The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 12, 1920, Page 3, Image 1

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    FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1920.
Norton, Kan., Nov. 12. (U. P.)
A shagcy shepherd dog which lie
shivering outside the ail here
whined Ibnesomely today for Carl
Johnnon, Its ( 17-year-old .master,
locked .uy i for attempting to slay
five members cf a family da. my
sat around a table.
The dog Is.- the only friend youngr
Johnson has. At times it is allowed in
the Jail as "company" for the youthful
would-be slayer.
The $200 which Elmer Heiserman a
boy companion, is said to have offered
. Johnson to shoot five, members of the
llelserman family, represented more
money than Johnson had ever seen, he
! said today. The most money he ever
' had at one time was $12.50. he declared.
".. "Why. $24)0 would have' bought a
couple of ponies and a dandy new gun,"
he said.
Johnson unemotionally told details of
his attempt to exterminate' the Heiaer
man family. Jle said Elmer asked him
if he wanted ito make some, money.
There, was k girl with whom Heiserl
man was In love. Johnson said Heiser-'
man told hlm.j but whom he didn't want
to take home with htm because his folks
might object. I . i
" Johnson declared he : accepted the offer
and went to jthe Heiserman home that
evening with a gun given him by llelser
man. . ! ' ...
"Looking through the window I saw
the whole family sitting around a table,"
he said.- "I Just closed my eyes and
pulled the trigger. Then 1 ran. That's
all there is to it. I Just tried to kill
them, that's all. But I wouldn't have
done it If Elmer hadn't said, he would
give me $200.1 That's a heap of money."
The prisoner ia a second Huckleberry
Finn. .Dressed In overalls and a blue
denim shirt, Johnson's whole being sa
vors of the outdoors.' The shirt open at
the throat exposed a neck ii'ntnarred by
a linen collar. A tattered cap pulled at
a rakish angle over his left' eye sur
mounted a head of-unkempt hair, to
' which comb and brush were strangers?
A nail -was fastened to one of his sus
penders. ; I
Gamut Covered by
Graduate of Reed
From ordinary sailor to preacher Is
the record of Glenn Quiett, Reed college
graduate of 1920, who has proved himself
a quick-change artist of first rate abil
ity. Quiett left Reed In August as a
deckhand on the Tosemite; and last week
he w as addressing All Souls church in
Grand Rapids. Mich., on the subject of
prohibition, and the Grand Rapids issue
of the Survey, for which he was pub
licity agent
Quiett was employed by the Survey
immediately upon arriving in New York j
ence as editor of the Reed annual and
various newspaper positions he was
soon placed in charge of the Survey's
According to Quiett he is enjoying his
task of. "raising aloft the standard of
the condensed milk can over the Shat
tered fragments of the rum bottle."
Quiett was president of House F and a
leading sptrit in Reed dramatics, Jour
nalism and social life.
Campaign Against
Anti-Zoning Plan
Cost League $1798
: '". ) ' ..
Webster 1a Kincald, secretary of the
CiJJzens' Antl-soning league, filed with
the city auditor today a statement of the
expense and disbursements of the league
in its fight against the proposed ordi
nance submitted to the voters at the re
cent election. The proposal was defeat
ed by a small majority.
The report shows that the donations
for the contest came from 40 Individuals
or business concerns and amounted .to
$17,905, all of which was expended, the
largest item) of expense being. $915 for
the obtaining, of signatures on the refer
endum petitions. 11
The city auditor received a request
Friday from the municipal government
of Adalaide, South Australia, for a copy
of Portland's zoning ordinance. - The
Australian city Is proposing similar' leg-:
The foreman of H. F. Norton Co.,
two truck drivers, woo'l graders and
others connected with . the Hands
wooj transaction in June, 1919, tes
tified this morning in the govern
ment case against Lou Harris,
charged with having; received prop
erty stolen frm the United States.
The testimony told of the manner of
removing the wool from an old barn at
Front and Montgomery streets to Nor
ton & Oo.'s warehouse, how Harris had
telephoned the company, which had sent
two truck drivers to get the wool. The
drivers picked up Harris on the way and
went to the old barn,' which was opened
for, them by two men -on-the inside. It
was about noon and when the drivers
had loaded the truck with the wool,
which was packed in sacks, and had
hauled it to the warehouse, they went
to lunch before unloading. The testi
mony told how the wool was graded,
how the foreman gave Harris a cash
slip for it.
Harris' trial began Thursday after
noon w hen Sam Mesher, a dealer in wool
and condemned army stores, testified
that Harris had asked him if he would
cash a check, the check being made out
to R. Volner for $1136.85 ; that when he
hesitated, Harris offered him' $50 for
cashing it. This Mesher refused as
Harris was a business associate, but,
although surprised at the amount, he is
sued three smaller ones in settlement
so that he might stop payment should
the larger one prove worthless.
Harry Schulman, Robert Campbell and
Harry Xudleman have already been con
victed of thefts of wool from the Theo
dore Bernstein bonded warehouse, and
the government is attempting to prove
that Harris was an accomplice and
knew that the wool was stolen when he
sold it to Norton & Co.
Washington, Nov. IS-f-H-jme brew
is still unmenaced by a ruling re
stricting the sale of hops and malt
only to bakers and oorfecti.-ners. it
was announced at th bureau of ia
Lternal revenue today.; Such restric
tions have not ; progressed beyond
the stage of office memoranda. Con
cerning the possible legality of sues
restrictions. Commissioner of Inter
nal Revenue "Williams, who may
have to pass upon such a depart
mental order, stated today he had
not been consulted. j
No rullns prohibiting the sale of malt
extract, hops or compounds used in home
beer-making has been made oy tne in
ternal revenue bureau," Commissioner
Williams said.
"This matter has been ' discussed but
no action has been taken. - The matter
has not reached me for decision and in
view of the conflicting legal opinions, it
is entirely futile to speculate on what
final disposition will pa made of the
matter." j
It was learned at the bureau that the
office memoranda and discussion grew
out of protests made by cereal beverage
manufacturers, who desire to put the
lid on home brewing, which, it is said,
is seriously threatening their trade.
Many officials of the bureau admitted
that it would be almost Impossible to
restrict sale of hops and malt when
sugar and yeast, which also enter into
home brewing, may be freely purchased.
Such a restriction, they fear, might be
beaten in the courts. '
Naval Officers and
Men Are Awarded
Medals of Honor
Motorcycle Eider Is
Battered by Tractor
Colliding with a tractor during a hill
-xLimblng contest near Hubbard, ( Or.,
Thursday, Cyril Hunt was thrown from
his motorcycle and seriously injured. He
was taken to St.- Vincents hospital by
the Arrow ambulance. Hunt, was caught
' beneath ' the . tractor. He has a Com
pound fracture of the left lejr.'a frac
ture of th right arm and possibly a, frac
ture of the right leg.
Bearer of Wounded
Lincoln Dies at 88
! " ; ; - ,
Rev. Watson Dana
Philadelphia. Nov. 12. (I. N. S.)
John C. Weaver. Civil war veteran,
said to be the last survivor of the six
soldiers who carried President Uncoln
to the; White House after he was shot
in Ford's theatre, Washington, died at
his home in this city today. He was
88 years old.
Washington, Nov. 12. The navy cele
brated Thursday the second anniversary
of the signing of the armistice with
Germany by conferring long deferred
honors on Its heroes of "the world war
Navy medals awarded to officers and
men for services during the world war.
accompanied by the citations, were pre
sented to 2160 members of the navy, 79
members of the armed guard and 385
members of the marine corps.
There are three ranking high ' of fleers
of the navy who, though awarded the
decorations, did not receive them Thurs- 1
day. They are Vice Admiral William
S. Sims, Rear Admiral H. S. Decker and
Captain Raymond D. Hasbrouck. The
medals awarded these officers remain
in the custody of the. bureau of navi
gation. According to Secretary Daniels, these
officials have widely announced that
they would not accept them.
In the armed guard there was one
distinguished service medal, 67 naval
crosses and 11 letters of commendation,
a total of 79. For the navy alone, the
following new awards were made :
Distinguished service medals (for of
ficers) 3.
Navy crosses (for officers) 161, for en
listed men 150, total 314 ; letters of
commendation, for officers, 63, for en
listed men 35, total 98. ,
Grand total 510.
Three distinguished service medals,
one officer and two enlisted men, were
cnangea to meaais qi honor, navy
crosses to medals of hohor, one officer
and one enlisted man and 24 navy crosses,
all officers, changed to .distinguished
service medals, making a grand total of
29 changed awards.
. For the marine corps two new awards
of distinguished service medals, both
officers, and 60 navy cross, 32 officer?
and 34 enlisted men. There was one
change from navy cross to distinguished
service medal.
"When one has lived the allotted
three score and ten and then 13;
years more, how does it feel? '
"I can't run so fast as when I was 15,;.
but my spirit is young, my heart Is hope-,
ful and my bodily comfort is as great,"i
answered the Rev. Watson Dana, who is;
83 today. Rev. Mr. Dana is pastor of
the Walnut Hill Baptist church of Wal
nut Hill, Va., but has been visiting hia
two sons, Phillip and Marshall, of Port-!
land for three months. He may choose
Portland as his permanent home. !
"This, I am sure. Is the best day 1
have lived."
The grandfather of Mr. Dana was one
of the first 48 settlers in Ohio. When
Dana was born, in 1837, in Washington
county,' Ohio, Martin van iiuren was
president. The Mexican. Civil, Spanish
American and world wars were yet to be
Gusty weather ?.r.d a sky full of
holes were drawbacks to" the Armis
tice" day aviation meet at 7 -awls and
Clark field Thursday afternoon,, and
three events had to be abandoned
because of the breezes that swept
over Portland and chi.l . the en
thusiasm of the , spectators and
dampened the ardor of the aviators.
The disappearance ace, the para
chute drop, arsd the "surprise' j were
marked off the list. The 'surprise"
was to have . been - sham airplane
accident with r dummy falling from
one of the firing planes. :
In the cross-country race from Lewis
and Clark field! to Municipal field and
return, Victor Vernon in an Oriole came
in an easy first. His time for the run
was 16 minutes, 13 seconds. J. C. Peters
in an Avro placed second. Frank Hard
ing in Curtiss J-N 60 placed third, and
Archie Roth in a Curtiss OX placed
The Curtiss Standard, entered by Mrs.
George Dye, and flown by Jack Clem-
ence. failed to return froiri Municipal
, field, a difficult landing in a stiff breeze
being necessary on account of engine
trouble. The plane did not return to
Lewis and Clark field for the conclusion
of the program, i
In landing to the mare Victor Vernon
in a Curtiss J-N made the best average
f 62 feet, Harding in J-N 60 placed sec
ond, and Archie Roth, flying ithe same
plane in which Vernon won the event,
placed third. Harding made the best
landing, being but 15 feet from the
In, the stunt flying. V. U. Ayres of
the Dudrey Aircraft company made the
best showing and was awarded the
event. A wide ranse of stunts was not
I considered advisable because of the
weather. L. K. Butler, who was to at
tempt a parachute Jump as the final
event of the day; lost his parachute In
the first few minutes of flight and the
stunt was abandoned. Butler has had
16 years' experience as a parachute
The meet was well . attended and In
view of weather conditions was consid
ered to have been fairly successful as
the first venture of the kind. No acci
dents . of any kind marred the after
Farmers in Eastern .
Portion of the State
Feel Price' Decline
The rapid drop In! prices on wheat,
hay and almost every product of the soil
has knocked the sap out of the agricul
turists in Eastern Oregon," says J.. W.
Brewer, field agent of the State Cham
ber of Commerce, who . I returned this
morning from a 10 days' visit In the east
ern part of the state. '
Brewer went to Eastern Oregon In re
gard to finance. All quotas that had
not actually been filled are now pledged
for the state chamber. v
'Some of the early sellers got t their
wheat cron off their hands at $2.25 and
$2.50 a bushel, but about 50 per cent of
the crop Is not yet sold," said Brewer.
Hay has fallen off in price, so that irri-
gationists feel they have lost something.
General business . conditions are, never
theless, good." j
Premier of Italy Is at Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires. Nov. 12. (U. P.) For
mer Premier Orlando of Italy arrived
here- today on a visit to South America.
Spencer Funeral to
Be Held Saturday
If ' Due to a misunderstanding the fu-
neral service for S. C. Spencer, promi-
s nent lawyer who killed himself Wed-
g nesday. was announced for today. The
g : service Is to be held Saturday morning
g ; at 10 o clock at the Edward Holman
undertaking chapel. The Rev. W. G.
I Kliot Jr. of the Church of Our Father
(Unitarian) will officiate. Final serv-
g ices will be held at the Portland Crema
g torium by the Masonic fraternity. Mem-
; bers of the bar are planning to attend
the chapel service.
In hia basement and before it was ex
tinguished had destroyed much of the
wearing apparel of himself, his wife and
two children. . - , "' " .. -b
Now he is thinking of the buck he
missed. - -j
: "Next time I go, I'm gotns ; to pack
everything ii a steel fireproof ware
house," he said, "and. take the family
along." ! .
Runaway Coys Caught !
Heading south forj a 'warmer climate,
D. Chambers, 15; R, Brooks, 16, and R.
Hoover, 13. were arrested by Patrolman
Schlppers at the Union station Thursday
night. The three boys ran away from
home at The Dalles. They were sent
to the Fraser detention home. ;
Big Power Bin at
! Springfield Burns
Eugene. Nov. 12.Flre of unknown
origin completely destroyed" the big fuel
bin of the Mountain States Power com
pany at Springfield at about S o'clock
Wednesday night. The building, about
40 by 90 feet, was filled with waste from
the mill and burned so rapidly that
the combined efforts of the Springfield
fire department and the mill apparatus
could not cope with It. Fred Roseberry.
who was in charge of the building. Was
caught In the building as the fire broke
out and was obliged to jump for life.
Pleading not guilty to the crarge
of assault and battery, then, chang
ing the plea to guilty.'and then with
drawing this and resuming the orig
inal plea has been tr-e eip-erlence
of Lb L. Hatton, a former hervice
man of the world war. He will now
stand trial. ' i
Hatton appeared before Presiding
Judge Tazwell; this morning to change
his plea to guilty and "ask for parole.
It appears that he assaulted Severin J.
Champini, September 2. in an argument
over his attentions to a young woman
in whom both were interested. He Is
the sole support of his father - and
mother, and the - Judge was inclined to
grant Hatton a parole, but Champini
made vigorous objection, declaring he
was afraid he would be assaulted again
if Hatton was given his freedom. Hat
ton then resumed his plea of not guilty
and will stand trial.
Bridge Receipts for
The report of income and disburse
ments on the Columbia river interstate
bridge, just filed with the county com
missioners, shows receipts of $27,003.37
during October and disbursements of
$3557.40. The balance available for dis-
Mrs. A. E. Silinski, widow of August
E. Silinski. applied to the probate de-
i partment of the circuit court today for
l letters of administration on the estate.
Silinski died in Portland October 31,
leaving personal property to the value
of $5500, and his heirs are the widow
and one daughter. Sister Margaret Au
gusta of the Sacred Heart convent at
Seattle. The estate Includes $2000 in
War Savings certificates, $500 in Lib
erty boricis, $500 in bonds of the Port
land Gas & Coke company, $1240 in
cash in the United : States National
bank, and $1140 in cash in the Hiber
nian bank. ..'-..'
tribution is 123.445.97. of which Multno-
fought The horses, the flatboat and the j mah county gets $14,067.57 and Clarke
steamboat were the most used forms of
During his early life he was in nusi-
ness. but JTor 53 years he has neen a
minister of the Baptist "church.' lie Is
still as active as many younger men,
rarely in bed later than 6 o'clock in the
morning, walking often half a dozen
miles without fatigue, preaching with
old-time vigor and undiminished voice
and singing as he did when hymns were
lined out." a repertoire of, scores of sa
cred compositions familiar to the praise
of a past generation. I
Simple living, much outdoor exercise,
particularly walking, the morning cold
bath and kindliness of mind toward all
humanity are essential to prolonged life
and health, in his opinion. . t ' j
Rev. Mr. Dana is with three of niiie
children living In Portland his two sons
and his oldest daughter, Mrs. G. ' A.
Walker, who arrived from Minneapolis
this week
when last week he was elected a mem
ber of the Portland Baptist Ministers
association.' I
county gets $9378.40.
Salem Elks Buy Site
For New Lodge Home
. Salem, Nov. 12. Purchase of the
Werner Breyman residence property.
State and Cottage streets, by the Salem
Elks' lodge at a price of $22,500, was
announced here. The purchase, it is
stated, is preliminary to the erection
within two years of a new Elks temple
at a cost of not less than $200,000.
Rii--hes Buys Paper
Oregon City, Nov 12 Lloyd Riches.
formerly an Oregon City newspaper
man, has bought controlling interest in
th Malheur Enternrise at Vale. Or..
He felt keenly the honor an(j wm assume charge of the paper
the middle of the month. He has re
cently been located in Astoria and Port
land and is secretary of the Oregon
State Editorial association.
The fact that
are lowering
prices oh
their merchandise reflects
the desire of the public to
secure real value for every
Politz clothes, always mod
erate in price, permit the
realization of this desire.
Peter B. Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Roth. 5731
g -Eighty-seventh street southeast, received
, a message Thursday, through officers of
; the auviliary of 0er the Top post, Vet
g ! erans of Foreign Wars, confirming the
j news of the death of their son. Peter
m t B. Roth, at Coblenz, Germany. He was
g a private in the Thirteenth Provisional
Guard, serving with the American forces
g of occupation, and died November 3,
g ; after an illness of some weeks. Efforts
had been made to secure the discharge
1 of young Roth from the service because
of his illness. .
Women Object to, j
Gray Aprons, and
Tell Their Boss So
Detroit. Mich.. Nov. 12. (V. P.)
Postmaster Nagel has decreed that all
women employes of the postoffice while
on duty must wear gray ehambray
aDrons. beginning December 1. As j a
result of the edict, the women have
issued a challenge to the postmaster's
right to dictate their style of dress.
Nagel maintains that by wearing gray,
dress rivalry will be curbed, efficiency
promoted and morals protected. j
A mass meeting will be held, pronaoiy
Saturday, when all postal employes will
be asked to sign a protest The women
nssert they will carry their protest j to
Washington If the order is enforced. ,
Water Right Sought
In Klamath County
Salem, Nov. 12. Application for the
1 right to appropriate .70 second feet of
s'.. c . ..
I water irom Anna creek n Klamath
county for the development of 1000 horse
power for lighting and pumping pur
poses has been filed with the state en
gineer's office here. The project con
templates the construction of a pipeline
10.000 feet long, the entire project to
cost approximately $50,000.
exclusive agents
For younjr
' men and
their fathers,
Washington at Sixth
Eugene Man Is Hit
By Auto; May Die
Eugene,' Nov. 12. Lawrence L. Van
Vliet . of Eugene was run down by an
automobile Wednesday night, and sus
tained .a fracture of the skull. The
driver, Clifford Price,, also of Eugene,
picked up the Injured man and hurried
him to a hospital, where he has lain
in a semi-conscious state since. Physi
cians believe there is a chance for his
Tecoyery. . ;
May Lose Foot as
Result of Mishap
J. V. Hall. 615 Franklin street, Van
couver, fell Thursday night while at
tempting to catch a streetcar at Union
avenue and Columbia boulevard., suffer
ing a compound fracture of the left
ankle. He was taken to St. Vincents
hospital. - Authorities report it may be
necessary to amputate the left foot. '
Postmaster John.M. Jones of Portland
laughed heartily at the report that the
Detroit postmaster was trying to enforce
the wearing of gray ehambray apronsjoy
his women emploes.
"Our women," he said proudly, 'fwear
anvthin they want. Their apparel
runs all the way from georgette toymen's"
uniforms. And I don't care what they
wear, so long as they do their work. Ef
ficiency is what I am striving for. i
"It seems to me Postmaster Nagc is
exceeding his authority and he will hive
a sweet iob trying to carry out. his plan.
All the women will be angry and it will
reflect In their work and lack of 'effi
ciency will be the result. j
"Postal regulations require that let
ter carriers wear a prescribed unlform.
but no regulations have ever been made
for postal clerks. They can wear any
thing they want to.
Portlapd Assured
Large Payroll Gain,
Says David Stearns
Negotiations now under way with
Eastern manufacturers ;wlil give Port
land a payroll second to no other town
on the Pacific coast and insure the per
manent supremacy of the city as an in
due trial and commercial- center, accord-
Ing to David S. Stearns, retired real
estate dealer and active committeeman
of the Chamber of Commerce.
Stearns spoke at a meeting of the
Portland Realty board in the grill room
of the Portland hotel at noon today on
"The Past, Present and Future of Port
land Real Estate' He is the son Of a
pioneer family and came to Portland
from Medford in 1863. attending school
in a frame building on the present site
of the Portland hoteL Stearns pre
dicted a greater growth for the city dur
ing the next 20 years than during any
similar period in its History.
Eprester Conover
Struck by Series of
Mishaps; at Once
A lost buck, many lost clothes and a
short vacation nipped in the bud have
made C. J. Conover of the forest serlce
gloomy. Conover had gone to Eastern
Oregon with George L. Drake to finish
cruising a strip of timber in the Wal
lowa national forest. They finished the
cruising and then set about to eaten a
deer before the close of the season.
Many days they spent rounding up a
herd. Nicely rounded up were they, and
Conover had selected the particular buck
he intended to shoot when came a tele
gram from Mrs. Conover.
"Come home at once. Part of bouse
burned.. Am frantic."
Conover forgot all about his buck. He
jumped on his horse and tote to the
nearest station. Arriving In Portland
on Wednesday he found fire had started
There Is One Electric Store
Where Prices Are Lower!
Only One
to Customer
Regular Retail Price $1.25 Each
Screws into
any" electric'
light socket in
same way vou
nut in a light
bulb. i
Save a
Then you have
a socket for the
bulb and one
for the Iron or
Electric Heater.
On Electric '
Heaters :
Electric Light Globes,' 10, 15, 25, 40-watti .35c
No. 14 House Wire (Saturday Special), per foot ,.,..2lc
Key Sockets (Saturday Special) , 50c
-Pound Friction Tape , 45c
Hot Shot Batteries. ......... .$3.50
Dry Cell Batteries, Reg. price 60c. ............ . . .45c
Electric Light Extension (8-foot cord and plug) $1.25
Flashlights (largest display in Portland) 95c to $3.00
We Repair Your Flashlight Free of Charge '
We Guarantee Our Batteries Strictly Fresh
Gas Mantles, Burners and Globes
We Repair Electric Irons and Electric Appliances
Lowest Prices on Hot Point Irons, Grills, Toasters, ;
Universal Percolators, Waffle Irons, Curling Irons.
Evinrude Electric Store i
Evinrude Motors Electric Supplies Phone Marshall 1765
211 Morrison, Near First. Look for the Sign, ELECTRIC
m J
b iJ2)o f
Put one in your mouth at bedtime . .
Phegley & Cayeilder
Gor. Fourth and Alder Sts.
At 25 to 33V3 per Cent
At a sacrifice of our profit, we are bringing clothing; prices down to. the lower level
which the public demands. No re-ticketing, no changing of prices. The original close
margined figures remain upon every garment.
Discount Made at Time of Purchase
See Our Windows They Tell the Story