THE " OREGON " DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON 1G SATURDAY, NOVEMBER i3, 1920. nvnnr.nn opportunities at AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS Want honest partner to tak place of re Urine, man, if you ar willing to work and put yotur 'time t th business-; I weuld prefer a nun to learn tlx busload m; way: I bar th best eejuipped chop on west aid; fin business; all the business I can handle all tba Una; clearing $200 to $350 per week; 17000 og half interact. Ton ara aura of success becsuae you will ba in with a first .eiaaa mechanic with a good nam. -Y-888, Journal. "TERMINAL-MANAClERif ' Wanted. Live, eleanrnt men with aoraa trana portatioa experience preferred, to work aa local manager of our terminals in Spokane, Yak una, Eugene and Salem: ail applicants most ba pre pared to infant 8500 In stock of company; salary 1150 per month. ' YOUR TRANSPORTATION" LINES. Inc. 825 Cllsan t. Portland. AUTO MECHANICS AND TRUCK DRIVERS Wanted, first class aato mechanics and truck drivers for our terminals at Portland. Kpokane, Yakima, Eugene and Salem; salary in both cases 1160 per month, ami ail applicants muM be .prepared to invest $S0O in stock of company. - YOUR TRANSPORTATION LINKS. Inc. . - 825 Glisen .. TIRE SHOP for sale at invoice, about $650: 3 H- V. motor air compressor, wire wheel with stand, S -rarity -vuleaniser, retreading rua chinery, ail working tools. Call or write 1135 K. 23d st. N. - . FOR SALE by owner, grocery doing $75 a day cash : brick building, fin location. Phone East 8073. . FOB SALE Storage battery station, cheap, if sold quick. Reason for selling, , bare other business. 1654 X 13th, Sellwood. WELL ESTABLISHED TRANSFER BUSINESS in city, good location, auto trugA equipment; rnutsell at once. If interested call Main 1420. Printing for Less Ryder Ptg. Co. Main BBSS: 102 Sd st. MOSEY TO -LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES $7 DO YOU NEED MONEY ? ' . LOANS MADE ON ' AUTOMOBILES 1 . , PTRNITFRE, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL ESTATE, BONUS OR ANYTHING OP t VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN ::. YOUR POSSESSION. ;also salary loans TO" SALARIED PEOPLE ON' THEIR NOTES .; WITHOUT SECrBITY. IP YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OB ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE, WE WILL PAY THEM IIP. ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND YOII CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE i -y LEGAL RATES NO DELAY.: BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL i PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) ! 806-807 DEKTJaf BLDG. 3RD AND WASH SALARY LOANS CHATTELS - ' WE LOAN money joa short notice to --salaried or working men on their own note. . Weekly, semi-monthly i or monthly payments. Each transaction atrtetly sonfld nbel. i - - - J NO MORTGAGE WO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY KO SECURITY . We also loan on household furniture, pianos, , etc, without removal. . - , CALL AND INVESTIGATE . I COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO. . ! (LICENSED) 818 FAILING BLDG. . ' . PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN AJ99Tf j Phone Broadway 010. I 884 Stark St., Near 10th. i Loans on diamonds, watches, Vict role, piano, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instrument and anything of value. I ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF I PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. . CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN. ' . . Manager. MONET TO IX1AN I On goods placed in storage with o. We can save you money. Low interest rate. Phone Broadway 8713. Security Storage A Transfer jov, os 4tA st., corner of fine. LIVESTOCK LOANS Our own money loaned on cattle sneep, bogs, etc. tr. JS. Bowmen a Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8026. QtlCK money to salaried people on unsecured note. Confidential investigation. 816 Cbaui bre of Commerce bldg. Licensed. liOANS WANTKI) 80 -; SEE OREGON 1NV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. - FINANCIAL 11 IV YOU ar interested in investing jour saving! at 8, on short time corporation-notes, inter est payable, monthly and' secured by an enure business, already operating 12 years in the center t-t Portland, the money to be used for increasing the payroll, raw material, etc.. . to meet increased trade, a post card get our address; then call on ns or write-for full particulars. P. O. Box 8173. Portland, Or. MONEY TO LOAN On surplus stocks of merchandise placed In stor age with us. Phon Broadway 8715.. Security Storage Ac Transfer Co.. 63 4th at., corner of line. . ' t VVE BUY first and second mortgage and tthil" . contracts. P. E. BOWMAN as CO. ' 210 Chamber of Commerce Bids. CASH 'paid for mortgages and sellers' contracts on real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E Noble. 318 Lumbermen bldg. ' HORSES. VEHICLES. F.TC. 18 kORSES to hire by the day, week or month, with or without grading oatfita. To respon sible people we make reasonable rates; wa have horses for sale or eirhame. We have some good young mules. 1200 to 1300 lbs.; all kinds of harness, plows, harrows and wagons; bar a Kirstin stump puller. V hire horses by - the month with a privilege of. buying them at 'the -value rate. It gives von a rood chance to trv them. We have more horse than all the bsrns m Portland to pick from. Phil Seutter, 285 Front st... Crown (tables. 1X1 R SALE At a bargain. 12 head of horses. team of bay 4 years old, weight 8323 lbs.; tine team bays, weight 8000: one team mares. weight 3200; one team hays, weight 3800; one black gelding, weight 1350 lbs., pric 350. All Mock guaranteed to b sound and true. Call at K. 9th and Flanders. ' i KEYSTONE FEED 8TARI.F. has 20 -head of young Eastern Oregon horses and mares, Weighing 1200 to 1700 lbs.; some matched teams. Wjll sell Teasnnabl to sav feed bill. Cor. Montgomery and Water streets, west aide. 12 HEAD of good work horses, weight 1100 to jsvu, sold cneap; farm wagona. harness, bug gleg, 2 gentle cows, for. sal. or exchange 'for liones.. Woodyard Stables, corner of E. 9th and Jiawuvorne ave. Phone Bart 6106. TEAM of gelding. 5 and 7 years old, weight ouifu id. rouna irue worsen and gentle, j 3 other horses, weight from 1200 to 1500 lbs.,! at your own price. Also a family cow 853. Call 890 Powell Valley road. 2. JO-POUND team. 2300 pound team. 1150- v"uuu isiv uome, single wagon and buggy. 2 farm; wagons. 8-inch and 2 -inch, aine-la and double i harnesses. 2D5 17th and Columbia mi.t room o. I LIGHT: head horses, from 900 to 1500 lbs.', I from. 4 to 10 years old: also some harness cheap, or might exchange. 234 Front, toot of GOOD farm team wanted. 6r8 years old, 2600 l. lbs. Mint be guaranteed sound, true and gentle. ( Write or call route l.-box 51 Waah i ougal. : i - : ''i8.'aiE.c,;l- S'xxl- young team, weighing 1 J800, with harness and wagon: have moved to town for winter and must sell this team Mrs. Richmond. 233 Gibba; take South Portland car. ! FOR RALE Three horse out it $12 1 1S410 1b. horw. $73; 1 1200-lb. horse, harness and jl.nggy, 50; 1 delivery wagon, extra harries. I Arnand ststion, lucada line. SEVERAL good, cheap horses, suitable for grade f work or farm; also one lOvO-lb. muhv- 802 Front st. ' I 2900 LB team black mares. 6 and 7 year old; i heavy barnes and 3 Vi wagon. Wood Yrd. ; 2800 LB. team, harness aad wagon, cheap: ! guaranteed; Atlas wood yard. 327 Front St. .8200iPOUND tesm and harness, auitabl ! for t loeffinr. Bine Front. SAT w.t.. HORSES for rub double .and auvala. Front. - 40 WANTED To btiy or rent, team and names. inrn- nam. 361. t FOR SALE Child' saddle pony, part Shetland! Cheap. Phone Main 4114. , DEAD korse taken qntckly rem. Phone Tabor 4203. Call tor dead 865 TAKES nlc cbunky horse, harness and ou spring wagon, out water, ttlue Front. KEYSTONE STABLES, bora lor aal or hira. oo raier ix. , iooa Montgomery. Mar, a sib LIVESTOCK lis ONE good family Jersey ; cow, . give 2 gallon . ' lKrr erx cneap. Apply to A i V. BortaAh. 2098 Schuyler St. Tak- ii," villa oar. get oft at 82t and walk 12 blocks north to Schuyler st. and" 2 blocks east. gentle family ow, $65 ukH tier 387 U'.4a. TJIm. f A . " a. I V PIG8 FOR SALE 1 1 0O68tb r. S. E. near MCE, gentle, family Jersey, takes her KANTEI Bad; veal aad hogs." Tabor 78X li AUCTION SALE On the fcrath bank of Colnmbia rirer, 2 miles north of Columbia boulevard, leaving the boulevard at 57th street; turn north 2 miles, westpf Park Rose; good gravel road right to plac. Tuesday, November 14; 11 o'clock a. mi 88 high grade Holstein cattle. 50 high grade Hohtein milk cows, some fresh; a lot fresh by time of sale; all young cows; a1 lot of big cows; a splendid herd. 26 .-' high grade Uolstein heifers, from 8 to 18 months old; on 8-year-old registered Hol atein bull frrm the Frakes herd. . These . cows will be tuberculin tested by Dr. Mack and a certificate of health goes with each cow. i- On small! team; No. 17 nearly i new D I-aval cream separator; milk cooler; 35 0-gallon cana; 3 milk bucket ; milk wagon; hickory farm wagon ; nearly new J. D. disc; nearly new 1.1). riding plow; J. D. seeder; 2 harrows, root cotter; feed cutter: 1 nearly new gasoline engine; ' buggy and other articles., About 60 tons good alfalfa - baled bay. j Col. W. S. Wood & Sons, Auctioneers. G LAIS EN A SCHWEIZER. OWNERS. GRADE or registered sheep for sal. any breed, any number. Write for particulars. Box 61. N. Portland. Or. FOR SERVICE Richard Van. No. 4298. A. M. G. R. A. Hornless Toggenburg buck, best in Northwest: also milch goats for sale, bred with this buck. Phone1 Sellwood 1812, 705 KenilWorth ave. Woodstock car. WANTED Any kind of calves. Wdln. 2424. POULTRY AST) BABBITS 87 CHICKEN ranch on rented, place for sale; build ings practically new; enough space to handle 1000 laying hens; some hens; 150 pullets. 1 550-egg-Q.ueen incubator, .1 brooder, stove; all at a reasonable price, or will aell separately. Am going out of business. Sea Fred Leo, north of Columbia bird, and Ajrgyle and Institute ave. Take MA-Kyi ton car. THANKSGIVING TURKEYS Nice , young turkeys, weighing from ail to eight pounds, sent direct to you by parcel post, C O. D., at market price. Send in order now and say when you want turkey shipped. Max Mewhiner, Otis. Or. , BABY chicka, heavy laying S. C. W. Leghorns, - winter egg machine; 221 eggs flock average; first hatch Feb. 20; order now. A. T. Me Canley. 600 E. Davis. Portland. Or. East 404. FOR SALE 30 June White Leghorn pullets. 31 each. Charles . Sicotte, 4 1st and Washington sts., Vancouver. Wash. ; route 6. Phone 828Y. FINE R. I. Red cockerel and pu'Ofji; take 8 P. electric to Wobdrow station. J. T. Emert, Hillsdale. Or. . THOROUGHBRED Flemish Giant does, very cheap; must eeil 1502 Denver arc. Kenton car. SCRATCH, egg mash, dairy and hog feeds. The best for lea. We deliver, write for prices. r,ultry Products Co.. Milwnkie. ; WHEAT, $3.75 ICIDnrti CACKLE MASH SCRATCH. $4. rCCL Woodlawn 4344. FOR HALE 23 White Leghorn May pullets, ready to lay. Call Tsbor 5151. WHITE LEGHORN 6883.' HENS. CALL TABOR FOR SALE 60 White Leghorn pullets, 81 each. litAn a : ... .i . a 15 ANCONA pulleta, Sheppard stock. cheap. 1207 Bortbwick st. 20 S. C. White Leghorn hens, 0. A. C. strain, 31.50 each. East 404. 60 YEARLING It. I. Red hen, laying. East 404. . THOROUGHBRED Mammoth strain Black Mi norcas. cockerels and hens. Aut. 230-35. 27 R. L RED pullets, -some laying. Tabor 6H05. 6348 84th st. S. E. SIX pure bred New Zealand bucks, choice. 84. 320-70. POOS, BIRDS. PKTS, ETC. 46 IF YOU want a good dog body guard, buy my Great Dane gmppies; full grown will weigh over 200. Woodlawn 3670. FOR SALE Fx Terrier puppies; beauties; St. Andreasburg Boilers and females. Domestic Sewing Machine. Wdln. 2012. THOROUGHBRED French , poodle pups. 2 month old. ifor sale. II. A. Perkins, Box 59, Rout 6. Oregon City, Ot.; TOY black and tan puppies; Chihuahua puppies. Three miles east Beaver Creek road. J. H. Law. Toy Kennels. R, 3, B. 62, Oregon City. 2 PAIR of good singing canaries, 312 par pair; also some young singers at 36 each. , Tabor 7368. : ' PEDIGREED Fenian kittens for sale, cheap. Main S450. Hillsdale. Or., Box 22. 2-YEAR-OLD St. Andregaberg rollers, reason able. Tabor 3391. ' CHOICE orange; and green singer females; cages. 564 Flanders st Broadway 1736. TRAINED Walker hound. 617 E. 68th st. N. BEAUTIFUL SINGERS for sale. Call Main 468" FUX TERRIER puppies for sale, 221-37. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 . CHEVROLET ; FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled ,....$20.00 Rear axle overhauled 8.00 Valvea ground. carbon removed 8 00 Magneto recharged 6.00 W band-lap pistona. aerape bearing, etc. which Insures a perfect running motor Gen tun Void parts only ned. AU work guaranteed. THE REASON Th. Ford engine starts hard and th Bghto ar dim is because th MAGNETO i weak. Bare It RECHARGED by EXPERTS. Universal Auto Repair 210 Jafferwn at Main 7644. One of those mighty four, only $600. ' Take a nue in uita. WELLES MOTOR COMPANY 15 th and Washington. BOB" FULTON Broadway 4(041 AUTO PAINTING. Buick Buick light six,' just renewed: our price is WELLER MOTOR COMPANY 15th and Washington. . 4. 18.000 carried In stock. Our spring old th a written guarantee. We give you erric. 84 Nartb Piflmtli mt ' STUTZ chassis, electric starter and lights; "motor a-M imie. male us an otter. Open Sundays and Evenings. 345 Union ave, N. K S8. 1919 OVERLAND delivery, all good tires and in first class mechanical Mmlitinn iL-m ..n ' LJ""- iiu MUl cheap or trade, for horses or cattle. Call 990 I'oweU Valley road. Sellwood 717. 1920 FORD touring, .peedometer. TaJe Ioc.' wW flUWDHUC O - O yt TIRES 8 hi Tr7""ul,, uavu. to 10 eacn. Kx. pert tins repairing. 207 aiadiaon. KRAZY KAT LIVESTOCK SSI ' L:- II I, V - - at-.-Vi," t - , - rr .... s AUTOMOBILES AWT ACCESSORIES 44 AND CiEVRiLEl WEES ' . IS THIS LOGIC? WOULD YOU TAKE YOCR WATCH TO A BLACKSMITH TO HAVE IT FIXEDJ Then wny trust your Ford to inexperi enced would-be mechanic when you can ' .hare unexcelled Ford repair works don. bar at a very reasonable price 1 W are the Original Ford Specialist. Guaranteed Auto, . Repairing ' Ford overhauled , . $20 Rear end overhauled 6 Valvea ground, carbon removed ...... We handlap pistona, scrap bearings, which insure a perfect running motor. All work is under the personal super vtaion of Carl McColpin, the original Ford fixer, proprietor and general manager at th Universal Auto ; Repair Co. " ' ' 210-212 Jefferson Street Main 7644. Portable Garage $64 ASK ABOUT OUH Portable Houses MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION CO. P. O. BOX 244 WOODLAWN 2413 USED CAR BARGAINS 1 DODGE ;. 1 OLDSMOBILE 4.... 1 OVERLAND 90 1 OVERLAND 85 .... . 1 CADILLAC 1 FORD ... 1 FORD 1 FORD 1 CHEVROLET 490... 1 MAXWELL ....... $650 675 6011 000 350 300 260 225 200 200 1 PEERLESS 200 1 PACKARD truck with body and hoist. . 900 LONG & SILVA 402 Hawthorne. BEFORE buying a used ear or a cheap new car. look into the extraordinary value, we are offering in rebuilt Chan dlers. Also a large stock of used cara of standard makes. Easy Terms. Open Evenings and Sunday, i TWIN STATES MOTOR CAB 00. Washington at 19th. Broadway 494. Automobile Owners Let us figure with yon on your work. W fcave the best equipped repair shop in the city and can take care of all your troubles, large or small; overhauling our specialty; satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Could we offer you more? Auto electricians on starters, gen erators, lighting and ignition; batUrie re charged, rebuilt and repaired. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO. 280 Front et., corner leffersoa. O. E. Depot building. PAIGE. LIN WOOD MODEL On of those light Paiges and the price a mighty light. WELLER MOTOR COMPANY, lath and Washington. ATTENTION, CAR OWNERS We will overhaul your car for a small con tract price. We 'specialize on -complete over hauls, generator and electrical work, battery re charging and repairing, welding and braxing. Get our price, they will xurpris you. All work absolutely guaranteed. Ford magnetos re charged. - Hemphill Trade Schools. 707 Haw thorne. cor. 20th. Phone East 8068. "fops Em sfa wsmi w A nt T vtKini MM u X vrjjj v9a 14th and Couch sts. Bdwy. 4408. 1TTVTOV A TAt-Tl Like new, self starter, good battery, re painted. 8-day clock, speedometer, everything O. K. Will guarantee and take old car in trade, or will trade car as first payment on wu p-raom nmise. a i jetterson st. THE FENDER MAN J E. DURHAM, who takes th kinks ont whil you wait; alro repairs radiator and bodies. Broadway 8214. 30 N. 11th t. near Bnrnsid. , 1918 BUICK touring, motor guaranteed. In A-l condition, cord tires; car must be sold at onae. Open Sundays and Evenings, i 845 Fnion ave. N. E. 50. j TO RAISE money quickly will sell my Olds light touring for 8575; car is equipped with 5 almost new 8000-mile tires and is mechani cally perfect. , 407 STARK. NEAR 10TH. LATE 18 Chevrolet touring car; perfect con- dition; good tires; a bargain. 34 50. Open Sundays and Evenings. 345 Fnion ave. N. E. 56. 1920 FORD sedan in A-l condition, equipped with bumper, spotlight, speedometer, over "jje steering wheel and extra tire. Phone East 8AXON Six for sale or trade for good team, wagon and harness. Phone CoL 1175 GASOLINE 28o per gallon -. " oils and gi uueii i-auu vo.. xou r irst st. AUTOMOBILES AKT ACCESSOBIES44 TWO MORE DAYS OF THE Bid SALE Two mors ' day of opportnnlty, by reason of our detdr to reduce our used car stcok, to buy a used ear at a greatly reduced price. Peo ple who have attended thi aal have recognized th f act that it is a genuine sal and they have nought freely. We still bar -many fm value and if yon are going to buy a car any time within the next year, buy 'it now: . Original Sale Price. . Price. 1918 Mitchell. S pas.....-. .81050 ' ' 3 900 Overland model J5 ....... . 6S0 475 Willy. Knight. S paa...... 900 ' 773 1919 Oakland. 5 pass.' 1000. 875 1917 Mitchell. 6 pass 900 750 1919 Mitchell, roadster .... 1400 1150 1919 Mitchell. S pass...... 1500 1250 1919 Mitchell. S pass 1200 1100 1918 Brisco. 6 pass S00 . 860 1917 Maxwell. S pass...... 350. 275 Ford touring ............ , 800 200 Many others to select from. No brokerage charges. ... Open evenings and Sundays daring sale. . Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Company BROADWAY AT EVERETT i Phone Broadway 4875. C. Q. BLEASDALE WE HAVE NO SPECIAL OR AUCTIONS SALE. SATISFACTION LIES IN KNOW ING THE MAN YOU DEAL WITH AS WELL AS THE CAR YOU BUY. COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUB, STOCK AND GET OUR PROPOSITION ; BEFORE YOU BUY. . ; t Ford touring, overhauled, good tires, ready to go $295 Ford touring, 1919, spotlight, sshock ahearb- ers, speedometer, good tires. ....... 1450 Maxwell touring, 1917, new top, repainted, good tires i . 3450 Saxon Light 0. lots of power, , light expense to maintain -. . .1 .-. . 8450 Studebaker 4-cyl., in extra fine condition, 5 good tires 8450 Studebaker 6-cyL fine mechanical condition, good tire . . ., .8450 Overland 85. 4-eyl.. good power, a-ood me chanical condition 3850 Buick light 4, touring, good; tire, refin- ished : ' JG30 Chalmers light 6-cyl. 1918, refinLhed. cord tires. This car looks and runs like new. 3775 Chandler chummy, cord tires, plate glass in top, extra fine mechanical condition. . 3975 larbohm 1920, run lesa than 1000 miles. 31275 Willys-Knight 7-pass. 5 good ' tires, excep Maibohm 1920, run less than 1000 miles. 51275 Several good Ford bugs. We have several other good buys of stand ard makes. C. G. BLEASDALE 530 ALDER ST. IROIDWAY 1852 Looking for Class? Apperson Eight - Nothing better; cord tires, bumper, wind de f.'ectora; everything high class except the price. WELLER MOTOR COMPANY 15th and Washington. M. B. FISCH Radiators, fenders, bodies, hoods, tanks repaired and remodeled. Auto sheet metal work a sp Q ClAilJ. 1VV1VI soul K. Phon.- Broadway 2299. Roadsters Rnick liffht. ft TVin't ra m 4Hi lin if nn want a Buick roadster, Chevrolet roadster, 1919, best of shape. Priced low. . WELLER MOTOR COMPANY. 15th and Washington. WILL exchange 5 -pass. Chalmers for potatoes; car is good running order; electric lights, high tension1 magneto. Car well worth $700. If you want a real car, it will pay to investi gate. Will take 450 sacka. 100 lbs. each. Ad dresa C. 4427 42d St. S. E. Sell. 925. STUDEBAKER touring car, electric starter and lights.- in good shape. $300; worth $600. Our loss your gain. Open Sundays and Evenings. 343 Union ave. N. E. 66. 1920 SPORT Model Nash ear. run 4600 miles; extra tires, inner tubes, wind deflectors, spot light, bumpers, etc Car in first class condition. 31 500. Owner lesving town. Apply 210 12th st Phone Main 7109. . FORD touring car in good running condition. equipped with one-man top and speedometer and other extras; bargain for quick sale, mm -Open Sundays and Evenings. tf -345 Union ave. N. E. 56. . 1917 OLDSMOBILE 8 Chummy roadster, equip ped with wire wheels and good tires, and in perfect mechanical shape. This car must be sold at bargain Price as owner ia leaving city. 345 Union ave. N. Open Sundays and evenings. MOTORS, gears, DearTnge, wheels, axles; ws wreck sH makes of cars and sell their part at hi price. Hodes AuU Wrecking Dept. 106 107 N. 11th st LATE model Ford sedan, electric starter and lights. Can't be told from new; bargain. Open Sundays and Evenings. 345 Union ave. N. E. 56. $325 FOR QUICK sale. 1917 Maxwell; in fine sliaps mechanically and in body; privately owned. Main 3380 during days. 1920 DODGE SEDAN Run 1500 miles, cord tires, bumper and extra tire; save $500. Call 1249 E. Davis. Tabor 6015. CHEVROLET, 1918. touring, excellent condi tion; good tires: a real bargain if sold Quick. 666 E.20thst. 8. Sellwood 1894. FOR1SALE Ford touring, lata '17; extras; oversize tires, good condition,: $300 cash. Phone Sellwood 67. . bTUDEBAKER 6 cylinder, 7 passenger touring ear "Series 18.V Condition A-l. Driven only in city on paved streets. Phon Mam 7537 or East 6418. A DANDY light 6 touring car will be sold i this week for $675. I I-- 407 STARK, NEAR 10TH. WE PUT Steel teeth in your old flywheel; crank shaft turning. H. B. Black, machine shop, 534 Alder st Brosdwiy 2681 WANT light: late model car. Must be cheap for cash. N o dealer. Auto. 314-01: $500 BUTS,191rf Chevrolet in excellent condi tion. new tires. Terms. East 178. FORD 1920 coupe, electric starter; car ha been run 8 months. $750. Bell. 832'8. DODGE touring car, in good condition, $800. 1018 E. Irving t Tabor 2903. V o (Copyright,-1920. by International Feature Service. Inc.) i AUTOMOBILES AITP ACCESSORIES 44 AT THE COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY - PLANT , i In an effort to maintain the proper" turn over of our used car stock so as not to interfere with constant floav of new car ealea. you will find that without recourse to flashy advertising of special aale we have priced our rebuilt and refiniahed need ears not only in keeping with th present market condition, but even lower. i An inspection of our stock will undoubtedly convince you of our unusual purchasing ability, as well a the Bnequaled experience of our appraisal experts. 1 DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS i ' . 1 Rebuilt, refinished and reasonably priced. A complete stock of assorted style and mudels. 1916 1917 1918 1920 1918 FORD touring. '17 radiator 8 800 FORD touring 8 3SO HIKD sedan, newly painted 8 875 FORD coupe 8 750 CHEVROLET touring, excellent -shape .. 8 575 1914 OVERLAND delivery, a good one. .3 275 1819 CHEVROLET delivery ...... 8 550 1919 DODGE Brother), screen side 31100 1919 Model 90, OVERLAND touring. ... 8 '600 1H7 MAXWELL touring 3 325 3917 REO roadster, at the low price of.. 8 675 1919 CHANDLER dispatch, wire wheels. . 81500 1618 CHANDLER touring 31250 1919 FRANKLIN touring, a beauty 82100 1919 HUPMOBILE touring -...31250 1914 STUDEBAKER six, touring, snap.. 500 1919 STUTZ four pass, some car. at... .32400 : CADILLACS ' W take great pride in the successful rebuild ing and refill Lihing of our used Cadillac motor car.' S An excellent showing is now offered for your impaction at 33000. ! WE ARE OPEN SUNDAY COVET MOTOR OAR COMPANY Washington &L at 21st, Main 6244. ! i VRANSON'S USED CAR EXC. S 1916 Ford touring, good shape.... 8 2S0 ! 1915 Ford, panel delivery, snap.... 260 . 1916 Ford bug, fenders and top... 325 j 1917 Ford roadster, extras 350 ; 1918 Ford roadster, extra 875 1 1918 Ford touring, repainted, extras 375 ' 1919 Ford, exp. body 425 j 1920 Ford 1-ton truck 450 i 1020 Ford touring, starter 650 j 1918 Ford sedan, starter 600 1918 Ford sedan, repainted, starter. 700 i 1918 Ford coupe, starter 650 1913 Oakland touring 100 : 1913 Hudson roadster 100 ! 1912 Mitchell touring 130 i 1912 Franklin touring 200 i 1913 Franklin bug 200 1914 Hup touring 325 I 1916 Overland touring 325 i 1917 Overland touring 400 I 1919 Chevrolet touring, overhauled 475 j 1916 Oakland 6 touring, repainted. 600 ; 1917 Studebaker, 7 passenger 500 ! 1918 Studebaker 6, 7 passenger. . . 750 1919 Briscoe touring, repainted... 700 i 1920 Maxwell roadster, extras... 675 ; 1917 Chalmers roadster, repainted. 750 ' 1918 Dodge roadster 750 ! 1920 Overland Baby 4 775 1 1918 Vett touring 950 i 1918 Hup bug 4, sedan, repainted.. 1150 Ecery Car aj Represented. Your Money Back. Open Evenings and Sunday. UNION AVE. AND BELMONT ST., UPSTAIRS. WILL take you there and get you back. Maxwell Touring, 3400 j Chevrolet Touring. 3400 Ford Touring, 3275 i WELLER MOTOR COMPANY, i 15th and Washington. BARGAINS 83 Overland, new paint and top $ 250 75' Overland, good condition 400 Ford roadster, a dandy 300 191-7 .Velie, new paint 700 1918 Velie, new paint 975 1919 Velie, cord tires 1200 1918 Olds 8. new paint, 5 tires. ....... 1 100 1920, Essex, cord tires 1300 i Easy Terms. D. C. WABREN MOTOlt CAR CO.. ! 58 N. 23d St. Main 780. Overland Model 9 ' Ye it' 1919, and in fine condition; only $600 WELLER MOTOR COMPANT 15th and Washington. ' ! SUCCESSFUL TIRE REPAIRING Require a full knowledge of tire construction and Proper equipment for each repair; we have both I Bring ua that tire or tube and w will fix it right; price reasonable; new and used tires for less; liberal allowance on old tint. Vulcan Tire Shop, 41 Grand av.. comer Pin. East 4896. OAKLAND LIGHT SIX. full of service and at J.'v550 brSja. Weller Motor Co., 15th and Washington. WEAVER TIRE COMPANY FEDERAL TIRES OREGON VULCAjfiZIjjQ CO.. TIRE REPAIRING 838-885 Bnrnside at Broadway - lOCOMOBILE SIX ' I will sell my Locomobile roadster for the beet offer. A-l shape. Good rubber, also ex tras. : Bdwy. 4052, evenings after 5 o'clock. 1919 FORD delivery, open express body. Will trade for touring or will sell on terms. East 8552. AUTO WRECKING. sH parts for all cars. PORTLAND AUTO WRECKING CO.. 290 Union ave., near Hawthorn. EAST 7866. AutO TOPS fnablric'er1!1 Salmon ft., between Btb and Broadway. ' CASH paid for old cars, condition no object; s part for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto Exchange, 448 Flanden, nr. 11th. Bdwy. 8503. FOR SALE 1920 Ford truck, new cord tires, perfect condition. 1015. Union ave. N. Phone Aut 320-48. $485 1917 Mitchell little six, 5 pass. Moter. in good condition. Mar. 3370 or 390 Salmon st. WILL sacrifice late 1919 Paige 7 passenger; j conider small ear in trade. Private cwner. Call M. G. Andrews. 211-48. CADILLAC 8, will sacrifice for casb or consider i lighter car in trade. . See the car and make an offer. Call E. 8957. WILL sacrifice my 1917 Buick touring for $700. I Come quick.' 688 Milwaukie st Phone Sell- wood 2965. Brooklyn Garage. 1918 OLDSM0BTLE Six sedan, in first-class i condition,- $1700. Will- take late model Ford sedan as part payment Automatic 324-35. VOCE auto repaired at your home; reliable serv 1 ice. Phone Tabor 1296. v HUPMOBILE in good running order; $129 if j taken at once. Ant 216-28. FOR SALE Late 1917 model Ford touring ; car. 617 E. 68th st N. HUPMOBILE in good running order, $125 if ; taken at once. Ant 216-28. BUICK 6 touring. 1916, price reasonable, i Eat 5733. . GRANT SIX. 1918 model. Sell cheap, or will i trade for email car. Wdln. 4 675. K I lift MM II f 1 I f --a it - v- - " j r 'Jp that Tftfee -J V -. v f . ' i ' '",v -' i!l?if - Tarawa Svec mm. ' ' M&8t?tt44, Lw . AUTOMOBILES ASP ACCESSORIES 44 this n f a Tfl 5 Y. ....w: Tr ftafciafwl Inn .... . , , . .. . . , iirvb ia every aeiau. IT1- eluding new top, 4 new cord tires spotlight. , exira urea, going lor 8493. with terms. , . 407BTARg NEAR 10TH. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS St TOC : ' have been perusing these columns for a long time and wound up by aaying 'you would wait until election wa over. It ia over, now light. Our truck ar honestly rebuilt and prices are below the average. 1- Ton Federal, ready to earn you money on the investment, 8400. . 1 H -Ton Republic, look and mechaneial condition a credit to any man' .buaineaa. A United Republie with trailer, capacity from two to aix tons, just the thing tor a wood riant. ? 2- Ton Nash thoroughly rebuilt Has only . been used short time. Has electric light and Btarter. 1919 2-Ton Mack with special long wheel-base for lumber, same guarantee aa new. 2-Ton United Republie, rebuilt, ' We have a number of other good buys all of which aae rebuilt. Call and inspect them. MACK INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION. 10th and Davis Sts. Broadway 690. TRUCKS! TRUCKS! All sixes snd make, each on overhauled and put in the best possi ble conditldn. Our prices hare all been reduced to th lowest level and we giv you LONG, EASY TERMS. Chevrolet delivery, 1919... .8 6S0 Federal, 1-ton 000 1918 Ford delivery 850 Republic, 1-ton ..' 1100 Republic 3 ft -ton 2500 These are only a few of our stock. We have msny others to choose from. It will pay you to investigate. New 1-ton express bodies. .... 8 78 New 1-ton stake bodies. 125 These bodies will fit any 1-ton truck. Q ranning & Treece 542 Alder St,. Cor. 17th. Broadway 1723. FORD 1-ton truck, late model, when you e it you wiu buy it; at a bargain; A-l condi Hon: must sell at once. 294 1st, at Columbia. ONE-TON Pierce-Arrow delivery for sal or trade. East 3497. CLEVELAND tractor, in good condition, for tale or traoe. Bee Robinson. Hotel Alder. WANTED Used 2 -ton truck, with furniture . body; must be Al. Call Broadway 894. AUTOMOBILES WASTED 78 BRING your cars to Aake's Used Car Exchange ana get quick action, 28 N. 11th at Bdwy. gzi, opposite Weinhardt Brewing. TRADE. 20 acre timber land near : Trout lake. Washington, clear of incumberance, for auto. rnone evenings, wooolawn 4SS9. WE WANT small automobiles; drive in and walk out with the cash. Columbia Auto sales uo., 343 Union ave. N. East 56. WANTIp Ford: have 40 acre of land with i ' i i n-TT vv. a, vji. jeoore, 2U w 8th st,, Vancouver. WE buy light cars for cash. Drive in and walk out with th money. 345 Union ave. N. East 66. , WILL pay cash for late model Chevrolet or uiu iuuiiui. Mms, x IS,. 1920 ONE-TON delivery ear, eiceUent condition Bargain. 1111 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 7073 AUTOS FOR HIRE ' 3 rent you an Apperson 8, Hudson super or r.igin o oy tne wees or montn, LOW NS DALE GARAGE 125 Lownsdale st, cor. of Washington Phone Bdwy. 2408. AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New 1920 Model Cars Reasonable Rates FEARING & ROBINETT CITI UARAGB 182 12th at. bet Wash, and Alder. Bdwy. 84S) NEW AUTOS "V1THOUT DRIVERS ! OVERLANDS HUDSONS LOWNSTJALB filBAr.E BROADWAY 2408. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT IJKIVEKS. L. SULLIVAN FASHICN OA RAGE MAR. 232. Oth at XambilL A-1238. ALTHOF & BENNETT. CARS FOB HIRE wiinuur liKlVKlg. ARMY GARAGE, x rim 11 TiJUiK, MAIN 1687. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS '8S FORD . OWNERS FORD overhauled ...$20 Hear axle overhauled 6 Valvea ground, carbon removed .....,..$ 8 Magneto recharged .......$ 8 which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine eoru pans oniy usea. All wort guarantesa. GUARANTEE -UTO REPAIR CO 280 Front at. Corner Jefferson. Don't Throjw away jour eld Fort block, became change them to starter typ. overhaul your fine, install t genuine Ford mak atarter $135. at' Burke' garage. 5403 72d st S. Tsbor 6527. We repair aU makes of cara. E. li CHAMBERS. -MAXWELL SPECIALIST. Sellwood 3755. 767 Division St Cars called for and delivered. MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES it MOTOnrVI.ES AND PARTS, all makes aui Blue alOTUKfJTULJC CXJL ' 44-46 Grand Ave. MAN'S bike, $25; in excellent condition. 1100 linion ave. ?i. LAUNCHES ASI BOATS 61 FOR SALE Trolling boat (Elalnel. 36x10 ft with 16 It f. Enteroriae enrina: new and fully equipped. Owner going East and must sen, ret. Piu-DD, or call foot of Main t DANDY 4 room houseboat, worth $700, will ac cept best cash offer. 22 Portland Motorboat ciuo. , MACHINERY 81 FOR SALE Set of machines and tools for sheet metal shop, fine condition, some new; leaving city. iei. wain. OVtto. 1203 Garfield st PIANOS. ORGANS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 FULL toned used Columbia phonograph, first class condition. 205 V, Jefferson. GREAT BARGAIN Hsv to eU for $285 higb- grad piano. Miss Meyers. Msrshsll 24 82. GRAFONOLA for rent with records. Empire iransier, zoe Broadway. Bdwy. 15S: WILL pay $100 cash for v tuCd piano in good condition. K-600, Journal. WANTED Piano for cash; no dealer. Journal. X-148. LARGE cabinet phonograph. Holladay, evening 7 to 9 A bargain. . 183 PIANO WANTED Pay cash for good practice piana. Call Marl 1532 PIANOS. ORGANS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 PRICES DROP On 1. m. . l. , . r. Ediaons. Columbia, Btradrvaraa and Path, talk ing machines selling at from 15 to 20 per cent leas than former prices. See and hear these values. New 'machines guaranteed by manufac turer going at 849. 876.50 aad 3147.50; naed machine 318. 835 and 3110; easy term. Open Thursday and Baturday eveeninga. ferry Music Co.' 427 VCAaHTVniY.V Of - " isuuai) vjv s. vv a-l a USED TALKING MACHINES st prices that will move them quickly. ATX. I V tll T" ".l.TT. rt-Trt.I , WWVA VUlflllU Columbia and records ............ 8 victor and 6 records ................ 88 Victor snd 6 records 45 inor ana is records 100 Columbis snd 12 records 120 . wiiv raan anq. s to 7 montnty. p ; -" - .-..u mi aom. sjor. otaraw LEFT on aaie hv nn. nn. isnn. .n fine. in i.v - n . u i ' i WW, DU1UITH1 JllOnUSTKllU, cost 3250 when new; thi include $33 worth of best Victor, Red Seal and Columbia records; for OUlck .11 - - V. 1 . .11 ... m nn most unusual chance to get something fine. all ... . . . . . .. . . -,- r. Auxeus, Main ll-s. Oregon Hers Music House. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. closing out: Small v ''r"" 5 and $ 75 Modern upnght punas -.$195 to $345 Modern pUyer piano $893 to $095 Parlor organs ......$25. 338. & and 868 Piano bought and sold for cash only. ,?nJ,.V,rd tot Toe monthly. 310THSTL,JXR. STARK ST. BEAUTIFUL oak $150 model Brunswick and epf.rnl. th.l . 1 . . i n .A ... , iuub i .au.ou; evenyning in penect order, like new; owner in financial em- 1,1-1 . W1" saennce, u for cash or Liberty bonds, if ran be sold at once. Come or phonsMainl 123. Oregon Eilers Musio Hons. 15 T. A2,8. CASH UT n,w ll0"moaeTulf bsok V y " i"no m or mahogany tor 8395. balance 1 1 '? Mimiiii. v ..i ' . Old mann or am. . k. I . Schwan. Piano Cw.. 101 10th at at Waabina- lon ana Btark st. wa vavbUaV fA.1V rUU Phojniograplhis & Records NRWVAVS urivion n-.-u.kiai VI 1T1 . ti i . ... 12 First ((. Main 4495 Tabor 8798. GOING EAST Want nic. home to take car of talking machine, very fine mahogany, latest model. Good care more important than rent money. Write Mrs. Bartholomew, L-654. Journal. PIANO WANTED : : .HKEST CASH PAID for osad PIANOS or PLAYERS. Seiberltng-Luca Musio Co. Main 8586. 125 4th st TRADE YOUR PIANCI Will TA t99H w.-. rinTortT A A for used PIAN O. 8eiberliJis-Lsiou Muaio Co. aVI a4 URBR 1 OR git h eaass wvuu. t t Ul MX. KXABS PIANO Equal to nw. fin mtJiocmny ce. This is ta1 b-vrain, -S it- Term Seiberlin4T-I.uca Musio Co.. 12ft 4th Kar Tb7biK .mr,A A a HEAR the Orpheus, the phonograph with the wutiwuui Kiuv rrvsonsVior, a mm iooa ftaow. SOHMER PIANO, late" style, plan mahogany, almnst tlw an a T.... . UiV...l, , - .IIUH B, I - OU. K3Cll7a71UUS- Lnca Musio Co.. 123 4th bet Wash, aad .aiaer its. MASON-HAMLIN piano. Almost new, mZ Kn.... mu a , . n .. 1 1 I " J . . auaiaiV T 1 .17 prujv Ut B DBW one. Trm given. Seiberling-Lnca Muaie Co.. a.a;tf UJ, Wfc. wanu. 1HJ A 1UCT STS. HIGHEST eh paid for pianos, phonograph. record. Musical Instrument Exchange, 254 Market st ' m WE want to buy a good Victrola for cash" will also buy records if suited. Address L-653. Journal. FOR SALE Good Edison phonograph with 40 cylinder records. $15. 147 Cook ave. Wood lawn 2308. ORGAN bargain. 320 and ud. Terms given. Seiberling-Lncas Music Co.. 12.5 4th st. be tween Washington ana Aiaer sis. $290 CA8H buys $900 Steinwsy A Rons up right piano. Corner Btark aad loth sts. Security Storage Co. VOSE A SONS upright fine Ivory keys.- 82R8; 8140 Columbia Grafonola: filing de Vic. 8115 Hrold B. Gilbert. 884 Yamhill at $245 CASH buy $550 Kimball upright in fin mahogany, plain atyla. Security (storage Co.. 103 10th at Stark st. 6TEINWAY grand, mahogany ca; $400 be low eot Main 8077. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WAKTEP- 84 PIANO WANTED If cheap, cash. Main 8586. TYPEWRITERS 77 ALL makes sold, rented and exchanged. Terms if desired. Bend for retail price. Whole sal Typewriter Co.. 821 Washington at. N. W. Cor. 6th FOR RENT Typewriters, $4 per month, Urn months 110; special students' fates. Reming ton Typewriter company, 88 Broadway. Phone M roadway ALL MAKES of typewriter rented, repaired and Bold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 6th st Man, 8668. UNDERWOOD and Remington typewriters. S3. 30 a month. kimpirs Transter, .04 Kroadway. Bdwy. 1S5. HOUSEHOLD OOOD8 FOR SALE 6$ HRE SALE OF THE . Meier onise S' Of furnitOT and draperies, removed to Madison St Dock (entrance SO ft from Front and Madison Sts. ) , . now selling st th biggest bargains . ever given to the people of Portland. Reg. 832 50 Da Luxe Double Deck Spring from : ,36.60 up Regular $20 Liberty Coll Springs, .. 88.00 Reg. $13 Steel Springs from ...$3.50 up Reg. $22 2 inch Steel post Simmons Beds from $5.50 up Regular $15 00 Steel Red at $4.50 Regular 86.50 Breakfast Tables at.. $2.00 Regular $13.50 Steel Couches at.. $5. 00 Tenneasee Cedar Chest from. .. .16 80 up Regular $17 00 Wood Baby Cribs.. 85.00 Upholstered leatherette Duo Fold Daven port rrots- $22 50 np 2-inch Brass Beds $15.00 and $20.00 Chain from 25e and up Reed Chairs snd Rockers from . .$2.60 up Overstuffed Dsvenporta and Chairs, Odd Mahogany and Walnut pieces of high-grade furniture at big discount PLACES OF SALE FURNITURE t AT MADISON STREET DOCK DRAPERIES AT 454 WASHINGTON STREET. CORNER OF THIRTEENTH . OWNERS FOR SALE Household goods, including oak dining table and chairs, mahogany bedroom1 suite, library table, rocking chairs, stoves and a new electric washer; also sectional bookcase nd several set of etanoaru boosa. Including Mark Twain, Bronte and other. 1119 East Franklin, near feast 89th at A BEAUTIFUL oak $150 model Brunswick and herords that alone cost $40.50; everything in nerfect order. Iik new; owner In financial em harrassment. will aacrifice, $80 for cash or Liberty bonds, if can be sold at one. Com or phone. Main 1133, Oregon Ellen Music House. , - FURNITURE of 6 rooms, in modern 10 roots house; suitable for roomer. B-3764. t OFFICE furniture, new and used ;. some ruga. - n. C. Wax. SI N. 6th. : Broadwav 2789. 6ak"BUFFET; practically new. - Tabor 9052. SAFETY gas heater. 228 Wash, bet 1st snd -2d. By Herriman HOUSEHOLD POOPS TOR SALE 48 GO1. ood ranges.... J IK.OOfm SK aiOTSW u Oaa Move. Baa water heaters. ......... ... Floor coverings, yard Kitchen qneena Kitchen cabinet ............ Dining rom eitvnslon tablas. . . JO. on na 10.00 us t.OOia - .75, 8.00 12.00 as 7.00 1.60 ns 4.00 8 00 np 11.00 as 8.00 us 8.00 as 8.00 pp "wua twwn cnair . room rucaer, .... Library tab to ......... Simmon bed ......... Cottor felt mattrva ... eteai spring Coll aprings i vr . . S.OO a PORTLAND rtJRNrTTRE EXCHANUkC S.oo ns jvo-iiv a us i at ELECTRIC range, almost new, a beauty at $B0. discount J. II. Hartog. 203 Gasco or 174 Haaelfem, rear entrance. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS It REAT "CLEA1AHCE - ' SALE! Evrything we have must be sacrificed at say price. We must sell our enlir stock before tu first of the year. Our stock ponsisU of several hundred -tone of used shipyard pipe, in aU sites, from H -inch to 20 inches, of which w ar ready to ship any amount in any size at once. All kinds of conduit pipe, flues and smoke stacks. Insulated wire of aU kinds, soma elec. trical equipment. 17 spools of copper telemotor chain In 60-pound spool. : One 20 H. P. 500 V. D. a General Electrkt motor. One 60 H. P. boiler, without tbsiireboi. Leather and rubber belting of aU kind, new nd econd-hnd rope, cable and chains of all kinds and sixes, shafting, pulleys, gears and blocks of all kinds. Black and galvanised chain and anchor clev ises, sixes from 1 inch to 1 H Inch. Genuine Armstrong end Toledo atneka aiwl itia. used Yale and Town A Heading multipla-gear chain blocks, from to 3 tons, in duplex and ii&yte aijriea. - . . ' On laraw caatateel in,hn, m l f-k..l . 1918. by the American Bteel Foundries at fhee !e,r' ,r- sndv given every test according is Lloyd s. Fire extinguishers, fire hoe, fir aoizlaa anal connections of- all klnda. Pip cutters and pipe cutting machinery. Second hand doors and windows. ' Several thousand each of new and second hsoal firebrick of standard makes. Galvanized cut nails in all sites. tll-BEEEFJS' COMPANY': 208 FRONT STREET. Marshall 1332. CEDAR CHESTS THm. . , . i. W . a...... iiiiiii i nji j if ynur ome. irnnrwwa and port Ortord cedar; aolld cofiper trimmings. ueaigna. irraer now tor nnstmaa. upen evenings, Sundsva. Write for catalotrue. W. HIGGINS A BON 1912-16-18 E. GLISAN. TAVOR 808, Buy, Sell AND EXCHANGE cash registers, aatowcaaaa, fountains, sea lea, stare fixture. L BOXER, Msr. 2438 113 21 . Electric .Motors Bought, sold, rented and iwDaired. Walker Elaetrte Work. 418 Hurst. side, corner 10th. Itroadway 5674. BIG BARGAINS Slightly csed desks, chairs snd bookcases, alas bookkeeper's desk. D. C, Wax, U K. 6th. CARPETS and rugs washed at home ok th. floor by th. Hamilton' Beach electric waaW; prompt service and atisfcties. Horn Elec trio Carpet Cleanen, phone Tabor 6810 or Tsbor 8805. $ 1 0 POTATOES tX 0 ' Fir sacks, 10S to 110 lbs., fin Upland potatoes for winter, delivered, $2 tor 100 His.; scratch food $4.25; straw, etc. East Side Feed Co. East 1517. WHY an ev.r las ting grsvaUon by a leaky roof T Wby not a permanent and eomfortabl roof T We repair; and rejuvenate ail kind of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Main 666iK AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCHES or boats ar aeperat classifies tinna. A'iargs Hating will be found under Uiaaa difiarant oiaat ficstions. LADIES GENTLEMEN ATTENTION Bring in your used suits, coats, gowns, hats, furs, fsncy work, bric-a brae and let us sell them for you. 191 Adams st East 8981... 8IBLI0O PIPELESS" FURNACE $69.43 and S1.1.V Phone East 4A7. Bhoer room 164 E. Broadway, near bndga. Open eve nings and Sundays.. . . . lToTWATERUnkV7"8030 gsL, $5 each; 14 40 gal.. $7; the lot for $225? Tested and guaranteed 8S hv. prMabr. Indepandent Wald ing Shop., Eaat Water and Wash, st. - WALNUT trees, loganberries and strawberry plants, hushes and fruit tree, reasonable. Woodstock Nursery, end of -Woodstock carline. Phone Sell. 332. ' CUT H. C. L. Apples, pean. onions, potatoes, squash. $2 per 100 lbs. cabbage $1 2.1 sack. Deliver, in Portland or ahtp f. o. b. Troutdai. Douglas fartn 4 mile auuth Trotttdale. POTATOES Upland, no""'blaok sprats; good eooken, dellvrred. II K, 5 asck lot: small potatnea for chicken teed. 73a sack. 831 K. Everett hast OTOS; i' SPECIAL price for coal dehverwi from . car. HawUioru Ice A Coal Co.. Tabor 298 or Ta bor 6791. - SAFES, new and secondhand, soma with burgUr enest at reaaonaoi price. i"cito Scaie sj - Supply Co.. 48 Front st Bdwy. 1966. STRAWBERRY plants, Oregon and Marshalf. true to-name, so per inuo I. o. b. -WiUamina. C E. Owens. Wlllamina, Or,, box 174. BROADWAY 220 Cirjle exchange. 4TTled- ner wa buy and aell ladVa suit. Orss snd shoe. Tenth end Washington. FERTILIZER i Rotted cow or horse manure,, truck loads de livered any plane. Tabor 2704. Otrit.'li furniture, both new and used, at pro war price. Bom new ruga, slightly dsmtged. P. C Wsx, 31 N. 6th. Bdwy. 2780. APPI-F.S 75o to $1 a bos; sweat cider. 8..o a gallon. Bring lug or kegs. 104-105 55th ave. S. E. WII.L SELL or eschange steel rang with hot water coils for drop bead Hioger sewing ma chine, phone Woodlawn 8462. JOHNS' RHODE ISLAND REDS Splendid breeding cockerels, at s sacrifica. 956 Williams ae. Call 317-81, LKIIK.K BEACH kitchen htaUer with coll; al-a Vulcan gan range, cheap. 1185 Long av, 47th av ), corner 'B. 40th St. POTATOM APPf.ES. Carrots, beets, cabbage, caiiliilower. B sack or more delivered. Tabor 8913. ONE'Fsultle stump puller, 100 ft -inch cable in good cundiuon. Sell chrsn. Address or call 3fB Pine st. or 912 Wocdwsrd v. OLD hau mada new, $2 and up; aervtceabl rain hats. SI.VO. Christmas -novelties, chean. C-577, Jnurn'al. . HJfND crochet bfxlxpread for sale. Will make a nice ( hrtstmaa gilt Call at 497 Colum bia, in slower flat BOY'S bicycle tm sal; first class coodiliun. .- fbone Tabor 1777. VACUUM cleaners rented 81 per .dy, deliv ered. Tsoor 07!te) evening. Bdwy, 2872 days UNCALLED rOR UUor made suits, $12 60 upT Tylor. th tailor. 280 H Bnrnsid st VACUUM clesners for rent, $1 day; delivered nywncrs. wain, giua, formerly Bdwy 2S. Pt RPLE BoUvia coat, size 84-88. $10; mli-d brown coat 86-81, $10. , lOQ.v E tb t WOOD srvl coal heater, practicaiy new. Aut 817-96. 939 E. 14th t N. . FOR SALE Cash register, tfs. adding marhtns. anow cats. 48 Girst rt, steer Asn. SAFE Fireproof safe. Hall mak. In good order. .neap. K-iftfj. jonmaL $15 BUYS adding maehin; dd 1 figure. BIB Corbett bldg. Mar. 657. FOR SALE Clee land tractor, plows and discs. T. B. Culbertson. Psrk.lsle. Or. AII.OR MALE sitita left on band at half price. Modern Tailors. 89 N. 6th t COMBINATION Jewel rang, and electric Vie- troU; will aell cheap. Marshall 44BT. CASH REGISTER, FI.OOB CASES And other ftxtures. 243 oalmon. Mam 842. fACUUM cleaner old. rented, lepured, ex changed, bought Ray Bestley. Main 4901. WINDOWS, Brkka, and Lomber of all kinds? 8 ? 1t si. Main 7296. SLIVER typewriter No. 9, 'perfect riapv 613 Couch bldg. GARDEN manure for sale. Tsbor 8884. 14 VOL.' Stoddard' Lecture, new. ,SelL' 811. V : (OasnUnuas sat fsflswllwl Passsl