The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 19, 1920, Page 14, Image 14

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    VKXiH initio Vi-AUttJCXC w.
" " f Employe of Lipman, Wolfe Co. mask bait, Multnomah hotel.
U4JUU PrtTesaive Woman's leacue luncheon. Tyrolean room, Hotsl
& nMn & i- Benson, at IS m.
tage, Screen; osaoman
-" T-k Portia dub dinner at homo of Judge and Mrs. B. B. Huntington.
GALEN 13 All. Te bom of Mrs. CI Elliott King.
-LiAl-ir!ilNi-'irt n,!.rri.ob. Bond club with Bdeesa Nudleman, 84 East!
Thirteenth street north, at S p. ra.
t -
Cottage Will Be
'Warmed' This j
By Helea Hateslson
mHB Anna Mann cottage, newly com
X pleted social center for women at
Reed college, will enter upon Its career
this - evening at a pretentious Wum
w arming. Every member of the Kea
community from the president of the
board of regents to the dishwasher s
third assistant; is expected to participate
in the "warming" process, and iricident
jally. the sum of 1 will be painlessly
I extracted from each guest. The affair
Ms the first step in a campaign for a fur
nlture fund which alms to supply 3Z500
for the new building. ;
Dean Berth K. Young. Pr. Susan A.
Bacon, E. C. Bechtold and H. C. Gray of
the Keed faculty are directing the eve-mina-'a
nrnrram. which begins at 5 o'clock
with dinner, box lunch style. Stunts.
will be put on. by various campus
- groups, and booths wtll dispense refresh?
ments through the evening.
The 'Reed Drama club will give Its
November plays as a number on the
program. Consuelo McMillan, president
" of theclub, having cancelled the regu
lar -drama evening in favor of the
house warming plans. Dancing will be
featured between stunts on the first and
third floors. ,
a ' !'
Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Castlen are guest
In Portland at the .home of Dr. and
Mrs. Ray W. Matson. Mrs. Castlen is
here to participate in the night horse
show. Tuesday Mrs. Matson was a
luncheon hostess in honor of her guest,
"and Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs.-J,
P. O'Brien entertained for Dr. and Mrs;
Castlen at r dinner preceding the night
horse show. Mr. aiyl Mrs. Cos A. Mc
Kenna entertained Sthem at a supper
dance at the Oregon; grill following the
horse show. I '
The Social Club of Friendship chap-;
ter, O. E. S-, will give Its annual
Thanksgiving card party Saturday eve
ning in Vincent hall.. East Forty-third
and Sandy boulevard, at 8 :45 o'clock.
Prises will Include a live turkey, a duck
ana cntcKens,
Mrs. Bruce Scott wfts hostess rn--
Scott ws .h
day evening for a dinner of eight covers.
at the Arcadian garden or tne wuii
nemah hotel, where she Is domiciled.
The Swedish society will observe its
thirty-second anniversary Saturday eve
ning at Unnea hall. Twenty-first and
Irving streets.
LlncolnOarfield Relief corps will have
a business meeting this evening at 623
Courthouse, at 8 o'clock.
The firsrwinter ball of the North Pai
Clfie Dental college will be an event of
.his evening at Multnomah hotel.
Mrs! J. A. McLeod, a well known artist
of Tacoma, and her mother. Mrs. W. WiU
llama of that city, have returned to their
home after a visit In Portland at the
home of Mrs. W. E. Flnzer.
- Mrs. F. G. Ulman has been a visitor
In the city for several days at the home
of her sister. Miss Marie Rockwell, who
is convalescing after an' operation. Mrs.
Ulman returned to her home in Enum
claw. Wash., early In the week.
. ' . ' .,.;'..; '1
The young people of the Reed college
Mehorah and their friends are engaged
this week In decorating the ballroom of
the B'nai B'rith building for their formal
party Saturday night, which Is given for
the benefitaof the suffering Jewish stu
dents of Europe. The patronesses in
cludes Mrs. Simon Cohen. Mrs. Mil toft
Kahn, Mrs. I. Krtshland, Mrs. J. Lauter;
ateinr Mrs. S. W. Ottenheimer. Mrs. M.
Relngold. Mrs. Laurence Selling, Mrs. Z.
Swett. Mrs. M. Taylor, Mrs. Sidney Tei
ser, Mrs. Alex Welnstein. . . ,
The Trl-L society of the Washington
high school will hold an Invitation for its
members this evening, at the home of
Miss Aileen Armstrong, president of the
society. All members of the club should
be present.
. The Wlkl club, will entertain Vith a
smart tea Saturday at the R. W. Neigh
bor home in the Alameda. TheAea Is
given In honor of members who r"lll be
home from college for the holidays. Mias
Sue Akers and Mrs. Richard Word will
preside over the tea table, and Miss
Helen Houghton and Miss Jennie Parel
ius will cut the Ices.
' : ' I
Mrs. O. I Buland was hostess for a
tea, ueday at ter noon at her Jiome ih
Maple street, honoring Mrs. J. It
Campbell of Kalama, Wash., and Mrs.
;: Nathan Harris, who' has written sev
eral clever plays, which were read dur
ing the afternoon by Mrs. Walter Bruce.
Mrsr Harris expects to leave the ciy
soon foi I .os Angeles and will then go
to New York to look after details of
filming her works. About 30 guests
attended - the affair, and at the tea
table Mrs. K. S. Collins and Mrs. J6-
, seph E. Wi throw presided.
Husband Slept With
Two Shotguns in Bed
New York An order has been entered
In . supreme court In Orange county
granting alimony to Mrs. Stella Sears of
Middletown, who, in suing for separa
tion from Addison' Sears, alleges that he
went to bed. with two shotguns.
- Mrs. Sears says she was .terrorised by
the weapons. She presented an affidavit
by a policeman of Middletown alleging
that on one occasion when he called.
Sears was in bed fortified with a shot
gun on each side of him. (
Mrs, Sears is allowed $8 weekly as
temporary alimony. t i
if e& properly
There is a food
that Tvill luring !
Ijim health, and
rosy cheefys
)nden5cd Milk
HTTJO Rm4T Ttr. Goorsm White'
"Scandal of 1910." 8:1S p. m.
PANTAGES Broadway at Alder. Bifh rUsi
. Tauderille aad photoplay fataree Afternoon
and evening. Procraa changee Monday after-
LOBWS niPPODROMg Broadway at Tam
hilL Direction Ackanaaa V Barria Vaude
ville. Afternoon and nichi.
BAKER Morrison at Eleventh. Baker Stock
enmpany, in "The Crimson Alibi." Matina
YVednenday, Satorday aad ftunday, 2;80;
nin, 8:20.
LT K 10 -Broadway aad Morriaoo. Lrrtc Mnrieal
Trawty eomrmnj. hi "Mardi 6raa." MaU
nee. daily, 2 :30 : mnint. 8 :20.
COLUMBIA Sixth at Stark, "BthoU Mi
Wif" 11 a. ib. to it p. a.
UBKBTT Broadway at Stark. Bill Hart, in
"Th Cndla ot Ooanca." 11 l m. to 11
BITOIJ WaahhitBa at Par. -Lore Jtad-
ntm." 11 a. m. to 11 p. m.
MAJKSTIC Waahinrton at r"ark. ""The Han
Who had RTrrythina" 11 a. m.' in 1 lp. is.
I TA fl.Kn Wert Park at Alder. "The Poor
Simp." 11a.
ST AH Waahmctoa at Park. Ollre Thoaaa,ia
"Darlinc Ulna." 11 . n. to 11 p a.
CIS(X,E Poorth. near Washington Enid Ben-
neU In "The Hairpin." It a. m. to 4 o'clock
the aazt mo mine. j
Motion Picture Ball
Threatens to Be Big
Mid-Winter Affair
Plans for a great mid-winter "movie
ball," to be staged at The Auditorium
just before the Christmas holidays were
laid at the meeting of the Motion Pic
ture League of Oregon at the Benson
hotel Thursday noon and Al C. Raleigh,
editor of Screenland. was appointed
chairman of a committee in charge.
The committee is already spreading a
netover the motion picture colonies of
the west coast to draw to Portland a
star artist from every, studio, and later
the Eastern studios will be Invaded.
"It will be our ambition," Raleigh an
nounced today, "to bring to Portrand the
greatest 'assembly of motion picture
stars yet gathered in one place on the
Pacific coast and the program for the
motion picture ball will be the brightest
bit of entertainment we are able to provide."
Peggy Marsh Returns
To Fight Field Will
New Tork, Nov; 19. Peggy Marsh ar
rived here on the Baltic determined to
make a fight to the finish for the share
in fortune left by Henry Field, grand
son of the late Marshall Field. Chicago
millionaire, for her 4-year-old son. Misa
Marsh, who comes from London, where
she has just completed a long engage
ment with Mary Nash, announced that
she would personally bring action in
the American tourts to secure her son's
Didn't Help Her Any
Mandy had been troubled with a tooth
ache for some time before she got up
suincient, courage to go to the dentist
The moment he touched her tooth she
mr . .
r nai are you mailing suctt a noise
rori Jie demanded. "Don't you know
l m a painless dentist?"
. "Well, aah." retorted Mandy, "mebbe
yo is painless, but ah ain't-"
A Little
By Thornton W. Barges
( Nobody Ter likas a apy.
I And law are they who rrer try.
Peter Babbit
THAT is quite true. People with the
habit of spying on other people, try
ing to find out what they are doing and
all about them, are disliked and dis
trusted. : Sometimes spying is necessary
in a good cause, but it is only in such a
cause, a good cause, that anyone who
.thinks well of himself or his friends
will ever spy. .
One reason that Sammy Jay isn't bet
ter liked among his neighbors in the
Green Forest is because he is such a
spy. lie; is always sneaking about try
ing to find out the business of his neigh
bora. Peter Rabbit has quite as much
curiosity j as anyone I know, but Peter
is very open about poking his wobbly
little nose Into places where he has no
business ! he doesn't sneak about spying.
Now, you remember that Chatterer the
Red Squirrel had sulked nearly all of
that fine morning, while Rusty the Kox
Squirrel had, been hard at work picking
up and storing away the fat hickory
nuts the Merry Little Breeses had shak
en down from the husks which Jack
Frost had opened the night before. And
while- he sulked Chatterer had tried to
thUifc of some plan by which he could
get aa or those fat hickory nuts for him
self. At last an idea had DODned into
his head, a dishonest Idea, though that
didn't trouble Chatterer at all. He would
spy on Kusty and find out where he
was storing away those fat hickory nuts.
men, wnen ne could do so without dan
ger of being caught he would steal all
mose nuts and put them in his own
Of course Chatterer didn't call it
stealing, i He tried to make himself be
lieve that those fat hickory , nuts really
belonged to him. He knew batter, but
he tried to believe that He pretended
to believe that Rusty was the real thief.
and that he. Chatterer, was simDlv try
ing to get what rightfully belonged to
mm. i .
So Chatterer hid in the thick ton of
a hemlock tree and watched Rusty. He
saw him pick up a fat hickory nut and
scamper away wjjh It in a certain direc
tion, just wnere.Kusty went Chatterer
couldn't see, because Rusty was hidden
by some young hemlock trees. Chat
terer waited patiently and nresentlv
Rusty came scampering back and he
was without that fat hickory nut Chat
terer grinned and waited. Rusty dis-
:Put one in your
u j
Literata Hear
Review of '
1 "Mr.WiT
.. By Telia "Wlaaer
"TITR. jWU,w by Louise Jordan MUn.
IV A wal the interesting book reviewed
by Mrs. Elton J. Steele at the meeting of
the current literature department of the
Portland Woman's club, held Thursday
afternoon at the home ' of Mrs. D. M.
Watson, assisting hostesses being Mrs.
Frank McCrillis. Mrs. G. P. Etonian,
Mrs. S. A. Murhard, Mrs. Frank Wilmot.
Mi;s. Allen Cutler and Mrs. H. J. Bigger.
Mrs. i Frederick A. Kriba contributed
three songs to the pleasure of the after
noon. A number of interesting an
nouncements concerning club activities
were made. The Christmas meeting of
the department, which is always happily
anticipated, will be held at the home of
Mrs. Victor Brandt in Laurelhurst, when
a povel program will be presented.
' I ' ....
Couch school will be the scene of an
artistic prograjn tonight at which the
Parent-Teacher association will be spon
sor. The affair will include musical and
dancing numbers and is to d given in
the interests of the social service and
milk station work of the association.
. .
.The Industrial Girls club met In the
social hall of the Y. W. C. A Wednesday
evening for its weekly supper and class
work.; Dr. Harold L. Bowman of the
First i Presbyterian church was the
speaker of the evening. The Women of
Rotary were-the guests of the evening.
The Progressive Woman's league will
give a luncheon Saturday In the Tyrolean
room. Hotel Benson. "The Twentieth
Century Woman" will be the Subject
for discussion. Mrs. Louise Palmer
Weber will speak on "The Woman
Ideal"; Miss Dorothy Fox on "The
Woman In Politics" ; Mrs. W.' L. Pren
tiss on "The Woman In the Home":
Mrs. Kathryn Coffield on "The Woman
in Business," and Eve Sturtevant on
"The Woman in Quest of Beauty." Miss
Dagna Berg will sing, accompanied by
Mrs. Emilie Potter Duke: A violin solo
will be given by Leo Fontaine. For
reservations call East 2S31 or Woodlawn
454. !
All women of Methodist churches are
urged to attend the district meeting of
the Woman's Foreign Missionary society
Saturday in the Woodstock church.
Forty-fourth street and Woodstock ave
nue. . The1 session begins at 10 a. m.
with basket luncheon at noon. Addresses
will be given by Mrs. Matt S. Hughes
and Mrs. C. W. Huett
Mrs. C. L Collins entertained the Mon
day Book club of Eugene 'at its meet
ing last week, at which time Drinkwa
ters "Abraham Lincoln" was discussed
by Mrs. Hamilton Weir. A luncheon pre
ceded the meeting.
The River Road Woman's club of Eu
gene was entertained last week at the
home of Mrs. C. G. Fonda. It was de
cided to study the laws , of the state of
Oregon this year.
The Woodlawn Parent-Teacher asso
ciation will give a community dance in
the Woodlawn school Saturday at 8 p. m.
Tecently 'patented phonograph at
tachment to repeat records uses two
reproducers, so mounted on the tone arm
that when one reaches the end of a rec
ord the .ether is automatically placed at
the start.
Red Spy
So Chatterer hid In the thick of a
hemlock tree and watched Rusty.
appeared as before in the same direc
tion, taking with him another fat hick
ory nut la a few minutes he was back
This time Chatterer changed his hid
ing place so as to see behind those
young hemlock trees. Pretty soon
Rusty appeared with a fat hickory nut
He looked this way and that way. Then
he hurriedly ran to a certain place,
pulled away the leaves on the ground
and put that fat hickory nut down.
He was back to Chatterer, so that the
latter couldn't see just where he put
that nut, but he saw him pull the dead
leaves back over the place, and that
was enough. ,
"There must be a hole down there."
thought Chatterer, "and he is filling
it As soon as he disappears I'll have
a look. Then I'll wait until he has
filled it. Some day when I know be
isn't about I'll Just takje those fat
hickory nuts over to one of my store
houses and he'll never know what has
become of them."
Chatterer snickered softly to him
self as he watched Rusty go for another
nut The instant Rusty was out of
sight Chatterer whisked down from his
hiding place and over to the place where
Rusty had hidden that not
. Ceprriht 1920. y T. W. Burse.)
The next story : Chatterer's Great
mouth at bedtime
Sunnyslda chapter, : Order Eastern
Star, held a well-attended stated meet
ing Monday night at the: Bunnyside
Masoaic temple, with & class of 28
given the beautiful degree work, of the
order under direction of Mrs. Effie
Walker, associate matron, who presided
in place of Mrs. "Mae Mettler, who Is
reported very ill. ,
Cosmopolitan lodge, Knights of Pyth
ias. Wednesday night conferred Hhe rank
of Knight upon a class of five, with a
large attendance, at the Pythian build
ing. .
While the big! hall will be occupied
Friday night by the social and - dance
of Webfoot camp, W. O. W under di
rection of the team, all candidates pre
senting themselves Friday night at 128
Eleventh street will be cared for and
given the obligation in a smaller hall.
Washington chapter. Royal Arch Ma
sons, will put on the Royal Arch de
gree Friday evening at Sunnyside chap
ter, in the Masonic temple at Haw
thorne and East Thirty-ninth street
The guests will be served dinner in ad
vance of the meeting and a large con
course of visiting members is expected.
Camelfa chapter, O. E. S., Monday
night had degree work : and a social
afterward at its hall in the Pythian
building, which was much enjoyed by
members and visitors.
. .
Kirkpatrick members expect to have
many visitors Friday night at their
membership contest and animal circus
in Swiss halt All members of the Se
curity Benefit association are welcome.
The Mystic Shriners of Southern Ore
gon held a ceremonial Thursday night at
Ashland under the auspices of Hillah
temple. A large class of candidates was
received, many coming from Dunemuir,
Montague, Treka and other points In
Northern California. H. C. Sparr was
master of ceremonies, assisted by W. H.
McNair, chief rabban ; G.. W. Dunn, as
sistant rabban ; P. K. Hammond, high
priest; C. ; W. Nims, oriental guide;
C. H. Vaupel, treasurer; W. H. Day,
recorder. The program included a pa
rade, ceremonial, banquet and an en
tertainment for the ladies.
A large gathering of Royal Arcb Ma
sons is expected this evening when Sun
nyside chapter, will receive and enter
tain at dinner Washington chapter, aft
er which degree work will be given by
the visiting officers.
Mt Hood tent of the Maccabees Fri
day evening will have degree work and.
refreshments at M. W. A. hall. Eleventh
near Burnsfde. A number of distin
guished visitors will be present.
Portland Star homestead. Brotherhood
of American Yeomen, had a large at
tendance Thursday evening at the social
dance given in the T. V. hall in Thir
teenth street. '
The dance of Gul-Reaxee grotto.
Veiled Prophets, at the Pythian building
Thursday evening was a most successful
affair and well attended by prophets
and their ladies.
Sunnyside lodge. A. F. and A M.,
met Thursday nigjit with a record at
tendance. The lodge is contemplating
enlargement of U? temple at Hawthorne
avenue and East Thirty-ninth street
Ixj sins Money
From the Boetoa Tuanaeript.
"Why don't you get your life
sured, Bloomstein?"
"S'help me gracious, it would worry
be to death f think I was livin'."
r;- -
o !
it 'rmi'ii
It."-. I
. '" '
'Scandals" Are
Happy Bits
-Of Fun
. By E. C B.
ALTHOUGH it Is a temptation to label
"Duke" Rogers as the -whole show,"
a large Portland audience Thursday
night , thoroughly enjoyed the several
hours of fun and folly he brought with
him In the form of "Scan dale of 1319."
and it welcomed back to the fold bis new
wife, Grace Cameron, for whom an en
thusiastic reception always waits.
"Scandals of 1919" is the sort of a
show we like to believe typical of New
York's Broadway the panacea of the
tired and sometimes outraged business
man. It is a collection of buffoonery
presented acceptably by such clowns aa
Rogers and his wife and Victor Came
and trimmed with the melody of the
White Way trio and the dancing of Jack
. As for the big chorus 4t is a group o'
agile, youthful and now and then pretty.
girls of varied sises and abilities, knock
kneed and otherwise. Its members, in
any event are Imbued with the . "pep"
that enlivens every' appearance they
make before an exposition of scenic art
and in rare robes and rags. From its
need aoiuxshmeat
for bcaln end- bodi,
yet their dist
should be Itajlxb.
cLalicious, easlUp
the pcobiera.
tSach package
makes 12 lbs.
of nawdhmq
$350 in Prizes
For the beat life O' Wheat alocmo. not
mora than 6 worda, we will pay (200: 2nd
fceet 175; Srd a; 4 th S2&. OifeO' Wheat
counts as one word). Coo tact closes
December 10. Winning slogan printed la
this paper January 18 to February It,
1921. Equal awards if contestant tie.
Nicholson Products Co, Coo teat Dept.
Xeveka, Kansas.
frfk '? frVS ft 1 r?
' J, ; - y. ".''i'i ,
f few
I :1l,X'!
- a
a . V
7, ''"Iffl.'i',
ranks come Helen Wilson, the little lead
ing lady; Blanche Boone, prima donna
of happy voice ; Elisabeth Hopkins, sou
brette, and Dorothy Poety, another of
the same faith. .
"Duke" Rogers, in black face. Imper
sonating ' the - scandal monger, makes
himself known throughout the show, and
his clever lines are the treat of the eve
ning. He gets most entertainingly con
fidential as he leans forward over the
footlights to spread gossip about bis fellow-workers,
and also when he perches
perilously on the edge of an upper box
and requests an attentive ear while he
does everything from gossip to "gargan
zollaa." j
Grace Cameron gets a thunderous
hand for her effort in presenting an in
terpretation of "Cock-Eyed"' Hogan's
newsboy offspring a tough with a dirty
face and a penchant for rolling the
bones. Miss Cameron's appearances are
confined to specialties.
The costuming of the Scandals Is a
color review, cut high at the bottom and
low at the top. The scenic treatment Is
in many cases unusual and always at
tractive to the eye.
Of course, there is io head nor tall to
the Scandals, since It is a typical girl
and music show, and its fun lines make
rather too much of the whiskered assault
on prohibition. If the offering could be
improved upon generally, it would be by
giving us more ox Rogers and Mias Cam
eron. . "The Scandals of 1919" remain in Port-
land until Saturday night with a special
Saturday matinee.
7 . -TrET'
WiM. twig
--.Jug' i
Plays a Part in
the Preparation
When the trimmin's you're a-fixin'
use, Olympic for the mixin'
OLYMPIC Flour more than "serves
the purpose". .Its smooth unifonnity
insures extra -ordinary results even
10, 24i and 49 i pound sacks
at your neighborhood grocery
Sunday Concert to
Begin at 1 o'Olook
The popular concert at The Auditorium
will begin at 1 o'clock, next Sunday aft
ernoon, instead of 3 o'clock, the usual
hour. This change is made because ef
the Christian Science lecture to be given
in The Auditorium, at I o'clock. Next
Sunday's program includes numbers by
Henry Klingfeld. violinist: Mrs. Elois
Anita Cook, soprano, and Luclen K.
Becker, organist These concerts are
given by the city of Portland and only
a small admission fee to cover the in
cidental expenses is charged..
Hot Iske Arrivals
Hot Lake, Nov. !. -Following are the
arrivals at Hot Lake yesterday: Lena
Wright, Baker. Or.; A. Johnson and
Charles Zollinger, Portland; Ben Smith,
waua waua.
AU hand made pattern. No two alike.
I-.VAn VJkl VAtsi TTa a Hs InMta .4-ul..
values up to $20.00 on sale three days
Wholesale and Retail MQUaery
Second Floor ArtUaas Bid.,
K. W. Cor. Broadway aad Oak
Every Eves lag 7ttt to 11
la tke Big Ballroom at the
t Exhibit of Food Prodsett
Baad Ceaeerts ! I I p. n. aad
J$e to 1S:S0 p. m.
Lectare Dally at J:J p. m. oa
By Miii Lassie Lane, of O. A. C
SHOW OPEX 1 T. M. TO 11 P. M.
TODAY 4. Mrarrm Kerrigan TONIGHT
The Bl Qlrf Revue
Fife Other Spler-ald Numbers.
at Wash.
"Hitching Posts"
4 r r
t 'Mi, t i, ejj
At Shermaa.Cley's Store f"
Sixth aad Morrises. -
TIr.1-Ba ClayMala 711
If OT. tl. AT Sill O'CLOCK
r IIIIJIl li H i'i '-a
Stags production whsrs
Estlre lower floor, ILisi first bal.
eoay, renter (rear), HAt - both
Idea, fl; seeosd balcony, eesUr
(rear), II j both sides. Me.
Remember, Rest Bale at Sherman
Clay's Store
"HFII If! B'oaawsy at Taylor
TONIGHT, 8:15 to?,obht w
Floor. ILetU BaU, lit Gal, e
KVaNINOS F1os7. 11, net T
rmw I2i Balcony. S rem S1.S0. IT wwt
1 : Oallerr. T row. So. admiatioa ifto.
Baloonjr. $1; Gallery, raaerrad od ad-
miauon, SOc
November 14. Foar D
TaaaktclTlBK aad BaU Mats.
Order Seat by Mail Now
World's Most BeaaUfsl ProdaeUos
'Chlu Chin Chow
Address letters, checks. -Doetofflea
money orders to W. T. Pangle. ADD
if run ukst hak tax. include
self - addressed ' stamped envelop.
EVE'S Floor, 4 : Balcony, b rows
4. 4 at (3. 13 at Gallery. 7 rows
reserved. 1.60. BOTH MATS.
Floor, 33 ; Balcony, a rows 3, IT
rows 32; Gallery, res, T rows IL
Mata.1feTSe HlsMnlMletMt
&AXT0N & CO.
1 HUHHT tTP Aaalalaa ay IDI C0TW1
vaadevilla't Charminc Juvraila rrodoetloo.
The Powell Troupe
8 Other Bl Act 9
S ' Bhoai Dally. Vight Cortaln T and ,
L Y R !I C
puiae and Frank In
' The Roaabud Onerut In Fall tleani
SUtlnee at Z Nlghi, 7 an S. .
Ortorui OIHa Oentaat Friday NlfM
the Bemattooal slalodrsmatio Sueoa
"The Crimson Alibi,,
Broadway Hall
Vflta Flemlaff's Orcheetra De X.xs
: Best Dance Music la the West
$100 Cash Prize Waltz
Cotillion Hall
Wosderfal Ball Bearing Bprtef
floor .. i
We maliuia tie larrett aad
p-to-date Panelnr : geneel la the
eity. peratent . profeaalonal la
atr actors at kotfe hails dally.
11. GntleaMa IS. Lie Haaer' bcaaUfal aoad
eraa, 234 aad Wuhlzilton. Bactaaata' elaae
aUrta Monday and Tbarxlar araniixa. Adaned
elaa. Toeadar eninf . S to 1 1 :S0. flentr ot
dealrable partner and practice no eabanaaa
mwt Bnarate tp room and aitra taeiin
tar haekwaid pupil, aff deaeriMBS
all dancea, eUQoetW, etc, free. Too can Barer
I tarn danrinc by Ukinc priraw batons from in.
ferior teacher at in hort elaaa leeaona lUj -aa
partner to pnctio with. Oar alaaMS are larte
and (elect. The lor 11 feature alone is vxuta
double Ue price. Join a real achooi (not a pub
Be dance hall) ; meet refined people. We ror
intee W nUi a dancer of you. vPheo Male
766S. frlata laaaoni ail heura. - .
Mu Mm. Ball TfatnaaSlTlM NISBt, ..." '
iv uiun w larritr iiniui