The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 10, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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The second anniversary of th
signing of ; the arinietic which
brought th great world war to a
Cl6se will be celebrated Thursday in
A Portland. In keeping with the
proclamations of Governor Olcott
and Mayor Baker, nearly ail stores,
public building and offices, public
schools and banks will be closed.
Three outstanding features mark the
day' celebration, in Portland. The pa
, rade at 11 o'clock, aviation meet at the
Iwia and Clark flying field during the
afternoon i and th grand ball at the
Multnomah hotel at night. -8ERVICE-MEX
All ex-aervice men have been asked
to march fwlth their former companies
In the parade. The American ; legion,
Veterans ' ot Foreign Wars, Spanish
American 'War Veterans and : members
ef the Grand Army of the Republic will
appear In the line of msreh. - The gold
tar division, composed of the mothers
- and widows of men killed In .battle, will
attract special attention. The women
and disabled soldiers will be allowed to
ride in automobiles. The parade will
start promptly , at 11 o'clock at Four
teenth and Morrison streets and move
east on Morrison to Broadway, thence
north to Pine, east to Sixth., south to
Morrison, east to .Fourth, south to Main
and disband. : .
. Central library will be open from i p.
' n. to 9 :30 p. m. Thursday for reading
only. Branches will be closed all day.
Veterans of the Spanish-American
war are requested to assemble on the
" Fourth street side of the courthouse at
10:15 a. m. to march in the parade. H.
V. Reed, commander, requests a record
Students and alumnae of St. Helena
hall will meet at 11 o'clock Thursday for.
a special service, after which shrubs and
trees will be planted as a permanent
memorial to the men who S sacrificed
their lives for their country, i
Sons of the American Revolution will
bold a smoker at the .University club
Thursday nlffht In celebration of Armis
tice day and the tercentenary of the
signing of the Mayflower compact Har
old Sanford and Wayne Coe will speak.
All arrangements, for the aviation
meet at Lewis and Clark field have,
been completed and officials appointed
to superintend the events for the Amer-
lean Legion and the Aero Club of Ore
gon. Eight entries have been listed. ,
The judges will be.: Merrill Moores.
. Fred Hicltox. B. Pithlan. Captain F. S.
McClurg. Frank Watkins and Lair
Qregory. . Lawrence Therkelsen will be
starter and C. C Cook will act as ar
. nouncer.
six'evekts listed .
Six events will comprise the meet.
The first will be a handicap race from
the field to Vancouver, returning by
way of Municipal field to the starting
point Stunt flying will have a place,
. coming on as the second event : landing
to the mark will feature number three
on the bill The disappearance race,
when machines are required to disappear
from view of the Judges and return to
the field, is listed as number four, while
'in act five a hardy youth will leap from
a moving plane In a parachute.
- Depot-Morrison and North and South
Portland cars can be used to' reach the
field, or machines may be driven over
Ihe bridge to narking places near the
flying space. The first event is slated
at 8 :30. ' .
' British war veterans had beea asked
' to assemble at the Commonwealth build
- ing. Sixth and Ankeny streets, at 10
o'clock Thursday morning to form their
lines for the parade. , ..
."- Roseburg. Nov. 10. The local post.
American Legion, is preparing for a big
celebration on Armistice day. 'AH fra
ternal organizations will join in a pa
rade. Every resident has been reqiHjed
to display the' American flag and to
Join with the legion in making this one
of the biggest celebrations of the year.
'The program will open at o'clock and
continue all day, closing with the ball
at the armory In the everting. All busi
ness houses In the, city will close all day.
Hermlston,' Nov. J 10. Hermlston post,
American Legion,? is arranging an Ar
mistice day program to be held in the
auditorium' Thursday afternoon. Post
Commander E. J. Kingsley will have
charge. The exercises wilt consist of a
community sing, led by Kt C. Voelker,
musical numbers and an., address by
Colonel Callahan of Boardman. In the
evening the legion will give a dance.
Students Take Part
Forest Grove, Or., Nov. 10. Armistice
day will be celebrated here .with a big
parade of world war veterans, Spanish-American-war
veterans, G. A. R'W. R.
C. Boy Scouts, pupils of the Central and
Home Office
(crkrHf Sir
For Infanta, InvmlMe sod QrowtasTCMldr
The Original Pood-Drink For All Ages
Lincoln schools, the Harvey Clark high
school students, Women's club. Soldiers
and Sailors' Memorial association and
students of Pacific university.
(Continued From Page One)
Government stipulations aa to the ac
counting: for moneys handled by oper
ators have been ignored Mora than
$125,000,000 is outstanding and unac
counted for, he estimated.
Some operators have borrowed money,
ostensibly for ship operation purposes,
but then diverted it to other uses, caus
ing banks to discontinue such loans.
SUch practices have made the shipping
board liable for large sums and exposed
banks to losses. Withdrawal by banks
of such credits have injured sound com
panies. Repairs can be made ty operators up
to 110,000 per vessel without inspections
by government officials, thus allowing
loopholes for graft
There have been interlocking con
tracts in allocation of ships, which is
disadvantageous to the shipping board.
Government shipbuilding property has
been disposed of at ridiculous figures,
oner inventoried at $240,000 selling for
19800. - . . - .i'..-
'Over' advances have been allowed for
construction of ships by the Emergency
Fleet corporation, ' due to exorbitant
claims of contractors whjch have been
allowed despite protests of United States
shipping board Inspectors. . - , ,
Washington, : Nov. 10. WASHING
Sever condemnation of shipping board
practices and charges of "nuumerable
leaks and outright graft are contained in
a report made public today by Repre
sentative Walsh of Massachusetts, chair
man of the house investigating commit
tee, which vfslted the Faciflo coast last
year. The report covers the work of
two ! experts employed by the commit
tee, A. M. Fisher and J. F, Richardson.
Th contract with George F, Rodgers
for removal of unfinished? ways is
scored, investigators reporting $5000 a
hull j was paid when no work actually
was performed.
Ati official of the Bard a company ia
asserted to be acting in a "dual capac
ity," being- also a member of the ship
ping: .board cancellation and claims
board, and careful Investigation of the
Barde company's relations is recom
mended. The report bristles with allegations of
waste, incompetence and graft running
all through the shipping board opera
tions from supervising officials, con
tractors, and masters of ships down to
ship stewards and clerks. Derelict of
ficials are not named and only a few
alleged questionable contracts are listed,
including those of Rodgers and Barde,
the American Lumber Sales company
and Southern Scrap Material company.
The American Lumber- concern, com
posed in part of former officials of the
Fleet corporation, is alleged to have
used government plants to reap enor
mous profits from sales of materials it
purchased, and similar practices are
charged against the Southern Scrap com
pany, with, profits running over 100 per
cent on material sold by the Fleet cor
poration representatives at New Or
leans for it's benefit
,Of I Rodgers: contract the report says :
"Among other contracts which have
been severely criticised is the George F.
Rodgers hull removal contract This
covers generally all hulls in an unfin
ished state at the time of the armistice.
or rather at time the contract win
Rodgers was signed. Under bis con
ract ; Rodgers ia to remove these hulls
from the building ways or is to secure
from builders of the hulls and owners
of the land upon which the hulls " and
ways rest a release from further lia
bility. "For some reason the shipping board
saw fit to contract with Rodgers to pay
him $5000 for each hull thus handled.
The result has been that in many cases
the Shipping board has paid an addi
tional $5000 a hull to have Rodgers sell
the hull or give it away, in many cases
the cost of the hull representing sev
eral thousand dollars. .
"Rodgers has found little difficulty In
selling the hulls to the builders or oth
ers at a very fair price, which revenues,
under his contract revert to Rodgers, in
addition to which he collected the Fleet
corporation's $5000 a hull fee, and in so
few cases has Rodgers had to remove
the hulls from: the ways at all that the
question has arisen in the minds of a
great many persons' as to why. Since
these hulls were so easily disposed of at
a return; the supply and sales depart
ment of the Fleet corporation could not
have disposed of-the hulls in the same
manner in which Rodgers did, conserv
ing to the Fleet corporation the $5000 a
hull paid Rodgers and in addition, reap
ing whatever monetary returns have ac
crued from sale of the hulls.
"ThiB contract should be gone thor
oughly into by this committee for the
purpose of ascertaining what if any,
advantage accrued the Fleet corpor
ation from such a contract as well as to
determine what officials of , the v Fleet
corporation committed it to the contract
"Dealing with the proposed contract
for sale of surplus material to the Barde
company, the report says sales have not
I -
Home Merchant
If You Spend
Wisely You
Will Insist on
Oregon Products-
Morriso. Portland. Ore.
Gen-Mgr. E. N. STRONG, Asst Mgr.
i 'v.. ' " .
I Wea Milk, Malted OratalstrsetiaPewdef
No Cookinrouriahing OiftibXs)
been successful from the standpoint of
price, millions ef dollars of materials
so far sold having netted not more than
lSVs per cant ot original cost which is
declared to have been at a time when
such supplies vers worth mors In the
open market and the shipping board at
other points was purchasing like materi
als at advanced prices. The report pro
ceeds : I '' -
favoritism: is alleged
"The question seems to be ens of mal
administration rather than one of fun
damental condiUons in so far as limited
returns from sal of materials is con
oerned. The Barde company went to
the shipping board after a contract was
made with Karris Bros, and Bard com
pany offered and paid $1,009,000 more
than Harris Bros, had paid for exactly
the sam contract. This created a great
deal of discussion and it was charged
by the Barde company that the supply
and sales department ef the shipping
board, through f avoritlsni to Harris
Bros., was endeavoring to embarrass
the Barde company by not fulfilling the
contract as the shipping: board had
agreed. This contract covered steel and
other materials. ;
"Bards, now. It Is said, is trying to
arrange to purchase under blank con
tract all the supplies and stores the
Fleet corporation has, one of the argu
ments being that this will enable the
shipping board to dispense with its sup
ply and sales department
"It must be remembered, however,
Barde is figuring from the basis of net
returns as secured by the supply and
sales department Instead of from, a basis
of proper return for these stores and
materials. One of the officials of the
Barde company is also an adviser to the
shipping board cancellation and claims
board and as such exercises a dual ca
pacity. . This proposed contract should
be gone into very -thoroughly by this
On the subject of corruption the re
port says. . . ,
"Usually attempts are made, by con
tractors, and in many casea apparently
successfully, to secure the favor of
th port construction and repair repre
sentative who has the assignment of
work to th various contractors, and the
local United States Shipping Board
Emergency Fleet corporation agency au
ditor, who has under his charge the
checkers and tlmkeepers.
"Of course, It Is also necessary to cor
rupt timekeepers and checkers in order
that the work done by inferior labor but
charged for on 'the basis of skilled labor
may pass inspection, and that loafing
of men or padding of payrolls may go
: "This again results in good men being
heckled, insulted or even frightened off
the .work, whers they will not prove
susceptible to corruption. It Is com
paratively an easy matter to 'accident
ally' drop, a bar or wrench into the
hold, when a 'straight' timekeeper or in
spector is standing under, and thus It
is not long before honest men are dis
rusted and discouraged and others are
"One form of corruption most com
mon is for the contractor to hire and
place r on his payrolls the efficient men
who cannot openly be bought This re
sults not only In -rome employes of the
American Emergency Fleet corporation
being carried on payrolls of contractors
and drawing pay from them at the same
time the employe is drawing pay from
the Emergency 'R'leet corporation and
engaged in the service of the contrac
tor." In other cases, the report says, "prom
ises or ruture lucrative positions" are
roads to shipping board employes in
an effort to tinge their judgment or
sway their allegiance to their duty."
Favoritism in allocation of ships and,
trade routes is charged, "where political
Influence or influence through officials
of the shipping board themselves resulted
in assignment of tonnage to companies
with which the officials were or had
been associated."
Extensive craft is altered in ship sup
plies with profit to masters, chief en
gineers, stewards and others, in most
cases In collusion with contractors and
ship chandlers and theft of supplies is
said to be so prevalent as to be highly
menacing to the success of the merchant
marine. ,
Political influence is alleged to have
been frequently successful in securing
contracts for ships, modifications, ex
tensions and settlements. 1 Ship . con
tractors are alleged in some cases to
have instituted Liberty bond campaigns
among employes 'and charged 10 per
cent. to ship construction account
Supply of shipping board boats is al
leged to be largely in the hands of firms
who will pay gratuities, make deliveries
at any hour and charge the cost to the
shipping board. Stupendous losses, ag
gregating perhaps 40 and 50 per' cent
are said to occur in ship supplies.
Manipulations of repair contracts to
produce overcharges and excess profits
ar declared of vast smount and "so
tommon that it can easily be proved in
practically every port of: the United
Housing projects are criticised for im
proper location, excessive cost and de
preciated sale values. ! .
The report comprises over 100 pages
and will come before th Walsh com
mittee for consideration shortly.
i !
Washington, Nov. 10. WASHING
George F. Rodgers of Salem, Or., whose
contract for the removal of unfinished
hulls from ship ways is criticised In the
report of experts made public today by
th Walsh congressional committee, is la
Washington and made this comment: "I
am prepared to go before this commit
tee and show that through my contract
tne government made a great saving.
These hulls were a white elephant and
many believed that I would lose heavily.
x nave since been complimented for
the way I handled the matter. And
when the thing is averaged the whole
contract reflects only a fair profit for
in some cases th cost of removal ex
ceeded the fee received. fl do not be
lieve I should go further with detail
until I appear before the committee."
under his contract Rodgers handled
- wooaen nulls, in all Darts . of the
Country. He disposed of six in the Co
lumbia river district and 10 on Puget
Mrs. iiuchholta Injured
Mrs. Agnes Buchholtz, 1SS4 Woolsey
street was badly injured about the head
and back Tuesday when she fell from a
stepladder. She was taken to St. Vin
cents hospital. ,
Base Hospital Unit
46 Holds Reunion
". - i , :
A reunion for th purpose of organis
ing again was held in the j Dutch room
of th Haselwood Tuesday evening by
oase nospiiai unit 46. Temporary or
ganization , was formed to last , until
March when steps would be taken to
make it permanent. The temporary of-
ucers elected were: Garret 'Stelsel,
president; F.VM. White, secretary, and
Willis Ashley, treasurer. The unit was
organised and recruited in Portland
under the auspices ot the U. of tX medi-
al school in 1917. -
Funeral services ; for th Right
Reverend Titular Abbot Adelhelm
Odermatt. founder of Mount Angel
college and St Benedicts Abbey at
Mount Angel, were held Tuesday
morning at 9 o'clock: at St. Marys
Cathedral and this morning at 10
o'clock in the parish church at
Mount Angel.
Following today's service burial rites
were held in the abbey cemetery. Th
Right Rev. Abbot Placid us sang the
pontifical mass and Archbishop Alex
ander Christie delivered th funeral ser
mon Th early morfclig train to Mt
Angel carried a large number of Port
land clergy and friends.
Former students of Mt. Angel college
who wer! honorary pallbearers were;
Judge J. P. Kavanaugh. J. E. ForesteL
Harry Klostennan. John It Murphy,
Jordan Zan and Broderlck O'FarreU
Active pallbearers were : Father ' J,
Cummlnsky, Joseph Maul, Ben Bchafer.
Henry Weber, Fred Gansneder and
Frank Gansneder.
At th service here Tuesday Arch
bishop Christ! sang solemn requiem
high mass and th Right Rev. Monsig
nor A. HUlebrand, vlrcar general of the
archdiocese, preached1 the funeral ser
mon. -Sisters and ISO girls from St
Marys academy sang j the Vatican plain
chant. Solos were given by Mrs. Rose
Fried Gianelli and B, I Markee.
Opening Gun Is Fired
In Y..M. A. Drive
For New Membership
The opening gun of the membership
campaign of the V. M. C. A. was fired
Tuesday evening at th first campaign
supper. i
A program of music and minute talks
followed the supper. Mayor Baker sike
on the T. M. C. A. as an organisation
to prevent th spread of juvenile crime.
Fred Lockley gave a short .talk on
"Bearing- Fruit." G. F. Johnson told of
the benefit of th Y.. M. C. A. in making
good citizens and O, W. Davidson spoke
on service.
The departmental heads gave short
talks on the work of their departments.
Dudley Ryder and George Porter, cap
tains of the young men's division, and
Elmer Price and Sam Lockwood, cap
tains of the boys' division, told of their
work. i
The T. M. C. A. is entering on a cam
paign to have its membership the larg
est of that west of Chicago.
To bring the benefits of the organiza
tion before the men of the city a se
ries of special evening entertainments
has been arranged. These evenings will
be given up to a supper followed by ex
hibitions of wrestling, boxing and other
athletic feats, Friday night the em
ployes of the O-W. R. & N, will be
guests. Saturday night the Western
Union boys, Monday night the employes
of th Portland Railway. Light &
Power company and on Tuesday night
the Southern'. Pacific; employes will be
entertained. j
Accused Sings Self
Into Jail, Then He
Sings His Way Out
James Gordon, a Montana miner, has
a good baritone voice, He used it in
advisedly and got into jail. Then he used
it advisedly and got out of jail. The
impromptu vocal entertainment so
pleased Municipal Judge Rossman that
the man, who stood before the court on
a charge of vagrancy, was given his free
dom. Gordon was arrested Tuesday night
by Sergeant Keegan at Broadway and
Washington streets, where the singer
had attracted .a large . crowd. Gordon
told . the court he cam from; a mining
camp in Montana and was on his way
to the oil fields of California, Re said
ha had no money, but after seeing other
people playing instruments on th street
for coins, he decided to, try hlb voice.
wnen asKea oy tne court n ne couia
work, he replied he knew how to sing.
When Judge Rossman gave consent he
entertained the court with a olo, sing
ing "Down the Trail to Home Sweet
Home." i
Chamberlains Leave
To Visit Daughter
At San Francisco
United States Senator George K.
Chamberlain, accompanied : by Mrs.
Chamberlain, will leave this evening for
San Francisco. Mra Chamberlain will
remain in California for the winter, the
guest of their daughter, Mra R. Gaither
of San Francisco. Senator Chamber
lain will visit there for a short time, but
will leave for Washington in time to be
present at the opening of the senate
December 5. He will remain in Wash
ington until after March 4. when his
term will expire and he will return to
Portland. i
Centralia Girl Is
Reported. Missing
Maude Johnson, aged If, daughter of
Mrs. Johnson of Centralia, was reported
to Portland police headquarters Tues
day night as missing. The girl disap
peared October 29 on her way from her
grandmother's home in Tacoma to Cen
tralia. She was light complexioned,
with blue eyes, 5 feet 6 inches tall,
weighing about 13S, and wore a purple
sweater, discs co&i aqa diu nai won
last seen. '
Loaf of Bread to -Go
Down One Cent,
Effective Monday
The price of bread will b reduced 1
cent a Joaf, the new prioe becoming ef
fective Monday, it was announced by
th Master Bakers' association today.
The bakers said the reduction at this
time means that they will have to oper
ate at a loss, due to the stock ot high
priced flour. This new price will be
held to. however, unless th price of
flour increases.
Flour has declined in price, but the
bakers assert their own stocks were
bought while prices were high.
Faker Begs on the
East Side in the.
Name of Veterans
A "Feed the boys in th Armlstlc
day parade." - ;. v; ' ;!
f With this plea a man wag operat
ing In th Eastmoreland district to
day, gathering a dollar from various
homes ,' ,- : f
A victim ef th "skin game" tele
phoned th mayor's, office, but not
until after th man had departed. I
Marriage Is Unique
In Fairyland Scene
At Local Florist's
A crowd which taxed .the standing-
room capacity of Clarke Brothers florist
shop ! Tuesday ' evening witnessed f a
unique wedding ceremony read by th
Rev. Frank L. Wemett pastor of the
Centenary Methodist church, when Miss
Pearl Lapp of Marehfield and Wendell
Lechner of the store management were
married. The sales room of th store,
in i spite of its commercial day time at
tire, was transformed into a brilliant
setting of the season's choicest blooms
for the wedding. A bridal arch of tall
standards of chrysanthemums in yellow
and white combined with palms and in
terwoven with greenery was fashioned
over the stairway and ther the young
couple tood for the service. An or
chestra played the wedding music and
continued its strains softly through, th
service. j
The bride's gown was a smart tailored
costume and her flowers were a corsage
of orchids and baby rosea. The brides
maid was Miss Minnie Schulta of Fort
land, j Walter Gregg was best man. '
The idea of the wedding ceremony in
the store started some time ago when A.
J. 1 Clark proposed in a joke that any
member of the organisation who wortld
be; married in th stor should be given
a wedding celebration at th company's
expense. Lechner later announced his
intention rt accepting the offer.
Second Trials in
j Stamp Oases Loom
Robert La Salle, William Brenner and
W. E. Smith, accused in connection with
sale of stolen War Savings .Stamps, will
have to face trial again, according to
an announcement made by the United
States attorney's . office this morning.
Failure of the jury to agree on a verdict
will not bring them immunity, it was
announced. The jury Tuesday found
Angello Rossi and Fred Peterson guilty
if dealing in stolen and altered War
Savings Stamps and acquitted Dave
Japanese Kill 20
Koreans and Burn
! School of Natives
Tokio, Nov. 10. (U. P.) Twenty
Koreans were killed and one - mission
and one native -school were destroyed by
Japanese troops October 30. near Lung
Tching Shun. Korea, according to a for
eign office statement today.
The Japanese Infantrymen engaged the
Koreans-after reports had been received
that the mission was contributing funds
to the Korean insurgent movement
Yakima Limits Sale
0 Ginger, Paregoric
Taklma. Wash., Nov. 10. Parents
must cut out dosing children with pare
goric if they meet the conditions of the
new city ordinance regulating the sale
of j drugs containing alcohol and ether
to one-half ounce in any one day, either
on ! a 'physician's prescription or a per
mit issued by the chief ot police. The
sale ot Jamaica ginger comes within the
same restrictions.
Defeated Aspirant
Loses His Position
Yakima, Wash.. Nov. lO.Failure jto
land th nomination at th primaries
that his chief might become his chief
deputy has caused Deputy Prosecutor
George Mullins .to lose his position, ac
cording to Mullins. O. R. Schumann,
county prosecutor, says that since the
primaries Mullins has lost Interest in
his work and is of no us to th office.
i Military Tactics Topic
Military tactics and development work
necessary in the state to protect It from
possible aggression of a foreign power.
were discussed at a dinner meeting of
members of the Portland post American
Society of Military Engineers, in the Ore
gon building. Tuesday evening. Thirty-
five members were present
Talk isn't always cheap when money
talks. -
Make Yourself at Home
In Our
j Player Roll Department
(lie an Amplee te Try Over the LaU&RotU.
.. We Fastur the Q. R. S. V
Ndme 1
Face Powder
( Cree Boxa Onty
Keeps Tha . I
Complexion Beautiful
Soft and velvety. Mosey back U not en
tirely pleased. Nadine ie pore and harm
! Adhere aatU washed oft Pteveots
unburn and rturo of tflaeelentiaa.
Clltooa ef delighted nsarapfST Its veto.
Flesh, Pink, Brunette, Whit. At lasakg
tseet usslai. II Oaf latest It, syaal Me,
WsHssttl TaOt Cmhst. Fash. Tim.
Id by ROBERTS BROS, and Otter
'feUst C asters
Osnulne drafted gngllth rrenquett 1
$2, $20 and $3 Each
SOS WeoSrteca A. Fiwn gelt Z3S3
.1 .
S - . i .
. ' '" ... 1 " '"V V.
Salem. Nov.. 10. Less han EQ00
applications have been received fo.r
1921 motor, vehicle licenses , up to
date, according to Secretary of
Stat Kozer, who urges uutcmoblle
owners to file their applications, as
early as possible in order to avoid
the ; usual last-minuta con gestion In
the automobile registration depart
ment.'. J . i--
Motor vehicle owners are reminded
that it wiU be a violation of th law to
operate cars after January 1 without the
new license tar and that : the Issuance
of these tags requires a certain amount
of time. Automobile owners who delay
in filing their applications may find it
necessary to stor their cars after the
first of the year until their belated ap
plications can receive attention and the
licenses issued in their regular order. It
is estimated that not less than 60,000
applications .will i be made befor Jan
uary first and based upon present indi
cations the great: bulk of these will be
made at the last minute.
A total of 102,427 automobiles, 348.
motorcycles. 751 dealers and S2S4 chauf
feurs have been registered for 1920 up
to date, with receipts of th registra
tion department aggregating 2,041,
042.T6. -
Oame antf fee OhsHle' put
the RAY in aunthlne and
knock all the "QhV eut ef
OLOOM In the merrltsl
ey enuna er wrltun.
I LNV nJl 1
ft Kflftt'l N W
j3ssssfKHIHBHB5S!Tr'Tsi-. - WSH
1 -
Basil King's Powerful Drama of the Unseen World
Gertrude Atherton, famous; Novelist, enthusiastic:
"I -was enthralled I Not only because the
story itself is( intensely interesting, hut
because it is unique. Nothing of the kind
ever been done -a unique
and NEWS 1 I "
idea pre-