- , - . ' " , ' ...... ; r . : I ; ; ; . , XL . I, ! I HEAT PIES ARE HUM 11 II DOWN WITH BANG By Hrnaa H. Cokst ' CompIeU demoralization of both live-, lock and dressed meat prices is ahowni In ths wholesale trade and consumer are entitled to get at least's, portion of this reduction. : - It appear that tome of the meat mar - kets are shading their Quotations on veal and hogs to consumers, some of the cuts being about equal to the lowered buying value, but In general the retail trade is not 'following the wholesale declines closely. ..... The public is complaining Duxeriy w this regard and those merchants who axe dose to the public puise are irjmj iu meet new conditions. Others are still asking high prices for goods that cost them much less money. I In the meat trade there is no excuse fnr V.nlno- mrm.t Vlll to CODSUmerS out of line with wholesale conditions, stocks being purchased from day to day and there is no excuse to having high priced stock on band. ' The public has begun to learn to shop for its meats where it can get the qual ity It wants at the most favorable prices. s Vtmh Man Appointed Washington, Nov. 1 U. r.) Presi dent Wilson today made the recess ap pointment of Prank K. Nebeker of Utah to be assistant to the attorney, general. Former Head of Grazing Division Portland Visitor T. P. MacKenxie, formerly head of the grasing division of the United States for est service here, now commissioner of grazing in British Columbia, arrived Thursday to attend the livestock: exposi tion, i In his campaign against grasshoppers, MacKenxie has met Uttle success. He sought to poison, but only two of the 40 varieties of grashoppers would take the poison. He also, sought to Introduce a fungi disease, hut only the same two varieties were snsceptible. So Mac Kenxie is trying to protect his ranges by building fences and allowing the grass to grow on portions of the range In the spring and trying to get ahead of the grasshoppers. MacKenzie is accompanied by G. V. Copely, assistant grazing commissioner, who has gathered an enormous collec tion of forage plants of the range. .r Flu Causes Death In Bethel; Four 111 Amity. Nov. 19. The flu has broken out again in the Bethel section south of here. The entire family of M. A. Lynch was stricken and Wednesday night the daughter. Miss 'Alice, died from the dis ease. The father, mother and two sons are confined to their beds and are in a serious condition. PEOPLE'S Four Stores I H 5 bar Fel Naptha Soap. . 35c 1 ack Potatoes . ! I... $2.00 1 sack Onions, 1 00 lbs. . $2.00 I 15 9 lbs. Rolled Oats. . . . .70c 9 lbs. Farina ......... .75c 9 lbs. W. V. Flour... v. 65c 9 lbs. praham Flour . . 65c 8 lbs. Buckwheat Flour.. 90c 1 pk. Gream of Wheat. 30c 1 pkg. Germea 25c 1 pkg. Joy of Wheat 10c i lb. Mincemeat ....... 25c 2 pkgs. . .-. . . . . . . . . .45c 1 pk. Currants :20c 1 lb. Black FiS ...... .15c 2 lbs. White Fis. ...... 25c 2 pkgs. Dromed'y Dates. 45c Picnic Shoulders, per lb.. 27c 1 qt. Sauerkraut ... . . .15c 6 rolls Wax Paper. . . . .25c 1 le. b' tie Chow Chow. 30c 1 qt. Mammoth Olives. .70c 2 lbs. Ore. Cranberries. :35? fib. bulk Cocoa. .. .20c 1 lb. bulk Chocolate. ... .30c MILK Carnation or Borden's. .12c Small Milk, 4 for...... 25c Case,1 delivered ..... .$5.90 SOAP j 3 bars Palmolive. . . . . . i 25c 3 Rinso .25c 17 bars R.W. Soap... $1.00 3 bars Ivory Soap 25c 20 bars Proctor & Gamble. . V White Soap... ....$ tOO 1 pkg. Marshmallows. . .25c 2 lbs. Cheese,. . . . .f. . . .65c 8 lbs. Salt............ .20c 1 qt. Mustard ... . .25c 2 lbs. good Potatoes 25c 2 lbs. fancy Onions 25c A lbs. Sweet Potatoes. . ..25c 1 lb. Jap Rice. 10c 22 lbs. Split Peas 25c 8 lbs. Sal Soda ........ .25c 1 0 Big Specials 1 0 VIM FLOUR, sack. ........ .$2.80 DARK KARO, 10 lb. pails. . ..... .75c LIGHT KARO, 10 lbs. pails 85c 2 lbs. PEANUT BUTTER . . . . . . 25c 2 lbs. Fancy ITALIAN PRUNES . .25c 9 lb. sack CORN MEAL ....... 45c 5 cans LIBBY MILK? J . . 55c 2 lb. pkg.LIMA BEANS. . . 20c 4 lbs. SMALL WHITE BEANS ... 25c Sugar 5 lb.. 55c 10 lbs.. .$1.10 Sack $10.90 Not delivered I CRISCO 3 lb. 80c; 6 lb. $1.60; 9 lb. ... ... .$2.40 MAZOLA OIL, Qts. 54c; i Gal. $1.03 Gallon ......$2.03 WESSON OIL, Qts. 59c; i Gal. $1.09 Gallon $2.09 Medium Jewel Shortening ... . : . .95c Large Jewel Shortening ...... .$1.90 SYRUP 1 Gal. Golden Marshmallow . ... .$1.15 1 Medium Log Cabin 58c; Large $1.15 The Largest of Oar Four Big Markets First and Taylor Streets No. 2 CENTRAL MARKET S. E. Corner Fourth and Yamhill No. 3 VISTA. HOUSE N. E. Comer Fourth and Yamhill No.' -4 PALACE MARKET N. W. Corner Second and Yamhill 2 cans Tomatoes. . . . . . .25c 2 cans Peas. ....25c 2 cans Pumpkin. 25c 2 cans. Corn...... 50c 2 cans Apricots. 45c 1 can Grated Pineapple.. 15c 3 cans D. M. P. & Beans.25c 1 can D. M. Hot Sauce. . ,5c 1 can Peaches. . . ... . . ,25c 3 bottles Vanilla....... 25c 3 bottles Lemon. .... ...25c 1 lb. Black Pepper. .. ... 25c 1 can large R. Bak. Pdr..32c 1 can K. C Bak. Powder.20c COFFEE 4 lbs. H. S. Coffee. . . .$1.00 1 lb. Hills Coffee .47c . 1 lb., Golden West. . . . ..43c j l$oftle Bluing . ..5c 1 bottle Ammonia. ..... .5c 4 L. H. Cleanser. ..... .25c 3 cakes Sapolio .... 25c 2 Blk. or Brown Shinola..l5c 5 Matches .25c 1 bottle Snider's Catsup. 30c FANCY APPLES Main Store Only ORTLEY SPITZENBERG $1.10 per box To ship to your Eastern Friends. ' . O-JOY, an English Custard, requires no eggs, 2 pkgs. 35c 1 sack Scratch Food. .$4.00 i 1 box Economy Crax. . ..80c 3 pkgs. Noodles, Macaroni, Spaghetti, Vermicelli.. 2J5c . 2 glasses Dickinson's Jelly 35c 3 lbs. Soft Shell Walnuts. $1 3 lbs. Filberts........ $1.00 3 lbs. Almonds . ..$1.00 1 lb. Brazil Nuts. ..... .45c 1 lb. Shredded Cocoanut.35c kbtt Mflffljfa (H&!Hifc Specials for Saturday EXTRA GOOD PRIME RIBS OF BEEF BONED AID ROLLED 25c lb. CHOICE VEALROAST 15c and 18c Lb. Our Famous - WILD ROSE BUTTER 1 lb. 58c; 2 lbs. $1.15 GOOD POT ROAST OE BEEF 12c and 15c FANCY CORNED BEEF TONGUES 28c Lb; SIRLOIN STEAK Very Tender 20c Lb. WE WILL HAVE PLENTY OF FANCY POULTRY FOR YOU FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER Cascade Mkt. Third and Yamhill Economy Mkt. Fourth and Yamhill GROCERY- SPECIALS Cash and Carry at the Store FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY CROWN, OLYMPIC and VIM FLOUR, 49-lb. sack $2.75 CANE SUGAR, 9 pound . New Corn Meal, 9 lb. sack 50 Graham Flour, sack ...HOt Whole Wheat Flour, Back ..60 Pearl Barley, per lb ,.10 Split Peas, per lb XOt Dry -Green Peas, per lb lOt COFFEE DOWN Re?. 30 Grades Now 4 lbs.. . .$1.00 Tift? 3hr. (Trades Now 3 lbs MOa Reg. 60c BEST Now 1 lb 45 Imported Stock Fish per lb... i 35 FOR THASKSGITIJfO Fine assortment .of Apples, Nuts, Oranges, Raisins, Currants, Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel Figs, Dates and Candies. THE STORE THAT MAKES TOUR $ HATE MORE CENTS WE DELIVER QUANTITY ORDERS! EAST SIDE Moadays, Wednesdays and Fridays. WEST SIDE Eyery day. LINNTON, ST. JOHNS aal KEN. TON Thursdays. Orien Van Schoonhoven ltS-19$ td. Cor. Xaylor SU Both rboaes: Ksvlm 128S, AU S12-6S. . k .A.utr Cane and Maple Syrup in Blk Brine Jar Per Quart 55e Per Gallon .. ....... .... .. .$1.90 5 Gallons .-.99.0O lie Java Is at 1 9 Extra Special 8 to 11 A. M. Very Best Butter 6 lb$. Crisco .$1.38 Corvallis, Farwit or Newberg Limit, 1 can to customer. l ib .....63 Roll .$1.25 1 jt. Mazola Oil . . ....... .... .48 Guaranteed to the Last Ounce . . K," Limit to customer. ( 4 Bars Palm Olive Soap ...25 Clietese Limit, 8 bars to customer. Genuine Tillamook, If lb 35J- California Soft Shell Walnuts Sugar 1 lb....V......30 3 lbs ..88 5 lbs- ,54 10 lbs;.... -$1.08' ' ; - ' " J ' Sack .c. .. $10.75 Snowdrift Shortening ... 2 ibs.. .-.49 4 lbs.. . .97 8 lbs $1.92 c 1L Melomar byrup v 5 lbs 68 io lbs. .... $1.34 Pineapple . ' c n A C 2 large cans No. 2 A. & L. Special. 75 uT?1 . ? m 3 large cans No, 22 Solar Special $1.00 3 cansWnght M5oT0ta fSSi 1 lean Surf Rider, Sliced No. 2.... T.30 3 cans .......50 Dozen., . .$1.95 V ' y i .. ; vaoe .........:...'............ . Jpo. Apricots Canned Peas No. 2S cans, 1 can 19. dozen. v$2.25 Minnehaha brand. 3 cans . 50 Peaches Dozen $1.95 Case; $3.75 NoKcWl caniozen.g No l5.7 Q5 Dried Fruits Soap Raisins, Sunmaid Seeded, 15 oz..;30 5 bars White Wonder O CuUSTnld seedless' lb---.30 5 bars Van Houten's Bleaching.' . 1 !0 2 Driid pr'S;; 5 1 can Old butch Cleanser. ... .1 ... .10 I 1' Drie1Se1",,': I large Pkg. Washing Powder. 20 2- bs' Black les;- "-r25 -3 bars: Ivory Soap! ......... . .-. , . . .25 1 lbs" lack 1 'g9-- 35 ::A bars: Crystal -White . ... ... .25 sa-' STORE OEEN CTTIl 8 o'CXOCK SATTTRBAT T.TKnn No Mail Orders Less Than $25. No Deliveries Less Than S25. No Phone Calls or C. O. D. JAVA COFFEE CO. 291 Yamhill St., Near Fifth. Portland, Or. Inviting as your own kitchen The large kitchens in which Tilla mook Cheese are made are as clean and fresh as the most: particular housekeeper could demand. Great, shining vats and utensils, white walls, white -clad workers and through the windows, glimpses of the cool, green Galleys that are ideal for dairying. Do you wonder that Tillamook Cheese has a superior flavor? In food value, Tillamook Cheese pre cedes meat, eggs, bread, potatoes and eleven other staples. Five quarts of full cream milk are used in making a pound of Tillamook." It is rich, creamy, mild delicious cooked or uncooked. The best grocers sell Tilla mook either by the slice or in family sizes of 6 and 14 lbs. TXUAMOOK COUNTY CEXAUKKY ASSOCIATION 24 Own Kitrhmu OwtUd tmd OfrwUd GfpmmtwkrbrTiUmmmllDavjwHm TILLAMOOK. OREGON n 249 YAMHILL Rash & Rash ' Quality Merchandise at Cut Prices Specials worth while at prices now that will mean a saving to you later. - - w.,w wvnr-) jfm.mi ............. . No. 1 Soft Shell WalnuU, new crop, lb. 29c No. 2 Soft Shell WalnuU, 5 lbs, for. L . .$1.00 5 lb. Natural Rice for . . ...... . . .-. ; .35c 3 lbs. Best Jap Rice for. ... .... ..... .25c Peas, 3 cans for 45c Case . . . . . , . $3.60 Our Best Blend Coffee. 1 lb. for. . . . . . . .39c 10 Bars Royal White Soap . . . . .... . . . 59c PORK and BEANS 2 large Van Camps. . .55 3 med. Van Camps. 50 2 small Van Camps . . 25 1. large Del Monte.. .23 2 med. Del Monte. . . .25 3 Small Del Monte . . . 25 SYRUPS CEREALS 3 packages Olympic Wheat Hearts..... OS 3 packages Olympic . Pancake .. . . . . . . . -95 1 large Alber Pancake Floor ......... . .35 1 large Albers Oatt . . 36 1 pkg. Ravilli OaU 1 . . 15 9-1 b. sack Rolled Oats . 65 9 lbs. Bulk Oats. ... .63 Log Cabin, . large . . . $1.21 Marshmallow, 10s . . $1.15 Marshmallow 5s . . . . 60 VahHoeter's No Rub Naptha Uncle John's Cane and Ma ple, 1 gal. $2.87i Va gaL $1.57, Medium 65. small ....... .....35 SOAPS ! 17 for I White Wonder $1.00 Easy Day Mail Orders Filled at These Prices if Received by Wednesday Following Our Ad j 249 Yamhill TWO Stores 183 Third S i pmrmd tmta mtf Mts Buy Them by the Box THE CHEAPEST FOOD YOU CAN BUY AH kinds, varieties and sizes. Northern h Spies now in season. Also Spitzenbergu Winter Balana, Delicious, Yellow' Newtown Mt and many others. $1.25 to $3.50- per box. Send one of our fancy 5:1ft boxes of apples 2 x r: ei it; : J . X CU, 2! Id OS o FANCY UPLAND POTATOES 2? The Apple House f 104 FIRST STREET (Formerly 115 Second Street) k Sure vou G3I 35) MHO Mi aSSaBBBBBsBsffjEJsmf Cooperative Marketing Buy Your Winter Sapply Direct From tK Farmer end Save Money Burbank Potatoes, too lbs.. $10 ' . . APPLES. on,, .oo 1M......S2.00 ssr--. Dt"cl'"' HtUJbard Squash, too lbs... $20 per il 2$ to $2,75 Pare. Cider Vinerar. gaL... .40c New Italian Prunes. 4 lbs.. . . .50c Cabbage for Kraut delhrered free, per 100 lb.. ..... .$1.50 Market Producers Association ! 208 H FOURTH. NEAR COURTHOUSE r fj- i