14 "THE OREGQNDAILYQUHNAXrQKTlNUDiiGOir HEAL ESTATE FOR HALE HOUSES 1 A HOME THAT W DIFFEREST t:inrelhur-t. on tin hill overlooking entire city. 7 mom of bungalow type, living room 16x24; Iodine out of tl.ta ta solarium. French door dene in tapestry- paper and ivory finish, lovely dining room. buffet, sunshiny break fart room. 2 bedroom on first floor, . 2 on second, hardwood floor, in every room, fireplace, tiled in bath, full ce ment basement Ge&co Inu, auto- ; matie water heater, gam go. A home thai wiU satiafy. Call Auto. 833-47, or f omit, 1418 Sandy bird. OfTTl fl-J riTV I n n U LP H I , I " " $750 CASH : Ilxr is positively on of the mint chsraning house in thla highly preferred district, etrietly modern in every way; 6 room and den: all roonia gr cxcsptionsUy well lighted; bed room! have hot and cold running water and closeta large enough for child's bedroom; east front; garage; full lot, pared at Price 15500. Tbia ii aoa compares very favorably with others you bare aeen for $6500. and you can buy it on fft like term". (all at 735 K. 4 3d at. n. (Beaumont car), of you msy call owner; Mar aliall 746 forenoons.1 " NEW, MODERN, r 7-R00M-. BUNGALOW All 1 Ready to Move I nto ! Hardwood floor : in every room, fireplace, built in bookcase, seat buffet, breakfast nook with table and seat, dresser in front bedroom; wood lift: full basement; good plumbing; first rlsse light fixture, old ivory enamel finish; cement walk, driveway and garage; handiest place in town; nice back porch; plenty of shade trees. Come and see, it for yourself at East 54th and Halscy. Call Tabor 2032. Will take you out any time; acme terms. Price gOO. 1400 DOWN, $20 PER MO., 6 12250 for almost new S-room bungalow; house, la modern, cement basement, ererything in dandy repair, lot 100x100. Call at once if you want a nuiap. J. I HARTMAN COM PANY. 8 Chamber .of Co. bldg. Main 208. Kimuigs call Tabor 8380. . ' 7-ROOM modem house, full basement, garage, near hard surfaced street, $3000, cash S1000. ft -room house with bathroom, pat. toilet in, hath not In. 2 lot. $1050, cash $300. a 1 I 1 . . taAii .... - U tiAII o-room nou.-c, rao n, fi"", v- n 2 -room house and 5 lots, 100x212 feet, on corner Powell Valley road and hard surfaced street, near Hawthorne are. cariine. This ia one of the finest building locations on the P. V. road; all for $1550. NEIL SMITH, 6611 Foster road. Phone applied for. $3500 CLOSE IN SELLWOOD DISTRICT Thia i a mighty fine bungalow with 5 rooms, all on one floor, and every room is large. It lias a fireplace and a nice outlet ana ia weu instructed. Thia home ia well worth seeing, and la a bargain at the price. IF YOU WANT TO BUT AT BOTTOM PRICES, BEE I S! Mr. Symmonds, -COE A. McKENNA A CO.. 82 Fourth Street. Main 4 522, HOME FOR OU) FOLKS Very neat well-built 5-ronm plastered cottage, modern plumbing, on pared street and cerhne. l'nce $2000, $000 cash. $25 monthly. g Re UTOBS 732 Chamber (of Commerce. RIGHT ON C A KLINE 11 -room modern boarding, house full of board ers, income over $400 a month; can be in creased ; furnilure, property and business all toes for $7500, $3500 down, balance $50 a month, interest included; a good buy for man and wife 'or '2 women. lnouire at 863 Sandy 1-lTff. Phone Fast 0B1. K-t 8038.- I'OH SALE 5-room modern bungalow, room'. are1 large and nicely arranged ; built-in buffet, cement basement and fruit room. Fox furnace, large attic, garage, berries and flowers: sewer and eidewalks in and paid, .1 block to catO near school and park. 50x100 lot; $3650; $1000 cash, balance terms. 762 E. 32d it Sell viood 1159. ! IKVIXGT)NRESIDENCE" ' A fine large house of 6 very attractive rooms and sleeping iiorcli; it has everything that makes a home convenient and pleasant, such as French doors, fireplace, liardwooU floors and built-in con veniences, with fine lot and garage. Would con aider small house in exchange. It's a bargain. 401-8 Swetland Bldg. Phone Marshall 829. ina Dimmi .nap ill I omiinii: uwwr leaving city and must sell a $5000 home for $4200 cash, located on 22d st. 8. E., walking distance, 7 moras, modem, 7 yean old, all built-in, furnace, full cement basement, garage, all Improvement in and paid: property clear. Call at 326 Artisan elds., at Bdwy. and Oak or call. Bdwy. 387 READ To IS ONE Four room plastered house on cem-nt founda tion, gaa, water and" light .and toilet, on 'cor, lot; macadamized rd. ; 1 blli. from cement side walk; 2 blks. to car. Snap for $1200; must sell; termi. Tabor 1590. . It. Statu, 9220 Woodstock ave. 1 - j. - ELEGANT home in Irvington, 100x100, double garage, beautiful shrubbery; all newly papered ini ivory finish', hardwood floora, handsome drap riea. curtains and tmrtierea. nntimiallv fin h.j. ment; hot-water heating ayatera; all improvements paid; can have poaaeaaion at once; any 'terms. re)lwocsK2633. - A DANDY 3 room house, patent toilet, gas, electricity and water,! built-ins, newly pap red and rjamlerf lot 4tlx1 OO. aidewaika in and nj,ii chicken house .and rua, woodshed,; fruit cellar, finit trees and berries. $1400; $300 cash. i-a lance like rent, aaua 3d at. 8. E, 75 r.Ai:iF.r.HirR.vrw7.;h ' 2 story 8 room house, choice location xiear rarline: oak floors downr maple up. Can move right in aa owner has left city. .Bee J. A. Mc Carty. 270 ht Stark U Main 1700. . Eve. lubir 5057. - , WirSALE 30 West Hnlman st. cor. Con rord, 4 room house with upstairs unfinished, cement fonndstion. gaa and ba-tement, corner lot, 87 V 1 100, bearing fruit trees, large shed. Price $1600. $.100 down, $20 a month. Apply 3i West Hokman st. ' ONLY $300 DOWN This beautiful modern 7-room home, H block to rar, lou of fruit and berries, all,improve rirnti In and iaid, and ju t think the price ii only $3750. $300 down, balinre $30 a month, inters! included. Eat 661 or Ea"t 803X, il850 FOR a 5 room, lot 100x100, walks in, streets graded: 4 blks. from car: or 00x100 for $1450; $i00 cash; some furniture. . F. L. BLANCHARD, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Phone Marshall 829 HANDY MAN BUY Neat little 4 -room bungalow; not quite fin W1; 3 blocks to car. lot 100x100; $1200; $30'0 down, balance very easy. East 661 or r.S't 8038, 12400 FOR a .5 room, bath,- toilet and full baxement; lot 50x100, on E. Alder; $4O0 cash, balance terms. F. L. BLANCHARD. ' 401-2 Swetland "Bldg. Phone Marshall 829 $7150 Down 5 room modern lone and lot, good location; anap for $2000. R. Straus. Tabor 1599.: 9220 ooohiock ave. alSSO-FOR a good 3 room, with lot 80xl20; easy terms. F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland ltldg. ; Phone Marshall 829 FOR SALE LOTS 16 FOR SALE cheap, lot 50x100, with 2 cisterns " to convert into cesspool: $50 cah, balance on time. Write J. B. Butenscboen, 279 Halleik St. Kenton Sta., city. ROSE CITY 100x100 corner. 52d and Han cock, , improvement paid, $1700. ; Tabor 644 1, ' IRVINGTON, 1 block from Broadway car. tia ent district, 50x100, east front, $1300. Slain euita 'TWO good lots right ou pavement will sacri fice for $100, terms to right party. 330 Lumbermens bldg. ' . . 3 LOTS, Rose City Park; leaving city and willing to sacrifice. 8-873. Journal, 4 LOTS, 31st and E. Alder. $2500 if taken soon. Phone Tabor .743. ROSE CITY, 100x100. comer 62d and Han eork; improvements paid; $1700. Tabor 6441. ROOMING HOUSES. APARTMENTS - AND HOTELS FOR SALE t 23 BOOMS, furnished, clear $83 per month. Price $1000.. $700 will handle it Call 203 2d st, city. BTJSISESS OPPOBTTJyiTIES 2 LADIES' and gents' furnishings, shoes' snd art needle craft stores, best east aide location, reasonable' rent, 4-year lease; take auto in trade. Phone Ant 219-03. CARPENTER shop, located at 266 11th st Cheap rent everything goes, except personal tools. Retiring from business. Phone after 6 p. m. Main 1323. W. M.' Dawson. 212 11th st WANTED Private party with $7000 to invest in half interest with or without services in wen establ-hcd business. X-14 5. Journal. Printinsr for Less Ryder Ptg. Co. Main 8586 192 Sd at FOR SALE or trade, small grocery. 8-369: BCSIKESSOPlPOllTrKlTIE8tw FOR HALF General variety irtora in live mill towa; aale price $12,000. includes long leavae. np-to -date fixtures, very sa labia stock of dry goods, notions, glass and china, tin ana house hold war. Holiday . toy stock now on display. Owner's health demands a climatic change. Bar gain for quick aale. JX-128, JournaL - MAKE $30,000 TO $40,000 ONLY $8000 REQUIRED APARTMENT- HOUSE PROPOSITION 02 rooms. Long leane. Price. $18,000. Clean $775 monthly. G.C OULDENBEKO. Agent. ' . Abington Bldg. 106 Va Third St ILL HEALTH compela tin sale of strictly high class, np to data cash and carry grocery, doing $179 average daily. Call Main 220O for ap pointment. ' FOR 8ALE-$1000 "Western" Bobber Co7"bond, 7 per cent Int., and 100 share of stock, for $1500. Addreesa Ft. Koteck, 2801 N. 9ta at., Tacoma, Wash. 8TEAM laundry; half interest in well established plant; good opportunity for bustler. Y-692. Journal. ; . LEASE for sale cheap; splendid location; party needs larger quarters. R-973." Joomal. BCSIXESK OPPOBTUKITIES " WASTED 68 HAVE (-ustoinera for groceries, rooming houses, restaurants, i Claude Cole,. 426 Lumbermen bldg. !' CASH fur small rooming Luutse or flat, close m, wmt side, if price ia right. Will be in city Sunday, ready to buy. K-46. Jonmsl JIOSET TO I.OATf REAL ESTATE t7 CJTT LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property or for improvement purposes. .. i Tbe beat and easiest method of paying a loan a oar mothly payment plan. 132.26 per month for 89 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per I month for 10 months pan loan of $1000 and interest. . Loans of other amounts in same proportion. Repayment Privileges. ' EQUITABLE SAVINGS efc LOAN ASSN. 244 Stark at.. PonJsno. Or. I HAVE THE MONET READY No waiting; : several clients after me to plana their money for them. If you want a loan ia any amount up to $0000 at 6 and 1 in tercet, come and sea me now while 1 have th money available. Fred S. Williams, 606 Panama bldg. NO DELAY NO DELAY $1000 $1500 $2000 $3000 AND DP We Loan Onr Money on Beat Estate. F. U. DE8HON. 615 CHAM. OF COM. $300, $400. $500, $600, $750, $1000 AND up. Lowest rates, quick action. Pay $100 or more any Interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., ti31 Chamber of Commerce bide. Main 1370. STonet ' toToan $doT$30or7667"$Tooo7 $1500, $2000, on city improved property al t par cntJ.L. Wells Co.. 603 Ga-co oiqg. BUILDING loans on city and suburban property, (honey advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 2 1 5 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. $300, $400. $500, $750 $1000 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. Gar man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg MONET to lean. $100 to $5000. A. H. Bell. llMulkey bldg. Main 4379. SEE OREGON IN V. A MORTGAGE CO.. 22? Chamber of Commerce. 4th at Stark. $300 UP No com. 8s va expense. Repayment .-i- v.rH sttv .. 407 Snsldina bldg. .ov.tct iO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES I 7 DOYOU NEED MONEY? LOANS MADE ON - AUTOMOBILES FrRNITURE, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL ESTATE. BONDS OU ANYTHING OF VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN TOUR POSSESSION ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT KECTHITY. IF TOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OB ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE, WE WILL PAY THEM UP, ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY IF NKCF.SSAKY. AND YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE LEGAL RATES NO DELAY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 806-307 DEKUM BLDG.. 3RD AND WASH SALARY LOANS CHATTELS WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. .Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly eonfid ntlaL , NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEB ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO. (LICENSED) 218 FAILING BLDG. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N Phone Broadway 910. , 894 Stark St., Near 10th. Loans on diamonds, watches. Victrolas, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN. Manager. MONEY TO LOAN On goods placed in storage with us. We can save you money. Low interest rates. Phone Broadway 8715.- Security Storage & Transfer Co., 53 4th st.. corner of Pine. LIVESTOCK LOANS Our own money loaned on cattle sheep, bogs, etc. ' F. E. Bowman A Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. QUICK money tn salaried people on unsecured note. Confidential investigation. 316 Cham bre of Commerce bldg. Licensed. LOANS WANTED 36 (3500 LOAN on Laurelhurst home; private Party; pay. no commissions. Phone 216-36. SEE OREGON INT. ft MORTGAGE CO.222 Chamber of -Commerce. AT KIN AX CI $1 MONEY TO LOAN On surplus stocks of merchandise placed In stor age with us Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storage ft Transfer Co.. 53 4th at, corner of Pine. WK BUY first and second mortgagee and seU, ., contracts. T. E BOWMAN ft CO. ' 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CASH paid-for mortgages and sellers'- contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E Noble. 316 Lumbermen Wide HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 18 15 HEAD of hordes and mares just in off of grade work. These are all good stock and munt be sold to stop the feed bill. Ask for Mr. Careys. Columbia Stablee. 30j Front st 3400-LB. team, harness and heavy wagon, auit able for hauling wood logs or any hard work, cheap or will exchange Tor anything 1 can use. Blue Front. 887 Waier st. west side. FOR SALE at a bargain; 7 head of transfer horses weighing from 1350 to' 1600 lbs. Helscr Transfer Stable. E. 9th and Flanders. WILL TRADE for Ford car 1 . team-andhar ness, weighs 3000; sound and true pullers. 420 Hawthorne ave. BUGGY with top and harness, good as new, $50; also carpenter bench, wheelbarrow, etc; cheap for cash. Apply 9411 Foster road. Lents. TWO saddle ponies, good team horses for sale: work horses, faddle ponies for ftent; harness and wagons for sale. 881 lat at ' DEAD hore taken quir-k'y rovrs Plume Tabor 4 203. Call tor dead KEYSTONE STABLES, horses for sale or hire. 881 Water st. foot Montgomery. Mar. 8515. KRAZY KAT 1 fPX l VJE! SfJ tecv k AuxiFl Wikl , 1 I 1 I , ,1 w COLD V)E HUH V UKE (5VST tRCW.VA- - ' - (g) ' . ' - , T ' HORSES, TBHICI.ES. KTC H FOR SALE or exchange, any kind erf horse that can be found. We take in autoa, malea. horse, or cattle. ' We make a -specialty of handling ear load lota. We aell oa commission or hire by the oay, week or month. Liberty bonds accepted. We hav two apaa of th beat males in th state; one pair 4 years old. weight 2420. wit lifht act of harness, will weigh 2650 wbea matured, b kicky and light ma tea; one pair of 6 and 7 year oida, weight 2760; both pair drive like horses; they are for aale or exchange, aa stated ia the ' ad. Flows, harness, wagona, cultivators, so Kirstea stamp-puller, practically new; spraying machine. good as new; harness of all klnoa. PnUi ouet 7 ter, 285 Front at.. Crown Stables. run BAlE Bay team geldings, 8 and 10) yeara old, no older; weight 3300 lbs; true pullers, no blemishes. Been working all gummer In the woods. They are in good condition. Grain Ted ; with a heavy aet of harness: no reasonable offer refused; will exchange for lighter team or hire to responsible party. See them at 802 I Front at Columbia Salea; ask for Mr. Barron. FOR SALE- At a bargain, 12 head of horses', team of baya 4 yeara old, weight 8825 lbs.; one team bays, weight 8000; one team mares, weight 3200; one team bays, weight 8600; one black gelding, weight 1350 lbs.; price $501. All stock guaranteed to be sound and true, CaUV at K. tn and Flanders. - TEAM, weight 2400; harness and 8 -inch farm wagon: good workers; $140. 10 head of other good work horses, weight 1100 to 11600, to be sold cheap, age from 6 to 10 yeara. Wagona, buggies and harness. Wood Yard Sta bles, cor. E. 0th and Hawthorne ave. Phone East 6106. 20 HEAD ; of horses, mares; agea from 4 to 8 years -oto. Weight from 1200 to 1600 Seme nice matched teams of blocky built pounds. mares ana gelduigi, abo a span of well matched mules. everything sold with a guarantee aa 210 E. 8th at represented. FOR SALE Some real good farm teams and single hones; 20 head, all are young, i Just shipped from farm in Washington. Come and see these horses; will explain more; mast be sold, and their harness. 427 E. Clay at. lacroas irom &eigier leea store. OK BALK at a bargain, team 6 and 7 years, wetgumg Z8UU. with good harness: also Bel gian mare, 4 years old. weighing 1250, and sin gle harness and boggy. Have just moved; from I arm and will take any reasonable offer. Gibbs st.; take South Portland car. 233 JIAVE left 10 head gentle, broke) Eastern Ore gon blocky built mares and horses, weighing 1200 to 1400 lbs., 3 to 5 yeara old. Some well mated teams. Will aell cheap. Keystone Stables,. 881 Water, corner Montgomery. GOOD investment for rancher, $100 buys 2900 1b. team Percheron marea, good condition, gentle, true and sound except slightly sored up from pavement; also gentle Belgian man colt. weight 1300 lbs. Stables 881 Water, west aide. U. S. STABLES Horses and harness of all kinds for sale. 865 T nion ave. S . corner Stephens ct- (i. V. n lliiamson & Glass 10 HEAD of hones, marea and harness, i rang ing in weight from 900 to 1700 lbs., I from 5 to 11 years old; suitable for logging or farm work; all in. good order. 234 Front at; foot Main. TEAM blocky built Belgian marea, gentle and true, weighing 2700 lbs., with nearly new breeching harness, for aale reasonable. 11087 Francis ave., corner E. 36th. Woodstock car. Phone Sellwood 121. j TEAM of black mares, weighing 2900 lbs., 6 ' and 7 years old ; good heavy harness, and 3 inch wide tire wagon. Call W'oodyard at 50th and Hawthorne. ' $65 TAKES a nice chunky horse, harness and express wagon or lunk; will exchange for cow or anything. Blue Front, 387 Water, west aide. HORSES for rent, double and single. 54w rront LIVESTOCK I Si FOR SALE Toggenberg-Saanen goat andfirst kid, doe 7 months old, both $60; 46 thorough bred Plymouth Came. x pigeons, $40. A. L Van Ordei,Cottage Grove, Or. j A FEW rearlini does bred to registered! pure bred Saanen buck, $30 up. L. E. Womom. 37 th and R streets, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 26F2.V I FOR SALE Three milch cows, price $50 to $65; 1 pair gray mares, weight 2500. and harnesa $125; 1 pair geldings $140, weight 2800. 4 20 Hawthorne ave. I PRESIT f th 1 1 v and riairv viw LKMirinh ham. Holstein. 28 to 45 lb. cows;.faif trial! allowed. On premises, 823 Belmont st Sunny fide car. , I FOR SALE 200 young goats, one third wethers, one third nannies, one third kids. W. G. linear. Rear err on, Or. j FIRE sale on sheep. Any breed, any number; either grade or registered ; breeding ewes a !2e2a Hy- Write Box 51. N. Portland, OB. GOOD family cow, Jersey, reasonable; third house east Craig road, on Skidmore, Patkrose. Mr. Boyle, i j FOR SALE cheap. 17 regisletred Angora goats. 16 does, 1 buck, i A. Summers, R. F. D. 2, Dallas, Or.' TWO GOOD brood sows and 18 piga for sale, or will trade for fresh cow or chickens.. IPhone Sherwood 87. " ONE extra fine, large Jersey family cow testa Ala. uuLftii b tu.u aim uusuis ave, mije east oi ints. FOR SALE. 18 registered CotswoM ewes ing 2-yrr-olds. lo per head. Write box 51 N. Portland, Or. FOR SALE or trade, milk goats for cows r pigs or calves. G. W. McKay, 9413 53d ave. 8. Phone Ints Ant 6122. TWO fresh dairy cows with calves. At i barn. E. 6th and Iron sta.; high grade Jerseys. Holman Fuel Co.. 94 6th at. GENTLE Durham-Guernsey cow. 1 mile.N. E. Milwaukie sta. M. Falk. Box 77, Route 2. NICE, gentle family Jersey, giving milk, $65 takea her. Blue Front, 387 Water, west side. FOR SALE Two Jersey, one Holstein year-old heiffi-. $60. Call 315 87th evenings, after 6. FAMILY Jersey cow for sale. - Sell. 1714. Wallace Miller. $100. Phone 0 HEAD registered Jerseys, also 4 head of grade heifers at 28th and Holgate sta. Buckner. , FOR SALE Jersey milch cow, $80. 91 E. 9th st. N. i TWO A-l cows and route; 2 blocks west of Woodlswn school. 1487 Mallory avej FOR SALE Cheap, fine fresh cows. Front and Taylor. Johnson. WANTEIW Beef, veal and hogs. Tabor 17832. POri.TRY AST) RABBITS TURRETS FOR THANKSGIVING Direct frgsn the farm, 60 fancy dressed turkeys. Call Monday or Tuesday, 600 E. Davis, Rose City car. j BABY chicks, heavy laying 8. C. W. Leghorns. winter egg machine; 221 eggs flock average; first hatch Feb. 20; order now. A. T. McA Cauley, 600 E. Davis, Portland. Or. East 404. FOR SALE My pen of Salmon Faverolles. 14 hens and millets. 1 rooster; a good buv. I Woodlawn 3411. j JOHN'S RHODE ISLAND REDS i Splendid breeding cockerels, at a sacrifice. 056 Williams ave. Call 317-8U j FOR SALE White Wyandotte cockerels' April hatch. ; Call Wdln. 833. J. F. Jorey, 1489 Atlantic at - i 50 WHITE Leghorn pullets 7 months old. $1 each for all or $1.25 for choice. 8300 49th ve. 8.- E. ' f. $10 WILL buy my 120-egg McClanahan incu bator, in sood condition; 2 thermometers. Woodlawn 34A 1. YEAR old O. A. C. Barred Rock hens, through molting and starting to lay. 1892 Thorburn ave. Tabor 9033. TWO dozen White Leghorn hens and 224 E. 86th st Tabor 5510, rooster. FOR SALE 10 New Zealand rabbits, and feed, $12. 548 E. 17th st south. hutches WANTED Pullets for fine beach lot shall 569. Mar- TANCRED strain White Leghorn pullets, hens, cockerels. Tabor 8822. . 1 SIX Buff Orpington June pullets, $l725 each; cockerels. $3 each. Wdln. 2614. TWENTY S. C. White Leghorn hens, 0, A. C. strain, $1.50 each. East 404. THREE Ancona cockerels, cheap. 5615 57th WHEAT. $3.50 SCRATCH $3.75 FEED cackle; mash Woodlawn 4344. I 87 r- ; 5- : - - ; , . ; . r-. ; (Copyright, 192ff, by Intemationsl Feature D f in....?.., r, ., i - Service. Inc. . . .V !' ' DV leiTlTian 17 PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY 1884 t 12TH K. , WDLN. 148S. Demand will be greater than ever for BABY CHICKS this spring; order for Feb. and March NOW, so as to secure some of our Hoganized, trap nested Reds. Rocks and Leghorns. 1 10 O. A. C. March and April W. L. pullets. some laying; 25 dark velvet R. I- B. pullets and cockerels. Barred Rocks and fat hens, all beautiful birds, takes as many as yoa like. $1.60 and op. 118 E. Stark and 75th ata. FOR SALE 40 Buff Leghorn bens and pnlleta, 8 Sicilian Buttercups and pullets, 10 R. L Reds and pullets. 1 R. L Red cockerel. Will sell cheap if taken la one lot - Evenings, call Main 4528. FOR SALE Rhode Island Red cockerels. Red wing strain, produced by a pen purchased from Dr N. L. Smith. R. B. Newman. P. O. Box 112. Oregon City, Ory - DOGS, BIRDS. PETS, ETC. 4$ SELLING OUT ROSE CITY CATTERY- 4 REG. JRTCDS AT SERVICE. $5 TJnusnai bargain in pedi greed Persian cats, crange, ailver, black, white, brown, tabby and U-rtoise shells, all in splendid condition. Best bred cat on Pacific coast among the lot No reasonable offer refused. 1248 E. Morrison. WANT to trade 1 brown tabby pedigreed Persian female and 8 female kittens, pedigreed or tnge, brown tabby, black tortoise shell, for blue male pedigreed kittens, or will sell the last for $25. 1423 Leonora st, corner Bellview ave. wood lawn car. AIREDALE puppies, pedigreed; big, husky Jel- Iowa with best of breeding. L. E. Wornora. 87th and R. streets. Vancouver, Wash. Phone 26F25. TOY black and tan puppies. Chihuahua puppies. Three miles east Beaver Creek road. J. H. Law, Toy Kennels, R. 3.. B. 62, Oregon City. FOX Terrier pupa, beautiea. and St Andreas burg canaries. Phone Woodlawn 2012. PEDIGREED white collies, over 3 months old. Tabor 6036.. WANT to buy Fox Terrier pupa, male or female. Bdwy.1246. ask for Doeacher. COLLIE-SHEPHERD pups. $jQ. SelL 3154. BEAUTIFUL SINGERS for aale. Call Main 468.- ACTOMOBILES A5B ACCESSORIES 44 USED car valnes should not be measured by price alone, but should be judged by value and future service. We solicit your investiga tion of our used car stock on this basts and we are aatiafied that you will at the same time find our prices right, quality of our cars con sidered. We offer here a few for your approval: 1917 Maxwell. 5 Tass. . 1916 Briscoe. 5 pass. Overland, model 75, 5 pass, Willys-Knight, 5 pass. 1918 Mitchell. 3 rasa. 1918 Mitchell, 5 pass. 1919 Mitchell, roadster. . 1919 Mitchell. 5 pass. Jordan Silhouette. 5 We also have a late model Excelsior motor cycle at $200 and in our used truck depart ment yon will find a number of excellent buys, such as Maxwells, Sterling, Federals and White. MITCHELL, LEWIS STAVER CO.. BROADWAY AT EVERETT ST. Phone Broadway 4675. CHEVROLET AND FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled ................ $20 00 Rear axle overhauled 6.00 falvea around, carbon removed....... 8.00 Bagneto recharged 6.00 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which Insures a perfect running motor Genuins Ford parts only used. AH work guaranteed. THE REASON The Ford engine starts hard and the lights art dim is because the MAGNETO is weak Have it RECHARGED by EXPERTS. Universal. Aoto Repair 210 Jeffer.cn st. Main 7644 Portable Houses MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION CO. P O. BOX 244 WOODLAWN 2413 SUCCESSFUL TIRE KEPATRING Requires a full knowledge of tire constructive and proper equipment for each repair; we have both! Bring us that tire or tube and we will fix it right; prices reasonable; new and used tires for less; liberal allowance on old tires, Vulcan Tire Shop, 41 Grand ave., comer Pine. East 4896. Stephens Sport Model We have 1 Ktanlien, 1 n"fl nuvU. rr-i-llv new; special low price thia week; easy tennSn or win cuuaiuer iraae. HAMILTON AUTO CO.; Bwy. 3606. 6th and Everett sta. 19 16 CHEVROLET touring, with electric light ing ana sta rung system, gzuu. 1917 Dodge touring. $600. 1918 Dodge touring. $700. 1919 Dodge roaditer. $900. Call Mr. Frobman. ,Bdwy. 321. care W. I,. Hughson Co.. Ford agents, Broadway and Davis. WEAVER TIRE COMPAA'Y FEDERAL TIRE9 OREGON VULCANIZING CO. TIRE REPAIRING 833-835 Bornaide at Broadway 1917 BUICK LITTLE DLX 1917 Buick little six, finest condition, like new. Price $950. Will take Ford sedan or coupe in trade. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. Ea?t 3770 Grand and Ha-wthorne ave. 1919 8TUDEBAEER special 6 sedan, run 5400. miles, cord tires, bumper, Warner electric clock, extra, tire with cover, perfect mechanical condition Will sell on satisfactory terms; con sider small car in trade or real estate. Price $2500. Phone Mam 2764. 1918 STUDEBAKER 6 cyl.. 7 pass, touring car. splendid condition. Can be seen at 82 a Hancock, corner 2 6th. Phone East 6418. AUTO WRECKING, all parte for all can. PORTLAND ACTO WRECKING CO., 290 Union ave.. near Hawthorne. EAST 7886. MAXWELL touring car. late model, runs and looks like new car. Low price; easy terms. Bdwy. 8006. 'a at reasonable prices. 825 Salmon at. between 6th and Broadway. ADMINISTRATOR will sell cheap. Mitchell touring car. Car at 401 E. 33d st See E. P. Slovarp, 608 Henry Bldg. FORD 1920 touring, owner leaving city; must sell;, car almost new. D-63, Journal. 1918 DODGE in A-l condition, for $700. Hicks, 248 Yamhill st G. ONE pair 80x3 H Weed chains, nearly new, $3.50. Woodlawn 460. 1915 Hl'P touring, in good condition, $220 cash. Owner, 513 E. Richmond st - N EED MONEY 1920 Maxwell, $675 cash? 210 Jefferson st PARTY must sell 7 -pass. Mitchell in first-class condition. This is a bargain. Main 3562. POULTRY A7TD BABBITS f?-g. Oarage jr jpl a'skabout I31IIKII Portable CO) ACTOMOBTXES AKP ACCESSOBIES 44 Mr. Farmer . Mr. Stockman DO TOD KNOW That a USED FORD will give yoa a great deal of service at a vary low costf Wa are aellina all the USED FORDS for ell the six authorised Ford dealers tn Portland. Wa have -about 150 USED FORDS on hand now. It coats you nothing to look them over while you are in town. " A few bargains an usiea oeiow: 1915 Ford Light Delivery. ..$165 . . 165 ..165 .a 175 ,. 185 .. 185 . . 190 . . 190 . . 195 .. 195 i, 225 .. 225 .. 225 . . 22S . . 235 . . 245 . . 265 . . 265 . . 295 ,. 850 . . 865 . . 395 . . 400 . . 415 . . 425 . . 465 .. 485 . . 495 . . 25 . . 625 . . 625 .. 650 . . C50 . . 650 . . 650 . . 650 . . 675 . . 650 .. 735 1915 Ford Light Delivery 1917 Ford Light Delivery 1917Ford Light Delivery 1917 Ford Light Delivery 1915 Ford Touring 1915 Ford Roadster 19 m Ford Light Delivery 1915 Ford Light Delivery 1917 Ford Roadster 1915 Ford Touring 1916 Ford Roadster 1917 Ford Roadster. 1917 Ford Light Delivery 1917 Ford Touring 1916 Ford Light Delivery 1917 Ford Light Delivery 1919 Ford Roadster 1919 Ford Roadster 1914 Ford Bug 1919 Ford Touring A, 1919 Ford Touring. 1919 Ford Roadster 1919 Ford Touring 1918 Ford Worm Truck, t, 1919 Ford Touring; 1919 Ford Worm Truck 1918 Ford Touring, starter, etc.. 1919 Ford Touring, starter, etc. . 1920 Ford Roadster, starter, etc. . 1 920 For Light Delivery, starter. a i . i . . . etc. 1920 Fori Touring, starter, etc.. 1920 Ford Tounng, starter, etc.. 1920 Ford Touring, starter, etc.. 1920 Ford Touring, starter, etc.. 1920 Ford Touring, starter, etc.. 1920 Ford Worm Truck 1918 Ford Sedan, starter, etc. . . . 1920 Ford Coupe, starter, etc . . Some have been conditioned, and others are just as they came to us. . Our big store is on the comer of Grand ave nue and East Yamhill street EASY TERMS Universal Car Exchange USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY GRAND AVE. AND E. YAMHILL ST. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 8 O'CLOCK LARGE STOCK GENUINE FORD PARTS WE ARE NOT HAVING A SALE but our cars are priced low. You owe it to yourself to compare our prices and cars before you buy. 1919 DODGE touring at $895; com pare it OAKLAND SEX at $550; compare it 1920 ELGIN SIX ; nothing better at $1650., rTDPMOBILE at $900; compare it 1919 CHEVROLET touring at $625; compare it 1920 CHANDLER, best of shape. $1600; compare it. WELLER MOTOR COMPANY Washington at 15 th st REAL BARGAINS Overland 83 touring. ; $295 1918 Maxwell touring 895 1917 Maxwell tonring ... 350 1017 Chevrolet touring 850 1016 Buick touring 695 1916, Buick chassis 475 Dodge touring ..... 495 1917 Studobaker four 875 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. Ea.t 8770. Grand and Hawthorne aves. REAL BUYS ' Oakland touring, dandy shape, 4 cord tires, 2 : extras $495 Olds touring, mechanically perfect, 5 new tires, going for ,.......$575 Paige, 7 passenger (1917) 695 407 STARK ST.. NEAR 10TH 15,000 carried in stock. Our springs sold with a written guarantee. We give you service. 84 North Fifteenth St. : ATTENTION, CAR OWNERS f We will overhaul your car for a small con tract price. We specialize on complete over hauls, generator and electrical work, battery re charging and repairing, welding and brazing. Get our prices, they will surprise you. All work absolutely guaranteed. Ford magnetos re charged. Hemphill Trade Schoola, 707 Haw thorne, cor. 20th. Phone East 8068. NEW Studebaker Big Six, run four months ; around city. Car with extras cost $3000. will sell for $2350. My brother. C. R Zehn bauer, left his csr with me for sale' when he removed to New York. J. A. Zehnbauex, oars Jantzen Knitting Mills. THE FENDER MAN J E. DURHAM, who takes the kinks out while you wait; also repairs radiators and bodies. Broadway 8214. 80 M. 11th at. near Bnrnside. Tops 'Em Oregon Auto Tod Co. 14th and Couch sta. Bdwy. 4408. BONTTY'S ACTO PAINTING-CO. High-grade auto painting our specialty. 23d and Washington. Entrance on Cornell. PHONE MAIN 4989. 1916 BUICK LITTLE SIX CHASSIS 1916 Buirk little six chassis, fine condition, tiros good. $4 75. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. East 3770. Grand and Hawthorne aves. CHEVROLET coupe, 1919. 490 model, in first- clase condition: muet be sold at once, no reasonable offer refused. Inquire 1540 Albina are. Sunday, or call Kollenborn at Broad nay 3I3U Monday. LATE model Franklin touring car. just over- hauled and repainted; good tires, spotlight etc. Will take Ford or Ford bug as part payment or .-t'M) cash and give easy terms on balance. Bdwy. 3606. NEW DODGE SEDAN ; Will" sacrifice car. driven 1500 miles. Owner, jz4lt-iL. uavis. laoor ooio. DELIVERY body for Chevrolet or Ford. Make us an offer. Terminal Garage, 5U and Hoyk Bdwy -1586. 1917 CADILLAC "8"; overhauled and equipped with new cord tires; big discount on this fine oar; terms. Bdwy. 3605. WANT to trade 1920-six-cylinder. 5-paasenger i car, run 1000 miles, for real estate. Phone Milwaukie 69Y. FORD touring, body in good shape. Extra low- price. Terminal Garage, 6th and Hoyt Bdwy. 1586. , BEFORE you buy Ford see this one. $200. 635 Thurman st )OUB auto repaired at your home; reliable serv i ice. Phone Tabor 1296 FORD COUPE. 1920, lot of extras; car like new; terms. Phone 313-92. GASOLINE 28c per gallon: oils and : Pioneer Paint Co.. 186 First st ATJTOMOBiXES A!TP ACCESSORIES 44 AT THE COVET MOTOR CAR CO. PLANT Our great determination to keep up sale volume has placed as in a position whereby you wiU undoubtedly benefit financially. - - .- . Our coat and selling prices are eon stantly being altered, not only to meet .local conditiona and competition, but to set the pace aa the leader in used car sales. A very small per cent of the buying public is spable of correctly judging the merits or demerits of an auto mobile, and it ia well to look beyond the price and fluent eaiea talk to the business policy behind tbe house that is selling ' the car that interests you. BUY NOW " To wait but a short tint will be expensive. DODGE BROS. MOTOR CARS We have a complete line of rebuilt and -refiniahed 1916-17-18-19-20 cars in touring, roadster snd sedan model. Prices at this time are unusually attrac tive. 1914 Studebaker six touring. " snap ; ........$ 60f i 1919 Hupmobile touring 1250 1919 Franklin touring, a beauty., 2100 1918 Chandler' touring 1250 1919 Chandler Dispatch, wire wheels 1500 1917 Maxwell touring .... 323 1919 Model 90 Overland, tour ing . 600 1919 Dodge Bros, screen aide. . . . 1100 1919 Chevrolet delivery ........ 550 1914 Overland delivery, a good one 27S 1918 Chevrolet touring, excellent shape . 673 1920 Ford coupe ... 750 1918 Ford sedan, newly painted. . 675 1916 Ford touring, '17 radiators. 800 1917 Ford touring 850 , CADILLACS A rebuilt and refinished Cadillac gives so much in actual value, besides iu gen erous contribution toward comfort and ease of driving, that in comparison to any new car of the same price you would undoubtedly prefer -the Cadillac. We are .Open Sunday COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., Washington st at 21st Main 0244. VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE 1916 Ford touring, extras $ 250 1916 Ford panel delivery . .; 250 1917 Ford roadster, -extra 835 1918 Ford roadster, extras....... 335 1818 Ford touriug. extras 350 1S19 Ford touring, starter type... 400 1'.'0 Ford truck chassis 435 1920 Ford touring, starter........ -625 1918 Ford Sedan, starter........ 800 1918 Ford coupe, stiVer.... 650 1916 Ford bug. extras 300 1913 Hudson roadster 100 1913 Oakland touring 100 1918 Franklin touring 200 1916 Overland delivery, starter.... 250 1915 Overland touring 800 1917 Maxwell touring 350 1917 Studebaker touring 475 1919 Chevrolet touring, overhauled. 4 75 1916 Oldsmobile 8. cord Urea 626 1920 Maxwell roadster, extras 625 1917 Chalmers 6 roadster, repainted 725 1918 Dodge roadster .. 750 1920 Overland baby 4 teuring. . . . 795 1918 Velie touring . R75 1918 Hup Sedan, new tires 1150 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Phone East 4376. Union Ave. and Belmont st. near Stark. Automobile Owners Let na figure with you on your work. We have tbe best equipped repair shop in the city and can take care of all your troubles, large or small; overhauling our specialty: satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Conld we offer you moref Auto electricians on starters, gen erators, lighting snd ignition; batteries re charged, rebuilt and repaired. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR. CO. ' 280 Front Ft. comer lefferson. , O. E. Depot building. Read These Prices: HUPMOBILE, $595. MAXWELL TOURING, $450. 1919 OVERLAND, MODEL 90. $600. WELLER MOTOR COMPANY,. Washington at Fifteenth. L. B. FISCH ftadiators. fenders,' bodies, hoods. i tanks repaired and remodeled. Auto sheet metal work a spe cialty; 105-107 N. 15th st Phone Broadway 2299. BOB FULTON AUTO PAINTING. FORD SPECIAL Real snappy looking roadster. . 1920 motor, equipped with the Ford starter and lights. Special made body; ballbearing shock absorber spring, Victoria .top; extra tire and rim. This car is the best rooking bug in town. OPEN SUNDAY AND EVENINGS 345 UNION AVE. N". EAST 56. CLOSED CAR DAYS ARE HERE Demonstrator for sale; fully guaranteed. Tou will receive the same service as on brand new car; tires show no wear. Has been driven less than 2500 miles. Will save you at least (300, This wonderful buy cash or terms. Phono Bdwy. 4184. 100 N. Broadway. WILLAMETTE MOTORS COMPANY Stephens Sedan 1920 car, like new, good tires and finish. Will take open car as part payment Term. Bdwy. 3606.- . OVERLAND light touring csr, 4 cylinders. 5 nasseneer. newly painted and in good condition. for aale cheap; easy terms if desired. Will take Ford m trade. Robinson firm to. Co., 6 th and Madison sta. CHEVROLET 1919. chassis in good running order, extra good rubber, at a very good price. Terminal garage, 6th and Hoyt Bdwy. 1586 FOR SALE or trade. Paige 5-paasenger, in A-l condition; or furniture in part payment, or will consider Ford in trade. Automatic 223-34, after 7 p. m. ' STUTz chassis, electric starter and lights; notor in A 1 shspe. Make us an offer. Open Sundays and Evenings. 345 Union ave. N. ' East 56. WANTED . TO TRADE One-ton Republic for '- Um or 2-ton used truck. ' Will nay cash dif ference. River-view ' Daisy Co., 1003 Belmont MITCHELL 6-tfylinder 5 -passenger auto, wiS sen iot amouui wueu en 11 , wovam terms. 208 Washington bldg. CASH paid for old , cars, condition no object; parts for sll mskes of cars. , Oregon Auto Exebsnge, 448 Flanders, nr. 11th. Bdwy. 8503. WE PUT Steel teeth in your old flywheel; crank- .shaft turning. H. B. Black, machine ahop. I4 Alder st Broadway 2681. LATE model Grant six. in fine condition. Will consider good motorcycle as part' payment; terms on balance. Bdwy. 8606. FOR SALE Light 6 Buick. D45, first-class condition. Will sacrifice for Quick sale. Can be aeen at 28 N. 11th st 1916 ALLEN, in' A-l order, at a sacrifice. Terminal Garage, Bth and Hoyt Bdwy. 15X0. TIRES Slightly used. $3 to $15 each. a- pert tire repairing 207 Madison. $485 1917 Mitchell little six. 5 pass., in good condition. Mar. 8370. 390 Salmon st 1920-PATEBSON touring car, Iike"new. You can't afford to overlook thia one. Bdwy. 8605. mm l 9 AUTOMOBILES A5D ACCESSORIES 44 C. Q. BLEASDALE ' WE HAVE NO SPECIAL OR AUdlOS PA1J S.WISFACTION LIES IN KNOW ING THE MAN YOU DEAL WITH AS WELL AS THE CAR YOU BUT. COME - IN AND LOOK OVER OUR STOCK AND GET .OUR PROPOSITION BEFORE YOU , BUY. Ford touring, overhauled, nod tires, ready ti eons Ford touring,' i6i9.' artiight. "shock Vbear'b- ' era, speeaometer. good tires. ....... iisv Maxwell touring. 1917, new top, repainted, s""u urea .,..-...,.,,..., tisv Saxon Light 6. Iota of power, light expense to maintain $450 Studebaker 4-cyL. tn extra fine condition, a mul iw- . S4KA Studebaker 6-cyl fine mechanical 'condition, 1 gooa area stou Overland 85. 4-cyl., good power, aovd me chanical condition , 0S0 Buick light 4. tounng, good tire, refin ished $050 Chalmers light 6-cyl. 1918, refinLhrd, cord tires, Thia car looks and runs like new. $775 Chandler ehummy. cord tires, plate glass in top. extra fine mechanical condition. . $078 Marbohm 1920, run leea than 1000 miles. $127$ Willys-Knight 7 nana. 5 sood tirea. exocD- Maibohm 1920, run less than 1000 miles. $1275 ' Several good Ford bogs. We have several other good buys of stand ard makes. C. Q. BLEASDALE 630 ALDER ST. BROtDWAY 1852 FOECEB SALE " 1918' Mitchell Six '- IN BEAUTIFUL CONDITION FAIR TIRE. NEARLY NEW TOP GOOD TIRES. MAY BE BXEN AND BIDS LEFT AT LE8TER-HEYM CO., 249 Sixth street. MOTORS, a ear, oearmae. wbeela. axles; wa wreck all makes of cars and aell their parts at Vk Price. Uodes AuO Wrecking Dept. toe 107 N. 11th st TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 8 1918 1 H TON REPUBLIC 8760 Thia is $400 below tbe market on trucks of this class. It is rebuilt through out and guaranteed. 2 TON UNITED REPUBLIC $850 Thia truck waa only used six months and is well worth $1200. We have more trucks of all makes) and sixes and priced in proportion: 2 Ton Nash; has electria, lights and starter. 2 Ton Parker, electric light, ltt Ton Federal. 2 Ton G M 0. And every one is guaranteed. - MACK-INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION Tenth and Davia Sta. Broadway 690. 2 TON TRUCK SNAP . ... .. t it H.M at half useu mil iivue. m- price or trade. What have you? Call auto- , , . ' . . OA, . rnatic, inui, -vn n rrrixr DVIi T IJ T "I-" IT For sale aT a bargain; thoroughly overhauled; four new tirea, also new body and top., Sell. 11,1, J. . OlUl w Tkv nis,k nuH short tima. Must be sold or will trade for light car. What have youf Can give JOO. -QCT. juumw. 1920 ONE-TON delivery car, excellent condition. Bargain. 1111 Hawthorne ave. laoor rmo. W A N TED Used 2-ton truck with furniture body: must be Al. Call Broadway 894 1-TON Fordtruck for sale, $400. 673 Powell. AUTOMOBILES WAITED 7 FOR SALE 1 Chevrolet truck, 1 V -um cap., in good condition; bargain if taken a( once. The Adjustment bureau, 641 Pittock block. Phone Broariwsy SI2. tiJitNG your ars to Jske's Used Car Exchange and get quick action. 28 N. 11th at Bdwy. 8214. opposite Weinnardt Brewing. TO TRADE for auto 5 acres, cleared, 8 mile , . l -H n. Mn. I n irouj court nimm tu ,mv .,,., v .www. -ww. evenings East 8467. FOR SALE" OR TRADE For auto a '28 -ft mdtorboat, A-l shspe. Address 1461 Ost- msn st Ht vonns csr WANT Speedster or Hudson Super in first . rr . oi. D..v.wl V A 7 K payment on ivio o - - , Jenmal. - v. a..ii Kurd automobile, in good condi tion in exchanaa for good bldg lot Phone Tabor 682. WANTED Ford car or light delivery in ex rhinia for eood team. Iiarneia and farm wagon. Atlas Woodysrd. 327 Front I HAVE CASH FOR FORDS, TABOR 1555. CASH for good buy In touring" csr; Chevrolet preferred. rnone aat 1 1 o USED Dodge . or Buick at right price. Call Tabor 6535. Address 1071 Bcnnyier si. WILL nay cash for late Chevrolet or Ford, pneeu nguL. jnw.4 . - HIGH GRADE gold mine for heavy truck. White, CASH for your car. condition no object 101 N. 11th at., cor. Flanders. Broadway 468. ATTOS FOR HIRE $2 SPECIAL rates by the week or month. We will rent you sn Apperson 8, Hudson super or Elgin 6 by the week or month. LOWNSDALB GARAGE 128 Lownsdale st, cor. of Washington Phone Bdwy. 2408. AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New 1920 Model Cars Reasons bis Kates FEARING A ROBINETT CITY AHAUS 132 12th st, betliVsab. snd Alder. Bdwy. 84 EWAUt6Sv:viTH6UT DRIVERS 0VEBLANDS HUDSONS LOWN8DALX GARAGE BROADWAY 2408. 16TH AND WASH. ACTOS FOB HIRE WITH OR WlTHOUTf DRIVERS. U SULLIVAN FASHION G A. RAGE. MAR. 282. 10th ct la-hill. A-l 239. ZLTTIOP BENNETT. CARTF0R H1RS WITHOCT DRrVEKa. ARMY GARAGE, THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 168T. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 8$ FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled ................... $20 Rear axle overhauled ,................$ Valves ground, carbon removed ,.......$ S Mameto recharged .........,.........$ 8 We hand-lap piston., scraps bearings, etsw which Insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE -DTO REPAIR C4X. 2 BO groat st. Cornet Jefferson. B. H. CHAMBERS, f MAXWELL SPECIALIST. Sellwood $755. 787 Di vision St, Cars called for and delivered. AUTO PAINTTNG 25 off this month; satis faction guaranteed. 851 E. Oak. East 8677. ATJTO REPAIR SHOFS Don't v.':v v-;-:: -M Throw away your bid Fori block, becanse w chant them to starter type, overhaul your en- : cine, insuti genuine eora make starter lor $188. at Burkes garage, 6403 72d st 8. aV Tabor 6587. We repair all makes of care. " M0T0BCTCLE8. BICYCLES.' M w-w,... .i.e.-, n.,1' i-nnin. a i. aaavjaca EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. 44-48 Grand Ave, 1 LArHCHEg ASP BOATS 14 TROLLING boat , (Elaine) 36"xT6 with 16 H. P. Enterprise engine", new and fully quipped Telephone 670-66. Foot -of Main, or V.07T. Journal. HOUSEBOAT and 2 launches for sale; bargain j . terms. Foot of Harney ave., Sellwood moor age. Phone Sellwood 2438. PIASOS, ORGANS. MUSICAL.. INSTRUMENTS ! 84 PiANO BARGAINS" Our prices are BELOW OTHERS. Shop around, then see our BARGAINS. YOU, WIlX BE CONVINCED. Fully guaranteed. Terras given. ' FISHER, plain case $17St KIMBALL, a real snap $265 HARRINGTON, plain walnut case...... $33$ WESER cabinet grand, -walnut case. . , ( .fJHi MASDN-HAMLIN, mahog., almost new.s$50 HOHMKR, plain mahog., almost new,.. $500 SCHIRMER, oak case, like new....... $285 HOFFMAN, plain mahog, real bargain,. $285 KNABE. plain mating., nearly new..... $b00 And others. See them. ' 8EIBERLING LUCA8 MUSI0 CO. 125-27 Fourth St. bet. Wah. A Alder St. USED TALKING MACHINES : at prices that will move them quickly. ALL IN GOOD CONDITION Columbia snd 0 records , $ IS . Victor and fl records ' 8H Victor and 6 records 4 5 Victor and 12 records loo Columbia and 12 records 1-0 $5 to $10 cash and $4 to $7 monthly. -Scbwsn Piano Co., 101 10th. Cot. Stark. SPECIAL EDISON TERMS- I We have just received a shipment of the Edison Chippendale, which are exact duplicates of those used in Edison tone testa. These are priced at $295, and we are making specisl terms of $25 down and $10 month; over 2 yean to pay while enjoying the new Edison. -Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder. upright pianos .....$65 and $ 75 Modern upright pianos $195 to $845 Modern player pianos. ....... .$398 to $695 Parlor organs ..... .$28, $38. $48 snd IDS Pisnas bought and sold for cash only. Pianos stored for 75e monthly. 108 10JH ST.. COR.. STAKE ST. SEE our special Christmas Victor outfit, st $135.20, for the cabinet atyle Vlctrola and $85.20 for the finest portable atyle Victrola: terms, $10 cash. $10 per month, including 24 late selections (12 records), 300 needles, brush. etcv. coley & Yen Dyke, phonograph dipt, 106 Fifth st, just below Washington. $16 TO $25 CASH buys new 192Q model up right $575 piano in oak or mahogany for $395. balance $12 monthly. Your ubonogranh. old piano or organ taken as first payment ecnwsn Piano Cv 101 lUtb st. at Washing ton and Stark sta. FULL CASK VALUE PAID FUR Phonographs & Records NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. 128 Pint a i Mam 4493. Tabor B18. FINE Columbia Grafunola taken in exchange foe a large Grafonola, and $29 worth of records; cost $140; price $100; $15 down, $10 a month. H yatt Talking Machine Co . 3S0 Alder. TEN upright pianos. $125 up. Kimball. bert M. (able, Ludwig, Behuing, Honington. Marsliall it Wendell, many otber fine ones. Essy terms given. 311-12 Worcester bldg EDISON hornless, cylinder machine and 78 records; cost abont $100; price $55; $10 down. $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Macbins Co., 850 Alder. EDISON hornless, cylinder machine and 7 5 rec ords; cost about $100: price $55; $10 down, $5 monthly. Hutt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder HIGHESi cash paid for pianos phonographs. records, musical instruments. 254 Market at Phonograph repairing and records exclianged. Main 0012. $ilO UPRIGHT practice piano; want enamel bedroom furniture, etc. Main 0S3S. 4T Harrison st WILL exr.hsnge new Edison, Brunswick, Colum bia or Victrola for first class Burroughs adding machine. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. $15 BRUNSWICK, taken In exchange for large Brunswick, and $25 worth of records; eoH $140; pric $100. $45 down. $10 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Jo.. 50Alder st. $290 CASH buys $900 Stein'wsy st Sons up right pisno. Corner 81a rk and 10th sta, Security Storage Co. j COLUMBIA Grafonola and records nntfit $53. terms. WILLIAMS RECORD. SHOP. 853 Alder St. GE"ULVE Victrola arid reenrda. $0.1 WILL IAMS RECORD -8HVP,. 833 Alder St, Medical Bldg. EXPERT plaver piano repairing and tuning. V. Kremar, 254 Market at. Main 6012. Work guaranteed. . FIRST-CLA8S used hornless "C,rsfonot7 $": $10 down. $5 monthly. Hyatt Tslking Ms chine Co.. 850 Alder. PIANO in fine condition for cahr nt will trait for Ford rosdster. ' 898 Fairbanks St., be- tween 2 2d J,d't.Nj WILL excliange new phonograph for direct cur rent fan. Hyatt Talking M:hine Co.. 3r0 Alder. . VOSE SONS upright fine ivory key. ;.HS; $140 Columbia Grafonola. filing device, $115. Harold 8. Gilbert. 684 Yamhill st. $245 CASH, buys $550 Kimball upright In fine mahogany, plain tyle. Security Storage Co.. 103 10th st Stsrkjt SPLENDID tone Clilcago Music Co., pisno, only $245: $26 down $10 monthly. Hyatt TaU- injrMschineCo.1850Alder.; CABINET phonogrsiih, mahogany finish, first class condition. 188 Uolladay, between T and 9 evenings. . FOR RENT Grafonola with month. Empire Transfer, Broadway 155. late' music, $3 254 Broadway. $555 PIANO for aale cheap; going East, at once. 810 Commercial st - BEAUTIFUL Davie Sona unricht Walnut cae.. 8285, for saUi 254 Market st. WANTEIVnap in 2d "hand piano. Consider good player, caah. Main 4424, week days. PIANO for rent Empire"Tranafer, cor. Broad way and Madison. Phone Bdwy. 155. TYPEWRITERS 77 ALL makea sold rented and exchanged) Terms if desired. Send for retail prices. Whole sale Typewriter Co.. 821 Washington, st, N. W. Cor. 6 th. . FOR RENT Typewriters, $4 per month, three months $10:-special students' rates. Reming ton Typewriter, Company, 88 Broadway. Phone iimu w.j va. ALL MAKES of type rtters rented, repaired - and aoid on montlil payment plan. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 6th at Main 3698. UNDERWOOD and Remington typewriters, $3 50 a month. Empire Tranafer, 254 Broadway. Broadway 165. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 44 COAL and wood ranges $16.00 on Ook atovae . 10 00 Tin Gas stoves 10.00 up j Oas wster heaters. ... .....w... S.O V Floor coverings, yard: ........ .7o . Kitchen qneeas ' S.OOsja Kitchen cabinets 12.00 up Dining roena extsnatoa table... I.OOae) Drning room chairs .......... 1. ISO up Living room rockers.......... 4.00 up Library tables 6.00 an -Simmons beds ,, 12.o0o Cotter felt mattress 8.00 op Steel spring , .... ... , 5.00 op Coll spring .oo.us) Dressers . PORTLAND rURNrTfJRE KX CHAN UK. 208-210 First St 9x12 VELVET rug, like new, $38; good Hrua sells rug, $10; Garland gaa range, $14.50; Elite 6-hole range. $17.75; congoleum rug, $3; new ctnitinuous post Vemls Martin bed, $12; weathered oak pedestal dintng table, $22; chairs. $1.50 up: rockers. $1.25 un: oil beater. $2.50: kitchen table, $2.60.. 118 Grand ave. Ea-t !)57. FOR SALE Surves. gaa ranges, dresaera, cab inets, tables, chairs, dishes and utensils moved from large rooming house to 824 1st between Clay and Market WINDOW 8HAi.ES 11 new cream aharfes. good quality. $10. - Phone 216-86 or 3010 E. 54th st. E.. near 29th. WOOD range, 2 gas plates, folding bed. aall Uble; aell cheap. 283 Gramf ave., corner Hawthorne. i COOD new and used (nrnitur. ranges, hestera, rugs. Very lowest price. Jnelson Furniture Co?. 113 Grand are. Phone East 6967; ' ' FOR SALE ' . A Reliable ! water heater and connection; Al condition. Phone Sellwood 1746 FOR SALE New wood and coal hetr; will aegept gopd tent. 10W2 Interstate. t ROOM, furniture, must aeU today. 640 Kerby H. Call fr 11 to 4. CHEAP Chairs, lounge, range and beater, Phone Woodlawn 4457. -URNITURE of modern 10 room house, sulu able for board era and roomers. Bdwy. 3764. 65-NOTE player piano; records lOo each; solid oak dining table. Wdln. 2844. FINE oak library Uble, few chair and rocked East 6115. . v (Centl ruled on Following- Ft , 4ULU1, -