FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 19, 1920. THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON CUPID S BUSINESS SHOWS BIG SLUMP Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 19. fcid'a business suffered a loss Thurs day 00 account of the bad weather, when j only three marriage licenses were issued at t,he court house. Li censes1 were taken out by the fol lowing couples, all of Portland: Charles Wilson, 4 4, and Verna' Ken nedy, 38; Joseph Rathenburger, 29, and Pauline Shaylor, ,18; George lljckel, 25 and- Roxie Kins. 19. Labor Department .. Proving Buffer in Avoiding Walkouts i .V WashlnKton, Nov. 19 (U. P.) The labor department, by brin-ifiK employers and workers together. Is helping to make the possibility of industrial disturbances triors remote, according to Edward Cun ningham, Industrial relations expert of that department, in an Interview today. "Despite the many predictions that in dustrial warfare is about to break out, ihere are now lesr.4 strikes and lockouts, ' taking; the country as a whole, than at . any time since the armistice," Cunning ham said today. ! TRANSPORTATION! r . " HOLLAND-AMERICA i LINE -1 - " I NorUi Pacific Coast Lin (Joint eerrlce of Holland America Line and j Royal Mail Steam Packat CeO Vancouver, B. C, Puget Sound, Portland, San Francisco and i- Angeles Harbor. r' . and . Rotterdam, Antwerp, London, Ur lerpooL Hamburg, Havre. -Freight Only ailing, will take place aa follewM & "MOERDYK" (12.000 ton d. .) j loading No,., Dcc.. And regularly thereafter. . litem are epeeially fitted with larva n 1:1 at room and refrigerator, for tha traasportatioa of fresh fruit, flah, eta. Tor Freight bales sad I articular Apply a OREGON-PACIFIC COMPANY 20a Wilcox Bulldlna. Phone Main 4868 AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SEA Via Tahiti and Bara tonga. Mall and Paaaanfa anrfce tram tan Francttoo Svar. 2t Dara, UNION 88. CO. OF NEW ZEALAND, 830 California SU, SarAVranclaoa. Or Local teamshas ana Railroad Aaanclaa, ASTORIA AND WAY POIWT8 - STR. GEORGIAN A Round Trip Daily (Except Friday! : leave. Portland 7:10 a. m Alder St. Does I LEAVES ASTORIA F. M. FLA VEL DOCK ! FARE 82.00 EACH WAV D tract Con nactlon for Sauth Beeches. ' Miht toat Dally. S p. m. Geary Day Excel Sunday " 1422. 641-22 sectional HOUSES and OARAGES Mad. of standardised built. 4-foot eecMone. Ueady and mj to erect " Shipped anywhere. Oat catalogue. REDIMADE BUILDINQ CO. , PORTLAND, OREGON E. 11th and Market, or 803 Lewie' Bids, phones East S1 14 or Broadway 433S Don't Fall to Saa Ou Exhibit at tha Food Show In Tha Armory. Stall No. 21. Ladtea S, your 010 car pa 11, ruga andweot an clothing. Lot u makr new ruga for yea. IV 1! - I .lata a. aut at. rnone kasl atuew j WE CALL AND DELIVER Tha eldest and ne? equipped factory In 'tha Northwest, Fluff and rag rues wova All ataea. Carpel cleaned, ate. FOR MAIL ORDERS SEND FOR BOOKLET gton Bungalow 7. beautiful, rooms, modern in con structuon; oak floors up and down; hot-water heat, tub bath down and shower up.; Garage in keeping 'with this exclusive bungalow. East front. Very'best part of Irvington; 9500. Terms can be arranged. Let me show you this and mike ' your own comparison. C. M. DERR, COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 4th Street. Main 4522 Portland Rug Go. CtDEE SEW MASiOEHEST Wa Have Out Our Prices t fcr a Limited Tim ONE; xli FT. FLUFF Ann r f ECO ................ OaCZ.OU ONE; 8x10 FT. FLUFF Cr UVQ 9l.Ot All Otbar Work at tt Disconntt Flsft Haifa Mada From oij CarpeU bag Rros A Specialty I GITK n A TRIAL ! Wa Call and Dalivtr 187S-9C74 E. 17TH ST. SELL. it AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS DECEMBER 1 0, 1 920 AT SECOlfD STREET AH storaarej mccounta 4 months past oua. Uooda aubject to kala on tbla date. C O. PICK TRANSFER 4 STORAGE Y- - ' " ' . KCW TODAT : . t i.u......1'l l t IB" IP vlx rate! ml;: mm TTEW TODAT A DOLLAR FOR YOU The Journal Will Give It to You for Writ ing a Letter How have you benefited by reading Journal "Dime a Line" Want Ads? Tell The Journal about your experiences and (or each letter -which The Journal can use the writer will receive One Dollar In cash. If you have been reading- Jour nal "Dime a Una" Want' Ads reg-ularly, it is certain you have been benefited or have had some unusual or unique experience. Tell about it In your own 'way In a short letter and If The Journal uaea your letter you will be ahead Just One Dollar. You may write as many letters as you like, but be sure to sign your true name and address and If you have a phone give the number. Unsigned let ters cannot be used. Remember, your letter must tell of some experience you have had or some benefit received from READING Journal "Dime a Line" Want Ads, not from using- them. Address your letter to the "Classified Advertising MsBafer," Oregon Journal, Portlaad, Or. SEND US VOUR OLD CARPETS (Wa Call and Dativar) Old Ruoa and Wool an Clothing Wa Make Reversible, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS xl ft. Fhiff Rue.. S17.B0 81 S ft. Fluff Rug 4.25 Rao Ruga Woven, All 81xe Clothee Cleaning' and Dyeing Dept. Mall Order, Sand for Booklet Mattreeeee Renovated, Made Ovar, Made to Order Feather Renovated Carpet Oleanlng, Refitting, Etc. 8x12 Rug Steamed Cleaned, 31.60 WESTERN FLUFF RUO CO. 54-80 Union Ave. N. East 8518 MEETING KOTICES 41 Masquerade Ball $ J 25.00 in Prizes ' Biggest Masquerade Ball of tha season, siren by the Live ' Wires, Anchor council No. 746 (of course). Security Benefit association, Tuesday night, Nnvembar 23, V O. W. hall. 128 11th at. Masker alwaya consider this annual event the teat of their costumes. Prize Winner .t thi. Amnfm w : ) 1 a prize at any maik ball; 30 auitable prize for the winner eoatioj over SI 23 will be ivn away. e aure and come time of your life; fun for all! Admission. 35 cento, including tax. WASHINGTON LOKGB No. 4fi. A. V, and A. M. Special communi cation tomorrow (Saturday) after noon and evening beginning 2 o'clock, Ka.t Eighth and Bunuidt. M. M. decree. UnXher II. If. Youna will preside In tlie errning and be aiviisted by hi dnrree team of 1915. Viaitors welcome. By order of W. M. - 1. If. RICHlfOND. SecreUry. ARI.ETA No. 216, I. O, O. P., regular meeting tonight, No vember 19: lentfld nomination of officers; no degree-work tonight; yuitors pirate taae nouee. o more duck pnnd. lrk your car on pavement in frcnt ot Hall. Mu Scott car to oath street and Feeler road. Tt. C. G01.J.INGS, Noble Grand. A. J. OETBn. Secretary. SUNNTSIUE IXJDGIi No. 16, A. : V. and A. M. Special communi cation Saturday. November 110, Tem rlei Thirty-ninth and Hawthorne. Kxaminatioo F. C. degree at 1 :30 promptly. M. M. decree at 2 I). m.. utper at -6:30 p. m.. M. M. degree at i p. m. tittors welcome. By order of W. u JAMrkS 8. GAY JR., SecreUry. MASSALO regular meeting tonight -XpFfc: I Friday 1. at 7:30. I. O. O. ffXtySS) F. Temple. First and Alder itrwui. Work in first degree. rt n B" Visitor welcome. v.w.r M slBUi:Ti N G W. I). BCOTT. Recording SecreUry. OREGON LODGK No. 101. A. I. and A., M. Special coinmunica- uon Saturday at 7 p. m. Work in Jh F. C degree. Visiting brethren cordisUy invited. By order of the v . ai. LESLIE S. PARKER, SecreUry. 1X)RIG LODGE No. 132. A. F. and A. M. ip cial cummunicat.u.1 this Friday evening, 7 p. m., Jl- mic hall, St, Johns. AVnrk In M. M. degree. Vifjtor welcome. A. W. DAVIS, SecreUry. I'OIITlLND t'HAJTER No. U7. O. E. Kucwl !lub will give a card and dancing party in their hall, 834. Russell street, Saturday evening, November 20, 1020. Admiaeton 85c All O. L. H. and Friends invited. KVA J. JAMESON, . Secretary. ROYAL HIGHLANDERS social and dance at tha weat side M. W. A. bail. 8 N. 1 1th rt.. Saturday, Nov. 20. Come and bring your friends to the new hall. Committee. EMBLEM JEWil-KV a specialty, bottotu. pins, aharma Jaeger Krna.. I3I-1SS Sth at. ''Vita? Statistics " i asv m TTlarriagcs.Birtbs. Dzoibx ; WAjRR,IAGE LICENSES D H. Bates, legal, CromweU apta., and Helen D. Arendt. legal, CromweU apta. Vmil Henkelnuw. 21. S0 Rhone at, and lather M. Kuehn, 20, 1138 E. Madiaon. -...19.. X,. uite, lesal. 114 W. Farragnt, and Mary M. Iwis, legal, 114 W. Farragut. v ,,"TT:,m, le?1- 40T HoUaday. and LuciUa R. Glbba, legal, Harrison Court apta. u.tM ,. Itigt.y, legal. 1018 K. lOUi, and r ranees M. Davis, legal. 1038 Vernon. Curtia H.- Johnaon, 24, 643 E.j 17th. and Helen J. Brigham, 23. 017 E. Main Arthnr F. Niclu.lai. legal. 493 Holladsy. and Louisa A T. Stengel, 506 Tudor Arms apts. Krnst Watchmann, legal, city, and Anna War ner ll. city. Walter J. Mitchell. 24. 770 Ambnrtt. and nis.i. 1 iz. ;; t. J4ti,. BIRTHS 2d. Nov. 9. a sob. G".'lf Si'I1rT0 Mr- ,nd MnL I C. UUIeapie, 54 K. Taylor. Nov. 14. a son PE.?,IiI?.STo Mr ,Dd L. S. rerkiui. 27! Grand ave.. Nov. 0. a son. HENDERSON To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Hen derson, 1857 K. 8th,- Nov.- 13. a son PE.T,?LFr:'r',v.Mr- nd Mr' Petrone. 113 Dakota, Nov. 10, a danchter. BriS Tn Mr. and Mr. V. Buis, 548 E. 16th Nov. 8. a son." rEflATrTo .Mr- and M" L, Peccia, 318 E. 42dk Nov.- 13, a dauehur. ILATT To Mr and Mrs. L, A. Piatt, Mil waukie. Or.. Nov. j 3. a daughter. . DEATHS ASP Fi:KRAl.S tLK.s ov. In, at ChehaiK Wab. .to,n Kllrni . t X T v. . . , ' - -. "ru eon or Mrs. Mary Bums, brother of James and William Mw Crt" . R- F. Millrr and Mw. Mary Kurns VU of this city. Remaim are at tha -resitlentiajs funeral home of lowning . ycN"ar.E,- 7tu and ultnomab sta. CCLBERTSON Nov. 18, 1820, at the"lnny resHlnce. 1297 C'lereland ava., Carolina Ctd bertxon, aged 47 yeans 10 mos. and 7 days. hHmsJ wfe of G. D. Oulheruson and mother. of Loufca Cnlberton. Remains at R. T. Byrnes iwriu.s. 901 tVUiiama are. iuuerjl anncunc--nnent later. iMJTIIAtPrineTaie, Or.. Nov. 16. joserh Smith, aged 4 years. The funeral aervice will be conducted tomorrow, Stturdav, at -10 mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenwnrthy A t o a802-04 2d rt. S. K in Unts. Fnend. invited. Interment. Damaccus cemetery. . BIw;t;&Th" fnc?' """ieeTof the'lalTjohn b,,-. Bn?- 2rd 82 years, wiil be conducted chsr-l ( A !. K.enw .rthy ft Co.. 802-04 2d k 1. . ' ln,Lnt4- Frieudi invited. Iiitermeut Ul MuluioiUitu ciuutety. I Oregon Fluff Rug Co. B Formerly Montevllla Rug Co. Fluff Rug Mad From Old CarpeU H Rag Ruga Woven All Siiea H m Carpet Cleaning, Sizing. Rafltttlnu B R , Wa Call and Deliver H H 182-1 $84 E. Stark St. Tabor 7314 H DEATHS AKTD FrNERALS FKOVLN'S In thU city, November 18. Chria Jennie I'rovinj, aced 97 yeara, lata of Keku. Wash.; wife of Millard F. Provina, mother of John C. Cos tea of Burlington. Or.: sinter of Mrs. Lottie Pinick of - Los Angelee. Cal.; C. E. Van Slyfce of Gresham. Or.; H. H. Van Blyke nt Portland, Mrs. Fannia Monroe of Twin Fails, Idaho: Mrs. Annie Davis of Walla Walls. Wash -I.uther Van B.wmm Canyoa 7ity. Colo., and' grandmother of Ruby Rica of Caatierock, Waaii. The funeral eerrioe will be held Saturday, No vember 20. at 2 p. m., at the Mount Scott cre matorium. Friends invited. 1. P. Frnley It Sou, directors. " FARMER Nov. 17. at her lata residence, 13034 ' Kt 12th Jbdna trances tanner, age 7 years, 7 1 months and 0 days, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fanner, aiater of VVilia mina Farmer and niece of Edgar Blenchard of Portland and Mrs. Scott Burgee of Battlegronnd, Waah. Bemaina are at the reaidential funeral borne of Downinf A McNemar, East 7th and Multnomah ata., where services will be held Sat nrday, Nov. 20, at 2:80 p. m. Friends invited. Interment Multnomah cemetery. VOLLUM At Seattle. Wash., Charles A. Ted ium, aged 4 years; husband of EUen VoQura, tathar of Charles A. Yoihtm Jr. and Mrs. 8. K. Clinton of Portland. Mrs. J. W. Frost of Bor li,g. Or., and brother of George F. Vollura of San lanelco. Cal. The fnneral service will be held Saturday, November 20, at 2:30 p. m.. tr Finiey'a, Mootgomery at Futjfc Fneoda in vited. Concluding service at Moul.t Scott ceme tfry. 1 - NOI At 1067 East Thirteenth street, No vember 18, Theodore NoU. aga 70 years 2 months 1 T days, beloved husband of Fredonia Nola. Remains at funeral parlors of Walter C. Kenworthy, 1 82-34 tast Thirteenth street. Funeral notice later. PLTMMER In thia city. Nov. 19. Baby Plum mer, beloved infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Delwin Plummer. Funeral aarvieaa will be held tomnrroow, Nov. 20. at 3 p. m.. at the chapel, of Miller Jb Tracey. Interment Multnomah Park cemetery. LINN In thia city, Nov. IB, Neil Linn, age 1.7 yrs., late of Napa vine. Wash. Beloved son of Mr. and Mh, Jacob C. Linn. Funeral notice later. ' Remaina at tha reaidential parlors of Miller Ic Tracey. " . bHERWOOD The funeral service for tlie late Amy M. Sherwood of Goodin station. Or., will be held Saturday. November 20, at 1 p. m.. at Finley's, Montgomery at Fiftli. Frietrd- invited. Concluding service at Riverview cemetery. WATCHER Eva Watcher, Su Vincents bos - pital. Nor. 16. &2 years; ezophlhalmic goitre. MOFFITT Florence E. Moffitt, Portland Women's hospiUla Nor. 17, 30 yean; septi cemia. GILBERT Jamas A. Gilbert. St. Vincent hos pital. Nor. 17, 60 years; lobar pneumonia. BEAMER Barbara E. Reamer, Waverly Baby Home, Nov. 13, 5 moe. ; broncho pneumonia. rOWERS Charles H. Powers, 8u VincenU hospital. Nov. 18. 62 years; aneurism. MANN Thomas Mann, 686 First, Nov. 17, S3 years; broncho pneumonia. - SCUOENBAECHLER Meinrade Scboenbaech ler, 451 Blackstone, Nov. 17, 76 years; mitral regurgitation. SCHALJ..HORN Bernard F. Schallborn, 70 E. 7th, Nov. 17, 18 years; acute endocarditis. 'VrSEBAL DIRECTORS EDW. HOLMAN & SON Funeral Directors THIRD AND 8ALMON STREETS Main 607. A-1S1L. Lady Assistant. J. P. FIM.EY & SOU FUNERAL DIRECTORS Main t. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. CAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. IS. DUNNING, INC. "The Family Seta toe Price" 414 E. Alder. PL one Eart S3 A. D. Kenworthy & Co. "6802-6804 92D 8T. 8. E , LENTS Pbon Tabor R267. Homo PBnn. D-Sl CHAMBERS CO. Fua.ral Directors. All tlie Conveniences of a Home. tVoodlawn 8306. 248-280 KiUingsworth ava. t TP RVDMIU reaideoca ea av a . a ava 1 ii-t ubliabmant. sot Williams avc. Woodiawrj 22 East 781 O I nrfly airs. Lereb B-1888 IT , 1,. JLrCrtfil Aaristant UNDERTAKERS E. 1 1th and Hawthorn. MILLER TRACEI. independent funeral di rectors. Prices as. low ss 820. 840, tt Ws.-tiuirton at Klia. Main 2SS1. A-78SS. DOWNING as M NEUAR A homeliaa pUca. Moderala in pneaa., Irviagtoa diairict. Pboaa Eaai 64. - aw. gale a co.. . Sncussors to 'M. H Hamilton. 1873 E. Glisan. Piwnte Tabor 4313. MEM EE A E ILK lib, tuners! pariurs with aU the .privacy of a borne, loth and Everett ata Phone. Hmariwoy 2133 Hnme A -21 S3 t$reezebnooircr,M7 ' Krltnoat tt. A.R.ZeHer Co. Phone East 1088. Qtr-'.r3 LNDERTAKINO CO. Msin416'J OKCWCS A-2321 Corner Third snd Clay 51 ON I 'MEN'Tci Portland Marble Works 266 4tb st.. op City Hall New Bros. , fBUESiMG GRANITE Col t )22-' 3PO ST AT MAPI f. J FLORISTS as morrijon PORTLAND MOTSU MA8.753 'csmibsb Accrs eoucrvao STORES MAR.. S7 Smith's F.ower Shop : "Portland's Progressive Florist.'' Flowers for All Occasions. Mam 7218 T C LUKE. Mgr.. Sth and Alder. GEO, BETZ "& SON l? FRESH FLOWERS FOR FUNERALS and all occasions. 697 Williams ave. Just cadi mu. josepo oeta. atarger. MARTIN & FORBEb CO.. florista. 354 Wash Ington. Main 269. A-1269. Flowara tut aU eecasions artisticaUy arranged. N W. Bank bldg. Main 6116 831 Morrison st Pnnlos FLORAL SHOP Copies 248 Alder. Mant.aU 8923 INDOOR SPORTS ! DID vouejER STOP TO 7Hajk. OF-lMrWT A. rOOL TUE. FW W WMATKJVS "' H At.u HCM-Tv RULE'S1 GOT SVU. HES" KOd-TvW AC A NWlT-AtC CfiN, V3Tr ON D EAO CATS" -i ClftOLX) tAlCiVJ THAT THfc Wat WONOeriiAjfj- AUOUT "THE TTajO ' WHO ypEXJQ Aaj HOOfi J CO m u EnATt D ru EVJ!W aJOQAnI AFTER- POTTIAJC, TM pE0 DaJ Oi-J FLORISTS JPBAYS 2aUP; WREATHS" rJ-ST. 'MORftrSoa St A1.DE0. And Floral De.lgna. 26 Larga Hothoasea. Ke Braach Store. m M w a B3flflZJBIL at-, bet. 4th and 6th. Telapboaa Mala 770S. LOST AND FOt-f D tl THE following articles were foand en cara of the P. R.. Lw aV P. Co. -November 17: 4 parses, cuff link, key, locket, fiehing license. 3 books, 2 pairs dotes, 6 packages, flashlight, vacuum cleaner, hammer, 5 lunch boxes, pair rubbers, 8 auitcaaea, 22 umbrella. Owners may obtain property at First and AMer st. LOST Orpheum- theatre. Wedneaday afternoon, lady'i reddish brown leather purse containing streetcar tickets, money and other articles. Re ward Bdwy. 6739 or 1811. LOST Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 16. at Orptie nm theatre, uuiy's large black poeketbock. ooney and papers. Owner's name on recetpta. Return to Journal office or phone Tabor 2830. LOSJT Monday on 4th between Mill and Davis. a Miller geared to the road tire. 80x3 V. Suitable reward. East 7791. LOST Black velvet beaded bag on east side. over 35 in coin purse, new check book, car tickets; 2 cakes yeast. 223-93. LOST Fiom South Portland, light red de horned cow; right eye out. Bxwaid. Phone Berreth, Marshall 8148. LOST Beaver fur between city and Hoi nun st. on St. Johns ear, or on Hawthorne are. Tabor 2396. Reward. LOST On Alberta st. Wednesday, large fog terrier dog. without his collar. Columbia 12. Reward. LOST Small black dog, very old; return to 1 526 E. ltnrnaide st. Tabor 5537. Reward. LOST -Large golden Collie dog, answers to name of "Prince." Tabor 6924. Reward. FOl'ND Female white and black fox terrier. ' Mrs. J. H. Hudson, 1002 E. 28th N FOl'ND A br.ndle bull dog. Call after 6 p. m. il East Kith street. LOST Gentleman's diamond ring, wrapped in .tisne paper. Rewsrd. Call Eart 4794. LOST Knights Templar emblem. Initials E. L. M. S. Reward. Tabor 6873. BTKINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS LEARN AVIATION EARN $7.1 TO 3300 WEEKLY Complete courses m Milan im - ,nH firing. Aero clnb license on graduation. All coursea free to federal vocational training men. Tk. ..... . - gon allows 25 per m.mth for educational pur posea to Oregon ex-service men. First and only exclusive Aeronautical school in the Northwest. A SCHOOL. WHICH HAS OVER 2000 PER CENT MORE PCP1LS THAN ANY OTHER SIMILAR SCHOOL LN THIS TERRITORY. No bond required. - Catalogue on (request. DC DREY AIRCRAFT COMPAJtT, Portland 824 Morgan Bide. Oregon. LEARN automobile and tractor repairing and driving in AmericVa largest and finest rytUm of trade schools. Wa also teach aU branehea of ignition, electrical end battery work, ivulcanixing and re-treading, welding and bracing, and instruc tion on all type, of marina and stationary en gines and farm lighting plants. Yon take the tools in your hands and get the artnal practical shop experience. The Hemphill schools turn out thousands of encoesaful graduates every year. Do you want to join this class of well trained and high men? State aid to former service men. Information and catalog upon request Day and evening classes. Hemphill Trade Schools, Inc.. 707 Hawthorne are cor. 20th. TOU CAN LEARN WELDING Comneient welder are more scarce than any other craftsmen in the metal trades. By our method of individual instruction under experienced teschers WE WILL TEACH YOU WELDING OF ALL METALS more thoroughly and in less time than can be done in any other manner. Apply, day or evening, at 4 27 East 9th at., near Grsnt COMMERCIAL SCHOOL OF WELDING Wert's I.arcest Business Colleee Aarurea EVERY GRADUATE A I'OSITION All business courses, including comptometer training. Enroll anytime day school, night school. Write for free catalogue. FourtJb near Morrison. Phone Main 590. D A Position for Each Graduate ALiSKY BUILDING. AUTO AND TRACTOR MEN WANTED at big salaries. Ideal living and working con ditions. No previous experience necessary. Men of any age can qualify in few weeks for per manent, well paid positions. Write NOW for FREE particulars. National Automotive eciioaL 804 South Figeros. Lo Angeles. CaL CLERKS (men, women), over 17, for postal mail service, $125 month. Experience un necessary. Fur free particulars of examination, write J. Leonard (former civil service exam iner), 998 Equitable bldg., Washington, D. C LEAHN TELEGRAPHY Young men and women wanted; can 4S4 Railway Exchange bldg.; splendid opportunity to learn a well paid profession. Railway Tele graph Institute. Night classes. MOLKR BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, receive some pay while learning. Positions secured. Ex-serVice men re t ive state aid. Write or call for catalogue, 234 Burnside at. EAST 8IDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Misa Regina Bucket's private school; Individual taatroction- 122 H Grand ave. Eaat 427. PORTLAND Barber College teaches tha barber trade in eight weeks; pays wliil. learning; good aet of tools given; positions secured; tui tion reduced. 88 N. Second. MEN. WOMEN learn barber trade;-wage, while learning; positions guaranteed. Mgr. 22 years' experience Oregon Barber College, 238 Madiaon. ROCKY MOUNTAIN-feherAgncy: Enron free. Frank K Welles, former assists nt star. supt.. Mgr.. N. W. bank bids. I'bone Main 8276. (Copyright, 1920. by Service, a.TT V ' m III if II iJlllillllllflfll II IUUI X?i.Z&.-X BTRIXESS A5D TRADE SCHOOLS ts aaEN. 6PE.ND YOCR AT OUR AuteaaobiW and tractor engincumg, welding and bronxmc. Special iamitaoB. battery and electric 1 work. Vnlcenfannc and lttrsediag. . HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. , 707 Us w thorn a Ave., Cor. 20th. , Terms If Desired. ! OREGON law arhoot. Alias bide, 2d aad Atoc. W. S. Rjcnardsoav. aea. Mala 871. HELP WAKTED MALE COUSINS' EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 273 BCRN8IDK STREET PHONE BROADWAT 1600 Aa Office That Gives a Square Deal Both te Employer and Employe When in need of help of any kind fust call me on the phone. . Hotel, restaurant, farming, land clearing, etc. . furnirtied on short notice. WM. P. COUSINS, Manager. - , EARN $25 A DAY i Wa want four men willing to put in eight hours per day selling at half price the best tire on the market. See sales manager. Perfection Tire Co., 10th and Stark st. WANTED a boy for all day work running errands and shelving books. Most be through eighth grade of school and over 16 years of age. "Wages $45. Apply Public Library, 10th and Ismfilll. . W AN T experienced man to clear land, one who understands powder and big stumps. Don't apply unless experienced in the work. Bull Ran car. Pleasant Home. C. L. Williams. WANTED someone to build a basement in exchange for loom rent. 6 7 2d at. Monta- v ilia ca r. ' WANTED . Boy to run errand Saturdays. 41 2 J ournal bldg. ; HELPEU wanted in bakery, with some experi- ence preferred. Tabor 889 or 1983 E. Stark. SALESMEN WASTED 88 IF TOO ARB LOO KIN Q FOR AN TJNTJ8DAL OPPORTUNITY AND ARE WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE IN TIME AND INTELLI GENT EFFORT. ONE OF THE LARGEST IS SLRANCK COMPANIES IN THE WORLD WILL TRAIN OD IN INSURANCE SALES MANSHIP. SYSTEMATIC EDUCATION AN1 PF'ISONAL ASSISTANCE. UNLIMITED OP PvItTUNITlES FOR MAKING MONEY AND PERSONAL ADVANCEMENT. W-63. J on real MEN with ability can make big money, high grade propoaition: live wires should call 818 Dekum bldg. WASTED AGE7IT8 ME START YOU in the candy bustneas at bom.. small room or anywhere; .verything furnished; earn 830 wkly. up; men-women; experience na-Becew-s ry; advertise candy Send self addraaacd stamped envelops for free particulars. ' Eura 1 Csndymsking Co. Philadelphia, Pa. HELP WASTED FEMALE MEIER A FRANU COMPANY aa in past years invitee all former employee not now engaged, to call at the employment depart ment, sixth floor, any time during store nonra to make arrangements for work during the holi days. Former inspectors, cashiers and aalea people may arrange convenient working hours if not able to work all day. MEIER A FRANK COMPANY. M..J5 U V. SCOTT, formerly director of em ployment for women with tha federal gov ernment, will aaeiat women to secure employ rax nt in all lines. Offiee. 329 Henry bkla.. eec. 4th. end Oak. Bdwy. 4S37. ANT girl In need or a friend apply to tha Sa TatioB Army Rescue Home, Mayfair and Alexander ata Pbon. Main 3430. , DM. car. GUsL. to assist with general housework; no waah ing or cooking. Apply mornings. 699 Love- joy. . WANTED Elderly lady for light housekeeping and companion. A good home and wages. Applyat 76 Cleveland avc, KOSIE BUWMAN, caU up Columbia 7S"o In7 WANTED Young girl to help with housework. 443 Third. Mar. 2842. HELP WASTED MALE ATfD FEMALE w i r.u ms and wife, meat to cut cord wood; woman to board 10 or 12 men. la- i"" ieuer ruei uoy r.8t 1600. SOLICITOR wanted either lady or gentleman"; aigis-a, tlel Tge rjair. V O,. tj 7. . - 8ITTJ AT1QNS MALE 3" GET wood .cutters, grubbers and land clearer! n from tha Pioneer Employment Co., 14 N. REFINED man, 38, wishes eteady posiUon as irsrdener. butler, cook and all around handy man;ona private place. Y-476. Journal. CARPENTER work, repairing, remodeling, all , of emu trucUoo. Estimates furn-hed. VaV e4 ' at saw aw. OARO v cth aaS, w ia eOtl. CARPENTER and contractor. Jobbing; anything ... v wuimiu. iidv. H BBS flOntt. PLUMBING dcoa very reasonably by the ioS or by hour gt right price. Tabor 1116. TINTING and painting reasonable. Woodlawa 042a. CAnPENTXRINC., REPAIRING and REMOr WANTED Excavating, general team work. f3mlleaseiat 411)8 usael aivog PLASTERING, enimn.y and cement work! 109 E. 46th at. ..Tabor 2658. ROOF repaired, gutter, and dowo apoula cleaned1 out Call Automatic 31T-27. KNPEKIENCED driver of any make car will take any kind of driving job. Main 5537. PAINTING, paperhanging and tinUngT H K7 A UU .V-1S. TOUNG married, man wishes permanent em- ployment, inside work. Mr. P.lce. Main 7299. CARPENTERINGrersirir-j rernodeling. butlU in fixtures a specialty. Call Automatic 817-27. PAPERING, painting, low rates. Phone day tiroea, Broadway 3138. TRUCK driver woo Id like job In or out of Portland, can repair truck. 403 2d rt. A HIGH school boy want work in a store on Saturdays and after school. F 252. Journal. MOVING or hauling, lH-ton truck., with driv era by hour or contract. : East 8677. International Feature Inc.) mmmmmmi MeJ- THCt SlT Rl4rr NOW EVENING ar-wstir.sttTi r. . SITrA T 07TS M A LE CAPABLE, practical lumberman. long experi ence both manufacturing and marketing, with good knowledge of detail, would like to connect with manufacturer in sales capacity; best ref erence, as to character aad .ability. A-164, JouroaL ? YOUNG man. Spaniah, wanta ataady job. P 281, Journal SITUATlONft FEMALE 4 RESPECTABLE widow wants place to assist with general, housework, no laundry or fur nace; comfortable room and board and reason able waaea. Phone Raat 163. between a) aod 12 a. ja. 83 E. 10th at. LACE. SCRIM" AND MARQUISETTE CUR" ' TAINS, DRAPERIES, BI.ASKKTS: DONS UP LIKE NEW; WILL CALL. . EAST 8518. TO launder waiata, 25e each; Irvine-ton district. O-138. Journal. . EXPERIENCED girl would like light office worit,; experience in laundry t,V. Main 2534. EXPERIENCED lady wanta whole or part day work. Tabor 8677. WANT ED Work by young irl with small childi good worker. Marshall 2532. EXPERIENCED girl srxnu position as sewing helper. Tabor 6C92. WANTS to do erMrtet and embroidery work of all kinds. Phot Tabor 6997. EXPERIENCED typist, biller, 'aaoiatant hook , keeper, cashier. References. Wdln. 3465. WOMAN wishes day work friday. Tabor 4174. DRESSMAKING 49 ALTERATIONS, relating and making of ladies' garments, reasonable prirw; work guaranteed. J. Renbin. Ladies' Tailor. 408 Bush A Lane bldg. SEWING, knitting and crocheting dons reason able. Phone Lenta Exchange 1511; 7219 86th st R. E. NURSES 60 WANTED Maternity cues, convalescents or semi-invalid, in my quiet home, by practical nurse. Tabor 8683. QUIET home for maternity cases; certified nurse; terms reasonable, ruone bast 17 48. EXPERIENCED NTjgSE wanta day or night nursing. Telephone Eaat 238, apt. 26. Practical nurse, phone e. 72ii. FrRXlSHED ROOMS 9 TAIT HOTEL, corner of 12th and it-rk ata.. under new management; modern, ciea. all outside rooms, pnvste baths: people of sve character desired. Rata from (6 to 612 gf week. DAYTON HOTEL 190 H 1st st, corner Taylor. Nicely furnished rooms, hot and eold water and steam heat in each room. Rates $3 weak up. HOTEL OHIO. 266 FRONT. COIL MADISON Honaekeeping and transient rooms, eteau beat, hot and cold water, automatic elevator, rates SOa a day up; weekly rates. PRINCESS HOTEL. 349 E. Burnside; heated rooms with hath, by day or week. Get away from the high priced rent. NEWLT turnianed modern r owns, ueat, light, telephone, garage af deaired. close in, 40i Larrabee at. NEW ROYAL HOTEL 108 'i 4th. Rooms by day or week, steam heat. Rates per day 75c np. THE MODEL, 283 Grand ave.. under new management; clean sleeping rooms; rate., 34.50 per week and up. NICK clean sleeping rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water in every room; free bath and tele phone. 32.50 and np. Phone' Bdwy. IMS. FURNISHED sleeping room. 515 Yamhill st. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY Tt FURNACE heated room in private family for gentleman; Weat Side, walking distance. Main 7608. . 287 12TH ST. Large, modern front room hot" and cold water, 2 clothes closets; walking dja tjnee; gentlemen only. - ROOM in private family, home accommodations; 12 minutes out; refined man preferred. 875 Kelly at. Phone SeUwood 2072. FURNISHED room, steam heat, hot and cold water. Nob Hill district; gentleman preferred. Marshall 1854. . - COMFORTABLE ROOM- for business man; Irvington home; breakfast, if desired. East 1785. N!OEb airy front room, heai, puisne, ing ciouie. closet, near public garage. Men only. Tabor 8846. NICE comfortable room, modem; walking tlis . tanc- Noh Hill di-trict. Main 0485. FURNISHED room in private family, horn, privilege. Woodlawn 4601. A NICELY furnUbed room with porch, light, heat and phone; close in, Eat 6126. NICE clean furnUhed rooms, close In. 474 Yamhill cor. 14th. FURNISHED room, walking dutance, phone, light, heat. 120 E. 15th. Call Kaet 7714. 686 EVERETT st. Nice rooms for rent. Fur nace heat, walking distance. Main 4214. R.MSHED Bleeping room in private family in apt.; bath included; went side. Mean 4 575. TWO rooma for rent, 14 2 E. 67"th, northof u FURNISHED room in good home., gentleman. Kan , r . ..... .. . . " 'J" xj. mwiwn st. auui, l-vo 257 12TH ST. Small sleeping mom, separate entrance, electric heat, 315, walking distance. ROOMS AND BOARD li THE MARTHA WASHINGTON 880 10th st For business girls and -atv denta; reasonable rates. Marshall 261.' ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY - 73 WOULD like to board school girl o'ver 1 1, mora for company. Next door to school. 820 per month. Woodlawn 4434. - LARGE pleasant front room and good board in pnraie lamuy. Dome privileges. 322 K. 85th ft Tabor 5183. WILL .board father and child or mother and child and care for child, during day, reason able. SeUwood-24B0. WANTED Two men of good habits to room and board in nrivate familv. 849 E. 8th at. S. East 1681. ATTRACTIVE room and boird in refined home for two employed. Ant. 223-23.- ROOM and board for couple of men. J rut like home. Call East 824 R. DESIRABLE room and board for desirable peo ple. 161 N. 23d st Mar. 8374 LAY NURSERY, 160 E. 79th N Tabor 7214. Pbon EXPERIENCED nurse wanta children to board, $2.50 to J5. Marshall 2662. RESPECTABLE workman Excellent board and. room for 812 a week. W. 2493 WAN WANT ELI To, good school WANTED Cad; hoard and care for child, near Tteference. Woodlawn 47 1. ygto board. Woodlawn 334s. By Tad wmm A aTTTAX iris V Twer rue ; PAJg.0F, J ROOMS AXD BOARD PRITaiTE FAMILY 7t ttllX board and care for youna Infant from 1 week to 1 rear old, giving -beat mother's care, by experienced mother and baby curse; doctor'! reference, Eaat 4923. .-' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FrRISHE AND TSFCRNlSHED ONE 2 and one single housekeeping, room for rent at 846 Vi Wash Ington. MOrSEKEEPIJIG ROOMS FTJRJilSHF.D AND r5KURSISHEI .PRIVATE FAMILY It MAN and wife want two comfortable house keeping rooms in private family: most he quiet and no children; both working: 8 ar 4 hike, from O. A W. railroad shops; rent reason able. 8-870. Jonmal. fer 4 t'NFURNIsnED housekeeping rooma for rent! with fireplace and bath. 315 per mo. 802 Harvard at. ",WO UNFURNISHED rooms for housekeeping. water, light, phone. TaborT8S. - FOR ENT- HOUSES 18 rsri'RSHHED FINE larga house, Eaat Sida, close in, near 3 carlinea, irtly carpeted and with window ahadea, hi block grounds, suitable for residence, school, sanitarium, small boarding or rooming house. Wakefield, Fries Co., 85 4th aC. or telephone Marshall 2474 befor. 1 :30 p. m. - STORAGE " COMMERCIAL AND HOUSEHOLD OOODS. MOTINO. PACKING. 8U1PPINQ. Reduced freight rates. For expert service call Broadway 10& Mannirg Wsr.hon. 4k Transfer Co. '. . WE will lease our home at 1166 Williams ave.. 5 rooma and finished basement and attic, 8 lots, garage and chicken park for 1 year or longer, rent 360. Phone Wdln. 1973 morn ing or evenings. ' CA1X BROADWAY 80 NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY WA8H1NUTQN AT TENTH STREET 326.50 FINE 5-room flat, very eleaaT381 Cable ft, block from Chapman and Mill its.; walking distance; Irvington car. . i 6 ROOM house in MtmUvUla, modem; $27. Phone 212-43. FOR RENT or sale, dandy 8 room . bungalow, near car and school. 6416 37th ave. 8. E. FOR RENT 8 -room house partly, furnished. $10 per month. Inquire 1081 E. 85th st. N. 9 -ROOM residence, modern, perfect gentleman's home: rent, lease. 80S lztn at. 7" Roae City Park, 7 room modern house, $50. J soar 1414 WILL rent my home. C rooms, modem, com- ... - . . . j..M U .1 ft A 7 pieieiy lurnwieu. mnMcg. ...... - WESTSIDE"Teodern 8 -room house, rent $80. 984 Thurman at Main 4892, HOUSES FOR RENT FIRJilTLRK MIIL HALF. "BUY FURNITURE AND RAVE FREE RENT Classy 7-room flat with furnace and fireplace, choice location, west side; rent $40; 2 room rented pays rent. Thia place ia clean, coay and F.mnirf fnrnished. A real home at a bargain. Phone Automatic mom, Ti-VVxr filT tf I A II I1V'T - mil a ....... " - - when you can rent a verv modem 6 room Hat, u' tax. month, which lias ala new and beautiYul furnishings for aale! One or more rooms can De reniea; pntty h mi sliall2255. ; . FOR RENT Modem 7 room house, fnrnace, wah trays, gaa. electricity, walking diUnce, near 2 car iinea. Reasonable rent for good ten ant, and furniture for aal. cheap fori cash. N- 02, Journal. i . 5-ROOM house for rent. $23 furnitur. for sale, walking distance. Kaat652K . FURNITURE of five, room flat for sale cheap, right down town, flat for rent. Bdwyjiqj. FURNISHED HOU8ES 86 5 ROOM bungalow, furnished good farrtore. modem in every reapeci, in una wu.., close to high school. Everything you need t there. Buy this place and move right in. Deal direct with owner. Thia place will be open for inspection from 6 to 9 p. m. Price $3800. some cash, bai. term T 913 Albina ava. cor. hkid- more, 1 block rc carllne. SMALL hoase w-:th sleeping porch, gaa and pantry, 2 lota; fruit trees and bemea: chicken ran; on paved street. .Adulu only. 6141 45th ave. 8. E. ' - TORENT 7 room modern lurntshed house, garage. 692 East 20th at. south, near Powell at. RROOM furnished house to rent. 630 6th at. 8. . . 8 ROOM furnished bungalow, $25 a month. 218 63d su N. ., 5 ROOM completely furnished cottage, furniture lor rale. star. 010 4 -ROOM furniahed house. 520 Market at FLATS TO BENT. TJ FTRMSHKD 1 B-ROOM flat for rent, furniture far aale. Auto- enatic 8 3 2-5 6. BROOKLYN district, upper 7-rooro flat, newly finished, yard; desirable. Broadway 5157. l9H8AVIERr.t, clearr upper 5-room flat, desirable. - Broadway 6157. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 43 FOR RENT Unfurnished 8 -room apartment. Price 320. Inquire at 297 Monroe at Phone East 7962. 4-ROOM furnished apartmento, $16; 3 mora tnrnwhed apartments, 814: 2-rocm turntsuad apanmenU. $11. .832 Milwankie av. FURNISHED apartment for rent, temporarily or permanently, 'mar, iisi. 8TORFH AND OFFICES II FOB DESIRABLE Apsce in fireproof w.ra bonse phone Bdwy." 8715. Security Storage h Transfer Co., 53 4th at., cor, fin.. DESK room with telephone and atenographie service. rnone u 7 . an,, owumj uiu, age A Transfer Co.. 53 4th aU, cor. Pine. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT A 5 room bungalow, unfurnished, by responsible party. Will pay 830 , per month. Ak tor Mr Christendom . INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Bdwy. -4751. 4 10. Henry bldg. YOUNG couple with' 5-mon fche-old- baby want small furnished houae or flat; desirable dis trict, or larger house arranged far anolHer couple. Iteterencea. wain, ooai. YOUNG- couple of refinement desires furnUhed 2 -room apartment or housekeeping rooma on weat side; walking distance. Mr. Legier. phone Broadway 808. J Wn4 pay reasonable rent for modern five or six room house, eaat aide; reference.. R-971, Journal. ANTED 5 room unfurnished (let by Dee. 1. Tabor 8335..- - av . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE np USES $1 LOOK The biggest snap in Portland : . Owner leaving city and must sell a $5000 home for 34200 earn, located on zza ft. M, r.., walking distance, 7 room a, modern, 7 years old, all built-ina, furnacefuK cement basement, garage, all improvement in and paid; property clear, CaU at 32,6 Artiaaa bldg., at Bdwy. and Oak or call Bdwj. 8T. 1200 CASH 315 A MONTH South Portland oar, 6 rooma and bath, ail kinds of fruit. Tha price ia onfy 82275. Why pay rent when you can get a snap like this? Sea " C0MTE A KOHLMAX. Main 6850. 206 Chamber of Commerce Hlng. ' $6750 LA URELHUR8T $ 6 7 5 0 2 story 8 room hotue, choice location near rariine: oak floors down, maple np. Cars move right in aa owner baa left city. 8" J. A. Mc carty. 270 Stark at. Main 1700. Eva. Tabor 5057. NICE 4 BOOM BUNGALOW Modern, attractive, in a good district, not far nut. on a paved street, in excellent edition. Only 83150. with a small payment down to re sponsible party. Inquire eveainga at 418 E. 34lh at. . i - - ill. T A BOB 100x100 $2500 5-room house, newly painted inside and out; new bath, hot water tank, electric lights, linole um; corner lot, paved street, close In; take ll'OO cash, give deed; long time balance. Mnt have money. Mar-hall 1022. SeUwood 2706. HOME A (JAIN 1 ' . 4 room hotire, near school, $1000. Easy term- R ed;ct, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Eds,, a.-.. 41U Henry bldg. $8950 RMe-ClTT PARK Strictly modem bungalow, 5 room and sleep ins ;mii-.i. Fine condition, oak floors, large living r.iom. firVtiace, all built-lna, fnll cement lavmHit, fiim -ee. nine full lot: garage; good location; immrtliaL. posseav-sou. Tabor 6559. -V IRVINGTON .-,()( II0OU $50 MO. -6 rooms, ail ivory, h. w. floor, garage, A-l eo-.di'tr.. )..t 125x50. McDonell, Eet 4l9w . SEU, 200x100 $2200 T 5 room pla-tered tiueen Anne hou; good condition; owner leaving city; take $1000 cash, w snort guar, 6 per cent. Kefl, 2706. . A BAROA1N in 1 law thorn. $8800, some terms; fireplace, hardwood floors, built-ina, full base ment and attic, street iwved. Bear eclol. Mar- aidUal 3993. - .; - : - " FIVE KOtJM RLM,Ai.oW Near MonUtilla rertis., fireplace, builtlrts. Urge attic Price $3300, easy terms Tabor 60. $2600 Easy terms, boa 6 room cotta-e, lot, furniture, winter'a fuel, street Improved, near car, ctoee in. Marshall 8993, NEARLY new nungalow. 6 rooms, cement be-e- lent: Miesieaiupi car; 824UO. $300 5 cash, lis, . m- n.hiy. Wdln. 379v. 3 l!OOM liunsaluw." $4500.' J 129. Journai. HF.AI, ESTATE' FOR H A L E NOUS E S Tf 1100 Photographs of Homes for Sale Largest Home Sellers on The Pacific Coast. Every one of our 1100 Homes ha. been per aonallv !iunetMt ,wi . . i 1 1 I . appraiaer. fcvery djatrict, every kind af Home. If necaary. wa will helo mk ,i,w , payment. - Saleamen at Your Service. - - 0en Every Evening . Until 9:00. Open All Day Sunday. A Beautiful Hawthorite . ! ' Reduced I $4100 BEAUTIFUL B room HAWTHORNE BINUALOW with full, heavy columned front iiorch, bnilt-in bonkcasea, paneled dining room with beamed ceilings, mas fj.,!, ,not '' J w--IDEAL WHITB IH TCH KITCHEN, garage: Eaat 48th. It U pay to Investigate tiisl You Can Almost Feel the Sunbeams $2000 A RADIANT SH1NO-LKD BUNOA IXJW, with an expansive froat noriih that intitea! 8 rooms, with on. of the most delightful interior, aay bun galow coold have; solid paneled dining room; built-lna; airy Dutch kitrh.n; WILL HELL FURNISHED for $75i additional. Terms. Jast look at 111 E. 1 Oth st. ! -" i " :' ."- Holladay-Irvington . Finished, Vacant , $4990 HERE S A SPLENDID . RAROAIN In a completely furnished 6 room, at tractiTa HoUaday-lrvingtoa home on Multnomah; 2 cheery fireplaces, music room, hardwood floors, while Dutch kitchen; 2 glaaaed-in sleeping porch. and 2 airy bedrooms: furnace, laundry traya. TERMS. MOVE IN TODAY. Sunnyside-Hawthorn'e $200 Down! $200 Down! $2200 $200 down, fl room eomfortahle mod- era home. 3 light, airy bed rooma; white enamel plumbing; electricity: gaa; s!'.7rl, ,r,n K- 7th- IF-Yoir HA E NOT THE $200. wa ll help you mak. it. - 1 MAD' THIS! $500 Downl Forced Sale $S850 $500 down! UNDUPLK ATED BAR OA IN in a 6 room aern i-Dutoh colonial bungalow; great living room extending ai-ro.s tl.. Inn front of house, cheery - fireplace; bull tins; furnace. HPLEN- iiu VALUE. E. 74th. Only $500 Down, , . j . Kenton District' $18008300 down; neat and cosy 4 'room KENTON nu.VJAliOW on Peninsula aveout, Onljr $300 down. . Announcement! Home seekers: 'it Is Important to ynu fa , Jnvehtigate our WONDERFUL DISPLAY OF HOME BARUAINS before you buy YOUK HOME. An unlimiLed aelection ta choose .from. We are getting new liat-" inga every day and there is a home te pleeee every t1e. DO IT NOW, today. . BE .INDEPENDENT AND HAPPY. Me. FRANK L. McQUIRE To Bur Tour Home Abington Bldg. Main 1066. Thin! su bet. Washington and Stark. ' Open All Day Sunday Until 8. $2500 Here ia your opportunity. W. did not think It possible to find a bar- ' gain like thia at tb. present time. Just think I A double ennstmrted 5 room bungalow with bath, full -basement, new pipe leas furnace, paved stmt and aewer in and paid ' for. Terms. ua show you. -i J. A. Wickman Co. "flhorteat Way Horn." . 384 Stark SL Mala 583 and 1094, WE HAVE listed today dandy tittle bungalow with large living room and fireplace, two nice ledroosna with closets, full plumbing, bath, llni closet, very nice Intteh kitchen wltb lota of built-ina;' heated with gaa. Tbla ia a very coxy and homelike little place in a fine paved etrut Richmond district, close to car. Tha price is reduced for quick aale to $8000 aad w. will wi eUabi accept a payment of $300 down from a reliable party. j O. A. PEA RUB u 815 Chamber of Commerce Main 8036, evcnlnp SeUwood 1 1 1 6 . 7 ONLY $1000 to handle thia $4800 aountry home in city. This has" 6 rooms and bath; ia tact, all city convenience, yet has the fruit, shrubbery, etc., of a country place; located near Peninsula Park and walking distance to Jeffer son high; 15 minutes' rid. on oar to center of city;' 100x100 lot and 14 foot alley. Let us show you thia place. 1 JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3767. IN KENTON DISTRICT room bungalow stvle, modern borne, $3800 12 room house, $390n. , 8 room bouse, 75x100 lot, fruit, berriea, garage, $2100, 4 room bunga low, 1,100; 4 room house $1600; 4 room house $1450; 8 room furnished bouse, $1600; 3 room house, $1400. Terms on all Coma In and see our list. J. K. Lowe, 1761 Darby t Aut 326-61. $3400 ; : Rose Cif jr. modern, S room a and bath, hard wood floor, fireplace, buffet, built-in kitchen, cement basement, furnace heetj. on 100x109 lot; small payment down, balance like rant. Tea, il baa a garage. '""" alohnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg.- -i- Main 8T8T. FOR SALE 5-roou 1 modem hongaiow, rooma are larga and nicely arranged : built-in buffet, cement basement and fruit room, Koa furnace, large attic,' garage, berriea and flowers : aewer and aidewalka in and paid, 1 block to ear near school and park, 80x100 lot;; 88650; $1600 caah, balance terms. 762 E. $24 at. Sell wid 1159. 83100. AND ONLY $750 down, burs this 6 room bungalow on corner lot: has good bath, fireplace, paneled .dining room, 3 bedrooms, iuat north of Peninsula Park; about 13 minute' ride on Miss. car. Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W, Bank bldg. Main 8767. MY equity for sale, it you are looking for a good home, well built 3-atory, 8 -room modern ; walking distant., this la Just as good a put up home aa you will find on the east aide. Furni ture, wood and fruit, if deaired. 476 East 10th street south. Mrs. CfariaUifher, call ttellweod 2146. - . - 8 ROOM house, lot 120x283. bath and furnace. ' lighu, f 0 fruit tre, trry buslies, larga chicken hon e," barn, naved atrerta and sane-, walka paid for, X block to fire station, 2 block, to school, 2 blocke to ir line. 16H K. Htsn at. 1 4 '.00. Ajply V. A. Thorpe, 465 Clateop av... SeUwood. - 7 FURNISHED COMPLETE S S . .11 .a to step riant' Into. Has electric llglita. gaa and oath; some fruit; Improvements aU In and paKt. , .'jtt.A. laSA ilnwn K. I. na . U SLA S Of E. 6038.' ' j VrT RY PRETTY bungalow, S rooma and recep--; Una hail. All modern builtina. - attic arid baea't- tot 60x100. Horn, tumltnr and wood. Near echool and carllne. Auto. 223-71, one Hundbed'yards toTroh'-cItt CAR Modern 6 room bungalow, 00 4 tn at,, ail Improvemenu in and paid., only $4808; ternu, East 661 or East 8038. ; llOt.'SENew. "5 room and bath. 2 lots, cement bast-Blent, Mount neou aixtnct; sell en easy term, or cheap for cashCall Tabor 2214. BY OWNER.1" . " Term., for aale or trade, new modem room Luinn.t.ri. . TabMir 9dia after A tt. tm. , O W NER t -rouia merrTTiott, alTfreai iooA terms. Sellwood Bin. ' - BEAUTIFUL high ciana home, just completed. in Walnut Park. Inqarr. 1050 stallory ae. OWNER Nw 6 -roe 1 bdngalow tor lea. than cost I eauy terms. Tabor 7 347. ICootlmiea an FeUewlng Fata)