The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 25, 1920, Page 15, Image 15

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Boy McCormick Gi
g He Ever Received in Ring
Meehan Gets
Drubbing at
Boy's Hands
By Bob
DOT MCCORMICK whipped Willi Mee
ban to frassl Wednesday night.
He whipped him In 10 rounds that la,
gave him 10 terrific lacings, and Inci
dentally won two decisions.
Ia the fourth round Referee Tom Lout
tit stopped the fight and awarded the
glory to McCormick because Meehan's
' sUtht was bad and he couldn't aee above
the Boy'a belt. He had played the Boy's
jtrotn for a favorit. and when his last
blow to this geographical position had
apparently hurt the Irishman, Louttit
took a hand and halted the proceedings.
McCormick went to his corner with a
black and blue spot the alee of a saucer
sticking from ' his loins, and Meehan
ought his dressing room salvaged from
what seemed a posslbia knockout by a,
refer' good Judgment. .
. The crowd was ia aa uproar. So Vaa
McCormick. He dMnt want .the..- fight
given to him that way, and he begged
that Meehan be brought back into pie
ting for more polishing.
Joe Benjamin, McCofhlck's stable
mate, slipped through, n crowd to WU-
lie ' boudoir. .-jjws ' '
Look here, .Wlllle,?you are putting
boxing on the "bom tn th old burg, and
if yoa dont .go haeand give the crowd
some fight, we bQXnrs will be glomming
"round for handouts before the winter's
over. sJ Jo ;Getback Into the ring
and see how matey on can take pn the
chin "before you nay goodbye."
Meehan. took Benjamin's advice and
sauntered back under the hempen corral;
His eyes were a bit piiffed and his lips
were eloquently swollen.
Louttit retired and .Matchmaker Frank
Kendall fx&sumed the Judgment role. He
might rAve stood out n the dressing
room itpr,a performed his duties, for Mc
Corw.k took Willie unto himself and
administered a drubbing that seldom has
bvn handed to any boxer. Meehan was
Wt with everything except the constella
tions, and he was kept close enough to
these to see them do an astral shimmie.
t'pperruts, right crosses and left dabs
were rained in on him from every Imag
inable anle that is recognised in boxing
arithmetic. .Willie seemed ready for a
one-way passage across the Styx at least
half a doten times, but the bell and his
kather-soled endurance saved him. V
Occasionally Meehan came up from his
crouch and his' gloved fortress for a
breath of air, but was soon sent back to
his retreat He would make two or three
84-foot swings with both hands, only to
miss or wrap 'em around the Boy'a neck
before a volley of . blows reeled him
against the ropes. Once in awhile Mee
han planted a swing on McCormlck's
tide, but it was more often his wrist
than his gloves that landed. His one
two punch, with the left was totally ineffective-
after McCormick had timed
mmmmmamm'mB' -skMWMsra
and measured it in the second fight. An
educated elbow stopped It when it was
directed against the body, and a tantal
izing right glove halted it when it was
aimed, for the head.
A description of the ffght would be
monotonous. . Every round was McCor
mick'a by an overwhelming margin. His
work on Meehan resembled that of ah
eagle pecking, a wounded animal to
death. It demonstrated that Meehan
isn't human in the way of punishment,
and brought home the reason why Jack
Dempsey didn't and couldn't put him In
cold storage. .
In spite of all of this praise, the fight
was far from satisfactory. Meehan was
no match for the lighter and clasajer Mc
Cormick at any stage, and the one fea
ture of the fight worth remembering was
Mccormick's Individual and masterly
work. He exhibited all the caliber of a
world champion, both in spirit and work
manship. He saved the boxing game for
the . Milwaukie commission when he
agreed to go on fighting after he had
been awarded the laurels. .
The fight was really and officially
over when Louttit raised McCormick's
hand because of the foul by Meehan.
Louttit was the official selected by the
commission, and his word was the last
say In boxing law so far as that fight
was concerned. The fight while Kendall
was refereelng was merely a gift to the
crowd. All wagers could have been col
lected when Louttit left the ring. Inci
dentally. Louttit left the Milwaukie ring
for good, for he didn't like the action of
the commission in continuing the fight
after he had decided it.
Billy Masco tt earned a decision from
Ray Rose In the seml-wlndup, outclass
ing the Denver boy by a wide margin.
Roy Sutherland and George Eagles
boxed a fast and exciting draw, Joe
Miller handed Battling Purdy a nice
beating. Young Dempsey added to his
list of knockouts by putting Jimmle Wil
lis to sleep In three rounds.
A capacity house saw the card.
Sam Langford to Box
Herman Next Week
Matchmaker 'Bobby Evans of the
Portland boxing commission has ar
ranged the following card to be held
December 2 :
Sam Langford vs. 'Tiny" Herman, 10
AI Orunan vs. Young Sam Langford,
eight rounds.
Pusry Morton vs. Harold Jones, six
Young Jack Dempsey vs. Johnny Bos
covlch, six rounds.
; Ted Hoke vs. Joe Dunn, four rounds.
Langford arrived In Portland Thurs
day and will start training immediately.
Journal Bowlers Win Again
The Journal press room bowling team
triumphed over the Oregonlan pin
smashers again Wednesday night in a
three-game series. 2310 to 2190. The
Journal "scrubs" lost their match to the
Oregonlan "scrubs" 2037 td 1999.
Will Battle
At Pasadena
COLUMBUS. Ohio. Nov. 25 U.. P.)
A formal Invitation td have' the Ohio
State university eleven, champions of the
Western conference, represent the East
In the annual East-West gridiron classic
at the Pasadena Tournament of Rosea
on New Year's day was received late
yesterday by Dr. W. O. Thompson, presi
dent of the university.
The invitation, sent by telegraph, came
from W. L. Leishman, president of the
Tournament of Rosea association. Leish
man, in his telegram announcing the de
cision of the association, said :
"Ohio State has one of the best foot
ball teams in the country."
Approval of the invitation has been
given by both the faculty and athletl
board at Ohio State. It remains now to
obtain the Western conference officials,
which, it is believed here, is largely a
matter of form.
Professor Thomas E. French, Ohio
State's faculty representative on the
Western conference board, left last night
fotChicago to confer with representa
tives of the other conference univer
sities. It is expected that the decision will be
known before the scheduled meeting of
the conference board on December 4.
Practically all the members of the team
are at their homes over Thanksgiving
day. Dr. John Wllce. coach, said today
that he would start practice of the team
December 4.
Tentative date for the departure of the
team for the coast is set as December 17.
California. Choice Over U. S. C.
Pasadena, Cal, Nov. 25. (XT. P.) Al
though California so far is conceded to
be the premier football team of the Pa
cific coast, definite announcement of the
team to battle against Ohio State In be
half of the West in the East-West foot
ball game here New Year's day probably
will not be made until after the Oregon
University of Southern California game
here thie afternoon. ..
If Oregon wins, California will have
the place without dispute.
If U. S. C. should win by a sizeable
score, a play-off between California and
U. S. C. may be arranged, although
Coach Henderson and Graduate Man
ager Bruce of Southern California prac
tically concede California is the better
The selection of Ohio Bute was made
last night and a telegraphic invitation
was dispatched.
Ernie Johnson Signs
. White Sox Contract
Chicago, Nov. 25. 1. N. S.) Chicago
White Sox fans felt more cheerful over
the prospects of Kid Gleason's team tn
the 121 pennant race today when it
was announced that Ernie - Johnson,
star shortstop and manager last year
of the Bait Lake City club of the Pa
cific Coast league, has signed a con
tract. Johnson was purchased by the
Sox at the close of the 1920 season,
and ia expected to be the regular short
stop next year.
Wounds Not "to Affect
Club Star's Flipper
Kenosha, Wis., Nov. 25. (L N." 8.)
The pitching arm which made Jim
Vaughn, star left-hander of 1 the Chi
cago Cubs, one of the crack twlrlers
of the National league will not be af
fected by the knife wounds Inflicted
on Vaughn by his father-in-law, Harry
De Bolt, yesterday. Vaughn is still in
a hospital here, bat physicians said to
day ha would suffer no serious effect
from the "wound.
DeBolt, who fled after the stabbing,
has not been found, "V
Coast Prexy Declares
Cleanup Helped Game
New York. Nov, 26 L N. S.) "When
we threw out the crooks m the Paclflo
coast league we gave baseball the big
gest boost it has ever had on the coast
said William H. McCarthy, president of
the coast league, who is here on a busi
ness visit.
"At the outset we thought that per
haps our investigations and expulsions
would hurt the game, but instead they
worked lust the opposite and our games
drew bigger than ever before," he said.
"I think the same will apply to the
major leagues. I believe they will come
back next year with the biggest patron
age they ever enjoyed but they've got
to show the public that they mean busi
ness and are tn earnest. I believe they
have taken a long step in this direction
by the selection of Judge Landis to act
as one man commission," he concluded.
Baseball Magnate's
Car Kills Woman
Dallas. Texas, Nov. 25. (I. N. S.)
Police today were Investigating the
death of an unidentified woman beneath
the wheels of an automobile driven by
Jesse Hassell, president of the Dallas
Baseball club. Hassell faces a charge
of criminal negligence in causing the
woman's death.
Kelso Plans Hoop Practice
Kelso. Wash., - Nov. 26. The Kelso
high school boys will commence bas
ketball practice immediately after the
Thanksgiving holidays. Superintendent
Lee F. Jones will coach the team, and
the high school should have a strong
aggregation, aa a number of stars from
last year's team are in school.
Madras, Or., Nor. 25. Madras high
and Bend high played a ? to 7 tie game
here Saturday.
New Attack
Planned for
V. Seattle. Nov. 25. Odds on the east
ern team took a sudden drop here yes
terday due to several changes in the
Washington situation and the classic
game between the University of Wash
ington and- Dartmouth college to be
played ht the stadium Saturday, prom
ises to be a fairly accurate test of the
strength of football teams from the two
Washington' stock has taken a hope
ful hue due to the assurance that every
Sun Dodger ,wlll be in the game In nor
mal physical condition. "Crum" Daily
and Bob Ingram, who were out with
injuries, will play. Coach Leonard Alli
son has perfected three new offense
plays that are working havoc with the
"aupervarsUy" and scrub teams,
tr. or W. HAS VETS
.Washington's line will be heavier by
several pounds per man and it will de
pend on the lineup to be announced to
morrow whether the Green and White
backs will hold the long advantage in
weight that the Atlantic ' coast press
Experience Is a strong factor In the
football world and here Allison's men
hold a clear advantage. Three men,
"Creni" DaUy, Bob Abel and Ted Faulk,
captain, have played three years for
Washington : "Zeke" Clark. Larry Smith,
Gus Pope, Ray Eckman and Rae But
ler are the five two-year veterans, and
Jimmle Bryan, Bob Ingram and Elbert
Harper' played last year. There are
eight substitute, with one year varsity
experience and three with two letters
Six two-year men are on the Hanover
team, including Captain. Robertson,
Shelbourne, Cunningham, Jordan, Son
nenberg and Merrltt The other five are
one-year men, Foster, Aschenback, Neid
linger. Burke and Lynch.
The Dartmouth 'aggregation, made up
of. 21 men Including the coaches, arrived
in Seattle last night after a five days'
trip , across the continent Washing
ton's players carried the first football
to the new stadium field this morning
and the Mountaineers limbered up after
1 Lessons In tactics and strategy
have taken up most of the time with
the Seattle squad this week and the use
of nearly a dozen trick plays and new
formations have monopolised the time
on the field. The Sun Dodgers' backs
have completely bewildered the scrubs
with Allison's new tactics and critics
believe they will be effective against
Dartmouth, i.
The officials for the big game will be :
George Varnell, Transvsnls, referee ;
E Plowden Stott. Stanford, . umpire ;
Harry Dadmun, Worcester Tech, field
Judge, and Tracy Strong, Oberlln, bead
linesman, ,
Robert MoCracken waa elected tempo
rary president of the Portland Basket
ball league at the meeting Monday
night and the ather officers named
were : Herman Turpie, vice president !
Ray Brooks, secretary ; A. T. Klrkwood,
treasurer. It was decided to open the
1920-21 season on December S and all
games will be played In the T. M. C. A.
and high school gymnasiums. No ad
mission will be charged to witness the
dishes. If there are teams or players,
who wish to get lineup with the organi
sation they are, requested to ret In
touch with Secretary Brook at Tabor
4M6. '
Oregon City, Nov. 25. Ths American
Legion eleven . of Oregon City waa
handed a 7 to defeat at the handa of
Frederick McKeown' Multnomah Guard
quad of Portland here Sunday. Bill
Beck, the all-star player of the Lincoln
high, waa .the big star for the visitors
and It was through his efforts that the
touchdown waa eounted. The player
failed to bring their "water wings" with
them and at times they almost suffered
thereby. The playing field was a "young"
lake. The Chemawa Indians will meet
the ex-service men here Thanksgiving
day, . :,
The race for the 1920-21 championship
of the water polo house league of the
Multnomah Amateur Athletio club is
getting more - exciting -and Monday
night Ted Alonen's Sinkers trimmed the
Dolphins 4 to 3 In the "Winged II" tank
under the direction of Referee Jack
Cody. Alonen made three goals and
Humphrey made the other, while Phil
Patterson . made two markers for the
Dolphins with Stryker annexing the
third. '
Manager Henry "Peanut" Pander'
Duniway park football team defeated
the Highland eleven to 0 on the Jef
ferson high school grounds, 8unday.
Any 116-pound squad wanting a game Is
requested to call the manager at Mar
shall 1559 after o'clock each evening.
Fossil. Or., Nov. 25. Ted Thy, wres
tling instructor of the Multnomah Ama
teur Athletio ' club, ha been signed to
meet Masanta Singh, Hindu champion,
here Thursday afternoon. The Portland
man 'Claims the middleweight 'champion
Ship of the world.
Louis Harder' team won from Bob
Morton's athletes 29 to 11," while Clarence
Twining captained his quintet to a 11 to
13 win over Gus Clerln in the two game
of th' house league of the Multnomah
Amateur Athletic club Sunday morning.
The High School of Commerce football
team will go to Olympla, Wash., to meet
the high schoolers of that place Thanks
giving . day. Coach Herman Cook has
not decided on the players to make the
Journey. v
Jackson Park football team play
Kenllworth Juniors on the Reed college
ground next Sunday afternoon, starting
at 1 o'clock. "
Boxing Game
Is Humming
In New York
By Wettbrook Pegler
Cakvl News Staff Oomspoodcet.
TEW.YOroC Nov. 25? New York I in
for the busiest round of battles dur
ing the next tew day that the old town
has seen since th "bhoys" used to argue
home rule and similar question with
bare knucks and hurled dub down on
the East river docks.
Benny Leonard defend hi title seri
ously for the first time In New York.
-Prior to this he has met any number of
challengers In . no-decleton thing and
usually cam out with hi hair still In
it original "do." But Friday night he
accepts battle with a lough man, Joe
Welling of Chicago, tn a lt-round deci
sion .fight at Madison Souar Garden.
Welling ia given an outId chance no
better, to win, and no better than an
even chance to stay th limit. . However,
of all the challenger, he la the only one
who didn't demand the good will, stock
and fixture of the ub-traury for
fighting th lightweight champion.
The fighters are to weigh 111 pound
at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon, which is
heavy enough to permit Leonard to com
into the ring at 100 proof. There wa
some doubt not long ago that the cham
pion could make this figure and be
strong enough to beat an egg, but he ha
been Jumping on th scales in public the
last few days and weighing within a
couple of pounds of th lightweight
-The advance sale indicate that this
fight will draw a 180.000 house or better.
Tex Rlckard, the promoter, will present
a diamond-studded chatnDionshln belt to
the winner,, which must be defended twice
a year against opponent selected by
Tex. Once won and twice successfully
defended, the belt becomes th perma
nent property of the holder. -J
Panama Jo dans, th eabl assassin,
champion negro middleweight, who now
holds the belt of that race and division,
will defend It against George Christian
In a 10-round decision fight In front of
the Leonard-Wellington go. .
Thanksgiving day will be a raussy oc
casion in several rings her and here
about. Charlie Beecher and Earl Pur
year will go on a 15-round fight at the
Commonwealth Sporting club and Oeorgi
Robinson, who used to have the title now
held by .Panama Jo Cans, will battl
one Nero Chink, a gent of color, cboler
and crushing clout. This . is for 10
rounds. ..
Sammy Seiger, an ambitious feather
weight, get led Into a dangtrou situa
tion at the Pioneer Sporting club on
Thanksgiving evening when his second
sick him onto Tommy Noble, the English
feather. Nfble ha beaten Johnny Mur
ray, Bobble Mitchell and Artie Root re
cently and made a name for himself with
the Garden crowd In the Murray fight.
There will be battle at Newark and
Elisabeth. N. jl too.' on Thanksgiving.
although nothing very, swell, th star
bout bringing together Shamu tynrien
and Benny Cohen, lightweights, at New
ark, and Mickey Walker and Jimmy Sul
livan, lightweight, at Elisabeth. Those
both go for 12 round.
And after all this has had a chance to
subside, along comes th sweetest melee
of all, the 15-round battle between Joe
Lynch and Jack Bharkey. on December
2. New York fight bugs will never for
get th battle they put up in their last
meeting. .
r Seeks to
Sign Wares to Lead
Rainier Team Again
" ; " . .- 'i...'' n i,r i . , r V ;
Hanford. Cat. Nov. 25. tU, P.) Fr-'-ident
Klepper of th Seattle baseball-club
of th Padfld Coast league spent sev
eral hours is Hanford conferring wit
Clyde Ware, who waa the Slwaah team
manager , last season. With Manager
Steve Roe and S. Et Rallsback of th
Hanford baseball club, th Seattle rep
resentative visited the athletic grounds
where the Biwaahes spent several week
In training last spring. Improvement
to th ground were discussed and It
said Jto be probable that Seattle will
again train In Hanford., ,
Negotiation hav been reopened for
engaging Ware for another season. It
waa - learned. . but . neither party would
talk for publication. It la surmised that
a contract has been submitted to th
manager for another year's service with
the Seattle ball tossers.
Whitman Favored
To Beat Willamette
Willamette University, Salem. Or,
Nov.' 25. The Willamette "Bearcats"
are in fine trim to meet the Whitman
"Missionaries" in the Thanksgiving foot
bs" c'ntc. -
A very tight game ia expected, al
thwagii ui vMtitwrs hav probably th
advantage of experience, Th team did
not arrive until this morning which de
prived them of a preliminary workout
on the local field
Both team are In fin condition, each
having . enjoyed a rest period and both
teams are rated a especially strong rep
resentatives of the schools. Th ad
vantage of weight ia with the visiters
line, approximately 15 pound per man
favoring them, although th backflald
weights are even.
The official will be referee, "Chuck"
Reynolds; umpire, Dean Walker, and
head linesman, BUI Holden.
Btaj Revenue .From Boxing;
Nw York, Nov. 25. U. P.) Boxing
la 1121 will net th state close to 1150,
000 in revenue, according to an estiraste
by the boxing commission, baaed on re
ceipt since September 27, when - the
Walker bill became f fectlv. - Sine
that time $45,217.62 baa been turned
over to the state tn taxes and fees,
while th expenditure were 111,44 4.S6,
according to th report.