SATURDAY, NOVEMBER ; 20, 1920. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON 15 HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB BALE $3 ;of the ,v . :ir;:ti Of furniture and draperies, removed to Madtron (tract dock IntniiM Bo feet from front and Madison ,U-) , now selling at the biggest bargain, aver give to tba profile of Portland. Ke IS2.SU De Luxe Double Deck Springs - Irom 16.60 up. . Regular $20 Liberty Coil Springs, priced $8. Regular $15 Weal Rpringa, from $3.60 up. Regular $22 2-inch Steel poat Blmnwnt Beds. Mom II.IO up. Regular 110 Iron Beds, from $1.50 up. Regular (IS Steel Bed,, priced at $4.30. Regular $8.50 Brcekie Tablet, at $2. Regnisr $13 SO Steel Coueheg, it $5. Regular $18 Spring Edge Box Couch, $5. Tennessee Cedar Cheat,, priced from $6.60up. Reeulsr $17 Wood Baby Crib,, priced at $5. Upholstered Davenports, from $22.60 op. 2 Inch Bra at Bedi, on sal at $15 tod $20. Chain priced special (or thii Fire Sal. 26c np. Reed Chain and Rnrkara en aale from $2.50 np. PLACES OF HALE: WTTTtN7TUTrE AT MADISON ST TxXR ' DRAPERIE8 AT 484 WASHINGTON 6T. CORNER OR THIRTEENTH . T.e U eter- 4 Frank stock of fnrniture. esti mated at about $200,000, consisted of tba very richest grade of Mahogany and Walnut Bed Xioom, Dining Room and Living Boom Furniture and also odd pieces, Tbia la a chance of a life . time to bur the beat furoitura at about 25e on tiia dollar. , , Country Dealers Will Be Given Special Prices l' - COU-V BK08. DIRECTOR FURNITURE SACRIFICE Miscellaneous aaaortment of odd pieces of 4. furniture, including drasaen, chain, bedi, bed ding, carpet table, desk, etc.; no prices with in reason will be refuted; 2, 8 and 4 -room apart ments for rant. Baron Apts., 295 , 14tb at. Main 7337. BUICK light 6. Win sacrifice for $700: coma early. Brooklyn farege, 008 Muwaukia at. Bel I wood 2956. i GENUINE leather davenport, jut like new, for ssle by private party. Tabor 6894. FOR 8 ALE MISCF.MjAKF.OU9 13 GENUINE SEW HOME SEWING MACHINES Hold for I-es,. Va A van,, VSnnlmnMt SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. Main $431 1 90 Third Bt.. near Taylor. BOTH new and used office furniture ;; aome new rugs sliglillj damaged; one W bank 1 Hilton adding machine. At condition, half the price of new machine: also one 9 bank Burroughs. l. EHectric Motors Bought, fold, rented and tepaiiaU. Walker Electro Work. 418 burn aid, comer '10th. Broadway 6074. "BtJirSEIX. RtST OR TRADE . Shotguns or Rifles NEWMAN'S GUN STOItB. 128 First t Mam 44 95. Tabor 6798. SINGER. White, New Home, in fart, al most errry make and atyle. 115 u $35. . Xll latest, new Singers cash ' or time." Rentals, $3 per month Singer Store. Moom bldg., 103 4th. Miti 6833. WHT an eterlutlng atsraapon by a leaTy roof? Why not a permanent and comfortable roof? We repair, rubber-bond and rejurenate all kinds e leaky roof. Work guaranteed. Main 6640 SIBLICO PIPEI.ESS FUt.NACK $69.45 and$135. Phone . Eaot 45S7. Show room 184 E. Broadway, near bridge. Open ere- ning anr8nndaya. LICENSED Independent electrician wires 8 rooms for $12, 6 rooms $20. Ail new ma larial used and guaranteed to pass inspection. Woodlawn 8791. IS YOUR key under the matt Hare asms duplicated, at flam Goldenberg'a. - Locksmith, 240 Taylor at Main 81U3. Beware of prowl era. LET us wah Jnur rugs with the Hamilton Beaeb electric carpet warher without remov ing frnm the floor. Wd'n. 12A0. POTATOES APPI.ES Carrots, beeta, cabbaae, cauliflower, , or more delivered. Tabor 8913. 6 Backs ;l-I'HOI,8TEItINO of all kinds mattress reno vating; work guaranteed. Phone East 7858 or Marahall 4 065. FOR SALE Baby'a white bed and sulky. 1 Hugro Vacuum sweeper, baby's high chair, 1 Ironing rKnJ.JfiOE. 79th N. Tabor 7214 iffOCYCLir and aidebir, bicycle, oUstore, elnc. fan, gas heater, typewriter, gas plate, creejnfreezer. Tsbor 815. POTATOES, Burbank and White Rose, $2 a ; hundred. Bellwond 2587. I'Olt MALE-Full ,ixed folding bed and apring; will swap for upright bed; also a wood beating store and a MaieeUc electric u-ater. Tabor ftti5. rOR SALK-rInwaln, Reeves, k. Cole -dup& rator, $3.50. Wfmdlawn 3411. I Oft SALE, cheap, 1 cah register,! Dayton see lee. Inquire 49 rront St JiUSKRAT capo coflarTjISS. Call Broadway 1 1 5 S before 1 p. m ONE 10x12 new fluff nig, $30. 900 E. Grant, between 29th and 80th. , FOR SALE Kitchen steel range and other fur niture in good condition. 1440 E. Stark at Ul'MMAGE SALE 102 2d Kt. Monday, Tues day, Wednesday. Open at 8. KINDLING wood delivered. ahogeneraljobbir)g at the right price. East 4460. SiXK-'KTARb fertiliierdeTi"vered in any part of the city. Pbone Woodlawn 6233. l.tiGANBERRY PLANTS (UpM, raised on R. R. b(sttimeoil:tlwd.2jI32, Woodstock Nursery. WALT'8 Home Service Vacuum Clearlir rerited at 11 ier day;wiUi attachment Wdln. 5758. SAFE Fireproof aareIIalFmake. in guod ordrT Crheap. R-1B6, Journal. MATTRESS, lawn mower, store, chicken hoiine, cheap; blackberry ""'plants, lOc. : East 8894. FOR SALE kux coat, cheap, street noiiih. 661 E. 21st ;n.PE vines, fruit tree and alt kinds of berry plants. Anderson's nursery. Tabor 4213. 2 WHITE- FOX FCLIS. 8aTi and $lSI CaU aut'"OTiSc 2".'3-82. " VACUUM cleanen rented $1 per day dellv . eved. Tabor 5786 evenipg. Bdwy. 2872 days. 1X)R SALK I! Wdln. 1540. uaiiani - call UucSs, Phone FOU SALE Complete et of Alexander Ilsmil- ton a course; term. Phone 32-5!). I'OTATOKS and onions by the sack; also honey. We deliver. East 404. GAS FLVTUHE8. new 1 and 2 licht. at tnnp own price. Clancy. Rainier hotel. $15 BUYS adding machine: adds 7 figures 518 Corbett bldg Mar. 5S7. Al STEEL range, coal or wood, first clan condition; water coils. 1000 E. 17th st. N. ELECTRIC motor. H h. p. A. C. current single phase, for cash, $JV5. is abor 8432. CAVES WRECKING CO., .windows, brick, alao lumber o' all kind. JI. 720ft. ' $2" BLACK velvet hat, worn four times, to. East .7474. FOR SALE- Upland potatoes. $3 sack delivered. Main, 8747. FOR ,SALE- White enamel r gas range, used snort time, woodlawn 3S03 WILL PAY cash for lathe: 18 or 20-inch swing, 10-ft bed. 11-586. Journal. . ; l'Ll'.SIl st wi'h fur collar $15, and bat $5. H.mBdwsy 1995. - UNCALLED F0K tailor made uit. $12.60 up. Taylor, the tailor. 289 Bnrnside st VACUUM clesnen for rent $1 a dsy; dellversd anywhere,' Wdln. 8495. formerly Hdwy 258. FOR SALl 100 quarts of "goodhome canned fmit. R, E. p. l,.Box 148, qackamas. Or. 1 Ali.OK-MAHE suit left on, liaod at half price. MiKlern Tailors. 89 N. ih nt ' . , CASH KKG1STER. FLOOR CASES " And othar fixtures. 242 Sal mm.' Main 842. VACUUM cleanen sold rented: i returned h. changed, bought nay sentiey Mam tui FOR SALE Cash register, aafe. adding machine, . show eaa 43 Girst st. Near Ash. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 24 hror day 81. delivered Wdln. 1239. SECONDHAND brick andlumber7 V Fairbanks warehouse wales. CaU Woodlawn 5714. GAS PLATE, mahossny chair, gaa oven, lounge 42 Oregon st East 4068. DIAMOND WANTED, about 4 "tq lik. '"8p'ot cash. Msin 4424. week days, t t-KMKNT- laundry tnys. -Factory 314 E. Washington at. We yhip by rail or water. GASOLINE wood saw, mounted on a one ton Ford truck. Call Marshall 370. FOR SALK Alcazar combination range, half price., wooaiawn .'dm. ALMOST new 12-inch plow and one aectioo harrow (new). $12. Wdln. 4852. RANGE with coils, good baker. W.iln. 2979. FOR SALE Garden manure. Tabor 63. t-'ILBEKTS C.rafted stock. Seilwobd 2832. FOR RENT Small lathe. MarshairsTsTT DRY wreckage wood cheap. -Tabor 3643 TIUkEE pool tables tor aale. 287 First at FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS It BARGAIN llTTfEW AND SECONDHAND FARM MACHINERY AND FARM, IM- :, . I PLEMENT8 1 11 in. force feed cutter ......... $ 85.00 1 Diamond feed grinder 85.00 1 Iron Age potato plants 100.00 80.00 0.00 85.00 25.00 SaO.OO 400 00 85.00 85.00 25.00 35.00 16 00 10.00 15.00 80.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 1 o. z (joiumbta. asm ........... 18 H. P. Economy gas engine. . . . . . 12(4 H. P. Foot gas engine...... 1 1 H. F. Fairbanks gas engine. . , r 110 H. P. Fooa gas engine, mountsd. 112-20 Bull tractor, good 114 in. Oliwr high lilt aulky plow. 1 14 in. Itock Island high lift aulky. . 112 in. Rock Island prairie plow... 1 Top buggy . . . . , 1 Set buggy harness ........... l nei exj're, iuuuw ...... 1 No. 2 Eureka com aheller 1 No. 3 dbl. feed Eureka corn sbeller 8 Hand grist mill,, each, , ......... 184 in. double barpooa hsy fork... 8 Patent sack holder! 1 Drag saw with, clutch, naw model. (new) . 148.45 1 Ro(J cart i ......... ., 80 00 3 1 "4 in. two Mted hack (new), ea. 150.00 P. E. ESBENSHADE AGRICCLTtEAL UlVLZUltSti i and STCDEBAKER VEHICXES, 80-3gl Eati Morrison at. Portland, Or. Sewing Machine Emporium - iNew and Sd band machine, aald 'or iess; no agents employed. Cotn- Slete Hne of parts for all ' makes, acninet repaired and rented. - ISO Third ,!BS .i..'. CEDAR CHESTS Direct from factory to yoar bom. Teonesaee and Port Orford cedar; solid copper trimmtaga. latest dealgna. Order now for Cbrittmaa. Open renlngs. 8undaya. Write for eatelngua. i. W. HIGGINS as SON 1912-18-18 g. CLISAN. TABOR 80S. W BAVS TOdMONBX . Hoose wiring, Mibting ftx rnraa, alert rical repairing, sop pliea. Third Street Kleetrte iitore, S24 Third (treat. Bear Salmon. Main 6055. BIQ BARGAINS Slightly ied desks, enairs and bookeas bookkeeper's desk. . D. U. Wax. 81 N iUa. Bdwy. i. 89. Independent Printers Wa are still doing promptly "printing for leas" at 11 No. th aL Commoawaaits bkU. Smith, printera. Broadway 2988. liOtJHKBERRIES. Currant,. Black Caps. Cuth bert red raspberry plants; fine 2-year-t.ld improved t oncord grapea ; well rooted atock. W ondttork Nursery, end of Woodstock carline. l'hone Sellwood 2332. POTATOES Time to lay in your winter supply in 5-aaek lots, $1.60 a sack; west aide. $1.70 a sack. Eaot side, rm than 5 racks. $1.80 a sack da- llrersd. Phone Broadway B1Q3. - HOT WATER tanks'fot mU. 80 and 40 gal,.. $5; cracked-water jackets, acored cy linden, welded; hesry welding and outside lobs a aprcialty. In dependent Wojding Shop, Water and E. Wash ington sta. East 2782. . COOPERATIVE "marketing; get your supply pa from farmers Market Producers' anociatioo. TOLEDO ateei tt-hole range, coil and pipe, $33 .w.. ,i.t.-oiiu mat ah cast Miaeiun heater $23.. 2 child ! size Iron beds. 1140 Belmoqt at. Tsbor 729. Eder. HOT WATER TANK 8 80-aaL, 97; 40-iai.. . Tested audi guaranteed atove and furnace colls, Ots beaten installed. Expert plumbing repairing. East tude Welding Shop, 208 Adams at E. 51e. SHAMPOO, dandruff, bald spote and all ail - menu of hair and scalp; scientific fscial and head massage. Phone E. 530$. Residential work a specialty. SIBLOqo PIPELESS FURNACE $79.60 and $185. Pbone 'East 4567. Show room 164 Ei Broadway, near bridge. Open eve nings and Sundays. SAFES, new and secondhand, soma with burglar chest, at reasonable prices. Pacific Scale at Supply Co.. 48 Front t Bdwy. 1966. ROTTED COW OR HORSE MANURE Fo lawns os gardens; truck loads delivered. Main 4486. IHAMIRV Warranted unadulterated, light, 1 vi1. IU a miid. strained; auart 80c, quantity leu. East 1418, TRADE- -Gent's diamond ring or 1919 Kord rcaidster lor Brunswick phonograph. Tabor 4573. ; . RTJOS ws-'hed on your floor with Hamilton Braeb elect carpet washer. Alae vacuum cleaning done. East 404o. Dentistry w.h'SV Without Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. . LADIES, ATTENTION .Slightly used wearing apparel at Vogue Apparel Exchange. 403 Ali'kv bldg. Main 3132. FOR SALE CHEAP IloTaiVurnace for 5 or 8 room house; been used very little; am going to use steam beat Wdln. 4519. WICKER sulky, rubber tire.; in good condition. First reasonable offer will take it Sell wood 1607, or 1111 Woodward ave. ATTRACTIVE style in ladies' slightly worn coats, auits, gown, hats and furs, 1047 Tburman at Main 9667. J FIR wood, first "growth, delivered Piedmont, AL berta and Irvington, on pavement; $11.50, 2 cord lots.' East 8143. "M) B08n?ES8c7RbS Cf 9B SylVf ROSE CITY PRINTERY ?li.5a5 Yen mmt bring this sd. 120 6-b at; W. SIDE home sells ladies' slightly warn garments and furs. Marshall 3215. 870 14th, near Montgomery. LADIESEXCLUSIVE USED APPAREL Buy of u and cut the H. C.'L. , 1132 E. jGliaan St. - Tabor 2823. FOR 'SALE Heating stove. Buck hot blast . guod order. 8208 t6Ui at 8. E. MAI 9431 BRINGING UP FATHER 1 I TOLD VOU NOW ANO I I ) IT- ( WANT "TOO TO t et STOP AKirSO ME FOR f - I t)HOUlD Xs 33 have: thought i: rS zrAfK V -i OF THlb J'Y Im& ii I ALON TIME fe-JC. ' W i n - FOB SALE MISCELLA5E0CS It WOOD!,. WOOD! WOOD! FIRST GROWTH CORDWOOO l DELIVERED - FOB $11 A CORD ! CAU. MAIN 7S52. " SIBL0C0 PIPEUBSS FURNACE, S7Q.60-SI3S It ia : pro ring ear claim of superiority. Mors perfect scientific principle of circulation and larger radiating lurface; siring better result. New names this week,' Henry Brannen, 809 Fast 7th N. : H. H. BeMhur, 168 Idaho at; W. B. Robert. WsTerley Golf club; kind per muaion ! for reference voluntarily aire". Se tliem or call up. Other demonatrationi -908 E. Oliun, 269 Going. Fire year guarantee. J. T. Woodruff, 1291 Mallory ae. Woodlawn 210S. Buy. Sell AND EICHANGB ' eaah registers, showcases, t ountaina. acalaa, a t e r e fixtures. I . ' L BOXES. War. 24(8. 11$ 3d at : FOR SAlJC OB TRADE and lH-ton ice machine 14 ft. ahowcaas. 1 meat block. 4 nickel plate racks. t hanging scales, la ton butcher paper. -1000 wax carton. - $00 Fourth 8t Main 8898. SINGiS ELECTRIC bEWINu MACHINES We take your machines in exchange, balanea easb or easy payments. Phone for demosaitra. toon- Machines tented. Expert repairing, any MO also ST. SINGER 8 TORI. 82 Morrison. Msnhsfl 721. Sewing Machines We hsTe the largest atock of used Sewing Machine in the city. Com pare prices. We rent end repair. 172 Sd, near TemniU. fiAFESFire and bnrgjar proof aafea, new sad serondhand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy terra if desired. NORRIS S Air at 4a UJV. CO., 104 Second St. Main 2046. B17T electric fixtures wholesale. One light chain future. $1.50; 8 light fixtures $6; Majestic electric beater, $10. Reliable Electric Store, I'nmn ave. ans RusselL Open evenings. East 8688. . j AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES, LAONCHICS er boau are seperate class! flcsuon. A large luting wui be tound under toese oiiurenl ftrationa. " TOLEDO acalea, no aprings, cost little more than spring scales. Easy terms. I Immediate delivery, if ordered now. I -to Kemp, 5 First kL Pbone Bdwy. 5279. I. LADIES GENTLEMEN ATTENTION Bring in your used suits, coat, gowns, hats, furs, fancy work, brie-a-brac and let ua aeli them for you. 191 Adams at. East 8981. THE PALMER SHOP" will sell Tyour fancy work, misfit or slightly worn garments; com mission, 10 per cent. Main 2162. 20t Ali.-ly building. INFANT dreaaaa. petticoats, gowns;! alao plush coat 88-40, akirta, blouses, elegant for coatee. "The Palmer Shop,' Main 2162. 209 Alisky building I APPLES HOOD RIVER APPLES Roman beauties and Northern Spys; good eat ing and cooking; bring boxes. 51 E. ltU at. north. Eat 6775. I WALNTTT TREES, large ones; genuine grafted English Ftanquetta. Plant them in tba larking. Phone Sellwood 2332,) Woodstock ornery, CL'T H. C. U Potatoes, onions, cabbage, squash, geese, ducks, frys, fresh eggs. iKaiglarai farm, mile south of Troutdale. I SWAPS te SELL OK TRADE I A cowhide euitcaae, also a $75 Tictrola. What have you. Automatic 210-82, or call at iobo r.. isui st TRADE Tesru haxDew and wagon for Ford car or light delivery. Atlaa Woodyard, 327 i ront . WOULD exchange. 1 year bouse rent for car- penter work ; 7 room nouse. Piedmont dis trict. Apply 406 Ross at. BRICKLAYER will trade brick work for a good family cow. 652 76th at N. Tabor 6398. CIDER MILL for cordwooi Woodlawn 582L FPRNITCRE WANTED 74 SPOT CASH FOR. USED FURNITORB Main 8878 I UNITED Ff'RMTURE STOSB 178 FIRST 8TREET. Owl Furniture Co. NEAR MORRISON We want your used furnttare, stoves, carpett and planoa; we pay the highest eaah prices. 166 and 168 First St. Call Main 4627. WE BUY used furniture, stoves, rues, etc Re llable Furniture Co. 2 03 205 2d, Main 7308. GOOD price paid for good furuiture. 622-52 Waahingtrm. Broadway 8695. WANTED 3IISCELLASKOU8 1 j rtw, roll to? desaj and cnatr; give roll to? desk and chair; full partifuian nd price, i Y-300, Joumau WAN f ED All krnd secood-baad furniture and - junk? CaU East 8923. SAFE Want cheap office aafe or 248. Journal. cabinet P- WILL wreck old buildings for lumber. Main 2885. T Fhon. (Copyright, 1920. Bervlce. WAITED MISCELLANEOUS 8 $22.50 to 25 For Second-Hand SUITS OR OVERCOATS METER TOT TAILOR Pay snore for clothing and sheas. We emR day or evening, anywhere in the city. Call ktar afasQ 1229 er 25$ Mtdisos aL, near Third at UP TO $35.00 FOB, MEN'S BUTTS AND OVERCOATS We Pay Any Price for Men's Cloth. OREGON CLEANERS ak TAILORS 117 2d at, H. W. Cot. Wash. Mala 9344. WANTZDPeople of Portland to know that I pay the nirheat cash price for second-hand Household gooda. No amount too large or too small. Prompt attention. N. M. SEATER. I Phone East 2203. 14 8 Russell at. 7.ATT0 $23 tor men's aaed svitg and over eoata, oail Goldbeum the Tailor, tor good results. -Will pay more end all it ia worth for your east off elothlnc Pbone Mais 188. 187 First at , near Morrison. ' THE SQUARE DEAL FURNITURE CO., 825 Fir at. Pays highest price for second hand furniture of an Kino, pnone Marsnaii 87 vo WANTED Oimoord. Black Nacli. White Nia- gara, Oregon Sweetwater and Loganberry planla, about 100 healthy, ytmng. Prices moat be reasonable. Address T-717. Journal. Wanted used houseiiold goods and junk, east side SECONTiHAND store. 71 RUS8ELI- PHONE EAST 5887. WANTED Rifles, abotguna. eameraa. Hochfleld. 85 8(1 Phone Msin $581. WAXTEI Parrot perch! Call Manbsll 1 PERSOJTA1. M CLASSES at saving. 1 , ao licit your patronage sw the basis of capable atnlco. Tbouaanda of satisfied pa. trona. Cnaa. W. Goodman. optometrist, 209 Morrison at. Main 3124. DR. GEORGE BCBENSTEIN, the eeteraa optician, kt aa expert ia luting and ehargee ee very reasonable. Brokea lei quickly duplicated. 226 Morrison at $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton'a the CHIROPODIST and ARCH. SPECIALIST who doesn't sort you, 8 yra. here. Exam. free. Globe Tbcstre bldg., 11 tb and Wash. Bdwy. 2824, AM VERT anxious to know whereabouts of Dr! M. La BeUia. Chicago specialist TX-71S Journal. - SU PER FLUOUS HA IB. moles, warts removed by 10 needle method: trial .free. Josie Flaky, f.14 Bosh V I .ana bldg. Msin 6368 I esamrAs. Consultation FREE. All WSVYJSI 612 Belling bldg. Main 4998. LIDA JACKSON. - facial. scalp treatment, manicuring. 291 H Morrison st., apt. 8. DOESN'T Tom. Dirk or Harry pay you? Viererk, collections, Deknm bldg. See MASSAGE, baths. Dr. Elm Sorenren, 608 Pan ama bldg. Main 5088. Dnigless physician. PROFESSIONAL "AH-D BUSINESS ' DIRECf ORY BARBERS' BUPPLICS LEWIS STENGEBTHBarber Supply Co., 10th and Morrison sta, The place to buy barbat chain and supplies. Stock of furniture aiwayl on band at right prices. ' BICYCLES WALDEN'S CTCLERT. 408 Hawthorn, ai High grade bicycles, supplies and repairing. LANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS A HOLM AN, INC.. 109 2d at. blank book manufacturer. A-8183. Main 188. CaRParMTCK WORK CARPENTER work, new and repair., given. Sellwood 1643. Estimates f OAT UNO POO HOSPITAL , LOSE CITT VETERINARY HOSPITAL, IncTj ' E. 7th and Grant; both pbonas; day and night rervlce; three veterinarians. OEMENT WORK ALL claasca cement work, general building and repair work. Rates reasonable. Pbone 821-29. CHIROPRACTORS DR. McMAHON, 100 chiropractic ayatem. Portland. 1910 to 1920. Beat known. Tb rones pronounce it superior treatment Ne camouflages, oas bouse stunt or profiteeriii adjtincta Adjustments made easy, enjoyable. beneficial and curative. Terms: Initial treat menu reuonablo, and all cases carefully ad justed, Patirnta requiring extended time. St adjustments $15. Pbone, call, write. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and massage. 10th floor Broadway bldg. Marshall $187. Dr. Laura K. Downing. Open evenings. OOCLEOTIOMS NETH & CO., Worcester bldg. , Main 1796. N collections, do charge. Kstsblished 1900. coat AND WO BO DRY WOOD, .prompt dUry, aerdwo id, euo try slab and block wood in aoort lenith. Auto. 285-21. CORDWOOD $12, 3 cords $32.60; short and 4-foot slsbwood. Jenaen & Co., Linnton. Or. Phone Columbia 18. SLAB and cordwood, also slab and block mixed. 18 inch lengths. Special price on large orders. For-quick delivery. Phone Tibor 7664. GOOD 16 inch slsbeood. $4.50 a load. Sarely a bargain. Delivered anywhere. Call me. Sellwood 1769. BLOCK and slab wood. Special aIce in 3 load lota. Oregon Fuel Co., Wdln. 4103.' BLOCK and slab mixed, already cut, also slab and cordwood. Call Tabor 5829. FOR SALE Dry. old growth cordwood. West- ever Fuel Co.. Antomatic 523-40.' - WRECKING wood, cut stove length; west aide delivery only. Tabor 731 S DRY FIR wood for sile, special rates for 4 -cord lots. Phone Esst 6563. BLOCK and tlb in 2 load lots; special price. i East 2041. by International Feature inc. 1 I - j ev ollx- i don't oe:e WHAT HARM THERE ltJN AKJN'VOU- VOU C,iVE ME ANV - i hope the : next time MA 'THRoWt V , ANYTHING AT ME -IT WILL. BE J) OUR SILVER tl-Slo (g) 1920 s4'' -." Professional and Bnslngss Directory COAL AND WOOD BOXWOOD Delivered immediately by Fulton Wood CSV. 1261 Macadam. Phone Main 41T. WOOD AUTlfiNDS - Oak, old growth fir. 4 foot,' dry, 16 Inch stab and block mixed; 4 foot Bleb green, lawn 2132. FOR country slab eaU Main 148t. Wood- DIRTim Dentistry V Without Paia. Utest Nerve Blocking Method. DRES8MAKIN0 DRESSMAKING 71 N. Grand ave apt J.O. Pbone East 6286 after 6 p. m. ; EDUCATIONAL SPANISH and short hind uught by lady, 41$ Piatt bldg. Dictation tn Spanish or Kwlatav Main 2202. ' OAsjeiira THE DANCB STUDIO. 609 DekuB) bldg-. U'tatilnetn at Third. Prteate boar or hour leasona, day. evening.' t :80 am. to t P. m. Course leaaon specially priced. COass Moaw Frt. 7 :B p. m. sausr iretana, BrTsruvrna Twndn. Aeedaaav Prirat. li day and evening. AU latest steps shown. Dance every Saturday night Winchester bail. 65 H 6th, near Btarfc, Broadway 8590. MlSS TXfiOTHT RASMTJSSEN IUnrooni and aeathetie dancing, 610 Eller bldg-, WaeK, between 4th and 8th. Main 1128. MU$I0 SCHOOLS AMD TEACHERS PAUL T. STUCK E. Mna. B. 7" Piano. Harmons. Voice. Marshall $812. 646 jlontgosaery Drive. F&OFESSOB T. E. LAW80N Twenty years' experience, ano leasona at your noma, .i. Pbon. Tabor 7 60. POPULAR music, rsUme playing Uught any wa wiia iuu wiia ommi " - h, . . . , t . , , nantk riTFx letwnn tree, siarnau ou.. VIOLIN,' piano, guitar, mandolin instructions; Instruments sou. noi svenoeca. o timaui. . CARROLL DAY, teaeber of vow. sad plasm. 148 18th at Broadway 256S. ELECTRICAL ORANITE AND MARBLE WORKS OTTO ' 8CTTUMANN Granite and marble works. East 3d and Pise. East 743. - HAT CLEAHER8 AMD DYERS HAT8 cleaned, blocked, dyed, reasonable and satisfactory. Royal Hat Worka. 223 let at LANDSCAPINe, PACIFIC LANDSCAPE GARDENERS. Specialista in creating and taking care of psrks, lawns, gardens, rookeries, fountains, etc.: shrubs, perennials and bulbs; old msnure end fertilisers. Pbone Sellwood 1005. 4503 45U avenue B. E. GENERAL landscape work; good service. CaU Woodlswn 2941. East Portland Lendaeape Co. OPTOriCTRIST ,-wjbsw EYES scientifically tested with mod " erB iMtrujaenta; glasses fitted at a wrSe saving; satif taction guaranteed. A E. HURWITZ, Optometrist, 225 1st st PATENT ATTORNEYS GOLDBERG. 620 Worcester bldg- Msia 2525. PAINTINO. TINTING, PAPERH ANOINQ HOUSE PAINTINO. DECORATING OF ALfj KINDS. SIGNS; 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TABOR 266. PAINTING, paperhanging, tinting, work guaran teed. O. E. Hnderstxom. 1176 Powell Valley road. Tabor 9133. J. H. CLIFTON, painting, papering, rrating. 154 N. 17th at Broadway 4414. Woodlawa 2128. PAINTINO, tinting, paperhanging. First-class work guaranteed. Phone Automatic 211-64. PLASTER I NO, ETC JAY the Jobber, plastering, brick, cement work! Automatic 819-70. . . PLUMSINO AND 8TEAM FTTTIN0 Plumbing Z?": able, W. A. Myen, 175 E. 6 2d st N. Morn ings, Main 6831; evenings, Automatio 211-97. Ref. N. W. Pipe Co. PLUMBING BCPPLIES AT WHOLESALB PRICES. STARE-DAVIS CO.. 188 te t THE M. L. KLINE CO., 84-86-87-89 Front st REPAIRING, etc J. Birdeno, East 6649. PRINTINO, ENORAVINQ, BIRDINCf" Drinfitirr7- W. BALTES ss CO.. i.t IT rillLlIl ,nd Oik. Main 166. 511-65 THE IKWlsj-IIODSON COMPASI 887 Washington: Broadway 434. A-128. ROOF REPAIRING) DON'T CHANCE your roof repairing in the baada of inexperienced persona, it's the most important part of the house. Our price are reasonable. Investigation invited. Main 67 L Residence. Main 8644. Roof Security Co. ROOFS repaired at any time, rain or shine; aU work guaranteed; paper, tin, gravel or ahingl. Portland Roof Repair A Paint Co. Roy Ping, Pres. Msin C320. LEAKY ROOFS repaired and painted; reaaoav able. Tabor 9824. TRANSFER AND 8TORASI ELK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. Piano and furoiuiie moving, crating and stor lng Bdwy. 2445. J ALBINA TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. 782 Mississippi sve. Woodlawn 1975. By George McManus MEVER B iNTt FCATuaa Siwvice." rsec 0rfAiLrlr? , ' - ' ' . , ProfestriooaJ and BardneaB Pirectory TRANSFER AND STORABK SECURITY STORAGE 4k TRANSFER OO. ' Packing Moving Storage Reduced Freight Betas Money Loaned oa Warehouse Recema) IS TUH HEART OF THE ClIX . 68 4TH ST.. CORNER OF PINS PHONE B&OADWAI S716. Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1ST - Transfer and Forwarding Agents STORAGE FREE TKAC&AUB Office and Storage, 474 Gliaaa Hth and Gltaaa. Broadway 1281. - A-1189 ALWAYS PICK. THE BEST HOUSEHOLD GOODS SPECIALIST Btoraxa. Daekln.. mlAn. Ping and Btovuag; bane and auto vaaa: apasau raue to an points. a O. PICK TRANSFER BTORAUB OO. 2d and Pine Sta. Broadway 698, A-1998, .Storage and Transfer Clay . morse. Inc. 1ITH AND GLISAN. BROADWAt 8479. ' CUT-WEIGHT KAffl Oa household goods snipped east and sow to. Manning Warefsoaae t Traasfac Oo., ttb saw ttoyt i Don, isnwwrway voa. WE DO all klbds of plaoo and furniture Boring, Large and small trnrtra. Eoceit Ante Trans fer. 63 N. 2d. Phone Bdwy. 1788, Soli 230$. PIANO and furniture mosinc crating east atat atroaaway zvta. WANTED Moving and tnnaferriag. by hour at job. CaU automatic 120-48. WOTIXKA IS NOTICE I To the voters of School District No. 1. Mult nomah County,! Oregon: You are hereby notified that the board of dl recton of School District No. 1. Multnomsh County, Oregon, baa called a public meeting to be held at the office of the board, room 804 courthouse, on the first day of December. 1920, at the hour of 10 a. m., at which time the board will adopt a budget of estimated receipts and disbursements of the district for the ensuing calendar year. Such sums of money aa are deemed necessary for the purpose of the district are set forth in the copy of the proposed budget, which is appended hereto. Any leasl school elector of the district msy attend the- meeting and will be aoeorded a bearing on any item oa the budget.- BUDGET FOR 1921. ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS. OUTLAYS. Betterments , $ 22.800 Buildings and additions. . , 64 5,000 Improvements to ground ID, 000 Ground purchases 105,000 Total outlays .$ 987.800 EQCD7MENT; Cookine $ 7,100 General , 89,000 Janitor ., 5.200 Manual training 18.900 Physical training 3,800 Sewing .., 1,000 Cafeteriaa 7.000 , Total equipment $ 82.000 INSTRUCTION. Pictures and exhibits $ 650 Free textbooks ... 800 Graduating exercises 1,800 Books, charts and mapa 8,000 SALARIES PRINCIPALS AND TEACHERS. 1 at $660 .....$ 660 2 at $960 , 1.920 1 at $1020 1,020 60 at $1200 72.000 82 at $1300 106.800 1 at $1350 1.350 27 at $1400 87,800 56 at $1500 84,000 858 at $1600 ' 672,800 410 at $1700.,' 697,000 41 at $1800 7S.800 45 at $1900 85.500 148 at $2000.. 296.000 46 at $2200......... 101.200 8 at $2400 19,200 1 at $2450. 2.450 12 at $2600 81,200 23 at $2800., '. 64.400 1 at $2900. 1!,900 4 at $3400 13.600 6 at $3900 28,400 Principals' secretaries 11,280 Librarisna ". . ,. F 14,630 Evening schools 20,000 Oltiaenship . 750 Substitutes 26.000 To be eddekfthts-th above in eontem, , plated revision of present salary achedule . . . . ( . . . . 146.690 Total .... $2,508,050 Total for instruction $2,519,200 SUPPLIES. Cooking $ 8,400 General 85,000 Manual training 16,900 Physical training 1.000 Sewinr ' . ' 1,600 Total for supplies ...$ - MAINTENANCE. Upkeep of grounds $ Fire insurance .......... . .... Moving portables ............... Repairs to buildings B.psira to equipment Emergencies .., 67.900 10.800 7,500 5,000 120.000 18,000 46,000 Total for maintenance OPERATION. Freight and drayage Fuel Fumigation liability insurance Light and power Janitors' salaries ,. Janitors' supplies Rent Telephones - Water , Total for operation ADMINISTRATION. Attorneys' feee and litigation Census Elections Rent Kepaira and equipment SALARIES. 1 superintendent of schools 1 1st assistant auperintendent 1 2d asaistant superintendent . . . . . 1 attendance officer . . 1 clerk and business manager.... 1 assistant clerk 1 supervisor of properties 1 supervisor of operation 1 purchasing agent .1 206,800 . $ 6,500 112.000 2.300 1,300 23,600 195,000 9.700 1.500 6,900 13,700 372.500 3.000 4,000 2,500 2.300 6.000 7,250 4.373 4,125 2.200 4,875 2,100 6,000 3.00H 1.800 1,980 1,800 1.700 8,240 7,500 2,880 1,400 2.640 10,800 2,80 1,120 2,160 975 2.H80 l.aoo 3,720 Oitlr-i' r.ariiUiui. 1 1 1 2 5 at $1980 at $1800 at $1700 at $1620 at $1500 at $1440 at $1400 at $1320 .$ 9 at $1200 2 at $1140 1 at $1120 2 at $1080 1 at $ 975 3 at $ 960 2 at $ -900 Emergency . Total salaries 88,600 11.200 1,800 1.400 4,500 3,500 4.000 17.000 10.000 ... Supplies Telaphonea Annual report Interest ; Liability insurance . Lectures, exhibits, conventions and traveling expenses Teachers' Retirement Fund associa tion Insurance fund Total for-administration $ 154,800 Amount required to operate, support and maintain the schools for the calendar year 1921, exclusive of debt account $4,380,500 DEBT ACCOUNT. Interest and com missions $ Sinking fund Interest , Srreetf and aewera 31.400 50,000 1,500 12,600 Total for debt account.. $ 95,400 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS. State school fund..... $ 114,000 County srhool fund 683,000 Delinquent taxea 40,000 Tuition .10.000 Interest on bank balance 6,000 Special levy authorised at general election May, 1920, 2 milla 658,000 Special levy - authorized, June 18, 1920 915,500 To be raised by special levy to op erate, support and msintsin schools 2,054,000 Total estimated revenue $4,880,590 To be raised by specisl levy for sink ing fund Ind interest on bonds in addition to the levy to operate, support and maintain the schools. $ 93,400 Published by order of the board of directors. District No. 1. Multnomah county, Oregon. GEO. M. OBTON. Chairman. Attest: R. H. THOMAS, Clerk and Busineaa Manager. Dated November 8. 1920. SEALED bids will be received at the office of tha undersigned, 401 Courthouse, Portlsnd, Oregon, until 12 m. December 2, 1920. for leather belting and aplit steel poller r Benson Polytechnic school. Bids will be opened ia Room 804 Courthouse at 4 p. m. oa that date. Certified check for 10 per cent U8i ) of the amount of tha proposal, payable to It. II. Thomas, school clerk and business manager, must accompany each proposeX. The board of directors reserves toe naht to reject any and all bids. Specifications msy be obtained at 401 Courthouse. B, IT. THOMAS. School Clerk and Bitsineaa Manager. Dated. November 18. 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that a public bearing wiU be held in room F of the Public Library in Portland, Oregon, at 10 a. m. on Saturday, November 27, 1920, relative to the adoption of a- code applying to ateem boilen in the State of Oregon, aa authorized by Chapter 48, Laws or 1920. Oregon sate industrial Accident mission. . Jrdctive Farm dttd Acreage Offerings and Exchanges M ACREAGE ; $7 EXCELLENT LAND AT $30 PER ACRE Oa Columbia river, between Portland and Astoria; 7200 acres of logged off lend lust nut on the market in email tracts; deep rich soil, slightly rolling, good transportation, schools, church, atore. poat office, warehouse and decks. Select now while you can get cboiee tracts; easy tenaa Arrange to to Sunday or Wednesday. Johnson-Dodsoir Co. 683 N. W. Bank bid. Main 8787. s Good 8 room house, caa, light and heat cli fine garden aoil; oa good road, S"" blocks from highway. 2 blocks to echoes. 8 blocke to train. 8 blocke to store and P. O. Overlooks beautifnl river, splendid fishing, only 12 mile to Portland. Price $8150, $2000 caeii. B. 0. DIUJaAN. 7th at, near 8. P. Depot. Oreertei City, Or. PRICE $6b00:TIGARD DISTRICT 8 acres, aU in cultivation. T-roora house, good barn, 1 good cow, 85 cnickena, 8 ton hay, M acre potatoes, wood cat for whiter; part cash, balance) oa terms Milton J. Edwards, 48t E. 84th st Phone Sellwood 8588. THREE acre, -all in cultivation, 8 blocks from Klactrie earline, lie carfare. 8 mile, from Portland; 4 room house, bam, outbuildings, lota of email fruit; close to achool; $2600, term. C. W. MUlership. Alder hotel. Main 6275. 54 A. FINE LAND at Winlock, Wash., as fint payment on modern 6 or room residence. Must be on paved t near ear. W. 8. C, ww mu avrw. o. K.. - : FOR BALE 60 acres of standing cord-wood timber. CaU Sellwood 1011. Monday. Tuea- 602i,Z8d ave. 8. E cay and Wednesday evening, after 6 o'clock FOR BALE 40 acres, unimproved, in apple belt White Salmon valley. G 988. Journal. 6 ACRE apple orchard for aale. Owner. Msin 6474. SUBURB AW ACREAGE 7$ Us ACRES south Council Crest creek, 2 room houae, furniture, 2 cords wood, fruit trees; S blocks to station; $2000 Fash. Tabor 1900. FOR RENT 1 aere on Powell valley and Buckley ave., with three room house, gaa and Water. 11. C Beeves, Woodlawn 8608. SUBURBAN HOMES ' 79 ACRES, one mile south Stanley station. Esta- cada line, weU improved, plenty fruit and berries ; $7500. Come to Stanley, ask at store for Miller or Barker. Owner, phone Sellwood 1714. FOR- SALE FARMS 17 This Price Is Below Normalcy 160 acre. 20 miles south of Seaside. i mils from poatoffice and achool, W mile from north fork ol Nehalrm river, irom wtiicn a lew young sters caught 128 salmon in two days the early part of last October; l -room died nouse, witn woodshed adjoining that can b. easily made to a livable room; small barn, chicken bouses, sev eral springs. 25 assorted bearing fruit trees, va riety of berries, 2 acres cleared and about 60 acres easy to clear, and county road goes by one corner of land. Could be msde into a dairy or stock-raising proposition, as there is plenty of outrange; good fishing in the creeks and rivers and good hunting in the hill and valleys, and the price ia only $960, with some terms. E. A. LINDGBEN, Savon Land Co.. 9$5 N. W. Bank Bldg. ' 124 ACRES 20 Acres Beaver Dam 65 acre in cultivation, 5 acre beaverdam land in cultivation, 8: mora ready for piuw, bal ance standing saw timber; 7 room bouse, good barn, implement abed, chicken house, good well, water pumped into 8000 gaL tank by 4 H P. gas motor, water piped to house and bam; 75 fruit trees, strawberries, edmplete equipment, 1 cow. This place, ia three mUea from Oervais shipping point Gravel road to be paved this apring; 1 mile to school. Priced at $18,600 for quick sale. Terms. James Chinn, .1111 Mad ison it, Oregon City, Or. ACRES 45 in cultivation, all nan be cultivated, seme timber, t sore of assorted fruit good 8 room ceiled house, barn, granary and other outbuild ings. y mile to school and store. 2 cows, team, some hay and straw and lota of machinery. This is exceptionally -good land and , cheap at $175 per sere. $60OO cash. O. A. KRUSE, with B, O. DILLMAN, 14 7th st, Oregon City, Or,, near S. P. Depot, 400 ACRE STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH 20 miles from Joseph, Wallowa county, Ore gon; 150 acres plow land, 120 sores plowed. $30 per acre, half down, balance 8 per cent Price includes. 320 aerea range, fenced and leased, located nett to outside range, 1 mile from achool. Well watered with six springs. WiU seU wheat crap, '60 tnna hay, 18 bead hones, 65 hee.d cttln, tools and nsachinsry. furniture. Address W. P. Tumbuli. owner, Joseph, Or. ' Two miles from Oregon City, close to school, on good road, 8 acres orchard and small fruit; 7 room house, barn 24x30. lArge hen house, woodshed and good oellar. This place is in thickly settled community snd will mske a nice home. Price $4500. half cash. O. A. KRUSE, with 8. O. DHAMAN. 214 7th st, Oregon City, Or., near B. P. Dr. NEWBEBG BARGAIN 65 acres, 25 ecrea in cultivation, balance tim ber: 2 acres assorted orchsrd, lots of fruit, fair bmldlnga, on rock road, in a fine community. 1 mile to achool, 7 miles to Newberg. I can sell this tract for $4900; only $1760 cash. Imme diate possession, HEROARD. COE A. M'KENNA A CO.. 82 Fourth St 14 ACRES AU level and -in cultivation. 2 room house, large barn and pig pen. Good family orchard. A beautiful "location and on good road. You can't miss it by buying this property for a good borne. $4000, half cash. O. A. KRUSE. with S. O. DTLLMAN, 214 7th st, Oregon City. Or., near 8. P. Iepot. FOR BALE BT OWNER 44 acres, 6 miles west and north of HoMinn viUe: 14 seres plow land, more can be plowed; 6 acres rich bottom, 7 scree in crop, ry. for early feed, kale and carrot,; som. machinery. 75 hens; new 5 room bungalow, woodshed and wood, good barn, hay, timber for 1000 cortis wood; null route, close to school; ideal for fruit and dairy: $4400 cash, no trade. M. Surprise, McMinnrilJe. Or. Route 4. ' $300 WILL HANDLE 40 acres of logged-off land between Portland and Astoria; deep, rich aoil, no brush; jgood road, school, churches, store and poatoffice. Price $30 per acre, on easy terms. Johnson-Dodsori Co. - 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. FOR SALE OB RENT Choice irrigated tracts under new government project on Colombia highway. East Oregon; ALFALFA. CORN. FRUIT; low altitude, abun dant water easy sccess. 4 cuttings a year. G. fioward. owner. 1113 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8931. . 27 ACRES. aU in cultivation; 2 dweUing houses, 1 good barn, other outbuildings,- 1 good store building, with $1000 stork of. gro ceries. famUy orchard. Price $6000; terms $2700 cash, balance 4 yean at 6. T. J. Folger. owner, Buell, Or. FOR SALE or trade, 12 acre ranch, good 4 roosn house, large barn and chicken bouses. Ttearinff rtrchard. henries snd small fruit. 1 hh gniles from Cleiskenie, Or. Addreea W, L. Marsh. 1402 Mawtftorne ave. - STOCK AND DAIRY FARMS If you are interud in sny of toe above we have small and large farm with equipment; some of the best bargains in Washington and Oregon. 508 Buchanan bldg. FARM of 20 seres, aesr Caailerock. Wash., for saik, trade or rent For infortnetion, eU at 47 , N. Sd at, cigar stand, from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. 1 : -. DAIRY ranch on Yaquina bay, 120 acres, $8000, $4000 cash, b Is nee oa easy terms at 5 . ti. W. Andrews, Box 1$3, Toledo, Or. IF YOU ere looking for farms to buy or aeU, see me. C. W. Millershlp, Aider Hotel. , Main 5275. FOR SALE or rent, 97 acres, 92 acres 'cleared. fine .buildings, 4 miles sooth of Hiiiaboro. Kuratii t Wismer. Hillsboro, Or. HOMESTEADS 7 THE Isrgest exchnive homestead dealer on the Pacific eosst Timber and farming tracta etoss fn; also som. good r.Hnqaisbasents. Bed 'iced enpy of government msp corrected to dare, (bowing open homestead land, $t. M. I. An derson, 331 RgUway Exchange bklg., Portia, Oregon. CAN LOCATE you on good homestead. Porte Und er Raseburg district farming or tkmber tracts. Also have some good relinrnihmetn E. W. Helm, 817 Board of Trade bklg. TIMBER 23 200 ACRES lumber, near Toledo, Or.; oa toad; most sell for less than ansirrl value; a anap. j F-283, Journal ' TIMBER 18 NOTICB OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER '. General Land Office. Washington, D. C Oct 6. 1920. Nottee 1 hereby eivea that aublert to the conditions and limit ti one of the Act of June 9, (89 Stat 218). and the Instruc tion oi tn secretary or In interior of Septem ber 1$, 1917, the timber oa the following lands wiU be sold November 2$. 1$20, at 10 o'clock a. m., at poblie auction at the United State land office at Portland. Or., to the htabee bidder at not teas tbaa the appreiaed value aa shown by thta notteav Sale to be subject to the approval of tb. aecratarv of the interior. The purchase price, with aa additional sum of one fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be de posited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will home for the Umber which most be removed within 10 Man. Bid will be rweeivsd from ettisene of the Halted State, association of each citi nrn and corporation organised under the laws of the United State or any state, territory er . district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any leaal subdivision will be offered separately before sw ing Included in any offer of a larger onit: T. S R. 3 a, See, 38, lot 8, fir 300 U.. lot 4. ht 363 M. tot 3. fir 140 M. lot 6. fir 273 M, lot 7. fir 298 M., lot 8. fir 30 M.. Sec, 37, SEH'NE. far 1860 M oedar 260 hL. lot C fir 166 M.. lot 2. fir 60 M.. lot 8. fir 290 M . 6WH SE fir 700 M.. See, 63. NE NW. fir 2173 M , NW NWW. fir 800 M.. eedsr 170 M.. Bw H NW. fir 910 M, cedar S3 M., BE 4 NW.14, fir 900 M.. Sec. 85, NE NEW. fir 1660 M. cedar 10 M., NW 14 Mil, fir 1348 M SW NK, fir 816 li, SB NE. fir 780 M., cedar 15 M., NE "4 JW14. fir 1313 M cedar 3 M., MW NW. fir 960 M . cedar 6 M., SW V NWH, fir 1X28 M cedar 86 M. hemlock 10 M., BE NWS, fir 1220 M,. cedar 20 M, None of the fir of cedar to .be sold for less than 32.00 per M.. and none of the hemlock to be aokt for lesa Uiaa 31.0O per H. T. 4 S,, R. 6 E., Ben, 8. lot 1, fir 1400 M., cedar 90 M , lot 2, fir 900 M; eedar 78 Mi SW NE, fir 290 M., eedar 26 M.. 8K NE. til 1223 M, eedar 20 M., down fir 525 M., lot 3. fir 293 M., eedar 80 M. None of the fir or eedar to be sold for less than $1.60 per M.. and .owe of the down fir to be sold for less tbaa 60 ml per M. T 4 N.. R. 2 W., Sec, 87. BE NEIA. fir 760 M. cedar 46 M NE 14 BE. fir 600' M.. eedsr 15 M., NW SK. fir 613 M., eedsr 16 M.. BE NW14. fir 440 M. None of the fir or eedar to be sold for leas tbaa 61.00 jwr M. CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner Genera Ijind Office. kOTICK ofAj.Ro GOVERNMENT lUaT BEB GENERAL LAND OFFICE Washington. D. C. October IS. I92S. Not lew h hereby green that subject to the eoB dMiona and limitation of the Act of June 9, 1915, (39 Btat, 218), and the instructions of the secretary of the Interior of September 16. 1917. the timber oti the following lands will be sold November 29, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. BV, , st public auction at the-United Ststew lsnd of fice at Hooebert. Or., to th. highest bidder at rot lea than the appraised value aa ahowa by thia notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the aecrrtary of Oie interior. The pur chase price, with an additional ram of one fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions eUovesd, mast be deposited at time of ssle. money to be returned if aale Is not approved, rtherwiee patent will kerne for the timber which must be removed within 10 years. Bid will be received from ritiaens of the United States, as sociation, of such eitiaena. and corporation or ganiaed muder the .law of the United States ee any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber oa any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being Included in toy offer of larger unit . T. 21 S.. R, 1 W . See. 81, NF H NWtt. fir 640 U.. oedar 15 M.. NW t NW. fir 87 M. None of the fir or eedsr to be sold for less tbsn $1.60 per M. T. 21 a R. 8 W . Bee. II, NW SR. fir 426 M., NE SW , fir 820 M., N W SW , fir 600 M.. BW SW . fir 900 M. None of the fir to be sold foe lese tlsn $1.50 per M. BE SW. fir 625 M., BW 8E. fir 600 M. None of the tU to be aold foe leas tbaa $1 75 per M. OIT TAU.MAN, Comm. General Land Office. NOTICE OF'AER5F IOVERNMFTvT TliT BER, General I -and Office, Washington, is. C, November 8, 1920 Notice ia hereby given that, sublert to the condition and limitations of the act of Jnne 9, 1916 (89 Stat, 218), and the instruction of the Secretary of the In terior of September 13, 1917. the timber on the following lands wiU be sold December 22, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., at publie auction at the United State Land Office at Portland. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not lese than th. appraised value as ahown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Berretary of th. interior. The purcliase price, with aa additional sum of one-fifth, of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be de posited at time of ssle. money to be returned if the sal ia not approved, otherwise patent will issue lor UM timber, which must b. removed within ten years. Bids wiU be received' from eitiaena of the United States, associations of such .citizen and corporations organised under th lawa of the United State or any state, ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qnalified purchaser, tb. timber en any legal subdivision Will be offered separately before being included In any offer of a larger -unit. T. 4 S R. 8 K., Sec. 6, NE NW fir 760 M., cedar 20 M. J SE NW. fir 960 M., cedar 15 M. : NW SW , fir 815 M. : SW 8W, fir 880 M., oedar 20 M; BE SW. fir 600 M., cedar 10 M.; sen. S3, SK NW. fir 1370 M.; SW NW. fir 1090 M.; NW SW. fir 428 M., none of the fir or cedar to be sold for tern tbsn $1.50 per. M. CLAY TALLMAN" Commissioner General Land Orfioa. FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE BEAI, ESTATE 6 ROOM noneCenrr1 Albina, $27d0;' terms, Business 'lot .25xlQ0, on Union sve., for $500; street imps. paid. Owner left towa,i Call East 2494. '. ' " ' EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 14 WAVERLEIGH HTS. $5000 Thl splendid 7 room houae, thoroughly Bed-' era, hardwood floor. U kinds of built-in, good Esrag: will exchange for 4 or 6 aere suburban ome; prefer Tigard district; wiU trade even or wiU se"nj small amount See Mr. Stephen. , WHAT HAVE TOU TO OFFEBf New S-room bouse with acre of ground, 15 rein, walk from Capitol Hill statioo, on Oregon fclectric; will sxebsnge for vacant lot aa part payment f 732 Cham, of Com. $3500 FOR SALE 10 acre level ground partly ready for cultivation, rest ia pasture, from Portland, 1 mile from highway, centrally located between Oregon : Electric and Southern Pacific; good welt, bouse and barn and other outbuildings; all fenced wftb the best of woven wire fencing: terms, or will consider mod ern home tn Portland. Phone owner, Marshall 1144. NEED CASH My pretty little modern home. with Mouble gsrsge, 1187 Minnesota are., just south of Ktlllngsworth: a bargain at $2850. My equity $1450. Will aeU or trade for a cheaper house roust have $1000 oaso. Wi.ll deal only with owner. CANADIAN 820 acre farm, adlovns town; well improved; raise wheat, oats, flax, barley, cat tle, bogs, poultry, (tor. Think; farm right up -against city; eonsit&r exchange. Claude Cole, 426 Lumbermen bldg. TO TRADE Beautifnl 8 -room bouse. 29th and Halawr, Price $8850. Will trade for lot East 691 or East 8088. TiPEXCHANGB !i trrt. 6 room bungalow; acre, 8 rooms, fruit, berries, rented. Trade fmv8 or 7 rooms, ekiee in. Z-590, Journal. WAITED-" To exchange a modern' 6 room" bouse in Vancouver, Wash., for a Itocfc ranch in Eastern Oregon. W. T. lingo, Faiibridge, M ash. EXCIIANOEB iota for city or eouaitry prop . erty; will aarame or pay ' eaah difference. Owner, M-810. Journal. ' 80 ACRES'-in Tillemork ooanty to trad foe Ford or Chevrolet Tabor 4396. HAVFT28 lota in Bellingham l"wish to toad for city property. Tabor 9295. f-WANT-to trade a ranch for a meat market. Address Box 157, Joseph, Or. . -- - WAWTED REAL ESTATE 81 , CAN SELL YOUR HOiffT - NO QUESTION ABOUT If O. C. GOLDEN BERG, ' Abington Bldf., 106 14 Third St " "35 Tears in Portland. Mam4 8 01. WE need your farm and eloae in acreage. Have buyer waiting. Phone, write or eaU oa as at once. - J. A. WICKMAN CO..' 264 Btark at Main 1094 and 883. IMMEDTaTKLY for cssh, 5 ot ftToom botisT. from $2000 to $4000, in Iawthorne, Sun nyaid -or other good district . considered if a bargain. HOP E. Harrison. Tabor 2443. FOUR or 6-roeom houae on either one or two lots. State location. Price and term. I mean business. X-144, Journal. WILL PAY $30 now, $60 in 30 days, balance $25 per month for an sere wrth boose; most have tight and water. T-714, Journal. " " : WHT WORRY T I can sell or trade anything, anywhere, a W, Millersbip. Alder "uotcl Main 5275. y FROM OWNER, 60x50 or full lot on paved tj at bargaia price. MarabaU 6399. B-874. Journal. ",' " 782. Cbagj. of Com. - . '