 23, 65 yean; ajyooardial defeneration, : LEuW,2rTM! Bt TlnesmU hosisllal, jVorember. 2S. 61 yean; mediasuaal carcinomatosis. WHIOUT AblsaU Wrliht. 'St. Vinoenfa hoa w "iti1;No7.'mbe.r 22 8 ": rarelnoma. HARRIS Mrs. Flora Harris, (NV laU. Na Tember 24, 68 era; dooumprtuaUim of FiTNEltATi THnKCTORt ED W. H0LfllAlf ; & SON ' Funeral Directors " THIHl AND SALMON STUEETS I Main R07. A-15U J.PJFINlff&SONA FUNERAL .DIRECTORS H?i!Lnij Jl.MONlr(OMKHY AT MFTIf F. & J DUNNING, INC. 41tV. Alder. t,llrin. y.t A. ,D. Kenworthv & - A802-S804 02O Buna iwn Lk a ... IT. 8. K . i.KVTa i none lapor 14207 , , . ii.i.i . nne if-ni. ! HAMnKRA try. "an.i. ,uneTl lrectors. WgESH Ave R. T,; BYRNES iSSJ Willums ar. Wodlan 220 Sr7;1 " PTL. Lrclh"Ti"" recto?.. "WsaSOitWril-di: .rectors. Prices as low as 820 840 illl U0WNINU at M'tfEMiRZII ..JJi C t e Modern to Price.fcjUSc'c1. tlZ .IT KiLEkSi funaral Darlorswiih .il --- -- T " 7. il1 Belmont at. A.R.ZelJerCo?2 winiama avim..:,l VU, Fhona East- J08. 'omer Third and Olsy. MO?irME ?ITu . Portland Marble Works 266 4th at.. Op. f-ty Hall. Nen Broi. t'ttJ---3PD ST T MADtSOW FLORISTS a MOSIItOM POWTLAMO MOTCa, AAAR.wCs Acer aourrga j 4e MoaailM saDna e. babv MAS,, 47 And " Floral Designs. 28 . Large Hothouse. No Branch Stores. 20 Tears on Morrison St.. bet. 4th and ftth. TeUphone Main, 7708. Smith's Flower Shop ."PoTtland'f Progrsslve KloHst." tlowers fir All Occasions. ' sla 7219, T. C. LUKE. Mgr.. Sth and Aider. QEO.'BETZ '& SON- YUKMt nlUTiia Vftf n-trmiTs and all occasions. 697i Willisma are. Just call Woodlawn 1812. Joseph Beta. Manacer. SflRti-nrronWEs lnvna ILfssln Hl O CO.. fIor&la.854U!SS: l.HAQ vt . is oceasiona artistically arranged. ST W," "lank hldg. Us n i 6116 881 Morrison at. People's 24S lid FLOIUL SHOP HarsbaU 822. LOST AJfD FOt'M fl toHT In Ifont BoV City restaurant. 10 6th at.. ur containing eiirrency and a'lver; am warting giri and -need tba roooty. Wdla. loin aiwr noon, or io oiu si. t. - COST Friday D. m., fa Morrison,-a email ailver wrist watch having Koman number to 12 and Arable numbers to 24, attached to black ribboa guard ; reward. Tabor 4 2 10. LOlTLady'TTrfack jkandbag, containing Lib- h, w M,.mA MAialt U,. ,1. 1 fcftta. n l4 n. -ceipta and lady'a luLOdiVrchief ; reward. Eaat 6277.-.. "DORT A Jsyanesa cross fo fur, betaaea 80th and Hawthorna and ' Harrison. Friday eve- n!ng about 8:80. Finder iieaae call Tabor 692. Reward. ,. " ' . . " 810iiKVABI for' information leading to ra covery of Llewellyn setter, female. Wdla. Iiou. - I tOSf f,A0Y'S "PIN 'OF iUfttfA VBMW.- Ac-ATE- SETTINO, IN 'BJPTIOJi ON BACK. BELU708. iKEWARU. . LOST An-Elgin waitlh.' frobably on Base' Line read to Powell Valley Store. Pbosa 288 6reham. Suitable reward. ; - Lost Fur at Auditorium Wed. night, value-l keepsake. Heturn to Olds, Wortsnaa A aUag'a debvery room i li bera l reward. LoflT iMborned Jersey cow : reward for laj forwistion or return to 11 OS E. J7U at. N. Phone Wdla. 003, Mrf. Flack. " -;- : i .. LOST-Oa E."l8trat.r bat Roselavni are. and Alberta at., a black leather-covered Chris- tian Scienca quarterlyi finder pbona 321-69. LOST fearl necklace, bMsin Centenary Wilbur church and 601 E. Ah, valued at gift. Iteward. CaH or jibotia 223-74. ' LOST A gold cuff link. Initial IL Beward, . Marshall 1830. J' ' ' ; LOST Maltese" cat, mVls, whita legs s-ol brsa Call Tsbor 7590; reward. r 7" sa nut aiax. a)aasnoaa jl. a. aaa (Oawitinuad ea roUowina PaoaJ.