The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 19, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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    FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 19. 1820.
-Every dollar you.spend it this store returns Von a substantial Cash Dividend through the medium of S. & H. Stamps. To encourage early buying of Holiday Merchandise, we
will give Double Trading Stamps on all charge and cash purchases made in any department of the Store tomorrow. Christmas stocks are now at their best' and .we will gladly
store any article and deliver at any time you may desire. Take advantage of the direct cash saving on the money you spead. Filled Stamp Books redeemed in cash, 3rd Floor.
Candy Sale
1st Floor
P e a n u t Brittle,
priced special at, lb.
PI a 1 n Marshmal
lows, special at,' lb.
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Entire BlockMorrison, Tenth, West Park and Alder Streets
New 1921
Now Ready
Main Floor
Special $39.98
Second Floor We have selected a number of high
class Dresses from regular stdck and repriced them
downward for Saturday's seOing. Wf are offer
ing beautiful new models for street and busi
ness wear, made up in the following materialsr
Tricoleite Satin
Crepe de Chine Tricotine Serge
Velvet Georgette Crepe
Straight line, coat, blouse and novelty cuts with
plaited, gathered and tuniced skirts. .'Some are
trimmed with embroidered bands and motifs, oth
ers with bias folds, buttons, etc. Black, navy, raisin.
brown, copen.and bisque. All sizes flJQQ QQ
from 16 44. Specially priced
Silk Petticoats .
Special $5
Second Floor Silk Jersey, Taffeta and
Messalinc Petticoats in air the newest
styles .Including plaited,- ruffled and
corded effects. Plain colors and many
beautiful plaid combina- (gpr A A
tions, 'Priced special, each DOUU
r esses
New Georgette
Second Floor Georgette Crepe, Satin,
Crepe de Chine and Tricolette Blouses
in many delightful new models, just
received. Long and short sleeves.
Flesh, white and novelty shades. Prices
ranging from $7.95 up to $28.50
' and Misses' Coats
At $28.98
- r .- - . -f" -
Junior Shop, 2d Floor Smart, stylish Coats for girls 8
to 14 years. Plaited and full loose effects with collars of
fur or self material. Lusterole. Pebble Cheviot and Mel
ton Cloth. Excellent ranee of latest col- dfiO AO
at PaWUU
Priced very special for Saturday
Misses' Dresses
Junior Shop, 2f Floor Charming frocks for the young
miss of 12 to 16 years. Satin, Taffeta, Serge and combi
nations of Serge and Satin. New plaited and tuniced
skirts. Narrow leather belts or sashes. . JQf QQ
Long and short Sleeves. Priced "Special at tDOt.JO1
Rain Coats and Capes
Junior Shop, 2d Floor Misses' Rain Coats with hats to
match also Rain Capes in cape style with hood. Shown
in navy and tan. Ages 6 to 14. Priced $5.25 to $9.85
Main Fir. Choose your Thanks
giving Linens at this store and
pay less. Many 'special lines in
Table Cloths, Napkins and Dara
gsks offered at Lower Prices,
Richardson's finest quality all
linen Table Cloths in a choice as
sortment of beautiful patterns.
Size 2x2 yards. Priced special at
only $15.00. $17.50 and $20
Table Damasks of all pure
linen. Splendid weight and qual
ity. Choice of several QJT
patterns. Special, yd. fb&mUO
Main Floor
All Men's Shoes and Oxfords
20 Off
Main Floor The Great 20 Off Sale ends
Saturday. Choose any pair of Men's Shoes
and Oxfords and deduct 20 from regu
lar price. Every known style and leather
to select from. Black, brown or tan. Strong
& Garfield and other well known: makes.
Sale Kayser Knit Unde
Center CSrcIe, Main Floor
Cotton, lisle and mercerized lisle Union Suits in all the pop
ular band tops and bodice styles in both knee and ankle lengths
in the sale. Made for year around wear. pink and white.
Kayser's $2.25 Q
Union Suits now at tDJLaUi
Kayser's 2.75 J- QQ
Union Suits now. at DJLOJ
Kayser's 3.25 QO Q
ion Suits now at Da-iUU
Kayser's 3.75 PO QQ
Union Suits now at tDaSaOl
Kayser's 1.25 Knit
Vests priced special at
Kayser's 1.25 Knit
Bloomers now priced
Kayser Underwear is perfect fitting. Gives
very satisfactory service. Don't miss this sale.
Kayser's Silk Vests, Bloomers,
, Envelope Chemise
4.50 Qualities now priced at
5.00 Qualities' now priced at
5.50 Qualities now priced at
6.00 Qualities now priced at $4.80
6.75 Qualities now priced at $5.40
7.50 gualities now priced at $6.00
On Sale at Center Circle, Main Floor
Men's Shoes at $5
Main Floor Just 50 pairs In this sale.
Men's Shoes of mahogany and black
calf in many different styles. Siaes 6
to io, butnotin each style, Reg- &J?
ular 9.50 to 12.50 Shoes, pair DD
All Men's 11.00 Shoes at $ 8.80
All Men's 12.00 Shoes at $ 9.60
All Men's 13.00 Shoes at $10.40
All Men's 14.50 Shoes at $11.60
All Men's 16.50 Shoes at $13.20
Chic New Neckwear
Priced $1.75 to $11.50
Main Floor One of the roost Interesting displays of neck-fixings we have ever
presented or you have ever seen will be ready for your inspection Saturday
morning. No woman who sees them can resist their charm and beauty. Real
Filet and Real Irish Lace Collars and Sets and Combinations of Fine Nets and
Real Laces. We advise you to take a few moments' time and . see these new
creations in Neckwear. This Jieckwear is" moderately priced $1.75 to $11 SO
Bag Frames .
75c to $4.25
Main Floor Celluloid, Metal and Shell
Bag Frames, also silver, gold, oxidized
and antique finishes. Many different
styles at savings of 10 to 20 priced
special at 75c. $1.00 P to $4.25
New Marabou
Main Floor Stylish, warm and comfy.
Every woman should have a Marabou
Scarf. Shown in black, brown and
.natural. Extra special valuev priced
at $7.95. $9.95. $12.50. $14.95
Sale of Fancy Ribbons
At 35c and 49c Yd.
Main Floor Warp Print Ribbons in
light and dark colors. Also florals,'
stripes and dainty floral combinations.
Ribbons of standard 50c qual- QK
ity. Priced special at, the yard OOl
Main Floor Fancy Dresden Ribbons in
all wanted colors also Dolly Varden
and floral . effects in many beautiful
patterns and colors. Plaids in- iQ.
eluded. Priced special at, yard x7C
Novelty Ribbons $8.69
High-grade Ribbons in silk and metal
combinations. Very desirable for bags
and trimmings. Worth more JQ YQ
than double sale price." Yard wOaOU
Many other lines of Novelty Ribbon
for notiday tancy work, on iate i re
ductions ranging from 25 to 5o per
cent- Sale- prices $1.95 to $5.95
Wool Middies
Second Floor Women's . and Misses'
Wool Middy Blouses in Jack Tar and
other famous makes. Large selection
of styles. Navy blue only. Q JQ
Sizes 14 to 44. Special at DUt"i7
4th Floor
-Experienced telephone clerks at your
service 8 ;00 a. m; to 5:4 5 p. m. Double
Trading Stamps on all purchases.
Saturday Offering
Small White Beans. 4 lbs. for 25c
Speckled Bayou Beans. 4 lbs. 25c
Fancy Lima Beans, 2 lbs. for 30c
Borax Soap Chips, 3 packages $1.00
New California Walnuts selling to
morrow. 30c a pound; 3 pounds 85c
-p-New Oregon Franquette Walnuts
special at 40c pound; 3 pounds $1.15
Snow Drift Shortening for 55c
$1.05 and $2.05 Model Grocery.
Vacuum racked to preserve lt$ rich
aroma and freshness. Order a 5 lb.
can and pay only 42c a pound. You
cannot buy better coffee "no matter
what price you may pay for it
1 LB. TINS AT 45c
3 LB. TINS AT $1.30
5 LB. TINS AT $2.10
$12 to $20 Winter Hats
At $8.95
Second Floor Pattern Hats in the season's smart
est models in 'conjunction with about 100 trim
med Hats from our own workrooms. Large and
medium bats also, a; splendid assortment of the
smaller, hats turbans; roll brims, side rolls, etc.
Trimmed with ostrich,. French flowers, QP
embroidery, ribbons, etc. 12-20 hats DO0
$20.00 to $30.00
Fur Trimmed
Only 25 of these lovely Fur Trimmed Hats and
the values are so remarkable that the entire lot is
certain to be closed out quickly. Mostly In
the small turban effects. Regular J- r Aft
120.00 to $30.00 Hats. 'Special at tDltMJU
Tailored Hats $5.95
?'grJL g
Jergen's $150
. Special 89c
Main Floor Sold at above price
only in iull bars. Jergen's Castile
Soap, put up in 2J4 pound CQ
bars. $1.50 value, now at OUC
Epsom Salts, 16 pounds 7 r
'for $1.00; P pound I v J
-Woodbury's Facial Snan it 9)
Resinol Soap, priced only 20c
Jergen's Lotion, priced only 37c
Nujol, 20 oz. size, priced at 89c
Upjohn's Beef, Iron rjQ j
and Wine. 1 pint size for I 7i I
i , ;, , I
Listerine, at 23c. 45c, 85c
Lavoris, 3 sizes, 22c. 43c, 79c
Baume Analgesiue Bengue 70c
Cuticura Soap, the jpake at 20c
Packer's Tar Soar a cake 20c
Pinkham's Veget
able Comnound for
Pebeco Tooth Paste, tube 36c
Pepsodent Tooth Pfjte, tube 45c
Hind's H. & A. Cream 39c, 79c
Misses' Tarns
At $3.50
BMcnaeBt Women's and Misses'
Tarns of Velvet and Beaver. Shown
in black and numerous good colors.
Values to 7.98. Priced flQ rf
special for this sale at DQ0J
Sale of Turkey R
I Basement Underprice Store
Oval shape Sheet Steel Roasters like this
sketch. Self basting, sanitary and Q1 A Q
easy to clean. 15 inch size. Special O0
17 Inch Oval Shape Sheet P"J QO
'Steel Roasters. Special tomorrow Di-0
Many other special lines of 1 Roasters
" and Kitchen UtenSUs on sale tomorrow.
Dinner Sets
Bmnt 3 2-Pc Din ner
Sets with neat decorations.
47-Pc. Decorated fJinner ETA
at tDOoUU
Sets, priced " special
6 Cup Percolators
At $1.98
Basement Coffee Percolators with
seamless body. High polish finish. Make
delicious coffee. Shown only (P-j QQ
in six-cup size. Special at D X0
3 Piece Kitchen Set for $1.48
: , Basement
- v V.'. .
White Japanned Kitchen Sets under
priced. One 7 lb, sutar canister, one
3 lb. coffee canister, one i Q-j JQ
lb. tea canister. Set 3 pieces Dlfi:0
Basement Sale
Women's Coats
$40 to
$40 to
Buenent Special purchase and sale of -Women's and Misses' Winter Coats at
an average of half regular value. Smart up to date garments Just in by express.
We also include a number of beautiful coats from our own stocks. Wool Velour,
Silvertone, Yalama, Polo Cloth. Tweed,, Broadcloth and Kersey materials. Nearly
al tDtdO.VV
$40.00 and 50.00 values, placed on sale tomorrow at this specia
Children's Coats
ur entire stock of Children's' Coats will be reduced in price another 1 5
per cent for Saturday. This additional discount will apply only lo coats pur
chased Saturday. Good warm coats In the season's newest ; and best styles.
Mothers should take advantage of this sale.
Sal of Boys' 2-Pant Suits
This is a strong statement we admit, but we are sure the values will measure up to your
full expectations. These are strenuous times for merchants great losses must be taken, and
we have resolved to meet the situation in a broad-minded way and submit to the inevitable.
Here's. a grOup of Boys' Suits in sizes 7 to 16 years. The materials and patterns are just what
the best dressed youngsters are wearing. They are. the latest knicker styles and there isn't
an undesirable Suit in the entire lot. You hive been paytne iS.5o to 22.50 J1 O ASZ
for jost such Suits. Our price on these Boys' Suits for tomorrow's sale will be tDL&iHtO
Boys' Knickers
Half Price
Min Floor We're overstocked on Boys' Knick
er Pants and we offer 2S00 pairs Saturday at
just half price. Good sturdy fabrics in desirable
colors. Every pair full lined. Sizes 7 to 18.
Regular 3.00, 4.00, 4.50 i D !
and $5.00 Knickers now on sale at 2 i 1 IV-C
$12.50 Sweaters $7.65
Main Floor Boys' Sweaters of good heavy .
quaiuy. rppuiar coat style wua converpoie coi
lars. ' Gray and maroon solid colors also with
breast stripes. Sweaters selling here- (Jr7
tofore at ft 1.50 and 12.50. Special ,D I OtJ
Boys' Suits
r - '
Main Floor Suits in this 4ot priced hereto
fore at HO and 13.50. Single and double
breasted Norfolks with straight pants. Serges,
Worsteds, Tweeds; Cheviots and Novelty
Mixtures In good colors. Sizes I Off
for boys 4 to io years. Special at OUOtJ
$1.75 Waists at 98c
Main Floor Get your boy a good supply of
these, Waists, for it isn't likely you'll come
.across-a bargain like this again very soon.
Latest styles made up in percales and AQn
madras. res 6,to 16. 1.50, t.75 at lOC
Sale of Boys' Mackinaws
Entire Stock at Reduced Prices
Main Floor "Patrick," "Mankato" and SheurVrman Bros, makes: Very jaf est
i. a. j i a x . n " j . . t . a . a. x , . a
paiicrns ana colors. i Ages o to as years. iaeai winter garments tor your vvyi
Bovs 112.50 Mackinaws at
Bovs' US. OO Mackinaw it
Boys' 16.50 Mackinaws at $10.95
Boys' 17.50 Mackinaws at $11.45
at $ 8.25
at $ 9.85
Boys' 18.50 Mackinaws at $12.95
Boys 20.00 Mackinaws at $14.25
Boys' 22,50 Mackinaws at $15.45
Boys' 25.00 Mackinaws at $16.50
w m i
MM j
!5iacK vatnose
Mam Floor Boys Blacfk Cat Hosi
In black or tan. ,6Scand175c AKn
grades priced special, pair tJv
75c and 80c gradesJat, fair 55c
85c and 90c grades' at pair 65c
95c and 1.00 trades, pair 75c
1.05 and 1.10 grades, pr. 85c
r-l. 15 and 1.20 gjades, pr. 95c
Every Man's Suit and Overcoat
- - mm V "' 1
' W
l I
I r yi
WalMntd the Men's Store, Main Floor, and make your selection of any Suit or
Overcoat in .our splendid stock at the following, reduced prices. ' We can say
without fear of contradiction that at. our prices you cannot eijuat the values at
any other store in Portland. America's best makes are represented and there is a
wide range of styles and fabrics both in Suits and Overcoats. Double Stamps.
Men's Suits
$30.00 . Suits now at
$35.00 Suits now at
$10.00 Suits now at
$12.50 Suits how at
$45.00 Suits now at
$50.00 Suits now at
- $55:00 Suits now at
$60.00 Suits now at
$65.00 Suits now at
-$70.00 Suits now at
$75:00 . Suits now at
$80.00 "Suits now at
$85.00 Suit? now at
$35.00 - Overcoats at
$40.00 Overcoats at
$45.00 v Overcoats at
$50.00 Overcoats at
$55.00 Overcoats at
$60.00 Overcoats at
. $65.00 Overcoats at
$70.00 Overcoats at
$75.00 Overcoats at
$80.00 Overcoats at
$85.00 Overcoats at
$90.00 Overcoats at
$05.00 Overcoats at
E 33.25
f 59.50
Men's Underwear
Men's Fleece-Lined Union Suits fa-
"Monarch" make. Extra fine
quality. Rtfultr 3.50 QO QQ
Suits nriced snecial-i suit DiOU
Men's 3.00 Fleece-Lined Union
Suits "Augusta" make. - e d i u m
heavy weight. On sale to- (3JO OQ
morrow at the, suit, choice wdUiU
Other Good Specials
Men's Merino. Union Suits In the
"Wlnsted" make. Good- heavy quaU
lty. Shown only in large (PO Jf A
aires. 5.00 values priced D&0J
Cooper's Bennington Wool Union
Suits In Just the right weight for win
ter wear. Regular 6.50 CIQQ
garments priced special at O'xaO
All Men's 5.00 to 17.50 Wool
Sweaters now at 1-J . REDUCTION.
All Men's Flannel Shirts ranging
from 3.50 up r to 7.50 at OFF,
Men's 3.00 Outing Flan- (PO YQ
pel .Pajamaa , priced special fD&JJO
Men's 1.25 . Fabric Dress' A
Cloves priced, apecial, .;. tptUKt