The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 13, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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SATURDAY, NOVEMBER -:. 13. 1920.
$750,000 BLAZE
Accident Plea of ;
Husband Fails to
Secure Freedom
; ' Sacramento, Ca! Now 18 -(U.
P.) Five persons' were Injured and
loss estimated at $710,000 sustained
when fire of tindete-mlneJ origin
early today completely destroyed
the department: store! of C. P. Na-
: than & Son and damaged the
! clothing; store or Plckett-Atterbury.
Two Watchmen had not been located
and few is expressed they ; may have
- perished, j, I
p Only: heavy rains of; the last few
which had damoened roofs of sur-
rounding- buildings presented a large
I .'part of the business district : from being
I' destroyed. Fire Chief Moore called
i. upon citizens to help the firemen com
i. bat the flames, j . '. j . ;
Hiram Morton, engine company No.
badly cut, right arm and hand, u K
J. C. Coley, engine company No. 8.
probably broken i back ; i may die. i
at. Tima. in lured lee and chest
t crushed. .1 ' l " ;.l -
'.' J. C Trumbo, severe bruises. l
I John McLear. laborers badly bruised,
p- The firemen were injured when s
; floor caved In. i
Drainage Proposed!
,i ui ureal acreage
ij. . I ;- 1''
IjV" Salem, Nov. 13. A j: move for : the
'i drainage of the white lands in the
! Willamette valley was started at a
meeting of the Salem Commercial club,
'' Wednesday', night, andi U expected o
' result "in an appeal to ;tbV forthcoming
'' state legislature for an j appropriation to
enlist other clubs of valley towns in
!; the movement, which, it Is claimed,; will
1- bring thousands , of acres of nonpro-
oucUve lands into a nigh staie ei cuw
i' vatlon. t "i ' if'
Bioycle Thief Caught
. After Merry Chase
Eugene,' Nov. IJ3.A nervy piece 6f
it -bicycle stealing resulted in landing
William Blaisted in Jail Hot a 30 day
oerlod. J. T. Miller left his wheel in
front of the Presbyterian church for
. a few minutes, returning, in time to see
It disannearinsr around :a corner, headed
for the rural districts. ;A deputy sheriff
. was put on the trail in a small car, but
' the thief, hit auch a pace tht he had
. . passed -Goshen a mile or two before the
officer ran him down. j- '
.' Francis Galloway
! To Deliver Address
Salem Or,, Nov. 13. Francis Oallo
V way of The Dalles, district attorney for
Wasco 'county, will "deliver the address
at the Elks memorial service here 8un-
day. December 1. Justice George . H. Bur
" nett of the supreme court will deliver
. the eulogy.
',' i " ' ;
Citizens to Discuss p
-. Law Enforcement
, Salem, Or., Nov. 13. Law enforcement
' will be discussed at a citizens' mass
:!'. meeUng, called for the Methodist church
iri here at t o'clock Sunday afternoon.
Among the- speakers will be Captain
' Frank Ebbert of Washington, D. C. and
t- W. J. Erwlg of Portland, superintendent
of the Anti-Saloon league of Oregon.
Yakima, "Wash- Nov.- 1J. Physicians
at the autopsy overyfie body of Mrs.
E. M. Cook, who died suddenly at White
Swan. Sunday, found that it of her
ribs were broken. Her husband, lodged
in the county Jail, said the injuries were
due to a fall with a horse she was rid
ing. Neighbor and friends say they
resulted from a brutal beating; by the
enraged, husband. '
Relatives ef Mrs. Cook are members
of the Olney family, one of the wealthi
est on the reservation, and a hard fight
is planned to convict the husband on the
charge of first degree murder filed
against him. His friends have hired an
attorney to defend him. -
Student Expelled;
$10,000 Awarded
New Tork, Nov. 13. (L N. S.) After
having been" expelled from the Peekskill
Military academy, Melville F. Taylor.
19, was awarded $10,000 damages by a
Jury in the Brooklyn court The school
authorities had charged that Taylor, who
was a cadet major and had been award
ed the school medal for good conduct.
was disorderly In a Peekskill moving pic
ture theatre. ,
By Ralph IL Turner
Mexico , ity. Nov. 18. U. P.) -A.
general strike attended by serious
disorders has been declared through
out the province of Yuj-Uan ac
cording to official dispatches;: re
ceived by the war office tdday from
Merida. . ' ' - ,' .
Railway employes, dock Workers and
power plant operatlvea were said to have
gone out in sympathy with the striking
stevedores in Vera Cruz. The situation
was described as "extremely, critica.,
Pitched battles occurred in Vera Crus
when foreign ship companies attempted
to employ strikebreakers. The strikers
attacked them, carrying red flags and
shouting "Viva la Soviet!" '
Farm har-4 in the state of Puebla
are reported to have been unionised and
are prepared to Join the general strike
Unless they receive wage increases. .
According to government officials, a
plot has been discovered for a big Red
demonstration on the night of November
$0. thj date of Alvaro Obregon's Inaugu-
ratlonas president.' Arms nfj,mh1:
Uon have been smuggled screes ine
American border for this purpose. K was
f Vera Crus. Nov. 13. U. P.) The
general strike called in sympathy with
striking stevedores in this port was
spreading along the entire Gulf coast,
according to advices receive here today.
The walkout spread throughout Yuca
tan. Ten strikebreakers who attempted
to take the plaees of stevedores in Pro
gresso, Yucatan, were reported to have
been killed by strikers.;- Practically all
workers in Tamplco. state of Tamauli
pas. Quit their Jobs at 1 o'clock yester
day afternoon and paraded the streets,
singing, revolutionary songs..,, ! J
Strikers attempted to blow up the
Customs house here late yesterday. Ow
ing to -defective mechanism tne oomo
failed to explode. All business houses
in the city have again been closed and
troops have been called out to preserve
Dispatches from Yucatan, where the
8-eneral sympathetic strike was preceded
by fighting between Socialists and fed
eral trooDB. declared that " anarchy is
rampant" in that section. ,
Owing to collection of large funds.
presumably in preparation for Just such
a situation, strikers everywhere were
said to be in a financial position to
hold out for a long period.
. The government is understood to have
assumed a policy of non-interference
"unless the strikers commit overt acts."
San Francisco, Nov. 13. ( L
N. &) The San Francisco Call Fri
day printed a sensational story to
the effect that Draper Hand, a po
lice officer, had told Mayor James
Rolph that the prosecution ot the
Uooney bomb cases here was a gi
gantic frameup. Following publica
tion of the story Mayor Rolph ad
mitted that Hand, "of his own voli
tion, at his Own request,", had made
such 4. statement
J. Mayor Rolph declined to discuss Hand's
Story in detail, but said that it was told
to him substantially as It appeared in
the Call.
' "Hand came to - me and requested
that I hear his story, and I did so.
What action is to be taken I cannot
Say." '
i Tom Mooney and Warren KL Billlmgs
Were sent to prison for life upon convic
tion .of having been connected with the
1S1C preparedness - day parade.
was one of the officers active In han
dling the witnesses.
The chief feature of the story told
Mayor Rolph by Hand was that Frank
X Oxman. an Oregon cattleman, whe
identified the Mooney party as debark
ing from an automobile at the scene ot
the explosion, had never seen the auto
mobile until after the explosion, when
he memorised its number in order to
testify regarding It.
That other witnesses were coached by
Hand in Jthe testimony they were to give,
he further alleged, including John Mo-
Donald. , :
Cantata of Detectives Duncan Mathe-
son. who was Hand's superior during the
bomb explosion Investigation, aecuneu
to discuss the statement made by Hand
to thA miTnr. I
-I know nothing aftout iw ne a
dared.. , t
: r . ,
One Is Indicted in
S. F. Booze Scandal
San Francisco, Nov. 13. (L N. &)
The special federal grand Jury investi
gating activities of the bootleggers, late
today returned one 'ndlctment,' The
tm. wa nisced on secret file but dep
uty msrehsls hurried forth, leading to
the belief that an early arrest would be
Railroad Office Moved
Spokane; Wash., Nov. 13. The train
master's office ot the Washington divi
sion of the O-W. R. & N. has been
moved from Spokane to Tekoa.
Laymen's League
Sunday Tomorrow
The Portland chapter of the National
Unitarian Laymen's league will observe
laymen's league Sunday at the Church
of Our 'Father at 11 a. m. Lloyd R.
Smith and other members of the chapter
will participate. A lesson from the
thinking' about that p-isno bM
There Is One Safe
Place to Buy
TERMS " ." '.
The Charm, Allurement
and Thrill of Good
Music and the En
joyment of Danc
ing Is Yours at
e regon
Broadway at Stark
Whether you . are partak
ing of a Sumptuous Din
ner, an Evening . Lunch or
Light Refreshments. j
Extensive choice of finest
prepared and v seasonable
Foods, skilful and respect
ful Service and in an at
mosphere of luxury , and
congenial company.
". j : .. ' "' ' -'-' '. !
George Ohen's Orchestra,.
rae vv miniers he
The Correct Answer is, that on a basis of
$17.50 for other fuel
Gas for House-Heat $1
, t - Per 100S Cnblc Feet ;vj ; ,
the Award Ck)mmittee. consistirjr cf Beatrice MorRan, Guy R. Kendall and Jt P. O'NeH!, judge the answers follows:
1st Prize $30 C. Mish, 962 Mount Adams Drive 6th Prize $5-i-E. J. Hibbard, 2024 East Couch, Street
2d Prize $25 C. H. Foote, 301 West Park Street 7th Prize $4-Edith Emmrich, 690 East 67th Si N.
3d Prize $20 G. Boucher, 62 First Street 8th Prize $3-i-Gladys Mae Bayliss, 796 Gantenbein
4th Prize $15 R. DeMotV-101 East Twentieth Street 9th Prize $2--Philip Parch er, 70 Royal Avenue
5th Prize $10 M. DeA. Carr, 1568 Hawthorne Ave. 10th Prize $l-i-Corbly Church? 584 Lexington Ave.
Albert. J.. 10 E. 29th.
Anderson, F." A, 65s Multnomah
Andrews. R. C. 321 E. Jessup
.. Andrus, 1 A. 740 Sherwood Drive.
Cox. Samuel H., 1033 N. W. Bank Bidf,
Darling. Anne, 1177 Haight.
De Vore, Mrs. Mary, 1284 K. Davis.
Dowlin. Wilber R.. 41 Sacramento.
DrUI, Mrs. J. J., 681 HoyC
Howatt. Frederick, 23S E. 8itn S.
Hunter; Isabel F., 1031 N. W. Bank Bid.
Johnston, O. F., 934 Rodney N.
Joyce,-Ethel E., 10 E. 41st. -
Linn, Mrs. Robt. M., 61 E. 45th N.
Markle, Ernest, Ardmay Terrace Apts.
Matheson. O.. 1771 Siskiyou;
McKay, Raphael. 54 N.- King.
Smith. Ferry, 126 Hamblet.
Rtltt. Mrs. Geo. N.. 1494 E. 8th N.
Streng, J, C, 770 Multnomah.
- Uncles, Miss Harrlette. 343 Ross.
Unglea, T. W., 377 Ross.
Van Brakle, J 920 Corbett Bldg.
Wicklund, Mrs. C. J., 1112 hL Grant.
Winer, Blair, 737 E. 72d N.
Wise, Mrs. Eva M.. 912 E. 19th N.
Shawcross, R., Volheim Apts No. I. ' -I
Only the answers which were correct were considered. So me ' splendid desifns were received, but could not compete on
account of an error In one or more items - , ,.
Akers, Jane L., 1033 Rodney. ,
Alder, Dorothy May, 638 Pershing.
Allen, Alma, 368 B. Third N.
Ahrens, Harry. 1480 Omaha.
Ahrens, Herbert. 1480 Omaha.
Ally man, Chester, 277 Hazelfern.
Ashley. Antoinette M., 889 Savier.
Anderson A., 744 Roswell.
Berlin, Mrs. O. H., 1072 Vernon.
Barber, J. Theodore, 4903 73d S. E.
Bale. Verna, 481 E. 18th ti.
Berlin, O. H., 1072 Vernon.
Bacher, John, -707 Lombard.
Becker. O. D., 1191 Woodstock.
Boge, H. P. O.. box 652.
Bowers, Russell E.. Hotel Dayton. "
Bellrood, Ruth. 548 E. 25th.
Barto, Clarence, 685 Tacoma.
Brown, Mrs. T. G., 1180 E. Salmon.
Battersby, T. R., 940 Pacific.
Blrkenbeuel, E. B., 406 Central bldg.
Billups, Frances, 207 V4 Halsey.
Baker, Mrs. C M., 673 Johnson.
Bundy, Edgar J., 1000 E. Main.
Bonsai!, J. c..' 480 Thompson.
Barlow. Mrs. F. C, 966 E. 27th N.
Brink. Will D.. 528 E. 19th N. ":?
Blakeney. T. W., 424 Halt
Burnham, Jertnle E., 669 V4 Pettygrove,
Biersdorf. Verna, 200 Stanton. .
Bums, Estella. 6446 73d st. S. E. " -
Brounsteln. N., 35 N. 13th.
Brita. John R.. 1611 Vera.
Brady, Thomas. 1096 E. 27th N.
Brookler. Jack, 450 S. W. 6th.
Blackman. Mrs. C A, 1060 Lambert place.
Billarto, Mrs, Chas. J., 6604 Whitman.
Bryan, E. I., 895 E. Alder.
Calhoun, Kenneth D., 530 Tillamook.
Case, C. S., 129 E. 15th.
Cater, W. B., . 871 Patton. t
Charters, E., 632 E. 16th N.
Cole. Phebe L.. 1185 Campbell.
Cooper, Mrs. L. D., 341 Graham, i
Card, Anna R., 1040 E. Harrison.
Clarke. Mrs. J. B., 1643 Washburne.
Collins, Mary E., 681 E. 26th a
Charlton, R. E.. 1033 E. Alder.
Chalker, W., 5831 42d S. E.
Caples, Phil L., 468 Roselawn.
Curtis. Nuburn, Box 523, Route A.
Costello, Jane, 1219 Hawthorne.
Capon, Chester, 5811 60th S. E.
Crouch, H. O., 1067 E. 19th N.
Campbell. H. C, 850 E. 67th N.
-Cohen, M.P 207 Grant.
Carrtgan, Lester. 117 18th N.
Carter, Elizabeth, 393 E. 47th N. ;
Calouri. Mrs. M., .1024 E. 29th N.
Chase, Russell, 741 E. 42d N.
Croddy. Dr. C T 669 .Williams.
, Carlson, Lennart, 642 Mountain biv&
Cone, Geo. W., 170 E. 38th.
Connery, Mrs. J. J., 828 E. 24th S.
Cowan, L. M., 113? E. 20th N.-
Calouri. Mies C 1024 E. 29th N. .
Clark, J. J., 1980 E. Main.
Colcord. Miss Ruth, 807 Cleveland.
Clarters, A.. 632 E. 16th N.
Connelly. Althene. 727 Milwaukle.
Dolph. Perry U, 632 Ry.' Exch. Bldg.
Du Puy, Jessie M., 1121 E. Burnside.
Dye, E. C. 1122 E. Grant
Duncan, Miss Edna. 410 Sumner.
Doerfler. S. M.. 1082 E. Yamhill.
Dackins, D., 386 Third.
. Dnrrie, H. L., 4856 99th S. E.
, Doubt. Mrs John C, 278 E. 91st N. .
.Du Mann, R. W., 160 Grand ave. N.
Edwards. A. E.. 465 Bidwell. ,
Evans. W. II., 52 23d St. N.
. Emmons, Carl W., 772 Talbot road.
Epling, Vera I 1364 E. Salmon.
Edmonds. Rupert, 1020 Borthwick.
Eggiman. Miss Lucy, 996 E. 18th N.
Eckelson. X I., 684 E. 56th N. ;
Emerson. W. B., Station L., Box 77T.
Ennls, Irving. 7819 62d ave.
Elliott, Miss Elisabeth, 1226 E. 14th' N.
Fisher. Clark H-, 4536 41st ave. 8, E.
Farley, Dorothy. 6922 41st ave. 8. E,'
. - Frier, Mrs. RobL, 675 E. Broadway. -
Fisher, Urban, 382 E. First N. .
Foster, Pullan, 1060 Kelly.
Fox, Mrs. E. L., 1217 Boston. . -
Frost, Mrs. Audley W, 733 Girard.
Fowler, wW'AHeta' Sta.. Box 33. .
Fagan, -Mr. S., ?14 Glisan. f
Glover, Alice B., 1208 Francis..
Graves. Thomas J., St. Francis Ants.
: Gribling, George W.. 1217 E. 29th K.
GrodskT. Sophie, 601 E. 51st N.
Graham. F. M., 207 Ash.
i Gueffray, Mrs. C. H., 648 E. 62d N.
. . Glodon, -Art M., 328 E. 40th. ...
Grist, R. P.. 710 E. 22d N. ;
; Glennon, Carl J., Llnnton, Or. "
JGieany, , Woodbrldge, 600 Vancouver ave.
Ganong, Mrs. C. F.. 74 E. 12th N.
Going, Lew Wallace. 273 E. 16th N.
Heitmeyer, Paul. 502 E.lBlst N.
Hooper, J. A., 609 Y. M. C. A
Hindle, Edith Y 409 E. 37th N.
- Heydon, Mrs. Frank, 705 N. W. bldg.
Hampton, Jack Jr.. 374 E. 26th N.
Huston. H. C. 423 E. 50th. N.
Heeklinger, Nellie B., 228 E. 5lst.
Haines, Fred W.. Waldorf Court.
Hoy. Meta .A. 304 Montgomery.
Hayden, H., 1225 Taggart.
Henderson, K., 832 Mississippi.
Hulse, Stella P., 6220 41st ave. S. E.
Howells, Lillian. 1198 E. Harrison.
wugney, iiloyd, 4714 41st S. E.
Hoopengarner, Helen, 364 Schuyler.
HoKue. Maude. 989 E. 33d N.
Heiwagen. C. W . 409 E. Main.
tiaugen, oie, 448 Kodney. .
Hanson, Robert P., 448 6th. '
Horseman, Theron, 825 E. Salmon.
Johnson, Dorothy. 596 Gantenbein ave.
Jones. Lucile. 708 E. 8th 8. -Jacobson,
Mrs. M., 7318 55th ave. S. E,
James. Mary. 16 E. 8th N.
Kellogg, R.-L.. 1218 E. Glisan.''".
Kerry, Albert S. Jr., Hotel Mallory.
Kent, F. R., 689 E. Burnside.
Kldd. Mrs. A., 856 E. 32d N. - , ,
Krouse, Bernlce, 728 E. Main.
Kronenbere. C-.T.. 11185 E. Ash. :
Kemery, Uriel. 9433 60th S. E.
Klink, A. E. 992 E. 17th.
King Forest G., 521 E. 61s N.
Kirkland, Edward, 1033 Division.
Kirchoff. F., 369 E. 51st.
Kent. Bonqabelle. 353 E. 54th.
Layton, Mra. R. L., 167 E. 36th.
Lange, Robert E., 1068 E. 21st N.
Livesly, Phillip, 361 Glenn.
Lawson, Mrs. AJ F.. 1326 K. Taylor.
Llnebaugh, C. W., 325 E. 46th.
Ladd, G. E., 170 St. Clair.
Leland, Mrs. May T., 29 E. 27th.
Lamer, Amy, 111 E. 35th.
List, Miss Lena. 834 Rodney. :
Lippert, Edmound, 932 E. 7th N.
Leland, May T- Mrs., 29 E. 27th.
Logan, Mrs. Dorothy, 1091 E. Yamhill,
Laplante, Yvon G.. 1207 Cleveland.
Mitchell, M. E., 275 Summit Court.
McCaskie, George T.. 750 Ankeny.
Madden, John B.. 200 E. 13th.
MeAyeal. Miss Wllma I., 289 Wasco.
Mosher, O. W., 6409 73d S. E.
Martin, J. A., 605' Mulberry.
McKet, Miss Marrareu 478 Magnolia,
Mattley, Maud. 49o Heights Terrace.
McDermatt. E. T., 227 Market.
Misner. Robert, 738 E. Ankeny.
Mason. A. H. 969 E. 22d N.
Martin. Kenneth, 619 E. 56th X.
- McCarty, H. L., P. O. Box 1132.
Murphy, Blanche L.. 905 E. 32d N. .
Manning. N. M.. 407 Hall.
Madden, Marguerite, 300 E. 13tlu -Mason.
H.. 190 6th. -'..
Myers, J. H., 639 Beacon. i
Miller, L. R., 882- Williams. !
Nichols, Minor, 443 Vista ave. i
Norman, Ethel A., 1568 Macadam. i
Nelson, William B., 741 E. 13th. if
Nairuarlt, Frieda, 267 Grant. ' . - i
Nissen, Mrs. John, 359 E. 43d, 1
Nash,. Tom,. 1346 Rodney . .' j
Newton. Miss L, 818 MontgomeryAptal
Nuckolls, C. H., 302 Monroe. v
OberstaUer. W. B., 898 E. 6th N. 5 :
OtU Carl, 6 E. 2d, N. i
Olnen E. C Claypoole Apta. ' ;
Olsen. Harry, 628 E.. Clay. !
Olson. Edith ML, R. R.1 Box 902.
, Parry, -Nellie A.; 2103 Holladay,
'.Pattee, M., 686 Kerby. '
Pratt, J. H.. 1016 E. 16th. S. - ,
Paige, Mlss.Carolioe, 772 Talbot Road. ;l
Pearson. G. E- 734 E. Main. i
Poker. E. 1871 E. 8th Tt.;
. Partis, Clara. 169 E. 14th.
Pratt. Mra J. Harold. 1015 E. J6th B. .
Perrin, Arthur C, P. O. Bldg.
Perry, E. D . 1038 Yale.
Quackenbush, R. M., 106 E. 83d N.
Rockwood, J, A., 715 E. 25th N.
Rockwell, E..Hv17 60tb S. E.
Rydman, Florence B,, 315 Morria
Ross, R. M., 906 Gasco Bldg.
Rand, M, E., Box 146. R. 1.
Robertson, M, H.. 701 E. Richmond.
Root. Geo. W 601 E. 54th N.
Robertson, J. E. F.. 4420 62d S. E.
Rockwell, Mrs. M. Y., 243 E. 51st S.
Kosine E., 798 Missouri.
Romfg, F. V., 251 10th.
Robley, Paul, 1271 E. Morrison.
Robertson. M. W, 894 Hawthorne.
. Ruhmdorff, Mrs. A. W., 1168 Moore.
' Relf, Frances M., 155 E. 15th.
Strube, Chas. G., 1134 Hawhtorne.
Stlnson, L. 8.. 460 E. 13th N.
. Stephenson, K. R., 820 First.
Sbppington. Miss Nellie M., 349 Benton.
Sanford, F. G., 274 N. 21sU
C. A Scott Jr 87 E. 69th.
Schoolfield, Harrison H. Jr..828 Skidmor.
Smith, Catherine. 982 Hancock.
Smith, Mrs. G. H.. 1200 E. Main.
Steubel. R. W., 1137 Lainbert.
-.Stevens, H. L., 234 R 21st N.
smith, Nathan, 9. E. 20th N.
Shannon, John T.. 1094 E. Morrison.
Denman. L. M.. 655 Ladd.
Smith, J. C..165H E. 26th S.
Smith, Max Jr., 980 Savier.
Stark, L. M., 7 E. 22d.
Stiff, F. G., 1540 E; Glisan.
, Smuck, J. W.. 999 E. Caruthers.
Sundberg. Wilfred, 431 E. 37th.
Silkirk, Geo., 795; Macadam.
Rpoffard, Lester, 1312 Swift
Sperr. Mrs. Fred. 885 E. Franklin.
Smith, Roman J., 652 E. 39th.
Stoddard, Emmett. 723 E. 76th N.
Scanlon, W. J.. 1181 E. 16th N.
Southard, Fred B., 609 E. 39th N.
Smith, Helen J.. 1065 E. Alder.
Schroeder, Robert A.. 854 E. 43d S. -.
S ma Hey, Mrs. Flossie, 683 Haight.
Shanks, Miss Jean, 665 E. Main.
Smith, T; L., 979 E. Broadway.
Schick, O. O.j Claypoole Apts.
Shields, H. R., 251 10th.
Smith, C. R., 893 Fueene.
, Slater W. T., 105 . Mirimar Place.
Smith. Russell, nonunion N. i
Strube, Marls L., 1134 Hawthorne.
Tyler, OrvlBc 8923 67th Ave. 8. E.
Tischer, Moliie. 110 N. 21st.
Tone, Mrs. Edith V.. 1041 E. Yamhill.
Turtle. R. H., 660 Sixth.
Trachsel, Albert J.t 822 Savier.
Turpin. Miss Katie, 872 E. Pine.
Van Hoomissen, Mrs. Fred, 746 E. 11th.
Veaiie, G. E.. 695 Hoyt.
Vreeland. Thad. 210 Graham.
Vivian, R. C, 1133 Gprfleld.
Weston, Myrtle A, 1134 E. 12th N. -
Wise. L. W., 912 E. 19fh N.
Wiley. Margaret L., 812 Buxton.
Watreus, R. W., 368 E. 15th N.
Wagner, Mrs. Peter. 361 Multnomah.
Wageman, J. J., 1318 Williams.
' Whonn, Edw., 209 Barker Apts.
Welnstein, Sophie. 709 First.
.Westtrfield. Harold B.. 261 13th.
Welch. Mary E.. 921 N. CentraL
Williams, Leonard, 405 E. 7th.
Welch, C. R., 366 Washington.
Walker Chas.. 698 E. Lincoln.
. Wrlpht. Mrs, Robert C. 1870 E. Alder.
Woodruff. Heln Ray, 1249 Hasnalo.
' ,Wrenn, Mis Roberta, 734 E. 73d N.
Wood. C D-, 253 E. 15th.
WaKener. Jessie. 505 Patton road.
Wadswotth, Mrs. D.. 889 E. Glisan.
Wilson. Mrc J. B.. 89 N. 17th.
Westbrook. Miss Anna. 100 Fifth.
..Watson, A.. 289 10th.
Wills.. Laurence, 1610 E. 9th.
Whitaker. Clifford W.. 461 E. 50th N.
Wll ams,-Lucile A. Kingsbury Apts.
, Williams. Mrs. S. D.. 94 E. 17th.
Wetteland R.. 747 Pettygroce.
-, gehrung, Miss Katharine. 7105 48th S. EL
Zlmmer, Zedell, 26 E. ipth.
The splendid contributions from the first two classes will be on display next Monday in
Rosenblatts Show Windows, Corner Fifth and Alder
Winners can call for their checks after tomorrow at 203 Gasco Building. '
BYj';.-"-.' r"
Your Transportation
Lines, Inc.
Passenger cart and Irelunt trucki
leaving Portland daily at 9 a. m.
except Sunday for Tillamook and
way points. Twenty minute $top
it Sheridan for lunch. Seven pu
senirer cais only ; are used lor
passenger service.' !
Comfort, safety and courtesy guar
anteed. I '' ; ' : 'i:;f '..
For schedule and rates, communi
cate with -
Your Transportation
Lines, line. '
faithful affecUon of, dog will be the
theme of the address at the evening
service. The young people's fraternity
will oonclude their series , of evening
meetings on church architecture this
week. On Friday, November 19. from
10 a. m. to 5 p. m.i the woman's alliance
will hold a pn.Thanksgtvlng food sale.
North Pacific Coast Line
(Mm Mrvtae f HetianS Smartea Line snS
Royal stall SUesi Packet Oe.) ;
eatefta '' .. :( .. -
Vancouver, B, C, Puget Sound,
Portland. San Francisco and
Los Angeles Harbor.
Rotterdam, Antwerp, London, Liv
erpool, Hamburg,; Havre.
SitifM Onlr
aillngt will taks siace st fotlewn
S -MOERPTK- Mt.000 toua 4 .)
Inidinc No., Ilea.
And nsulatly uaraaftoi.
StMiaar ar apMialli flttad with larea aai4.
ems sad ren-lgaratora lor tha tri&iporuuoe
ef frwh fruit, fUh, au, .
Fat rnlflit Bataa aed linicuUra Apply u
f M IWikos ullslna, Phana Main 4 MS
4 ansreee wmtm
LM SSVOIt ......... Ho.7Oao. 84
PRANOI ..'....Die J.,
LA TOU RAINS ......Ow.1S
e t
el !
Fwg-ul Bret Paerflo Ooeit Aactita, 109 Chtm
BlreeC ttaute, or Any Local Agent.
e ... -
ReunS TH Daltf (Kiaapt PrMaf)
kaeM Partland T:10 a. m, AlSar Sk Deal
Olraat eannaoilan (or Saulh Baachat. Rltht
loal Dalli, S o. m, Earr Oay Bisavt Sunea
Main I4ia, hmi
Regular Freight asd Faitcsger Rervlee to COOS BAT, EC BE A aad SAM
S3. 4CITY OF TOPEKA," November 19-November 30
Connecting at Sah Francisco with Steamers for Los Angeles and Kan iMego.
Regular Freight and Pauangar Sanrlce te MIXIOO. CBHTRAL AMKRICA and ALA1SA.
. Trans-Pacific Service
To All Urtentat PorU.
O. a Shipping Board A-l Steel i
American Vesaeia
B. 8. FAnlET Jan. is
Intercoastal Service
. Boston and Philadelphia.
Nawsco Line osuu-lon steel Ameri
can Vessels.
S. . WEST TOGU8 Wot. ts
H. C RRU81I ; Use. U
INTERNATIONAL Mercantile Marine Co.
8 Ideal Whiter Croises
West Indies Windward Islands
Panama Canal South America
Wnlta Star Una . . . S.I. MecanU.
Amarioan Una . . . B.S. Maw Tor
Asaeriean Uae '. - . SJI. SL Paul
PhiIsdelphIa7LIverpool t
Bsvsrford Dec!
New York Southampton' Cher
bourg Antwerp
Zeelasd .
Laplasd .,
Flaland ...
....Dee. 4
Dee. IS
Jaa. 1
Jsa. S
.Dee. llJas. U
N.Y Cherbourg Southampton
Adriatic ..........Hot. 17TJe. l&IFabl I
Olympie ,....Hov.S7iDee.tlJssIC
New York Liverpool, "
Baltic .......... ..Hot. tellies. Ml Ja. f I
Celtle ........... ..Dac llJas. liKab.t
N. Y. Gibraltar Naples Genoa
Canepls ;...Dee.t.
CreUs Jen.
Montreal Quebec Liverpool
Kegastle Sot. it
Portland, Me Halifax Liverpool
From Fortlasd! Halifax
Casada ...Dse. 4Dee.
MegaatlS DeclliCae. it
Par rmrtattona ana tlekato seeiy te toaal asanta av Oemfanr errica, O. P. SARQINT, SIS
as Aa.. Balaany Plaer. SaatUa, aVaah. Phene Main IIS.
" ' i- ' ' Between
by th
San Francisco & Portland SS. Co.
The popular ocean service of the "Rose City" has been augmented by
the addition of the finely equipped jteamship Alaska." and the
two will operate between the port named on the following schedule:
, : ' 1 Arrive Leave .
Leave Leave I Han : Han j Arrive Arrive
- Portland Astoria Franclscol Frsnoiscof Astoria Portland
Alaska Nov, It KovTil RovTTS Nov. 1 Nov, 1H Nov, II
Roe City... Nov. 18 Nov. It Nov. Is Nov. 21 Nov. 2 Nov. it
Alaska ..... Nov. 21 Nov. 21 Nov. 2t Nov, 26 Nov. 2s Nov. 2
Rose City.. . Nov, 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 2S Dec 1 Deo. Dec
Alaska Dec 1 Dec. 1 Dec 3 fDec 6 Dec. lec. t
From each port every five days thereafter.
enade Deck
I D"'y
Portland I
Asiona i ......
San Kranclsco
San Irraneisco
pan -Francisco
(Astoria .......
111 00
n lfTanclsco...iioruanq ta.ov . hw t
These fares do not include t per cent war tax, which must he a33edT
: All fares include bertn and meals white at sea.
Apply to any of our representative to make your reservation.
I. E, OWER, City Passenger Agent, 701 Wells Fargo tfulldlng.
C05S0I.IDATED TICKET- OFFICE, ThUd and Washington Streets.
Phone Main 3539. ,
C F. HEIWOOD, Agent, Alnswbrth Dock. Broadwsyl.
YfVL McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent,
.. Portland, Oregon