The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 10, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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arrived the burglar had gone, - t
F. B. Koffenden, 40 East Fifty-fifth
street, had a light flashed In his face
at 12 -.35 Tuesday night as he was un
locking his front door. The burglar
rushed from the house and disappeared.
Investigation revealed that nothing had
been taken from the house. :
- Kapp Psi to Meet
The 1920 convention of the Kappa Psi
fraternity will be held in Portland dur
ing the Thanksgiving holidays. Chap
ters at Seattle, San Francisco,' Pullman
and Missoula, Monti, will send delegates
to meet' as guests of the local chapter.
Portland has two chapters, the Portland
Graduate chapter and the Beta Iota Col-
legists chapter.
Y. w. c. a;s red gross life savers
;-ii,iii.i ji in. iiiijiu ilgfjwm iii mmt$ iiiw,i I :
The average elevation of Delaware Is
only 60 feet above sea level, less than
that of ariy other state. :
jaV'WWUHW MIMUI.0IMi;i li I.I iUH .Hill n. MIIMHIi m,lm,tmncr--ifwm!Vy'' -VV-Af I", S4'', JfMS ,y '"'"" S 1
1 ya;33UlPrp- rft v. ;:
Determined to avenge its recent
defeat in the life saving; .exhibition
held; In Portland., the T. W. C. A.
unit of the American Red Cross life
savins corps is planning a spirited
participation in the membership
drive of the Ked Cross, opening; in
this city Thursday. A silver cup
has been offered by H. E. With am,
campaign manager, to the unit of
the corpr bringing In the most mem
bers in the drive.
The JanUen unit, which, like the T.
W. C. A. team, is composed of 10 girls,
romped away with the sliver cup in the
lifeaavtng exhibition of October 25, scor-
ing ao points compureu im f
by the nearest competitor.
Oregon unit ; No. 1, composed, of 20
.men, will also participate in the mem
bership? drive, but the keenest rivalry
is between the teams of girls. The T.
W. C. A. unit was org-anixed a month
ago. ?AU members arV expert swimmers
and are under the instruction of Miss
Gillian Hansen. Miss Henrietta Renich
is the Instructor of the Jantzen unit
which was organized last May by C. F.
Werner, lifeaavtng expert, .and has five
lives to its credit during the summer
eeason on the Willamette and - at the
The men's unit is under "the instruction
of Clare Milo Godfrey, ! who rescued
three persons from drowning at Seaside
last summer. Jack Pobocheko, the
Northwest back-stroke champion, is a
member of this team. .
Engineer Murray Is
Allowed $300 for
; Bridge Survey Work
Samuel Murray, chief engineer for the
Vnion Taciflc lines, sent to the county
commissioners Wednesday a bill' for 300
for .his services In connection with in
vestigations of the Bumside bridge. The
bill- of John Lyle Harrington of the
firm of Harrington. Howard & Ash, al
lowed by the commissioners last month,
was' for $100 a day for eight days and
traveling expenses from Kansas City.
Two other engineers were engaged on
the ' bridge survey for the county, and
their bill have not yet been submitted.
C B, McCuUough. chief bridge engi
neer for the state highway commission,
notified the commissioners Wednesday
that the drawings for repairs of the
Morrison street bridee ' are .finished and
that copies, with itemised bills, for the
materials needed, have been forwarded
to Hoadmaster William Eatchel.
; mil imnfwi-Kw
If 1 I H ':. ,' ; t ; U ,?0N''l-
Hi iii V 8.'.' I .'1 1 i S IC.jV4. F&.i&.X? ...f ,"W I
appeal cr w 1
m wn. uuuk
S.,P. &S. Books Being
Checked by Experts
; Gov-ernment- and interstate commerce
coin mission itccountants are checklntr
over the books of the : S., P. 4 8. and
affiliated lines this week. The govern
ment accountants, headed' by Arthur B.
loran of Washington. D. C., are makr
in a final checking of accounts during
the federal, -administration. Claims of
the S., t & S. with the government have
not been settled yet. The I. C. C group
.headed by William C Dorsey and is
:hecking f? , P. & a affiliated line books
I'tuvilivit III. DtxliVII nv, UL . UtO
'ransportatlon act.
Angler Fined $25
' 1". W.;'Petros of l'ortland, who was
arrested on Columbia slough recently by
II. 1L Clark, deputy game warden, for
. fishing without a license, was fined
25 following a hearing before : Judge
Jones Tuesday afternoon.
, A cleanup of all appeals from the
municipal court to the circuit court
which .have "been accumulating for
five monthu was ..arranged for by
Presiding ; Judge Tazwell today.
Deputy City Attorney Ted Lansing
appeared fbr "the city and there was
a wide array of attorneys for the
appellants,; in the 56 cases set for
definite and certain dates.
The first of these cases that of Helen
Davenport, convicted in the municipal
court on charges of vagrancy was set
for November 15. The others will fol
low consecutively in a department of the
circuit court to be presided over by
Judge H. H: Belt of The Dalles, who will
sit in Portland until all these cases are
disposed of, which will take, it is estU
mated, until December 20.
- The history of many cases of appeal
from the municipal to the circuit court
has been that delays have followed until,
when the cases camo to trial much diffi
culty has been encountered in producing
witnesses for the city, and the defendant
has either gotten of f ', free or with a
greatly modified sentence. Judge Taz
well has announced that lie proposes to
tiee that these municipal cases on appeal
are given speedy trial, and for that pur
pose will .secure the presence of outside
Corps defeated In previous contest ready to win back honors as opening
feature of mem bership 'drive. '
The widow and two sons, 13 and 9 years
old. are the heirs.
Divorce Mill
Divorce suits filed : Ovida S. La r sen
against Knute E. Larsen, cruelty; Ar
nold 'Mustel against Elizabeth Mustel,
desertion ; John E. Landers against
Florence E. Landers; desertion.
A verdicf .for the defendant was given
by a jury in Circuit Judge. Tucker's
court within a few minutes after it re
ceived the case Tuesday evening in the
suit. of, Mrs. Lillian M. Rose against Da
vid Penni Sr. on a charge of assault
and .battery. She asks for JC00O dam
ages, alleging that Pennl had assaulted
her when'.he went to her rooming
at Clay .and Water streets March 4 to
collect rent.
Petition Is Filed
Mrs. Bessie A. Cunningham filed a
petition Friday asking to be appointed
administratrix of .'the estate of her late
husband, John J. Cunningham, who died
in Portland. October J9. leaving an es
tate consisting of real and personal prop
erty valued at Approximately $10,000.
League to Discuss
Plans to Enforce
. Prohibition Statute
The Anti-Saloon league will hold a
conference at the Y. M. . A. next week
to discuss the enforcement of the pro
hibition law,fthe purpose being to rein
force public sentiment for a strict ob
servance of the law.
It Js probable that at this time the
subject of Oregon's' state legislature
changing the present state prohibition
law to conform strictly with the Vol
stead national act will be discussed.
Sheriff T. M. Hurlbuift is ot the opin
ion that this change should be made,
thijs eliminating' points , of confusion,
while .District Attorney Evans says he
is not certain that such a change should
be made at this time. -
Sheriff Hurlburt points out that the
Oregon law permits the use . of alcohol
for jmedical, sacramental and scientific
purposes, but makes no provision as to
how it may be obtained, while the Vol
stead act not only authorizes the uses,
mentioned, but provides the method of
getting the liquor. '
Gas Company Tiles
Copy of Its Request
'For Rise With City
. ,
The Portland Gas 4 Coke company
today filed with the' city a -copy of its
application, made to the public, service
commission, for an increase in rates
after December 31 next. The application
recites that the company, has purchased
its fuel for 75 cent's per barrel for the
past six years, but that a new contract
must be made' for 1921; which offers
prospects of an increase to $2.50 per
The petition declares the company
would desire an increase that would
proportionately make the same return
an jiow made on their investment, j
At 2S Per Cent Off
.This reat sale includes the famous Pendleton Blankets and other nationallv
known Oregon makes.
Here is an opportunity for every housewife to make a genuine savin? on these
soft, warm woolen, blankets. Our stock of blankets has a reputation that ex
pends far and wide for quality and variety of colorings at such remarkably low
prices, now that we have offered this entire stock at 25 per cent off you mav
rest assured that here you will make a genuine saving, and here only.
'. " , i - " . ' ... ; '
This sale is not the result of a "special purchase,"
M " iat comprises our regular stock of first class blankets.
All Blankets Now $6.35 to $22.50
Entire Building (Southwest Corner) Third and Morrison
Astoria Eugene f Marshfield North Bend
f Ml )
Reductions amounting to 25 per
cent In the price of furniture may
be looked for following January
purchases by retailers, according to
John L. Young of Cleveland, Ohio,
president of the j Retail Furniture
Dealers Association of the United
States. New patterns to be offered
by manufacturers: will combine sim
plicity, quality and efficiency of
workmanship in such a degree as
to make possible a, lewer price to the
retailer and consumer. Young said.
Young arrived from the East Tuesday
to attend a meeting of the Oregon Retail
Furniture Dealers' association to be held
tonight in the assembly room of the
Portland hotel. He is accompanied by
Douglas White of oan Fraisco, gen
eral manager of the Retair Furniture.
Dealers' Association of California.
Abnormally high prices of furniture
during the past year are attributed by
Young to an increase in the cost of ma
terials amounting to 300 per cent, and
in some instances m 400 per cent, com
pared with the market of 19M. Wages
in furniture factories are approximately
100 per cent higher now than before the
war. he. said, and the tendency has been
toward subnormal j production During
the past few weeks efficiency has been
on the increase in the furniture industry
and the increased output aids in extendi
ing the market and offering.; goods at
lower prices.
President Young is enthusiastic as to
the future of the furniture manufactur
ing business in Portland. "The city has
the best of shipping facilities, both by
rail and water, and the recent increase
in freight rates makes it possible for
Portland manufacturers to compete suc
cessfully with their EasteVn rivals in the
territory west of the Rockies. The an
nual consumption lof furniture In this
territory amounts to between $30,000,000
and $40,000,000 and &t present not over
12 per cent of this volume is being man
ufactured on the Pacific coast"
Young will loavei Thursday for Seat
tle to attend a -meeting of-; the Retail
Furniture Dealers' Association of Wash
ington. Similar organisations in 15
states are included ;in the national association.
Hard Cider Found;
Kratz Is Arrested
August Kratz. well known cafe pro
prietor, was arrested Tuesday night by
internal revenue .officers and charged
with having liquor in his possession.
The officers reportj finding hard cider in
his Burnside street establishment. For
some time Kratz has operated a stand
at 436' Washington! street. He was re
leased on a temporary bond of $250
bonds pending the commissioner's hear
ing, j
Red Crops Z?rlvc Planned
Medford, Kov. 10. The annual drive
for members of the Red Cross will begin
Thursday. Ben Cj. Sheldon is general
county chairman, i i I
Heres are wonderful values In
Boys' All-Wool Mackinaws in
; several different styles and
weights in a variety of dark
colored plaids. Sizes range from
i 6 to 18 years. j
Other Mackinaws at 25. off.
14 Mackinaws -NOW $10.25
115 Mackinaws NOW $11.25
116 Mackinaws NOW $12.00
18 Mackinaws NOW $13.50
Woolen Mill Store !
Entire Bldg.j (S. W. Corner)
Third and Morrison
Boys Department, 3rd Floor
j As a means of inducing the city
council to waive Its objection to tile
extension of Terwllliger boulevard
during' the coming year because of
lack of funds, a delegation of 10
members of the Fulton Park Im
provement club agreed at council
session today that the property own
ers take all preliminary steps, to
provide fpr the extension to tlie
city's bouthern boundary. Tbe
agreement , included deeding of the
right of way and a 30 -acre park
site to the city. j
This agreement, it was declared, paves
the way for definite action on the exten
sion next year when more funds may
be available for the improvement.
The improvement was abandoned for
1921 when consideration , of the budget
was bad this week. The i prerty own
ers declared the improvement essential.
1 The council agreed to make a new
Buryey of the extension and to visit the
scene in a body, but Mayor Baker Im
pressed the point that the work could
not be done this year, regardless. V
: Benjamin Riesland, who acted as one
of the spokesmen, declared the improve
ment would not benefit the residents in
the district only, but would make of the
"sky line boulevard an attribute to each
cltlsen of Portland." H
The park site of 30 acres ia situated
immediately south of the present termi
nus of the boulevard. i j
Police and health department officers
were searching today for two persona
who are alleged t have broken the
quarantine law. One is a case of small
pox and the other diphtheria.
It was stated by the city health, de
partment today that Kenneth Kelso. 20,
left St. Vincents hospital while suffering
from diphtheria, and is at large. A Miss
Guerin is alleged to have left i her
mother's home, 205 Sixth street, while
suffering from smallpox.
City Employees Under Act ;
Employes- of the municipal paving
plant were today placed within the
scope of the state workmen's compensa
tion act. The action was taken at a
meeting of the -city council and ! was
instigated by Commissioner Barbur.
1 Continued From Pw One)
without a driver's license must be closely
enforced. Many of the recent burglaries
have been attributed to men who; have
rented cars without drivers. The mayor
ordered that all garage owners be in
formed to notify the police if ! they
rented cars to any suspicious harac
ters. '1
Immediate return to uniform will be
made of many of the plain clothes of
ficers and they will be placed on beats
in order to combat petty burglaries and
street crime. The north end must be
patroled more carefully and the fleecing
of laborers by Btreet girls curbed at
once, according to Chief Jenkins,
That a shakeup in the police; force
will be made within the next two weeks
was given out by Chief of Police Jenkins
Tuesday night. The chief issued orders
to 27 men out of the 56 on duty pending
civil service examination' who failed to
pass the examination that their services
would be dispensed with within the next
few weeks. j
;'This change will not greatly hamper
the force as I have enough reserve men
to take the places of the men released,
but some of them are mighty good of
ficers and I hate to lose them," Chief
Jenkins said Tuesday. i
The home of E. G. Ellingsworth, 1923
Hodge street, was entered through a
back door Tuesday night and a quan
tity of jewelry stolen. Entrance was
gained with a pass key. Among other
articles reported stolen were 2 valuable
gold watches, a gold watchfob ' and a
gold chain and pencil.
F.'' W. Ulhman, 381 East Eleventh
street, was mistaken for a burglar Tues
day night when he went to the back
porch of the apartment above liis own
to fix a burned out fuse. Uhlman. who
operates a tailor shop, burned out a fuse
while pressing clothes. As he vas re
pairing the fuse Mrs. II. Hoffman, 381 'A
East Eleventh street, hearing a noise
on the back porch, rushed out and "cov
ered him with a revolver. He was-held
at bay until the police arrived and dis
covered the mistake. ' . !
T. M. Ramsdell. 206 East Fifteenth
street, heard a burglar attempting to
break in his home Tuesday night. He
and his son rushed to the front door
just in time to, see the unwelcome vis
itor jump the fence and disappear In the
darkness. . j
' Mrs. I. J. Boyce. 298 Thirteenth street.
heard a burglar trying her back door late
Tuesday night. She ran next door and
telephoned the police, but when they
Moke Yourself at Home
In Our -;
Player Roll Department
Um an. Ampioo to Try Over the 1st Roil.
W FMtur the Q. B. Cj
TWO of the most homelike
hotels in Portland, located in
the heart of the shopping and thea
tre district All Oregon Electric
trains stop at the Seward Hot el,
the House of Cheer. Excellent din
ing room in connection. The Hotel
Cornelius, the House of Welcome,
s only two short blo.ks from the
Seward. Our brown busses meet
11 trains. i
. Rates $1.50 and npi
W. C, CuIberUon, Prop. ' '
Why deny- yourself the
satisfaction of a hot drink
at the evening meal because
to dis
and coffee tend
tarrb vtmr sleet)
-remarkably like high-grade
coffee in flavor, but without
any disturbing after-effects
Sold by grocers everywhere!
Madehy Postum Cereal Compaxry, Inc.
Cattle UreeJc , JMich..
"immense1 or ""great-"
You might say "bully,'
Cleans the same thing.
Means: ""There teas room at the top for a cigarette
that can refresh a tired and much tired taste. And
dpur s that cigarette."
J In the new Spur blend you find:
The richness Of the full bodied Oriental Uat
pered by the mildness and fragrance of Burley and
other choice home-grown tobaccos. It's a happy
blend that brings out to the full that good old tobacco'
Just smoke a Spur and see.
IWgHfloewwcWJp'e9opo9y Kwiwupoieneoaeeee?e
Ab4 whsf s meref 8 tiny imported paper, crimped, net
mmultj. Makes o eay -drawing, alowrr-baratac drmm
rrttc A Batch ty ecat "brewa.aa4BUTr" pacfeaca, w1tS
tripifwrmppinf, kaepa Spoxs irtsb ss4 Brarraau
' i