FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1920. THE OREGON ; DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,; OREGON. 9 1 - , BEACH SUGGESTS 1 COAST DEFENSES By A. Jj. Bradford u Washington, Nov. 26. (U. P.) A defense of the naval bases and ports with armaments able to with: stand the most powerful navies of the world "should be pushed to com-i pletion with the greatest speed," Ma-j Jor General Landing H. Beach, chief of engineers, saad in his annual re port today to Secretary of War Ba-j Ver. .j Proper provision has not yet been made for - efficient seacoast . defense of important strategic areas arid naval bases because of a lack of 16-inch guns and" howitzers, according to Beach, who recommended that no additional arma ment of less 'caliber and power be in- . stalled at points whose defense "Is abso lutely vital." " , Beach also made recommendations for a deep waterway between Chesapeake bay and Delaware bay, thence to New York harbor and Long Island sound, as a "means of defense of immense valued ."Thla Ulterior "waterway would make .If practfcally Impossible for the coim bined hostile fleets of any two of the leading powers of the world to blockade our navy 'successfully, and, therefore would have the effect of multiplying the power of our fleet." said- Beach. "It is an accepted fact that our shores can never he invaded in force unless out own navy is either -destroyed or ef fectively blockaded' within our coast line." Mayor and Realty Board's Members ' Are at Peace Again Peace was established between Mayor Baker and the Portland Realty Board at a meeting of the board m the grillroom of the Portland hotel at noon today. F. V. German, president of the realty or cantzution, announced that the board had ? 'buried its hatchet and thrown away its hammer," and the mayor said he had profited by the good advice offered in the opposition of the realtors to some of his "ideas- f Mayor Baker was "chairman of the meeting, and the principal speaker was Frank Branch Riley, who outlined a lec ture campaign through Eastern cities to be undertaken under the auspices of the Realty Board and other civic organiza tions, j U, S. Would Recognize Any Rule in Greece Washington. Nov. 26. (I. X. S. The United States has no policy toward Greece which would cause it to refuse !to recognize any government the Greek people might choose to set up, the state department officials said today, in com menting upon the reported appeal to the allies by former King trons tan tine. .i t -IN H GUN FOR Bargains foil Boys! . 4 -,'.,''''''!.' Drastic Reductions for Friday and Saturday Boys' Knicker Suits Every Boy's Knicker Suit in' the house, (J" A QC regularly $18, $20 and $22.50, reduced totPX4:Otl Every Boy's Knicker Suit in the house, (J1 A QlK regularly $25, $27.50 and $30, reduced to tpJ.Ot) Every Boy's Knicker Suit in the house, (101 QE-I regularly $32.50 and $35,! reduced to. . . $'00 Boys' Blue Serge Knicker Suits, regularly $12.50, re duced to.. . 4.... $9.85 Boys' Corduroy Knicker Suits, regularly $12.50, re- duced to Corduroy Knee Trousers The $2.00 Grade reduced! to. ............ ... . .$1.50 The $2.50 Grade reduced to. The $3.00 Grade reduced to, The $4.00 Grade reduced; to ..I Boys' Overcoats Regularly $13.50 to $16.50 Ares 10 to 18 Years Reduced to $11.85 Boys $18.00 MackinaWs $15.00 Boys $13.50 Mackinaws $10.00 Boys' Sweaters Half Price Boys' $4.50 Sweaters for. ... Boys' $3.00 Sweaters for. . . Boys' Blouses Reduced Regular $4.00 Blouses now v. . . .... $2150 Regular $3.00 Blouses now ....$1.98 Regular $2.50 Blouses now.;..;.J.t .. ..$1.50 Regular $1.50 Blouses now .98 Boys Shop, Second Floor BEN SELLING Leading Clothier, Morrison at Fourth FLASHES FROM JOURNAL WIRES SAX A3fTOJfIO-I. N. S.) Two captains in : the Mexican army wtre arrested today at Mexico City, charged with ; attempting , to assas sinate President De La Huerta and President-elect Obregon. The plot ters are charged with poisoning food served the tww Mexican officials. BOOKS. -r-(U. P.) The former Kaiserin Augusta -Victoria was able to talk with her children today. Phy sicians believed she will rally from her Illness. 1 Prince Adelbert and the former crown prince left Doom to day, i . SEW TORK-U. N. S.) Follow In a meeting today of the execu tive committee of the Southern Pa cific Railway company, it was stated that there was no announcement to be made, j SEW YORK -U. N.) Joseph J. Ryan, son of Thomas Fortune Ryan, financier, died last niprht at the An sonia hotel, where he had been living since his demobilization from the army in 1919. Ryan was 30 years old. I) E TITER (U. P.) Every Amer ican Legion member in Colorado will register vigorous protests against the action "of Secretary of War Baker In freeing slackers. Legion officials announced. RIGA (U. P.) Reports circulat ed here today said Premier Mille rand of France plans the calling of a world-wide anti-Bolshevik confer ence to consider a campaign against the soviet government. ' XODeif. U. P.) Poland has pledged the League of Nations .that General Zeligowskl's campaign against Lithuania will be halted, ac cording to, Warsaw dispatches today. MEXICO ClTY.r-U. N. S.) Ban dits hid up a train near Puebla to day, robbing 60 passengers of 20, 000 pesos, j VASHISGTOS (I. X. S.) Presi dent Wilson today transmitted to the state department the formal plea' by " Kamonn De Valera for recognition by the United States of the Irish republic, j FOUR LOSE LIVES Toronto; Ont., Ziov. 26. (I. N S.) At least four persons, possibly seven, are; dead and a score injured as a result of one of. the worst train wrecks this section has witnessed in years. Grand Trunk night express No. 16, bound from Montreal for this city, ; was derailed near York, a few miles from Toronto. Despite the fact that the apple crop In the vicinity of Moscow was one of the best in years, the fruit has brought but little money to the producers. Thou sands of bushels still hang on the tree a. $1MM $1.75 $2.25 $2.95 ... . . , $2.25 $1.50 N TRAIN WRECK BRADFORD, England (I. 5T.-S.) '"France and the United States are spending countless millions for arm aments," declared Sir Donald Mac Lean, a liberal member of "the house of commons, in moving a resolution today at the liberal convention de manding that Great-Britain take the 'lead in disarmament.' KEATTLEv (U. P.) J. M. Curtis, alleged swindler of Everett and Se attle,, was reported en rpute back here today from Shreveport, La., in custody of Fielif - Inspector S. T. Pinkham of the " postoffice depart ment, charged with using the malls to defraud.- ' WASHITfGTOJf. (I. X. S.) Dean Bobert aLovett, Chicago university, will go to England and Ireland as a . member of the special delegation of the American commission on condi tions in Ireland, if leave can be ob tained from the university, MEXICO CITY. (I. K S.) President-elect Obregon is preparing re form measures for presentation to congress after his Inauguration next week. One of the bills deals with the' agrarian problem, or the distribution of land. j TACOMA. (U. P.) The name of the man who either jumped or fell from the hurricane deck of the Se-attle-Tacoma steamer Washington yesterday morning and was drowned near Brace Point, had not been learned today. BERLISV-rd. X. S.) A great po- lice campaign to rid Berlin of crim inals is under way. One hundred per Bohs were arrested during the night in a series of spectacular raids on night clubs. EAGLE PASS. (I. X. S.) Pri vate Robert K. Wood, Company A, Forty-sixth Infantry, recently arrived here from Camp Jackson, S. C, was found dead under a railroad bridge here today. PARIS U. X.) The health of ex-President Paul Deschanel is re ported to be very much Improved since his retirement from the Elysee. Two Women Hurt in Desperate Attack By Fiend in Oakland Oakland, Cal., "Nov. 26. (I. N. S. In a fiendish ' attack on two women late last night a man believed by the police to be Clarence W. Wright, now held in the city jail for investigation, injured both women seriously, breaking both their arms and inflicting possible in ternal injuries. The women, Mrs. Pauline Stilph, pro prietress of a hotel at 812 Washington street, and her sister, Mrs. G. K. Hard wick, 121 Thirty-sixth street. Los An geles, are undergoing treatment in a hospital this morning after their terri fying experience of last night. The man entered the hotel last night about 12 o'clock and knocked at the door of the room occupied by Mrs. Stilph. When she did not respond the man be gan kicking at the panels of the door in an effort to knock it in. When Mrs. Stilph, fearing the fiend would break the door down, made an at tempt to escape, he caught her and beat her In the face with his -fists. Mrs. Stilph then fainted and the fiend threw her heavily to the floor, breaking her arm. Mrs. Hardwick. a sister of Mrs. Stilph, 'aeard the struggle from an adjoining room. Hushing to her sister s assistance. she was brutally handled by the ma rauder and then thrown headlong down the stairs. . . Police Recover $300 Additional in Hunt For Alleged Loot Inspectors Coleman and CoHins recov ered an additional $300 in gold and silver coins said to be part of the $1600 loot taken from the 500 pound safe which was removed from the home of Ding XVing. wealthy Chinese, 289 First street, Saturday night. The discovery of this money, bringing the entire sum recovered to $700. and additional evidence strengthens the case against Thomas Qullen, special invesU gator and ex-private detective, the po lice say. The safe was taken from Ding Wing's home by two men, who placed it in a trunk a.nd hauled the trunk away In an automobile. Later the safe was found near the Riversdale school, not far from Oswego. When Cullen was arrested Monday the inspectors found $400 in sil ver, gold and currency and papers in his possession. Further search of the room Cullen was found occupying revealedwthe aaamonal 1300 and other papers. Indict Municipal Court Chief- on Murder Charge Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 28. (U. P.) ine county grand Jury late today voted to inaict Judge William H. McUannon, chief justice of the municipal courts, on a charge of murder in the second de gree in connection with the slaying of jiaroia tiagy, a garage proprietor. Kagy was shot several months ago. The grand jury was convened by Prose cutor Easkin. McGannon denied he was present when Kagy was shot- Half Block Is Sold By Thompson Estate The north half of the block bounded byi Front, First. Ash and Pine streets, occupied by a three story brick building, was sold today by the R. R. Thompson Estate of San Francisco to the North west Real Estate and Investment com pany for $70,000. The building 6n the premises was erected about 40 years ago and has been tenanted by Fleischner Mayer & Co. for the past 20 years. The property was leased to the company by the new' owners. The deal .was handled by' Wakefield,' Fries & Co. , Mexican Socialists Demand Bed, Eule Mexico City, Nov. 2. (L N. S.) Extremists among the Mexican - Social ists are demanding-revision of "the-federal constitution and the adoption of some of the soviet principles of govern ment -if ' i ' PROPAGANDA TO BE USED AGAINST CLOSED SHOP PLAN Chicago, Nov. 26. (U. P.) A propaganda barrage, nation-wide in scope, against the closed shop, was launched here today with the open ing of national headquarters of the American Press Bureau. The fight to throw all shops open to nonunion labor and trade unionists fol lows closely the announcement of the American Federation of Labor that it will fight to the limit any effort of manufacturers to kill the closed shop plan. ' Thomas J. Sullivan, director of public ity of -the American Press bureau, said his organization was formed for pro moting better relations between the em ployer and worker and that the new scheme of things "will mean the elimina tion of the closed shop. "We are not opposed to organised labor," said Sullivan, "but are against the . closed shop. Labor Is entitled tO( fair treatment ; so is the boss. Strikes and boycotts must cease. ; Employers who have the closed shop have very little to say about the conduct of their own business. Labor must be educated that the open shop is the- best way to promote friendly relation between it and the employer." Sullivan said over 1200 Chambers of Commerce over the country have gone on record favoring the open shop. , . NORTHWEST HARBORS (Continued From Pai On.) of an emergency dam at the Lake Wash ington ship canal. Ten thousand dollars was asked for maintenance of the entrance channel of Nome harbor, Alaska, by dredging. Fifteen to eighteen thousand dollars was. recommended for the regulation of hydraulic mining operations and for planning improvements on the Sacra mento and San Joaquin rivers and their tributaries affected, by such operations. This comes under the supervision of the California debris commission. For the control of floods, removal of debris, im provement of the Sacramento river, $1,000,000 was recommended. Beach recommended appropriations of $2,100,000 in the next rivers and harbors bill for the continuation of work on the 298-mile channel of the Missouri river, extending from Kansas City to the mouth of the river. He also recommend ed appropriation of $15,000 to carry on snagging operations in the river from Kansas City to Sioux City. Work on the river from Sioux City to Fort Ben ton, Mont, has produced no commercial results and should be abandoned ex cept . fpr snagging ' operations now un derway. Beach recommended. " For dredging and clearing snags out of San Joaquin river, $26,000 was asked. Ninety-five thousand dpllars was asked for work on a channel In the Sac ramento river. CONGRESS TO BE ASKED FOR - $T85,000 FOR RIVER MOUTH Congress will -be asked to provide $785,000 for maintenance of the channel from the mouth of the Columbia river t Portland during the 14 months be ginning April 1, 1921, by the chief of army engineers, according to advice re ceived by Major R, Park, head of the army engineer work in this district. This amount will insure a 30 foot channel 300 feet wide the length of the Columbia and Willamette channel to the Portland harbor. "If a wider channel Is to be provided the chief engineer will have to ask for an additional appropriation," said Park, In commenting upon the statement made by members of the army engineer board during their visit , in this district that Portland should have. a wider channel to the sea. Estimates of the total amount to be recommended for appropriation for the Portland district is over $1,500,000, ac cording to Park. Kiwanians Depart. For Yearly District Meeting in Tacoma A delegation of Portland Kiwanians left Thursday evening tfor Tacoma to attend the annual district convention of the PaoKic Northwest Kiwanis clubs today and Saturday. The , partx in cluded Dr. 'and Mrs. O. Earle Helton, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. H. M: Nisbet, Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Jonea W. J. MacKenzie, C. H. Bul- len.e-I. T. Crossley, George 'A. Lovejoy, President and Mrs. Ernest R. Wiggins who are returning from international Kiwanis headquarters in Chicago, will arrive in . Tacoma tonight. The. follow ing clubs will be of ficially represented ; Astoria, Eugene, Portland, Aberdeen, Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle, Victoria, New Westminster, Vancouver and North Van couver, B. C. Dr. H. W. Riggs of Vancouver, B. C, District Governor, and Dr. G.- E. Henton, vice governor, will preside over the con ferences. George Lovejoy, International Kiwanis third vice president, will rep resent the international headquarters and at the termination of the convention will proceed to Great Falls, Mont., where he is scheduled to present the official charter to a club recently organised in that thriving town. Salem Will Protest Game at The Dalles Salem. Nov. 26. The Salem high school football team will appeal to the board of control of .the State High School Athletic association from the an nounced result of the score in the Salem-The Dalles game at The Dalles. Thursday afternoon, it was said here. According to announcement The Dalles team carried off the honors by a score of 13 to 7. Seven of the points claimed by The Dalles, it is asserted, were made after the doss of the agreed time. Un fair treatment on the part of the referee and timekeepers, both The Dalles offi cials, is also charged. . ' Kelso Bank Bays Bonds Kelso. Wash., Nov. 26. The First National bank of this city purchased an issue of $46,000 worth of bonds of Cow Ms county yesterday when bids were re ceived on the Issue. The local bank bid 100.90 for H per cent 20-year bonds. This purchase makes $95,000 of Cowliti county bonds purchased recently by the First National bank, which secured a previous issue of 150,000 worth of 7 per cent bonds. FUNDS ARE URGED FOR Eugene City Bonds Absorbed Locally ; In Sum of $25,000 ' r : - ? Eugene. Xov. 28. At a special meeting of the city council Wednesday afternoon modified bid was presented by the Eugene Clearing House for the entire issue of $25,000 of municipal bonds to be used In the purchase of new fire-fighting equipment This bid provides for taking over the issue at par, with accrued inter est from November 1, the bonds carrying Interest at the rate of 5 per cent. The two big trucks for which the money Is to be . expended ;- were unloaded and driven to the engine house today under the direction of a mechanic from the Portland fire department. Monday a rep resentative from the A. Ci. Long com pany" Will be in the city to make a test pf the machines and upon this test will depend the acceptance on the part of the, council. .. : ' Eugene Banks Gain Eugene, Xov,-26. The four banks of Eugene have Just issued their quarterly statement, showing that the combined deposits amount to $6,193,151.53. as 8 gainst $5,185,915.96 at this period last year, making a general gain of $1,007, 235.67 for the year. A corresponding gain is shown in the resources, which now total approximately OUR BIGGEST SELLING EVENT THIS YEAR $4.95 COMFORT AND WEAR FOR THE MAN OUT OF DOORS. J HERE'S A SOLID LEATHER REGULA TION ARMY MARCHING SHOE. EACH PAIR COST THE GOVERNMENT $6.84. OUR PRICE, $4.95. $4.95 a Figure it out yourself. Are clothes going to be cheaper and why? There are two factors to take into account: SUPPLY and DEMAND, Production is the thing which determines the sup ply, and, remember this production is only 30 of normal. What does that mean? It means that the country's reserve stocks are being drawn upon that stocks are being reduced and that when the public starts buying again as in normal times, there will not be any reserve stocks left. A great demand will be made upon the mills and the manufacturers and clothing r r i I ACCUSED JUSTIHES WOMAN'S EAITH; WINS HIS FREEDOM Because Tom Kregan Justified her faith in him and appeared for trial in municipal court this morning after she had posted $75 for his appear ance,, Miss Winnlfred Springer today feels more than ever that tier fa y.h in mankind is well placed. Miss Springer, is a teacher in the Mount Scott school. On Thanksgiving day she saw a crowd of men beating up the young shipyard Worker. She in terceded for him and was told that he had wrecked Borne furniture in a nearby soft drink stand. Kregan was 'some what influenced by . moonshine. Miss Springer accompanied ; him to ..police headquarters and Insisted on posting the bail money demanded,, though the police sergeant advised against her action. "You'll never see him again," he said. But.' inspired by a bounteous Thanks giving dinner which the teacher lateri Z9 FOURTH , BETWEE5 W18HI5GT05 AJD STV SHOE SALE The Reasons Why SUITS, OVERCOATS, RAINCOATS mwnwn LMyuvuiMl PORTLANDS ORIGINAL UPSTAIRS J cPe0 - uPstairs Broadway, atlAlder, kendowed him with." Kregan was on hand today In " police court. Judge ftoasman heard the story and promptly dismissed the charge against him. - : 1 "It Is up to you. though," the court admonished.- "I have faith In-you. if this young woman has, but you must justify the' confidence w both placed In you." - ; - .- , . Stabilization of:.. ; Trices Beginning, Says Board Jteport Washington. Nov. 26.- (U: P.) Sta bilisation of prices is beginning, accord ing' to a bulletin the federal- reserve board Issued today. VThe : problem of complete -financial readjustment. Said ' the board, "now centers around th placing of goods and accumulated stocks 'upon a banking basis corresponding to the hew level of prices which has beeTt- established. It may be expected that as older accumulations are disposed of and new goods -at the re-1 vised price -levels take their places a more natural situation will gradually develop." '. ' Calling ' attention to the decline In prices of 'building materials, the board stated this "should tend, to stimulate the resumption of business operations on a large scale." t . ' Discussing the employment .situation, the board called attention'' to the fact ONE OF THE 200 NEW LINES IN OUR LADIES' DEPARTMENT PRICED ACCORDING TO THE PURCHASING POWER OF OUR VAST CHAIN OF STORES ON TODAY'S MARKET. MILITARY LACE BOOTS IN ALL THE NEW DESIRABLE SHADES. NEW PRICE S0-lh f . p'f-plv.f.'jS .-riiST I I 1 I " ' M&IMw' 'iw- "W ' " $g95 ; Dob- raw They May; Be Higher OFFER suits: for and the cream of the world 's best clothing for $45 to $50 prices will go rocketing. ' My-clothes' are down to bed-rock in price BUY NOW DON'T WAIT. ' m CLOTHIER EARLY PIONEER i OF COAST DIES Riverside. Cal.. Nov. 26.-t(U. I; Through the death. at Ontario, Cal.,'- yesterday of Leroy r B. Pyajv one more of the early pioneers of the Pacific coast was' removed. -1 lyar was a" former; resident of Ore gon. In 1864 he was appointed post master, of Salem and two . years later entered the Indian service as agent at the Klamsth reservation. . " Dyar was one of the commission which went to treat with the rebellious Modocs at the meeting in which General Canby and Pr. Thomas, two oMhe commission,- were massacred by Captain Jack and his band of outlaw Mod oca. Ho exraped and reached the frrt where United States troops were stationed. . Oyar . Joined " the Ontario colony la 1882 and had lived there until the time of hU death at the age of. 93 years'. that "the index of the bureau of labor shows' a shifting of men in industries, which indicates a redistribution of ie . mand and leaves the net situation soma ht In doubt." t ' SHOES ARE DOWN! AND HERE IS THE PROOF! if $25 $40 It JJ ....U.I.ItlUllS.jllll l II I: r:. .-' r' It L i ' fl; M'-Af&J .11 . 'rti.