MONDAY NOVEMBER 22, 1920. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. 13 K HTK9T0CK U YdURchcoic of 8 food Vow 8fresh 2"hevy milker; 1 Holktefn, 1 Durham; giving better than 40 lbs. per day. 8. T. Lind, 2 to niln ou theast of Orcsham. ONE extra fine, large Jersey family cow, teats six. Gilbert road and Gusineaa ere. mil Mat of Lenta. FOTLTRY AJtB BABBITS 3T HATCHERY : 1634 E 12TH N. - WDLN. 1485. Demand will be greater than ever for , BABY CHICKS thia spring; order lor Fb. and March NOW. ao an to secure aome of oar Hoganized, trap nested Reds. Rocks and Leghorns. 160 READY to Jay White "Leghorn pullets, $2 earb; aome laying; 200 yearling Hnganixed White Leghorn bens, through the molt and start Ing to lay, $1.25 each; Barred Bock and B. L Bed pullets. 1. B. Maguire, 787 Oregon at. Bear zetn. WHITtteghorh and mixed pullete for aale, mm, reedy to lay. Fred Leo, north of Co lombia bird, and Argyle at. Take M A., Ken ton car. FOR SALE Rhode Mnnd Red cockerel, Red wing etrain, produced by a pen purchased frtim Dr. .X L. Smith. R. B. Newman, P. O. Box 112. Oregon City. Or. . .TURKEYS FOR THANKSGIVING Direct from the farm. 0 fancy dressed turkeys. Call Monday or Tuesday, 600 . E. Davis, Roae City ear. FOR 8ALE7-mouth-old chicken for Thanks giving, weight 6 . to 7 tlx., milk fattened, dressed, 45o per lb. delivered. Geo. A. Moffatt, Ant. 21-1 1. Local 8812. BART chicks, heavy laying S. C. W. Leghorns, Winter egg machine; 221 eggs flock average; rim hatch Feb. 20; order now. A. T. Me Pauley. 800 E. Dsrts. Portland, Or. East 404. FOR SALF Mv pen of Salmon Farerolles 14 hens and paHeta. 1 rooater; a good buy. Woodlawn 8411. '- ; - ' MILK snd corn-fed turkeys dressed from farm 5c lb. lens than -retail; will arrive Tuesday, i Call 803 By; Exchange. Main 7981. 80 WH IT IB Leghorn pullete. 7 months old. gl each for all or $1.25 for choice. 8300 4th a. 8. E, : - JOHN'S RHODE ISLAND BEDS Splendid breeding cockerels, at a sacrifice. 56 Williams are. Call 817-81. ; $10 WILL buy my 120-egg McClsnahsa incu bator. In good condition; 2 - thermometers. , Woodlawn 8411. " . FOR SALE 10 New Zealand rabbits, hatches " nd feed. 812. 548 E. 17lh at. south. : WANTED Pullet for fine beach lob Mar ahall 569. , TWENTY 8. & White Leghorn hens, O. A. C. strain,$1.50 ech. Eat 404. i WHEAT. $350 nniRITn CACKLE MASH SCRATCH . $3.75 " iUlLiJU' Woodlawn 4344. 160 WHITE LEOHORNfien and pullata. Tabor 8895. 6343 R4th 8. E. POOS. BIRD. PET.H, KTC. 4 WANT to trade 1 brown tabby pedigreed Persian female and it female kittens, pedigreed or- ance, brown tabby, black tortoise shell, for bine male pedigreed ki'tens, or will sell the last- for IZ5. 1423 Leonora at., corner Bellview ire. Woodlawn car. TOY black and tan puppies. Chihuahua peppies. Three mile eait Rearer Crek road. J.H. taw, Toy Kennels, It. 3, B. C2. Oregon City. FOR SALE Fine pair Ht Aiidreasburg rollers, canary birds; jery reasonable. Call E. 8190. COLLI EHEi'TIE RD pu"ps. $ 10. SeTl. 81 547 ' BEAUTIFUL-SINGER'S If or sale. Call Main 468" AJ7TOMOBII.ES AND ACCESSORIES 44 ASK ABOUT OL'H Portable Houses MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION CO. P O. BOX, 244 -y WOODLAWN 2413 i AutoniobaSe Owners , Let -us figure with you on your work. We bare the bvt equipped repair shop in the city and can take care of all your troubles, large or small; overhauling our specialty; satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Could wt offer you' morel ' Auto electricians on starter, gen erators, lighting and ignition; batteries re charged, rebuilt end rensired. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO. ' I. 280 Front rt., corner lefferson.: O. E. Depot building. . . 1 USED CAR BARGAINS , 1 BUICK LIGHT 6. 1918........... 8175 l dodge ... . ........... 625 1 OVERLAND BO ................. 00 1 OV ERLANJD 83 400 ft FORDS ...... , .- 8250 to 82S 1 BUICK 4, ........ 250 1 MAXWELL,.. 225 1 PEERLESS ,. 200 1 REO I . 125 V LONG & SILVA. .462 Hawthorne. . HEAL BARGAINS T"" Overland 83 touring . , $295 1918 Mliwell tottrins; 305 191T Mtxwell touring 850 1 HIT Chevrolet toiiring ............... 350 1916 Ruick toarlng 65 1l Bulck chawue 475 llodge touring 495 1917 Studebakr four...... 875 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO., East .3770. Grand and Hawthorn tve. ATTENTION, CAR OWNERS ' . We will overhaul your car for a small contract- price. We specialise on complete over hauls', generator and electrical work, battery re charging and repsirirfji, welding and braxins. Get our prices, they will surprise you. All work absolutely guaranteed. . Ford magneto! re charged. Hemphill Trade Schools. 707 Haw thorne, cor. 20th. Phone East 8068. BOB FULTON Broadway 404 1 AUTO PAINTING. STORAGE battery, 6 volt, nearly new. 320; also 12 volt battery. 330; both guaranteed; 19l'0 Ford radiator, 815; late Ford aedan, 3650; Win ton 6-48, best cash offer. See us and save time and money. ;... UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO. 210 Jeffersoty Main 7644. Tops 'Em , Orecnn Anln Trm fW 14th and Couch sta.Bdwy. 440S. BONTTI'S AUTO PAINTlNGCO ' " High-grade auto painting our specialty. 23d snd Washington. Entrance on Cornell. ' PHONE MAIN 4089. T9I8 BUICK Light 6', touring; this car haa been newly painted and is in firM -class run ning condition; no reasonable offer refused. Open Sundays and Evenings 343 Unioo Ave. N., jwt 56. OVERLAND liht tourtng car. 4 cylinders. 6 ' passenger, newly painted and in good condition, for sale cheap; easy terms if desired. Will take l iirrl in trado. Robinson Smith Co.. 6th and siauuon sts. CHEVROLET 1919.' chs-nis in good running order, extra good rubber, at a eery good Ptlce. Terminal garage. 6lh aud Uoyt. Bdwy. 15X6. 1015 FORD rusii.'tsr, good Ores and in A-t ;. P: thif ca1 equipped for light delivery -er: 8200, terms. Oiien Sundays snd Bvs mg 35 Union sve. N., East 58. CASH paid for old cars, condition no object; . narta for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto Kxenspge. 448 Flanders, nr. 11th. Bdwy. 6603. J9I8. FOftb runabout, with or without delivery , bed; just been overhauled; $275, terms. Call Woodlawn 25l8or see 1204 Union ave. S, 1918 STfDEBAKER a," cyC"7paie. touring . csr. splendid condition. Can be seen st 825 Hancock, corner 26th.Phone East 6418. NEW "DODGE" SEDAN '; T Win scrifice car. driven 1500 miles. Owner J 549 E. Davw. Tabor 6015. DELIVERY body for Chevrolet or lord. ' Make us an offer. Terminal Garage, 6th and lioyl. . Bdwy 1586. .- BEFORE you buy Ford see thu one, $200. 635 Thurman st. GASOLINE 2 80 per gallon: oils and greasea. Pioneer Paint Co.. 186 First st. 1920- FORD -touring car. price rea&ooable. Call .nam :-a. 1 916 FORD. $250. 212 Jefferson su Main 1916 A LI-EN, in A-l order, at a eacrifice. I'Brmmai t is rage, ptn ana Hoyt. Bdwy, 1680, TIRES Slightly -ed. $3 to $16 each. x pert tire repairing. 2U7 Madiaon. $483 1917 Mitchell Utile six, 6 pax., in good condition. Mar. 8370. 890 Salmon st. 1919 FORD delivery in beat condition, with ex press body, at bargain; terras. East 5552. 1920 SEDAN Chevrolet, almost new, $1350; yjs ma, TTES,- J .(- UIB. f UtlUTJ O Iq'Vi, . FORD sedan. 1920. new; will take Ford touring . trade. 8 92 E. 45th north. FORD bug, self starter, wire wheels. This is bargain. 894 N. 24th it. Portable PfKIIll ft I - : .S64 . AUTOMOBILES A!TT ACCTSSOBTES 44 WE BELL YOU SATISFACTIOM WHEW i WE SELli TO0 A USED CAB : -rH ' 1917 Maxwell; overhauled and repainted: 1 good Urea ..... 400 ' 1 " I 1918 Maxwell; overhauled and repainted; baa new top ana teat coven........ o I a 1919 Maxwell: overhauled and repainted-: ' looka like new; .......,.........$ 650 THE ABOVB CARS WILL- BE SOLD TO TOU ON A TEN DAY FREE TKIAL. 1917 Dodge touring car: in good running condition; now j being painted: for, ..8 650 Model 90 Overland sedan; in tip top nape; has wire wheels and good tire.. 8 800 1917 Hup; first 'class condition. ..... ..8 875 1917 Oakland aix; cood boy t. ...... .8 700 1918 Chandler chummy roadster, good buy . ....... j . . . ........ .. .11058 Chandler sedan that has been used by private party, j bee thia one. ! j 1919 Chalmers Roadster; in fine eondl- - tton .S1100 liners sf passenger; 1910 Chahne driven rery ......... 81250 little, original finish REBUILT HUDSON'S i that we giva yon the amma Tegular factory war ranty and the 'same service a a saw one. 1917 . Hudson aeven passenger. ....... 81250 Hudson Sedan ...12100 USE ESSEX - I tha w give the earns factory warranty and the eame aervic aa on a new car. . - j 1919 Eases touring ............. ...f 1425 1919 Essex touring ............... .81500 C. L BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. t 615-617 Washington Street. USED CAR VALUES should not be measured by prices alone, but should be judged by value arid future service. We solicit your Investigation of our used car stock on this basis, and we are satisfied that you: will at the same time find our prices right, quality of our cars considered. We offer here i a few for your approval; I 1917 MAXWELL. 5 pa-isenger. 1010 BRISCOE. 5 passenger. WILLYS-KNIGHT. 5 paascmrer. 1918 MITCHELL. 5 rnser. 1919 MITCHELL, roadstpr. -1919 MITCHELL. 5 passenger. ' (JORDAN SILHOUETTE. 5 passenger. We also hsveja late model Excelsior motor cycle at 3200; and in our Used Truck "Depart ment you will fipd a number of excellent buys, such a Maxwells: Sterling, Federals and a White. MITCHELL. I LEWIS 8TAVER CO.. I BROADWAY AT EVERETT ST. j PHONE BROADWAY 4675 CHEVROLET FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled ' 830.06 Bear axle overhauled 6.09 Valvea ground, car bun removed 8.09 Magneto rechsrged ........,. 6.06 We hand-lap pistons.' scrap bearings, eta., which inaurea a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only n-d. All work guaranteed, j THE REA80N The Ford engine starts hard and the lights srs dim to because the MAGNETO is weak. Have it KfcCHARGED . by EJU'ERTS. Universal Auto Repair 810 Jeffenon at. Main 7644. M. B. FISCHi Radiators, fenders, bodies, hoods, tanks repaired and remodeled. Auto aheet metal srork a spe cialty. 106-107 N. 15th ft , Pbon Broadway 2299. REAL BUYS Oakland touring,! dandy shape, 4 cord tires, 2 extras . ...8495 Olds touring, mechanically perfect, 5 new tires. going lor . . j 8575 Paie, 7 paasenirer 11917) . . . 095 U7 HlAKii sT.( KKAU 10TH in Ann r .. . h. i . . with a written guarantee. We give you service. SUCCESSFUL TIRE HTTP AIRING Requires a full knowledge of tire construe tioa snd proper equipment for each repair: w have both I Bring us that tire or tube and w will fix it right; prices reasonable; xww and wed tires for leas: i liberal allowance on old tires. Vulcan Tire Shop. 41 Grand are., corner Pin. East 4896. 1 Radiators9Fendersf Hoods j Bodies, etc. HADES AMD REPAIRED 1 "URKESS AUTO WORKS 2iTT AND EVERETT STS. OWNER MUST SELL 'Practically new Hudson super speedster: 2 bumpers, 5 eord tires, spotlight, wind deflectors, eta ; in excellent condition mechanically and cth etwise. You can save $1145 on this car. Price $1800. Phone Woodlawn 4252. FWEAVEB TIRE COMPANT j FEDERAL TIRES ! OREGON VULCANIZING CO j .TIRE REPAIRING ! $38-835 Burnside at Broadway 1017 BCICK LITTLE dIX 1917 Buick! littl six. ffnest cendition, like new. Price $950. Will take Ford aedan or coupe in trade! FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. I Ea-t 8770. !; (irend snd Hawt'iorne ave. THE FENDER MAN I K. DURHAM, who takes the kinks not while you wait; also repairs radiator and bodies. Broadway 3214. 80 N. 11U at, otar Bnrnmde. 1 1016 BUICK LITTLE SIX CHASSIS 1916 Buicki little six chassis; fine condition, tire good, $475. FRANCIS MOTOR CAIt CO.. East S770. ! Grand and Hnwthorne ares. CHEVROLET coupe, 1919. 4 90 moael. In first- ciass ounaiuon : vawt be sold at once, no reasonable offer refused. Inquire 1540 Albina ave. Bunday, or call Kolknburn at Broadway 3J 8U WoTKlay. MOTORS, gears, Dearmgs. wheels, sxles; w wreck B makes of esrs and sell their parts at V price, llode Autj Wrecking Dept.. 106- jvi .-v. j nn ax. 1918 MAXWELL touring, looks like new. Open Sundays and Evenings 345 Union ave. N.. r-3l 00. ' WE PUT Steel teeth in yonr old flvwheel; crank. snatt turning. H. B. Black, machine shop, 884 Alder t- i Broadway 281. FORD roadster, with electric starter, Al condi tion, $350. 1 Care T. K. Gates, 561 E. An keny. Phone East 1824 after 7 p. m. ! FORD touring, body in good thape. Extra low price. 1 Terminal Gkrace. 6Lh anit Hn,i Hflwy. laso. 1 AUTO WRECKING, all narts foe al ran. PORTLAND AUTO WRECKING CO.. 290 inion ave.. near Hawthorne EAST 7866. Auto .Tops;: trllmVl.n Salmon St., between 6th and Broadway. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 BEING your cars to Jske'a Used Car Exchange ana get ulc action. 88 . 11th at, Bdwy. 8S14. oppoait Weinhardt Brewing. TO TRADE for auto 5 acres, cleared, 8 miles from court I house en Bas Lin road. ; Call eveninss, i-aat 848T. WILL TRADE seme good work -horses and snra fresh cows for an automobile or launch. Call at Powell Valley road. FOR SALE OR - TRADE For auto, a 28-ft. motorboat, A-l shape. Addrea 1461 Oat- man sc. st. Johns ear. WAN TED Ford automobile. " in good eondi tion in exchaage for good bldg lot, 'Pbon I HAVE CASH FOR A FORD. I TABOR 1555. CASH for good bur In tsnrin ear; ChmU l itteierreu. rnou avast AiB. . 74 filGH GRADE gold mine for heavy truck, White. Columbia 866. evenings. CASH fir" your car, condition no object. 101 W. 11th at., cor. Flandeea. Broadway 453. i5 TRUCKS ASP TRACTOR ja. a tr TRUCKS! TRUCKS! ALL SIZES AND MAKES W The following are typical of ear ! stock: 1919 Oldsmobils Economy Trucks, pneumatic tires, ; bodies, cabs ' -. and everything complete. Aa I low as ..............81130 ) 1919 Two-ton truck chassis; has all new tins, only ......$750 j -ton Republic, body complete with top sad windshield; pnetunatic front tires; $576. 1918 Reo (peed wagon, all com plete " with ... practically : new tires $800 Look thee snd the balance of our stock over btrfore purchasing new :' equipment.' ' LONG. EAST TERMS New one-ton express bodies .... $ 75 New one-ton stake bodies ...... 125 These bodies will fit most ton tracks, Fords included. i '. Granirairig. &!.Treece 542 Alder St., cor. 17th. Bdwy. 1723. 1916 FORD 1-ton truck" chassis. This car car ries s 90-day guarantee; $350; or will trade. Open Sundays snd evenings. : 845 Union avo. N. East 66. FOB 8 ALE 1 Chevrolet truck, 1-ton cap-, ' in good condition; bargain if taken at one. The Adjustment bureau, 041 Pittock block. Phone Broadway 8726." - WANTED Uaed 2-ton truck with furniture body; must be Al. Call Broadway 894. ATJTOS FOR HIRE SI SPECIAL rate by the week or month. W will : rent yon an Apperaon 8, Hudson super or Elgin 6 by the week or month. LOWNSDALE GARAGE 125 Lownsdsle St., cor. of Washlngtoa Phone Bdwy. 2408. AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS . New 1920 Model Can Reasonable Rale FEARING A ROBIN KTT-CITY G A RAG a 182 12th at,, bet. Wash, and Aider. Bdwy. 846 NEW AUTOS VITUOTJT DRIVERS 1 OVERLANDS HUDSONS LOWNSDALE GARAGE BROADWAY 240 15TH AN D WASH. AUTOS FOR HIRtC WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. L. SinxiVAN, FASHION GA RAGE. MAR232. 1 Oth at Xamhill. A-1236. ALTHOF BENNETT, CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT JRIVEKS. A It MY GARAGE. THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. - AUTO REPAIR S1T0PS 83 i FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled .......820 Rear axle overhauled -.8 8 Valve ground, carbon removed ........$ S Magneto recharged $ 5 W hand-lap pistons, scraps bearings, eta,, which insure a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE -UTO REPAIR CO.. 28Q Front St., Corner Jefferson. Don't Throw away yonr old Ford block, because w ehang them to starter 'type, overhaul your en gine, install genuine Ford make starter for 8185, at Burke's garage. 5403 72d st S. E, Tabor 6627. W repair all makes of car. AUTO PAINTING 25 off this month; aatis fsction guaranteed. 851 E. Oak. Eajt 8877. MOTORCYCLES. BICYCLES, ti INDIAN : World's fastest and best motorcycle, for sale. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE A BICYCLE CO.. Main 6139; 204 Third Bt MOTORCYT.ES AND PARTS. ALL MAKES j EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. 44-48 Grand Ave. I.AfKCHES AT BOATS 64 MARINE ways, Robert Graham Jr., Preseott, or.. P. O. Box 305. Boat and machine shop. All work guaranteed. No charge for hauling out. HOUSEBOAT and 2 launches for sale; barcain; i terms. Foot of Harney eve.. Sellwood moor age. Phone Sellwood 2433. ' PIAX0S. ORGANS. XUS1CAL INSTRUMENTS 8 EXPERT player piano repairing and tuning. V. Kremar, 254 Market at. Main 6012. Work guaranteed. VOSE SONS uprTBht77innvoriaeyi$238; - 6140 Columbia Grafonola, filing device. 8115. Harold S. Gilbert, 384 Yamhill at. CABINET phonograph, mahogany finish, flrtt clasa condition. 183 Uolladay, between 7 and 9 evenings. FOR BENT Grafonola with late music. $3 month. Empire Transfer. 254 Broadwav. i;roaway loa. MASON-HAMLIN ORGAN. $20. Other good organ oargains. Beioerung-i.ucaa uusic Co., 25 4th rt. J. A C. FISHER PIANO, $135 cash takes it; some na ream. eiDerui)g-Lucas lusie Co., 125 4th st. KIMBALL PIANO, $263. In good condition See it. Terms given. Selberhng-Lucas Music Co. 125 4th st. PIANO WANTED for practice. PAT SPOT CASH for snap. Marshall 1532. WANTED Good, cheep piano, suitable for prac tices purposes, stain zu. BEAUTIFUL Davis Smsupright ' Wslnut case. szso. tor sale. 204 Market St. - AUTOMOBILES 'WAH'TED BRINGING UP FATHER ." LEFTNE A S AH! HA! THINK ! XXj I HAVE IT SOLVED,' j PIAJTOS, OROAKH, MUSICAL - IIT8TRCMENTS 4 PIANO BARGAINS We can SAVE TOU MONET an used piano. All must be dXsposed of to make room for new piano tor Christ mat. - Fully GUAR ANTEED. Term given. MASON-HAMLIN, cannot be told from ' new . .................... . ,.$630.00 KNABE, Mahs. ease, slmqat new..... 600.00 KIMBALL, s real snap, . ... . . . . 285.00 SOHMER, 1st style, practically new.. 600.00 SCHIRMEB, oak csae, fin condition.. 285.00 FISHER, s good practice piano. ..... 135.00 HOFFMAN, plain Mahg. case 00.00 WESER BROS., walnut, good condition 285.00 FISHER, plain case 173.00 And Others. See Them. SEIBERLTNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125-27 4th st.. Bet. Wash, and Alder sts. WE HAVE several dandy bejrgaina in slightly used phonographs. Also, remember Uist we f re giving away $25 in records, either Path or Actus lie. with every Path cabinet talking tuaehin. Come in and bear these phono graph. Plays an records. SOULS BROS., '. 106 10th St.. Near Morrison. SECURITY STORAGE CO., closing out: Small upriht piano ........... 865 and 8 75 Modern upright pianos. ....... 8195 to 8345 Modem player pianos . ..3395 to $695 Parlor organs ......$25, $38. $45 and $58 Pianos bought and sold for eash only. Piano stored for 75c monthly. ; 103 10TH ST.. COB, STARK ST. ' DAVENPORT and Tracey player, $400; Uel-eille-Clarke Apollo, same as new,. $575. If you. are interested in a player at all this is the opportunity for someone who can appreciate quality and value, ' - HOVENDEN PUN0 CO., L 146 Park St -f We are now giving Free $25 worth of FATliK or ACTUELLE KECOKDS to eaijti pur chaser of a cabinet Paths phonograph, any wood or finish. Easy payments. SOULE BROS.. 166 TENTH ST.. NEAR MORRISON. MAIN 2820. $18 TO $24 CASH buys new 1920 model up right $$75 pisno in oak or mahogany fat $895, balance $12 monthly. Your phonograph, old piano or organ taken as first payment, Schwaa Piano 07, 101 10th at., at Washing ton and Stark sts. FULL CASH VALUE PAID FOR Phonographs & Records NEWMAN'S , RECORD EXCHANGE. 128 First si- Main 4495. Tabor 6798. ORGANS ORGANS We have too many ORGAN'S in" stock. Must sell; easy terms. Priees from 820 up. Stand ard snakes. SEIBERLING-LUCA8 MUSIC CO., 125-27 4th "t Bet. Wash, and Alder sts. WILL exchange Pathe, Burnham or Brunswick phonograph for piano, give or take difference. 80ULE BROS.. 166 Tenth St., near Morrison. Main 2820. TEN upright pianos, $125 tip! Kimball, Ho- Dert M. t-aDie. Ldiawig, xsenning. Harrington, Marshall 4 Wendell, many other fine one. Easy terms given. 311-12 Worcester bids. HIGHEST cash paid for pianos, phonographs, records, musical instruments. 254 Market at. Phonograph . repairing and records . exchanged. Mam oiz. $290 CASH buy 8900 Steinway A Son up right piano, corner stare ana tutu sts. Security Storage Co. COLUMBIA Grafonnla end records outfit $55, term. WILLIAMS RECORD SHOP. 353 Alder Rt. SMALL bungalow mission piano and bench. in very good condition; ch or bond. 648 Thurman at.. Apt. A. Broadway 2798; ; GENUINE Victmla and records. $63. WILLIAMS RECORD SHOP. 833 Alder St., Medical BWg. WANTED Snap in 2dhand piano. Consider good player, cash. Main 4424, week days. TYPEWRITERS 77 ALL- Bake sold, rented and exchanged. Terms if desired. Send for retail prices. Whole sal Typewriter Co., 321 Washington at.. N. W. Cor. 6th. ALL MAKES of typewriters rented, repaired and sold cn monthly payment plan. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 6th st Main 8868. UNDERWOOD and Remington typewriters, $3.50 a mouth. Empire Transfer, 254 Broadway. Broadway 155. SACRIFFICE this L, C. Smith typewriter if taken at once. 431 Artisans bldg. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE ft5 LEAVING CITY ' " 1 fine heater, uaed little, for $20; 1 New Home sewing machine. $80; 2 iron beds, includ ing mattress, reasonable: 1 kitchen table, 1 small center table, 1 commode. 471 E. Burnside St. Esst 260. FLRNITURE for sale. Oak dresser, bed, Del Air . spring, mattreii, heating atpva. Ruud water heater, 8 burner gas plate, almost new. Must sell this week. Call Tabor 62J.5 after 7 p. m. week days. GOOD new and used fnrnlrure, ranges, beaters. ruga. Very lowest price. Juelson Furniture Co.. 113 Grand ave. Phone Eat 6957. FOR SALE A Reliable gas water heater and connections; Al condition. Phone Sellwood 1746. STEEL range, bums wood or coal, with coils in firrt claxa condition. $35. Call Woodlawn :331. 831 Haieht ave. BUICK light 6. Will sacrifice for $700; come early. Brooklyn garage. 668 Milwauxie at. Sellwood 2958. CNE NEW ed and, toe mattress. After Sunday call Tabor 237. GENUINE ketbar dsvenport, just like new, for .sale by prirate party. Tabor 6334. FURNITURE of five roomsi for sale at a bar gain. flat for rent. 334 Roes si Ant. 322-04. FURNITURE of modern 10 room house, mit able for boarders and roomers. Bdwy. 3764. CHEAP Chairs, lounge, range and heater. Phone Woodlawn 4457. 1 FOR SALE New wood and coal heater; .will accept good tent 1082 Interstate. 5 ROOM, furniture, must sell today. 040 Kerby st- Call from 11 to 4. CHILD'S crib and mattress. Sellwood 1850. (Copyright. 1920. by Service. 0 OOT IIS TH RAIN AN' I HAVEM'T . A CENT FER A TAXI MA;iE NEVER UEFT ME. A, HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR RALE ti COATj and wood ranee Opok atovee . ' . , . -6a stoves .......... Gas water beater. ..... i . . . .$18.06) ww .... 10.00 ww .... 10.00 .... 9 0On Floor ouveiiug. yard Kitchen ajoeea . . . . Kitchen cabinets . . . . Dining rowm extension Dining room chairs .16 w 8. 60 ww . 12.00 u . 7.00 u .... x.o WW Living room rockers. . ... . ; .UU 6 00 up 12.00 a 8.00 na 6 00 as M OO ss Liiorary tablet Simmon bed tot tor felt Steel springs Jou springs ........... Dresser ',.,,!.. PUKILAND FURNITURE .... 9.00a EXCHANGE. Z08-810 First St. FURNITURE SACRIFICE-' MisceDaneouavassortment of odd piece of furniture, including dressers, chairs, beds, bed ding, carpets tables, desks, etc.; no prices with in reason will be refused; 2, S and 4-room apart ments for rent. Baron Apta., 295 14th at. Main 7837. 9x12 VELVET rug, like new. $38: good Brus sells rug. $16; Garland gaa range, $14.60; Elite 6-hole range, $17.75; cong oleum rug, $3; new continuous post Vemis Martin bed, $12; weathered-oak pedestal dining table, $22; chairs, 81.50 up; roekers, $1.25 up; oil heater, 82.60; kitchen table, $2.50. 113 Grand ave. East 6957. COMBINATION bookcase and desk, $17.50; wood beater, $13; comer stove hhield. $4; library table, $20; Oriole, $12.50; baby buggy, 830; ladder, commode, stands, sx, coils, cur-ta-ns. 1105 Hawthorr.e. Tabor 8325. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 . Buy, Sell AND EXCHANGE cash registers, showcases, fountains, acsJea, store fixtures L BOXER. Mar. 3438. 113 2d t SINGER ELECTRIC SEW IN (a MACH1.NJLS We take your machine in exchange, balance eash or easy payments. Pbon for demonstra tion. Machine rented. Expert repairing, any max. MORRISON ST. SINGER STORE. 882 Morrison. Marshall 721. Sewing Machines- We bsve the largest stock of used Sewing Machines in the city. Com pare prices. We rent and repair. 172 8d, near Yamhill. SAFES Fire and burglar proof safes, new snd secondhand, st right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy terms if desired. N0RR1S SAFE fc LOCK CO., 105 Second 81 -Main 2046. INDIAN BICYCLES. Are the best in the world. tWt one for your boy for Christ-mas. and Ftop his troubles. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE A tlGYCLE CO.. Main 6139. 204 1ird St. 'THE PALMER SHOP" will sell your fsncy work, mistit or slightly worn garments; com mission, 10 per cent See us for.Xmas gifts. Main 2162. 209 Alisky building. . APPLES HOOD RIVER APPLES Roman, beauties and Northern Spys; good eat ing and cooking; bring boxes. 51 E. 13th St. north. Esst 6775. TBANSFORSfATION- piece natural curly hair, brown, made by leading friseur in Los An geles; cost $35; at your own price. Also 26 inch switch. 454 Salmon st. EDISON phonograph, with 40 records, $14; card table, 92. on; leather pillows, $2; slop jar, $2.50; trunks, picture, etc. 454 Salmon st. WEST SIDE home offers attractive" style8in all kinds of ladles' used apparel; wonderful values. Marshall 8215. GOLDEN OAK dresser with large oval mirror, price $30, and gas fireplace heater. $2. Marshall 1191. FOR SALE Kallich Giant cherry treea from propagator. J. Kallieh, 146G Madrona st. AlERCCUY arc rectifier for sale, .practically new, witn extra duio. xtroaaway 2uu. 1 SAFE, 1 computing scale. 602 E. 10th st. S. FOR SALE 5 tons firft-class potatoei; sell any quantity and deliver. 560 E. Kelly, near 12th. HOLLY wreaths, mistletoe and Oregon grape; orders taken. East 7604. VACUUM cleaner, baby sulky, baby basket; 9x12 rugs. Tabor 56S5. FOR SALE Heating stove, Buek hot blast. good orurr. 3ZU3 Both St. S. K. TAILOR-MADE suits left on hand at half price. Modern Tailors, s M. tn st. CASH REGISTER. FLOOR CASEsT And other fixtures. 242 Salmon. Main 842. f ACTUM cleaners sold, rented, repaired, ex changed, bought Ray Bentley. Main 49UI. FOft SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, show case. 43 Girst t. Near Ash. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. 24 hour day $1 delivered. Wdln. 1259. SECONDHAND brick and lumber, 1 Fairbanks warehouse scales. Call Woodlawn 8714. GAS PLATE, mahogany chair, gas oven, lounge, 432 Oregon st East 4003. DIAMOND WANTED, sbout Vi to Kk. Spot cash. Main 4424. week days. . CKMENT laundry trays. Factory 814 El Washington st We ship by rail or water. ALMOST new 12-inch plow and on section harrow (new). $12. Wdln. 4852. FOR SALE Good potatoes, $1.75 per sack, de livered. East 2188. SHIPLAP and 2x4 'a for sale cheap. Jefferson st-. Labor Temple. 4 th and' 2 SUITS, good as new, for 16 or 17-year-old school boyy-' Phone Broadway 5612 $15 DESK and office services. Call Sunday, 536-66; Monday. Main 5405. FRESH horseradish for Thanksgiving, ground or wnoie. l'none labor 34o RANGE with coils, good baker. Wdln. 2979. FOR RENT Small lathe. Marshall 34 41. International Feature In.) 1 I NELVE. HAVEL AISV LUCK - xPROrieED DlTSTY '0 MEET HN CT HOW AM I QNNA, MAKE 'T IN THlb THIS WILL; KEEP THE RAIN OFF ONTiL. J O A PAwN 5HOP.' THEN . I LL HOCK IT AM' S l-r- Hoe O'O n n ias . . I M 'I 1 W 1 , ) 1920 bv Ism. PcATunc r- rr; ... tv 11 w ji FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1- Meier & Frank Fire sale of furniture and draperies continue to be the cause of price cutting. You can buy the highest grade of mohair, pitches, veloura, tapestries, furniture, etc., at the lowest price ever given to the people of Portland. Specials foe this week aS bolts of lining and cover clothes sliahtlv damaaed. 16c a yard: 30 bolts of tapestry and denims, regular $1.60, special 85c a yard; 60-inch tapestries. targe assortment ef colors, $2 per yard up: mohair plushes. 25-inch width, slightly damaged. $3.50 a yard; fine assortment of tickings, $ue a yard and tip; cedar chests, $7.50 and up; iron beds. al.oo op; steel couches; 3; box eoucnea, go; De Luxe double deck amines, regular 832. our price $6.50 up; carload of large reed uphol stered rockers, $9. up; also about $160,000 stock of the highest grade mahogany andwalnut ana bedroom, dining room and living room furniture, which w are now unneckin and will b ready for aale within, the next few days at tremendous reductions. DraDenes on aale 454 Washington street.. corner lath. Furniture on sals at Madison street dock, entrance on Madiaon bridge. Coun try dealers will be given special prices. . COHEN BROTHERS. OWNERS. FOB SALE OB TRADE f. snd 1 fe-tori ice machine. 14 ft showcase. 1 meat block. 4 nickel plate racks. 9 banging scale. ton butcher paper, t 1000 wax carton. 800 Fourth St Main 8898. GENUINE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES Sold for Less. Vo A Mnt Emnloved. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, Main 9431. 190 Third St.. nesr Taylor. Electric Motors Bought, sold. Tented and repaired. Walker Electric Works,' 418 Barn side, corner 10th. Broadway 6674. BUY SELL. RENT OR TRADE - Shot guns or Rifles . NEWMAN'S GUN STORE. 128 First st Main 4493. Tabor 6798. SINGER. White, New Home, in fact, al most every make and style. 816 to $35. 1 All latest, new Singe ra cash or time. ! Rentals, $3 per month. Smget Storej Moose bldg., 193 4th, Main ttasa. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boats are aeparato classifications. A larg listing will be fouud under these different classi fications. LADIES GENTLEMEN ATTENTION Bring in your used suits, costs, gowns, bats, furs, fsncy work, bric-s-brsc snd let ns sell them for you 191 Adams st fcsst 3H81. CHRISTMAS aifts. beautiful handiainted li-ath erette table runners. $2: laree centerpieces. $1.50; doilies, 50c; bsby bibs. 25a. Other use ful articles cheap. 155 13th st 11. WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? 'Why not a permanent and comfortable roof? We repair, rubber-bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Mam 666t. PLACE your orders for wiring now and be pro tected before the new code becomes effective. Priees will be higher then. Wdln. 879L ELECTRIC ; lights out of order? Call me up and callable electrician will fix theut, $1 and up. Wdln. 3791. . LET ua wash Jour rugs with the Hamilton Beach electric carpet washer without remov ing from the floor. Wdln. 1259. POTATOES APPLES Carrots, beets, cabbage, cauliflower, 5 sacks or more delivered. Tabor 8913. BUSINESS CARDS $1,25 ROSE CITY FK1NTERY Yon'mnst bring this ad. 120 6-b at W. SIDE home sells ladies' slightly wjra garment and fun. Marshall 3215. 370 14th. neat Montgomery. LADIES' EXCLUSIVE USED APPAREL Buy: of us and cut the H. C. L. 1132 E. Glissn St- Tabor 2825. HAVE a few cords of first class wood at $11. cord. Phone Sellwood 2306. FIRST CLASS roll-top office "desk, $40. Phone 224-40.J . - ELEOTRI0 motor, H h. p. A. C. onrrent single phsse, for cash. $55. Tabor 8482JrJ $25 BLACK velvet hat, worn four limes, $5. East 7474. FOR SALE White enamel gss rsnge. used short time. Woodlawn 3503 PLCSn coat with fur eollir $15, and bat $5. Broadway 1995. v UNCALLED FOR tailor made cults, $12.60 up. Taylor, the tailor. 289 Vk Burnside st VACUUM cleaners tor rent, $1 s day: delivered tnywhere. Wdln. 8495, formerly Bdwy. 258. l'OR SALE 1 Duskin, Reeves Col dupli cator, $3.50. Woodlawn 8411. r ' FOR BALE, cheap, . 1 cash register, 1 Dayton scales. Inquire 49 Front St. RUMMAGE SALE 102 2d st. Monday. Tuea day, Wednesday. Open at . " STOCK YA RD fertilizer "delivered In any part of the . city. Phone Woodlawn 6233. WALT'S Home Service Vacuum Cleaner rented at $1 per day: with attachment. Wdln. 67 6 H. SAFE Fireproof safe. Hall make. In good order. Cheap. R-l 56, Journal. GRAPE Tines, fruit trees and all kinds of berry plants. Anderson's nursery. Tabor 4213. VACUUM -cleaners rented $1 per day, deliv ered. Tabor 5786 evenings. Bdwy. 2872 days. GAS FIXTURES, new, 1 and 2 light, at your own pnee. Clancy, Rainier hotel. $15 BUYS adding machine; adds 7 figures 618 Corbett bldg. Mar. 657. FOR SAL' harden manure. Tabor 6634. THREE pool tables for aale. 287 First st DRY Boxwood, $6 per load. Call Wdln. 6904. By George McManus RAJN? .1 Sgstvtcg v. jrVw 1 jvjwr iui gi ...rm u r- t y wrsSs sJt 1 1 .mws-' ' v a ''''yl 1111 1 FOB BALIS MISCELLANEOUS 1 Sewing Machine Emporium New and Sd band machines sold , Tor less; no agents employed. Com plete line of parts for all make. Machine repaired and rented, , 8 sMh IPIUi a 8 8 8811 U TAYLOR BT. CEDAR CHESTS : ' Direct from factory to yonr hoWe. TVnneasee and .Port Orfnrd cedar; aolid corier trimmings. Is test design. Order now for Christmas, Open evenings. Bunds vs. Writ for catalogue. 1. W. BIGGINS SON 1912-16-18 E. GLISAN. TABOB 80S. WE SAVE YOU MON.SX ' Bonse wiring, flgbtlng fix 1.. tures, electrical repairing, sup plies. Third Street Elect rig Store. 324 H Third street, neeg Saltqoo. Mais 6056. FACTORY SAMPLES .. Wholesale and retail. Lea than cost CROCKERY, GLASS, ALUMINUM. CUTLEKT. lSLKCTUlCAli ttc '617 Worcester bldg., 8d and Oak. OFFICE FURNITURE. We have purchased a. number of slightly need regs, desks, files, chairs, bookkeepers' desks, etc., to be placed on aale tomorrow at price that make you forget war prices, D O. WAX, 81 N. 5T1L IAjt.78.: BUY electric fixtures wholesale. On light chain fixture. $1.50: 8 light fixtures, $6; Majestic electric heater. $10. Reliable Electric Store, Union ave. and Russell. Open evsnings. East 3636. BIG BARGAINS Slightly vjted desks, chairs and bookcases, also bookkeeper's desk. D. U. Wag. 81 N. 6th. Bdwy. i 89. Independent Printers - W ar still doing promptly "printing for has" at 11 No. 6th st Commonweal lb bldg. Smith, printer. Broadway 2986. - (KK)SEBERRIES. Currants. Black Can. Cuth- bert red raspberry plants: fine 2-year-old unproTed Concara grapes ; well rooted fvocs. Woodstock Nursery, end of Woodstock earline. Phone Sellwood 2332. POTATOES Time to lay in your winter supply, in 6 -sack lota. $1.70 a 'sack: west aide. $1.80 a aack, East side, leas thsn 5 sscks. $1.90 a aack da- nvered. Phone Broadway 31 63. HOT WATER tan'ks far'sale. 30 snd 40 gal.. $5 cracked water jackets, scored cylinders, welded heavy welding and outside jobs a specialty. In dependent Welding Shop, Water and K. Wash. mgton sts. fcsMt Z7BZ. COOPERATIVE marketing: get Tour sunxdy if tatoes,. applea and all winter produce direct rrom farmer. uariret producers association. 308 H 4th st HOT WATER TANKS 30-aaL. $7: 40-aaL. 89. Tested and guaranteed store and fnrnaee coUa, Gas beaters installed, six pert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adama st E. 8316. FRENCH iiVat triple mirror. 89:-shaving mir ror. $2.75: electric floor lm 11. $11: table lamp. $15: cut glass- vaae. 33.50: dishes', etc. 4S4 Salmon st. SAFES, new and secondhand, some with burglsr cnest, at reesonaM prices. Pacific ttcai supply L.O.. n f ront ft ttdwy. 190a. Warranted unadulterated, light, mild. strained; Quart 80c quantity less. r.ast 14 16. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton ucach elect carpet waaber. Alao vacuum eleanlng done. h.ast 4043. rriaes.4-Sc4-e.vir DR. A, W. KEEXE avwttBi.1iiXi.11 j 851 H W aslungton St Wlthoot Pain. latest Nerv Blocking Method. LADIES. ATTENTION Slightly used wearing apparel at Vogue Apparel Exchange 403 Alisky bldg. Mam aig. ATTRACTIVE styles in lsdies slightly worn coats, suits, gowns, bats and furs. 1047 Thurman st Msin 9367. FIR wood, first growth, delivered Piedmont. Al berta and Irvington, on pavement; (11. ou, 3 eord lots. East 8143. SHIP rani wood. 4 It. length, sound and dry $S cord. Sell.. 3122, or inquire Hawthorne Stable. FERTILIZER Rotted manure, $5.60 truck load; anywhere in city. Tabor 2704. FOR SALE Rolltop desk, swivel chair and brass : umbrella stand, $6l. . Bargain. Inquire Ste vens. 4 Front St., afternoon. UPHOLSTERING of all -kinds: mattress reno vating. Work guaranteed. Call. East 7863, or Marshall 44166. NEW $4 5 violet ray generator, 3 elect roles go with it, tor $3U. can Mrs. Binuriy, r.ast out. WICKKR bsby csrriag. in good condition. Call after Sunday, .1122 Missouri av. Woodlawn 921. FOR SALE 100 quart of good home canned - fruit. K. f. L. 1. Box 14M. Clackamas, Or. FrifTCITTTRE WANTED 7 SPOT CASH FOR USED FURNITURsI Main 8878 UNITED FURNITURE STOSB 178 FIRST STREET. rk...i c - ,;.... n near" UWlFUlIllUUlCVUs MORRISO! W want yonr ased fnrnttnre, stove, carpet and ptsnoa we pay tbe nigneat casn price. ISO and 11X first st Call Mam ox(. WE BUY used furniture, strives, rugs, etc. Re liable Furniture Co. 203-205 2d. Main. 7308, GOOD price psid for sood furniture. blZ S- wasntnrton. isroaowar novo. SWAPS ti EDISON ryltndcf phonogranh. 200 aercord Pittsburg typewriter, violet-ray, electric grill. 6x7 camera, Chadmsn's am. Want trunk, girls' bicycle, furnftum. What have yon f Tabor 33 J5 1919 OVERLAND delivery, all good tires and in first-clan mechanical condition. Will anil cheap or trad for horses or cattle. Call st 990 Powell Valley road. Sellwood 717. TRADE -Team, iiarnaand Wagon fuf Ford car or light delivery. AUea Woudyard. 327 rronu "FIREFLY" heater. "Perf c" range, for electric np or any tiling I can , floor lamp or table lam: se. Tsbor 6368. Msin 4860. BRICKLAYER will trade brick Work for a got family cow. 652 76th at N. Tabor 6398 WANTED MIKCELLAHEOrS WANTED Ford aide curtains, it cheap. Phone Automatic 216-18. . TEAM, take out wood 1 mile, $1.76. Pbou Wdln. 1871. evenings. WANTED To buy mangels, beat or carrot by sackj .AW03 79lh st, eity. - PEHROTTAL ft Free Dental Work Wanted 300 whit patient for dental clinic. Teeth filled or extracted and gums treated for pyorrhea by leading dentists of the state. Those having teeth that are difficult to extract are especially desired. All work and material posi tively without charge. Beginning Mbntiay, No vember 22, and extending through Thuriday this wees oniy. tan at , ROYAL BUILDING Cor. Broadway and Morrison sts. Take elevates to second floor. GLASSES at saving. solicit your patronage on the basis of capable aerrtc. .Thousands of satisfied pa- optometrist, 209 Morrison st. Mala 31X4 DR GEORGE BUBENSfEIN. the eeteraa ootteuin. is an expert in fitting evea leases. and charges so - very reasonable. Broken leneee quickly duplicated. 226 Morrison at $1 GETS both feet fixed up at tirTZ ton's to . CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPECIALIST whe doesn't hart you, 8 yrs. here. Exam. free. Glob Theatre blag., -11th and Wash. Bdwy. 2824. AM VERY anxious to know whereabout ofSt, M. Belli. Chicago specialist. TX-713 Journsi. ' - SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. mole, wan removed by ly needle method; trial tree. Josle klnley, tM'lia li at Lane bldg. latnH38H. "Tin; PALMER SIIO"P." XMAS GIFTS All hand made, at very reasonable priees. 209 Aiinay Diog. Slain zioz, . VITON'ET magnatio batli. violet rnv treatment body massage. Dr. Harriet Shepherd, 450 aitTTsan otiig. mam low. I tnrav Constiltstion FREE, All case. Selling bldg. Main 4993. L1DA JACK.SON, facial, scalp treatment. msnicuring. ills Morrison at., ar. 8 DOESN'T Tom, THck or Harry pay youf See Viereck. collections, lekum DMg. MASSAGE; baths. Dr. Elm Sorensen. 808 Pan ama- bldg. Main ounri. irpigieas pnyweisn. PKOFESSsORAL'' ' AHD BUSIKESS MMCTORY BARBERS' lUPFLICt LEWIS 8TEN'GERBrber Supply Cv 10th and Morrison sts. To Place to boy barb chairs and supplies. - Stock eg furniture always on hand at right price. B10YCLC8 WALDEN'S CYCLEBY." 408 Hawthorn High grade bicycles, supplies nd repairing. BLANK BOOK MIAKCwS DAVIS A HOLlfAN. INC., 109 2d St. his a INC., - book manufacturers. A-ST83. Main SI. alAE 9481 Professional and Business Directory 4. . A V A gaa a skAia utag.irii LofiE CITY VETERONABX UOSI'ITAL. lac. E. 7th and Gnantc both phone; day and night service; thre vexerinarlana . - .' CEMENT WORK ALL elsasea eemesit Work, general building and repair wora. Kates 'reeaonaDI. f Done aai-3. ESTIMATES given on eeiKpouls and cenaaul worn, pnone w. K. AtkWon,,W. 013. - 0HIRQPRA0T0R9 1H. McMAHON. lOtT chiruprsctie system. Portland. 1910 to 1920. Best known. juronss pronounce a superior imnwm. - ise earaouf lag, joa nons saints -or profiteeting adjunct, Adjustments toad easy, enioyaM, wtieiiciBj ana raiiun. , 1 insi : . inmai ireet--ant reasonable, and all ease carefully ad- -Justed. Patients requiring extended time. Ml dilKtman. SIS Dk.. uli - -. - - . . T . . . uin.D, tsu, Willi. CHIROPRACTIC, steam . bath and siaau, - 10th floor Broadway bldg. Marshall $187. Dr. I .aura E. Downing. ' Opa evening. ' COLtCOTIONt ; ilTH A CO.. Worcester bldgl Main 1706. bis collection, no charge. EaUbUsbed 1900. OOAL ABB WOOD BOXWOOD Delivered immediately , by Fulton' 1261 Macadam. Phone Main 4 1 7 !L Wood Cs. WAnrCi f .tTTS-t vt'sT Oak. nld tmath in. A m - V Slab and block mixedt A foot alah in.'n Wnml. lawn 2132. , f DRY WOOD, prompt delivery, eordwokj, own. -i.m kiiu wuuu in aoorx leoaisv Auto. 236-21. I I 1 . eorda $S2.80; ahoct'anj o.. Linn ton. SLAB and cord wood J also slab and block mixed. 10 inch lenstha.- NniWlial llHnM nn 1. rr Amr For quick delivery, phone Tabor 7864. GOOD 16 inch alsbwood, $4.60 load. Surely ,? bV,f,.ni. DeUtrei anywhere. CaOl na Sellwood 1789. i i BLOCK and slab wood.- Special price in t load lots. Ore eon I Fuel Co.. Wdln. 4198. BLOCK and alab mixed, already cut, 1m aS5 and cordwood. Call Tabor 6828. FOR SALE Dry. eld rowth cordwood. Wau ever rnei vn., Antomatte BJB-40. WRECKING wood, cut -stove leucth: wat ajiiai delivery only. Tabr 7318. DBT FIR. wood fjnr sale" special rate for v-coro iota, i-noae Kast uoos. BLOCK and slab ifi 2 load Vita; special srieaa, . U..A AAi I oeaasv 4. Vr 1 . FOR country slab call Main 1405. OENTI8T8 CIM Hairy 851l Washington 9t witnout rain. Latest Merv mocKing aietness. -r DRlSSWAKINO DRESSMAKING 71 N. Grand r.. apt, 10. Pbone Esst 62361 sfter 6 p. m. -1- EDUCATtONsU, SPANISH and stiotthanatauiht by lady, 419 . Piatt bids. Dictation in tipaoiab o KngUshv 3 Mala 2202. DANCINd THE nANSB "STIIDIO. 609 Dekuta ' bids. ' Washington at Third. Private hour or ball hour leaaona, day, evening, 9:80 a. as. to 9 p. m. Cura leaaona specially priced. Class Aloav, Frt. T:0 p. a. Miss Irelaod. , SUMMERS Danrlni "Academy-Prlr'aU ' lesson, day . and evening. All latest steps shown. Dance every Bstunlay night Manchester ball. 85 H 8th.nei! Htark. Broadway 8590, fi88 DOROfHY""AfWSSEN Ballroom an$ aesthetin dancing, OTO Eihrrs bldg., Wat. between 4th and 6ih. Main 1199. MU8I0 OHOOLt AND TEAOHKRf TSTUCKE. MuiTB. . Usrmony. Voice. Marshall 8312. 648 Montgomery ' Drive. IOFESSOR T,- - K. CiWSON-Twenty yaar7 exDertenr. piano leaaona at your home. 8 1. Phorie Tbor 7698 ' - - - PjEtPULAU music, ragtime playing taught any -, one with full awing bass; latest aonga taught Fir-4 leesori 4ree. Marshall 8629. CAB ROLL DTY. teactwr nr vote and Biaae, 148 18th it Broadway 9556. KLKOTRIOAL &kC..lL x& INSTAlLAjl BAIL E CK M9 E. WA 221-29. J-NfiL ORAWIT8 AWO W8RBL1 WORK 9 6TTO StTIUilANN Granit and aaaxbia - works. East Bdi and Pine.. Eat 748. HATLKHNEII9-AND DVtR9 HATS" elmnd.rblocked, dyed, reasonable and eattafectory. Royal Hat Works, 223 1st st LANO9OAPIN0) PACIFIC LANDSCAPE GATtT)ENERSt" Bneciallst in treating and taking rare of parka, lawns, gardens, rooteriea, fountains, etc. j shrubs, aPrnnialai and bulb: old manure and fertilisers. Phonal Sellwood 1006. : 40 46U avenue a. K. CFNERAL .landscape work; goodaarvioe. Call Woodlawn 294 1, East ortlnd Undscsp On, - - - QWTOIgTllT -' "'" ' ' . aasasw EYES sclent if tea lly tested with saod- JrxC "a nxstrusnenuj gUssea fitted t saving; satisfaction guaranteed ... A. B, npBWITZ, Oytrmietrlst, 225 1st t PT8NT OTTORNtYS i GOLDBERG, dTupWoroeater bidiT Mslo jhjT. vrAlflTIHa. TINTIWa. RAPKRHANOtWa House paintlVg, dkx)ratTng)faT!!: TA6,tuy8 iaci: PAlSTWO, pettisigiiig', 'tintingi' work guar an-, teed. O. E. HruienjLroiu. i!76 PoweU t allay road. Tabor 9183. LL ,CHFjfOJll intln. PP'U'g. tmUng. 1$4 ' W. lTthtt ,Brtdwsy 4414. Woodlawn $126. ; PAINTING, Untiag, paper banging.- First-cliuw work guaranteed, phone Autometlo 211-84, RLeVSTKRINO, ETO. JAY th Jobber, 'Tilasterin, brick, cement workT Automltle 8191-70. . rtUMBINOl AND 9TEAIW FITTIWa g 1 vi, ism maUwTjii T lntfl. Min t5Blk mBttkA JiUjmti 211-07. 1 erg, AW. W . . lwWJ. 1 .- ' , - j P L V MlftTjnrtsUI'PLIES AT , WlIOUSAAji i PRICES. STAHK.-DA VIS CO.. 1WM Sthvt. ' iliE M. L. KI.IJ.K CO., 84-66-87-89 Front st ! KEPAlltlNG, etej J, lludene. East' 6649. PRiNTiwq, I twowAviaia. aiNoina DrinSnrelr. W7lLiTf E8Cy. a a aaavsa,(D) Oak. Main 165. $H THE lttWtN-UODSONCOMPAJilX 98T Waahingtn. Broadway 434. A-l 2$. ROOf RERRIRIMa DON'T CHANCE -your roof repairing in tb band of inexperienced persona, it's th most Important part of tbe noose. Our price r rtssiitiabia. Inttlgtioo invited. Main 671. Residence. Main 6644. Roof Security Co. BOOKS repaired let any time, rain of ahtoe; all work guaranteed; paper, bn, gravel or abingle. Portland Roof Repair Paint Co. Hoy Ping. Pres. Main 6820. '. . LEAKY ROOFS! repund and 'pud; xa aoi. lanor STOVE RERAIRINO WE REPAIR all kind of stoves, wster haa'ur 3 end furnaces. Pbone East 6931. TRANSFER AND STORAQE ECITBITT STORAGE T RAN 8 FER OU, racking I MoTtog - Storage Reduced rreight Bate . Money Loeard on Warehouse Reeetpta IN THat (HEART OF THE CITY .-, 68 4TU 81' CORNER OF PLB PU0NB BBOADWAX 8716. Oregon Transfer Co. KaUbUsoed 179 i Transfer tend Forwarding Agents BTORAGiE FREE TRACKAGE Office snd Storage, 474 Giiasn 18th and Gllsaa. Broadway 1281. A-l 169. ALWAYS PICK THE BEAT UUVSESuLU GOODS SPECIALIST Sunage, vseking, sUp. ping and aoyihg; tot and aui van; apeotaj rate to all point. - a O, PICK TRANSFER STORAGE CO. 2d nd Pine Bt. Broedwsy 696. A-1996. Storage and Transfer, Ctay S. Morse, Inc.': 12TH AND OLISAN.-: BROADWAY 8476. ,., ,,,,, cbf ffittT?iirbr: , , Ob household $ood ahipped east and (oqUv. Manning Warelsunae A TranMer Cow 9 Lb and Hoyt Pbone Broadway Tug. , " !5jfTIlA!t8FER A 8 l'OR AGE CO. -" Piano and furniture snoring, era Ling and, stos Sag. Bdwy, 2448. ' - ' - , . ALBINA " TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. "" 7Hj Mississippi aye. Woodlawn 1876. PIANO and furniture moving, crating and ato tog. Broadway 2446. WANTED Moving and transferring, by hour u .-tob. Caii gntomalig S29-48. cordwoOd $ii ' si-ions aiaownoa. jel Or. phone Columbia 18