CITY EDITION f rf1 ! CITY EDITION ; Experienced Men Whether It Is market, marine, a prize fight or a religious matter. The Journal uses a writer trained to the subject. What you see in The Journal, daily or Sunday, Is written by a man who knows. If All Here and All True THE. WEATHER Tonight and Thursday, air: easterly winda Minimum temperatures Tuesday: i Portland ...... . 89 New Orleans ... S3 Helena , . New York 63 Los Angeles .... 6(1 St. Paul 14 Y r T YTY KTO 01V ; Entered t Second Out Matter VUU A1A. ,.U. iV. Pooffic. Portland. Oregon PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER id, 1920. SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE TWO' CENTS ; Rj MENTIONED IN Chairman Approved for Payment One Claim Which Would Have ' Netted. Government Loss of $10,500,000, Says Richardson, New York, Nov. 10. (I. N. S.)- Allegations th t Admiral Benson, chairman of the United States ship ping board, has passed for payment a settlement claim of the Merritt Stevens Shipbuilding company of Jacksonville, Fla., which would have entailed a loss of $10,600,000 upon the American government, were made today before the congressional .committee on United States ship building operations t y John F. Rlch- ardson, special investigator. Richardson, formerly an investigator of the shipping board, testified that when investigators had shown the $23,500,000 claims were based on alleged "forgery and misrepresentation," the case was re opened. . . . . G ROSS FRAUD CHARGED This evidence was but a small part of the testimony presented the congres sional probers today by . Richardson, who is etlng as the commission's special Investigator. He endeavored to show : there were flagrant violations of simple business practice, much fraud and lack of coordination between- the ' United States shipping board and the Emer gency Fleet 'corporation In building and operating of ships. ; 1 Among points developed by Richard son were : , ' ' Shipping board vessels" were allocated by favoritism. Some 50 new companies, inexperienced in operating ships, were formed, and these were able to get ves sels for operation in preference to es tablished companies. There was no' in vestigation to ascertain the merits or ability of the new companies to opera -ships; Numerous strong steamship companies asked for ships as built, but did not get them. The operating company assumes no risk in operation of government built vessels. Which are leased at a low rental, but If there are profits, shares in them. Losses are met by the American gov ernment. NO LIST OF LOSSES - The shipping board has no list of ships which have been operated at a loss. Until there is such a list no one can ascertain what the earnings of ail ship ping board vessels have been. 1 Established shipping lines have been using government-built ships on un profitable routes, the government stand ing any losses, while their own ships are restricted to paying business. There has been no' uniformity in oper ation of government-built vessels. ! (Concluded on Pas Two, Column Two President Wilson Is Sick Man, Declares Ambassador Davis London, Now 10. (I.' N. S.) "Presi dent Wilson is much sicker than any per son has believed," said John W. Davis, American ambassador to Great Britain, today. Mr. Davis continued : i "President Wilson fully realises that he is not able to participate any longer in politics. He plans to retire to an estate near Washington when his term expires and spend his time writing." i The ambassador refused to predict the identity, of his successor at the court of St. James, but many members of the embassy staff believe that the next am bassador will be Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, president of the Columbia uni versity, in New York city. Washington. Nov. 10. President Wil son is In better physical condition than at any time since his illness. The presi dent is in even better condition than be fore election, it was added, as the strain of the election has been removed. White House officials indicated a be lief that Ambassador Davis had been somewhat misquoted. They pointed out that when he had seen the president in Burope tn 1919 the latter was in vigor ous health. On ' the ambassador's visit to Washington last month, he saw the president after a year's illness. :, Admiral Howard Is Dead at Annapolis Annapolis, Md.. Nov. 10. (U. P.) Hear Admiral Thomas B. Howard, re tired, died suddenly, at his apartments here today. He was found unconscious In his bathtub and expired a few min utes later. Black Cat Is Blamed Again " .. .. : . t . Wagon Is Backed Off Bridge Gladstone, Nov. 10. Friday and a black cat are blamed for the troubles of Mr. and 'Mrs.' Allen, who live on a homestead In the hills east of Molalla. The Aliens, while In town, loaded their wagon with hay, tiles and glass tucking the black cat away in the rear of the -, vehicle. I ' Then they set out .for the trip home. They came to the bridge over the Mo lalla river and found workmen dumping cement for a pier. Theydrove up the long approach and stopped the team to wait until there was room to pass, j 1 But the horses weren't & (Customed to such strange sights. They weren't 50 ELK ARE SENTENCED TO DESTRUCTION pviSCIiARED guilty of destroy Jy lag agricultural crops In Klamath county and sentenced by members of the state fish and game commission to be killed, the major portion of a herd of 50 elk In Southern Oregon will face ex termination during the next week. Captain A. E. Burghduff, state game warden, left for Klamath Falls Tuesday evening : to carry but the orders pf the game com mission in killing the. offending elk. Several years ago a band of elk was taken from ; the Billy Meadows pasture In Eastern Ore gon and released In Southern Ore gon, y ' E "If our dealings with the shipping board should be looked into, why doesn't the Walsh committee look?" -asked M. Barde when he heard this morning of the committee's report on the relations of the Barde In dustrial company with the United States shipping board. "The statement that any member of the Barde company is employed in any capacity by the shipping board is a lie," Barde declared. "The Walsh committee or any other group or individual can go just as far as it likes in investigating our purchases from the shipping board. We have bought millions of dollars worth of properties from the board, but we have paid for every bit of it and have the checks to prove it. "We have been absolutely square In every dealing with the government and we will welcome an Investigation." OTHER BIDDERS PROTESTED That the Barde Industrial company contracts with the United States ship ping board "should be gone thoroughly into," is a feature of the house investi gating committers report on its search in , the board's affairs that has special interest in Portland, where much of the Barde activity has centered and where the Barde bids have been the subject of much concern among bidders who de clare ' they have been' "frosen out" of any opportunity to buy surplus supplies. This phase of the Walsh report ranks in local interest with the allegation that the shipping board has shown "favorit ism in allocation of ships and trade routes, where political- influence or in fluence through officials of the shipping board themselves resulted In assign ment of tonnage ta companies : with which the of flciali : were er had been associated." BLANKET CONTRACT STIRS The acceptance this week of a blanket contract from the Barde company for the purchase of great stores of surplus shipping board materials on the Pacific coast and the fact that the Bardes have offered $4,000,000 for the Hog Island shipyard, , assumes a new interest, too, under the Walsh charges that one mem ber of the company is not only a bidder for shipping board properties, but is also an advisor to the cancellation and claims board of the federal shipping board, and as such , exercises a dual capacity. Favoritism for the Barde company to the exclusion of other bidders has been freely charged here, and in the North west have echoed many of the other charges now made by Representative Walsh. Conditions in the management of the shipping board, especially its di vision of sale and supplies, is said to have been -the cause of resignations here and at Seattle on the part of officers of the board who refused to be parties to its maladministration. i ' BIDDERS WOT ADVISED The local situation revolved around a bid on surplus materials recently sub mitted by the Barde company; when several other prospective bidders were not advised of the call for bids nor of the inventory of materials available. The conditions under which the f Barde bid was .received and apparently ac cepted brought a strenuous protest, and at a meeting with Senator George E, Chamberlain prospective bidders won, through the senator, an extension of time for submission of bids. This 15 day leeway brought out five other bids, but all were rejected at "Washington and the properties have just been or dered sold to the Bardes under a blanket contract. Reporter of 34 Is Chief at Chicago Chicago. Nov. 10. (U. P.) A 34-year-old newspaper reporter was made chief of police of Chicago today. ; Charles Fitzmorrls. who until recently was sec retary to Mayor William Hale Thomp son, was appointed to the position when John J. Garrity resigned. The depart ment, under Garrity's administration, had been under fire in the liquor inves tigation. sophisticated urban horses, just shy lit tle prairie horses. They : backed away with wild surmise in their eyes and the rear end of the wagon broke through the railing. For a moment the wagon lurched on the edge of the sheer 15-foot drop. - Mrs. Allen jumped. Her husband stuck with the sinking ship. Allen came down In a pile of glass, tiles and hay. The wagon , struck right side up, and both horses, greatly surprised, lit flat on their backs in the wagon box. The workmen on the bridge say the black cat was last seen running toward the mountains. : r . BARDE DENIES All ALLEGATIONS MAD U. S. ABSENCE FROM LEAGUE CABINET GIVEN HINDERS PLAN BY LAWRENCE Important Questions of . Disarm ament and Japanese Equality not to Be Taken Up at Geneva Meet Because of This Vacancy. By Kdwin Ilulllnger (United News Staff. Correspondent.) Paris, Nov. 10. America's absence from the League of Nations prob ably will block action on at least two subjects which might have played a leading role in the forth coming meeting of the league coun cil at Geneva. 1 Foremost of these is the .question of disarmament It Is contended that no move in the direction of curtailing arma ment can be made until the United States is in the league and a party to the provisions for disarmament provided by the covenant. FRANCE TQ HOLD JAPAN The other is the question of racial equality, which Japan sought to in ject into the covenant during the "Ver sailles peace conference, and abandoned her effort only with the understanding that she would take it up before the league later. This question is of vital interest to America, but I am informed by persons in foreign office circles that "France can be relied upon to block any attempt to put a racial equality clause into the league covenant" In view of this, and with the expecta tion of England taking a similar atti tude, it is not believed likely that Ja pan will bring the subject up for action at the Geneva meeting November 15. . The matter is viewed in government quarters as "a controversial subject touching one of the greatest allies not represented." Hence it is not to be an ticipated that Japan would risk incur ring the displeasure of the new Repub lican regi.-ie in the United States in ad vance, thereby endangering possibility of an amicable adjustment of the ques tion later. As for the subject of disarmament, it is regarded as' "mere practical sense" to forbid discussion of it until a genu ine substitute for armament is at hand. France is frankly skeptical of the" league's ability to safeguard world peace unless the United States is In it EXPECT ENTRANCE LATER. There is no -despair of Amptjca'i eventual entry into the league in French government quarters,! but there is some concern and much confusion. The league, it is felt is definitely established and functioning and. of course, cannot be killed whether the United States enters or not. This is shown both in remarks by Premier Leygues 'and in discussion In the chamber of deputies. 1 "The league." said Leygues. in an in terview, "should become a great force and the most solid barrier against im perialism and militarism." The chamber debate on the bill In troduced for France's payment of her share of the league expenses, brought such statements as this: "The serious conclusion that the league has .already commenced to function per mits us to support this measure with out discussion or reserve." Among the leading problems before the council at Geneva will be the Sarre administration, Dantzig, the interna tional finance conference, Armenia, the boundaries of which President Wilson was assigned the work of establishing; typhus in Poland, the return of war prisoners from Russia, the Aaland " is lands dispute, the Lithuanian-Polish conflict and possibly the question of ad mission of Germany Into the league. France, it is understood, instructed her' delegates to prevent: absolutely Ger many's entrance into the league until the Teutons fulfilled the demands upon her under the Versailles treaty. japaTreIeases Tokio, Nov. 10. (U. P.) The diplomatic advisory council of Japan at a meeting yesterday decided to move voluntarily! the abandonment of the : China-Japanese military agreement, it was reported on good authority! today. This move was understood to have been decided upon as a means of giv ing China; and the other nations of the world a better understanding of Japan's intentions with regard to Asja. It was also understood that the coun cil considered the! question of racial equality and. the California anti-alien legislation at the same meeting. Under the China-Japanese military agreement, which' was the i subject of much comment a few years ago, Japan holds what China j claimed was a con trolling hand over the military forces of China. ' $60,000 Is Obtained For Jewish Relief At a luncheon held at the Multnomah hotel today it was announced that $60, 000 had been raised for the Jewish Re lief Fund for Poland, Russia and Oa licia. 3 Youthful Robbers Taken; Loot Returned - . i Seattle, Nov. 10 (U. P.) Three youths under 20 years of age were in the city jail today and police had re turned to owners loot consisting of furs, diamonds, guns, jewelry and clothing valued at $3500. 1 GRIP UPON CHINA Knox Secretary of State, Low den in Treasury, Pershing in War, Weeks for Navy, Hays for Postoffice, Names Appearing By Davlid Lawrence ' .' j (Cpyriht. 19:20, by The Journl) ' j Washington, ffov. 10. Philander C. Knox, United ' States senator from Pennsylvania, will be secretary of state in the Harding administration if his, health permits him to- accept the office.. Senator Knox Presli dent-elect Harding's first choice, j This and other names under consider ation for the Harding cabinet have come to the writer from men who discussed the entire cabinet situation with Seni ator Harding before the latter went south. I In a general; way President-elect Harding feels that he must follow cer tain geographical rules in picking his cabinet. Certain j states are demanding recognition and it is probable that cer tain excellent met may have to be elimi nated simply because of the . embarrass ment of selecting two men from the same state'. j KNOX AGREES WITH HARDING I Senator Knox is wanted for the port folio of secretary of state, however, not because Pennsylvania gave Harding such an overwhelming majority, but be cause Mr. Knox,! more "than any other man in the world, reflects the wishes and desires of Senator Harding on for eign policy. An irreconcilable or "bit ter ender" at heart. Senator Knox voted against the treaty and reservations of any kind, but differed from his col leagues in the irreconcilable group by offering constructive suggestions for a. concert of nations to enable America to play her part in world peace movements. Mr. Knox was attorney general under the Taft administration and also secre tary of state. He knows how to deal with foreign diplomats and Is thorough- (Concluded 00 Pace Eleret, Column Three) "Portland demands a police force that ' up on j its toes, alert to the minute, and ready for action air the time, a force that is efficient to cope with every situation from a traffic accident? to an extensive crime wave," laid Mayer Baker at a con ference with police officers at the central station Tuesday afternoon. Mayor Baker spoke straight from the shoulder as he outlined changes in the arrangement of the police force and made grim declaration of his intention to hold all captains, lieutenants and ser geants responsible. -- "Neglect of duty will result simply) in a policeman's losing his job, from pa trolmen up," said the mayor. DEMANDS PUBLICITY Mayor Baker spoke of the necessity for cooperation between the detectives and the uniformed men. Petty jeal ousies between officers has resulted is unnecessary duplication of orders. Pro fessional jealousies which cause Ineffi ciency and lack of harmony on the force will not be tolerated, the mayor said. "The public, has a right to know' what is going on down here, and coordination between citizens and the police force cannot be accomplished unUss the pub lic has confidence In the men who are employed to protect them. Right now Portland is being swept by a crime wave. Its citizens are the ones affect ed. Certainly i they have the right to know what the police are doing about It" said the mayor. The mayor made this; comment when he was informed that Captain Harry Circle of the detective bureau had been withholding news of robberies fromHhe press f j LABORERS FLEECED The state law which prevents a garage from renting an automobile to a person (Concluded om Pe Three, Column Fira) British Torn Flag Is i ! From Staff By Irish Zealots New York. Nov. 10. Led by a group of infuriated women, Sinn Fein sympa thisers Tuesday evening descended upon the Capitol theatre in 1 Broadway, tore from its standard a British flag flying in celebration of the armistice anniver sary and burned it in the street in the presence of a mob of some 15,000 or 20,000 people, i Colby South to Start for America Soon Washingtoni Nov. 10. (U. ' P.) Sec retary of . State Colbyl said today he would leave Washington for his visit to South America within two weeks. Colby plans to visit Rio de i Janeiro, Buenos Aires and Montevideo. f , . .a Four of Crew Are Killed in Explosion - I . . -. . ; ! New York. ;Nov. 10. (L N. S.) Four members of 'the crew of the Morgan Steamship Line steamer E3 Mundo were killed this afternoon when fuel tank exploded. Twelve members of the crew were injured! -' ' ; : ? a?Sehen LINES TOLD NOT TO DO MUCH WORK Washington, Nov. 10. (WASH INGTON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL.) 1 The railroads of the country were warned toda, against engaging in any extensive program of construction at the present time by Clyde B. Atehi son, member of the Interstate commerce commission,- speaking before the National Association of Railway and Utility Commis sioners. He pointed out the pos sibility of M. decided 1 decline in construction costs in the near fu ture and also the possibility of an excess in car supply. MOSES FORESEES SEPARATE PEACE By J. Irt Campbell Washington, Nov. 10. Reestab llshment of the United States on a peace basis by the passage of' the Knox resolution vetoed by President Wilson, wiU be one of the first acts of the new senate after the Harding administration begins to function on March 4, it was predicted totlay by Senator George H. Moses of New Hampshire, a Republican member of the senate foreign relations com mittee. Senator Moses conferre'd with Senator. William E. Borah, Republican, of Idaho,, leader of the senate "Irreconcilables" unalterably opposed to the treaty and league of Versailles,- with which group Senator Moses is actively identified. "Until this country is reestablished upon a peace basis, it would be useless to attempt to enact a new tarltf law. or to try to revise our tax system, or to otherwise undertake any remedial legis- Ut! t .LI.L .1 . lauuu iui which mere is eucn urgent need," Senator Moses said. "As long as I our international or foreign relations re main in their present state of uncer tainty and indefiniteness it would be folly to seek to readjust our domestic affairs." 307 Republicans; 127 Democrats, in JomingCongrss Washington," Nov. 10. (I. N. S.)-r-Official reports of election returns re ceived today by William T. Page, clerk of the house of , representatives, show thai the make-up of the Sixty-seventh congress will consist of 307 Republicans, 127 Democrats and one Socialist The latest reports show the further loss of two seats from the Democratic column. In. the fifteenth New York dis trict returns show that Congressman Peter J. Dooling, Democrat, has been defeated by Thomas J. Ryan, Repub lican.' In the fourth Oklahoma district Congressman Tom McKeown, Democrat was defeated by J. B. Pringey, Repub lican. County Boundaries Wrongly Described Salem. Or., Nov. 10. The need for a readjustment of county boundaries as described in the Oregon statutes is set forth by the Oregon geographic board in submitting its rVquest for a budget of $250 for the operation of the department during the forthcoming biennium. County boundary lines, as shown in the Oregon laws, are grossly incorrect, the board states, many of the boundaries being described in vague and incorrect language. Fire Chiefs to Plan State Association Salem, Nov. 10. A. C. Barber, state fire marshal, issued a call Wednesday for a gathering of all fire chiefs in Ore-' gon cities and towns to be held In Port lknd December 6 for the purpose of forming a state association. Barber points out that Oregon is the only state in the Pacific Coast Fire Chiefs' asso ciation without a state association. Penrose Relapse Is Denied by Physician 1 Philadelphia, Nov. 10. (I. N. S.) Dr. Herbert B. Carpenter, one of Senator Penrose's physicians, i today denied re ports that the senior senator from Penn sylvania had suffered a relapse. ir. Carpenter affirmed rumors that Senator Penrose was suffering with neuritis and sciatica. Unfilled Tonnage On Steel Reduced New York. Nov. 10. (U. P.) Unfilled tonnage of the United States! Steel cor poration decreased 537,952 tons,, it was announced today. I .! The unfilled tonnage totaled 9,838,S52 tons on October 31, agaipst 10.374.804 on September SO, and 10,805,038 on Au gust 31, and 6,472,668 on October ) 31, 1919. . : Cement Case to. Be Argued December 15 Washington, Nov. 9. f WASHINGTON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL.) Oral argument- In the Oswego cement rate case has been set before the interstate commerce commission in Washington December 15.- i 1 ; . HARDINGWINS FISH VICTORY; TIES SWIM President-Elect Qualifies in Place of Isaak Walton in Battle of "The Tarpons";' Wife Lands ; One; Too, After Hard Fight. Point Isabel. Texas. Nov. 10. (I. N. 8,) President-elect Warren G. Harding and Mrs. Harding wre both returned victors today In the "battle of the tarpons." The next president ' of the United Slates fully qualified as a tarpon fish erman ' when j he landed a tarpon four feet, five inches long. The "battle" was merely a struggle, the president-elect pulling his fish Into the boat without assistance. An hour after the senator's catch, Mrs. Harding had a "strike." She struggled with the tarpon for a half hour until the game fish was tired. It was five feet, nine inches long. HARDING TAKES 8WI3I ; Senator Harding was so elated he de cided to lunch on the fishing grounds, take a swim in the surf and do some work on his Brownsville speech before returning, to the cottage at Point Isabel. Senator Harding also spent consider able timeconsulting the best minds of this little'fishir.g village regarding cures for mosquito bites and sunburn, both afflictions ' having visited on the president-elect as liberally as on lesser per sons here.- Harding has taken to tarpon fishing, line, hook and sinker. He canceled his plans for golfing today and was out at sun-up across the bay to where the best fishing is. Had the troll line not broken Harding would have landed his big catch yesterday. MILLIONAIRE LUCKY Although primitive life here is begin ning to tell on some members of the party, most of them are laughing with great relish. - Senator Dave Elkins, millionaire coal baron, resembles a broiled lobster n6w. but he talks of nothing but the bites he Is having. He landed a tarpon fift feet long the first time out Harry M. Daugherty, prominent Ohio lawyer and Harding's political adviser, all his life, having put the collar but tons in his shirts himself, decided h must live like a gentleman down here and now he has a Mexican to lay out his floppy yellow trousers every morn tag. "' ; . " ".- The sheriff, who carries an imposing revolver hung in full view of the In habitants, put a cairn p in profiteering here today. When j prices of the lone restaurant were jacked up over 100 per cent on the Harding party,; there were rumblings of a soviet outbreak. These got to the sheriff, who hurried over and spoke a few words of emphatic Mexican to the proprietor. Prices were lowered at the next meal. , JAIL GETS THREE Point Isabel's penal Institution, which measures 8 by 10 feet, was called into play to curb three of the villagers who were unable to contain themselves in the excitement attending Harding's visit here. Prisoners are. hitched to a large iron ring in the center of the calaboose floor. Members of the party are remaining indoors at night now. A scouting expe dition last night reported seeing a wolf and a coyote on the outskirts of the vil lage and inquiry among the natives de veloped that wolves, coyotes and bob cats are frequently seen around the point Preparations are being made for a large Armistice day celebration at Brownsville tomorrow. Senator Hard ing will speak in the afternoon, going over from here on the little narrow gauge railroad, the train made up of two cars, one carrying an automobile engine mounted on its forward truck, which sup plies the motive, power. . The other car holds a dozen people. BOY OF 17 KILLED Vancouver, Wash., Nov!. 10. Los ing his way when frost on the wind shield obscured his vision, Theodore Frosch, 17 yea oli-, of Sara,' eight miles north of "Vancouver, was in stantly killed Tuesdiy night when the automobile turned completely over as he attempted to return to the road. He was thrown from the car and one of the wheels crushed his head as the car landed right side up beside the road. A sister, Mrs. Rose Watson, suffered two broken ribs and a sprained wrist The accident occurred about half a mile from Sara as they were returning from Vancouver. The road of dirt is narrow. Frosch was a son of Mrs. and Mrs. John Frosch, farmers of the Sara district The body is at Knapp's parlors. No in quest will be held. , - Anti-Alien' Law of California Scored By Japan's Society Tokio, Nov. . 10.-WU. . P.) Resolutions declaring; that the California anti-alien land law contravenes the dictates of justice and humanity and cannot be rec ognized without protest, were passed by the Japan Immigration society In ses sion here Tuesday. - Marquis Okuma. president of the soci ety, in an address, declared he did not believes America intended Injustice by the adoption of such laws by California, "But should she forget the noble prin ciples on which she is founded," Okuma added, "Japan should firmly stand for her -rights." ; WHEN CAR UPSETS LIFE IS TOLL MR. AND MRS. SCHUY LER COLFAX SPEN CER, who figured to day in tragic shooting at they; Willamette Heights home. Spencer is dead, while his wife is at the hospital probably fa tally wounded, j - r " I I t 4 KILPATH ALIVE, PRISONER OF REDS Washington, Nov. 10. -(I. N. S.) Emmett Kllpatrick. - an American reported 'killed by Bolshevikl In South Russia, is still ejive and held prisoner by "Red" guards near Paurlde, the . American Red Cross headquarters was informed today in a cablegram from their branch in Paris. '; Kilpatr'ick, a resident of Mobile, .Ala., was first said to have been slain on No vember 1. but today's massage gave de nial of this and said that proper steps are under way to effect TUs release. Gen eral Wrangel. anti-Bolshevik leader in South Russia in response to demands made from Paris, is making a vigorous effort to secure the exchange of Kll patrick Immediately. j The cablegram gave no details con cerning the treatment being accorded Kllpatrick, or the conditions under which he is Incarcerated. Kllpatrick's brother is Dr. George C. Kllpatrick of Mobile, Ala. Available Husbands -Lacking in! Orient, Girls Come! to U. S. San Francisco Nov. &. (U. P.) The Orient has its commercial possibilties, but offers nothing in the line of matri mony for five pretty girls, according to J. Saigan. Norwegian manufacturer; . So Saigan and his ' daughters Inge bjorg, Karoline.i Olga, Sigrid and Llily were in San Francisco today to make their home in the United States, the girls hoping to become the wives of substantial Americans, j. . "Race 'assimilation is utterly Impossi ble in , the Orient," Saigan declared. "Morals, religion, color and habits for bid such a condition. ! "So mother and myself, after two years of study, ' decided , to move to America and give the girls a chance." Saigan gave up a business he had been building for 20 years to bring his quintet, of daughters to a land where thejr might make happy homes. - ... N cond Payment , By Land Company Received by State Salem, Or.. Nov. 10. The Pacific Live stock company Wednesday gave George G. Brown, clerk of the state land board, a check for $51,000 as the second pay ment on the $125,000 which it agreed to pay the state in a compromise effected a year ago by Attorney General Brown in settlement of the state's claim to lands - In . Harney county, which were held by the company.., f - The original payment of $25.000 "was made at the time of the compromise and a final payment of $50,000 is to be made. The company Is also placing -10.000 acres of land on the market for settle ment The compromise was agreed to by the company when the attorney gen eral was preparing to file suit charging fraud In cormection with the possession of the land.,-. ... ... r . . , . S. C. SPENCER KILLS SELF Well-Known Lawyer Sends Bullet Through (Heart Soon After He Wounds Wife; Latter May Diej Melancholia Blamed for Act, Schuyler Colfax Spencer,. 5 , prom. Inent lawyer, shot and killed himself and perhaps fatally wounded hi wife, Namonl C!. Spencer, In the fam. ily at 1128 Thurman street, Willamette Heights, about 7 o'clock: this morning. . No- motive can be assigned fot the crime other than that Spencer was In a fit of melancholy. Mrs. Silencer, who, prior to her mf. rlage to Spencer 10 years ago. wan the widow of Colpnel T. Kgenton Hogg, Is ly ing In St. Vincents hospital with a bullet -wound through the left side of her ahdoi men. She Is unconscious and not ex pected to live. Spencer shot himself through the heart with a .45 automatic and probably died Instantly. Three shots were fired altogether, one going wild. ; Spencer was divorced from his first' wife, Mrs. Anita C. Spencer, who named Mrs. Hogg, then a stenographer- In Spencer's, office.- as co-respondent Kh charged desertion. A grown son by hia first marriage' died several years ago. ' HOUSEKEEPER AROTSE1) Mrs. Doris Jones, housekeeper, - told Patrolmen Chase, Burtch, Hill and Ca hill that she heard Mrs. Spencer cough ing loudly about 7 o'clock, so she arose and started toward her room to see If she needed aid. About the same Instant she heard several sharp noises, but did not suspect them to? be revolver reports. As she reached the door to the Spen cer bedroom, Mrs. Spencer cams running out and when "Mrs. Jones tried to assist her downstairs she cried, "No, outside, outside." Mrs. Jones took her to the upstairs porch, where she could set fresh air. Mrs. Spencer then said, "Oh, I'm shot" Neighbors called the police. DOOR IS LOCKED ' When the police arrived they found the door to 8p"encer'e room locked, so they climbed up the outside of the house and through the bedroom window to gain entrance. They found Spencer lying on the floor dead. . Drs. S. H. Sheldon and E. A, Sommer. personal friends of the family, were the first physicians to arrive. They sent Mrs. Spencer to the hospital and In formed the police that Spencer had been worried over some matters for several months and was apparently not in his right mind. . About six months ago whll playing squash at the Multnomah club, Spencer ' is said to have suffered a peculiar stroke, similar to paralysis. About sis weeks ago he suffered a similar stroke and for several days would not talk or leave the house. ;' His law partners thought it more d' visable for Spencer to do light work than to stay around home, so when he came to the office after the second stroke they .allowed him to work. He was a member of the law firm of Wil bur, Spencer, Beckett and Howell. Spencer 'was a colonel on tbe staff of Governor T. T. Geer. . N EVIDENCE OF 8TRCGGI.E Police say they found no evidence of a struggle. It ia not known exactly where the shooting took place, but a bed is believed to have been the scene of the attempted double tragedy. Police base this theory on the fact that both Mr. and Mrs. Spencer were In their nightclothes and the additional fact that ' one spent bullet was found in the bed ding. - : .... i , . , , The shot that uvnt wlM 1tatt.a large mirror on the "closet door. spencer owned. a large ranch near Dilley, which Is said to have caused him considerable worry, as it had not been paylns for' itself. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer visited the" ranch Sunday and upon their return he Is said to have been , sullen. The financial condition of the' ranch was said to have caused consider able discussion between the - Spencer since Sunday. The housekeeper report ed their living expenses to be quite high, HOGG BUILT RAILROAD "Colonel T. Kgenton Hogg. Mrs. Snen- cer's former husband, originated and built the old Oregon Pacific railroad trom Yaquina Bay to a terminus iotho east in the Cascade mountains, which is now known as the Corvaills tk Ku st ern. Hogg enlisted about $15,000,000 of New York capital in the enterprise. He was married late in life and died many year ago. ' . L. The housekeeper to the Spencers Is a recent wldow.; Her two smalt children. Finis and Naomi, were sleeping (With her when she heard the first unusual noises from the Spencer bedroom. In the absence f John P. Whiter, president of the Multnomah County Bar ,: association, Presiding Judge Tas well of the circuit court today appointed W. M. Davis. John M. Uearin, C. J. Schnabel, Charles H. Carey and F. S. Serm as a committee representing the bar association to aid the family in per fecting the : funeral arrangements, and also to prepare and present to the asso ciation resolutions of condolence. The funeral will be held at 10 o'clock Saturday forenoon. at ; the Holman chapel, but details for the services have not been completed. - - Swell Given Two : Years for Arson ' Oregon City, Nov,. 10. Charles A. I1 well, 64, convicted of setting fire to his store, which contained tbe postoffice at Jennings Lodge, December 2, 1919, was sentenced to two years In th peniten tiary Wednesday. He Is seeking to raise $1500 bonds, pending action on his mo tion for a new trial. Should, he fall to secure the bonds he will be taken to Salem at once. Mrs. El well was seri ously injured in escaping from . their apartments above th store at the tinve of the fire..' ... i . , .-a- '