The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 14, 1920, Page 66, Image 66

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Coat of Polo Cloth,
witE Velvet Turban.
Newest .Charming Creations of
Fashions Foremost Artist
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A Three-Plece Street Suit of DuTetyn.
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Novelty Sport Cape of Striped Wool, Suggesting an
" ' Indian Blanket i !
By Lady Duff-Gordon ("Lucile") .
i k PARIS, OctODer 29.
EVERY discriminating woman glTes much attention to her outdoor
costumes for Autumn and Winter. If she has regard for her
health; Bhe goes but of doors every daywhether or not necessity
demaDitls.Even 111 weather la no excuse tor carelesshess of attire. A
womajv-can look smart; in a driving rain or lh a heavy downfall of snow.
That woman was a philosopher who said that on a cloudy day she wore
her brightest gowns. ! .
The large middle figure shows a novelty sport cape of striped wooL
The tape is very full and carries a suggestion of an Indian blanket. The
hat worn with It has; a velvet crown and woolen brim. The brim Is
trimmed' with bands of grosgraln ribbon diagonally crossing each other.
The large right-hand figure gives an excellent Idea of sport suljr for
late Au.ttmin-days. We see many such at country clubs. ; The coat afad
tktrt.ayr wool tweed. The skirt fa of the large smart plaid -of Scotch
origin Just now in vogue. The jacket, of the same color as the smaller
lines of the plaid, has a collar and facing of the plaid.' 'The cuffs are of
the plaid. Across the jacket-in. front one notes a. hand-painted leather
belt. The hat has a wide,-turned-back brim of leather, with lines "of the
wool tweed arranged as trimming and ending in one of the smart little
drooping bows that have met' favor. "
The small lower left-hand figure affords a view of a three-piece street
suit of duvetyn. The coat, has ; a velvet collar, and cuffs, with .Chinese
satin lining , and silver buttons. The I smock-like : belted blouse fs . of
stin, the duvetyn collar and cuffs being piped with satin. A chemisette
worn with" it reveals cuffs of organdie embroidered in floss. The skirt Is
of the duvetyn devoid of trimming. .With the suit is ivorn a "velvet turban
trimmed with bands of satin." . . ' . - 1
.The small upper left-hand-' figure serves to show What grace and
beauty, besides utility,' tnay inhere in a large, 'loose coat of polo doth.
The turban worn with i Is of accordion plaited telTet! irrahged in fan
like design. - r - -. y- - . . ,
A distinguishing note of the season's modes is the. general use of fulV
loose wraps, fn graceful' Uae&' . s '
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