9 t- ' .. . ppp : - -"p. p;p. p.- - ..k. -. - - P P 1 p- - pp; , . p- THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER - 7, 1920. 7. ROOMINfj HOUSES, APARTMEXTS, ANI HOTELS FOB BALE U HOTEL AND ROOMING HOUSES OUR fcPECIALTT MAM 427T 38 H. K. worn, brick bldg.. elos la west side, all room rented and waiting last, clear, over 1400 a month; price (5600; good Una. 26 H. K. room, brick bid., elo. Jn'west Me, all extra rood furniture, 2 yearn' lease; wtU clear orer 1200 month; the beat buy la the city at $1600; good term. - It H. K. room, close In wt side, blocks from Washington efc vent eniy oi runnlna water in oart. of room. very good fur niture: will clear $75 a month above your apt.; full price (1000; aoma tonne. 20 H. K. room. White Temple dint, rent only (60 per month; good rumiture, an rentea; ineom $275 a month; prica $2500; aoma term. : 1 8-toom transient hotel, one of th. beat looa ' tlnn on writ tide, alt on on. floor, 8 baths and 3 tMlsts; rant only $50 a month. 3-year lease. See this before buying; price saauw, fxne terms. If you are considering the hotel businesa H will psy you to look over oor Pstlng. w nsvs tl.em in all sixes in ail parts of the city; our cars will call for you. Call Mis RuHer or Mis Moyer with Simihn.. 617-M9 Cbmber of Commerce, bid. Main 4277. Sunday call Bdwy. 2987, .WOULD yon consider a gift of (240 per inmttU without any effort on your partf Kuniiiy inreet (1250 la 30 room room ing house. Tbia also has on the first flour a Try desirable place for ,a barber shop- or a store. On the corner and at t )nterveTtion of two carlinw. and we -uli to uy if you buy tlus and handle it in the prirr manner you can mak. a net nr-rfit of (4000 to (5000 per year. We do not recommend this as a high clsas flu but we can pro, the Income as ad ertnrd. JohnsonDodson Co.' 33 N. W. Rank Bids.. Main 3787. 7 rooms, rent (1 H. .......... .$ 800 12 room, rent 13 1000 12 rooms, rent (18............ 1000 7 rooms, rent (40. . . , ,. . , . . . lO.'.O 24 room, rent (70...., 1500 15 rooms, rent fl0 ........... . 1500 Z n rooms, rent ( 3 . 1800 10 ra.mi, rent f50 1700 rooms, rent $00 ......... 1,. . 2500 Net incomes from these places rary from (80 to (175 per month. We hare many other, i Mr. Albaugb, with John l erguscn, tierlbiger bldg. LST H1UE 110i;BEKKEriNG APARTMENTS 10 rooms, (1780; terms. IT rooms, (21UO; terms. 1 room,, runnings wster, steam beat; (2250 down. -1 "rooms. Aiming wmter, steam heat; (2.S00 down. ; , ' 38 rooms, all ons' floor, store beat; $2000 down. i - ; ' 40 rorena, stesm beat. . ranrdng water most apartments;. g.'noti (town. . OOVEH A , HOLM AN 322 8-4 Failing Bldg., 3d and Washington. "W do nnt misrepresent" TNCOMH PROPERTT 23 room house, close to shops and mills, rooms always m demand. Tbia build ing needs repair. An excellent opportunity-: to make a large profit by renorsting this Jiotu. House could not be built today for three - times the price asked. Out of city owner is forced to aell. Price 5000. IohnsonBodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. $900 FOR 0 ROOMS . Furniture1 fairly good; rent $32; close In north of Washington. Fix this up a little sod you hare a dandy place; H down. . J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201' W. PARK. (300 NET PER MONTH 28 - rooms. Northwest heat; part H. K.. some transient; well famished; clean; low rent; lease; near O. W. K-'a; (4 BOO; term,. . J. ElKJENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. 75 ROOMS 75 Such a bargain: making big money. I do not desire to expo, this place by telling you in this ad what it nets. Come in and I'll, tell you; (2000; terms; west side. . . J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W- PARK. 'STOP! : STOP! STOP! - Read the ads on my bulletin boarda and then come inside. I hare good buys, in hotel, apartment and smaller places. J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W. PARK. 8 ROOMS, furnished unusually good. Urge bright rodm. Iarge dining room. Place . fully equipped for ' boardera but also a good proposition for roomers only. Kent extremely low. Price reasonable. Mrs. Albsugh. with John Ferguson. Ger ltnger bldg. ; ' $1700 APARTMENT house with nine -income a bore expenses and your own! apartment free. Johnspn-Bodsoh Co. (33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 878T. CALL main 2590 and I wffl eome at ence and list your place if it is for sale. I write insurance. i. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. IF YOTT hare rooming home, hotel or apartment house thst yon will Mil at a price within reason I can furnish the buyer with cash. Bring or phone it in. Mrs. Albsugh. with John Ferguson. Ger linger bldgv ; I Investisrate : An inresiment of $8000 pays orer 100 oer cent on a furnished 90 room apt. house located on west side: balance can be paid (260 ni month. Erenrthina in fin. cnolii. xZ.7J5I 10 ROOMS, an IL K. (000; clear (90: rent (18. Can yon beat it! And only (600 down. See thia mre. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 !W. PARK.' TEN houkeeplng rooms, well located west aide. ! nela (90 per month; (J100. 33 rooms, ii4 housekeeping, 8 doubles, 3 S?".81,1,05 'f WMt ide- on Prominent street; nets (230 pert month; (3500. N I. G. DAVinsnv - 819) Chsmber of Commerce 10 BOOMS, partly furnished. Urge gar age that more than, pays the rent, two baths, Urge sleeping porch, It you hare some furniture to put in it you can make money.. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson. Gerhnger bldg. . , I 13 ROOMS, part H. K close In; fvt nsee; pretty good fnrniture; prominent VtZJ'' 81600; terms. J. ElUENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. v OJRooms-esia p. Dandy home, -large yard, always fulL Beanie on waiting hat. well furnished; ek In uSa at or.. $1285. Pay (350 'doT UL u mske it Peters Realty Co, 15 !?! 6 15 APABTMENTS. furnished," near indn.trl.1 center, always fuU. a 500 win bandli. make deal on bonding credit tt pureSS price. Clarke, Msin 9068. vureaase 21 H. K. ROOMS, elwe' ln. alraring (lao 1 montl.: low rent, fine loceSSnT $1550 h?n dies. WESTSIDB RKALTYXCO.. 16 W 10-ROOM flat, fnrniture for sale; 8-year lea; on building. Thia is . splendid horn. 153 income. Nesr- 20th and Washington stl I r2 quire 626. Chamber of Commereeb dg 1.?2X-KooJn.. hoUM downtown. - "deartoi 493. """ IX rodma, gale or tride.lS IF your romlng house, apartment or hoi i. fli8: .' always haV boy- . t.i "; peer. j. K. BOWDEX CO. 63 ROOM boarding house. $3000: "win consider uimnc, rasii and terms. - For " "unuraa ec 8 H. K.. WALKING dlsUnce. clearing $50 per wS"pi;k .1 ,und, Cfu'm WANTED Booming bouse. houselmpug.r3ta ! TWrd?1 389. GarUnd! BOOMING HOUKltS. APAETME5T8 AND HOTELS FOR SALE 68 HOTEL BARGAIN a Beautiful modern brick ; building. 145 room, all well furnished, runtime ' full, and nets $600 per month. Long tease, and we ran put yon in this hotel with $4000. Call and see ma before Nevember IB. 72 UOOM HOTEL 72 : If you ax looking for a strictly transient hotel, this will appeal to you; ' fine comer brick, modern and wall furnished. 8-year Iae at lair rent It takes $111,000 to handle. 40 ROOM HOTEL AO I Beautiful little downtown brick, very nicely furnished, and plenty of print bath, good leaae; $71100 re- quired. P 27-BOOM BRICK ! ' Here is a good pick op, considering location; lease at $150 per mo, . Price $5500, i i 18 ROOM 18 -P i Furniture and . earpeta are extra : good, rent $100 per mo. This is 5 aninutes' walk from btuineas district; price $3800. Can (ire terms if necessary. fill ALL HOUSES I hare several places from 10 to 20 rooms at reasonable prices. . F. BIEBDON. RITTKB, LOWE A CO., 201-3-6-T Board of Trade bldg. WE WBITE ALL KINDS OF INSUR ANCE. 8MALI, HOTEIj 81 rooms, steam heat, runninc water, fn sart of rooms, brick building.. This is well furnished. in good condition. Clean. Downtown business location. Making good money. Price $5250. . SMALL APARTMENT -38 rooms. White temnle location: all apart ments her. sinks and runninc water, gas ranees. Kzoellent rnrruture ana in line conaiUo throughout. Grose income (420, Furnace heat. Rent (100, 2 years' lease. (5000; (3000 handles. .i . 10 rooms. White temple district, store beat. electric lights, good furniture and clean. Clears 9n ore r the expenses. Price. (1350; S75 cash. ; : . 8 rooms. Nob Hill district, furnace, elec tricity and the beat of furnishings;, make lcrreiy home and income. Price SHOO; (TOO handles. ',. K. BOW&EN CO. P 8.15 Chamber of Commerce! Bldg. '.' f HOTEL AND RE8TAUBANT 127 rooms, sll modem': steam heat: splendid furniture; good location; new lease. Hotel clears orr (1200 per month. Bargain -Jar cash. Will sell together or separately. D. TAK.KOKA, I ' 518 Henry bldg.. Portland. Or. BtTSITfESS OPPORTUNITIES 29 PACIFIC AGENCY, 514-2 'Swetland Bldg. Cor. 'Sth & Washington P BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I CONFECTIONERY - Corner location ; rent (30: 2i nice tiring rooms, daily receipts (30 and P- Just the place for man and wife. Price (1400. GROCERY With 5 modern bring rooms; 2 year lease; rent (50. Daily receipts $90 and up. Price $3350. : i : : FRUIT STAND West aide, fn the businom ivrt of town ; long lease. Rent $175. Price $6500. j GROCERY Corner location acmes from school: 4 nice tir ing rooms. $1200 takes stock and furniture. Kent (30. . . GROCERY S nice tiring rooms orerlooking rirer; daily receipts (100 and up. These rooms are well furnished Price includes ererytbing, (8S00. One in end look this orcr PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. S 1 4-20 wetland BSdg. Cor. -: Sth & Washington Grocery, . -Conf ecttiemefy Corner location; rent (22.50; nice llrlng room; tine fixtures: nice clean atock in every line; doing nice business. 1 late 1910 model Chalmers roadster in first-class condition, good as new, equipped with cord tires which are brand new. will trade store and ear in -on an ex crosire grocery. Reason for- change, wants a larger business, . This is a bona, fide proposition and will, stand the closest inrestigation. ' Store lump or inroice (2500. Cat coat (2250; good a new. Box journal. , , p - . AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS Want honest oartner to take olaee of : tiring man, if you are willing to work and put your time to the business; I would prefer a man to learn the business my way;: I hare the best equipped shop on west side; fine businees; alt the business I csn handle all the time; clearing (200 to (350 per week; (7000 one- half interest. - You arc sure of gucceja because yon will be in with a first class mechanic with a good name. 7-888, Journal. GOING GARAGE in Oregon, SO miles out,' on Highway; rent (12.50, lease; repairing, accessories, gas, oils, acetlyene welding battery repairing and re-charging; rery thins. Price (2500; will exchange for near in acreage, or apply on house and lot in Portland, and assume. Thia is a splendid proposition for married man. Ap ply 201 West Park. ; . BIG OPPORTUNITY We hare 110 acres in walnuts and cherries, nuKtlar all bearina- in A nroren fruit belt This orchard has not had nroner care for 2 years. We want someone to take charge of It, must hare aoma moner to finance himself. We will eir. to the risht man- a warranty deed to 40 per cent of the land. Men without means or curiosity seekers need nnt apply. action a. Schmanch Co., $06 Railway Exchange bldg. INVESTIGATE a 10 inrestment with -money aafemarded and almost unlimited prospectire returns. Not a fly-by-night, wild cat br specula tion. A big substantial concern wltn mi men, big earninga and big future. Opportunity can be demonstrated aa sound and extremely profit able. No time for curiosity seekers, siui in formation write P. O. Box B75, Portland. Or. ORGANIZE your biuiuena aa a Declaration of Trust and guarantee its legality; furnish 10 expert aaleemen free who sell stock on com mission. 1 Save taxes, fees, penalties, reports to blue-sky commission. Advice and literature free. National Organization Co.. 128 W. Madi son, Chin, go. i j '" -, TltUCKrirers wanted to wort out of Portland and Spokane; wagea (180; an investment of (500 required. Erery man in this i company a shareholder and only reliable men need apply. XOUB TRANSPORTATION LINES. INC-i 825 Glisan St, WANTED Shingle mill man, looking for snap; mill ready to operate: eut 80,000 in eight tint: 5 million feet stampage adjacent; small amount of cash will handle. Woodlawn 3642, it. Thomas, 1250 Garfield are. FOR SALE Good will of 11 years wood saw business, and one extra good sawing ma chine mounted Ford truck. This : is a good chanoe to be your own boo. ant make money. Call A. B. C. Fuel Co., 429 Hawthorne are. WILL sell an established auto paint shop corn pleta. in brick building; reasonable rent, good location; cheap it taken at once. Phone East 1911 ANY MAN Who has $300 to $400 may hare ptarrnasg t bis own which will pay at leaat (500 to (1000 per month. Call Automatic 223-66. GROCERY store, doing about (100 per day, stock and fixtures will run about (3000; con sider city property or acreage up to $2000. Call Woodlawn 8024. - . T" SACRIFICE SALE ' " Grocery doing $75 a day for sale by owner, who has to make immediate asle on Sunday or Monday. Tsbor 8919. Price $2000. ' FOR SALE Cp-to-dste grocery at 863 V, Sandy bird., near E. 28th; splendid location. A bar gain if taken at once. Apply to owner at the store. EXPERIENCED man to buy half Interest " in wood saw; plenty of work. Call 4(3 Alder ft, room 20. ; ANYONE who would be interested in restau rant bnsiaeat with soma cash, call at 697 Sherrett are. i . , :: ADVERTISE in 6000 weekly newspapera."' lc pe m t;i yv' mu wi hi : pan. uope FOR SALE an enterprising electrical ahop, buy town, ion or wore, ueaw reason lor selling. Bargain. LX-503, Journal Printing for Less Ryder Ptg. Co. Main 688 8. 19J Sd a. WANTED Partner with aoma means to invest in paying business, 75 per cent profit, W-6S6, jonraai. . JOB PRINTING slant and est. business. 1 Sreases, stitcher, cutter and Iota of type. Price . 00 cash. R-171. Journal. t ,. '$5000 "! T WiB handle one of the best located gsragas hi the city. MeCabe, Marshall 8993. FOR SALE Stock of winter millinery tor gale or will trade. East 4666. ELECTRIC ehoa shop, (1200 cash, (1500 terms. Call at Milwaukie for particulars. TO LIST your apartment or hotel. itf.WaTtir. j 330 Railway Exchange bldg. i STORE tor sale, will take city property or Ford i car aa first payment. Phone East 4063. FOB fj4T.fi PnnrTinnt bnniniea. Call H.'PT" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES i( PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 514-20 v Swetland 1 Bldg. Cor. Sth & Washington OUT-OF-TOWN HARDWARES Annual aalee around $75,000. and on an increase ,- this year; will invoice around (32.000. EASTERN WASHINGTON Will inroice around ( 10,000. ON THE COAST i - Will inroice around (30,000. ON PC GET SOUND ! Will inroice around $12,000. EASTERN OREGON WM inroice around 115.000. Also a general atore, shout (lJO.000. i , SOUTHERN OREGON I Inroice about (92,000. Inroice about $22,000, monthly aalee around IS0O0. IN AND ABOUND PORTLAND Inroice about ( 4,000. . Inroice about (13,000. Inroice 'about (10,000.1 We hare the most complete list of Hardware Ntorr, in nd out of town that can be secured. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. S 1420 . Swetland j Bldg. Cor. Sth & Washington BOAT LINE BCSLVEoS 3 Urge 85 foot launches, which handle freight and peneengers, ajsoi U. S. mail, wbkb pay (150 per month. , This businees operates r early all the year around ; : located fn Southern Ore ion. If you are looking for a health re storer, an outside business, don't orerlook this. Price (I1.0O0. I PACIFIC AGENCY; INC. 5I420 Swetland I BSdg. Cor. Sth & Washington ' I.OOKl LOOK! LOOK! Sacrificed for Quick results, one of the best (If not the rery best) restaurant in the North End; in a splendid location and doing a fine bnsfneae; will stand the closest lnrestigation ; (3000 will handle or win; trade for rooming bouse, riouss and mt or something of equal ralus. TRY LS REALTY CO. 189 W. Park LARGE manufacturing corporation wants eaoa- ble men to open branch! office' and nuun tctesman; (300 to S2U00 neceabary; liandle your own money; excluwre rights, patented article. moneymaung possibilities unlimited; wilf pay ex- nensea to Baltimore if yon oiulify. Address Mr. Clemmer, aalesmansger, 003 IN. Eutaw ,t. BalU- tiiore, Md. . I WOULD like to explain a business opportunity to those hating Mile money., in small or isrge amounts, to in rest. Thia opportunity offers good interest on 1 money inrested. K-77, Jon nisi. STOCK F. C StrtUer Manufacturing Co., limited amount of stock for sale in this rapidly growing paper box factory. (Phone Mr. Itidsway,. secy., Ka&t 7280, or residence. Main A NICE corner grocery, average (50 ; a day. cash tales, stock and fixtures, will inroice: $1500 will handle; tiring room. See Bushue, 518 Chamber Commerce. I WANTED Partner with about (500 in small butcher and cattle business in country; no ex perience needed and wul candle own money. G-UHH. Journal. i JEWELRY location for rcnti 394 E. Morrison. BUSINESS OPPORTTXSITIES WANTED t HANDY msn with a few hundred dollars wants to ' buy ' working interest in manufacturing company, where money is; secured, "ti 575. J onmaL i WANTED Motion picture i - show in country town of about 1000; must be in good farm ing and agricultural section, no opposition, price right. H-578, Journsl. i A MILLIONAIRE wanted to finance the build ing of beautiful designed i standard homes in Newlyweds' locality. F-246i Journal. . WANTED to buy motion picture theatre, not over (10.000; Portland or Eastern "Oregon. A-G90, Journal. j I STOREROOM, suitable for ! light lunches. Will buy going place if snap. E 475, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 87 CITY LOANS ' NO (COMMISSION On improved property or for improrement purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan if our mothly payment plan. j (32.26 per month tor 80 inentha,! or (21.24 per month for 60 months,! or (16.17 per month for 90 months pays a loan or . iwuu ana interest. Loans of other amounts in same proportion. ' . , Repayment Privileges. I EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN AS3N. . 242 Stark t.. 1'orUsno. Or. LIBERAL LOANS LOAN We loan our own money i on rest estate. 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes. automobiles, etc F. E. Bowman 4s Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. ' I HAVE THE MONEY BEADY No waiting; sereral clients after me to place their money for them. If you want a loan In any amount up to (0000 at 6 and 7 interest, come and see me now while 1 hare i the money available. Fred S. Williams, 608 Panama bldg. NO DELAY NO DELAY (1000 (1600 (2000 (3000 AND UP We Loan Our Money on Real Estate. F. H. DESHON. 615 CHAM. OF COM. BUILDING loans on city and suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck, 219 and 216 Failing bldg Main 8407 MONEY TO LOAN (300. (300. (700TTlOOO (1500. (2000, on city improred property at T per cent- J. u WeLU Jo.f BU3 tiaaco bldg. (300 UP, no commission; aare expense; repay ment pnruege; dwellings ; only. Ward, attor ney. 407 Spalding bldg. I (300. (400. (500 $750, $1000 and up at lowest rstes; qufrk action. Fred W. Ger- msn Co., 32 Chamber of Commerce bldg SEE OREGON INT. A MORTGAGE CO.. Chamber of Commerce, 4th at Stark. - 22, $300 UP No com. Save expense. ; Repayment privilege, wara. atty., u b patting bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES $7 BO YOU NEEDMONEY? I-OANS MADE ON I AUTOMOBILES ITTTHXTTn n R PT1NOA wnrfllrHAt n ennn. REAL ESTATE, BONDS OR ANYTHING? OF VALUE. BEGURITx USUALLY , LEFT IN A W v as, a V'00-001U.l, ! i ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT . SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAY TW V f fro A TW . vrr x- n rr itrww IP NECESSARY, and Yon CAN repay' ITS IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS; TO SUIT LEGAL RATES i NO DELAY. BUSINESS STRICTLY COrTtTDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) ! 806-807 DEKTJM BLDG.. 3RD AND WASH PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N , Phone Broadway 910. 894 8tark Bt. Near 10th. Loans on diamonds, wstchea. Victrolaa. nianoa kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical j instruments ana anyuung u ralus. ESTABLISHED BY THE wEOPT.E OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORBOWEB. CARRIE MTER.1 HERMAN. Manager. - SALARY LOANS 1 WE LOAN MONEY CHATTELS en abort notice to sa lined or working men on their own notes.- Weekly, ermi-monthly or monthly payments Eacii transaction strictly eonfid.ntial. j j I If Q MORTGAGE " I NO INDORSES t ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan en household furniture, piano ate- without removal. P CALL AND TNVESTTOATR COLUMBIA DISCOUNT I CO. i LICENSED) ' , . : 218 FAILING BLDG. I f p Chattel Mortgages - . We pay moat for them. I If you have a buyer who has not money enough, buyer or aeier, we will finance yott. See Peters, 15 N. 6th st, or chone Broadway 402. H QUICK money to salaried people on unsecured note. Confidential investigation. 816 Cham- bre of Commerce bldg. Licensed. LIVESTOCK LOANS Our own money loaned on cattle, sheep, hogs, etc. F. E. Bowmen A Co.; 210 Chamber of Commerca, Main (036. ( LOANS WANTEP j 36 (6000 WANTED from private party. giltdge security. Strictly modem, well located income pmperty. Conservative value (16,000. A, K. Hill Co.. 426 Lumbermen bldg. I - ' TO BORROW (2500. 1 year, use in established business. Security worth . (6000. , W-778, "Tournal. ; - ' ' - HAVE some swell orders for loana. Need any money? Geo. il. Keed Mar. 3S77. (35003 STORY frame apartment building, fine security. Mr. Clarke, Main 9058. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 221 Chamber of Commerce.' WANTEDNr-(S00O on Umber, near railroad, aacunt-r cilt edged. D-797. Journal. $ I HAVE inrention. just farorably acted on by V. S. patent office. I need financial aid to get patents in other countries; a fortune in this for more tbin one; it tare 40 to 100 per cent in labor. Write or call for full information, r. J. Corert. Eatacad. Or. : ' - : - AMOUNTS, (500 to (5000, wanted br mort gage loan : and ' discount company; Portland banker for 15 years, president of company: poeitire safety, 10 per cent: reference, erery bank in Portland. Communications confidential, 0-77, Journal - - WANT (5000 loan on 400 acre A-l stock farm in Clackamas county : 2 acta of buildings, i orchards, Several springs and large , stream running through place. 250 head of stock now on farm. Oregon Lit. & Mortgage Co., 223 Chamber of i Commerce bldg. (1600 ON i IMPROVED acre and Parkrose near Bsndy. East 6320 house at FINANCIAL it ATTENTION of inrestora ol $100 up is called tol 2ii auarterly minimum yield. security, which carries with it a three-fold pro portionate interest in treasury stock ana can sumlua and benefits of a tremendous erowth in assets which in past year has Deen arouna 350. Principal amply aefeguarded by t&neihle awieta. tlonrern ablr manared and established on a sound commercial and financial basis. Money desired for profitable expansion - not nromotion. Will Day exDensea for rigid elimination of properties. Write P. O. Box 575, Portland, Or. A GILT edge mortgage for (45,000. payable in 7 annual installments, owned and guaranteed by a responsible wholesale house, will be dis counted to yield purchaser. 8 per cent L-o J corns I. 1 .- WE BUY first and second mortgaaea and sellers' contracts, i ' F; E ; BOWMAN CO. 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' contracts on real entate in Washington or uregonv tx. E Noble. 318 Lumbermen bldg. HORSES. TEWCIES, ETJP. 18 HORSES to hire by the day. week or month. with or without grading outfits. To respon sible people we make reasonable rates; we bare horses for sale ox exchange. We hare some good young mules, 1200 to 1300 lbs.; all kinds of harness, plows, harrows and wagons; bare a Kirstiu stump puller. We hire horses by the month with a privilege of buying them at the value rate. It gives you a good chance to try them. We hare more horses than all the barns in Portland to pick from. Phil SueUer, 285 Front st.,. Crown stables. , TEAM, wagon and harness (125, good workers: single driving horse, 7 years old, buggy and harness, to be sold for feed bill; 2 teams of logging horses, 8 head of other good ranch horses from 6 to 10 years old, all good workers and gentle : wagons and harness of all kinds cheap; gentle pony, '2 family cows, kind ; and gentle, for sale or trsde for horses. No reason able offer tefusesd on this stock. . Woodyerd Stable, cor. i E. 9th and Hawthorne are. Phone East 6106. I JUST arrived a carload of Eastern Oregon horses and mares, ages from- 4 to 8 years, w-isht from 12(10 to 1700 pounds; most all of them are Belgian: some well matched teams; also span rf 4 -year-old mules, weight 2250 lbs., and a few other odd horses, wagons and harness, buggy. AH horses sold guaranteed, as represented- 240 K. 8th st. FOR SAI.E at a bargain: 12 bead of hoists; team of bays 4 years old, weight 8325 lbs; one team bays, weight 3000; one teem mares, weight 3200; one team bays, weight 8000; one black gelding, weight 1350 lbs., price (511: All stock guaranteed to be sound and true. Call at Lj:. 9th and Flanders. IfOR SALE 10 head of good heavy borers, weighing from 1200 to 1800 lbs, 4 to 8 years old. Also one team, wagon and harness, out of hard work, weighing 3000 lbs.; price (350; trial allowed. All horses guaranteed aa repre sented. 420 Hawthorne ave. TEAM of mares black and bay, weight 3000 lbs.: gray gelding and bay mare, weight 3400 lbs.: suitable for heavy work; also harness and wagons. Will aell at winter prices to aave feed expense. Keystone Stables, 381 Water st, foot of Montgomery. RANCH or orchard team, chestnut sorrel Belgian mares, well mated. 6 years old. low, heavy set. chunky built, well broke, gentle, sound, weight 2500 lbs.; low price, 3235 cash buys them. 381 water st.. toot ol Montgomery. FOR SALE Arnaud station, Estacada line, one 1800 lbs.! horse. 6 years old. $75; one 1200 lbs. horse, harness and buggy, (50; one team. harness and wagon. (100. One mowing ma chine. One saddle, extra harness. TEAM weighing 2300 lbs. well matched, chunky bunt, 1st. sound ana gentle, best ot workers. harness and farm wagon. Will sell all for $183 as I am through work. 4010 67th St.. Mt. Scott csr. 2 ew-POCND span chunky, young, mares, black and roan, without blemish: extra gentle, cood life . and true pullers. Bargain for $250 cash. 1087 Francis are., corner .East 36th; Woodstock oar. -.-! 2000-LB. team, good harness and 3 inch wide tire farm wagon with wood rack! cheaD. Mt. Scott car to Tremont station, 4 blocks south to 65th are, 1 block west. Southwest corner. BARGAIN, (75 No. 1 farm horse, 1350 lbs.. 1 farm wagon complete, nearly new; 1 set double harness; also 14 in. plow. 1967 E. Stark at cor. 78th st, U. 8. STABLES Horses and harness of all kinda for tale. 865 Union are. 8.. corner Stephens at. . 6. D. Williamson A Glass. ' ' 2800-POUND team, 2300-pound team, single horse, buggy snd harness; 2 farm wagons. 1 spring wagon, single and double harness. 293 17 til and Columbia sts., Koom 5. (60-r-Gentle riding and driving mare; works single or double, buggy harness, light hack, cart, or exchange for chickens. 1918 East Stark and 75th st IEAM Black mare. 2900 lbs.. 6 and 7 years old; good. Deary harness and 3 ft -Inch wide tire farm wsgon, cheap. Woodyard, corner 60th at. ano nawtnome. GOOD investment for rancher, four gentle, broke. chunky colts, two mares, weighing 1200 to 1400 lba.; ages 3 to 6. 881 Water at, foot of Montgomery. - ALMOST NEW Old Hickory wagon eheap, come and see it; also Fresno, shovels and all kinda of grading tools. 8S7 Water, Blue Front. . A GOOD -cheap farm team, mare and gelding, weight about 2400. lbs.; also an A-l 2000 Ib. team ; most aell at once, your price is mine. 2d4 Front st, foot of Main. " TEAM weighing 2300 lbs., harness and farm wagon, all in good shape, 8143. Woodstock ear to 52d sL, 5 blocks north to 64th are., 1 mors east to oeio oiui are. THREE good work horses, weight from 1200 to - 1500 lbs. Price from (35 to (75. Also harness cheao. Call at 990 Powell Valley road. MUST SACRIFICE 8200 pound tearm and har ness, suits me zor logging or nesry aauung. 3H7 water. Blue rront stable, W. p. WELL matched team, block y snd fat 2350 lbs... bamess, 3 inch farm wagon; 1394 Hawthorne are. cor. 50th st. (165 1920 OVERLAND; will sell cheap or trade for horses or cattle. Call at 990 Powell Valley roaa. rntmc oeit. in, WILL trade my light 7 -passenger auto., making 15 miles to gsDon, for horses, cattle or other nrestock. Frank U Smith, 223 Alder t. 10 HEAD of horses, 4 to 7 years old, 1200 to 1800 lbs.: eome cheap enes. Inquire of ueorge isrown, one isortnrup st. TEAM work horses, 2 saddle ponies, harness and wsguos lor erne, vrur uuiKl ana saauie ponies for rent. 880 Front at. WILL TRADE small house and lot for team. corner 58th are, and 100th at. Call Sunday oeiore noon. - 1100 POUND MARE, harness and light faam wagon. (65 Ukea outfit, 887- Water at. due Emm otaoio. HORSES Front for rent, double and sing la 340 HOUSES, harness and wagons cheap. Atlas woodyard, 3Z7 front. DEAD homes taken .quickly, cows. Phone Tabor 4203. Call for dead GOOD cheap 2400 lb. farm team. Your price is mine, i Ask for Mslonty's team. 802 Front. THREE good work mules, cheap, or exchange for bone, or eatti.. soz r ront it. HORSES, harness, wagons and buggies. Tol Front st. WAGON, slightly used. , BirdseB make, inch steel skein. ' 823 hi Williams are. 2H KEYSTONE STABLES, horses fqr sale or hire. 381 Water t. foot Montgomery. Mar. 3513, GOOD workhorse for aale cheep. 122. Idaho. LIVESTOCK ; ( FOR SALE Fresh Jersey-Guevnsey, ; 4 H gal- tons. 4i c ivtn ex., cor, fine. FOR SALE A good, family milch cow, 73 E. W'inchelf St., Kenton. NINE weeks old Chester-White pigs for sale. Call Wdln. 6BBO. - - - - GENTLE family cow, (59 takes herT Water st., Blue Front ' ' 38t TWO rery fine hornless Toggenberg milch goats. 2ST Xi. Bin si, cor. ssain. at. l. estn i TWO nice i goats for sale, cheap, are.: must sell, going away. , 657 South YOUNG Toggenburg buck for aak at exchange. j. r, xayior, lonquin, ur. THREE extra fresh cows, calf by aide; 4 to o gallons. 6B roweu valley and B2d at JERSEY family cow, just fresh. 7491. p Phone Main TOGGENBERG buck, service at 1781 Bayard at; fee, - g2.au. FINE Angora goat for sale, cheap; Also milk gnats. CaU Sunday, B 60 Grant st. TWO young Holstein cows to rent for one half of the milk. Mr. Owens, 11J9 Mixter st, city. BARGAIN (70 takes nice family caw ginr. 8 gallons a day. 1967 E. Stark st eerT 78tl, MILK gnats for aale. Tabor 1521. WANT fresh milk goat Wdln. 8996. WA STU Btmr. seal and hogs. Tabor 7832. LOA58 WA3TTED S " AUCTION SALE On the south bank of Columbia rirer, 2 miles north of Columbia boulevard, tearing the boulerard at 57th street; turn north 2 miles, west of Psrk Rose; good gravel road right to place. Tuesday, November 16; 11 o'clock a. m. . 86 high grade HoUtain cattle. 59 high grade Holstein milk eows. some fresh; a lot i will be fresh by time of sale; ell young eows; a kit of big eows ; a spUndid herd. 28 high grade Holstein heifers, from 8 to 1 8 -months old; one (-year-old registered Hoi- , i atein bull from the Frakea herd. These cow will be tuberculin tested by Dr. Mack and a certificate of health goes with each cow. One small team; No. IT nearly new De Leral cream separator; milk cooler; 35 : 10-callon cans; 3 milk buckets; milk wagon: hickory farm wagon: nearly new J, O. disc; ' nearly new J. I), riding plow; J. D. seeder; 2 barrows, root cutter; feed cutter; 14 nearly new gasoline engine; buggy and other article. About 80 tons good alfalfa baled hay, . ; - '. Col. W. S. Wood & Sons, .Auctioneers : GLAISJjN A SCjHWEIZER. OWNERS.. AUCTION SALE Friday. Nor. 12. 10:30 a. ra . 2 miles east. V south of Brush Prairie. 7 Jersey, Durham and Holstein cows, 4 fresh the last 6 weeks, 1 to freshen in 8 weeks, 4 2-yctr-old heifers, Durham ball 2 yean old, high, grade Uolatein bull. 8 calves. 4 O. L C. brood sows. S ISO-lb. ahoats. 30 ft-weka-old pigs, 50 White Leghorn hens, lo Barred Bock bens, team horsee 6 and 0 years old, weight 2800 lbs.: best team in state for ' sise, 3-year-old colt, weight 1300 lbs.; 84 tons baled mixed hay, oats, cheat and timothy; 7 tons baled straw, 10 tons ' lore straw, 3 tons gray and white oata, 1 "4 tons blueatem wheal; lot machinery -and furniture. " r.. 0. KNOWLES. OWNER, Col. W. S. Woods & Sons ' Auctioneers I AUCTION SALE , Two miles Jrom Woodland, on CUrke county aide, up Lewis river, Monday, Nov. 15, 11 a. m. 1.5 grade milch cows, 4 registered milch cows, 6 head heifera coming fresh . by April, 1 beifer 10 months old. grade; i 1 heifer 8 months old, grade; 1 heifer 0 month old, registered heifer 10 -months' old, 1 eligible to register, 8 months old, 1 registered bull ft months old, 1 eligible to register, bull calf 4 . months old, 11 120-lb. ahoats; lot farm snachinery. . MILO ALLEN. OWNER. Col. W. S. Wood & Sons Auctioneers VANCOUVER, WASH. AUCTION KALE Saturday. Nov. 13. 11 a. m.. on Foster rosd. 2 miles east of Lents. Or. Those coming by street car (Greshsm line) get off at Wilson Vtation, 53 milch cows, Jersey, Holstein and Durham, '0 fresh; a lot ot large coirs; a spienma herd of cows, tuberculin tested; bo ol tnem are giving 140 gallons daily. Lot of January and February springers, two-year-old Holstein btui. lot of real calves, 1 brood sow,' will farrow by time of sale; 5 100-lb. shosts, 2 double unit Empire milking machine,, 500 feet piping and faucets, one 7 h. p. gasoline engine, one 1 H h. p. Monarch gasoline engine and pumping jack. ton Ford truck. 1920 model; Koss ensilage cutter. No. 80. and 30 feet of pipe; shafting, pulleys and belts; 2 Rice A Adams bottlers, 1 double end, 1 single end bottler, No. 9 Simplex cream separator, 25 3 gallon milk cans, 63 crates milk bottles. Buckeye force pump. 12 -inch plow, double eet harness, milk cooler and tank nd other articles. C. H. Dolson. owner. loL W. S. Wood & Son, auctioneers. : PUBLIC SALE! AUCTION BALIS 50 head of fine milk cows st public auction. Am retiring from the dairy business and will sell at public auction: at my place adjoining the city limits of Hills boro, on the south and mile due west ol the Pacific Coast Condensed Milk Plant No. 5. at 10 a. m. on Friday, November 12, Fifty bead of milk COWS, tuberculin tasted, Jerseys, Hol stein, and Guernseys my entire herd. Fourteen fresh since September 1; 12 head springers; 24 head giving large now or mux; B need calves one day to four weeks old; one 2-year-old reg istered Jersey bull,' fine strain. The milk from my herd has been sold to the retail trade in Hillsboro during the last 8 years. Be on time. as there la nothing but stock tor sale. Lunca at .noon. Terms of sale: (20 and under, cash; over (20. bankable note at 8 per cent interest, ZINA WDOi), Owner. J. C. KUBATLI. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE CASTT EP.O' K. WASIL WED.. NOV, 17 i 4 reg. nolstein eows, lOniigh grade : .cows, 8 high grade heifers, reg. bull, 2 ' eligible to reg. Holstein bull calves, horses. : sheep, hogs, machinery, etc MAT. J. ZEISMANN, Owner. Col. W. S. Wood & Sons Auctioneers f Vanoourer, Wash. GRADE or registered rheep for salev any breed, any number. Write for particulars. Box 61, N. Portland. Or. FOR SALE My entire herd of milch goats, 5 does, three a-months-old kids, one Toggen berg buck; no reasonable offer refused. Henry Achey, Creswell, Or. ,TOGGENBERG, 6-mo. buck, unregistered, pure- Dred, ia; cmios gentle 7fto-u. pony, all right. (15; Hampshire pig. (10. Cherrack, Barlow, Or YEARLING does bred to registered Saaneu buck, heavy milking strain. 325 ud. L. E. Womom, 31th and R. Phon 26F25, Vancou ver, Wash. t TEN fresh cows, 3 to 6 gallons; one fullblood Holstein bull. 1 5 months old. Sell or trada for beef cattle. Take Vancouver car to Colum bia boulevard, go one block north. 6 EXTRA good young cow milking from 3 to S gallons: mostly all grade Jerseys. Will sell rery cheap if taken at ones. Call at 990 Powell Valley road. ONE young Jersey cow, been fresh 3 months; must be sold at once. Apply to 2093 Schuyler st A. V. Bortash. FIVE extra good fresh dairy and family eow, nenry dusch; genu. sua. vx ameers; oat. and Sunday only. 753 E. Ash. BLACK Jersey cow and calf, just fresh; good rich milker and gentle. Martins, cor. ot 7 lit and Powell Valley road; Hawthorne car. 1 GOOD fresh Guernsey oew. 8 gaL milk daily; Z young iresn noistein cows. Die miixera. Ed caumann, Gresnam, ur. 3-WEEKS)LD purebred Jersey bull calf and healer call, good individuals, anbject to regis ter, n. uayne, irouiaaie, kjt. ONE large Holstein eow, fresh 3 vfeeksv airing 5 gallons. Call Gilbert road and Cosines re., 4 mile east from Lenta, on Gilbert road. FOB SALE Heifer calf, part Jersey, 4 weeks old, gead stock, a a is. ozd A FEW fine milch cowa, soon freshen. Sporri, Lake road. Milwaukee 408. SIX pure bred New. Zealand bucks, choice, (5. AUtO. 0.4U- IV. FOR SALE 3 O. L C pigs. 7 weeks old, (6 eacn. a. almost, vswego, ur. WANTED Any kind cf calves Wdln. 24241 POULTRY AKTJ RABBITS 37 SEVENTEEN Rhode Island Red pulleta, fine iryers. 009 r.. eoiost. n. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Surer Camplfceea, pullets and one rooster. 6 mo. old, 88. Wdln. 6164. 18b( Rodney are. FOB SALE Six California fur bearing rabbits. parent iiock, eneap. uaDor sea. FEW utility or young rabbits to trade for heavy bens. 84 fcast lath at Beifwood 68i FOR SALE Twelve White' Leghorn ehik. Fbone woodlawn baas. 4 R. L 11. and B. It puUets, May hatch. -gl.za eacn. rnone uag urove zn-M. . i ... 100 W. L. TANCBED pullets, ready to Jay Wlntler. 96th and K. GUsan. GUINEA PIGS and rabbits Call at 84 E. 76th at N. for aale, ehrap- RHODE ISLAND Velvet Red rooster; : and no cotton.. East 1242. bo smut CO THOROUGHBRED Tanered W. U pulleta and breeder. Reasonable. Mar. 2469. ' A SNAP 100 7 mo. W. - M. 6404. L. puliet. 25 bu. wheat (200. FOR SALE 13 Barred Rock pullets, beginning -. to lay. at$1.60 each. 465 E. Emerson st FOR SALE A "bunch of young snd old 'chic ens, (l each, a au taken. B K. S2d st N. WANTED Up-to-date portable chicken house. Tsbor 2819. - RABBITS and hutches for aale cheap.. East 643. UYESTOCK 87 BABBIT BRrr.T)KRR ATTENTION- Oregon branch ' KarJoaal Rraadera and Fan cier aaso., innorporated. meeting Thursday, Nor. si, b p. m., journal assembly hall. Journal building, Broadway and . Yamhill eta. Get yout raooiu ready (or the Western Winter abow. Deo. 1 te 18. Orer 120 silver trophies and special P " offered in rabbit dept. Premium money largest ever paid exhibitors. Official show Oregon branch National Breeders and Fanciers assa.. inc.. American Federation New Zealand Breeders, National . Kederatico Flemish Giant Breeders spec laity show. C. 8. Gibson, judge. Detroit, Mich. This association axtenda a cor dial inritation to all. Premium Usta ready at this meeting. Mrs. J. V. Inlaw, secretary and nipt, rabbit department, 5628 60th are. A. Ev Setlwood 1877. DON'T fail to get aa exhibit of your stock in the Western Winter Show, the West's great Poultry and rabbit show. Portland, Dec. 13 to 18, 1(20 j official show of 9 poultry and rabbit spe cialty clubs; regular and special cash premiums largest ensr offered In the West; judges, W. M. Ceate, W. S. Russell. ponltry--C. 8, Gibson, rabbits: educational program in charge of Prof. G. Lunn, Oregon Agricultural college; this gseat exhibition open free to the public and therefore offers you an exceptional opportunity to adrertise your atock. Entries close Dec 4. For premium list, address G. 8. WhiUnore, sec- rmary, am xamtuu st.. Portland, ur. LOOK ! THESE BIRDS CAN'T BE BEAT i Thoroughbred, only and best laying strain, 8 Barred Bock pullets, beginning to lay. (16: 13 Rhode Island pulleta. (24; 13 White Leghorn pullets, (24; all beginning to lay. Beautiful young roosters reasonable. I860 K. 23d at. wooajawn car. THREE fine steel gray Flemish Giant does, 1 Belgian buck, 1 beautiful Toggenburg Billy 4 months -old. Make your boy a fiue pet for Xmas. One fine doe, a few pigeons; Colfax grain sprouter, 5 tray, goes at a bargain it taken thia week; will consider chickens. Mrs. I lodge. R. R. 5, Bog 28, Oregon City. OUTDOOR ENTERPRISE $1 the year. A dandy magazine devoted to rabbit industry, published monthly ; JIO orders expected from this ad. Ask us aboutnrabbita. too. ELMER M. OOLDKR BABBITRY, PORTLAND. OR.. BOI TE 8, BOX 241-A. NOW IS THE TIME I WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks: order now and secure good dates for 1921: from O. A. 4 Tsncrrd and croeg. strain; none better, from bretl-tr-lay Hoganized hens; correspondence solicited. Oregon Corvsllu Hatchery. Corvallis. Or, TWO full-blood buck rabbits. 4 does and 15 ' young rabbit, some fries, some old enough to breed. All for $16, hutches thrown In, if taken by Wednesday. Abo Hubbard squashes and cabbage for sale. 971 K. 6th sL WE 'WANT reliable people to ilia fur-bearing raooits lor us in their bscryaro, spare time; we furniab atock and pay 13.50 to (7.50 each for all you raise. Sunset Fur Co., 606-7-8 liansershim bldg., Ios Angeles. al FOR SALE Two R, I. R. cockerels,, sons of i silver cup winner and first prise. Portland how, 1919. Might entertain exchange thor JJLA(,U VUKOI wal VAMUUPAW ,-awa- Hack Aliourca cockerel. Osil Main 10 a, m. and 0 p. m. ' oughbred Bis 8367. after WHITE LEGHORN batching eggs in larg duautitiea . for com log mmim; must be from good stock. Give price wanted and particulars about stock in first letter, u. w . Anderson, Milwaukie, Or. SALE or trade for cow. incubaten, pen Silver Lced Wyandotte chitsYena. Columbia Wyan dotte. Blsck Minorca. Anuma cockerels. K. Webb, Beaverton, route 1. oox 26. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Mammoth Pekin ducks for breeding. 12 and un. Geo. Heath, Greenburg. Or., P. O. Beaverton, Or, It 1, Kox 82. - ' ABOUT 150 ft. of 1-inch mesh. 30 inches wide, poultry netting: fine shape: $4.50 also galvanized grit and shell hoppers and drink' mg fountains, laaa Division. ' - STRAW OATS 7(0 PER 100 LBS. DELIVERED. FOR SPROUTING Phone Sellwood 1014. TOREK fine bronxe turkeys, 1 Tom 2 hens, for breeding; 23 P. Bock pullets starting to lays 5 cockerels. All for asle cheap. Geo. ttunsoy, Guinness1 rosd. Gilbert road, Lents Junction, fob millets O. A. C strain, in fine condition pullets ready to lay: also (Jueen incubator snd brooder, all for (300. 2857 68th at, cor. 29th ave. a. E. Auto. 223-48. 200 YEARLING White Legrrarn Hoganised hens 81.25 each, in lota to suit. Haired itock, Rhode L'Red and White Leghorn pullets ready for laying. J. R Maguire, 787 Oregon si. 130 O A. C. White Leghorn pullets, ready to 1st : also docs and Det atock of all kinds. Call at our store and see them. 180 Front it Phone Main 4040. Portland Seed Co. O. B. N. B. A F. A. will hare election of offi cers TumriiT. Nor. 9 R o. m.. in room L Central public library. All members requested to be present. Mary L. Sterens, 8ee.-Treas. FRiEILS. yearlinFliena ready to lay; Leghorns. Reds , and dandy O. A. C. Leghorn cockerels. cheap. A car, 1072 Prescott. H. C. B. Minorca cockerels. 11.50 to $4. rooster (4, pure standard bred Papea strain. Mrs. F. "A. Neibauer, Grehnam, Ur. 150 LATE April hatch English White Leghorn pullets, about 25 now laying . J. K, lie Guire, 787 Oregon. " FULLBLOODED Elliot strain Shod, Island rooster. 2 years old. Phone Tabor 8869, Base Line and Harriet are. FOR SALE 60 Tancred White Leghorn May pullets, (1.50 each. C. A. Gerken, south of station, Ryan pi., on Oregon Electric railway. FINE K. I. Red cockerels and pullets; take 8. P. electric to Woodrow eta. J. T. Amert, Hills dale. Or. YEARLING White Leghorn Hoganized laying bens, through moulting. (1.45 each. 1918 E. Stark and 78th. JOHNS' RHODE ISLAND REDS Splendid breeding cockerels, at a sacrifice. 950 Williams ave. Call 817-81. 17 CHICKENS don't pay, Hogsnise out non la yen. Will teach you. Culls bought and take for pay. Woodlawn OBOZ. THREE dosen White Leghorn bens, (9 per doz. ; south end Buckley ave., quarter mile oft Foster road, Gncgcra) Tabor 3807. THOROUGHBRED Black Minorca pullets and Cockerels, Barred Bock; pulleta for asle. Phone Auto. 212-80. t NEW ZEALAND Bed buck for sale; no black lacing on ears. Call after 8 p. an. Monday, East 4496. BABBITS Himalayan and White Angora, fur bearing; hutcbea for aale. Call 639 Leo ave. Sellwood car. ELEVEN thoroughbred New Zealand rabbits and hutch (3x8) double dark. 646 E. Pine. East 7083. NOT HOW CHEAP, but how good, 20 ready to lay April batch Velvet Jted pulleta. w. J. Wight, Portland bird, and Greeley st SELL 5 W. L. pulleta ready to lay at $1.60 or (7 for all: 1 rooster at 83: good stock. Small beater. At 1211 47th are. near 41st FINE Barred Bock cockerels for aale, Kinglet strain. From best laying stock, Wood- lawn 970. WHITE LEGHORN May pulleta, (1.75 apiece; also W. L. year-old ben. (1.25. 949 E. 73d. Rose City car. : 12 MAY batched White Wyandotte pulleta. (1.25 each. Phone Oak Grore 26-R. Main 6554. FOB SALE White Leghorn rooster, (5. 194 East 88d St. corner Taylor. ' MANDYV LEE Incubator, 140-ecg size, good condition. (10. 8133 Hoth tt, a. b. TEN B. L R. hens, laying. 229 E. 49th st Tsbor 623. LAYING hens wanted : will exchange Queen In cubator, 180 capacity, used once, aaam 761. THOROUGHBRED Rhode. Island Red rooster. Elliott strain. Tabor 1790.- - 15 CHICKENS, between 4 54 and 6 months old. 685 Weidler. FOB SALE 7 tine White Leghorn cockerel. Tanorcd strain. Phone Tabor 64 SB. WHEAT, (3.73 CpPn CACItl J11S8 SCRATCH. (4. "Eel Woodlawn 4344, FOR SALE 24 pulleta R. I R. and Leghornal mixed, eheap. 4004 79th: st 8. E. FOR SALE cheap, Flemish Angora and English! Write Babbitry. 902 Tburman st Mar. 8727 FOR SALE 10 Barred Rocks, 6 -months-old ppllets, (16. Tabor 6831. 100 O. A, C. atrain White Leghorn pulleta. ready to lay. East 404. FOB SALE 100 White Leghorn ben and POtsS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 1 4 PAIR beautiful yellow Hartal mountain canaries for aale, Phone Z10-7. GENUINE St Andreaabent roller, mate and females. East 60V. BEAfTlFCL orange and green 1 ginger, cages. 664 Flander at powy. un, - ST. ANDREASBERG rollers, tine singers, (5; also females. Bdwy. 4061. LEWELLYN setter pups for. (ale. f 684 Hood st Mar. 4833. ' BEAUTIFUL young aingers; good stock. Mr. IS. ju Growtper, union are, is. aJON'TTlet your dog freeze. Dog blankets mad -' to order. Tabor oooo. ; ' YOUNG St And real berg Boilers, cheap," at lTI Grand are. East 54 or wain. rit7. PEDIGREED Irish terrier, female. 4 month old; good ratter. Tabor 5088. 6nK male - Airedale pup. Make me" an ofTer. Tabor 7274. P FOB SALE Fox Temer pup; St A ndrea.be rg rollers. Wdln. 2Q18. HIGHLY 'bred Great Dane puppi-a, registered. for sale. ten woodlawn 8v. - FOR SALE, pedigree Persian kittens. 12 14 Main st, Oregon City, Or. FOR SALE or trade, Irish terrier, 2 bUck half Persian kittens. Main 8441. BEAUTIFUL Boston terrier. Aot 826-33. BEAUTIFUL SINGERS for sale. Call Slain 468. riNE young singers for sale, females. East (ITS. FOCITRT AITTJ RABBITS ( SELLING, OUT, ROSE CITY CATTEBY Unusual bartaia .in pedigreed Persian, eats, iwuia silver. black. white. - brown, tabby and tonoiaa shells, all in splen- I did condition. Beat bredl . - T.4fln . MUt amoog the lot No reason- able offer relused, 14 I K Morrison. PEDIGREED Boston terrier pups far sale; sire, C harlie t liaitlin: all mala. 6 weeks old. ptue I beauties; reasonable. Parkrose, first house east of station on Hand boulevard. Address Mrs. 1 H. A. Caraplia, route A, box 225. Call Tabor I hov a m uwiuui. i oiv n iu mppw r iiu.i.. in tbe- N. W. for birds and cues. does. eate. rabbits, cav'iec, etc Vooi, remedies, ew. Ca or write. Pet stockestatogue on request. Root-I leage eed norsl Go.. 148 Zd sl,- iwtisna. i EDIGREED Boston terriers at deduced pris; I female, fi month, old I3B each, worth 130. I A grand watchdt. (50. The Boston Kennels J vi a vt stave, . Wl glllaiWwiMi mj W-p. - uyiMWwn 84. . . - - - ' Y0UN; ROLLER-CANARIES. (2.(0 EACH GIVE PHONE AND ADDRESS. WILL DELIVER K-496. Journal. SCOTCH collie dog, (15; also pointer, worked rtn mi ai. o U'ln.hMtM niMiit 11& Call Sunday morning, 1288 K. 13th N., near A ms worth ave., Woodlawn car. I ST. ANDREASBL'RG roller,, all foreign notes. witli bell and mccolo notes. Sunday only. aL?' l&A20'-.? :.,"n'1. rhVa' Ant 819 17. a f.raham ave. iuiii 1.1J aettars ana pointers r also young nogs; 1 young uointer dog Itt months old. for salai a I bargain. KenneU corner 93d and E. Stark sts. I Tsbor 135. . I ntnicijip itntitii v bi-noit... 1 Seven weeks' old. Sire. Westwokl Bru: dam. I Bush GirL Best strain both aides. A R. Vnrtm. I 95 Nebraska st' 1VK SAI.E Englhm fox hound, nart blood I hound. 2 V yesrs old; well trained on ion and I bob cats: good tree dog. Price (26. A. Dim- I bst Oswego. Or. . I JERRYHlfWBOLLER'S A1BEDALK 10 month old.' fine disposition, well mannered I and elay individual. : Speedway Kennels, Tabor 50R. I BEAUTIFUL P.rsisn ' kfttena for Vale.'; Re Orange and Silver male. At Service. Main 6430. Hillsdale, Or., Box ! HIGH It RED Pointer puppy, sire Hal Proctor, dam tseaucnamiw U lars csll Wdln. 1 80. dam Beaucbami lAdy B. For further particu-' TOY black and tin poppies. Chihuahua prrppie j Three miles east Besver Creek road.- J. IL Law. Toy KenneU. R. 3, B. 62, Oregon City. PEDIGREED Airedale poopiea. hamdingers. t K Womom. 37th 'and K, "Pbon.e 26-F-23, Vancouver. Wash. - CHOICk young Hsrta Mountain singers for sate S5 each. 894 Simpson St., or phone? Wood lawn 343. TWO imported St Andreuberg rollers, alao trained singers. 890. Sharer. Woodlawn 8652. FOR SALE Llewellyn Setter, eood watchdog and fine playmate for children, (5; also few male pups. 4ii03 od at. B. . fsl. ANDKKA8BLRO rollers, finest sssortmeiit ot trained singers, female. 420 Va Stanton. East vov. , THOROUGHBRED Hootch oolite pap, males SlO. female. S7.60. U. F. Wrav. Bsaverton. I 1 mils, wrist HillPoro county rosd. vnn B1TL' 1I..1.. .1... .. 1 u.i a -ua ..1.1 kind to cbildreu. 648 Thurmsn. Sunday: 891 York, week days. EIGHT black and 8 mixed color caries: black. are from prize stock. Will sacrifice. Call 1330 Hurra ge, or phone Wdln. 6889, DOGS, BIRDS, FT2TR. ETC 4 FOR SALE All yellow, 2-year-old femal M6I5t0' u'V,?' JW gTso" Z eanary from St Andreasburg stock. withl.I porfect i Must selL (2I0, terms. Main canary from St Andreasburg stock, with cage Ci.BO; leaving ctty. 10DK E. 7th St. N. PEDIGREED polic dogs. mak. valnabls presents. ; Speedwsy Kennels, thrlitma, - Tabor 50b8. BEAUTIFUL fit Andreasburg rollers, trained lingers and female. 1106 E. Clinton st T,bor 5367. PAIR St Andreshburg roller canaries, also sing' en and females. Auto. 310-77, 636 E. 8Sth N, GREEN female St Andraarfmrg rollers, from Bobby, an imported bird. 32 eachi 2 males. STUDS at aerricbeauUfui kits for sale. Tabor 7778. FOR SALE English Bull pup, 8 month, oldi months eld. brindle. 1002 E. 13th st N. Aut 818-98. EXCELLENT singers and tetaalea. CarTIb?r m . i .mi nnin . . . v 1 - a v, in. 1 aoor eu 1 v. GENUINE St Andreas berg roller," male and females. East 660. 224 E. 2d N. FOR SALE Flemish Giant does;. alo young rap pits, woodlawn QZ07. . I FOR SALE Four months old black and white Collie ptippy, male; (3. 2072. E. Yamhill ST. ANDREA8BERG roller birds for sale or trade, what have you. Broadway 248. CANARY and cage, exchange lor camera; , cam- era must value $10. Phone East 4438. BEAUTIFUTTyoung yeTie'"iTaier naricTTor sale eneap. aiain loos. ST. ANDREASBERG slrigrs and males, cheap. Hurlig, Msr. 2583; BRIGHT yellow canary fingers, (5 each. E. Ererett at Phone East 17.51. - - FOB SALE Collie-Rheperd, ace 6 months; greet watchdog; flO. Woodlawn a 4 so. 2-YEAR-OLD St Andreasburg reasonable. Tabor 8391. roller atngera. AUTOMOBILES A5p ACCESSORIES 44 t 1 1 1 1 1. a it i . .i. .. ' 1 . Z.A P-rVT .,,J ii.jtjasjj T' """r .r;" wsini.- caut 4ciH. im.j. " " " ". BUICK Ligbt 6. new top, z new Urea, in good condition, 5798. Tabor 6318. ONE Dodge radiator in good shape, nted not to leak; win take (80 for it Tabor 7896, GOING to build home, must sell 1919 Ford road'ter. Owner, Tsbor 4 678. 1917 Ford roadster, good condition, extras, by owner. Tabor 3890. . 1916 FORD touring ear, (125 cash, balance in monthly payments. Tabor S3. 1920 BUSH. 6 pas, car run only 4600 bia sscrifice. CoL 1182. BY OWNElt Ford, newly overhauled, Al me chanically, for quick aale (193, Tabor IB. IP, 1919 FORD touring, car for sale or trade for milch cow.- CaU at GUben, take John csr. Phone Columbia 786. FORD 1920 Coupe: same as new. Just run 8 mo., gusranteed oondiuon, (BOO. Ben. 08ZB.-1 NEW MONROE Trade for larger car, Marshall 648. CASE 4- Lots of extras (300; terms. Enden Bdwy. 1868. 1917 FORD touring ear,' only $276. Main 2883. 1919 VELIE In excellent condition, (960. -East 4461. ' HUP Fin condition; a good buy. Easy terma! I Endera, Bdwy. 1838. FORD touring, late 1917: (300. but must be j cash. Ceil wooaiawn 1083 oetore x p. m. nnpday. or on Monday. 1(19 Chevrolet touring car. Al eon4ltion,Leitra Urea, pot luint, (Osb; urma. nti aw i Wdln. ills. AUTO WRECKING, an part, for all care. PORTLAND AUTO WRECKING VU., Za Cnkm are., near Hawthorn. EAST 7866. A - etr Recorcring and repalrtnj AUIO lOpS at reasonsbl. prices. 82$ Salmon St.. between tn and xtroaoway. DODGE sedan 1918. to A-l hape will sell eheap or trad In touring car. "CaU Mar shall 6719. - 1918 HUDSON Super Six. by owner; good condition; can be seen at grocery store at Bertha station.- Msin 5649. Cash naid for old cars, condition no object; parte for all makes of cars Oregon Ante excbsnee448 Flanders, nr. 11th. Bdwy. (503. BUG for sale. Special built Ford chassis an I beautiful body, top, windshield and new tire. Will sacrifice for (450 cash. Term. E. 10U8. FOR SALE Ford debrery, panel body, good tirea and in good running order, (425. Call I ereninga and Sunday at 1229 Lombard at. VE PUT Steel teeth in your old flywheel; crank ehaft turning. H. B. Blsck, machine ahop, fl Aider t Broadway 2681. T919 FORD delivery, in best condition, with onen excreaa body, at bargains will give terms. East 6652. I tmiiti the fcrw price of 3850 for aa 16, WANTED To trade for motorcycle, a VelieUhowa thst we have tbem pricjd . rtaht. tonrine car. in good running order. Call at 614 E. Oik at Pbene East 2037. " "" " 1918 FORD TOOTtlSG. 3873 Good condition, ha - extras; not aa abased ear. Must sell. Tabor 2464 8.CY UNDER Heo. left with us fur saie. ia good . condition ' And ' very cheap. Viaduct Garage. 38th st and Sandy. Tabor 4703. 1920 DODGE SEDAN will take g450 lees than coat of new car driven privately 1500 mile. Call 1249 East Davis St., or pnon. i seor wis. nw'NV.U neerU mooev. Chalmers 6 light 6 pas- enger in fine condition, 6 dandy tire, lots ot I extras: (760. easy terms, . (300 cash, balance I mooUily. Owner, 434 Mill st Mm 4018. -7.T; iiMTLff ' ttr A dtl- . -.A all aeteaa I a I 1 MZy geVrlfilU laUll VM g Uta 4B4A Jm. S-Wl vw only run 4600 mils and as good as rw. Owner leaving town. Apply 148-164 N. IStblM give you a rid to uua. "' " "twTVnr, 'irur rr : . r.-,jr, '.Zjt VsA'h' spotlight; other extras; good mmimg order. Phone (VeBwood 1366. .. . i AUTOMOBILES AWT ACrFOWir 41 MODEL 73 Overlsnd.a gift $4007 "Main7 8 f. 1918 FORD fid., a snap $360. Main jii. :. " F. bug for saie. Mar. (CijOajFronl. I90 WILL, take ehaaai "wTth good powerful txintinental motor. 4203 32d st, S. K. (280 Ught easy running, 5 passenger csr. Wdln. 8264. fTg iAki '"',. " !. i .-..i-Tf. "r,u,r,"I..r?rm"r' tar. n . ' -" w l" v""'' Wdln. 4955. 0.?K.KJfiNT.7r"re,: cement, floor, elect rio lighted.- 1497 Falrnnrt . - ' 1920 OLDS MOBILE 6. exchange as fi.t' til meat or for equity on home. East 6271. ! IB 10 BUISCOK at a bargain: goad ami' nsv nanery. bzs H. 4111k Jl .ni.a - , . Sii-Aaaie. jeiB Chevrolet. (230. 1864 ' FOR SALE Hudson "hug," first class ahapel iviiiui, iw. nvnwvoa JOS. FKANhl.IN eriS.; Phone BroadwaVT&Oi' . Call 4M N. 6tb. siakiu.n touring car. in enod ahaii. flan a bw.ir .t .1,. '.'' Ta XiT-iiTfr". " 7" .. -P ,B to",B '' " food shape. wUleeU I.T"-.1'"T-T ' f ,r 11 CUEVKOLKT delivery. Quick sale, low I pneew taoor i.a. jiroadwar 821. FoirD chassis, good condition7'(13(ls'Meui chassis, suitable for trailer, rrwwn. Sell. 8414, 1920 LTCHT delivery car, tniik, 4 epeedh 1111 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 9118. FORU sedan, good .condition, lota of extraaT 1 (550. 1100 K. Grant . 1917 FORD touring, lota ot extras, for only eouu. isoor 1.3. v TIltES Ux3 V, (4. Guaranteed repairing. 43 s.rann ave. in., eor. t oncn E. M. F. New int anil "Tiue runTiiiig iri.t. a.'uu; terms, r.narra. Hdwy. 1SJ8. rSi's SAXON' Si, tor sale: goodlras.'ine' coi: ditlon. 845". T.bor XH. ten it 11 i wwi .v,.- T.T . r02yiu"in i". . hape. 1817 eBglne, -" ". , ?, ? UK Jul Slightly used, (8 to 316 aacht . Ea - pert tire repairing. B07 Msduon. 1918 pODGE. A Imechan ically : a sacriCk'. for cash. (490. Tsbor 1565. iTiTVEIJK. 2 bumpers, new pemi.' 'co'rti "iTriv ri. Main 11. GASOLINE 28e per gallon: oliTod graaaMl Pioneer I-,int Co.. 186 First st T rra.-TWOi rr -- r-l.'-.l'''i.Trr W ftl B'01U0 r-r-ar'. it a r .r- .- ' "A?L ,A? ff"w.'i'. rn?St. co'H" ooa 'Z2LZ-JZ'.'"t-7''?- . . : "?.iimM,r bour battery, cheap? Phone East 8752. -- . . - -..i 1 m 4m CAN BAVlj you (360 on my 1920 Ctier, Mai. ' r n a aTanisrr 1917 CHEVROLET, new psint, eondlUon fai tire, A-i, .sou. Ms in mi. ANiSTew 1920 Waxwelf fnjriui car. "(Si 61 Call'M. Simon.. Mar. 4831. FOR SALE 114 1 4 (hiody ear tire:' also pump and Weed chains, reasonable. Aut 818-ttH. 1918 IsUDGK or 1917 Chalmers roadster. Will saerifioe (750. st 4876. 1 : FOH'TaLE Mitcnell seven passenger, ' coi ditlon. tail K. 7608.- - i ford touring, demountable rims. anotliahJ, ' tires, new paint, (260. 1015 Glenn. good are. N.I OVERLAND, 81 mot'eV I"-. terWr. wood hettertes, good leather rnslijona, extra tire and rim. Owner. Tabor 2850. - B'UICK, roadster, 1920, 6 oord tire., anubbera P.. ana everything; pest offer over 8 1300 takes it. 1894 Thorbum ave. W. Y Mcf 'orrasck. 1018 MAXWELL touring, like new; wind de flectors, spotlight; quick sale, (023. Owner, . Wdln. 4953. CHANDLER Dupatnli; special color and has been - completely overhauled. Will give easy Una. Marshall 3719. '. p 1817 TOURING with a lot of extras, "m good " conniuoa; must uaae. quick aale on thia car. Tsbor 4728. " . - , s 780. NICE 6 -paasenrer car. trade for painting and carpenter work. Car can be scan at Dti'a garage, :7th and Ankeny. , HAYNK3 6, aevenpaasenger. practically new and just nicely broken in. Driven be swner tn clty.J Phene Maln82(. Must sacrifice. h FORD imotnr and transmission, ready, to install, cheap. Wentworth 4 Irrin, Inc., 200 2d t. :rir. s KjiOT, W?ih ..SLlt'w?! a' w"i2,ii.TI; m2d,r"?QU PBt' tor ? fou to SU ton. 0 6II9, Journal, CJJ-4?-?' Ai ."i'" ih. "k f,f will 1 sacrltioe for ' cash or consider smallar car tn trad,, uall Kast s07. 1 six-x STTa-n.-ss--.-ri : ' 1 .. " " .H V?i" f JJ" ofto after i 1 - 1 1 1 , ..-?Tii,-s-jslkX.-nr A city ear, condition and appearance perfect. all cord tirea. Mtn 780. ' WANTED Someone to buy a. brand new 1020, msxw.h touring ear lor sa. oimon tors, 1 t and J,Mer sbv i . ' .1 FOR SALE Hudson speedster, gew paint oord tires; first class condition; 11200, easy' terms, Broadway 80, EltE MODEL . 1920 Maxwell demonstrator' class condition; driven 6000 miles; . first snap at $860. B-79. Journal. FORD touring car. Just overhauled, perfect run ning condition. Terms. Open Sunday aoir evenings. 846 Union ave. W. M STl'DEBAKER touring oar. Will rue ratine. motor in A-l condition, good Urea. $173, cash. . 846 Union ave. N. -Open Hun. and eve,. , TONNEAD WINDSHIELD 1. Fine1 $60 -ante tonneen wind ahield. $ 1 ( Hyatt Talking Machine Co., (50 Aider. FORD : roadster. 1918. shock absorbers. rn.ow owner, Tano8 480 -""-Si I rrrrs-.t. ''. 1 . 1 . "1 . ' .. n" J "t. I tVKU tounng. late model, meciienicaiiy pervert; i Int. Af e tr.. nmm VItm biau. 1J1B. I rnone CHANDLER touring. 1920. like nw; wire wheels, cord tire, plate glass eurtamsr wnrtn. (2000. Price,(l((0, terms. Broadway to. , PAIGE, late model, splendid condition, good cord tirea. Tor sale. Will take. good piano or player pvgno a. part payment, balaaoa on- txrms. Tabor 6708. ' . I AUTOMOBILE OWNER ! SALES BOOM P f It yen wish to sell your car. bring ft to and get quick action. Main 184. 168 King at. ' $0x3 MlfXER Ur (18, used 25dmileTT. 80x8 inner tubes, 1 80x8, 1 (park pine, whistle. 1 4 -tons whiatle. 2 -gallon oil, eta, 6844. 64th are. B E. ' - ' I I rviir Mlr. a t Auto fWiiort and see our. 1 I-RICE REDUCTION on AITTO TOPS. i, COLUMBIA AUTO TOP CO. 837 Burnside Street 1917 iRKO touring ear, first ehtas painting, eW ton I and aid curtains: new tire all the way round; guaranteed m a a new car, $1000. Sellwood 8328. SMALL- PAIGE roadster, good wheels, ! S magneton gad , ether extras. Van ehean - anar easy terms. -Rdwv. 1572. unday, - East 8747. Monday ISlS CASE, 7-passeng.r, original owner, B cerd tire, extra e'tulpment, good shape; (1600; would consider diamond as part payment f Mar-' shall 4995, B'UICK light six touring, bought only abort rime uuc lik. new and perf.et aaeenantcsl eon- dttton; oord Ursa and much extra equipment Owner; must e!l. CaU Mr. Howe,; Hotel; Arthur. Main 4226. ' - 19 1 f-OLDSMOBli E $ Cbnmmy roedster,' equips pd with wire whtwls and good tires, and Mr perfect mechanical shape. Thl ear must be r,1A at hsrsttn ttria aa owner la laarimv citv. I 149 flnUm are. N. Open Sundays and ereninga, (120 STUDEBAKEB-FLANDERS liM d liratry. Just aeerhanled, good tirea; fine foe 6 painter, arranged with brackets for carrying ladder grid plank; will demonstrate. ; No phone t A, J. Walker, Milwaukie, 2 blocks east ft P. depot. ' " - " . 1(19 MAXWELL touring car m aw eery reasonable, uau ssaw ih, vwos unday. . .- .-' .- - - ! WiNTON SIX ! .- (383 , - . - ' Uks new. perfect sb.De, self-rtarter, eltrte Hgbta. good battery, good tlree; woukl nuke good stag carl might tag oki car i. . Tbia ear 1 worth (1600. See aae at one trade. J. W. McOBHHn, i Jaiiereon sv - " : foiuTtoubjng. 'i$ - . ' I. b. eliakle model that WfTl do the i,k- Is ba, nrored ita.it the best: Feed they I take (1B0 down. bal. easy; tak wneny oonoiv full value, no nroaevage, o nn.'v Open i Sunday at 014 Alderi st ij r-s- ' MfRPHY MOTUlt CAR CO. ' ' . OCR SPECIALTY Automobile Painting BOB FULTON. i I l(tb and Washington Its, JKIwy. P4a. Appersori Eight I J I Here one bet you ought not to P up. Let- i- WELLF.B MOTOR . COMPANY . "to and wasningtoa.