GERMANY S NOT FIT FOR LEAGUE, SAYS POENCARE Poincare Confident' : U. S. Will Give Help In- World Council "What Is now to be coma of the league?" Is the question asked by former President Poincare ot France. In commenting upon the . American election- In his regular bi-monthly article. He expresses the opinion that President-elect Harding will make the entrance of the United States contingent upon certain statu tory changes, and declares that upon what conditions peace will be con cluded with Germany is tomorrow's secret" Furthermore, the former president clearly Indicates that the reappoint ment of Myron -T. Herrick to his old -post as ambassador to France, would he received In that country with the statement that : "' . "Men like him, who have given bo much proof of their sympathy for France, can be of great service In helping everything to arrange Itself." By Raymond Poincare (Written for R.tu. Ar dnx Monde. ParU) (Ezdiuir American Right l7 United Newt) (Copyright, 1920. bi Cued Nwi) Paris, Nov. 12. It is fitting that . a great people shall occasionally pause for & moment on its way, to remeasure the distances it has cov ered and the progress it has mad. Oh the eleventh of November, France celebrated simultaneously the second an niversary of the Armistice and the fif tieth anniversary of the republic. In that beautiful ceremony at the Pantheon, f resiaent Minerana enumeraiea witn nia these ceremonies which permit us not . only to glorify our soldiers and signal' fee our victory but to meditate upon our achievements in this half century. .enabfine ua to draw a lesson for our future guidance. TEARS GEBHA7T BECOTEET i If we are to believe the declaration which a Belgian newspaper puts into - the lips of former Premier de la Croix, ' we have recently been menaced - -with : crave misunderstanding. .According to this article, Lloyd George , would have ' liked to draw us into negotiations not only permitting . the Germans an equal looting at ueneva, dui allowing mem to participate with the French and Bel- s gian premiers In the coming assembly ! in solution of our. problems. It is easy to see that if this program . were permitted to go through, the Ver sailles treaty wouia do caiiea oeiore mis "supreme court" as a culprit Probably Germany would also find' friends there who would signal to her to enter, - through the door left ajar by England. The French government acted wisely tn avoiding all possibility of any mem ber of the entente having' any illusions as to our acquiescence in such an af fair. Certainly the League of Nations would lose its principal excuse for exist ence and Its best chance of survival if It does not eventually Include all the European' powers. But of all the con quered nations,'. Germany's conduct in the war and since its termination gives her the least title to admission at the start ' '.' '- It would be more reasonable to admit Austria if she disavows the policy of union with Germany and Bulgaria, and Turkey, providing they act properly towards Greece and Rumania, - Ger many's turn should come when she has proved her sincerity cy ner actions, ana has begun te execute the treaty of Ver sailles. - ' . What will become of the league, which under its present form is the work of President Wilson? Harding will un doubtedly make the . entrance of the United States into the league contingent upon certain statutory changes. LOOKS FOB FKIEHD8HIP What conditions will surround the conclusion of peace with Germany T That is tomorrow s secret But we are assured henceforth that the victory of the Republicans and the election of Sen ator Harding to the presidency will not alter in any way tne friendly relations between France and the United States. Ambassador Herrick recently declared categorically to France that after Sena tor Harding's election "everything would be arranged." Let ua hope, for the sake of the peace of the world, that Ambassador Herrick is right Men like Myron T. Herrick, who have given so much proof of sympathy for, France, can be of great service in helping "everything to arrange itself." Timber Worker Killed Centralis Wash., NoV. 12. Julius Piatt aged 39. of Centralis, was in stantly killed Wednesday at, the Union Mills camp; Hannarora valley, one mile from here, when a heavy cable fell, breaking his neck. :. a . rv.- n . -ar:c-' sax Mr:i Where Beauty and Surroundings Count! The ideal location for a home East 18th street between Klickitat and Fremont in lrvtngton, Portland's East Side residential district A truly desirable group of homes, constructed, - planned and finished throughout in a manner that will meet the approval of the most ex acting, i ! i 119,19s Terms. Could you invest your money to better advantage than in one of these, which truly depict the ulti mate in modern homes T Title and Trust Company L WO O LET unsv elear tit - JfeMng mutt bt kt impair I TJu perfect bliti 0 TODDLES' pUj IACKAWANNA TWINS is the -i faithful "under-servant" of any child from birth to sixteen. Wher- .! i - ever there are children to te made happy Lackawanna Twins is the underwear of great renown. Knitted into the fabric of Lacka wanna is a soft, smooth, enduring excellence. In design Lackawanna ! garments are precisely trued to the ; figure of the normal child. In con struction Lackawanna sounds a new note of watchful thoroughness and trained craftsmanship. LACKAWANNA TWINS Undtruxarfir Boys and Girh from BIRTH TO SIXTEEN Most shops carry Lackawanna Twins Un derwear in various styles and in qualities to suit every requirement of service and price. fii) flf U. i l'i '( w t rr tt In wstm mi. ri -I 3 mm tr. .ft sSHB IT I si sssjii i r Si! kMJM u Q) 0 A 1 i no higher than y SV pa 3 1 m PTT3 Alterations Free Fit Guaranteed f Satisfaction or Your Money Back RALEIGH BLDG., SIXTH AND WASHINGTON Fahey-Brockman Bldg. and Arcade Bldg., Seattle I w it 1? v,r s. m . in i jr i is t . a wsrw- sr- w r m s j rs m ' k .-II Interior scene in our greet up stairs store (or men and young men. WW And that is important to know in these days of dumping last season's high price stuff on the market in the form of "sales." We buy and sell clothes in such large quantities that - our stock is always fresh. Our buyer, is even now taking advantage of the pres ent market situation to buy the best quality of goods at prices that are ACTUALLY BELOW WHOLESALE. t Think what that means to you, especially when these same high grade clothes are sold to you at our famous upstairs prices, prices that are far better values dollar for dollar, than the "specials" that are sensationally advertised on every side in a last endeavor to unload out-of-date stock onto you; and prices that are guaranteed to save you at least $10 over ordinary prices on any garment in any of of our three great upstairs stores. Already we have hundreds of these wonderful values in stock; and more coming daily. This week's drawing shows a typical everyday scene as our large cases of clothes arrive. Which goes to show ; Orar Stock Is THIS Seasons! The only thing old-fashioned ' about our stock is the low prices we ask. Every gar ment in our three great stores is up-to-the-minute in styling, cut, finish, fit and fabric. . . And get this whenever you buy a garment at Fahey-Brockman's you get the pick of our REGULAR stock and are not shown a hand ful of "dead heads" that have to be "special ly priced to hide their age. . in Upstairs dothiors jLJ' Buy upstairs qnc? saVoO Elevator leading directly to our great - showing of exclusive) models THIS SEASON'S! . i