MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1920. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON 5 i i BOGS, BIRDS, PETS, KTC 4$ : SELLING OUT U ROSE CITY CATTERY 4 BEG. STUD AT ' .SERVICE, (S Unusual bargain in pedi greed Fmiio till, crange, ltw hla, ,lif hmtn T'vTi tabby nd ttrtoue shells, 1 ? U In Lfcjliy- r-a-onahl -grla . 1248 E. ? U in splendid condition. mom the lot. No reonhle off refused. Morrison, THOROUGHBRED French poodle pap. 2 months old. for Ml. H. A. Frkin, Bos 89, Kant ft, Oregon City. Or. T5t black and tan purple. CKihuahna peoples. Three mile east Beaver Creek road. J; H. lAw.Toy KcnncK R, , B. 62, Xrrcgen City. i'tfilOBECD Persian kitten for sale, cheap. Main 64S6. Hillsdale, Or.. Box 22. 2.1'KAKOI.Il t Andrraaberg rollers, riaaon- able. Tabot 8391. - IEaSKAS Husky do. fond playmate fob til children. Call East 1123. . - FF.DIGRKED white colli, over 3 lusuthe old. Tahor 6036. 2d8. C. WHite Leghorn ban. O. A. C. atrain. (ISO each. Kut 404. CO TKAULING R. 1. Red bens, laying. 404 last "FOR HALE 60 White Leghorn pullete, $1 each. 1645 Mississippi are. niEAT73.75 BCBATCH. $4. FEED CACKLE MASH Woodlsv 4344. 27 R. L RED millet, some laying. -Tabor 689fL6348 84th at. 8. E. ATTO M OB I LEM A N I A CC K6 Rl KS44 SPECIAL SALE USED AUTOMOBILES No brokerage. Interest or handling charge en used automobile purchased on ttine during this special sale. Coalmen Touring Car. Good running condition . .t 150 Chevrolet Touring, eelf starter, good tire and good running condition ........ 3 230 Overland 75 Touring, rebuilt in our shops, self starter and complete in vry detail, " for ., . $ 350 Ford Touring, latest model, run 2500 miles, complete with itarter ......I S7S Overland 90 Tearing, rebuilt by u....( 600 Overland 90 Touring, A-l condition.. $ 600 -Chevrolet Baby Grand Touring, late model and in aood running condition, newly v varnished 700 Overland 4 Touring, used very little .( 830 Overland 4 Roadster, used very little.. S 850 Willva Knight 7-Da.. thoroughly ra- built . .$1000 New Monroe Touring, large discount, in cept car in exchange. j WILLYS OVERLAND PACIFIC CO.. INC. BROADWAY AND DA VIM. ' Automobile Owners lt u figure with you on your work. TV I,ere the best equipped repair shop in the city and ran take rare of all your trouble., large or email; overhauling our specialty; satisfaction :' gnaranteed or money refunded. Could we offer you mure? Auto electrician on (tarter, gen i erator. lighting' and ignition; ba 1 teriea r,e- ciiargcn. renuiit and repaired. UCARANTEK AUTO REPAIR CO. 280 Front t, corner lefferson. . O. - V.. Depot building ! - BARGAINS ', : 3 Overland, new paint and top ......$ 2SO 75 Overlaad. good condition 4(10 Ford roadster, a dandy 300 1917', Velle. new paint 700 ' 1918 Velie, new paint 973 1919 V.'lie. cord tires .............. 1200 1918 Old 8. new paint. 5 tire........ 1100 I 120 E-ue, rord tires ; 1800 O C. WARKEX MOTOR CAR CO., 58 N. 23.1 St. Main 780. M. B. FISCH Radiators, fenden, bodies, hnoda, tank, repaired and remodeled. Auto abeet metal work a apa ciaiiy. mio-ivi n. lorn at. Phone Broadway 2299. "BOB FULTON AUTO PAINTINO. ATTENTION, CAB OWNERS W will overhaul your rar for a small eon tract price. W spcjH on complete over hauls, generator tod electrics! work, bsttery n rbarging and . repairing, welding and , braxing. Get our prices, they will surprise you. All work absolutely guaranteed. Ford msgnetDS re charged. Hemphill Trad Schools, 707 Hw t borne, cor. 20th. Pbon East 8068. - 16.000 carried in stock. ' Our spring sold With a written guarantee. We glv yon aervica . $4 North Fifteenth st. 11 9i 7 ALLEN The best buy in town, new paint and new battery, S good tires. Price only (4S0. Ka-y tennt. Jake's Used Car Exchange, JIB N. lltb at Bdwy. 3214. WILL xchng.ia4aChaTmeri for pctoes; car in good running order;- electric lights, high tension magneto. Car well worth (700. I you want a real car, it will nay to investi gate. Will take 430 sacks. 100 lbs. each;- Ad dress C, 4427 42d st 8. E. SelL 923. WEAVER TIRlsrCOMPANl . FEDERAL .TIRES OREGON VULCANIZINO CO, TIRE REPAIRING S93-8S5 Burn1d at Broadway LIGHT SIX y This car has a (100 paint job. 5 very good tires. Hike me an offer. Would consider a dia mond as part payment. Jake's Used Car Ex change. 28 X. 11th st. Bdwy. 3214. THE FENDER MAN - l E.. DURHAM, who take th kinks out whila. you. wait; also repairs radiators and bodies. Bmadwsy 3214. 30 M. 11th St.. aear Bumside, "Tops 'Em AH Oregon Auto Ton Co. 14th and Couch st. Bdwy. 4408. BTUDEBAKER touring car, electric starter and light", in good shape, $00; worth $600. Our loss your gain. lpen Sundays and Evenings. 345 Union ave. N. E. 58. 1918 BI'KK touring, motor guaranteed. In A 1 condition. Cord tires; cat must -b sold at one. ' Open Sundays and Evenings. : 345 Union ave. N. E. 56. STl'TZ chassis, electric starter and lights; motor in A-l shape. Make na an offer. Open Sundays and 1 Evenings. 84 3 Union av. N. E. 56. LATE model Ford sedan, electric starter and lights. Can't be told from new; bargain. Open. Sundays and Evenings. 345 Union ve. N. E. 56. Late '18 Chevrolet tqurlng car: perfect cott d.Uon: good tires: a bargain, $450. Open Sundays and Evenings. 345 Union ave. N. E. 86. (330 FORD, light delivery: good running or der, (73 down, balance easy. 119 E. 8 2d. nunnysiae car. 1920 DODGE SEDAN ' Run 1500 miles," cord tires, bumper and extra tire; save (500 Call 1249 E. Davis. Tabor 6015. CHEVROLET, 1918. touring, excellent condi tion; good tires; a real bargain af sold quick. -666 EOth st S. Seliwood 189L ACTO WRECKING. n"Trt for all cars! PORTLAND AUTO WRECKING CO.. 290 Union eve., near Hawthorne. EAST 7866. Auto Tops snzsztnsrssi ci.inron t.. neiween tB and Broadway. CASH paid for old cars, condlton no object; parts for aU makea of cans Oregon Ant Eichangej 448 FTanders. nr.. lltb. Bdwy. 8B03. FOR SALE 1920 Ford truck, new ord tires, perfect eonditioru 101 J Union ave. N. Phone Ant. 820-48. ' WE PIT Steel teeth in your oM flvwhrel; crank shaft turning. H. B Rlsrk. machine shop. 834 Aler 't.- Brosdway 2081 1914 STUDEBAKER. inx?cid ahape, $185: I'hoca Tsbor 7H39. j j . 191 5 MAXWELL. $450. P. ft O. Garage 380 Union ave. FOR SALE Auto In .goodshape. $148'; 1 Indian motocycle. twin. (65. 616 Upshur st N. 1918 STUDEBAKER. gcr7ibber. MaxTnu truck or bug. $100 ca-Ji. Tabor 1606. CASOLINE 2Se per gallon ; oils and greases. noneer r-aipf to., sow First SV, TIRES Slightly used. (3 to (15 eachT i pert tire repairing 207 Madison T600 BUYS19t Chevrolet in excftlent condi" j ion, new pres. i f ran. . r,sti t B . lOt'R auto repaired at your home; raUabl aerr-li-e. Phone Tabor 1206 . r. r. wui. c x 1920 MaxweB. (675 cash. 210 Jefferson st , FORD 191? roadster in first clas conditi'onT t -- new tires, new top, (300. Scllwnsxt 8328. MARION tonring car In good shape. Sell. 8828? AUTOMOBILES AWT) ACCESSORIES 44 WE SELL OTJ, SATISFACTION WHEN WE HELL YOU A USED CAR t 1917 Maxwell; overhauled and repainted: good Urea t 425 1918 Maxwell; overhauled and repainted; ' Dae new top and aeat cover. ....... X 073 1919 Maxwell; overhauled and repainted; look Ilk new tyi! THE ABOVE CARS WILL BE SOLD TO 350 YOIT ON A TEN DAY FREE TRIAL. 1917 Dodga f touring ear; in rood running condition: now beinx Darn ted: .for. . -I 850 Model 90 Overland aedan; In tip top shape ; ha wire whawla and good Urea . . f K00 1917 Hup; first class condition . .... t 875 1917 Oakland aix; good buy at 700 1918 Chandler; look and run- lika a new car: lota of extra S12S0 Chandler Sedan that has been used or private parry. Be ima one. 1919 Chalmers Hoadater; in fin condi tion ......:......... 4$1100 1919 Chalmers 5 paaaengar; driven very little, original finish ............. .81250 REBUILT HTJDR0N8 that we give too the asm regular factory war ranty ana tne asms service aa a new on. 1917 Hudson seven paaaenier. ..(1250 Hudson Sedan ......12100 USED .ESSEX that we give the same factory warranty and th earn aemoe a en a new car. 1919 Eeaex touring . 81425 1919 Essex touring . v1500 O. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. : 616-617 Washington Street. j CHEVROLET i AMD FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled ......820.09 Rear ail overhauled 6.00 valve (round, carbon removed 8 08 Magneto, recharged 8.09 W hand-lap ptatoris. rrD bearlDga. eta.. which Insures a perfect runaiog motor Oranln rora parts only used. All work guarantee, e i ; i THE REASON The Fere) angle aurt hard and the light are dim Is because the MAGNETO I weak. Mar H KKCHAKtiED by EXPERTS. Universal Auto Repair t!0 Jefferson at. Main 7644 Portable Oarage $64 ASK ABOUT OCR Portable Houses ' MTLLMADE CONSTRUCTION CO. O. BOX 244 WOODLAWN 2413 USED CAB BARGAINS 1 D0OGR i $850 1 OLD8MOBILE 4 67 3 1 OVERLAND 90 6O0 1 OVERLAND 85 HOO 1 CADILLAC 33 1 FORD i. 300 1 FORI) 260 1 FORD I ajs 1 CHEVROLET 490 , loo 1 MAXWELL HOO 1 PEERLESS 200 1 PACKARD truck with body and hoist., 900 I I UNO ft 8ILVA 402 Hawthorn. CHEVROIJ-T. IBIS model, first class mechani cal condition, new battery, good rubber with 1 new cxtsa. tire. (550 cash or terms. Csn be seen at 233 Burnside. Pbon Bdwy. 238. .Residence East 1093. i SUCCESSFUL TIRE flEPAIRINO Require a full knowledge of tire oatruettoa nd proper equipment for each repairs w have both I Bring u that tire or tub and w will fix it right; prices reasonable; new and used tire for let; liberal allowance on old tiro. Vulcan Tin Shop. 41 (stand av., corner Pin. East 4896. 1918 MAXWELL touring car. in perfect me chanirali shape, equipped with good tires. ex tra wheel and tires, 2 bumpers, shook absorber, motormeterr, wind deflector spotlight. large steering wheel snd other extras. Make an offer. Open Sunday and Evenings. 345 UNION AVE. N. EAST 56. T FORD' SPECIAL Reel snappy looking roadster. 1920 motor, equipped with the Ford starter and lights. Special made body; ballbearing shock absorber spring, Victoria top: extra tire and rim. This car is the- beat looking bug in town. OPEN SUNDAY AND EVENINGS. 8431 UNION AVE. N. EAST SS. Radiators, Fenders, Hoods. Bodies, etc. OADt A.D REPAIRED URKESS AUTO WORKS It iH AND EVERETT STS 1916 FORD TOURING 5 very good tires. Runs Kke new. Price only $275. WiB let you make your own terms. Jake s Used Car Exchange.-28 N. 11th st, Broadway 8214. i FORD touring car in good running condition, equipped with one-man top and speedometer and other extras; bargain for quick sal. Open Sundays snd Evenings. S43 Union are N. E. 56. 1917 OLDSMOBn.E 8 Chummy roadster, equip ped with wire wheels and good tires, and in perfect mechanical ' shape This car must be sold at bargain Price as owner Is leavtnf city. a a union av. w. Open Sundays snu evenings, OVERLAND SEDAN (800 Will bnv late Overland Sedan, wire wheels, tfc In dandy shape and a wonderful Duy. u aron want a closed oar, let ma show it to Jon., Tabor 7817. DODGE, touring, by owner; 5 good tires, $50 worth. of . extras: not a camouflage; $S50, on terms. Se E. La Mads. 819 Dekum bldg.. Business. Main 1713. Rea., Woodlawn 2735. ' A 1 LOCOMOBILE SIX I will sell my Locomobile roadster for th best offer; A-l shape. Good rubber, also ex tras. dwy4052J.vmingstr5oc MOTORS? gesn. Dearmgs, wheel, axle; ws wreck all mskes of cam and sell their pert at Vs price Hodes Autj Wrecking Dept.. 109 107 N. Llth st fcTUDEBAKElt 6 cylinder. 7 passenger touring ear -fceries 18." Condition A-l Driven only ' in rity on paved aueeta, Pfaon Main two i or 0419. 191S Oakland touring, wir wheels. Owner m government rervice and leaving eity. Sacri fice at (950. Apt. 407. Barker apartments, or run ,-nain; 3244. $485 1617 Mitchell litUe aix. 6 pass. Moter In u, 1 . .1 . . . ... . .j. vuiiuiuua. aiar. soiv or 3uu CADIUtC 8. will sacrifice for cash or consider lighter car in : trade. See the car and make n offer. Call E. 3937. WILL swerlfic my 19ft liuick touring for (700 i".Au,ck- 6,8 MUwankl t Pbon SeU wood 2965. Brookhm Gar?. v MT Chandler chummy can be bought for (1100. bot 78? l T1 bU 6,11 me' T SACRIPiPE9T8SlnU. 7 wir. wheels and , Jr7''i potliht tW' ood condition very liberal terms. Tabor 7274. 1920 HTPMOBILE; good tires, fine condi"- 4-WKEEL trailer, solid rubber tire. WfiFfi f r Pleur ear. only $60. Main 2383. FQR S-4XK FVrtJ tourtnjj. 1U 17; extras oyctiw nrw, gOoa coiKAiboti, $300 WILL sacrifice 1919 Scripp7Booth roadster for cash, -Auto. 833-69. FOR SALE Late 19lt model Ford touring . y X i A. soio n. JS." FORD SEDAN. 1920, new. Wal take old Ford in trad. rnon S18-8Z, NEW Frd Coupe. Will trade ' or will give terms. : cas oooj. 1920 CHEVROLET Raby Grand for sal by owner; part cash. . F-255, Journal. 5-PASS. jAuburnlnd Reading Standard motor- s-iwsp i or ctbh or traqe. ,aax soov. HUPMOBILE in good mnning order, $123 WSB. MUh. AlO .g. BnrOK r tourlng lftiS. prio ronaii: GRANT SIX, 1918 model. Ssllheap," of will trade for smU car. Wdln. 4673. ' 19U P. ith extra, only $265. I HATE cash for Ford; no dealer, fib. 1533" TBrCKS TRACTORS 1917 REPUBLIC truck. This i a ton and a half lob. new tire. . Price only IS00: easy terms. Jake's Used Car Exchange, 28 . 11th st Broadway 8214. ' 2 TON Master truck, used 1 year: best, of con dition, 81800, terms, or would take Ford tour ing or truck as part pay. Eagle Uarage, Lenta, Automatic 2011. 1917 OVERLAND light deliverx. This car ha . been overhauled throughout. Price only 8S?5; easy terms. Jake' Used Car Exchange, 28 N. litn at. Broadrray Ban. FORD. 1 ton, gar driven, with wood rack, good ' condition, reasonable. Call betjyeea 12 and 6 P. ni., 624 Gantenbein ave. FOR SALE 1-ton Ford truck,, stake body, 1 year old, fin shape ; chgap lor cash. Phone Wdln. 2628. ; . ONE-TON Pierce-Arrow delivery for aale or trade. East 8497. - CLEVELAND tractor, in good condition, for aale or trade. Sea Robinson, Hotel Aider. 8i-TON CMC with a dump body and hoist. 81100, 628 E. 21st st 1-TON Federal, rrio 1.100; (100 cash, bal anre (16 ler week. Bdwy. 1571. Mr. King. WANTED Used 2-ton truck with furnitur body; must be Al. Call Broadway 894. AUTOMOBILES WA5TED WILL give 4 lota, sidewalks and crossing in, in a choice residence district, for a lata model Dodge roadster or touring car; must assume (1100. These lota coat (5000 In 1916. M 638. Journal. BRING your car to Jake's Used Car Exchange tad get Quick action, 28 N. lltb L Bdwy. 1214, opposite Wemfaardt Brewing. ; WE WANT small automobiles; drive in and wtlk out with the cash. Columbia Auto Salea Co., 345 Union see. N. East 56 WANTED Ford : have 40 acre of land with creek. Trioe (400. Y. G. Moore, 212 W, 8th at. Vancouver. WE b& liebt cars for cash. Drive in and walk s out with tli money. 845 Union are. ti. East 58. ; AUTO PAINTINO 25 per cent off thl month satUfactioa guaranteed. 851 E. Oak. East &F77. - WILL pay cash for late modal Chevrolet or Ford touring. East 178. AUTOS FOB HIRE J8 BPECt AL rate by the week or month. We will rent you an Apperson (, Hudson super or Elgin 8 by Ui week or month. LOWN8DALE GARACE 125 Lownsdal ek, cor. of Washington Pbon Bdwy. 2408. ATJT09 RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New 1920 Modei Can Reasonable Rate FEARINtt & ROBINKTT CITY OA It AUK 132 12th at. betWah, and Aider. Bdwy. 84 NEW AUTOS VlTUOUfDRrVER8 OVERLANDS - HUDSONS LOWNSDALE GAPACK BROADWAY 2408. 15TU AND WASH. AUTOS FOR DRIVERS HIRlC WITH Oil WITHOUT L. SULLIVAN. FASHION OA RAGE. MAR. 232 10tb at Zambia A-123S. ALTHOF ft BENNETT, CARS FOlTTltRK WITHOUT iJRIES. ARMY f.ARAGE. THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 68 FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled $20 Rear aile overhauled ( 6 Valves ground, carbon removed ( 8 Magneto recharged .( 6 We hand-lap pistons, scraps bearings, eta., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuin Ford psrts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE -CTO REPAIR CO, 280 Front t. Corner Jefferson. Don't Tbrov way your eld For" block, because wa change them to starter ivpe, overhaul your en gine. Install genuine Fori make starter for (135. at Burke's garage, 5403 72d st 8. E. Tabor 6527 We repair all makea of cars. E. H. CHAMBERS. MAXWELL SPECIALIST. SeQwood 3755. 757 Division St, Can cabled for ind delivered. M OTORCYCLD8, BICYCLES. &Z MOTOPrvr.ES AND PARTS. ALL MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE , CO. 44-46 Grand Ave. HACHINERT 81 FOR SALE Set of machines and tools for sheet metal ahop, fin Condition, some new; leaving city. Tel. Wdln. 5766. 1203 Garfieid st P1A50S, ORGANS, MUSICAL . INSTRUMENTS $4 ACCORDIONS Violin, guitars, etc. and vio lin, banjo, guitar strings. G. F, Johnson rixno Co.. 149 Sixth t GOOD used piano, also a used player piano. Bar gain price. ,U. F. Johnson Pueo Co.. 149 Sixth st. $290 CASH buy (900 BUinway ft Sons up right piano. Corner Stark and 10th st. Security Storage Co, VOSE ft SONS upright fin ivory keys, (28: $140 Columbia Grafonola, filing devic. $115. Harold 8. Gilbert, 3S4 Yamhill st. $245 CASH buys $550 Kimball upright in fin mahogany, plain style. Security Btorag Co. . 103 10th at Stark st. WANTEI- Good toned putno for cash. Call Mar. 5709. GREAT BARGAIN Have to sell for $285 high- grade piano. Miss Meyers, Marshall 2482. GRAFONOLA for rent with records. Empire Transfer. 2B4 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. WILLARD piano in fine shape, good tone, wal- ntlt case, (200. Tabor 9596. MELODY "C" Sax Tlinne. silver. G F. John son Piano Co., 149 Sixth. MARTIN guitJtr,: sold by G. F. Johnson Piano Co. 149 Sixth'st BRINGING UP FATHER WE ARF Tr MAVF A MEETNC TONIGHT OTHE, COMPANV ANO iT 1 1 VITAL. THAT XOU tjHOOLD ) be: there. : "-j BE THERE.! ''"r CAN'T CO WITH YOU TOM1GHT- IMPORTANT t r v i o O " - I- J ?, -J i t P1AX0S. ORG AITS, TWCSICAIi w ISSTUUMEXTH i 1 4 PIANO BARGAINS Our- prices are BELOW OTHERS. Shop around, then see our BARGAINS. YOU WILL BE CONVINCED. Fully guaranteed. Terms given. F1HHER, plain ess .... .1. ........ $175 KIMBALL, a real snap (265 HARRINGTON, plain walnut cas..... (335 WESER cabinet grand, walnut caa. . . . $285 MASON-HAMLIN, ma hog., almost new... $650 SOHMER. plain mahog., almost new... (600 BCHIRMER, oak case, like new.. $285 HOFFMAN, plain mahog. real bargain.. $285 K.NABE. plain mahog.. nearly new...'.. $600 And others. Sea them. SETBERLING-LCCAS MUSIC CO. 125-27 Fourth St. bet Wash, ft Alder Sts. PRICES DROP Our large stock of new and used Cremona. Edisoas, Clum(fl, Stradivara and Path talk ing machine aelling at from 15 to 20 per cent leas than former prices. See and hear these value. New machine guaranteed by manufaA turars going at (49, (76.50 and (147.80; used machine $18, (85 and (110; easy term. Open Thursday and. Saturday cveeninga. Perry Music Co. : 427 WASHINGTON ST. USED TALKING MACHINES at prices that will move them quickly. ALL IN GOOD CONDITION Columbia and 6 records $ 23 Victor and 6 records ................ S3 Victor and 6 records ................ 45 Victor and 12 records 100 Columbia and 18 records 120 (5 to $10 cash and, $4 to $7 monthly. Bcbwan Piano Co.. 101 10th. Cor. Burk. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. closing out: Small unricht nisnos (OS and ( 75 Modern upright piano. ....... (193 to $845. aaodem player pianos. ... j ... .3Sa to SVO Parlor organs (25, $38, $45 and $58 - Piano bought and sold for cash only. v Pianos stored for 75e monthly. 103 10TH ST., COR. STARK 8T $15 TO $25 CASH boys new 1820 model up right $075 piaua In oak or mahogany for ss, paianc a 1 2 saontiuy. xour pnaaograpn, old piano or organ taken a first payment Scbwsn Piano C. 101 10th st, at Washing ton and Stark it.' FULL CASH VALUE PAID FOB - j j hs & Records NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE, i 128 First si. Main 4495. Tabor 6798.; TEN upright pianos, (123 up. Kimball, Ho bcrt M. Cable. Ludwig. Behning, Hnfriiigton, Marshall & Wendell, many other fine one. Easy terms given. 311-12 Worcester bldg. j SEE HOVENDON PIANO COT T For your musical wants. Our prices are aotv viiicing 146 PARK ST. PIANO WANTED HIGHEST CASH PAID for used PIANOS at PhAKEUd. Eteiberirog-Lttcas Musi Uo. Main 8586 125 4 th at TRADE YOUR PIAtfO Will trade (225 new VICTROLA and record for used PIANO. Seiberling-Lucaa Musio Ce. Main 80 8 6. 125 4th ft. HEAR th Orpheus, the phonograph with- the wonderful glass resonator, at th food ahow. Factory and salesroom lOSfc. Grand av. De scription on request MELVILl.E-CIjMiKE Apollo player, first class condition, $450. Hovsndun 1'iano Co., 146 Park. HKJIIKST rah tJid for pianos, phonographs, record. Musics 1 Instrument Exchange, 24 Market st. FOff'SA LE G ood Edisonphroraphwitb "4 6" cylinder recoids, $15. 147 Cook ave. Wood lawn 2303. WANTED Snap" in 2d i hand piano. Conudef good Plaver. rSh, Main 4424. week dsys. FULL toned used Columbia phonograph, tint class condition. ' 305 W - Jefferson. . MUSICAL rXSTRUMEXTS WANTED 4 PIANO WANTED If rbeap, cash. Main 8568. TYPEWRITERS 77 ALL makes sold, rented and exchanged. Term! if desired. Send for retail price. Whole sale Typewriter Co.. 821 Washington st. N. W. CorCth. FOR RENT Typewriters, $4 per month, three months 110; special students' rates. Reming ton Typewriter company. 88 Broadway. Pbon Broadway 621. ALL MAKES of typewriters rented, repaired and sold cn mnnthl) psyment plan. -Oregoa Typewriter Co., 94 5th st Main 3668. UNDERWOOD and Remington typewriters, (3 50 a month, Empir Transfer, 254 Brosdway. Bdwy. 153. OLIVER typewriter, excellent condition, (25. Woodlawn 460. f HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE i COAL and wood rang. ,y . . , .$16 00 un Cook stove ..l.... 10.00 ua Gss stove ............u.... 10.00 np 6s water beaters 9.00 Floor coverings, yard 75 u Kitchen queens $.00 up Kitchen cabinet 12.00 np Dining rcavm extension tab. . 7.00 Dining room chairs 1.50 up Living rom rocker.......... 4.00 np Library tables 6 00 up Simmons beds .............. 12.00 op Cot tor felt mattress ........ 8.00 up Steel springs (.00 np : Coil springs 8.00 up Dressers . . . 9.00 a PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGat, 208-210 First St ELECTRIC ranee, almost new. a beauty gte$fiO, discount. J. H. Hartog. 203 Gasco or 174 Haaeltern, rear entrance1. HEATER with water -eotl; also leather couch. 3H9 llth. FURN ITURE of 6 rootnt. in modern 10 tuom bouse suitabl for roomers. B-8764. FURNITURE cheap; don't mlsa this chsnce; books 10c. 1108 Hawthorne, Tabor 8323. OAK BUFFET; pracUcally new. Tabor-9032. (Copyright, 1920, by International Feature Service. Inc.) COT WIFE VAMTt) ME. TO TAKE. HER TO THE ETOM CLOO vou WHAT? ( 1 1 -W-V-Sa . . . as. I I I HOUSEHOtTJ GOODS FOR SALE t ;FffiE;ALE ; OF THE lefetEraift:. aretoase Stk Of furnitur and draperies, removed to Madison Street dock teumnce 50 feet from Front and Madison sts.), now selling at th biggest bargains ever given to the people of Portland. Beg. 332.60 Da Lux Double Deck Springs from (6.50 up. Regular $20 Liberty Coil Spring, priced $8. Regular (IS Steel Springs, from (3.50 up. Regular $22 2-inch Steel post Simmon Beds, from (5.50 up. . Regular $10 Iron Beds, from (1.50 np. Regular (15 Steel Beds, priced at (4.50. Regular $6.50 Breakfast Table, at (2. Regular $18.60 Steel Couches, at $3. , Regular 818 Spring Edge Box Couch, (3. i Tennessee Cedar Chests, priced from (6.50 up. Regular $17 Wood Baby Cribs, priced at (3. Upholstered Davenports, from (22.50 up. 2 inch Bras Beds, on sals a (15 and (20. Chair priced special for this Fir Bale, 25c up. Reed Chairs and Rockers on sales from (2.50 up. PLACES OF SALE: FURNITURE AT MADISON ST. DOCK DRAPERIES AT 454 WASHINGTON ST. CORNER OF THIRTEENTH Th Meier ft Frank stock of furnitur. esti mated at about $200,000. consisted of th very highest grade of Mahogany and Walnut Bed Room. Dining Boom and Living Kootn Fnrnitur and also odd pieces. Tbia is a chance of a life Urn to buy the best furniture at about 25o on th dollar. Country Dealers Will ll -Be Given Special Prices COHN BROS, ft DIRECTOR FULL sii brass bad. swing and mattress. , baby's Whits namsled bed ' and .mattress, baby's bath tub, folding sulky, reed sides; eleo trio Uble, reading lamp; all practically new, CoL 909. ; FOR 8A1K Stoves, gas ranges, dresser, cab inets, tables, chairs, dishes and utensils moved from large rooming house to 824 1st between Clay and Market FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 BUY electric fixtures wholesale. . One light chain fixture, $1.50; 3 light fixtures, (5; Muiestic lactric heater, $10. Reliable Electric Store, Union ave. and Russell. Open evenings. East 3680. SIBLOCO PIPELESS FURNACE $69.40 and $133. Phone Eat 4:.7. Show room 164 E. Broadway, near bridge. Open eve nings and Sundays. FOR SALE Stanhope with pole and shslLi. double and single harnow: cart with shaft and harness; gss stove. "Reliable," six liotea; refrigerator, small. Phone mornings. Main 0721. SIBLICO PIPKLEsTfstJRNACE $09.45 and $135. Phone East 4567. Show room 164 E. Broadway, near britlg. Open nings and Hunaaya. POTATOES Upland, no black apoU; .goal cookers, delivered, $1.82, 5 sack low; small potatoes for chicken feed, 75c sack, 31 E. Everett East 6703. UPHOLSTERING of all kinds. mattreAs reno vating; .work gnaranteed. Pboue East 7 858 or Marshall 4060. NEW tO-light acetylene gas plant cost $175. pip fitting tnd all for $-10, or will trad foe stock., 890E. Hsrri.ion st SPECIAL price for coal 'delivered from car. Hawthorn lc ft Coal Co.. Tabor 298 or Ta bor 5791. ' SAFES, new and secondhand, aome with burglar chest, at reasonabl prices. Pacific Scale ft Supply Co.. 48 Front st Bdwy. 1966. POTATOES APPLES. Carrot, beets, cabbage, cauliflower. 5 sacks or more delivered. Tsbor 8918 OLD hat made new, $"2 and up; aerviceabie rain hats. (1.00. Christmas novelties, cheap. 155 13th st HAND crochet bfbipred for sale. Will make a nice Christmas gift Call at 497 Colum bia, .in lower flat, . FOB-SaTT"CHEAP -Hot air furnace for 5 or 6 room house; been used very little; am going to use steam heat Wdln. 4519. VULCAN ga combination range: ladj's white Angora fur t Call Wdlh. 4374. VACUUM cleaners rented (1 per day deii ered. Tabor 6786 evenings. Bdwy. 2872 days. UNCALLED FOR tailor made suits. $12.50 up7 Taylor, the Uiior, 286 Vi Bnrnsld. st . .. VACUUM eleansrs (or rent," $1 a day: delivered anywhere. Wdln. 8495. formerly Bdwy. 268. PUBJPLI5"Bolivia eVit, size 36-88, $10 ; mixed brown coat, 36-88, (10. 1005 E. 6th st. K. WOOD and coal heater, practiraiy new. Aut 317-96, 939 E. 14th st N. ELECTRIC motor, H h, p. A. C. ourreut single pliaae, for cash. $ 58, Tahor 8432. CAVES WRECKING CO., windows, brick, also lubber of all kinds. M. 7290. FOR SALE Kallich Giant cherry trees from propagator. J. Kallich, 1466 Madrona at. $1 fob COMBINATION electrio popcorn ma chine for sale cheap, Jefferson street depot! FOR SALE Everbearing strawberry planta, $1.60 per hundred. Wdln. 6590. POTATOaseV Burbsnks and White Roae. a hnndredT Delivered. Sell. 2587. (2 .22 HIGH POWER rifle for sal cheap. W. Schofield. Wdln. 812. ONE Junior washing rtrchin. god washer, in perfect condition. (12. Mar. 8485. ONE typuwrlter, 1 brass cuspidor, 1 filing ca inst, 1 letter file. 2 filing Uoxc. Wdln 2588. FllRST-CLASS dry wood. $12. dcUverrVT. fhone J4"?0: ; - FOR SAL?: Garden msnnre. Tsbor" 6134. LARGE gas rang for sale, $30. Main 8359. , OH'. TEll "YOUR cVFE THE OFF.CER'b MjT JUtT UET HER KNOW HOW IMPORTANT iT HELLO PORTER - OFF,CERo WANT E. THEY'LL HAVF Tn COME TO THE 120 FiAnui err jsrrn. TOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 "FACT0RT SAMPXE SHOP 617 Worcester Bldg.. 68 8d Si We buy and U Factory Sample (t tow price.. Aluminum, Okuawar, China, Cutlery, Christmas and New Year a Cards. Electrical Goods. Vases, etc CHRISTMAS BARGAINS $ .00 3-PIECK CARVING SET. .... .$3 30 12.00 42-PIECE DINNER SET 7.50 10.00 Vise ,i t.M 6.00 CASSEROLE AND' FRAME .... .0 2.75 PERCOLATOR ,g. 195 85e CUPS AN D SAUCERS . . . . . . -20 A.yD MANY OTHER AKTIClfJ.S. ALL BARGAINS. FOR SALE OR TRADE and 1 Vi -ton tre machin. 1 4 ft. showcase. 1 mast blurk. 4 nickel plat racks. S banging scales. K ton butcher paper. 1000 wax cartons, $00 Fourth 8t - Main 8898. wk save yWIioneT" B one wirtng. llRbttttg ftx rurea, elect neal repairing, eup nliea. Third Street Elect ri fetore. 224 "4 Third street, near Salmon. Main 605V COLUMBIA PLASTER W'ALL BOARD FOR JOINTLKSS, BATTEN LESS WALL B. CANT BUCKLE, SWELL OU SHRINK. FIRE RETARDING.' EASILY APPLIED. QUICK DELIVERY. Ohafeldt.' 419 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1901. HOT WATER Unas. 80 and 40 sals., (3 cracked water Jacket, scored cylinders, welded; heavy welding and tuitsid Job a iperialty. in dependent Welding Shop. Water and E. Wash ington at. East 2782. SINGER ELECTRIC "sEWlNts MACIUNKS W tafc your msehlne in xchane, baiane c"h or y payment, Pbon tor demonstra tion. Machine r as led. , Expert repainna. any mak. MOtstlSON ST. SINGER STOHS. 881 Morrison. MarshaU 721. Sewing Machines to W hive the largest stock of ued 3 Sewing Machine, in Hi city. (Com pere price. W rent Slid repair, 172 3d, netr Yamhill. POTATOES Time to lay In your winter supply. In 6 -sack lot. (1.60 a sack; West aid. (1.70 a sack. East aide, leu than 5 sacks, (1.80 a sack de livered. 1'boS Broadway $168. ' STCMP PULLER FOR 8AI.F K. hand stump puller, 120,000 lbs. pulling strength, 4 -year guarantee against breskage. cost $2(0, goes at $130. . See owner. 1121 Alberta st., after 0 p. m. flat aftmoon and Sunday. WALNUT tree, loganberries and strawberry plants, bushes and fruit trees, reasonable, Woodstock Nursery, end of Woodstock car line. Phono Sellwuod 2332. WHY an everlasting aggta.aUoiT by a leaky roof? Wbv not a permanent and comfortable roof? Wa repair, rubber-bond and rejuvenate all kmds o' leaky roots. won gusrsnteeq. asain aanv LA DIES G ENTLEM EN ATTENTION Brinir in vour used fuits. roats. gowns, hsts furs, fancy-work, bric-a brao and let u sell them for yon. 11 Adsrn st tisst asst. A P P L E B I ' APPLES I Sliitaenburg I Good eating and cooking. At 81 E. 13th st. N. Bring box. Phone East 6770. "THE PALMER SHOP" will sell your fancy work, misfit or slightly worn garments; com mission. 10 per cent Main 2162. 209 Aliaky building. . . INFANT dresses, petticoats, gowns; s1m pluh coat 88-40. skirt, blouses, elegant fur coatee. "Th Palmer Shop,'' Main 2162. 209 Alisky building, FOR SAl.E B or 6 sample tables in good con ilition. Have been used for Silk samples. Can be inspected any time. Call 411 I orbett bid, or phone Main 7977. $40 LYNX fur scarf "for" sale at 475 Willamette . blvd. ; call mornings. Take St Johns ' car. get off at Ainswortli ave: ( HEAP- I .arc brass Jardiniere $2.50. electric floor lamp (11. table lamps, pictures, tool boxes, etc. 4S4 Salmon sr. FOR SALE cheap, trunks $1. enameled slop jar (2.50, fancy dishes, tools, suitcase, etc. 454 Salmon st. . GRAY coat ire 38-40, (20; mary broadcloth suit, 30. $18; blue velour coat, sis Bb. (8, 687Hoyt KIDPATH'8 "TlWtory of the World, like new, $25: also a brand new mattress, cheap. E. 75SJ. 860 Was-co st. NEWLY imported goose feathers and down. 226 forter st Mar. 1,421. POTATOES and onions by th sack; also honey. We deliver. Bast 4U4. SETTEE, wardrobe, small heating elove and 3 cretonne curtains. East 07. ; FOR SALE- Dry 1st growth cordwood, $12 per eord. Prompt delivery. Mam 7 FOR SALft-Extra fin Mallard dscoy ducks. Phone Wdln. 154 0. SAFE Fireproof safe. Hall make, in good order. Cheap. R-156, Journl. $15 BUYS adding niachltie; adds 7 figure E18 Corbett bldg. Msr. 557. TAILOR-MADE suits left on hand at half price. Modern Tailors. H3 N. Bt h st COMBINATION Jewel range and electric Via trola; will sell chesp. Marshall 4497. CASH HEtTiStKR. Fl-Ooit 'CASti And other fixtures. 243 Salmon. Main 842 NEARtY new Majestic electric beaker IT Woodlawn 4.60. VACUUM - cleaners sold, rented, repaired, ex changed, bought Kay atentley Main 4Sli. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, show cas. 4$ Girst st, Near Ash. FOR SALE 1 gas rsnge, good as newl CaU Seliwood 2776. WELL rotted lertliixer. (5 per truck load. Wdln 989. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. 24 hour diT $1. delivered. Wdln. 1259. CROCHET jtams, made for ("l50. jitlwy. 260t. 14VOL. s'toddard's Lectures, new. Sell. 6111 $825 VICTOR piano for sale cheap. M. 3559. By George McManus ALL RHT-tv$ PORTER - I'LL TELL HER - V r THE TO 'bEE ETON CLUQ! j. tecirvicc. Inc. IIS v i r ii it u VI I II FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS "1 Sewing Machine' Emporium ' Hra and Id hand machine sold ."or leas; do agent employed. Com plete lin of parts for all makea Marnine repaired and rented. 190 Third r.,"!, CEDAM CHESTS ' . fRrtar, ts erne Born. Tennessee snd Port Orford cedsf; solid ropper trimmhigs. latest desitns. Order now for ChrMma. Open evenings, Sundsvs. Write for ratslcgue, J. W H1GGINS ft SON 1912 16-18 E GI. I.HAN TABOR SO, Buy, Sell AND EXCHANGS rash registers, ahowcases, fountains, aealea, tor fixtures 1. BOXF.R. Mar. 243R 113 2d st. Electric Motors Roneht. sold.' rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 418 Burn- side., corner 10th. Broadway o. Bllahtlv --aed desks, chairs and bookcase, also rockseein-r's dtik. "ij U. Wax. 81 l- ota Bdwy. ,39. Independent Printers W are still doing promptly "printing for a It II Mo. 6th ft. Commouwealin OiOg. Smith, printer. Broadway 2980. "BfTt. SELlIilbT6R THADB Shotguns or Rifles NEWMAN'S GUN STORK. 16 First at Main 4 49$. Tabor7. SINGER. Whit. New Home, in fact. l moat every mtke and style, $13 to $35. All latest, new Singers cash or time. Rentals. (3 per month. Singer Store. Moose bid. Main 6838. SAFES Fir and baraiar proof safes, new sod secondhand, at. right prices, bought, sola sua exchanged. Easy term It desired, NORHIS SAFW at LOCK W.. 108 Second St Main 904 3. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boat are ? iterate classltirstlona. ft Isrge listing will be found under Uws dlt!rnt elasai- firsuona Independent lectncian wir I room for $12. & room $20. All new ma terial used and guaranteed to pas intpMtioa. Woodlswn 37 91. HOT WATER TANK? To-gsL," $1': 40 gat. $9 Tested and guaranteed atov and furnaa coll. a beaters installed. Expert plumbing repairing, Ka,t Hide Welding Shop, 203 Adams su E. 8514 UPLAND potatoes in 6-aack lots. (1.83 per sack onions ll.fc.5 per sack, delivered. Phone Tabor 1208 SlfMll BUSINESS CARDS J Je- 5sUi ROSE CITY PR1NTERY - Too mustbringthis sd. 120 5 h st Dentistry Without Pia Latest Ncrv Blocking Method. HAWlbvn,,'mll',lil utradultersted, light 11 11 Jy iU mild, strained; quart 80c, quantity less. Kat1410. PLUMBING, stoves and furnace repaired; gas fittings, coils msd and connected. 7 Grand v. N. Est 6560. LADIES. ATTENTION Slightly used Wearing apparel at Vogue Apparel? Elcliange. 40.1 -Aljsky bldg. Main 3132. POTATOES and spplea at wholesale prices. Get your winter' supply. Portland Fruit Co., 158 Front at, near Morrison bridge. JOHNS "RHODE" ISLAND REDS Splendid breeding cockerels. It a sacrifice, 9S6 William ave. Call 317 81. . . ATTRACTIVE atylea in - iadWUlghtiy worn coats, sniU. gowns, bat nd furs. .1047 Thurman st Msln 956.7. , ' LADIES' F.XCLUSIVETSEDAPPAHEL Buy of us snd cut th 11. C. L. 11 82 E. Glisan St Tib,S.2JL LET us wah your rugs with th namilton- Beach electric. crpet washer without remov ing from the floor. Wdln. 1259. K L'GS Was lied on your floor with Gamilbm Bsaeb elect rarpt washer. Also vacuiua elesmng done. East 4043. ' W. SIDE- borne sella ladies' slightly w irn aarmant and fur. MarshaU Bal5. 370 14tu. near Montgomery, ; , ' 1 - .'. ..'!' i'ii FITRTiITinP. WANTED 71 Freenraaia's Furniture -Store' We buy use! furniture. W psy the price. i00 First st. Call Main S981. ' IPOT CA SrT FOR "UKED FURNltdRB Main 8878 UNITED FURNITURE STORE 178 EIRST STREET. , Owl Furniture Co. luOKHhSON W want your used furniture, stoves, carpet and pianos; we pay th highest cash price. 166 and 18 First St fall Msin 4627. Gti"L) price paid fur good fiimtlure. , 622-52 Washington. Rroadnay 3095, SWAPS ii 5o acres" second growth Umber on s'xui rock road, 1 '4 miles from I'atlilamet. Wash.; s-kkI land, lOOO cords ot wood; ail can be farmed. Value $1000, to trsde for 4 or 5 room house; will psy difference. No agents. G. C. Gibson, 4141 65th t 8. E..-Portland. Aut 214-54. TRADE 4 2't1nx3Vx'ft. good celar "doors; 1 Rep. German rifle: 1 range and cash for cow or stock. Seliwood 24 70 F0r'"TUA Ui: Typewriter, ramenT Edison phonograph, 200 reconls; law books; drawing board. Tabor 3325. PAINTING," tinting; want"kltr-hB cabinet, bed ding anything, I can use. Seliwood .2007. WILL TAKE chickens or a c"W as part pay mentonjny lot 10()ilOO. Wdln. 006. 8WAP An adinstsble dress form ss art- ray ment cm a'dresser. Automatic 319 33. 1918 STUDEBAKKH. trsde for piano, or what havejroui Tabor lfiOIJ, tEATtmS vei't-it f or t ninkMar".l 5 3 (", VT A K T E D 31 ISCE I,IA N F.OI'H i 12.50 to 25. For Second'iiand SUITS OR OVERCOATS MEYER THE TAILOR Pays more for clothing and shoe. We call day or evening, anywhere in the city Call Mar shsll 1229 or 253 Msdison st, nesr Thud st UP TO $35f00 FOR MEN S SUITS AND OVERCOATS We Psy Any Price for Men's loihes OREGON CLEANERS ft TAII.OKS 1172d St.. N WCsw.W'ash. Main 9344. if.S0TO $25 for men's ned ,iiand over e.teu. call Goidbaum the Tailor, for good result. Will pay more and all It is worth for your cast off clr.thing. Phone Main 738. 17 First st , nesr Morriwn GElflllXiTQi'ACKINVJ, (rsirai "hoaseholdarkv Ins, furniture crating, crockery and china packing, special care given cut glass, aiiverwaru. Transfer, ttorage. shipping. Pieaa call Hi It wood 2669, sfter 7 p. m. WANTED Steel miter box in good condition; writ and state pric. V. Hopkins, Jennings Lodge, Or, WANTEli Rifles, shntgnn. rsmeras, tensea Hochfjeld, i5d. Pbrme Main 8581. ' wanted-aTi' ktnd. sfcond-iaaatf furnitur and lunk CailEt92S SAFE Want cheap of fie safe or .' cabinet P 24$, Jonrnsl. WANTED 5 gas fhuorei, Inverted atyle, with pilot light Call Tabor 954 5. PERSONA L '2$ GLASSES t saving. t solicit your patron on th basis of capable servic. Thousands of satisfied pa trons. Cb. W. Gxidmaa. optometrivt, 209Morrion st. Msin 8124 YK. Ghmr.K RUBENSTEIN. "K veters optician, is sn expert in fitting eyeglasses, nd charge so very reasonable. Broken leoM euirkly duplicated. 236 Murrisoo at. ll GETS tertb feet filed up st Ir Eaton' th CHIROPODIST and ARCH 'SPKCUU8T w . doesn't hurt you. 8 yra br. Exam, free Globe Theatre bide., llth and , Wash. Bdwy. 2834 SUPERFLUOUS HA1U, mole, situ removTby 10 needle methtl; trial fie. Joski litlu, f 14 Rn b ft 1 tne bldg - Msln 6868 I Consulfsrion FRE; Lawyer 8i2 seumg bidg Main 4993. MASSAGE. btlis. Dr. Efm Sorensen, 608 Pan ama bldg. Main 5086. Druglem- physician. NOTICES SEALED., I'KOPuSAfa will be received at th office of th undersigned, 401 Courthouse, Portland, frr.. until 12 o'eUek( noon, Thursday. November 18, 1920, for one steel eabintt for vi rtjeal filing of blue prints and tracingn. Bids will be opened in roora 34, Court liou. at 4 p. m. on that date. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of proposal, fntyable to R H. Thorn'!, school clerk arid business manager, must accompany each pr-prwaL Th board of director reserve' the rixbt to - reject any and II bids; Spocifieation may be obtained at (03 Courthouse, " R. If. THOMAS, 8chorI Clerk and Buiinow Manager. Dated November 15. 1920. , MAIN 9481 PROFESSIONAl""MD ARBKfir Urltlt$ LEWIS STENGER Barber Supply CV 0k and Morrison sts. The place to buy barber rhsira snd supplies. Stock of furnitur always on hand at right prices. - lOVOLES WALDEN'S CYCI.ERY, 408 Hawthom va. High grade bicycle, supplies snd repairing. BtANK BOOK MAKSRS DA VIS ft" HI HI AN, "INCTT 1 09 2d at., biii ooea manufacturer A-8183. Main 183 CAT AND DOO HOSPITAL I8S CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, Inc.; E, 7th and Great; "fcutb phonea; day aoj night service; three veterinaHana CEMENT WORK ALL classes cement Work, grnersl .building snd ' repair work. Rstes reasonable. Phone S21-2W. CMIROPteTOI . itL.! DR. McMAllON, 100 rhiroursrtin . ayaiei Portland 1910 to 1920. Best know vrT ... Thronirs pronounce it superior treatment N eamouflages, yosa house stunt or profireering adjuncts. Adjustments msde easy, enjoyable, beneficial and curative. Terms: Initial treat ments reasonable, and all case carefully l Justrd. Patient requiring extended tima, 81 djuMmenta $15. phon. clL writ. CHIROPRACTIC, steam' baths and ma.Mis" 10th floor Broadway bldg. MarshaU $1(7. Dr. Laura E. iKiwning. t)in eveniiiga ' : COLLECTIONS , - "' NET 1 1 ft Coj VVoiter blig."nClaTn 17l.".li' collections, no chsrge. tblihd 1900. COAL AND WOOD . BOXWOOD Delivered Immediately by Fulton Wood 0 1261 Macsdsm. Phone Main 4178. LitY"vTOD. prompt delivery, eurdw-tid. eoun. try slab and block wood in aaort lrtiutha. Auto. 233 21. - WOOD ALL KINDS Oak, old grtiwlh fir. 4 foot, dry, 18 Inch elan dblcvknilsed;4 fuut lb. green, Wdln. ill 82. G06DTfl" Inch tVhwimL$4 50 lodluriy bargain. Dahvered aoywber. CaU aia. Seliwood 1769. BT-OCK'add slab wnai. Specl. ITirlc 'irT "i load tote Oregon FueI Co,. Wdln.41a. and slab mised, already cut. alaoaiab snd cordsrood. t'all Tsbor'U. FOli" SALE Dry, old "gruvtir '-rurdwood. Vst ever Ftlel Co., AHtomsllc; 523 40. DRY FIR Wood fur "sale". pwlai rat""ror 4-eord lots. phone East 6563. v.. COKD" wtod1"Ti'rsrgrowlli7flrr"CalI f:'er4pl m. Aut 822-74, - BUM.'K and slab In t load lots" tela I price. Eat204l : : . VCm country slab7slMf'n . MOiF"- JDENTI8TS Dentistry r,n a u vrcfi-s-fr 8 5 1 U " Washington it Without Pain. Is test Nrv allocking M moo. D1IK8WAKINO 1ltKMSMAKlNG and tailoring by tailoring a specialty. WrsMllawn the day 2172. EDUCATIONAL SPANISH snd shorthand taught by lady. Piatt bldg. DicUtiun in Spaniah or English. Main 2202. r DANOINO THE ""DANCE STUDIO. 506 Dekunl ' bCfg"! WashinRton st Third. Private hour Of half hour lessons, day. evening. 9:80 a. m. to t p. to. Cours leison n,ec'ly priced. Cla Man., Frt, 7:80 p. m. Mlsa Ireland. L SUMMERS Dancing Academy Private lessor. T dsy and evening. All latest steps shown. Dane every Sstunlsy night. Msnchreter ball, 85 A . 5th, mrsr Stark. Brndwy 8590 -liSSI)OROTIIY""nASMCS8EN "Bsirroom ! " esthetic dancing, 010 Filer blda.. Wash., between 4th and 61b; Main 1423. j MU8I0 SCHOOLS AND TCA0HEW6 PAUL T. HTl'CKK, Mnt. - . l'isno. Harmony, Voice. Marshall 3!1J 2. 046 Monigomery Drlv. FROFESSOB "f. E. LA WSON Twenty years' experience, piano leasona at vour home. (1. Phon Tsbor7093. : ' -I , U CARROli. DAYrUsrher of vole and1 plat's! 148 18th at., Broadway 2535. t - VIOLIN, piano, all strings tsught; violins $10. hoi Keiiheck, 409 Yamhill. GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS OTTO BCHUMANN Granite snj works. East 3d and Pine. Ea-t 743 MAT CLEANEBANDOVEt6 HATS cleaned, blocked, dyed, reasonable a3 satisfactory. Royal Hat Worka, 223 1st at LANDSCAPING PACfr-IC LANDSCAPE tJARDENERS. Specialista in creating and taking rare of parks, lawns, gardens, rookeries, fountains, tcj shrub, perennial and bulbs; old manur and fertlliaera. Phon SeUviuod 1001. 450 4 St avenue S. B. ; GIN EHAL land tea pe work; gtMsi servu.-. Call ' -Wooclsun 2941. East Portland land-sp. Co. OPTOHETWI6T scientifically tested with mod ern lustnamenu; glasses fitted at a sT fsymgi ssUalsrtion guirantred -A B. HUHWITZ, Optirmetrlst, 226 1st PATENT ATTORNEVS GOLDBERG, J620 Worcester bldg. Main ihi. PAINTINd, TINTVnO, PAPBRHANaiNa House;"" pa in hnc, jok coi i a t i .no T of aTX KINDS SIGNS; iS YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Tabor 0 PAINTING, paperhangliig, tilitii.gT wora'guVra teed. O. E, Sudsrsuua. 1176 PaweU Valley road. Tabor 9183. j. ii." cLifton." na"inifn"rTrr.,;:rVsr . N. 17bt. Brosdwsy 441. Uoodiawq't l.fl. JOHN C, CONI.ISK ' . ' 18 16tb st. N Broadway 294$. PAINTING, tintiiig, iaper Slanging. First-ela work? g'iarimu..-i. i'lioiie Autmatlc 2 II PLAOTERINa, ETC. JAY th Jobber, plastering," brick, cement work. Automatic 819 70. fLUasVlNO AND 6TEArif tTnO General )obbtng and aew. er work: price rkaaon. able W. A. Myr. 175 E. 62d at S. Morn., Main 6631; evenings. Automatic 211-91. lt-tN. VV PipsCo. pT, U M B IN ti SL'PPt.t'ES At W HOLESACii" IMKMJBTARK.DAV'IS l O . 1 HS- 4th st. 7 UK U L Ki.LN E"Co, 4"-86 if:irr,,"nt ,C , REPAliTixtl, ete J. sfirteijiOf East 6649 " r pmNTjNjaNOii'iNor biindinq ! rUllilUgiiul ua. Warn It).. 411-B4 THE IRW1S-UODSON COMPANT (87 Wasbitigton- Broadway 4J4. A-188. REST HOME GLEN HAVES' rest home. Diet and rest rur, inawagc, ehcinc trtwtuirnti ami hydruliMr' spiiy .116 K. 28th st, lJ t 4222 ; ROOF REPAIRI NaT j DON'T CHANCE your root repairing in th bands ol inexperienced persona. It a th nisi. Important part of the house Our price r Teas bble. Investigation Invited. Main 671, Residence, Main 5644. Roof Security Co. . ROOFS repaired at any time, rain or shine; U Work gusts meed; paper, t0, grsvel or ilungia I'evtiand Root Repair ft Paint Co. Roy Flag. Pre. Main 6320. . LEAKY &06i'H tetrrd nod ' siiatdt rv able . Tabor 9324 TRANSFER AND (TOR AGE ECUUITY STORAGat TRANSFEU C4A Packing Moving Storage Red 0ed Freight Rates Money Lon-d cn Waf-hou-e iteceipc IN TUi, HlfcAUT OF TUK tl'lk 4 lil St., COBM.K of PLVM PHONE . SUOAW AX 714. Oregon Transfer Co. Csublianed 1870 -Transfer and Forwarding Agent STORAGE FREE TILACkAOl" OUic. god SUsrag., .474 Glisan ' IStb and Glisan. Broadway 1281. A-l 169 ALWAY8 PICK THE BEST UOLsHUn GOODS SPECIALirlT Storage, pacauig, stip- ping and muring. t,r and auto vaua. rate wail point. - . . -CO. PICK TRANSFER ft STORAGE 00. 2d and Pin jsta Broadway 596, A-l 996. Storage and Transfer, Clay S. Morse, Inc. 12TIj AND GLISAN. BROADWAY 3479. "" ' ' ""CU FUKIGHf" RATES' " on boose hold good shipped esat and onta. . Mantrln Mareboas. ft Traoslar Go.. Vth aa Hojrt, Phosw Broadway 70(. - WE DO all kinds of piano and furniture moving. Large and small trucks, jiogers Auto Trans fer, 3 N. 2d, l'bon Bdwy. 1786. Sea JI30C. XKtRANSFKB"ft ST0BAGBC0. Piano- and furnitur nursing, crating and tor mg Bdwy. 2445. WANTED Moving and transferring, by hour n ob. Call automatic 820-48. PIANO and furniture moving, crating and Mo. j xog. jsroaaway n,