- THE OREGON DAlfcY :JOU RNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. Friday November 26, 1920. FEAST DAY- ABOUNDS IN CITY; Holiday hfppinesa marked the passing of 1920'a Thanksgiving: day. Portland wu a city given over , to celebration." v Whether ezpre'soed Jn word or In the exuberance of .'action, . the spirit of thanksgiving was manifeated on all aides for the bounties of the year. Thousands of people Journeyed to union church ervlcei, whre nonitfc, rayers and testi monies of Thanksgiving were heard. The usual Thursday traffic was sus pended. Kmpty streets in the morning Indicated that thousands of famines v enjoyed a weekday reunion, while surgr Ing masses of humanity in the afternoon . and evening signified the urge and call of the pleasures and pastimes of theatre a row. Playhouses were crowded all day, as were motion picture places. Ttestaurants began to respond to the appetite of the city at noon, and there was all too short a breathing spell in the middle of the afternoon for the .workers, who attended to the diners. Special menus gave the holiday touch to nearly every table in town. . JAHITOB INHALES CHEER In-the town's best cellar, Edgar, col-1 ored janitor at the jail, was given the privilege of inhaling Thanksgiving cheer when he was assigned to mop up some home brew which had exploded. On the fifth floor of the municipal hotel the prisoners were regaled with music. The Apostolic Faith orchestra of 2J pieces! ' sang and played during the evening. A NEWSBOYS GUESTS novel note was -struck by-a derelict sev .. eral sheets In the wind who chimed in . at the end of eax-h song from hie cell at the end of the corridor. Chief Jenkins :, entertained the baby girl In his charge - during the day, making her at home in ,hls office. - iOt XEW'SIEfl FED One ofjjthe happiest pereons In Port land today Is Eric V. Hauser. owner of the Multnomah hotel, who feasted COO , newsies Thursday. No line was dran by Hauser, boys, men, women, blind, lame, black, brown and white all enjoy-; f Ing the same privileges. The newsies eat at the tables In groups of eight in '- true democratic fashion, paying little at 4 tentlon to who was' on the other ald&V Steward C. B. Nagle and Chef T. H. Sherman, said the boys consumed 1200 pounds -of turkey and 300 mince pies in dditlon to other ' trimmings. Wheii ' Hauser entered - the' room after the ne waies. were seated cheers greeted him and a speech .was called' for, but the . one-time Minneapolis newgboy remem . bered how well lie liked speeches when : a lad, so he declined and told the boys - to enjoy their feast Manager A. Bj - Campbell and Asnlstant Manager A. J. - Arroll assisted in welcoming the newsies. M EX'S RESORT HOST ' Sixty '! men, many of them - homeless; ' were entertained at a Thanksgiving dini . ner at the Men's Resort, Fsurtir and Burnslde streets. The Rev. Levi John . son presided and read the president's proclamation. ' Following the dinner a musical program was given. ' One of the features of the day was . the feeding of dumb brutes in the rnu . nloipal . pound at the- suggesttion of a wealthy Portland woman. Several per 4 sons contributed to the fund- ' Many individuals, were seen carrying Heavily laden baskets on streetcars as though i they knew, of a poor family needing, a little Thanksgiving cheer. 1' Bullet Is Taken ' From Shoulder of Policeman's Slayer A successful operation waa performed on the wounded shoulder of Husted A. Walters, tndlcted murderer of Patrol man Jerome Palmer, in the emergency hospital Thursday by Dr. Martin w. Rose. The bullet which Patrolman Thorpe fired at the deserter-highwayman was rempved from the man'a irbonl der and is being held by the police as evidence. --.''!-' Walters is recovering from his wounds and Is now able to walk about the hos pital."; Authorities say he will be removed- to the county jail As soon as pos sible. All doubt as :o .who fired the shot that lodged in Walter's shoulder was settled, when the bullet waa recov ered. It was from a .38 calibre revolver, the type of gun carried by Thorpe, and not from the kind of revolver carried by Palmer. I Swedish Minister Dies in Washington .-v i 1 ' . .." I 1 Wsshlngton, Nov. 26. (I. N. S. -Wit-helm August Ferdinand Ekengren, Swedish minister to, the United States since 1912, died here today of heart dis ease after a brier illness. A widow, who was formerly Miss Laura Wolcott Jack son of this city, and two young daugh ters, survive hlnv . , i ''ak ' 1 TOMORROW : : v;M :" . I & J ' ' A Rob't w. " Wfei i TODAY ONLY BEHOLD ; 4gw, W1FE- i i" lfei ALWAYS' 'C ' . PORTLAND'S NEWSIES GUESTS OF ERIC V. HAUSER jEOj1" ' "' " "' ?m ii i. ii mi.... 11.1 P....H j i i in i - p isv" f. :-:-jM-vz-m--''immm i. muin Slv ' i I a. V1W i" m - 1 , . ' - "'.'' , Jiff ' . - ""av .V.'. Sfaiv '-.ijl, VJt.. nt; toX. AwnWIMWl. ii V , ',ivw"W.aiHmi l"( f -. iifei' " rtfi;WLVBt.iki'tli.iill i'ilt.l , JAPANESE WILL INJECT ISSUE OF I Geneva, Nov. 26. (U. P.)-t-Vis-count Ishii j of Japan will ' present the question of racial equality in formally to) the League of Nations assembly ak this session, it was learned authoritatively today. It was said Ishii will bring the matter bto the attention of the assembly in such a way; as to avoid comment or debate. . " , Members' of the Japanese delegation said today they were instructed by the government , not to , submit a racial equality measure or any other that would be apt to create friction. . The matter will be put before the assembly, probably as a Reminder that Japan has not" forgotten her original demand. DELEGATION MOST SILENT The - Japanese delegation, largest." of those attending ,the sessions, has been the most, silent' - Not a member has par ticipated in the debate. Attending every "session the delegates, immaculately clad. take 'their seats at; the opening of the meeting and jit- quietly until adjourn ment. .- . No trace of interest or surprise or any other emotion crosses their faces. , While the delegates apparently at tend the sessions only as spectators, numerous secretaries are frantically fol lowing every word uttered, compiling voluminous reports of every happening. No subject Js too- trivial for the com pilation of an exhaustive. record. The league assembly expected to con clude its week's work today with the hearing of reports by commissions. The program ' ' then called for adjournment until Tuesday, DISARMAMENT 18, TOPIC Disarmament was the main topic in the assembly today.: A commission to consider that question began Its sessions yesterday, practically with Instructions that recommendations for the present must be held within reasonable limits. Delegates, declared the league must give-proof iof its sincerity by refrain ing from extreme demands - until all large ; nations are members - of the league. - V .-.;- It was expected ' the commission will recommend prohibition Of private man ufacture of war materials, regulation of traffic in arms and the exchange of military information. ' The assembly was expected to take up today the demand of the Australian del egation that a reply e made to Ger many's mandate note. The commission continued hard at work on - the plan for an international tri bunal. ' It was believed there were chances of its adoption at this Bession of the assembly, after slight amend ments have been adopted. Indications today were that three things - would be accomplished at this session of the assembly. These will be the permanent organization of the league's working machinery the inter- P"'" HtDHUCE'ASKD , ;C I FOR REGULATION OALITY ' -.-:. Ill V- J , II Aboye-Fcstlve scene In Multnomah hotel dining room where hundreds of hungry folk were given Thanksgiving feast. Below Mr. and , Mrs.. Fred Ij. Miller, both blind newsies, who were among special guests. national court and the first step to ward international disarmament. SHANTUNG ISSUE IS TO ,BE BROUGHT UP BEFOR LEAGUE By A. E. Johason Geneva, Nov; 26. The League of Na tions assembly will soon be faced with another delicate problem for adjustment, this time In the Far East China in tends , to introduce the Shantung issue at the earliest possible moment, with a demand tfr&t Japan's activities in the Orient be checked up and that the Pa cific ocean be safeguarded for other nations. According to the most authoritative information. Dr. Wellington Koo will make the proposal for league action. FATAL FOR J. HAMON (CoBtiooad From Put Oaa) pendent oil men In the world and a leader in the Republican, party reads like a fable. Hamon's fortune'at his death "was es timated conservatively at $30,000,000. MAKES FOETC5E IX OIL The foundation of his fortune lay in the scheme which he devised and car ried through the development of . town- sites and a railroad Jn Oklahoma. He had no money with, which to carry out the project, but decided a wealthy cir cus man would probably be more apt to finance the project than any other per son. He made the acquaintance of one of the Ringling brothers. It was Said he deliberately turned ' over a cocktail glass in a New York , cafe' at a table where Ringling was seated in order to meet he circus owner., - Hamon made the most of the Incident and soon got Rlngling's backing. TI town of Jakehamon and another named Rmgling were started., The railroad project got under way and then oil was discovered on the property.. From that time Hamon was a made man. BOOSTED HA.RDUTG After making, his fortune, Hamon started to -take an interest In politics. He waa such an 'outsider" only a few years ago that when he went to the Re publican national convention In 1914 he did not have a ticket and it waa only through the kindness of a friend that he waa able to obtain admittance. But Ha mon worked his political game to the limit and after a bitter fight was named the state's national committeeman. He waa one of the original; boosters of Warrei Q. Harding for fh presidential nomination and worked for the Ohtogn's success long before the Chicago conven tion. During the 'conventlbn deadlock Hamon waa prominently,, mentioned for me nomination. . , -Hamon's. little daughter attracted con' siderable attention during the convention at Chicago by entertainments at. Re publican headquarters. She is an ac complished violinist. She was . at her xatners bedside when he died. LOOK FOB WOMAJT A : A son resides in Chicago- and had not arrived when the end came. Dr. Walter Hardy, head of the sanitarium Vhere Hamon died, said that the dilation of SHOOTING BY WOMAN tne heart was first noticed at- 8 p. m. Thursday." A few, hours previous Ha mon was believed to have passed the danger mark, Dr. Hardy said. However, when, his heart started to fail, he suf fered a relapse and little hope was held out for his recovery.' ; With Hamon' death.' authorities re doubled their4 efforts to locate Mrs. Clara Smith Hamon, who disappeared immediately after the shooting. The woman was a clerk in a store at Lawton, Okla., when Hamon first met her. She was only 17 that was about eight years ago according to Hamon's friends. . At that time Hamon's success had- xt 4ff- VS. started and he had very little property. Many stories have .been , circulated .in Ardmore since Hamon- was shot regard ing the friendship between the woman and the oil magnate! Officials have re fused to reveal evidence which they may have against the woman. Hamon's friends claimed" ,", "frame-up" and de clared the charges were the result of political animosity.; . Reports were circulated that witnesses heard Hamon and a womaan quarreling ; that when Hamon and the woman were in the dining room previous to the shoot ing they talked excitedly and appeared angry. Reports in Ardmore were ' that jealousy was the motive for the alleged shooting. -. Six Taken for Dry Law Violations on. iving Day Thanksgiving, day waS a bad one for violators of the prohibition law. Six cases were brought before Municipal Judge Rossman this morning, netting a total of $500 in' fines. Arthur Hall and Martin Johnson, arrested when their automobile stuck in the mud. told the court they came from Seattle to investi gate land offered for sale. .' They claimed the proceeds ' from a quantity of Canadian whiskey were to be used to defray the expenses of the trip. They were fined $50 each. James Gustafson was fined $50, Al bert Magnuson $200, Frank Hantook $50 and John Aspen $100 and three days. Barding's Plurality Over Governor Cox In Illinois 890,085 Chicago. Nov. 2. ft. NV s.) President-elect Harding's plurality over Gov ernor James M. Cox of Illinois was 890, 085. according to complete official fig ures announced today. Senator Hard ing's total vote in Illinois was 1,424,480 to 534396 for Cox. WilUafti 0. McKlnley was elected United States senator by 827.038 votes, the count standing 1.381,894 for McKln ley and 654.858 for Peter A. Walter. Governor-elect Len Small received 1,213.073 votes and James Hamilton Lewis 728.231 votes, giving Small a plu rality of 514,842. Subtitles Deleted To Meet Views of Movie Censorship The first discordant element to disturb the tranquillity of Portland's board of motion picture censorship for v many moon came with the arrival of an al leged comedy film this week. While the film, entitled "Fixed, by George!" was more or leas tragic In. its comedy ami equally comic in its tragedy, the censors agreed there were certain mora or. less suggestive subtitles referring to twin beds and other indications of inharmoni ous marriage relations for which, the committee of two would not assume en tire responsibility.. Following a meeting or tne entire ooara tne objectionable sub titles were deleted and the comedy, was pronounced properly fixed but not by George. , - f Sentence Deferred. -" George Landon, convicted of White slavery on four counts, who was o have been sentenced this morning in federal court, will await until next week, when he will have sufficiently recovered from the effects of the sheep dip with which he- tried to poison himself Wednesday F TREES IN CITY L. A. McNary, representing the Northwestern Electric company and a Joint pole committee, including the Portland Railway, Light & Power company and Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company, has asked Com missioner Barbur to cooperate with him in preparing an ordinance reg ulating the planting and growth of trees within the city limits. ' He , would eliminate the interference of trees on city residence property with the stringing and repairing of electric wires throughout the city. McNary also solicits the aid of the commissioner In enlisting the offices of the county com mlssioners In Including all of Multno mah county In-the ordinance. ' The proposed ordinance would com pel all city and county property owners to get permits from a committee, which meets with the approval of the electric companies, before planting trees or shrubbery and wouW have them keei such trees and shrubbery ' trimmed ai suggested by those companies to better enable linemen to work on the poles. Commissioner Barbur said that while he would gladly confer with the attor ney and consider his proposal, he was of the opinion that legislation toward put ting all electric wires underground would be more to the point at this time. "There are some trees (of the brittle varieties) now grown so tall that high winds make them a menace to the public and I think the height' of those trees should be de creased," he 8ald,"but the proposal to limit the height of trees to 25 -feet and to legislate toward meeting, the sugges tions f the . electrical concerns in the city and throughout the. county, I am not so sure about." Commissioner Pier, in charge of parks, and Commissioner Barbur. in charge of streets,- will meet with the representa tives of- the electric companies next Tuesday to consider their suggestion. Oriental Sentenced Men" Gong, Oriental from Pendleton, was sentenced to 80 days in jail this morning in ; federal - court for peddling narcotics. ' OotrrrlKbt, l0, A. B Xincbbna Coopes Save lpte i Amy- SMt r 0wrcait : - . - . r - " EDDIE OWIFIL DIES OF FRACTURE Los Angeles. Nov i6.I. N, S.) Eddie O'Donnell, the racing driver who waa terribly Injured yesterday at the Lbs Angeles speedway, when Gaston Chevrolet, famous driver, was killed instantly, and Lyle Jolles, a mechanician, was fatally hurt in a collision, died at 7;30. o'clock this morning at the ; California hospital here. The race was won by Roscoe Series In a Duesenberg. Edward Miller; also in Duesenberg, was second. L . COMPOUND SKULL FRACTURE O'Donnell suffered a compound frac ture of the skull, a broken arm and in ternarjnjuries. Despite these he .rallied at times and at one time some . hope was held for his recovery.', - -". It was but a slight, deviation that brought the speeding cars together be fore the horrified eyes of 75,000 specta tors. Chevrolet was on his one hundred forty-seventh lap and attempted to pass Joe Thomas, who was slightly ahead. O'Donnell w,as pursuing Chevrolet As the three car thundered past the pits and climbed the last bank; Chevrolet picked up speed, making a further ef fort to pass Thomas, below him. At the same time O'Donnell began to pass Chevrolet. Just as these cars were side by side,. Chevrolet's automobile ap peared to swerve a' few inches and the crash came. v THOMAS IS TJKHUBT I ; ' Thomas waa unhurt, but O'Donnell's car : was- catapulted In a semicircle ahead of Chevrolet, whose ear hit it secdnd time head-on In the middle. Jolles. the mechanican. was thrown clear of the Speedway fence and dived 30 feet to the ground. He died on the way to- the hospital.. When Chevrolet's car was lifted, he was found to be dead. Johnnie Bresnaan, mechanician for Chevrolet, was knocked unconscious, but came through the tragic crash with only a few scratches. , If Chevrolet had finished the race, he would have been the 1920 American champion because of the . number of points he had won during the season. Sarles. by . his victory, won $15,000. His time for the 250-mile contest was 2 hours 25 minutes 20 seconds. Miller received $6000 for second honors. Eddie Hearne, driving -a Revere Special, got $3000 for being third, and Jimmy Mur phy, fourth, in a Duesenberg, received $2000. GASTON CHEVROLET TO BE BURIED AT INDIANAPOLIS Indianapolis, Nov. 26. (I. N. S.)-The body of Gaston Chevrolet, winner of the 1920 International Sweepstakes race at the Motor Speedway here, who waa killed in a crash near the close of the 250-mile race at the Los Angeles Speed way yesterday, will be brought to In dianapolis tor burial. Arthur Chevrolet, his brother, said today. Priest Runs Into " Burglar at Work The Rev. Father I. E. McNamee, 54 East Eleventh street, surprised a burglar at work Thursday night, frightening the unwelcome visitor away. Father Mc Namee heard a noise on the back porch, and when he crept downstairs and opened the kitchen window he" saw a man trying to break into the house. Be fore running away the robber threatened to return another Jime. Asks Police to Locate Husband Mrs. Mack Burke, 168V4 Union avenue, requested the police Thursday to aid in a search for her husband, who has been missing four days. She told the police she feared he might have become men tally unbalanced. ' 11 . Portland -Woman to Wed , The Dalles, Nov. 26. A marriage license was issued here, today to Mrs. Bee Lewis of Portland and R. W. Ben son of Mosler. RFCFIVFD IN RACE Electric Company . files Objection to Proposed -Roseway Protest against carrying out the pro posed plan to decorate Sandy boulevard with roses and converting that thorough fare into a rosewaywas received by Commissioner Barbur this morning from F. S..Glfford, superintendent of elec trical distribution for the Northwestern Electric company. Gifford charge that the growth of shrubbery and particularly rose vines would seriously handicap linemen in their work and would even endanger their lives. He referred to an-accident to a lineman of another company .soma' time ago due to rose vlnea entwining the poles. Barbur will present the cornmuni cation to the council for ita considera tion. ... . A r:-.: - ; :' I, The Supreme Favorite 1 NORMA In the Most Artistic Achieve ment in Her Screen Career "THE BRANDED WOMAN" nTHE RACE OF THE AGE" The World's Greatest . Horse Race STARTING SATURDAY SATURDAY BARGAINS The Meier & Frank Slightly Damaged Warehouse Stock -of Furniture Removed to 454 Washington St., Cor. 13th SATURDAY SPECIALS 20 Bolts Lining; and Cover. Clolh, yard .... . . '. . ....... 15c , 30 Bolts Tapestry and Denims, 12 Bolts 50-inch Tapestry, a yard. ................. .S2.00 Uo 50 Bolts Bel Ticking regulai 75c yard, now yard.. .-.20c, Cedar Chests ..i .$7.50 Up Iron Beds .... . . . .. . ..... . .... .$140 U Simmons' Steel Couches . . .. i". .55.00 Spring Edge Box Couches' , 1 . . . . . .$5.00 De Luxe double deck spring, regular JS32.00, now . J... $6.50 Up Large Arm Reed Rockers .$5.00 Up Remnants Mohair Plush, regular H 5 a yard, now each. .... .$1.50 Draperies on Sale Corner Furniture on Sale Madison Street Dock ENTRANCE FROM MADISON ST. BRIDGE Cohn Bros. & Director COUNTRY DEALERS WILL BE GIVEN SPECIAL A discount of 25 to 33i per suit and overcoat in our Kirschbaum Clothes. Original tickets remain on every garment. Discounts; made at time of purchase. Pliegl(sy Ceideir Corner, Fourth and Alder Streets NOREVSGN AT SHORT SESSION f Washington, lo v. 28. :(U. r.) Scant hope exists for any revision of the present revenue laws before the special session of congress, to ,be called by' Presidentjelect Hardin after March 4, Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Republican leader In the sen ate, eald today. " .Lewiston First! in Drive Lewtsten, Idaho, Nov. 26. Lewlston has completed its Red Cross call Quota, the flrwt town. in Idaho. . IDAH LlD YARD, ' I Soprano KEATES and Our Mighty Voiced Organ . WALLACE BII and Draperies regular si. 50, now, yard. ....35c 454 Washington Thirteenth i PRICES cent-on every stock, including TAL1ADGE . :