The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 13, 1920, Page 13, Image 13

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    Tennis Rankings Are Announced .V Benjamin Knocked Out .'. Lincoln Loses to
1920 Show P.
Neer as No
PHIL NEER. Oregon state mea In
gles champioj. is Hated. -a No. 1
among- the tennis: players of Portland for
1810, according- to the report of the rank
Ins committee reteaaed Saturday by A. B.
McAlpIn, president of the Portland Ten
nis association. T. Morris Dunne, chair
man; Miss Irene Campbell and Dr. Eu
ene Stelnnneta formed the committee,
and they baaed their rankings on the
playing; done by each player during the.
1920 tournaments in Portland.
Mrs. W. I. Northup was ranked aa No.
-1 among; the .women because of her.
reaching; the flnala to the Oregon State
and City championship tournaments.
' The flrsr 10 players among the men
follow. Phil Neer. Ne. 1 ; ICatlin Wol
fard. No. 2 ; Walter A. Goes. No. 3 ; A.
D. Norrls, No. 4; Harry Oray. No. 8!
Jade Neer, No. ; A. D. Wakeman, No.
1; Kenneth Smith. No. ; A.R. Mungen
No. 9: A. 8. Frohman, No. SO.
, There was considerable difficulty In
ranking the women, and It waa found
necessary to divide the third and fourth
"places on an equal basis between Mrs.
in. e. Harrlgan and Miss Irene Campbell.
Mra. Northup was No. 1. -JMlss Stella
Kordlng. No. 2; Miaa Campbell and Mrs.
Harrlgan, Noa. 3 and 4,. and MJsa Helen
Hald, No. 6. : . ' , . ; , ''
By Trans E. Mmob
International Sewn Staff CorrMpondnt -
BERLIN, Nov. 13. International bo
inir in finrminv has recovered 'Very
quickly from the war, and followers of
the ring apparently retain neither hatred
nor prejudice for their recent enemies
when they meet in sport. u i
Georee Groves. English middleweight,
has been having great success and is a
big drawing card in Germany. . The In
ternational News Service correspondent
sought Grooves out to learn how a Brit
fan pugilist Is treated m uermany.
"How on earth did you ever happen
to come to Germany to XlghtT" Groves
was asked. : - '
"About four months ago ' German
manager came to London and hired sev
eral of ua. I went to the Brttlah military
'and foreign office and they had no ob
jections, so I cameiover. The manager
put up the money in a London bank for
the. first fights, so I couldn't- possibly
lose anything, i After three fights I saw
a chance to Improve my connections, and
broke with him and went tinder another
management." -. . h
"How about the refereesdo you get a
square deal?" I' '!'!.'.. 7 . . .
"Well. I have fought ten fights and
won ten; nothing much to complain of
there; do you think so Oroves replied.
"I'm getting 10,000 marks for ten- rounds
(about $200) and that Is not so bad,
even '.when oonverted Into pounds." The
French middleweight Dumas has also
been a big drawing card, and has fought,
both against Getmans and British, In all
the principal cities of Germany. -
Football. Scores of ; :
Coast Elevens
Dempsey Fought .
For $50 Purse in
Colorado in 1915
.Cripple Creak Colo, JTov. 11 (tJ.
PJ la Cripple Creek daring the
noStk of November, Kit, Jack
Semptey and George Copelasd met
la boat which the present champloa
woa by a kaeekoat la the seventh
roand. Dempaejr'a share ef the parse
was IJ. A check for that amoaat,
dated Kovember IS, 1U, and In
dorsed -by Dempey, has recently
cone to light here. Ed Gaylora ref
eree the fight.
Fight fans who remember the boat
here are reflecting tow it takes about
0 times the amoaat of the Cripple
Creek perse of five years ago to
tempt the heavyweight champion
now. ...
Missed Goal
Kick Costs
L HU S. Game
Bennon . . ,
Franklin .
Columbia .
Jamee John
j Jefferaon ,
1 y-
Lincoln . .
Inlenchotaatle Leagae Standlnee
won. L-"i.
.. ...i 7
Duntway Park football sciuad has
not been scored on so far this season,
and Sunday the 135-pounders won from
the much heavier 'Vernon Park aggrega
tion by a 6 to 0 score. Willie -Garbarlno
and Ed LiUis were the chief groundgatn
ers for the winners, while' Mills and
Johnson starred for Vernon. Manager
Pander is anxious to arrange in and out
of town games for his 135-pound squad,
and he can be reached by calling Mar
shall 1559.
Prlneville, Nov. 13. Although the
Crook county high school football team
has issued a challenge to all the Port
land high school elevens, as yet no an
swers have been forthcoming. The lo
cals have scored 220 points to the oppo
nents' 20 In six games played, and out'
side of a scoreless tie with the Alumni.
the closest game .was a 16 to 6 affair
with John Day." The locals haven't lost
a game so far.
Russell Burton and his teammates are
leading the basketball house ' league of
the intermediates at the Multnoman
Amateur Athletic club. Burton won
from Captain B. Anderson's quintet 18
to 11, Monday night while Edwin Serr
won from Don Feek, 16 to 14. William R.
Smyth refereed.
5 .
. 2M
Ten - basketball teams are-in the
newly organized Portland Basketball as
sociation and reports made' at the
weekly meeting last Monday night
showed the game was In line for a big
year among independent teams. More
quintets are Wanted, and all interested
are requested to get In touch with Jack
Ira Routledge at Marshall 215.
Chicago (I. N. S.) Urban "Red" Fa
ber, star pitcher : of the Chicago White
Sox, was married here Thursday to Miss
Margaret I. Walsh of this city. Fa
ber's home is in Cascade, Iowa. .
I - m - i n i.
Kansas CItyj Nov. 13. (U. P.) A
minor baseball league will start playing
ball. next season. The circuit will Include
towns In Kansas and Oklahoma. A
team will be placed in either Coffeyville'
or Independence by Harry Sinclair, who
had an Interest in the old Federal league.
f Other town that will apply for teams
are Bartlesville,., . Muskogee, . Parsons,
Pittsburgh Shawnee and McAlester.
BT THE narrow margin of 1 point, the
James John high school football
team defeated the Lincoln high repre
sentatives, 7 to i, on Multnomah field
Friday afternoon. Each nquad registered
a touchdown, the West Eiders' coming in
the third quarter while the Saints
counted in the final stansa.
Too much exuberance displayed by one
of the Railaplitters waa responsible for
failure to kick ' goal. The Llncolnltea
kicked, goal Immediately following the
touchdown but Referee Grover Francis
ruled that one of the athletes who wss
jumping around was off side and an
other attempt was made. The second try
went wide.
The Saints scored their " touchdown
when Heinle Bauer intercepted a Lincoln
forward pax a and ran 75 yards to the
goal line. Berber kicked goal. At this
juncture Captain BH1 Beck of the West
Slders was sent into the fray. Immedi
ately he started aft overhead offensive
several gains were recoraea in inai
manner and finally a long shoot f rbm
Beck fell into the waiting arms of Man
nie Adler,' who raced 50 yards to the
Double-J goal line. However, It was
not allowed. Umpire Holder ruling that
Adler was offside before, the ball was
Both .squads fought stubbornly
throughout. In the first quarter the los
ers had the ball within the James John
20-yard line on three occasions but lost
it on downs or Intercepted passes.' For
Lincoln, Freddie Martin, Adler, Chllds,
Publos and Rosenberg featured while
Berber, Captain Bob Miller, Wagner and
Bauer starred for the winners.
Following is the summary:
James John (7) Lincoln (6)
Wagner LER Adler
Mikae LTR Boeenberg
.Cunningham 1XSB, ........ .. Turntf
...U Welpole
. ..RGL Hill
. . . KTL Puboll
. ..BEL Childe
. Q. . r Bowles
. . LHB. ....... F. Martin
.KHL...... Seltcf
.F ...Hunt
Jimaa-John 0 0 0 T 7
Lincoln 0 0 ' 0 6
Substitute Jamei John: Serbsr for John
on, UrmiaT for King. Durand tor Rain. Lin
coln: Klin for HUL Captain Bill Beck for
Official Gror Franc!, refereo; "Bill Hoi
dan, umpir ; Bsrgeant Harvc j Ebert DarU, 2nl
rina corpa, head lineamao; A. U. Burtoa and
Jimf U. McCool. timer.
NEW YORK, Nov., 18 Jack Dempsey.
heavyweight champion of the world.
will defend his title against BlU Bren-
nan some time early In December, It was
reported. The bout was to have been
held on the 24th of this montlu-tout owing
to the reluctancy of the. New Torn etate
boxing commission to issue a license for
the fight, the fighters agreed to postpone
their match until the commission, .can be
convinced or another state found for the
contest. ...
Milwaukee. Wis., Nov. 18. (L N. S.)
Ttithi Mitchell. Milwaukee ligntweigni.
knocked out Joe Benjamin, Pacifio coast
battler. In the ninth rpund or a scnea
uled 10-round bout here last nlghu
Camdtn. N. J.. Nov. 13. E- N. S.)
Benny Leonard, lightweight champion.
outpointed K. O. Laughlln In a i-rouna
bout last night.
n.ltlntn Mi! . Nov. 13. (1- N. 8.)-
Johnny Rose threw up the sponge in the
seventh round of hJS oout ncre
with George Chaney.
Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. IS. (L, N. S.)
r-inni Tit stnoned Llew Edwards,
Anatra.iia.ri titleholder. in the second
round of a scheduled 10-round event.
snmmtA. Cel.. Nov. IS. Sammy
Gordon, Portland featherweight, fought
a four round draw here last night with
Joe Lynch of San Francisco. Abie Gor
don was kayoed in the second round of
his bout with Johnny LoUy.
Atlanta Oa.. NOV. 13. (I. N. S
.Taw Britton. champion welterweight,
has signed to meet Jack Abel, southern
title claimant, in Atlanta on the night
of November 28. In a 10-rouad bout to;
a referee's decision.
Twelve Club
Plan Not to
Be Adopted
By James L. Kll&rallcn
(United New Staff torreapoadent. ) '
CHICAGO, Nov. 13. Wealthy owners
of If major league baseball clubs,
who for days have been flghtujg violent
ly among themselves filed rather sheep
ishly Into the chambers of Federal Judge
Kenesaw M. Landls late Friday , to ask
the judge If he'd be kind enough to ac
cept the job Of steering baseball along
the tight course at a salary of $50,000 a
There was Charles A. Comiskey, tall
and gaunt; Garry Herrmann, rosy and
robust: the angular Connie Mack, tower
ing over the stocky, shrewd looking
Clark Griffith ; the portly Charles A.
Stoneham. of the New York Giants;
the weighty Louie Comiskey. the "Old
Roman's" son ; the smiling Colonel
Ruppert, of, the New York Yankees, and
business-like Bill" Veeck, president of
the Cubs."
Peace had : been declared and tney
were all there, 16 in all.
But the Judge was busy. He was
trying the case of alleged bribery of a
government employe.
So the millionaire magnates had to
wait. Five minutes went by. Ten, 20.
The judge was instructing the jury. The
clock went around ,' 10 minutes more
end then the judge came in.
The Judge greeted .them warmly.
Cigars and cigarettes were there. Then
they got down to business. Finally' the
judge asked them if he could not remain
on the federal bench his lifetime job
and handle the baseball Job, too. He
loved his-work," he said, and hated to
give it up. The Judge left the room
while the magnates discussed the Jur
ist's "suggestion.
They agreed' he jshould . star on the
bench. '
' Judge Landls then accepted the seven
year Job for the salary offered, minus
his salary as jurist of f 6600 s. year.
Then the little, gray-haired Judge with
the furrowed face sat for news pictures
and the "movie" men surrounded by the
big ball magnates, now all smiles.
Arm. In arm: the magnates left the
building, after warmly wishing- the judge
success. .To reporters the Judge said.
"1 think the opportunities for : real
service in baseball are limitless.7 All
I have to say is this the only thing In
anybody's mind now is to make and
keep baseball what the millions of fans
throughout the United want it
to be." . .
Judge Landls' acceptance was the
climax of a day crowded with action
by the magnates and marked the begin
ning of a new era In baseball. The 16
club owners met early to call off the
war "between the two factions.
The 12-club league Idea was killed.
The Dig task of guiding baseball was
Intrusted to Judge Landls. If he waa
to have two' more members on a board
of control, lt would be for$tnT-to say.
.- .. " By Bob
BOY McCORMICK. light heavyweight
champion, of Europe, who will meet
Willie Meehan at Milwaukie November
24, Is undergoing what is probably the
strangest course of training ever under'
taken by a boxer. ; '''
To the accepted methods of getting
himself . in proper physical condition.
McCormick has added a singing feature.
i One of the men who has been engaged
to box with the Boy is also a singer.
Every time he and the Boy come to a
clinch, the singing-boxer is required to
warble at least one or two lines of
a song or hymn. Sometimes It is "The
Lights Are Going Out," "There's No
Place Like Home," or "Pleaae Go Away
and Let Me Sleep." He may vary this
pathetic repertoire at will, but sing he
must In all clinches.
Willie Meehan alwaye sings to the
crowd from the clinches, providing he Is
able, and the singing feature has been
added to McCormick's training course
In order that he may be accustomed to
the ring tactics of the4 wily and phat
Willie. . ' :l -
Four Horses Won
Over $40,000 in
PursesThis Year
Aeeerdlag to statistics eempiled by
the Bally Rselsg Form, Exterminator
tsads serous is the Hat ef nosey
wlaalag horses ea the Americas tarf
that tar this year, Mas o' War, ef
eonre. being far Is the lead. Bosl
face It third. fUes Lightly, wlnser
of the Fstarlty, heads the list oa the
eiataff tide ef raelsg. The 16 lead
lag horses are as follewtt
Itt Id Id Amoast
Mas o' War ........11
Extermlaator ......
Boniface .11
Faal Joae ..v t
KU Lightly ........
Leossrdo II ......... 6
Careful It
Dr. Clark .. 7
l.ptet .............. I
Try tier
i ii.m
The judge said later he had not decided
this point. The National American and
minor leagues,, he said, would all f:nd j
him equally accessible In the working
out of reorganisation problems. N
"When do you start to workf the
judge was asked.
"I'm on the Job now," he replied
Bants Cifif-i Itefuses "sico -;
Santa Clara. Cal., Nov. 13. (tJ. P.) '
Whitman college of Walla Walla. Wash.,
will not be able to meet Santa Clara
university for a series of football games
which were to be played In 1920 and
1921, lt was announced here .today.
Santa Clara claimed It was too late to
make arrangements this year and the
university's prospective schedule next
year would not admit of a game then.
R. Miller (c)
Bauer .......
Vinton ......
Johnton . . . . ,
.. . '-j ,
81 Oiymple olub 4 ,,,,..... . ,
ss Mar luano . ,
1ST St. Mary' .
78 Nevada .....
63 Utah
1 7 O. A. 0. .
49 W. g. O.
T -0
. SS Alumni
89 Oonraga
14 Idaha . .
81 Montana
w. s. e.
- 109 TetaU ' .
41 St. Mary' .........
7 Olympic ...........
0 o. s. o.
21 Santa Clara
1 0 Oregon
v 3 Waahingten .........
"2 Total!
S3 Whitman
- 14 Montana ...........
A. O. ...........
47 Total :
'Bf,4sSlNJH aisae)ee
O Oregon A agree ......
2 Willamette .........
O Oonzaaa ..........
... 0
. .:. '" 7
. . . 0
, . . 49
4- M
. o
... 10
... 7
. .. 0
... O
....... 7
j. 14
London. The . American women's
hockey team lost ita first match with
the Midland counties learn Tuesday at
Cheltonham, 8 to 2.
Champion Miler
.To Retire From
Athletic Games
Jote Ray, present national A. A. TJ
Indoor and ostdoor mile champion,
will retire from Us athletic game, ae
eordlag to reports from abroad,
where Bay has been rannlng.
Bay's decision to retire follows as
a result of his fallnre to show any
thing like his best form la the Ant.
werp Olympic game and la the races
In Serway and Sweden that followed.
Experts who watched Bay perform
overseas are at a loss to explain his
loss of form and deelare they-never
saw a great runner go back as rap
Idly as Jole.
Fitzgerald Regular Demon With Willow
8 c h at ' n
Bay Citx Player Considered BattingStar
sV I
, James Barnes, former Northwest and
United States open golf champion, has
signed s three year contract with Pel
ham Country club of New York. Barnes
is one of the highest priced professionals
In the country.
Playing over the lngleside course with
his brother, 'R. Black. John Black, San
Francisco professional. ' established a
course record of 64, six strokes under
par. R. Black made the course in 67,
three strokes under par. .
Harry Hampton, the Virginia Coun
try club professional, may accept a sim
ilar berth with the Brooklands Golf ft
Country club of Ppntlac, Mich. It Is
reported that Hampson has been offered
a salary of 88000 a year:
. . . .
2 ToUlt
7 Multnomah
1 3 Idaho
0 Stanford .
20Totala . . . , .. . . .
0 Multnomah ..........
9 Waihlngton ..........
7 California
i . o
4 -20
i. 27
. . . . i . 7
...... 10
1 0 Total
Washington Frosh
! i i: -:
University -: of Washington, Seattle,
Not. 13. The university and State col
lege freshmen football teams will meet
in Seattle for the first Intercollegiate
yearling contest to be held in this state,
Saturday. The Pullman eleven is Invad
ing the field with a strong and well
drilled machine and will find stiff re
sistance and an equally well trained
team in the Sun Dodger Babes.
From a squad of nearly 200 candi
dates Coaches "Sandy Wick and Ben
Tidball, both Washington ex-stars, have
picked a heavy and fighting team that
compares well with any yearling squad
ever seen here. , The Babes played a
no-score game with St Martin's college
of Tacoma here, early In the season and
although they lost A 10 to 0 game to the
champion Everett high school aggrega
tion two -weeks ago. they showed con
siderable Improvement and a well
founded scoring ability when they de
feated the all-star Bellingham American
Legion eleven last Saturday. , j
Took Plenty of Heats
During the grand circuit season from
Cleveland to Atlanta a total of 810 heats
were required to decide 181 1 trotting
races. Of that number 848 were below
2 :10 and S3 in t :05 or better. Of the 368
- heats 'paced in 1Z8 races 348 of them
were below S :10 and 142 below 3 :05. -
San Francisco, Nov. 13. -(U. Pi Jim
Londos and Earl Caddock, wrestlers,
have been matched to meet here either
December 13 or 15. Promoter Frank
Schuler announced today.
Boise, Idaho, Nov. 13.' Joe Dunn, Se
attle, was knocked out in the first round
of his bout with Harry- Alexander of
Salt Lake Thursday night. Frankie
Darrln, Ogden, kayoed Harry Schaefer
of Boise in the third ' round.
National horse- ' show at Madison
Square Garden New York), Novem
ber IS to 19. will include 208 classes and
the awards will foot up to. over 820,000.
The Ontario curling. team sails for
Scotland December SO. Games will be
played January and February next in
Glasgow,. Edinburgh and London on ar
tificial ice.-
Make Yourself at Home
vi'' ', !-- m Our " V.
Player Roll Department
Um en Amnios to Try Over the Late Roll.
Wi Feature- the, 0 R. S. .
Harry Vardon and Edward Ray, the
great - English golf professionals, have
turned down the vaudeville contract ten
dered them and have bid , good-bye to
their American friends. The, contract,
offered -the English professionals called
for an exceptionally high figure.
Gunboat May Lose Eye
Gunboat Smith; popular heavyweight
prisefighterv is likely to lose the sight
or his right ye. During a boxing con
test with Harry Greb at South Bend.
Ind..; recently. Smith received a hard
punch on the optic by Greb. He was
blinded and unable to continue the fight
tcye specialists wno examined the eye
declared it. probable that the sight was
permanently destroyed. - ;
f Box May Train In Texas
! Waxahachle, Texas, Nov. IS. (t N.
S.) If the Detroit Tigers do not decide
definitely within the next few days to
come to Waxahachle for their 1821 spring
training it is .quite likely that the Chi
cage White Sox will use the grounds.
A telegram has been received from
Charles Comiskey, president of the club.
asking; for a 10 days' option on the
park. : . :
Cliemawa to Play Padfle;'
Salem. -Or., Nov. IS. The Chemawa
Indians will play; the Pacific university
squad at Chemawa Saturday. . The In
dian lineup has been strengthened by
the return of former players. Chemawa
hopes to arrange a post-season game
with Willamette.
flelder of the San Francisco club,
Is a dfmon with the willow. Fits
has been with the Seals six years.
Since breaking Into Coast league
baseball with Portland in 1813, he
has failed to hit In the charmed cir
cle but once. That was during the
1913 season when he Injured him
self and dropped down below the .800
mark. In 1918 with the Philadelphia
Nationals, he batted .293..
In eight years In Coast circles, he
has banged out 1260 hits In J90
times at bat giving him a grand bat
ting average of .323, despite his low
mark of 1913.
Fits best year with the stiek. out
side of the first sfeason he was'with
Portland, was 1920. He, likr old
wine, seems to improve with age.
"The only thing v that keeps Flii
gerald out of the big leagues Is his
Inability to throw. He can cover a
lot of ground and Is speedy on the
bags, though he is getting well nigh
the age limit of the ordinary ball
Fitzgerald's , record since 1912 is
as follows:
Tnr Camas At Bat Hit Pet .
1912 ...... ,53.- 1SS 65 .85
IRIS ...... 8 82 16 .190
1914 ...... 17ft 601 IRS .60s
lir ...... 1 698 224 .821
1916 182 421 188, .816
1917 179 . 704 228 v .824
IR19 161 620 210 .834
1921) ...... 172 618 SOB .888
i 'iv j 1,5
Jos tin Fitzgerald
Vardon and Ray
Clean Up $30,000
On Golfing Tour
Harry Vardon, the most fsmoss
of the Bsgllsh proa, with Ted Bay,
who aasexed ttte.tJBlted States opes
championship this year, have aboat
finished the greatest gelflag ' tear
ever known In the history of the
game. It nss bees the greatest
from sr monetary stasdpolst sad In
the sambers that have sees them
play. Thoataad apoa thessaads
have watched this pair la aetloa
doting the last few months. They
have averaged at least flvs games
a week slaee their arrival is Amer
ica, abost the middle of Jaly. As
cording to Arthar Pearson, whs
managed their toar, they have had
so many calls apoa their services
that sot all the exhlblUoss eosld
be played. Each will take hack to
England the tidy little asm of f It,
060 for his performances is Csaada
and the United States..
Hoop Schedule for
Bankers Arranged
Oregon Aggies to
Hold Cross Country
Run Saturday P. M.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallls,
Ttfov. 13. The annual turkey day. cross
country run will take place at the col
lege Saturday morning. Many fra
ternities and1 Independent - organiza
tions are expected to compete , for
prises in the form of Thanksgiving
feeds. A turkey, goose, chicken, and a
duck are some of the table delicacies
offered to the speedy groups, and the
Hauser cross country loving cup now
held by Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity will
go to the organization turning in the
most points. i:
JSach house will be allowed a maxi
mum team of 25 men. All will make the
regulation cross . country loop of 2h
miles and enough laps around the cinder
track to make the course approximately
three miles in length. The man break
ing the tape Will be credited with ! 60
points, second with '49, third with ! 48.
and thus on down the line. . j"
Intermurat basketball will start Mon
day, , December 6. All fraternities and
independent groups are expected to put
squads into the series, which was won
last year by Phi Delta Theta. Many
varsity prospects have been developed
by lntermural contests of the past
A, A. TJ. May ShoW Films
American Olympic committee hopes to
find means to present in educational
form, for the benefit of the youth of this
country, illustrated descriptions of some
-of the track and field and other contests
in the Antwerp Olympic festival. '
The opening games of the Portland
Bankers' Basketball league- will be
played Monday night in the T. M. C. A.
gymnasium. Six financial institutions
of Portland will have - representation
In the circuit and by the time January
24. 1921, : rolls around the bankers are
In hopes the 1920-21 basketball cham
pionship will be settled.. Following is
the schedule adopted r
November 15. Ladd A Tilt on Tern Pint
National; Unitsd BUta National vena North'
wastora National.
November 22 Hibernian vermes Federal R
erre bank, and Ladd at Tittoa vnaa Catted
States -National. ?
NoTember 2 9 North wotrn National vena
Ftdonl Rcaerre bank, sad Daitad States Na
tional Terns- Hiboniia.
t December 6 Ladd Tflton vsraoa North
western Piauonai, and Tin Natlaaal van
-December 18 United States National vena
Federal Resnre beak, and Pint National Tartu
Northwesters National. o,
' January 10 Ladd TiJtoa versoa ' Federal
Reserre bank and First NsUoaal ventre Cnhad
Statae National. t - - a
-j- January 17 Firrt National vertn Federal
RcMrre bank and Bisemla tarsus Northwestern
national. -
-' January 24 Ladd aV Tflton renos Hibomie.
Boston Coach Signs (Contract
Frank. W. Cavanaugh, coach of ithe
Boston college football team, baa signed
a contract to continue as the mentor ef
the eleven for five years, beginning
next September. Cavanaugh. under
whoso Instruction the team beat Tale in
lilt and again this year also,, will : be
come an instructor in law at the college.
He formerly was football coach at Dart
mouth. . . I ,
Dartsmonth'd POjol Ready
The Spalding swimming . pool ' being
constructed at Dartmouth college wial
be used for' the first time on Thanks
giving day. Dual races are to be put on
at the Hanover institution and include
Boston, Springfield f, M. C. A. and Am
herst as well as other colleges.
Take 'em Oat of the Woods
Silverton, Or Nov. lJ-r-Whlle. play
ing football. Dwight Kircher, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Kircher. ran into a wood
pile. His nose was fractured. i
ill t
Union Pacific System
f ON
H 11 Jfip
j "-n in in ii i Hnii ii mi ii .
Sj 1920
As a Through Solid Train, Between Portland
and Chicago, Without Change, in 72 Hours
17 AND 18
Composite Observation Cars, Standard 'Drawing Room Sleeping Cars, Tourist Sleep
ing Cars, Reclining Chair Cars and Dining Car Service between Portland and
Standard Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Portland and' Denver, also between
Portland and Salt Lake; City.
Barber and valet service en route.
Train - Service
Other Changes in
CONTINENTAL UMrm Traint 4 and 19 ?
EQUIPMENT Between Portland and Omaha
Standard Sleeping Cars and Tourist ,Sleeping Cars between Portland and Chicago,
between Portland and Kansas City, also between Portland and Denver. Dining Car
service. Chair Cars.
NEW TRAINS 23 and 24
EQUIPMENT Between Portland and Salt Lake City
Standard Sleeping Cars between Portland and Salt Lake City, between Portland
' ' and Pendleton, between Portland and La Grande. Chair cars and coaches. (
Train service between Portland and Spokane remains unchanged, except that No. 11 will leave
Spokane 9:15 P. M. instead of 9 P. M. Arrive Portland 8:15 A. M.
; , ,
NO. 24 NO. 4 NO. IS .... '.- " fc NO. 17 NO. 19 NO. 23
11:00 P. M. S:00 P. M 9:00 A. M. Lv. ....... Portland ...... ..Ar. 7:30 P. M, 8:30 A. M. ' 7:30 A. M.
12:55 A. M. 7:20 P. M. 10:55 A. M. Lv..'.,... Hood RiVer. 5il$ P. M. 6:10 A. M. 4:40 A. M.
1:40 A. M. 8:10 P. M. 11:45 A. M. Lt... The Dalles 4:35 P. M. r- 5:30 A. M. 3:50 A. M.
7:15 A. M. 12:30 A.M. '. 4:50 P. M. Lt.. Pendleton ....... 12s25 P. M. " 1:28 A. M. 10:30 P. M.
10:55 A. M. 3:35 A. M. .7:50 P. M. Lv. ...... .La Grande. 9:Q0 A. M. 19:55 P. M. , 7:25 P. M.
1.11 P.M. 5:54 A.M. 9:35 P. M. Lv.......... Bake? 7:05 A. M. , 7:55 P.M. S :07 P.M.
7:00 A. M. 8:45 P. M. Ar. ........ Omaha ....Ly 11:15 A. M. .1:25 A. M.
9:30 P. M. 11:00 A. M. Ar......... Chicago ...Lv 9i30 P. M. 10:30 A. M.
8:15 A. M. 5:00 P. M. Ar Salt Lake City .Lt 1:15 P. M. ........... .11:30 P. M.
........... 6:20 P.M. 10:55 A.M. Ar. ....... .'Denver ........ .Lv j 5:00 P. M. 1:30 P.M. ...........
5:00 P.M. -9:20 A.M. Ar Kansas City ....... .Lv ' I0i40 A.VM. 6:15 P.M.
Call on our representatives for any detail information desired. - They will make your reservations and deliver your tickets.
. .a - a . 4 C. W, STINGER. Agent, , i
L. E. OMER, City Puscnfer Agent, - CONSOLIDATED TICKET OFFICE, J. L. MILLER. Agent Union Station.
ox weus-rarso ouuaiDK. . , Thlrd Md Washington Streets.
Broadway 4500 Mtln 3s30
Wo. McMorrsy, Ceneral Paatsng'sr Aem t Portland, Oregon
Broadway 802