THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, - PORTLAND, OREGON. 11 TOWN TOPICS Trarclen to all point of the United Bute or .aHroad aiimild take idnttttit of xprtaic6 in formation and aerric. offarml throufb Tlx Ore gon Journal Information md Travel Bureau in Itmona.1 charge of Uonef B. Bmith. . Railroad tv-keta and steamship bookings arranged. For eign ctchang iaauad. Information given regard lug pawpoita, i COMING EVENTS Flrnt Annual Oregon HtaU Com Show, Port land. November 11 to February 27, 1921.' Oregon State Horticulture! aocietjr, annual fneeting, Eugene, iMcember 2, 8 and 4. Oregon and South Idaho Educational onion. Oregon 8taU Hotel Men, Eugene, December 3-4. Wentera Winter ihoir Oregon Poultry and Pet Stork aaaociation. The Auditorium, Port land, December 13 to 18. Butt Teacher,' association, Portland, Decem ber. T. P. A. itaU aaaocia Hon, Portland,, Decam- Retail Hardwire and Implement dealers, Port land. Januarr 25 to 28. Oregon Betail Merchant," aaaociation. alanb field. Kebrnary, Pacific Coaat Society of Ortbodoniata, Febru ary IS to 18. Brotherhood of American Yeomen, stats con clara, Eugene, April, 1921. A. O. U. W.. grand lodge. April, third Toes day. ' , L" . . ... k -4 . May 22 to 23. Milium Order of tha Loyal Legion, Portland, May 10. Enithu of Columbus, aUta council, Portland, May a (J. State DenUI aociety, 1921;, WEATHER FORECASTS - Portland and Vicinity Toonifut and Fri i'ej rain, aoutliweaterly wind. Orrroii Tonight and Friday rain west, cloudy oa t (ortion, mixierato- aoutliwertorly winds Hi hington Tonight and Jf"riday rain, mod ems aoutLwnterly wind. OBSEBVATIQX8 STATION'S Abilene Kan ('.alter. Or. Ilarkrrrille, Cal Wlllnga. Mont- r.oiw, Idaho ., llo Van, Maw . Ituffalo, X. T -. I'algary. Albert . . . , . Chicago, . 111. ! Ioner, t'nlo.' ....... Ie Moinea, Iowa Hitch Harbor, A lak , Kasln, Alaoka - 1 rtraontun. Alberta . . J.uroka. CaL ;nlre inn. Texaa ...: Havre. HonU ....... Helena. M mt Honolulu, T. IL Huron, NV l. Juntau. Ala-ka ...... Kali -pelf, Mont. .... . Kamloop. B. ...,, Kon a Citr. Mo. . . . . KnoniUe. Tenn. .. , . , I in Angolex, Cal. .., 'Mar htleld. Or. . . . lltfdford. Or. Mrmi'lin, Tenn. ..... Miwoula, Mont. .... Modena. Mont . New Orleans. fca New York. N. Y, . , Nome. AU ka North Head. Wa-h. .. North PlkUe. Neb. . . , fiklahoma City, Oala. 1'hornix. j Aria. ...... I'ittrburg, Pa. ...... PocatHlo. Idaho . . . . , Prinro Albert, B. C. Prince Rupert. B. C. Red Bluff, Cal. . . . ' Roeburg, Or. ..... lioawell, B. C Sacramento, Cal. ... Nr. U.ui, Mo. Ht. Paul, Minn. .. . Salt 1-ake City. CUh Nan Itiego, Cal. .... Nan' Kraiioic(, Cal. . Seattle,. Wash Shrridan. . Wyo. . . Sitka. Ala ka . . Spokane, Wash. Nwift Curr-nt.l Tcoma, Wa.ll. Timiu Pin , Tnnana. AlaHra latoaah I-lan1, Tnimnah V. Triangle I-land,' B. C Valdea, Ala'ka ... Vancourer B. C- .. Victoria. B. C Walla Walla. Wah. Wa hington. D. C. . ' WillWon, Mont. . . . Winnrmncca. Man... Winnipeg, Man. .. , ' Yakima. WaMi. . . . Bak. B. O. TEMP. B - j o s -n s3 11 ' t" si h n 62 3 0 4 0 32 28 .10 50 1' 0 44 32 0 3H 44 .04 an 30 .24 2 1 0 42 84 0 50 30 SH 32 0 82 .. 0 -IB .. O 3li 18 0 BH 60 O 60 42 0 64 A4 O 48 22 0 4 28 0 80 .. .0 ! 32 20 0 j SH , . .04 42 30 0 48 40 0 40 82 0 84 38 0 82 82 0 54 48 .10 48 . . 0 60 36 0 46 24 0 48 24 0 74 50 0 46 32 0 - 8 . . 0 B0 48 .28 52 24 0 50 38 0 72 44 0 42 40 .12 ! 46 2S O " 30 20 0 I 44 8H .78 , 60 H8 o : , 52 44 0 , 68 80 0 ,66 42 0 , 48 36 0 . 34 30 O . 44 34 O , 0 64 0 . 80 52 0 , 48 44 .12 . 46 22 " .48 0 .40 86 O 46 1H 0 . 48 44 .04 70 48 - 4 . . 0 48 46 1.26 44 32 46 38 .68 18 . . 0 44 43 1.22 44 .32 40 36 O 52 44 0 34 20 0 . 40 22 O .28 14 0 .44 30 0 payment in the sum of $168.70 for time lost, because of an accident while em ployed in the street cleaninsr depart ment Potten's claim was introduced by Commissioner Blgelow DeCicco's claim was presented by Commissioner Bigelow. supported by City Physician . Fred : J. SJeigler and Dr. Frank S. Poet, : j Teachers Tensre taw A debate on: the tenure law for teachers is the sub ject announced for the fneeting of the Oregon Civic league to be held Saturday In the Benson hotel. W. A., Dickson, a school principal, will speak on behalf of the amended proposition - advocated by School Director . Shull . and John C. Veatch will advocate sustaining the present law. After the debate the ques tion will b thrown open for discussion, j An additional feature will be an ad dress by Mrs. Saidie Orr Dunbar, on "The Public Health Program of the Ore-J gon Tuberculosis Association." Protest Is Referred A communication from the Housewives' council opposing the increased rates applied for by the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company and the Portland Gas & Coke company w as read before the city council Wednes day. The communication was jeterrerl to the city attorney for consideration. A copy of the telephone company's petition recently filed with the state public serv ice commission was also referred -to the city attorney and department of public works. ' j Drive Starts March 7 The Portland community chest will inaugurate its first annual drive for funds, March 7, to con tinue over three days. The city council has fixed the date of the drive on the pe tition of Milton R. Klepper, executive secretary of the organization formed to center all drives in one in order to elim inate the frequently occurring cam paigns for philanthropic contributions , in the city. Illinois Man 8pea-rP. O. Riley, an Illinois superintendent of public schools, and past president of the Kankakee Rotary club, was the guest of Inter national Rotary club at the luncheon of the club at the Benson. Tuesday. Riley Is a well known and popular, speaker. He and Mrs. Riley have apartments at the Nortonia, where they will spend the winter. Ron Down by Ah to Frank Lauck, 35, 91 Morris street, was perhaps seriously injured when run down on the Broad way bridge Wednesday evening by an automobile driven by R. T. Copley, 984 Knott street. He stepped off the side walk in front of the car just at the turn, according to the report made to police. He was taken to St. Vincents hospital. Shepard's Aato Bag I.inea Portland Hood River division: Leave Portland 9 :30 a. m., 10 :30 a. m., it :45 p. m. Arr rive Hood River. 12:30 p. m., 2 p. m 6 p. m. Busses leave St Charles hotel. Front and Morrison. ' Phone Marshall 4381. Adv. Specializing Drs. Hartley, Kiesendahl and Marshall specialize In performing dental operations painlessly and harm lessly by their nerve-blocking method. They also give special attention to artis tic artificial teeth. 307 Journal bujld-i ihg. Adv. , Cob Bear Captured A bear cub about four months old has been captured in the vicinity of Kelly Butte by Joseph Klrkley, who lives at Powell Valley road and One Hundredth street. The cub is now on exhibition at Kirkley's home. Salem-MIU City Stage I.lno Connects O. E. train Is'o. 5 Salem, arrive Mill City 1 p. m. Also connects O. E. train No. S Salem, arrive Mill City 7 p. m. Joseph Hamman, proprietor, Salem. Phone 44. Adv. , Creston Community Danre Crest on Parent-Teacher association will give a community dance to grown-ups Satur day night, November 27. Good music will be provided. Portland-Newberg Bosses leave Fourth and Alder dally, 8:30, 9:30, 11 a. m.. and 1, 2:30, 4:15, 5:30. 6:30 p. m. ; Saturday and Sunday. 11 p. m. Phone Main 3314. Adv. AV1II Honor Benson In recognition of the long service of Simon Benson as a member of the state highway commis sion the board of directors of the. Cham ber of Commerce at .its lesular meeting Wednesday decided that some honor should be shown him. The matter was referred to the presidents' council for recommendation.. Benson resigned ' from the state body a few days ago.. Claim Timed Down The claim for $275 , damages filed by the Ausplund Drug company for damages to a show window by an automobile tVuck while hauUng -snow for the city last winter has oeen denied by the city council. The council holds that ' the owner of - the truck was responsible for the accident carries liability Insurance and Is the proper one to adjust the matter. . Speaking - Clasa Meets The public speaking class of the Oregon Institute ; of Technology of the T. M. C. A. held a ! banquet at the Benson hotel Tuesday . night Speeches were given under the ! direction of W. O. - Harrington, toast master. The program included a solo i by Paul Grandie and a reading by Mrs. Arnold Cohen. - " - Steamer Iralda for St Helens and Rainier, daily at 2 :30 p. m., foot of Alder street Sundays, St. Helena only. 1:30 p. m. Adv. ' Fire In Tailor Shop An overheated electric iron started a blaze in the tailor shop of Warner Peterson at 313 Wash ington street at 4 :30 this morning. Dam ages were estimated at about $40. . , Reckless Driving ' Charged A war rant charging reckless driving, was is sued Wednesday for Roy Smith as the result of a collision between his ' ma chine' and an automobile driven- by J. K. Deegan,. 12 East Thirty-ninth street, at Twenty-seventh and - East Belmont Wednesday, Smith suffered a few minor cuts and bruises which were treat ed In the emergency hospital. He went home, later. . , ' Grates to Dlsens Taxes The history of taxation In Portland will be dis cussed at a meeting of the Portland City club in the crystal room of the Benson hotel Friday noon by Slgel Grutxe, chief deputy city auditor. Grutze has been In close touch with local taxation problems for the past 20 years. Total valuation of taxable property in Multnomah coun ty, according to. the 1919 assessment was $336,619,600. compared with a valuation of $39,595,525 in 1890, when Grutxe en tered the employ of the city. Valuation of property in the city Is $312,671,785, and the tax levy for 1920 Is 36.8 mills, in tended to raise a total of $11,506,321.68. Patients of Dr. Hari Can! will be taken care of at room 6. Lafayette bldg., 113 Wash, st Main 3928. Adv. Dr. Edith L Phillip, correct glasses, 450-451 mttock blk. Biwr. 1305. Adv. Oski Skating Rink special band mu sic 'Thanksgiving eve. Adv. , - ' Doll Hospital, 464 Washington street Broadway 4462. Adv. an! Mrs, D. F. Clarke, Portland; Miss Frances Brown. Mrs. Jabe Conley and Mrs. L. H. Russell, LaGrande. , Hot Lake Arrivals Hot Lake. Nov. 25. Arrivals at- Hot Lake san-Uorium Monday were : Mollie Durgan. Baker ; Mrs. James Briggs, North Powder ; R. C. Berry, Joseph ; Mr. Soft Drink Vendor Fined Milin Stankovich, soft drink vendor, was found guilty by a jury Wednesday evening In Federal Judge Wolverton's court of 'violating the national prohibition- law by selling fermented grape Juice which contained 6.2 per cent alco hol. He will be sentenced Friday after noon. In ' addition .to any- penalty the court may impose the revenge office claims Stankovich owes them $2043.30 In special taxes. NU-BAY-A TEA .FREE One Thousand OnfeHalf Pen ad Pack ages to Be Given Away by The Joarnal Tomorrow. One thousand -pound packages of the well-known Nu-Ray-A tea. blended by Closset & Devers of Portland will be given free to Sunday Journal "Dime- a-i.ine" want aavertisers tomorrow. Bach person who comes to The Journal or any of The Journal ."Dinse-a-Lrne" want ad service stations' and inserts a want ad for the big Sunday Journal and pays for it at time of insertion will get a package of this delicious tea for a present The size of your adver tisement doesn't matter, so long as it is brought in tomorrow and runs Sun day, November 28, and is paid for at time 5 of insertion. Don't miss this. Comet early tomorrow morning. Adv. S..A H. Green Stamps for cash. Hol man Fuel Co.. Main 353. 560-21. Adv. Sf 1SL?t:T4 - VON HERBEPG I II I t .... an 1 1 1 t. 4-Kbm-t- 3m I . II II ps&aittaaar II II y A HERE'S THE IDEAL TURKEY DAY TREAT, A J 4 ll AND ONE WHICH HALF OF PORTLAND ( IS ALREADY TALKING ABOUT. J f-, . e V s 'I " The Incomparable Star NORMA TALMADGE ' (iUMW "THE BRANDED WOMAN' - I . YA?ji JS ; XI A V'f,?' 'V r S" And the Greatest Horse Race VL ,7 ' I . tver Kun f VV- "THE RACE OF THE AGE" . Jil Wii kV KeatesandOur IDAH LIDYARD j SpJ 3 "V V$tk& Mighty Organ Soprano Paeth Qnlts Forestry W. J. Paeth. forest examiner, who for a year has been connected with the Oregon national forest, and whose booklet on the Mount Hood region' has just been published, tendered his resignation-to the for est service It is understood that Paeth Intends to return to his old home in "Illinois. He was recently ordered transferred to the Colville national for est In Eastern-' Washington. Paeth Is now with a party on the old Barlow road laying out public camp grounds and summer homesites. No date was specified in hlq resignation. Bnreaa Heads Organize Heads of the various brands 'of the United States de partment of agriculture in Portland met at the forest service Tuesday afternoon and effected an organization to discuss mutual problems and exchange Ideas. Ilstrict Forester George Cecil was ap pointed chairman of the organisation. Luncheons will be held the first Wednes day of each month at a place .yet un decided. Among the bureaus represented are the forest service. Bureau of public roads, and biological Burvey. Shepherd's An to Ivus !, Fortland SL Helens division Leave Portland, 7 :30 a. m.. 10 a. m., 1:30 p. m., 4 p. m. : ar rive St Helens, 9 a. m., 11 :30 a. m.. 3 p. 5 :30 p. m. Leave St Helens. 7:30 a. m.. 10 a. m., 1:30 p. m.. 6:30 p. m.: arrive Portland. . 9 a. m.. 11:30 a. m.. 8 p. m.. 7 p. m. Saturday and Sunday, leave St Helens 6 p. m. : leave Portland 11:15 L m. Busses leave St. Charles hotel. Front and Morrison. Phone Marshall 4381. Aav. Illley Will Be Speaker Frank Branch Kitey will be the principal speaker and Mayor Baker chairman, of the day at a meeting of the Portland Realty board in the grill room of the Portland hotel Friday noon. Riley is scheduled to west to the East" during a series of lr-clurca recently delivered at Chicago, New York, Washington, and other east ern cities. : Amusement features on the program will be furnished by the Title & Trust trio. - Shepbard's Asto Bet Lines Portland Multnomah Falls division Leave Port , land, 9:30 a. m.. 10:30 a. m 4 p. m.; arrive Multnomah, 11:15 a. m.. 12:15 p. m.. S :45 p. m. Leave Multnomah. 7 :45 a. m.. 1 p. m., 4:15 p. m. ; arrive Port land. 9 :30 a. m.; 2 :45 p m., 6 p. m. Sat- - urday and Sunday, leave Multnomah, 6 p m. ; leave Portland. 11:15 p.' m. Buses leave St Charles hotel. Front and Morrison. Phone Marshall 4381. Adv. Coming to Town Tonight! Tou can leave your '"Dime a Line" Journal want ad for tomorrow's Journal at The Jour nal want ad service, station In the Owl lrug Co.'s store - at Broadway and Washington street. Open each evening, except Sunday, until 10 o'clock. Adv. Snephard's Aato Bns Lines Portland. . Astoria and Seaside division Leave Portland 10 aw m.. 1 :30 p. m. arrive Astoria 4 Pl 7 p. m. Leave Astoria. 10 a. m., 1:30 p. m.; arrive Portland, 4 a m.. 7 p m. Busses leave St Charles hotel. Front - and Morrison. Telephone Marshall 4381. Adv. Pyorrhea fsderstood, X-ray and nerve hlocklng make sure, safe and econom 1 ical treatments possible. Drs. Smith, Ioner & Stevenson, 310 Bush 4 Lane building. Adv. t. ' - . Claims Are Allowed The city council authorised the payment of $W0 to J.ake Potten for time lost from work lue to an accident while working for the - c'ty. Louis DeCicco was also allowed Reduce the High Cost of Living By Purchasing at Woodard, Clarke & Co. GREEN TRADING STAMPS 20 Extra Stamps Friday & Saturday With This Coupon- Present This Coupon Friday or Saturday ?ioTember 26 or 27 20 Extra 20 "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps with first 1 of yotrr purchase and DOUBLE Stamps with, the balance. REDUCED Hot Water Bottles Fountain Syringes 3.50 2-qt. Hot Water Bottle.. $1.75 4.00 3-qt. Hot Water Bottle. .$2.00 3.00 2-qt. Hot Water Bottle. .$1.50 4.00 3-qt. Fountain Syringe. .$2.00 3.50 2-qt. Fountain Syringe.. $1.75 2.00 2-qt. Fountain Syringe.. $1.00 V'tumi!!ninniimHinttiwRaian-inimron:nmraiaiMimiHmnunnmtimim j Engraved Greeting Cards In good taste and refinement our cards are unsur- passed. All we ask is that you place your orders at once in order to facilitate early delivery. Hurd s Finest Stationery That is always in demand and ever-acceptable gift. Prices to fit every f urse. , j Dainty tints and shapes. 75c to $15 L - ,- FOR THE MAN WHO SHAVES Shaving Mirrors, Stands, Outfits, RazorSjBrushes, Strops, wall ai tripli cate Mirrors. Shaving Stands $6 to $22.50 Perfume Department FACE POWDERS Ambre Royal $2.50 Azurea $1.50 Coty. Small $2.25 Coty, Large -00 Houbigant Ideal $5.00 Quelques Fleurs . $6.25 Java Powder -39c Djer Kiss .'S2c Pozzoni's .' 57c La Blach 49c Candy Specials - Fancy Coated Almonds, pound. . . .79e Fine Candied Figs.'pound. 49c Kisses very choice -pound. . . . . .39c Peanut Brittle, pound.... 21c Salted Peanuts, pound. ...... ... .17c I Stationery Reduced One Half g Slightly soiled boxes of our finest merchandise, g Imported and Domestic, Paoetriec HALF PRICE. I Grand Fountain Pen Display Waterman's Ideal. I 1 ' - Moore's Non-Leakable. 1 " Sheaffer!s Self-FilHng. Conklin's Crescent Filler. Our stock is the most complete in the Northwest anJ j 1 our peto expert is the most courteous. s I Fountain Ren Repair Department ! l Repairs made while you wait by our experienced and I 1 obliging Fountain Pen expert See him for your Foun- tain Pen ailments. j I Free Ink for Your Pen j uu.inimiiffiainiiiwiioaniniinii.wBDicuiiim CUT PRICE ON DOLLS N I KK-MARR, Toilet Articles Velvet Cream 50c and $1.00 Velvet Balm 50c and $1.00 French Dressing ... .50c and $1.00 Gray Hair Restorer $1.25 Hair Tonic $1.25 Rouge 25c and 50c Neo-Plastique $2.50 We 'have placed on sale our entire -stock of 1 i A fC American-made Dolls now at J-T vyll The Famous Ambergs Walking Dolls, fine se lections now on sale at .......... 1-2 Off Electric Warming Pad Priced $4.75 to $15 A Necessity in Illness. A Comfort in Health. Light in weight aut omatically regulated and re tained at any de sired heat KRANK'S DEMONSTRATION Lemon Cream, Tonic Bleach and Cleansing. $1.00 Lemon Shampoo $1.00 Pink Blush Massage Cream 50c Lather Cream, tube 30c; jars 50c-69c COLD CREAM Mt. Hood Cold Cream . . .25c, 50c, 75c Uardas .50c and 75e CLA-WOOD Theatrical . . .50e and 75c Miolena Cucumber Cream ....... 50c Colgate's .' 40c and 65c Daggett & Ramsdell 50c Melba .50c Jap Rose .......25c Hinds' ......50c LADIES' FINE PURSES LADIES' HAND BAGS Off 35.00 Traveling Bag, "L1KLY," Genuine Cow- gO? pTf hide; leather -lined. Now. . D.40aUU 28.00 "L1KLY," Genuine Cowhide Bag, leather (JJOI JT( lined. Special at . .a JJX.UU - HYDROMETERS For frery Purpono Sugar, Oil, Bark, Gasoline Batteries and Spirits Hydrometers. Complete stock. 'ALDER SIKLKTAT WEST PARK. v ZIP for SOOT Now is the time to remove the soot from your chimney. ZIP will do it. No trouble. 25c Per Package - Tit Lowest Prices Guaranteed With Every Chan of Market Principal Portland Afenta Butterick Patterns All the New Styles Are Here ia AU Sixes "The St x re That Undersells Because It Sells for Cash" Econemy arid Quality Combined for Bir Business- and Better Values ATI Mail Orders Promptly and Cere, fully Filled Ssme Dsy as Received Parcels Post Pkfs. Prepaid , Fevy Women Can Well Afford to Miss These Economy Offerings That Have Been Especially Arranged for Our 1046th Bargain Friday Sale 25 More Shopping Days Before Christmas Do It Now There is always a reason for a good sale, and there is a good reason for this sale.' The reason with us is that we are going to dispose of all broken assortments and odd lots ; also to place before bur patrons several special purchases of seasonable goods which we were fortunate enough to secure below real worth. Again we are, going to set the pace for high qualities at the very, lowest prices. The following offerings have been 'repriced for Friday's sale: - -. ; s - A Small De osit will hold your pur chase for fu ture delivery if you so de sire - Shop I Early. term v Great Pre-Holiday Showing and Sale .LACES AND RIBBONS A viair Ia ur Pane CaaAm SatctiaM FrUUv will atiacloae minT eat arr5 o'-the-ordinary end timely offerings especially arranged to assist you in securing dainty and desirable Ribbons and Laces especially adapted for holiday sewing. The following .items ere of special Interest be. a. ... a , . t. m cause prices are rar oeiow reguiart Widths to 6 Inches in Dainty LACES at 19c Yard Choice from hundreds of new and pretty pat terns in Imitation Crochet. Cluny, Filet, Normandie, etc.. ZVz to 6-inch widths especially adapted for Camisoles, Boudoir Caps. Scarfs, Squares, Pillow ' Tops and many other attractive gifts. Purchase at Friday's Sale. Pay only 19c yard. . Widths to 7 Inches in Handsome , RIBBONS at 79c Yard A great showing and sale of handsome Ribbons in popular wide widths from 5 to 7 Inches, both light and dark color in rj in Jacquard, Ware, Prints, Satins. Moires, Taffetas. the kind in great demand for bows,, sashes, camisoles, etc. Purchase at Fri day's Sale. Pay only 79c yard. -! FTnlf PrirP FOR 13lJL LACE AN0 RIBBON REMNANTS, whUe any remain Friday Choice Liail 1 1 1L.C vithout reserve from our entire stock of Lace and Ribbon Remnants at V PRICEl Box of Three Handkerchiefs IK 59c'Box Three sheer Lawn Handkerchiefs daintily em broidered in corner in colors -and gray designs. They come in a pretty holiday box and are priced for Friday's Sale at 9c BOX. Box of Three Handkerchiefs 98c Box Women's initial Handkerchiefs in 'either white or colored embroidered initial- also -prettily em broidered in white or colored designs. Sheer white or colored Lawn Handkerchiefs at 98c BOX An Extraordinary Underpricing of BOYS' AND GIRLS' UNION SUITS Heavy Seasonable Weight Fleeced Cotton Union Suits in Long Sleeve, Ankle Length, QQyi Sizes 6 to 16 Years at, Suit . . . ... ..... iO C- Parents! Here is the best news in children's underwear announced since before the war. It is an extraordinary underpricing -of chil dren's seasonable weight, heavy fleeced cotton Union Suits in long sleeve ankle length styles. Boys' in sizes "6 to 16 years in grey and Girls' in sizes 6 to 14 years in white. At Friday's Sale You Pay Only 98c a suit. Women's Wool Mixed VESTS and PANTS At 98c Garment A clearance of broken lines Women's Wool Mixed Vests and Pants, seasonable weight gar ments, non-shrinking. Vests with Dutch neck and cap sleeves in sizes, 36, 38 and 42. . Tights and Pants in knee length in sizes 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42. All on sale Friday at 98c. A V Women's Cotton VESTS and PANTS At 79c Garment Another great bargain con sists of broken lines of Women's Cotton Vests and Pants in relia ble makes. Vests plain ribbed or fleece lined in high-neck, long sleeve styles, in sizes 34, 36 and 38. Also fleeced tynts in ankle length in size 26 and in knee length in 34, 36 and 38. All on sale Friday at 79c 75c SILKS! PONGEE SILKS! In Natural Color Good Weighty and Perfect Weave 33 and 34 Inch Widths at, Yard. . . . . . 7.. .. ... . . . . . ..... i . . That Exceedingly Durable Silk So Popular for Shirts, Blouses, Dress, Pajamas, Underwear, Children's Garments, Draperies, Etc Priced in This Sale at the Lowest Figure Quoted for Many Months. ' Quickly taking advantage of the opportunity t0 purchase several lots of these popular Pdngee Silks at an unusual price concession, we now turn the same big saving over to you Ihey are 33 and 34 Inch Real Pongee Silks in natural color, good weight and clear even weave. Attend Friday's Sale Pay Only 75c Yd. I Another Great Half-Price Sale BUNGALOW NETS 32 k to $1.37 Yard White, cream and ecru Bungalow Nets more than 60 full bolts of crisp new goods, including 'all styles from which you have choice at exactly one-half regular selling prices. ', r .Special PreHoliday Sale of SILK ENVELOPE CHEMISE AND KNICKERS ' ' Friday at $2.95 These dainty. Undergarments are now reduced in price to a figure that means a splendid saving for those who take advantage. You have choice from 9 styles in M-thread Crepe de Chine Envelope 1 Chemise 5 styles of Satin, Silk Crepe and Pongee Silk Knickers- all high grade garments 'and all on sale at $2.95. Handsome Fashionable , SUITS FOR WOMEN And Young Ladies In Friday's Sale at $30.00 Broken Lines of This Season' Models Sell- v ing Regularly to Almost Twice This Figure One of the best opportunities of the season to secure a fashionable Suit in Tricotine, Serge, Velour and other popular fabrics. It is a closing out of broken lines regardless of worth or former selling figures. Included are all sizes from 16 to 42. Iri different styles. , Pretty 54 Inch BEAD CHAINS In Friday's U "I " Q Saledt.... fDL.LV A special pre-holiday showing and sale of Col ored Bead Chains especially desirable for gift pur-' poses as well as for personal use. ,They come in 54 inch and you hare choice from many different styles at one , price. Fridsy Only at $1.19. FANCY SILKOUNES FOR COM- Of? FORT COVERINGS AT, YARD OC All Our Best Standard Qual- OCT ity Outing Flannel at, Yard tdOlu Plain colors, stripe, cnecic ana puias. . 2 Pound. Cotton and Wool . Mixed v Batts at Made in One Piece 72x90 Inches $195 Especially. Reduced in Price To $3. IS Purchase for Personal Use or For Gift Purposes at This SALE OF MEN'S GOLF SHIRTS Union Made Underwear Reduced to $3 AS Garm't Here they are in an extensive variety of beautiful patterns and neat colorings especially selected for holiday purchasing and at a reduced price. Fine high-grade, .custom made Golf Shirts of standard quality and make, coat style with double soft euffs and starched jieck band, ail sizes 14 to 17. Purchase at ' Pay Only $3.15. Men's Australian Worsted Miked Shirts and Drawers Satisfying Underwear satisfying In fit, quality, low pricing and, last but not least, the Union LabeL Seasonable weight Shirts in sizes 04 to 36. Drawers In sizes 30 to 46. A very fine Australian worsted mixed exceedingly durable Under wear. Reduced for this sale to $3.85 a garment. . . .., Our Store Now Opens at 9 A.M. vi -;" The Most in Value The Best in Quality Store Closes at 5:30 P.M. Saturday at 6 P. M. .