JilioiiHial or AS rs DEPENDENT NEW BPAPEB iir'KKOV . ..' ........... .mow"" C(lm Wnnl b. eheerful .? ; .,i,i h.,. them do unto 7"-1 tlNUM wry iwl 8o"d ".""li")? ,t Th. Journal Buildin. Broadw, slid To bin timet. Portland, Oregon. tittered .t th, pctoffx-. t l"OT,1Dd; - for traiumiion throo; lb. mill " elaa matter. TtLEPHONEH M.in 7178. AoUnMtle All departmenta reacnea py m tioW ADVERTISING K.KrHi TIVE Ben)amin KenUior Co. Bn.wi Buildini, 225 nttu arenue. N tort. W fallen Building. Chicago. , PA' IKIO COAST BEPRKKTATIVB--W. n. Hrvir Co. Eaaminei" Ba ldim Ban Fran M.; Title Tn.ur.nce Building Loa Antk, PiMt-lnt. Itrncf Building, Seattle. reject edfertMm copy whlrb t deem. ob jectionable. If al will not print that in enr way .imnlate. readii.ii " that cannot readily ba recoa-niaed aa aarer tMnf. . . ' HIB.HCHIPTIOS BATES By Carrier. City and Country DAILY AND Bll'Ai n L IS. I Ona . tVlontH . . . a Ona - anonth . . . DAILY ( n -k. . .. .$ ,10 Ona week I MAIL, AlVllATES PATABI.E IS ADVANCE DAILY AND SUNDAY . r One year.., ...18.00 I Threa montha. . . tlx montha. . . . 4.25 Ona roonl h- DAILY (Without Sunday) Ona year. ..$8 00 Six month.... 8-3 Three month., 1.75 Ona month. . .00 WEEKLY (Erary Wedndiy) Ona year $1.00 8UNDAT (Only) One year $300 Hi montha .... 1 J Threa montha. . . 1.00 . WEEKtT AND Bl'NDAY Ona year 8S 80 rir month 50 I TVieM rates apply only in, tha Weat. li mi mm in Kutrra nninia fnrnbhed on applica tion. Make remittance, by Money Order, fciprew Order or Draft. If your poof"io Money Order office, 1- or S cent Umpa wil ba aceepaed. Maka all remltUncea payabla to Tha .iarna4. Portland. Oracon. 1 bet thy child' first leon be obedience ajid tht aecood will be what thou wilt Frnki. IN- GENTLER TIMES ('THE assembly of 'the League of -1 Nations, by unanimous vote, has instructed me to send' you its warmest greetings and to express its earnest wishes that you may'be speedily ' restored to ; complete health," says the message of Presi dent Hym an s of the league to Pres ident Wilson. The message con tinues; The assembly recognizes that you have done perhaps more than any other man to lay the foundations of the league. It feels confident that the present meeting will greatly ; advance those principles of cooperation .between all nations which you have done so much to promote. ; Though in disagreement on many things,, the delegates from 41 na tions in the league assembly are united in this impressive testimonial to Mr. Wilson. Whatever America may Jhink- of the league, whatever America may think of President Wilson, this message is a very defi nite and very substantial proof that the leading minds of 41 of the best nations In the world prize the one and acknowledge- the other. The message has a deeper mean ing than mere tribute to President Wilson Though it conveys to him a Just acknowledgment of his serv ice, the fact that it Is sent immedi ately after the rejection of the league1 by his 'country makes it a gentle and refined appeal to the United States for a. better apprecla tion and fuller consideration for the transcendent cause of peace as re flected in the great assemblage at Geneva. V It is more: It Is a courteous and deferential expression of what the league hopes to accomplish, and through that expression is a gentle hope that America may yet cast her influence and her leadership into the ' league organization. In the softer atmosphere of after election days, when there is time and mood for sober second thought, kwhen the hymns of hate are fainter ' and ' partisan strife is mellowed, there may come to' many a new judg ment as to what its going on in this world. ' ' Dr. Ladd. the newly elected "LTnlted States senator from North Dakota, is a man pf fine character and good ability. He rendered high service as foVd dmlnlstrator and in other capacities during the war. He was former president of the North Dakota Agricultural college. He is the first Non-partisan leaguer to enter the senate. SAVING THE SALMON TH E , supreme eourt of Oregon has confirmed popular concep tion of the law In its decree against permitting the sale or possession in Oregon of salmon caught in ' the Taclfic ocean outside the three-mile limit during the closed season desig nated , by the state fish, and game code'. ' ' -. . r , . - ' .: Many of the salmon caught ih the ocean more than three miles from shore are less than legal size. 'Fish wardens have reported that the dead . bodies of such fish' have washed up on the shore In; thousands,' fisher men having klIed them; Incident to ' their netting operations. "" i ; ' Th whole process of reproduction for which the state and the salmon packing ' Interests spend many thousands of dollars annually is in terfered with by fishing where the salmon are feeding and reaching their maturity. . - To catch the salmon offshore dur ing the closed season Is like con suming the grain intended for seed. It is against I the best publio policy and harmful to an important in dustry. ..." WHAT THEY OWE? IT IS known that Governor Olcott has met with numerous refusals in his patient effort to secure a worthy successor to Mr. Benson on the state highway commission. Why do not' men of big calibre and approved character - accept greater responsibilities in pubfic affairs? .- Every man owes something in the way -of service to the community. This is partlculaly true of, men whose success in material acquire ments proves their . capacity and whose reputation is a guarantee of their integrity. . f A place on the state highway com mission is a great trust. The state highway body is, in fact, for the moment the most important pub lic institution in Oregon. It has Just been chartered by the people to make a further expenditure of 110, 000,000. It is the directing head of a vast road system intimately and tremendously connected with the welfare of the state. Under ideal public conditions it ought to be an honor and a privilege for men of parts to accept membership on the commission. A time comes in the lives of worthy and successful men when they owe it fto their fellow men to help 6erve. There are numbers of such men in Oregon who might well lay aside personal affairs and de vote their time and their talents to the advancement, the purification and the perfection of public affairs. Simon Benson's publio service in Oregon has won for him a niche high in the estimation of Oregon citizenry. He will be remembered and commended when contempor aneous men of even larger mould will be unlamented and forgotten. We complain often that affairs public ought to be better and purer. Men who could by taking part make public affairs better, utter that com plaint. They are not in position to criti cize. ' The thing for them to do is to enlist when the governor of the state asks them to serve, and by their own talents and their own example give public affairs the ideal service that all so much desire. There is much more in the world than to merely pile up a fortune in cold and bonds and shares of stock and plants and lands. That kind of career is commonplace. The noblest monument of all is that fine fame that comes from honorable and useful service. Now that a Portland policeman In the course of his duty has been slain by bandits, has not the point been reached where every man abroad after 9 o'clock be required to give a satisfactory account of himself, whether he wears a soldier's uni form, a plug hat or less conspicuous garb? THE SCIENCE OF TERMINALS THE theory that a city serves itself well when It controls and 'directs all transportation within Its corporate limits seems to underlie the recommendations by the national conference committee which inves tigated and now reports on the uni fication of railroad lines and service in cities. Inasmuch as two Portland en gineers, j". P. Newell and Charles H. Cheney, are members of the com mittee, the broad suggestions gain more or less of a local color. Waste and duplication result from admitting the railroads to the city, each selecting Its own route, build ing Its own terminals and arranging its own trackage, is the committee's first general assertion. The second Is that "unified control and opera tion of all standard railroad lines, within the limits of any city, Is es sential both to the requirements of modern business and to the conven ience of the public.' Under the plan outlined money spent in duplicate passenger stations would be utilized in improvement of service. All spurs and industrial tracks would be on a "common user" basis connected by a municipal belt line, which in turn would serve on the same terms all the railroads entering the city. In addition to trackage, industrial zones would be served with . heavy ; hauling pave ments, high pressure fire protection, and extra' size sewers for the dis posal" of ' industrial : waste. The simplification of terminals is advised as a means of cutting down one of the great Items of operating cost. . The report states: On most of the big roads it costs as much to ret a- car of fraitht nut of the city limits as it does to haul It taO trHlas ; or more on the main line. Some road report as much as 35 percent of their total freight cost is in handling at terminals (from reports of O-W. R. & N. railroad to Oregon public service commission). ... This is by far the biggest single item to the railroads in their cost of doing business. A small saving, there fore. In terminal handling should effect a considerable amount of saving in freight cost ahd -should be welcomed by rauroaas ana shippers alike. ' The recommendation that cities which have water borne commerce should consider the development of rail and water transportation as a single problem is particularly in local point. One of the criticisms of. the recent Swan Island plan was that the j traffic directed to the terminal as proposed would in large part be carried across the Wil lamette on the railroad bridge - be low. Swan island. An ingenious cal culator estimated that if the termi nal handled a business equal to its capacity, the bridge would be. opened for the passage of water craft at least 75 times a day. How, then, it was asked, would time be al lowed to get the freight cars across a bridge so often open?" It is immediately clear that there should be minimum cause of delay in handling within the city the freight transferred from cars to ships, from cars to manufactories and business houses and that local freight should be handled in segre gation from transcontinental freight. The ; report has the direct value of suggesting that In Portland's fu ture terminal development the co ordination of all forms of transport ation should be a first consideration. Do you notice in the daily papers the extent to which the crime wave is sweeping over the country? Do you account it an aftermath of war or does it just happen so? KINDNESS GOES TRAVELING k FEW days ago a girl blind from birth traveled alone from Kansas City te New York. She was in no one's care. Her friends failed to meet her at New York. But she traveled safely. She ar rived without delay at her destina tion, tftterly forgetful of her sight lessness she wrote and talked en thusiastically about what she "saw." For her it was a great and delight ful adventure. The ; explanation was simple. Though blind she possessed a reso lute spirit and a resourceful mind. The majority of young women with perfect vision would have been more confused than she. The spirit of any individual is more important than any faculty of sight or hearing, taste or touch or smell. j But additional statement is neces sary to complete the. explanation. Human kindness rode with this sightless girl on the train, stepped off with her at the station and was waiting for her arrival. The train men and the passengers gave her the use of their eyes. In the hands and hearts of strangers she found help and friendliness. Sometimes people are accused of coldness and callousness. They are said to be Indifferent to the welfare of ,their fellows. But the majority of people are merely thoughtless. Their kindness is latent and never out of reach of those who need it. The Portland hold-ups and burg laries have finally caused the killing of a policeman. Is there anything in the law about concealed weapons? A GOLDEN OMEN THERE is something about the stock show which thrills the observer. The power which the 2500 blooded animals gathered there will have for good In the future of the Northwest is incalculable. Each of the. horses, cattle, sheep, swine and goats will have an Influence extending for generations beyond count. They represent more tmllinz power, more beef, more milk and butter, more wool and more bacon and hams than would be possible had they not lived. And each repre sents an achievement in human in telligence; a notable result of dis cerning selection and devoted care. A good sire in a dairy herd has many times turned a losing venture into success. Tae progeny of famous horses , and cattle, almost without i exception, reflect credit and add luster to the names of their ancestors. The splendid exhibits of the live stock show are valued In the aggre gate at a good many millions of dol lars. Their presence has been the impulse for the offer of many, thou sands of dollars of money for prizes But whatever they are worth. now will be multiplied year after year as time goes on and all the increase of value goes into the wealth of this great section of the nation. Nor does their value end merely in money. Those who are" giving their energies and devoting their careers to the breeding of better livestock . are also buildins finer standards of citizenship. They add to the value of the Northwest's man hood and womanhood. And one of the very best exhibits of the stock show are the men and women who have brought the livestock here. The Pacific International Live stock exposition is a golden omen of the future. We restored capital punishment. but it didn't raise a single ripple on the wav;e of homicides. AN UNAMERICAN PRACTICE. fIAZITG is again an issue at Ann- I 1 apolis. More power to the arm of Secretary Daniels in his declared purpose! tp end it. Hazing there is a brutal and un American practice. Its severity has driven 'numerous promising young men out of the school. The over lordship which tipper classmen as sume is the adoption in an Ameri can educational institution of the Prussian military caste. It is a prize system tor the bully who finds in the traditions and privileges of hazing a friendly and protected opportunity for the practice of his brutal in stincts. ; - , If by resistance a lower classman incurs the hostility of an upper classman, he is marked for indig nity. The hate of his so-called su perior follows him out of the school and . Into his work in the navy. vThe practice is "universally de tested - by the American people. It has no place in twentieth century civilization. It is the feudal idea brought down from medievalism and planted as a poisonous weed on free American soil. The brutal business ought to be cleared out root and branch from Annapolis, or Annapolis ought to be abolished and , a naval , school be established under auspices and ar rangements harmonious with Ameri can decency and the free and equal American spirit. THIS "ISM" RELIES ON HARDING By Carl Smitft. Washington start Cor respondent of The Journal Washington. Nov. 19. 'Socialism will flourish like a green bay tree under the Harding administration," is the com ment that comes from the prison cell at Atlanta where Eugene V. ebs. Socialist candidate for president, is confined. Many of other political faiths agree with Debs. Jhis is because they expect the Harding administration to be distinctly reactionary. The natural Apolitical con sequence will be a swing to the extreme of Socialism. It is reasoned that the radical gain would be checked if the country during the next four years were to have a progressive president, whether Republican or Democrat, because steps would be taken to satisfy the reasonable legislative demands of workers and the great middle class. Repression and de nial always lead to dissatisfaction and revolt, and the followers of Debs count upon making many recruits when the dominant faction of Penrose, Lodge and Brandegee makes clear its grip on the Harding administration. The Socialists in the recent election would unquestionably have captured five congress seats instead of ope had not the Republicans and Democrats pooled candidates in four New York city dis tricts and one Milwaukee district. As it is, they returned only Meyer London, who runs every two years against Henry M. Goldfogle. London won for fhe first time in 1916, lost to Goldfogle in 1918, and again defeated Goldfogle this year. The Socialists had a hand in the de feat of Scott Ferris, Democratic candi date for the senate in Oklahoma. There is a considerable Socialist vote in that state, which, reports indicate, was thrown largely to the Republican can didate. Representative John W. Har reld, because Harreld was one of the two members of the house who voted against unseating "Victor I Berger, the Socialist elected to congress from Wis consin In 1918 but denied a seat because of his conviction for disloyal utterances. This caused so much feeling; among Re publican members of the house that Har reld was denied a place on the steering committee,, for which he had virtually been selected. By so doing, however, he "played ball" with the radical vote in Oklahoma and has won a senatorship. Letters From the People f Communication aent to Tha Journal for publication in this department ahould ba written or only ens aide of the paper: thould not exceed 300 word in lenrth, and most be ai cried by tha writer, whose mail addrea in full muat accom pany tba contribution. THE MIAMI VALLEY CONSERVANCY WORKS Dayton, Ohio, Nov. 13. To the Editor of The Journal I have receired a copy of your issue of November 5, in which you have an editorial entitled "Escaping the Flood." - This describes : the flood prevention works in the Miami valley of Ohio. This editorial begins with the statement : "One of the startling char acteristics of humanity Is Its ability to rise . to inspirational heights of concep tion and be unable to add or multiply two and two," and it ends with the statement: "Let it be hoped that no such civic dullness will beset the people whose fortunes are tied up in the water projects of the West.'' It occurs to us that possibly you did not have full information at the time of writing this editorial. In the preparation of plans for this flood prevention work, most thorough and detailed studies were made of the possibility of securing by-products in the' form of water power. We are certain, for definite reasons, that such by-products are not possible. In the first place, there Is no definite rainy or dry season in the Miami valley. A flood may occur at almost any time of the year, and also a drouth may occur at any time. It Is elementary that the same storage space cannot be held full of water for powea. development, and at the same time be kept empty -to store water in flood emergencies. FIoVps come with such terrific suddenness that there is absolutely no time for emptying a reservoir in -time to create storage ca pacity for controlling floods. To store water for a power development, there fore, would mean that flood control. which is the imperative need, of the valley, would be sacrificed. There is also another reason Tor not; undertaking power development Which would never occur to the stranger. The lands flooded are not steep mountain sides, but flat, fertile farm lands. Dur ing floods these will be covered by still water and will receive a deposit of humus washed off the higher lands. A: a result, these occasionally flooded lands will come to be the richest farms In Ohio. We have a record of one tract of land in the valley which receives such deposits in flood time, where 60 con secutlve corn crops have been raised without fertilizer and without ro tation, and the yields on this tract con tinue at the rate of about 80 bushels of corn per acre. While floods may occur at any time of the-year, by fr the larger number occur during the winter and early spring. Within a week after the flood is passed the basins are again empty. Not once in 25 years will the corn crop be lost. We have satisfied ourselves by careful estimates that the value of this land for agriculture is greater than its value for water power storage. In case of a similar construc tion on the Loire river in France, where such land has been flooded above the dam for more than 200 years, the land so flooded is worth $50 to $100 an acre more than land nearby which is noi flooded. The . work of the Miami Conservancy district has been carried out not only with enthusiastic persistence, but with most careful analyses and the balancing of every possible advantage and dis advantage. In view of the influence of your paper. We feel that we can ask in all fairness to give similar publicity to this statement for the protection of the good name and reputation for com mon sense of the people of the Miami valley. Arthur E. Morgan. Chief Engineer, ."MADE IN CANADA" Portland, Nov. 14. To the Editor of The Journal While walking by a new building at East Eighth'and Main streets today 1 saw that they are using some lime marked "Made in Canada, and X wondered if there wasn't any lime made in this country that was good enough for this work. You. have been a booster for the Oregon country, and, I hope, for its citizens, and using goods that are made In another country, let- alone another state, strikes me as being a bad thing for this country and the work tngmen. Some advertisements in your paper tell us to use Oregoamade goods, and here Is a man using goods made in Canada. How do you expect us to make a living and buy Oregon made goods it this continues? L. H. Davis. ADVISES TREATY RESUBMISSION Portland, Nov. 16. To the Editor of The Journal A careful reading of the literature of the Republican party since the election reveals . the . fact that they are already trembling in their boots in ear that President Wilson will resubmit the league and peace treaty to me sen ate as soon as congress reconvenes next month. . That is Just what the president ougni to do. It would split tne jtuspuDiican party. wnnn would oass into history as the great emancipator of the common people. He should urge tne treaty a, hjwj ratification in some form, to make way for needed legislation. V the senate wants to make a Kilkenny cat fight over it that's its look out. The presiaent couiu be a calm spectator. , In the meantime.. let the Democratic party 8la"', and see' the salvation of the Lord. "LEND A II AND" wianii Nov. 15. To the Editor of -r.m t.i in The Sunday Journal two weeks ago there was art article headed, "Prison Magazine Dies Game;. Editor Sings His Swan Song. " ana it vi nrnn at at orison magazine, Lna a Hand, being published for the last time Since reading the arucie x n many times of the pleasure and the good that has been taicen away tor of It. and the possible good to the other prisoners. Will you please ten n sumeuune hA Hon a to start it up again, and how it can be done? I feel certain that many people would help if they only knew I E. J. JJ. UV " . . - 1 ivi.V. tnA It ia understood i. ' i!.; .h. nn.r war ananaoneu 1H jouniw uiu , 1 , i.-k f financial support. Why not riu the superintendent of Jtha penitonUary i Olden Oregon T.ntnrial Governor Davis, Being "Carpetbagger," was Unpopular. "Carpetbagge Thn W- Davis, who was appointed territorial governor to succeed Gaines, came from Indiana. During the admin- i.i.otin nf President foia ne ou uu micKinner to China. Previous to mat time he had been three times eiecieu . .o. from an Indiana district. He was once Speaker of the house of rep resentatives and twice president of the Democratic national convennuu. serving as governor of Oregon a few Davis resigned, in August 1854. tirv.ii- Vn marl a eood governor, he was not popular, from tne iact m an Eastern man. un ms ' " was tendered a parting dinner at Salem. but he declined the courtesy. Curious Bits of 'Information Gleaned From Curious Places Tha mck was first brought into public notice as a naUonal emblem of France Jn 1665 by an unknown artist who sought to celebrate the liberation of Le Quesnoy rrnm Soanish domination by striking a medal showing a Spanish Hon fleeing before a cock, declares a writer in me Christian Science Monitor. He was a minus to oDDOse one national animal against another, but as France had none he decided to ionm in ttallua signified both Gaul and cock. the bird was adopted to represent GauL In 1679 the cock appears on an other medal as "the national, emblem of tvanee. and again in 1706. When the ..tinnii cruard .was created, in 1789, it adiudced necessary to adopt an em biem. and the cock was adopted for an .entirely different reason because it was the bird of Mars. It disappeared during th emnire. but in 1830 reappeared; Napoleon in again suppressed It but the Third Republic adopted it and during the last half century the Chantecier, Immortalized by Rostand, has faithfully chanted the moving desUnlea of France. Uncle Jeff Snow Says: Henry Schlagmeier invested $18 In some moonshine and hid it under the flivver seat last week. ' His mother found it and poured it in the radiator, where it done the flivver more good 'n it would of done Henry, but Hen told her it made the flivver reel and stagger mighty bad. He figgers a little wood alcohol for SO cents would of done the radiator all right and he's therefore $17.50 out ahd injured, , THE WORLDS FIRST AID Copyright 1920. by Tba Preaa Pnbliahipg Co. COMMENT AND SMALL CHANGE Some soldiers can never be soldiers. . "Prompt action" usually is action in its slowest form. The most interesting book for book week reading still is the bank book. a If Senator Harding catches nothing more than a tarpon he'll be a lucky guy. a Success is like tomorrow. There isn't any such thing for the ambitious. The duck is a gay and festive bird, especially when plucked, stuffed 'and roasted to a delicate brown. "Protective tariff on domestic raised nuts demanded," a headline advises. Oh, well, the world owes us protection. MORE OR LESS PERSONAL Random Observations About Town A. G. Clark recently returned, from a two months' trip throughout the.' east where he went" to preach the gospel -of Oregon's, resources - and its possibilities from the standpoint of a manufacturing state. He visited Vancouver, Winnipeg, Minneapolis, ' St Paul, Chicago, Mil waukee, Grand : Rapids, Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland, Rochester, - Buffalo, . Toronto, New York city, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, St Louis, Kan sas City, Denver and Salt Lake City. He comes back more than ever in love with the City of Roses, and more proud than ever of Portland's record of honesty in advertising." a . a B. C. Parker is a guest at the Mult nomah. He hails from Kodiak island, the home of the famous- brown bear. There is room for a good deal of im- provement in the manners and disposi- tin of the Kodiak bear, for he fights at the drop of a hat and if you fail to drop your hat he will fight anyway. a a a C C. Card and W. E. Newton of Moro are at the Oregon. . Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dolph of Pendleton are at the Benson. Mr. Dolph is the son of former Vnited States Senator OBSERVATIONS AND IMPRESSIONS OF THE JOURNAL MAN By Fred fTwo rrromoter of euterprtaea of treat ralue to Oregon, are aubjeeta of Mr. Locklej'i inter views today The history of a noubl Eastern Ore eon irrigation project i a leatura of treat interest. , How would you like to be walking along the streets of a strange city at midday, enjoying the spring sunshine, watching the hurrying throng and scan ning the faces "of passersby to see If you could discover a familiar face, and sud denly have the lights go out? Colonel J. E. MfN aught . of Hermision had that very thing happen to him a few years ago. I dropped into a seat at the Sew ard beside Colonel McNaught a day or so ago and -we began to recall the days when we had first met when the city of Hermlston had but one house and that was the land company's office. . "My brother James and I went to Seattle In 1878." said Colonel McNaught "Seattle in those days was a thriving town of about 2400 population. We hung out our shingle as attorneys. Before long we were retained by the Northern Pacific railway as its attorneys. My brother James became general counsel for James Villard and went to New York city. ' I laid out the town of Ana cortes. In 189S I went to New York city for a- rest While walking along Broadway one afternoon it seemed in an instant as if the light had failed and I was in Stygian darkness. At first S couldn't understand what was the mat ter. I had lost my eyesight For five years I was blind. . The doctor told me the optic nerve had been paralyzed from nicotine poisoning, due to excessive smoking. After five years of groping in absolute darkness the sight of one eye was partially restored. That is part of the explanation as to how I happened to become interested in Hermiaton. "To begin at the beginning. ". about 20 years ago a wealthy Englishman camped at Cottonwood Bend, near the present town of Hermlston. He had an elaborate camping equipment His home at that time was Victoria. ' He had while in Chicago met and won as his wife an actress. After his, marriage hev discovered she was a drug addict. To cure her of her craving for morphine he started on a camping trip, traveling by wagon along the coast He saw the possibility of the country and bought 1600 acrea of raw sagebrush land. The land at that time ranged in price from 60 cents to 2.a0 an acre. He filed a (Tha NeTork Ereninc World) 'NEWS IN BRIEF Sidelights Percale has dropped to lift cents a yard, but who wants to wear percale? This Is an age of sine ana tiuason seai and a lot of other fine .things. la Grande Observer. . , . The principal objection to a lana- slide is that it carries into oriice a large number of undesirables whom the people must tolerate until the next election. Polk County Post. . ., tawm in rwvll there Is a City orni- " ... - ------ , , , nance preventing Dr. arborougn Laia- i " V . 7 , -- that ih.V I nJ p . ,hr.. iS him with a lave even threatened mm wun jail sentence unless he quits. However, tho rainioat aeason in 27 years. he managed to save 300,000 pounds of his crop. Eugene uuaru. C. A. Dolph, and Mrs.- Dolph Is the daughter of . George Perringer. who, with Newt Burgess, was killed by highway men at the Claremont tavern just a year ago. Both Mr. and Mrs. Dolph are former students of the' University of Oregon. a a L. A. Stoop of La Grande cannot hide behind a lamp-post He weighs upward of 350 pounds. He handles farm lands ln Union county and hails from La Grande. He is at the Multnomah. " The following well known citizens of the Inland Empire are guests at the Imperial: W. H. Glenn, lmbler; S. E. Miller, Union ; G. E. Carnes, Pilot Rock : Mr. -and Mrs. L. Wade, Condon; Fred Stanley, Redmond-. Guy Raymond and Tom Gay of Fossil are guests at the Oregon. . a Mrs. H. E. Harris and daughter Ella of Johannesburg, South Africa, are at the Hotel Portland. a a Father H. J. McDevitt, formerly of the cathedral at East Fifteenth and Davis streets, but now of Marshfleld, is here visiting old-time friends and parishion ers. Lock ley water right on the Umatilla river. His wife was eo unhappy in the unpeopled sagebruKh waste that he gave D. C. Brtwneli an option on his land and water right. Brownell was without monev. but he bonded it " and crave an option on it to Skinner & Furnace. This Englishman had purchased the old Four Mile house, four miles from Umatilla, which in the days of .the stage coach had been used as a stage station. I bought the water right and the property with the exception of 320 acres, Iwhlch Brownell retained. I- put up the first building in Hermiston. "My grandfather was born In Scot land. I have always liked Robert Louis Stevenson, who was,' as you know, a Scotchman, so I named the town Her miston. after Stevenson's uncompleted book. "The Wier of Hermlston. - Shortly after acquiring the option oh the water right and the ditch I purchased the old O. W. Hunt ranch, of over 8000 acres. Through John T. - Whistler, United States government reclamation engineer, I sold my water right to the government and the reclamation service took it over and put in the Umatilla . reclamation project and later the West extension of the project" - a Charley Trunk is one of the kingpins of the walnut industry in Oregon. We sat down in the green room of the Chamber of Commerce recently and he told me how he happened to get into the nut raising industry. "I settled in the heavy timber .near Dundee nearly 33 years ago," said Mr. Trunk. "I bought 110 acres. Some of it was) logged-off land. The place Is all cleared bow. If you think it Is an easy job to clear 110 acres of big trees and stumps you will change your mind when you try It At first I raised sheep, hay and grain, but no cows. I do nbt like milking. One time my. wife was sick, so I -thought I had better-learn to milk the cow. I dropped my pipe In the pall of milk, so she never again- asked me to milk. I don't think she ever knew I dropped my pipe in on purpose. Fourteen years ago I put in my first walnut trees. Today I have 60 acres In walnuts. 28 acres in bearing. We plant IS trees to the acre and they average about 40 pounds per tree when they are ln full bearing. This year the walnut growers of the Dundee district will ship over 70 tons of walnuts; so you see it Is becoming an important and profitable industry. The Oregon Country) NorUiweat JUppentnt in Brief Form tor tha uy rt racier OREGON a turn m wtrn ne -a aiiuh. Bti,r beet' 28. pounds and a potato hi. pounds vu cxmuuion at uoitage Urove. Some - Wheat is helm? Krilnnt trnrt the farmers' warehouse at' Eugene on the basis of 66 cents a bushel f. o. b. Shaw & Burton of Klamath Falls are building a modern sawmill near that city with a capacity of 60.000 feet of lumber a day. . Manufactured goods and produces of Southern Oregon will be shown at a com. ..ui.iiy iwr to pe new at Aahiand the first week In December. Amendment of statn nrnhihitinn ! to make them conform with the Vol etead act will be asked by the Ore gon Anti-Saloon league at the next ses sion of the legislature- Fred Rlchmnnrl nf r.iin. been running K. k. .indnn'. i,,mKe -tmJP at. 'Wa'atrom' landing, was, irob awaj a a tail V III lUrfd Hnpn a Uriflrr f 1 1 r. him and broke hin hm.k T1.0 DeCr IfllarW. - rnnrw,r,,ll..a P-W phone company has fud with the nub- fXl , commlsmon a,, application tor a rate Increiw. The wmnanv does ausiness in Columbia county, rivtJW8Hh,1f r5a';he1 Cottage Orove that ' Clyde Hull, a former resident of that off, the charge entering his head. Plans are under way for coloniaatinn or raw lands for the purposo of eMab lisnlng the loganberry Industry at Bun don. . It is believed that m laiiit innn acres will be donated for this purpose. The national industrial conference board of New York has requested C. H. Gram, state labor commissioner to fir- iicii me Boara witn aata covering pres ent unemployment in Oregon by indus- Follow! neaver Creek rp.ldint rMnunHne 2000 acres of land that is now firwinr preparations were made for the organ I Jiation of a drainage district to redeem the land. The state hoard of hooitt. m diately file Hllit anrt Anlnln t V. a xri- Chester Sanitarium company from con-. ""'n its proposed tuberculosis sani tarium at any point on the North Ump qua watershed where the city of Rose- ' burg obtains its water supply. WASHINCfTON Reclamation work at Covntn otmIt rs miles up Lake Chelan, has been sus- , penaea ior me winter, throwing 100 men out of work. ' Taeoni nannl will J on a proposed bond issue of $X4iQj0OO iw i tinea in ine reorganization oX tba vki& Bcnooi system. Cash donation lnil nlautima Inlalhtv $40,000 have been made toward the ereo- tion or a Lutheran hospital and dea coness home in Spokane. The DUblic service rnmmlnlnn txm granted an increase in the interurban 1 1 3JIP n CP " far hArwMn.OuaiH. - I coma from 91 nia o ti n-! Seventy-five per cent of the real estata , owners of Orays Harbor county now pay their full tax. and get the 3 per cent rebate prior to March 15 each year. The Centralia Cooperative society. organised two years ago by railroad employes and other union men. has g0ne into the hands of a receiver, SnohomIllh connt officia,8 have D(w asked to locate Francis Oarner ho rtm- I appeared from Snohomish a few days I t u .tv. k. . , 1 1 r...n i ui. i i " e"ww M 1 ' uunDconiwi. Aberdeen citv roil nr 11 hum tmlmu&A resolution for widening, filling and . simnn n.n it.,..iiei,i,h. way between Aberdeen and lloquiam. The new steel bridge over the, Skopkumchuck river on the llucoda road north of Centralia was completed last week and thrown open to traffic. The city council of Kalarna has called for a special election December 7 to vote on th city purchasing the water works' of the Orchard Water company. Owners of property lying between th Pacific highway and Carrolls mountain have petitioned the Cowlitz county com missioners to organize a diking district IDAHO Word is received at Twin Falls that G. F. Baker, a dentlut of that city, was. killed at Oakland, Cat., by deliberately leaping under a train. Articles of Incorporation have "been filed in the secretary of state's office by the Custer County Sheep company, ll is capitalized at 8200.000. Shipments of the Consolidated Intpr-state-Callahan Mining- company In Oc tober were grr-ater than thoe of Sep tember by about 20 per cent. Permission has been granted the Rich field Water company by the public util ities commission to. Increase the water rates ln the towns of Richfield and Diet rich. ' Overproduction of condensed milk has led to the closing down of the Nampa plant and it will nob reopen for four months, according to O. W. JoncH, the superintendent Idaho's champion Jersey cow. BessW' s Fcrnwood BiosHom, has been Hold by T. W. Hartley of Moscow to M. Johhfon for 11000. The cow has a record of 1047 B-allons of milk In eight months. Durln the past year six bridees have been built. 36 miles of counly load have been graded, 55 siphons InhUIled and 53 culverts put in on the county roads leading out of Idaho Falls. 1 Parks Are -Worth $5,000,000 Tracts Outside the City Proposed New Sites - . City Auditor Funk has just" noti fied Park Superintendent Keyser that the book value of Portland's parks is 83,728.965. The park super intendent, however, is convinced that the actual value of the property of the city devoted to park purposes is at least IS.OOO.OOO. The city auditor's figures do not include do nations and improvements. tf One of the very valuable parka belonging to Portland lies far be yond the city limits, on the Columns River highway. It is called Benson park, and within its boundaries are the two most splendid cascades of the many which border the scenic thoroughfare. These are Multnomah falls and Wahkeenah falls. The for mer has a single drop of more than 600 feet snd a second leap of more than 100 feet The Indian Interpre tation of the name of the latter- is "Most Beautiful." VThe stream which constitutes Wahkeenah falls leaps full bom from the side of the moun tain, 1500 feet above the highway. Shepherd's dell, on the highway, also belongs to the city. Other tracts which the city has under consideration for park pur poses are the two blocks on Williams avenue opposite St Mary's church, .and tracts at East Twenty-lxth and Powell streets, Clinton-Kelly ; the northeast corner of East Eighty second and Glisan streets, Menta vtllas Nineteenth and Jarret streets. Vernon : East Twentieth and Bel mont Central East Side ; on Main street, Lents. Included In : the "much-used park area of the city are the North -parkway blocks from Ankeny to Gllran: the South Parkway from Salmon to Clifton, and the Plaza blocks between Salmon, Madison, Third and Fourth streets. : : ! The greatest of all the pnrks ad jacent to Portland Is owned by Uncle Sam. It consists of 14.000 acres in .the gorge of the Columbia, above the Columbia River hlgrhway, which has been set aside ln perpetuity for the pleasure and the benefit of the peo ple. It is a veritable wonderland to all who explore its upland trails or rest by its mountain torrents.