SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1920. THE- OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. ATJTOMOBII.ES A3TD ACCESSORIES 41 CHEVROLET ! ' . AND y FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled i . . Rear axl overhauled. eee ground, carbdb $20.0 8.00 09 6.00 i ucd w rvuaxava .., we asra-up tston. bttrtDH. etc which Inrurs a Mitnt ran nisi mtftat. Genuine Ford part only need. All work guaranteed, THE SEASON ' TIm Ford engine starts turd aad tbs light art dim bMM tk MAONETO la. weak. Have it RECHARGED by EXPERTS. Universal Auto Repair 210 Jefferson tt. 1 Mala 7644. 1920 OLD8MOBILE , exchange aa first pay sent or for equity on noma. East 8?71. TRUCKS AHD TRACTORS tl BECAUSE F.'ery track wrnf is desirous of at i time owning a MACK, wa consider eery ' used track prospect aa a stepping atone tea MACK truck later. Therefore wa ell yon a used track with tb thought in -vmind of om day selling yon a MACK and making yon a MACK booster. The following truck wcra REBUILT in .our hop: J Vi ton REPUBLIC, good shape. rebuilt, tire in : 1 to FEDERAL in good ehape. ' . I hi ton FEDERAL, completely rebuilt, good aa new, at a great redaction in price. -.. 2 ton REPUBLIC. . only need six Baoath. In beet of ahap. : W hT'a 2 ton UNITED REPCB LIC with 2 wheel trailer, capacity np to 0 ton; entire truck almoat new. 4 ton KI88ELKAR, rebtrUt. 490 CHEVHOLET. new tire, ear' re built, a dandy delirery ear; has ezprtea body and curtain. ! Dodge roadster, rebuilt; ntw paint, new top. CTery thing in good hip. ton BACKER, rebuilt throughout, new rear , tire. We are fortunate in obtaining a umd Mack that w can tell with the ami guar antee a a new one. Mack-International Motor Truck t Corporation 10th and Paris t. Broadway '890. , - 191 ONE TON Vim truck. OTerhauled, expj body. $400. Will take car in trade. Eut 4370. FOB SALE. 1-ton Ford- track, ehep. Bi owner. 182 Bayard t.' Take Be Johns car, r.meraiu ui waia norm ONET0N Pierce-Arrow delirery for tale or trade. Eat 8497. ton 'trailer. cheap. Alberta - Fuel Cflu Wdln. 9875. J 9 1 1 OVERLAND, panel del., tarter. orertiauled. tiaat 437. FOR SALE Track top. fxlS ft, curtain and fresto tank, rmi. cheap. Wdlru 4 78H wrM) Track hauling contract for 2 or 3 Vk ton truck. Bdwy. 486. VA.NTEU Ufed 2 -ton truck with furniture . body; muiit be Al. Call Broadway 894. OVERLAND touring, to trade "for Fortf truck. Phowe Wg-J. Milwaokie. AITOM (IB I IKS ffl NTE I) 78 t Will exebans my Bntck toiirin. 1917 model. My car is in Al condition; gi or take dilfer . rnceu (t-990, Journal. BRING your cart" to" 'Jake' Used Car Exchaagg and get quick action, 28 N. 11th at. Bdwy. 2 14, oppoeit Welnhardt Brewing. AVANTED Tractor plow, truck or automobile .. a first Payment on close in acreage. . 298 r. ojii. ii urow. WANT second-hand Foni roadster, late modal, 'rom owner only; state ivwott owh price. EX-476. Journal. - i-OT "on pared street, trade ' for light truck. . t all awning or morning. Wdln 8188. WANTED t'aed S-toir truck with furniture J?' 'jL l-LntuWon. Bdwy. 894. FORD SUn body wanted. Cali'"Tabor5 "l 00l " AUTOM EOB HIRE tt ADTOB RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS IJj". o1,?2,0 Mi.Cr Keasonabl Kate ..ri,ABiSU "B1?KTT C1TI UaUAUB J3.i 12th sC. bet. Wash, end Alder. Bdwy. 84 VEW AUTOS Vlf HOOT RTvERS OVERLANDS HCDSO.NS ,.. WWNSDAUt OIHAOE BROADWAY 2408 15TH AND WASH. A CTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITHOU? DRIVERS. I. SULLIVAN. FASHION OA- Race, mab, aaa. iou at Yamhui A-i23. ALTHOF 4 BENNETT. CARS FOR HIKE WJTHO0,r URIVEKS. ARMV OARAyE. THIRD AND TATLOR, MAIN 1687. . , ACTO REPAIR SHOPS FORD OWNERS 83 FORD overhauled .J $20 Rear axle overhauled . J. $ 0 , VaiTca ground, carbon remored ,. .$ 8 Marnvto recharged ..,..;.....$ 5 .w band-lap piston, scrap . bearings, etc, which Insure a perfect rnfnina motor. Genuia Ford pert only lined. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE OTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front St.. Corner Jeffemon. Don't Throw away your Fori blrk. beeana w chang them to starter type, overhaul your en gine, install genulrie Ford make starter for $135, at Burke's gkrage, 6403 72d t S.C 6527. We repair U make of car. r E. H. CHAMBERS. - MAXWELL SPECIALIST Sellwood 8755. 7i7 Urision St. Car called for and delivered. ; aiOTORCTCLES, K1CTC1.E8 II ICTCLE Almost new, extra wheels rear and front tool, etc.. $30. 780 Insley Ave. Sellwood car. MOTOItf'TrKS AND PARTS, ALL MAKES ' EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. -e orand Ave 1919. 1CXCELSIOR motorcjcl and sidecar, two spotlights; A. B. U generator: $275. Mar alialh 4497; - . SEW1 Rotaspeed and L. S. Smith tj-pewrHer. S-864. Journal. i " StAN 8 bike, $25; in excellent condition. 1100 Union ave. N. j MA CH INERT 1 FOR SALE One third H. P. D. C motor. $30. 82a Morgan bldg. - ' . : - STOVER gat engine, new magneto, burns kerosene; 8100. Wdln. 6121. PIANOS. ORGANS, Mt'SlCAI. in TKI'IHEJIIH 84 riTLl. t'ASI vil lit Dim nu ranhs rr Pecnrds fltHMAJI S KBCORD EXCHANGE, . 128 Tirst t. Um 4493 Tsbor B798. r- TUADEt6TRpTlNf3 ' WM trade $223 new VICTROLA and record for used PIANO. Seiberlin -Lucas Musio Co. Main 8580. 125 4th at- HEAR the Orpheu,th phonorraph with th wonderful glass resonator. 108 H Grand are. Cireniar free. . $"290 CASH buy $900 Steinway Sons wp- ' Be'rityJ'. Co"" 6t"fc a- rHR8AirTork Monster E b bass.-Al ' con ditloiv perfact ton. - J. f. Hun. 980 E. SL mon-.- Phon Tabor SB33. , ' y HIGHEST cash paid for pianos, pborjograrbT. If Tktt mUM instramenu; Exchange. 254 EX PERT player " piano, tuning, reuair Knnir. 1S Mirk. . li'fl iV.Hir- ; v .v. mam DUl work VOSE SONS upright, fin ivory keyi. $288 $140 CorambU Orafonola, filing dariet 81 la! BaroM 8. Oilbert, $84 Ttmhilltt ' Vilf E j)iano for tale, cheap; sohd walnut case .earOUi" T fl93Vi MorriiSr!: 24)TrCA8H buys $550 Kimball ur5rTiht5 i. fu,??h?.e?ny- Puin ,t1 Security Storage Co., 103 lOth at BUrk L ' . IVriTAR. ukulele, banjo, violin, mandolin chean to pnpils. Kol Ken beck, 409 Tamhlll. AVANTED-Plano or player, any. condTrJon. tor cash. - .E-473, Journal. ' - FOR BALK or trade, violinceilo. for grafonola or what hav youf 2Q2 gtock Ex., Monday. fiOLTOX" trombone for aalo. ,. Call-Suadaj and , eveningt. Ttbor 6302. V'HARl) pUno lot tale," in Jin ahape. $200 Tabor 9B96. '?JiFl:fcH,ea. P-00 toT Pb- Call Marshall 6709. No dealer. flOLIN forVleri00 yean old. 850 Union as. v Call avcatnga fter B. FLAjrOS.OBOAJfS, MUSICAL , - - -- INSTRUMENTS 14 PRICES DROP Our larva atock of new and need Crevnonss, Editon. Columbia, Stradiveraa and Fatho talk ing machines telling at from -19 to 20 per cent leas than former prices. Bee and bear those value. New machine guaranteed by maaufac tum going at 640. 876.60 and $147.60; need machines $18. $35 and $110; eaey terms. Open Thursday and Saturday oreniaga. , . . Perry Music Co. 427 WASHINGTON BT. USED TALKING MACHINES at prices that will now them quickly, Columbia aad record ,,,.,,.,...,.$ 28 Victor and 6 record ......J..'......, 83 Victor and 6 record ................ 41 Victor and 13 record .........;,.... 100 Columbia aad 13 record ............. 120 35 to $io eaan ana $4 to $7 mommy. Schwan Piano Co.. 101 loth. Oar. BUrk. iECDRITT BTOlLtCa CO., closing out: gauS upright piano ........... $6S and $ 79 Modern upright piano. ...... .$109 to $345 Modem player piano. ...... . ,.$396 to $605 Parlor organ $25, $38. $45 aad $5$ Piano bought And aold for cab osiy. Piano stored , for 75e monthly.., i 103 10TH ST.. COR. STARK BT. . $15 TO $25CASH7uy new 1920inodel trp- right $070 piano in oak or mahogany lor $395. balanc $12 monthly. Tour phonograph. old piano or organ taken a Schwaa Piano Co., 101 10th ton and BUrk at. mat payment, at, at Waahing- " PIANO WANTED i " HIGHEST CASH PAID (or used PIANOS wr fla i Beioerimg uioaa Must Vo. 8686. 125 4tb at. MUSICAL HVSTBCXEITTB WASTED S4 WOULD lika the us of piano for atoraf. by responsible parties. Eat 8360. - PiXNOW ANTED If ehe cash. ' Mala 65$: HOrSErTOlP GOODS EOB SALE Oi ; IFKE SALE Recently damaged by amok t th warebonaa, Broadway and Taylor, haa been moved to 454 Washington St. CongisHng of furniture, draperies, tapestries in various design; mohair, plushes, corduroys, velveU; 80a yards fancy ticking; 80e and 50e a yard; 6000 yards Danima. 7 Bo yard: barber denims 40c yard; covering ud tipig., 25 yard. All kind bad covering. ENTIRE STOCK JTJBCHASED BT COHAN BROTHERS A DIRECTORS AND NOW ON SALE '' AT ONE-THIRD AND ONE-HALF OFF.' Plenty of remnsnU of velvets, pluhe and mohairs very cheap, : v . ,'." '' ? -'!' DraperiesSaSe at ; 454 WA8ULNGTON ST.. COR. 13th. : t Furniture I Sale at MADISON STREET DOCK. At Foot of Maditon St. Bridge. West Sid. COAL and wood range. . . Cook stoves .... .818 00 w 10.00 V 10 00 tt 9 00u .75 n 8.00 ua 12.00 uo , 7.00 np 1.50 op 4.00 up 6 00 up 12.00 np 8.00 up 6.00 up siovva ..... was water beaten Floor eoveringa, yard ........ Kitchen Qneens Kitchen cabinets . Dining rortn cxUntioa Ublea. . . Dining room chair Living room rocker. ...... ... Library Ublea .............. 6 i in nb Di bnte . $)) Cot tor felt mattresses ........ Steel springs Coil springs .,,,,,.,..,,,. 8.00 up 0.00 p PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. , airac at. THREE flat tops, two roll tops, four book keeper' desks; also chain. ' D. 0. Wax; 81 Btn Broadway 2789. . TWO beds with raattresee, 1 dresser - anTa golden oak sideboard and rocker; 3 atraight- back chair. Phon Sellwood 1668. : FOR SALE 8 minor, cheap: ttae 4-6x8 $ and two 4-6x5. 469 M'aaUiocton. Broad- wsy2870; . . .. , BUFFET, dining table, rug, stove, canned fruit and beana and other articlea lor sale. 657 South- av. FOR SALE New furniture for 3 rooms; also electric Victrol. Mar.. 4497. ( FURNITXTRK tor sals in S room Oat cheap rent 665 S ' lUjit Morrison. . HEATING stove, iron bed. clothes wringer, cheap today. 670 E. Everett st. i SAFETYga heater. 228 Wash, bet 1st and 2d. TYPEWRITERS 77 FOR RENT Typewriters, . $4 per month, three months $10; special student' rates. Reming ton Typewriter company. 68 " Broadway. Phoac ttroaaway xi. ALL MAKES of typewriters rented, repaired and sold on monthlv payment plan. Oregoa Typewriter Co.. .94 6tb t Main 8668. 1 FOR 8ALE, L. O. Smith No. 8 typewriter, in bt of condition; price reasonabkv Phoae or call 601 Y. M, C, A., after 6:30 p. m. BRINGING UP FATHER 1 1 By George McManus I MAviE: -?tiH in mriMi r ASLEEP taO I'LL : VMy "I JUU , ) jHlT WITH -bOMEL J I WuJ J fl J r ALL Rich T, j ; WELL.-1 : " ' ' ' OW.' I ME. 1 j T JjtA . COT Wrv j ' ! 5HOE ON TKE J f "7." J& I W'TH IT - j ! i FROrST". PORCH -J 1 aS vL ' ! I . fr mtn ism. traArUeuI StfrVICK. INC. I I LLk--- - a U n ALL nuke aold. rented and exchanged. Term if desired. Sand for retail price. W bole tale Typewrit Co.. 821 Waehingtoa at, X, W. Cor. m - . - - - . i - UNDERWOOD - and . Remington typewriter. 254" Broadway: Bdwy. 155. WANTEDA mod Coronai typewriter. fCaii Tabor $116. ' FOB BA IE M I8CELLAXE OTJB 1 I FOB 8a LB OB TRADE ! and lMl-ton it m aching. 14 ft. I amt Mock. 4 nickel plat rack. $ banging scale. I ?4 ton butcher paper. 1000 was carton. $00 Fourth St Main 8308. CEDAR CHESTS Direct from factory to your boms. Trance no rwi jnwm ceaar;.aoa copper sxisosjunaa. ai neaign. nnu for cauuogue. J. w mr.r.T a tni 1019-16-18 EL GLIHAN. TABOR 808. Sibloco Pipeless furnace $S0-$13S. Superior to any tor value or results! Competitor cant touch it Be it demonstrated t 269 Going. 006 East Glisan. 1834 ! East Gliean. 70S Milwaukia si, or phon for other refermm Wood lawn 2103.! L T. Woodruff. 1291 Manor? av. t J i Sewing Machines W hsve'tb largest atock of used Sewing Machines in th city. .Com pere price. W rent and repair. 172 3d. near Yamhill. ( SINGER ELECTRIC - SEWINU MACHINES W take your machines ra exchange, balance cask or easy paymeata. Phone for detaoeatxa. ttoo. i Mschinss noted. Expert repainng. any make. ' i MORRISON BT. SINGER STORE. 882 Morrison. Msrsiaaa T21. SAFES Fir aad burglar proof seres, new and secondhand, at rigbt prices, bought, aoM aad exchanged. Easy term if desired. ; N0RRI3 SAFE 4k LOCK CO.. -i 108 Second St, Mala 2048. SINGER. White, New Horn, to fart, al moat every make and style, $15 to i $85. All latest, new Sincera cash or time. RanUla, $3 per month, i Singer Store. Moose bldg. Main 6833. 1 Independent Printers W an still doing promptly "printing for ear as 11 ua, eta at. commoaweaiua tux, Braitn. printers. Broadway 8986. BIG BARGAINS Slightly caed desk, chairs and book esses, also bookkeeper's desk. D. OL Wax, 31. X, 6th. Bdwr. 2736. APPLES, fin Greenings. $1.60 per box; bring onntainer. Good American Wonder poutoes, $1.75 per tack. Cor. of 71st and Powell Val ley mad. : i FOB BALE Good Edison phonograph with 40 cylinder records, $15. 147 Cook av. Wood lawn 2303. I LOGANBERRY tips and plarrta for sale. spring delivery, order immediately. End of Wood stock eerline. Woodstock Nursery. Bell. 2832. TWO carloads new office furniture at second band price. This week only. , l. C. Wax. 81 N. nth st. Broadway B739. 8PECLAL prices for coal delivered from can. Hawthorn Ic A Coal Co., .Tabor 29 S or Ta- UV( 01 6 Ai aS(fH(rt BUSINESS CARDS Cfl 5i' R08B CITY PRINTERT ? 11 eaSi? Yon must bring this ad. 120 5 Ji at. rtiert4-iai-v.r dr. a. w. keens LfeilXlStry SSIH Washington St Without Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. TWO pool tables, balls and cues, at a bargain. writ Secretary Stevenson, , Aerie No.1 1744. Stevenson, Wash. ' - FOR 8ALE Kitchen range, nearly new, foF wood or coal; will sell leaa than nail price. See it 66 Fremont at 1 OAS range and water power washer, couch, bi cycle; also motorcycle. Very reasonable. Will deliver same to any address. Msin 7652. want to disnos of lorkz black coat, sixe 36. in good condition, for $5. . Also a fgw other ar- ticles ot good clotning. f a a a Main st. PLUMBING fixtures, defective, cheap, j Irivition. W buy gat water heaterj, PRESt5)-LITE Unk, inf!na eonditlDTi" Willamette blvd. and Killingswortn. I 1078 "17 SINGLE porcelain wash bray, with cast iron stand. $18. &u. 4031 VTtn St. a. fc., BARGAIN New drag taw; with clutch). Wil liams. 959 E. 25th st N. Ant 822-42. FOR SALE OR TRADE Harley- ' Davidson. 128 First. VULCAN gaa range. 4 burner and aimmerar; $23.50. Call evenings. Tabor 6287. A GOOD tewing machine, bargain. Tabor 8810." 1340 Division. - - 1 . POTATOES and onions by th sack; also honey. We deliver. East 404. ; - - - ; LA RN ED'S History of the World, 5 volume. new. Prioe $0. Mar. 4400, Apt 203, FINE steel range. In fine condition, bedstead and mattress, all for $22. 4537 82d st S. K. LATH for sale at 933 Sandy blvd. Phono East 6487. FOR strawberrey plante write H. 0. lane, WU- lamina. Or. ' ' I WELL ROTTED fertilizer. $3 per trucUoad. Wdln. 959. ' ' POTATOES. $2.10 and $2.25 delivered. 831 E. Everett at East 6703. r 8ECONDHAND tent and cover! for sale. Pa- eifie Tent A Awning Co.. 1 N. First st UNCALLED FOR tellor made suits, $12.50 Up. Taylor, the tailor. 280 H Bomsids at VACUUM cleaners tor rent $1 a day; delivered anywhere. Wdln. 3495. formerly Bdwy. 25. WOOD heater for sale, reasonable, view ave. Phone 319-59. 789 Long- 1 SAFETY as heater. 228 Wash, bet 1st and 2d. WOOD heaterTEclipse. No. 20. 161 Er36thsT. DRY wreckage wood, cheap. Tsbor 3648. TTFE WRITERS GARDEN tnannr for aale. Tabor 6634. 1 SANITARY couch, uric t-T nvw VSci'T I vxr..t,in.t. n.H . mos . ... . , ' Ihb Mill I FOB SALE WICEI,l,AWEOrS 10 BOLAH WREOIRG & . iXOHSTROCTIOHCO. 4 Bebjaont at . , y- Cor. K. 8th St - U. S. GOVERNMENT MATERIAL FOR SALE W are offering to tb ' pnbBo th following Uet of bldg. material, at price that win afford tb teboring man that too loat opportanity of building. We parr heard from C S. ahipping board 5,000.000 feet of lumber, Thi include ail kind of duneasioa .lumber from 2x4 to Flooring, Rustic, - Biding, i -V Bhiplap, Ceiling. 1-inch ahea thing, roach and dressed. : Window saafe. ' . Doors, Inside finish. Shinglaa. " Booting paper Plumbing fixtnrea, Pipe and fittings. Electrical material, 'Plow steel wire eabl. Mirror. ! We are selling all tb above Items at about half price. Bring aa a copy or mail aa a list of any material that you might Dead in the building line and oar estimate will ahow you haw pre-war prices owed to look oa paper. SPECIAL OFFER On million feet 4x6,4x12 and 12x12 from 13 to 60 ft lengths, like new, $16 M., Leo. Everything in th building line, new aad 2d hand. Prompt delivery. BOLAK WffiCHHG & 460 Belmont it. Con East 8th St Phone East 6110. LICENSED independent electrician wire S - rooms for $13. 6 rooms $20. All aew ma terial used and guaranteed to paaa tniparHon, Woodlawa 8791. LADIES GEKTLEMEN ATTENTION Bring in your osed suite, coats, gowns, hate, furs, fancy work, bric-a-brac and let oa tell them for you. 191 Adams st East 8981. 42-IN", 6-FT. quartered oak ertenxioa . dining table $20; Eclips range, 6-hol, 18-in. even, with water coil, ia good conditio. $30. East 1805. WHY aa everlasting agaravation by a leaky rooff Wby not a permanent and comfortable rooff We repair, mbber-bood and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Main 5560. BRAND newjllobsrt electric mixer, 10 qt cap. city, combination cutter, 8 speed. Have no as for it suitable for restaurant or confec tionery store. Bargain. Call Kt 2328. HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTTNG ATTACH MENT. works oa all aewing machines. . Pric $2. Personal check 10c extra. Light't Mail Order House. Box 127, Birmingham, Ala. FOR SALE 1919 Ford, new tires. Ha.'wle shock absorbers, apotbght. $450. 974 Gaar tenpein. POTATOES Large upland for winter. 831 E. Bast 6708. BUCK'S Charter Oak beater with hot water 'coil; bums briquette or coal. 48 W Winchel.. Wdln. 4706. FERTILIZER Rotted horse or cow manure delivered any- wnere in city. Tapor a7Q. - RUBBER HEELS 45c; SHOE REPAIRING WHILE YOU WAIT. TARR SHOE CO.. aaa wabhuutun sr.. rve-AK zuth. let" ua wash your rugs with th. Hamilton Beach electric carpet washer without remov ing from the floor. Wdln. 1259. HAMILTON - BEACH type A vibrator, cost $24 used short time, tell for $1(. Call Tabor 8833. Ask for Mae. PLUMBING, stoves and furnace repaired; gas fittings, coil mads aad connected. 7 Grand ave. N. Ksst 6300. FOR SALE Simmons brsss bed and serine neawblue denim' 6x2 box couch, raahogany hall chair, gas lamp. Main 2778. STRAWBERRY plants. Oregon and Marshall; true to name. C. E. Owens, WilUmina, Or. BOX 174. DIAMOND ring, value about $40, cheap tor eaan, or trsae range ana neater, linoleum, good cruurs, lumber or mury.. ots freseott at ELECTRIC motor, 1-6 horsepower, tingle phase, second hand. Phone A 565-35. Mt. Smith. FURNACES- and stoves overhauled, plumbing. etc; work tended promptly. East 6649. FRENCH range, suitable for restaurant of logging camp. Inquire 1188 Album ave. LADIES Heavy plaid coat, $15. 77,7 Irrinf st. Main 5335.- . ; HEATING stove for sal,, good condition. 95 e. sou. j&ast B140. Th&S. heavy tlab, cut 18 int., delivered. $14. East 1517. ! FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, .24 hour day $t. delivered. Wdln. 1259. FOR SALE Pocket pool and billiard tabl B82 Union ave. N. ONE set of ermine, also 11th st tVbli ile set toe sale. 288 FOR SALE. Gaa ranee, 5. burner, fine baker; HEATING STOVE, aa good aa 4859. 294 14th at w. $18. Mam SAFE Fireproof safe. Hall make. In good order. Cheap. R-156, Journal. aixuM Cleaners rented $1 per day, deliv ered Tartn. K7RA hmInm 11 0094 . . LARGE, good muff for aale cheap. . 400 2d stT LADY'S wrist watch for aale, $17. Tabor 9019. DRESS form and drawing set East 4465. TWO acres kale for sale. Tabor 7821.! CANEJJfrnlt berries for sale. East 4175. BRASS BEDSTEAD FOR SALE. EaatToBftT. Tabor 700f. FOB SALE MISCEIXAlTEOTrS iO Sewing Machine - i Emporium New and d hand xoachinee told ' Tor fee; bo agents employed, Ccta pirte Una of part for all make. Machice repaired and rented, . i 190 Third ,atIst. Buy, Sell AND EXCHANGB cash register, ahuataara. f ountains, aeals. a t a r fixture. ' L BOXES, f . Mar. 2488. 113 3d et, Woodstock Nursery 1 Strawberry plants, Ettarberga, Msgoons. Mar shal Is, Wilsons, improved Oregon and T re hiss; gooseberry plant and earrant bushes; prune tree, grafted filbert and Englieh walnut tree: Cath bert red raspberries, blackcaps, loganberry planU tups i ; cnerry, pear, apple, pium ana price reasonable. $808 Woodstock av. Phone BeDwood 2882. , WE SAVE TOO MO.NEl - Hottta wiring, lighting fhx forat, aieetrteal repairing, sup pbea. Third Street Weetne btor. 224 Vi Third street, aeax Balm on. Main 606a, ' BCt7 SELL, BENT OB TBADB 4 Shotguns or Rifles NEWMAN'S GUN 8TORB, " i . 128 First st Main 4495. Tabor 6798, 20 AND 30-gsL hot water boiler. $3 each; iron' Du, complete, i.ov. jwn-u Urge one. $10; am all tablecloth. $1.2$ each; large rocker. $S. Call 769 H Broadway. East 4oa. ' 1 BUT electric fixture, bow wholesale price a M.V., k.U li-hiM as tfntrmmt etectrie Iron $7.25. $1 flashlights f 5c Reliabl Elee- tric. VBlai at xtnssi II. feast loss, , mwa- ninga. Electric Motors Bancht sold, rented sad rvsalrad. Walker-Klectrte Work. 418 Burn. aide, coraer luuv. stroaaway eoi. LADIES. ATTENTION. Slightly used wearing apparel at th Voa-n A prarl Ixchangdl 403 Altaky bldg. Mala 1BZ. HOT WATER TANKS 0-tL. 37: 40-gaL. $9. Tested aad guaranteed stove and furnaoe coils. Gaa beaters installed. Kxpert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 03 Adams st E. 6616, CIRCLE EXCHANGE! W buy, aeU and exchange ladiea and chll dren'a clothing. 416 Kited oer bldg-y-lOU aad Washington. Bdwy. 220. - GOOSEBERRY plants, Oregon Champion, aad currant bus he. Order bow. Supply limited. Pric reasonable. Woodstock Nursery, 5808 wooqarocK av., roruana. rnon neuwooa ga. LADIES' EXCLC8IVE USED APPAREL SHOP. t Buy of bb and cut, the H. C L. ii ju. uiisan or. laoor zoao, AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCTCLES, LAUNCHE3 or boats are asperate classifications. A iargs Bating will be foaad under these different rtsirt- fieatloa. , FOR billiard and pool table, store fixture, eash registen and Show ease oa easy, payments, ee w. wuisiey, bo tsawtnoroe av. aaat 123. POTATOES and apples at wholesale prices, Uet your winter's supply. Portland Fruit ' Co., sos r rout su, near aaomson onaga BUGS washed en your floor i with Hamilton Beach elect, carpet washer. Also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. i BLACK Georgette waist aiae 88, worn once $5, and black bat with 2 blue plumes, $5 Broadway 1995. i W. 8IDE home sella ladies' slightly wom tsnnanta and fur. MarshsU 8316. 870 14th. near Montgomery. i FOR SALE Gaa range, high oven; iron bed and spring, kitchen table, 2 atendg. 348 Union avenue north. I ! B0OK3 on prophecy snd other! Bible subjects. uoapat tracu, pampnieu aoa enarts: printing: urensBOM et tract uept., lotvk tn st. SAFES, new and secondhand, some with burglar cnest, at reasonable pnees. racirie bcal m nuppiT jo.. ma rront st. Bdwr.l FEBTILIZER Well rotted cow manure, $10 big load. At live rea. ecuwooa una. - v , UlAf C T1.I JliO For Concords, write or phone M. Nick sea, 192 W. Blaaden st Woodlawn 18 4 8 CEMENT laundry trays. Factor B 14 X. Wsah- mgTon 11. v. snip, ran or water. FOR 8 ALE- Cash register, safe, adding machine. wpy c . o utm eu, near asn. "CASH REGISTER. FLOOR CASES And other fixture. 242 Salmon. Mean 843. VACUUM cleaner told, rented, repaired, ex- enangeq. oongnt. nay nectiey. Main 4907. CHAM PION hair picker, ia Al .Condition, $75 , l, I.. VTWU. , V. BICYCLE engine, drawing tools. 1 slide trombone, photo background, mandolin. 916 B. Yamhill GASOLINE pump, air compressor ' and fans)" mnitnoman garage, za and Ankeny. NO. 215 BLODGETT. 4-tlle tray oven, with gaa uiuhh, goon as new. A-ia 1. Journal. VIOLIN outfit, $17.60; a bargain. Wood" lawn butt, FINE wood heater, 858 Williams av. i Phone " UUl VIOS. 1 CHEAP 2 fine heaters; 1 good range, 1 lounge. woon lawn 4407. 1 FOR SALE A fluff rug. Call ,1010 E. 11th im. rnon wooaiawn 04O. FURNITURE WASTED '' 74 UW1 rUmitUre CO. NEAR MORRISON We want your used furniture, stoves, carpet ana pianos; w pay tne nig nest easn pnees. 168 and 168 firs at tJaii Mainmezi, WE BUY used furniture, stoves, rugs. etc. Relisble Furniture Co.. 208-20B 2d. Main 7808 MAIM 9431: 1 rnnn .. : , t. . 1 , .. KO'l.K'J. t4 CALL MARSHsALL 587 'ii " A. & S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORg Before yon sell your rnruitns. be -sure and call us. Your call will bring our buyer at once, W pay th top pricer for need furniture, carpet?, rug, eta.:, everything in household goods. W also bay office furniture. All eallt attended to th earn . day. . .. j ) i CALL MARSHALL 8T A. '$& S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE 205-207 FIRST STREET ' BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON, BE WISE - CAIX MAIN 3031 We Buy Everything in Furniture WE FAT THE PBICE 9 206-202-204 FIRST. S. B. COB. TATLOB. TlBPOT CASH FOB UPED FURNITOBB ivlain 35878 UNITED FURNITURE STOBB i 178 FIRST BTREET. SWAPS Plumbers, Attention! Wanted To exchange automobile work for about $35 worth of plumbing work, guaran teed ; good refereneea. Young's Attt DOop, 787 Washington. - Main 6652. 250-8000 SAVAGE hi-power rifte, new, $40. Or trad for hiah-grade kodak. Ask for Mr. Hagner, Main 605. Linntop, B. 1. Bog 132, FOB - SALE or trade, 160 acre of Albert wneat tana. will take iigat ear aa pan payment Gall or write 606 Wewdwara av. WILIi give musio lessons in exchange for houeo- work. Taoor B1U. JJu lnviMon wt. EXCHANGE painting, papsrbanging, tinting for good violin. oeo AiDina av, WILL exchange H. P. direct motor (or net of machine die H to . 1804 Hassate at FRANKLIN auto for improved real estate. Z4, journal. LARGE electric heater for rocker, revolver , t anything nsefuL Auto. 285-10. ' W A7TTED MISCELLANEOUS $H2.SiDto2i5 : , For Second-Hand i SUITS OR OVERCOATS MEYER THB TATLOB Par mora for clothing aad thoes. We csH Oaf or evening, anywhere In th city. Call Mar shsU 12Z or 2os MaoUsoa sr.. near TBira au UP TO $35A FOB MEN'S BUTTS AND OVERCOATS We Pay Any Price for Men'a Clothee OREGON C1.KANERS a, TAILORS ! 117 2d at, N. Wt Con Wash. Mala 9344. fvTNTED PeoDla of PorUaad to know that pay tb highest cash price for second hand household goods. No amount too. large or to small. Prompt attention. : N. M, BEATER. j Phone Esst 2208. 143 Russell St $7.80 TO $25 for men'a used suite and ever- costs, call Goldbaum the TaUor, for good results. Will pay mora and all it ia worth for your east on clothing, raon atant 7a. 17 tirst SC. peer Morrison.' WANTED USED HOTSEHOI-D GOODS AN JUNK. EAST SIDE SECONDHAND STORK, 271 RUSSELL. PHONK KAST 6887. I FEWER connection and cess nool. B. Million A Bon. Tsbor 6652. 25 E. 79th at fa. Call between 6 and 8 a. m., or 6 arm g p. aa. WINCHESTER, Remington, Dump or ao to- matic. 12. gauge, reaaonabla. ast 8tU!7. F. W. Rnsco. WANTED Rifles, abotguns,, cameras, lan Hoehfieid. 85 3d. Phone Main 8581. WANTED- All kinds second-hand furnitur gad junk. CaU East 3923. SEOOND-HAJS'D bath tub, 4 H or 5 ft Please gve price and addres. MX-WZ, Journal. WANTED For adoption, baby girl; good home. 8-867, Journal. WANT to buy phonograph Irom private party for cash. F-250. Journal. SAFE Want cheap of tie safe or eabiaet P 248. Journal. SEWING machine, elertrio motor. 635 Thur- man at Bdwy. '157S WANTED T buy one donkey logging outfit six. about BxlO. AX-103. journal. WANTED A gas radiant fire. Q-59. Joomal, PERSONAL tl GLASSES at a aaviag.) I solicit your patronage aa the baste of capable eerviea. Thousands of satisfied pa trona. . Chaa. . W. Goodman. optometrist. 209 Morrison at Mala 8124 as DEWlsri will mid bv Dr. J. Grtsw.ld. Helix, Or., to the first person sending 'him the correct address of Emerson Griswold, ,21 years old, whose home ia Camp Point IK DR. GEORGE BCBENSTETN. the etersa ontlciaii. is an .inert in fittinc ereelsssss. and charges to very reasonable. Broken tenant quickly duplicated. 226 Morrison at $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's th CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPECIALIST wb doeen't hort you, 8 yrs. here. Exam. free. Globe Theatre bldg., 11th and Wash.: Bdwy. ZBjsa. I nnntae Coneultstion FREE. All rase. g-rVv-jriiB 612 Belling bldg. Main 498, WOT1CF.S 26 CIRCULAB' NO. 466 Sealed proposals will b received at office of General Purchasing Agent Alaskan . sSngineenng tJommissiou. Bell Street Terminal, Seattle, Wssb., not later than 11 a. m.. November 15, 1920, for furmsh ing miscellaneous hardware aad hand tools, glass, eBovela, twist anna. laps, worn ejuiur, feather dusters, twine, thermometers, tank steel, and boiler plate. Copies of thi circular may be obtained unoo application at this office, or from A 1 l.' lrr,m Tuivn Si 01 Knat- crffice bnilding. Portland, Oregon, or Alaskan engineering tjommission, ou aiwuhivwo FrsDcisco, CaL C. E. Doie., General Purchasiiig Agent " L MY wife having left my bed and board I will no longer be responsible for any debts con tracted,, by her. Aa A. eery PROFESSIONAL- - ARB BUSINESS BIRECTOIY appiajQ WS.CHIW16 ' $15 BUYS adding machine; adds T figure 518 Corbett bldg. Mar. 667. SARBEM' 8UPPLICS ' -( LEWIS STENGER Barber Supply Co., 10th and Morrison ata. ?ne place to nuy naraet chairs and aappUes. Btock ot furniture always on nana at runt pneee. - SI0VCLK9 f WALDEN S CYCLERY, 408 Hawthorne am High grade bicycles, aupplieg and repairing. BLANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS A HOLM AN. INC., 109 2d at, blank dooc manutacrurera. a-iiBS, atatn IB. CAT AND DOB H08PITAL 1IOSE CITT VETERINABI HOSPITAL,' lot! K. 7th and Grant; both - pnonea; day and night service; three veterinarians. CEMENT WORK ALL classes cement work, general building aad repair work. Kates reasonable. Phone 821-29. CHIROPRACTORS DR. McMAHON, 100 chiropraetie system. Portland. 1910 to 1920. Beat known. Throngs pronoune it superior treatment N camouflages, toe bouse stunts or profiteering tojunct. Adjustment ansa easy, anioyebi. beneficial and curative.' Terms: Initial treat ments reasonable, and all easee carefully ad jutted. Patient reauirins extended time. SI adjustment 815. Phone, call, write. CHIROPRACTIC, steam bath aad raassaee. 10th floor Broedwsy bldg. Marshall 3187. Dr. Laura E. Downing. Open evening. COLLECTIONS I NETH A CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1796. bie collections, no charge. ktecuslsd 1 voo. COAL AND WOOD BOXWOOD Delivered inrmedtstely by Fulton Wood On lAOl ssacaoam. mon main f II. WOOD FOR SALE Orders token for beavv bndg timber, cut 4 feet, $10 pet gore) A.llvarxl Phntaa Vjat gU1 CAN furnish a limited number of first-clam fuel tie; unmeoiate oeuvery, . rnon woodlawa eoe, iierxei. DRY WOOD, prompt delivery, eerdw-I, eonn- ary siso ana noca wooa IB taort mgtn Auto. 235-21. GOOD 16 inch slabwood, $4.60 a load. Sorely a bargain. Delivered anywhere. QUI ma Sellwood 1760.- . ( . . BLOCK and slab wood. Special price ia 2 leaa sot. uregon smei fjo., wain. 4 1 ox. BLOCK and slab In 2 V load lots; special price. r-an zu4i. FtTRWlTtTRE WASTED oo FOB country slab call Main 1403. A ttractive Farb and Acreage Offerings an4 Exchanges ACREAGE $7 10 ACRES ATI to cultivation, about 50 bearing treea. rrtpet: 4 room bout; barn and ctitbuilduaja. Close to ear and paved road, q B. KENNEDY. Tabor 4811. ' -ACRE tracte en Simpson near 43d; $10 auk IIS V . .W T nr laiji i.ii r . w. sauis: onxa. 3 1 . . . . pin, oiub. $9 ACRE. H section. Portland 20 miles; good creek. E. Leasard. Bt Helens. STJBTJRBATf ACREAGE 1$ $625 ONE acre, cultivated, at Stenley etetlon; worth $1000; most be cash. , Com out Phon Be 11 wood 1714. Miller. STJBTJBBATf HOMES v TO SUBURBAN HOMES 1 4-ROOM HOUSE A!D 3 ACRKS 1 4-ROOMHOU8R AND 1 ACRE . 1 0-ROOMVHOUSK AND 3 ACRES 1 0-ROOM HOUSE AND 16 ACRES 1 (-BOOM HOUSE AND 12 ACRES TERMS ARB FTNB - Offie 9188 Foster Road. Phouaa Auto, 261-11. or tTabor 1481. After fc!,' . BY WILCOX A CO. 5 ACRES City water, oa good road: 4 room house, barn. chicken bouse; 60 fruit treea; term easy. Tabor 1599. B. Stent, 0230 Woodstock ave. 5. ACRES, with 6 room house, clot ta Anabel t.,ln .t- ..11 it.Ka. 1A, tea F. L Mitchaltree, eXLce at Anabel; Mt Scott ear. $3500 CASH for T room modern homo, right at Btatniey etattoa; worth 6O0. Uoate oat Sellwood 1714. Miller, t FOB SALE FARMS IRRIGATED LANDS' Th owner of a Una trrteated atock raaeh ia placing same oa the market in - email tracta, terms and at of tracta to suit purchaser. Oa account of the eeararv of labor. I am disnoams of one of th very best ranch e in Oregon, close to county , teat, schools, railway grdinga, rural mall routes and power lines. It fit under one of tb beat irrigation project in, th state; unlim ited water for irrigating purposes: slso artesian water ia obtained all over the valley. Call on owner at 806 N. W. Bank bldg. Phon Main 4416. i 1 " 1 I CAN BY BARGAIN ' 20 acre, 1 mil from Canby: part la cultiva tion : good o room bungalow, large, new barn. chicken bona and other building; 2 good walla, fanced and cross-fanned. Personal : 2 norsea. 2 good cowt, 1 heifer. S hogs, 60 cbirkena, har ness. Buggy, plow, cultivator and amau tools; ton of hay. Priced for 10 day at $4000; lovo caan. , EE8GABD - COS A. M'EENNA St CO.. 82 Fourth Bt 85 ACRES NEWBEBQ 35 acre, good black loam soil, wen drained; baa a small grove, running stream, family or chard; buildings are old. but livable oa mate) bisbway, 4 mile from Newbeia. 28 Bailee aut. Thia ia a barsaon and priced tor auick aale $5600. HESOARD, COB A. M'KENNA a CO., 82 Fourth Bt 480 ACRES.. 270 in winter grain, 18$ to plow In spring; 8 room hoose, barn for 30 bead bones. Blacksmith shop and other outbuilding. 1M mil from school, 3 mile from good ware house and railroad, on rural mail route, good road to town. Will taka city home to $5000. I-rie of land '375 per acre. mile from W ascot RfaUte 1, Box 89. Aurora, Or. Ranches For tale or exchange for-aity ot eloat in property, ': Offie 0133 Foster Bead. Automatic 261-11 or Tabor 1485, after 0 p. m. K. WILCOX A CO FOR SALE Farm of 183 acre,. 120 acre under the plow, balance pasture: good house, fair barn, good win fence all around the place, on good gravel road, rural mail, telephone; 2 mile from th S. P. railroad. 2Q miles tooth of Corvallia; prica $75 per acre, amall payment down, balance to suit at 6 . - Phoae Woodlawa 6670. . FOR BALE 205 acres, near Eagle Creek, mile from electrio station; house and barn; 25 acre under cultivation and in fruit; cheap on any reasonable term. W. G. Kerne, owner. Eagle Creek. Or. 1000 ACRES logged off land 60 mile Port tend. $4.60 per acre; might trade; lot of other good bay in cheap aorsag. BOS Bu chanan bldg. Main $176. ' -- ; WANTED Light truck ia good condition, aa part payment oa 80 acres, well improved and good spring water; 0 mBee Columbia river; pric 82000. Addreea B. F. Hogard, Lyla, Wash. 80 ACBES. 4B teres. 150 acres', 0 acre, 88 acres, 840 acres. 480 acre, 1160, all t locked and equipped; good term. 60S Buchanan bldg. Main 5176. 640-ACRE wheat ranch,; 400 acres cultivated, poor 'health, bargain; pleat water. Owner, O. J. Armstrong, Culver, Or. FOR BEIfT FARMS 14 DAIRY OR FARMING : 400 acre farm near Beavarton; bouse, ham, 150 acres cleared, mostly in meadow, balance pasture; eaah rent L. E. Fry, Beaverton, Or. FARMS WANTED BEIfT OB BtTT tl WE have aereral parties looking for Improved places that will ran from JluOO to $6000. Can make good substantial payment, Must be within 50 miles of Portland. Writ full particulars for quick resuRa. - STEWART BOCK. SIS Northwestern Bank Bldg. HOMESTEADS 47 THE largest exclusive bomeetead dealer B the Pacific coast Timber and farming tracts close in also some good relinquishments. Reduced copy of government map corrected to data, showing open homestead land, $2. M. I. An derson, . $81 Railway Exchange bldg., Portland, uregon. CAN LOCATE yon on a good homestead. Port land or Boseburg district, farming or timber .tract. Also hav some good nunquiibmenta, E. W. Helm. 317 Board of Trad bldg. F Profpsglonal. nd Business Directory DnNTIOTw Dentistry i?ft Wilhont Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method, BREBSMAKINa WANTED Dressmaking and ladies' tailoring by the day. TaUonng a specialty, worn. V tPUCATICNAt ' SPANISH and shorthand taught by lady, 418 Ptett bldg. Dtoutwn ia SpaaUh er Kngliah, Main 2202. - ' ' ' OANCIWO :. IE DANCE STUDIO. 600 Dekum bldg. in, . L, . Tt. I . .. Lm. Ma a,. Iff WWKUDIUIB WS ,u,i l",H wvw, hour lessens, day, evening, 0 :80 a. as. to 0 P. a. Conn issaoaa apecially priced. Class Matw I.M T BO n aa Vfiaa Ireland. SUMMERS Dsnclng Acsdemy Private lesaona. day ana evening. - su mice steps auown. Dane every Saturday night Manchester hall 85 H 6th, near Stark, Broadway 3390 MISS DOROTHYASMUSSEN Ballroom and . aestheUe dancing, 010 Eilen bid., Wash between 4th and 6th. Main 1128. MU6I0 SCHOOLS AND Tf ACHISO PAUL T. STUCK ETMua. B, Piano, Harmony, Voice. --, MsrshsH'3312. -- 646 Montgomery Drive. FSOFEMSOR T. E. LAWSON Twenty ye!1 experience, pis no lesson st your home, 61. Fnone Tabor lows, VIOLIN, piano, mandolin, guitar, banjo inatrse Uon; vocal coaching. u xamnui. L- CARROLL DAT. teeeber ec voioe and pi 148 18th at Broadway 3636. hat cakaneso anp pyeso HATS cleaned, blocked, dyed, reasonable aad eetiafactery. Royal Hat Works. 228 lt tt LANDSCAPINB - PACIFIC LANDSCAPE GARDENERS. Specialist ia creating and t taking car of parka, lawns, gardens, rookeries, fountain, etc ; th rubs, perenniala and bulbs; old tnaamr and fertilizer. Phon Be 11 wood 1005. 4508 46U avenue S. E. - - - . . - GENERAL landteape work; good service. CaU Woodlawn 2941. East Portland Landscape Co, OPTOreKTWOT' . , , EYES acientiflcaUy tested with asod- " ,. era iastrtxmenu; giaaaea fitted at a taring; satisfaetioB guaranteed. A Ei HURWITZ. Optometrist. 326 let t PATENT ATTONEV - GOLDBERG, 620 Woroester bldg. Main 2B2T t PAINTINO, TINTINa, PAPCRHANdlNa HOUSE PAINTING, DECORATING OF ALL TABOB i$. PAINTING, peperhanging, tinting, wore guaraa teed. O. E. BndenUom, 1170 PowtD Valley road. Tabor 0183. ' . H. CLIFTON, painting, papenng, traUng. " 184 N. 17th at Broadway 4414. Woodlawa 2126. T JOHN C. CONL1SK . 18$ 16th st N. Broadway 294$. 1 HOMESTEADS H' ; '47 CASH tor kMnaestead- reliotiisbakent; , Mnltao I mah er Pacts sass county: atata sria. aad ls eerton. U-862, Journal. TIMBER fS OTICX OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER tienerat Laaei urriee, vraabingtoa, IX C Oct, -120. Notice is hereby si, an that anhw-t o the conditions and limiuttnna of th. Act nf Jnn 0, 1910 (SO SUt 818). and the instruc tion ot me secretary or tne interior or. Sep ten- . her 15, 1917. the timber en the following land , will be told November 23. 1820. at 10 o'clock a. m., at ptibue auction at th United State land office at Portland, Or., to th highest bidder at not leaa than th appraised value aa shown by thia notice. Bate to be aubiect to the approval of th secretary of the interior. The purr has. price, 'with aa 1 additional enm at one fifth of on per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be de posited at time of aala. money to be n turned if sal ia not approved otherwise patent will tarae J lor ta umber wnicn mutt b removed within 10 yean. Bid will be received from cittern of the United Stele, associations of such eiU aena aad corporation organised under the law ' of tb United Bute or snv state, territore ar - district thereof only. Upon application of a guanltea purrnaser, tne umoer en any legal aubdl vision will lie offered seta ratal befor. be Ing inelnded in any offer ef a terser unit: T. 8 .. Xc i .., lot . nr poo tf., lot . v fir 368 M, lot $. fir 140 M, lot 6. fir 370 M.. lot 7. fir 395 M-, lot 8. fir 20 V.. Sec 37. SKK KB, fir 1860 M., cedar 250 M., lot 1. ' fir 16$ M.. lot 2. fir 60 M.. lot 3. fir 290 M., BWH SEH fir 700 M., See, 88, NE MW, fir 2170 M , NWH KWH, fir 000 M., cedar 170 M., IWH NWH. fir 010 AL. eadar 85 M., BKH NW14. fir 000 M.. See. 85. NEW NBH. fir 1660 M., cedar 10 M.. NWU NH, fir 1346 M. SW)l NEK. fir 816 at. BE Si -NE. fir 780 M., cedar 15 M., N5H HWt, fir 1810 M-, cedar 6 !.. KW14 fir 960 M cedar 0 M-, 8W H NW U . ftr 122$ M.. cedar 80 M . hemlock 10 M., BBH NW it. fir 182a M., cedar 20 M. Nona of th fir og cedar ta be sold for less than j $2.00 per M and none of the hemlock to be told tor- leaa than $1.00 per M. T. 4 8.. B, 6 ,. Bee. .8. lot 1, fir 1400 hL, cedar 00 bf. tot 8. fir 900 M.. cedar TO M, W NEH. fir 390 M., cedar 26 M.. BK NBH. fir 1228 M., H cedar 20 M.. down fir, $2$ M., lot 3, fir 296 M., cedar 80 M. None of the Or or cedar U be aold for less than $1.80 per M., and .bob of the down fir to be told for lest than 60 cent per M. T. 4 N., R. 3 W., Bee. 37, SB NHtt, fir 760 M., cedar 40 M NX SKU. fir 600 M cedar 16 M., NWH BEH, fir 613 M.. cedar 10 M., BKH NWH, fir 440 M. None of the ffr or cedar to be sold for leaa than $1.00 per M. CLAY TALLMAN, Uoauniasloner General Land uince. NOTICE OF BALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER GENERAL LAND OFFICE . , Washington. V. 0. October 13. 1026. Notlc ia hereby gtvea that aubiect to the con dition and limitations of the Act of Juna .0. 1918, (39 Stat, 218), and th instruction ot the secretary ot th Interior of September 16. 1917. the timber on the following tend will be aold November 29, 1020, at 10. o'clock a. n at pubtto auetton -at the United Btetee tend of fice at Bosebarc. Or., to tb bigbeet bidder at not test than th appraised value aa shown by this notice, ml tov be subject to th spproval of th secretary of the interise. The trar ehaa price, with an addfrional enm f ea . fifth of one per cent thereof, being oianmiion allowed, must be deposited at tim of aale, money to be turned If ssle It not approved, rtherwit patent will tesne for th timber which must be removed within 10 years. Bid will-be received from citisrns of the United States, as-. aoetariona of such citiaan and eorpnmtiona 5 gs nixed under the laws of the United Btetea e any etete, - ternUory or district thereof only, rrpon sppllcborl of a emalified purchaser ' th timber oa any legal subdivision will aw offered separately befor being inelnded la any offer of Isrger nnit, T. 31 B., R. 1 W., See?, tt. NEH NWH.flf 40 M cedar IB M., NW NWH, fir S70 M. None of th fir er cedar to be sold for Jest than $1.50 per M. T. 21 S., R, 8 W Sec " 81, NW K SSK, fir 425 M., NEH SWU, tir $20 M., NWHSWH. fir 600 M-, 8WH SW. fir 000 M. None of the fir to be sold for has tltn $1.60 per M, 8KS4 BVT, fir 626 M, SW SI BB 14 , fir 500 M. None of the tit ta be told for lee than 81 76 per M. CLAY TALLMAN, ' Comm. General land OflW , FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 40 ACRES near Eugene, 2 creek,' 8 V acr orchard, 80 a ores cultivated, all can be onl- treated: almost level, fair tmlldlaga, 1 mile to- J atora, high and district school and raatfia fclgfe way. 640 Kerby at East 8656. FOR SALE or exchange, by owner, 2 acre, C mil east ot Wood burn. Or. ; 0 room new Bouse, wall finished, for Portland property, T. M. Boyd. Route 8, Bex 120, Weoduurn,.Or. EXCHANGE REAL BSTATB 14 FOB SALE or exchange, 6 room and bath, new- -ly painted and papered; in good district rinse 1 to high and grade acnool; baa gtrtgs, all klndt ! of fruit and msetf want bonne and 2 or rnon -! lots; wiU pay difference, 8330 84th, tt Tsbor 130 ACRES timber end stock claim la TilU mook county; over 8,000,000 ft timer, value $2000, to exchange for suburban acrsag or auto track. L-694, Journal. WANTED Tractor' liiow. track ea airtoanobil. as first payment on close in acreage, 892 Larrabee st. East 6871. Call Cros. - H WHAT bin yon to exchange fox 80 acre, f RMthwa Cp,,M .1 n. K.. 1.1 VV fn- 2a7 " r 280 ACRES unimproved land for city iote; would assume on borne. H-1B5. Journal ' WAyTED REAL ESTATE 81 WANTED B or 6 room house, with email pay- ment down aad monthly payments; would eon aider a euburbaa home with tome acreage lust outside of city limit, cloaeto earline and school; Place must be reasonable. t TX-BSO. Journal. WE want medium and low-priced rwniiael Come in, writ, or telephone Main 1968. O. W. Bryan, 609 Chamber of Commerce bldg, Er. ning. Marshall 805. T WANT a 6 or 0 room hous er bungalow - right away, for about $8500. Mr. Caaan btll. 824 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 770. . - . WHY WORRY 7 ' " ..i tni rthiog.aBywBeT. O. W Mfnerahrn, AMer hotel. Ms in ,6 3 7 8. WANTED 5 or 6 room house or bungalow, . about 64000; $500 down. A-680, Journal. Profpyj-jonnl and nnslnerM Dlrrcfory PLUMBINO AND OTEAM PITTINB Plumbing irrnLt. able, W. A Myers, 176 K, 62d at N. Morn ings, Main 6631; evsnkugs, AotomaUe 211-97. Ref. N. W. Pip Oct PLUMBING SUPPUES AT WllOLJUAL. j PKICIOS. BTAKK-DAVm CO., 188.4th st, THE M. U KLINE. CO.. B4-8-79ronTst REPAIRING, etc. J. Budeoo, East 6440." - PRINTINO), ENORAVINO, BINOINw PrnAlri.F. W. BALTU A CO., 1st AT fin ting ,nd Oak. Main 165. 611-6A, V THE f kwIN-HODSON COM P ANT" 887 Washington, Brosdwsy 434, A-12 6. - - WEPT HOME - GLEN HAVEN rest home. Diet and rest ear, im ms 1 1 slcctrtc treatments and hydrother, apby. 11$ E. 2Hth st wt 4223. . V WOOF WEPAIWINS DON'T CHANCE your root repairing in the bnd ef inexperteneed person. It's -tb taoat importentl part of the house. Our prices are reasonable. Investigation invited. Main .671, Residence, Main 5644. Boot Security Co. ttOOFS repaired at any time, fain or shine; all work guaranteed; paper, tra, gravel ot ailing le. Portland Hoof Repair. A Paint Cot Boy Ping, pre. Main 6320. - LEAK! HOOFS repaired and painted, raaaya able. Tabor 9824. TRAM6PER AND TORABE SECURITY STORAGE T RAN 8 FEB CO. ,: racking Moving S to rag , " Reduced Freight Betes , : Money Leaned a Warehouse iteeetptt IN THE HBABT OF TUB CI II $8 4TH hi.. CORNER OF PANS , -PHONK BKOADWAX 714T Oregon Transfer Co. ' f Etubltohed 1870 ' Transfer and Forwarding Agent -. STORAGE FKEB .TKACKAUB Ofltc aad Storage. 414 Gusao , 13th and OUsaa. Broadway 12H1. A-lUt, Always ' pick - the best - Hof seuold GOODS SPECIALIST Storage, peeking, ship, ping and moving; horse aad auto taat; special nta to all point. C O, PICK TRANSFER 8TORAGH CO. 2d and Pine Ste, Broadway 696. A-1998. Storage and Transfer Clay S. Morse, Inc. ; 18TH AND OUSAN. BROADWAY 3470. CUT S'REIGHT&ATKo rva euwaaabea eiKKU alliooed Mat and Seat. Manning Warehouse A fraaafet Caw 0th aad Hoyt Phone Broadway 703. - , " ELK" tBASSFfa A 6T0UAGE CO. ' Piano and furniture (Boring, craUuf and tof ing. Bdwy. 2445. --- WANTED Moving and transferring,, by hear Job. Ctl! automsxie 320-48. .. . - PIANO and furniture moving, crating lag. Broadway 2443,