IS THE v OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,. PORTLAND, OREGON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 1920. LURE 0 F MAKES MAN EASY FOR BUNCO PLAN . Mike Kokich. who speaks Slavon Ian and verys little English, walke J the streets of Portland Thursday morning In a hazy dream of wealth. He pictured crisp greenbacks on the cement sidewalks, in the store win dows and dangling out ; of : his pock eta He reveled In thoughts of elegant restaurants and pretty ' girls. ; " j;J - Then Thursday evening 'Kokich's dreams were gone and he stood tn the police headquarters scratching his head, wondering where he would get the 11500 to pay his friends the money he had bor rowed to give the plausible stranger who was lng to make him rich. HAIL AND WELL MET ....... It's a long story. 5 ' Koklck was being a good fellow in the soft drink parlors at 2304 Third street Monday morning, setting up the crowd to drinks and all that A dark young man, who had been : standing on the corner, sidled up with ' a pleasant smile. "My meat is in town," he said in English, playfully tapping Kokich' on the shoulder. In Slavonian, he said r "Mike, you're a, man after my own heart, and a Joy to your countrymen." : Kokich liked that, he wanted to be a good fellow. The young stranger and he became good friends right off. Be fore the day was done, the stranger whispered that he wanted to let his new friend' in on a "good thing." " It was a. way for counterfeiting paper money. PUTTI5G IT OTEB ' They went to the stranger's room In a hotel, and Kokich was shown , the . magic little box. The stranger put a bill between two pieces of paper, cut , the size of the bill, and placed these between two plates on top of the little wooden box. The room was darkened, a colored liquid applied to the plates, then the stranger put his hand in the box. clicked something and there was a 'glow i of red light. Tie stranger pulled the papers from between ,- the plates and. strange to relate, there were three $5 bills instead of one. Kokich was bewildered and satisfied. This was too good to be true. The stranger said he needed a safe place to work, so they went to Kokich's home at 110 East Twenty-first street north.. Then the stranger said he had 80,000 pounds of special paper for making the bills, but it was In Mexico and he had to go after it. .He said be would need $1500 to make the trip. . Both men wondered how the money could be raised. The stranger, as though struck by a sudden thought, suggested that Kockich borrow it from his friends. Kokich hadn't thought of that. WelU he should do something the sranger was doing so much for him. So Kokich got f 1500 from two ot his friends. The stranger said he would make a couple more $500 bills to help out on the trip, now that he had a model.- It would take longer, however, to make so much money, he said. He put the bill between the two pieces of paper. Just as before, while Kokich watched with wondering: eyes. ; Then they went down to the soft drink parlor, where they had met, to wait for the bills to be ready. - The stranger stepped into the store next door, "Just for a moment," and hasn't -got back since. Kokich's friends, when he went to them in despair after waiting for hours, told him that he probably , had been bunkoed.' c , ' -' - ' -.-' ' When he went to the police at last the police thought probably he had been'' bunkoed also. . ; ? . " The stranger got to Kokich's home be fore Kokich, so the S500 was gone as well as the $1000. "Now, why in the world didn't he have that bird make enough $5 bills to go to Mexico with 7" said the desk ser geant at police headquarters Thursday night. He looked at the "magic box,' which contained two dry batteries and a telegraph key, , , 4 Jl SO IS! 11111 wmm iy r III EQDDEIIBH ill mm 1DDD11I Mm u SATURDAY WILL ' EE - THE BIG DAY AT THE pmn-rnT7" TmrnrnMrTnFi llllll.'BII I t ii ii i Mi mm TTTnTT ETJ3 Perhaps you have been among the throngs that have attended this bargain offering sale in which Simon's are reducing their stocks and their many customers are benefiting by the reductions offered. If you have, it will pay, you to come again tomorrow. If you have not, we invite you to participate in this sale and by so doing you can save on each purchase. , ' I Ft . i 1 tin ii ijj- Apple Special! Bring this advertisement to us I T. I ' and secure a DISCOUNT' OF lie It J I on any box of apples in our store. fji lj All kinds, grades and sizes. ; . (pjl The Apple House f 14 FIBST STREET 51? ' Formerly 11$ tieeoid Street IL .... Iri equal to butter for shortening at about half the cost mwmm better than lard and compounds for frying. MAZQ preferred by thousands to the finest olive oils ' Selling Repnamtatio JOHNSON-LIEBER COMPANY Portland PsJfev '. AT ALL. fe4 GROCER lljg 1 n sUJj 1 Sale of All-Wool Overcoats for Men Made by a local woolen mill, but we are restricted from using their name in our advertising. , , We are now selling these coats at less than some stores have had to . pay for them wholesale. Many patterns to choose from in all-around belt, half belt, Raglan and Ulster models. Sizes for Men arid Young Men. GROUP 1 GROUP 2 27.50 Values SALE PRICE 35.00 Values SALE PRICE 1&52 21M GROUP 3 540.00 Values SALE PRICE MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Blue, Gray or Khaki. $1.55 value. Sizes 14 to 17. SALE PRICE, EA.. 98c WOOL MACKINAWS ' FOR BOYS Neat patterns. Made with shawl collar, patch pockets and belt all, around. Regular 8.98 ' SALE PRICE, EACH. $6.98 Women's and Misses' COATS, SUITS, DRESSES 25 DISCOUNT DRESSES of Tricotine, Serge, Satin and Messaline in Navy, Brown, Tan, Copenhagen and Black. Sizes 16 to 51. SALE PRICES $15.00 to $27.50 SUITS in Navy, Brown, Tan and Black. Both fur trimmed and plain tailored models. Sizes 16 to 53. SALE PRICES $22.50 to $35.00 COATS of Silvertone, Velour, Broadcloth, Kersey and Mel ton. Fur trimmed and plain in tie wanted Colors of the season. SALE PRICES $16.50 to $29.50 SATURDAY SHOE BARGAINS Women's , Dress Shoes 1 Gray Nubuck Shoes with French heels. Solid leather throughout. Sizes 2j4 . to SALE fKUE, tf'J lr7 ajr DOU I a p Women's Comfort Shoes Black Kid Shoes with rub ber heels and cushioned .insoles. Plain and tip toe. All sizes from 2 lA to 9. .fr!R!??:.,S2.98 FOR CHILLY NIGHTS Blankets and Comforts at Reduced Prices Double Bed Size Comforts, SALE PRICE, CO each .......... . v)0OU DOuble Bed - Size Comforts, SALE PRICE, ' Cl QQ each Dr.t70 54x76 CottOn Fleeced Blank ets, SALE PRICE, j2 gg 64x76 Cotton Fleeced Blank ets, SALE PRICE, J) QPJ' v. - ; v : '-.:v 68x80 Cotton Fleeced. Blank ets, SALE PRICE, 'J 68x80 Woolnap Blankets, ..-....$58: Shoes for Women and Misses Gunmetal and Brown Shoes from the famous !'Star" line of footwear. A lace shoe that is tfood for wear In all weather. Sizes 2A tOx8. QA OQ SALE PRICE, a pair Boys' Mahogany Shoes All leather. .English last Shoes for boys. Sizes t to 5. SALE CQ QQ PRICE, a pair. . DO.OO Semi-Dress Army -Last Shoes genuine Goodyear welts. Soft toe cap. ' Solid leather throughout. Sizesfl f7A 6 to 12, a pair wO.lU $1.50 Phonograph Records Saturday Only . . ; . . 5c Polish and Oil SHINOLA in brown, black and xblooi, a can. ..... .5c DRI-FOOT, 35c cans. each......... 19c NOBBY BROWN AA Polish. Dauber and Brush outfit 15c Army Last Shoes "for Men and Boys Yes, we have more of these popular shoes. Tan color. Double sole, soft toe cap. Sizes 6lA to 12. Qg Boys' sizes 11 to 13 Ii, a pair. ............... -$3.95 Boys' sizes t to . a pair 4.45 Boys sizes 2 Y to 6, a pair , S4.75 Saturday Specials for the Laundry Room WRINGERS- RIVAL, CLOTHES WRINGERS, guaranteed rolls, wood : frame; regular $6.00.. Saturday sale price $5.49 CRESCENT CLOTHES WRINGERS with guaranteed rolls, regular $6.00 value. Saturday .sale price . . ;S5.49 UNIVERSAL RlNGERrtthtftryaV guarantee on the rollers. . Ball bearing and enclosed gears, $7.50 value.! Saturday sale price. . .$6.75 RID JID IRONING BOARDS These boards' that are equipped with sleeve Doara are sold elsewhere for $5.50. Sat urday sale price, each. PREMIER ELEC TRIC IRONS GatraaUed for S An Iron that U aa g-ood -mji any ' Iron which you wUl pay up to S8.00 for. W. have 100 of lhea and we will replace any one of theac lrona that proves defective' in uiree years irom purehaae uiu, we mae . . all adjuntmenu C J QQ In our store. e70 SATURDAY -BPECIAI each A- $2 .98 KARO SYRUP Light 10s 95c Dark 10s 85c M.J. B. COFFEE 3-Lb. Cans Each $1.30 SWIFT'S JEWEL Shortening No. 10 Pail $1.90 No. 5 Pail 95c Our Special BLEND COFFEE 5 Pounds $1 VAN CAMP'S PORK AND BEANS Medium Cans 6 Cans $1 CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP 10 Bars 65c i GOLDEN SYRUP, 10s Each $1.25 MINNESO TA CORN New Pack A Can 15c A doien . . . .$1.70 California Small White BEANS 12 Lbs. 50c ALASKA SALMON 1 Ib.s tall cans. Priced below wholesale. 10 Cans $1 CARNA TION OR BORDEN'S MILK 2 Cans 25c MATCHES Per Dozen Boxes 35c 3 dozen fof.....$l APRICOTS No. 2 J Cans Absolutely Guaranteed 3 Cans for 50c , Soies Cats $1.85 . PURE JAVA CANE . SUGAR Limit of j 10 pounds to a cus tomer. i ... , 10P6undsfor$l CALIFOR NIA LIMA BEANS 11 Lbs. $1 CROWN OR ' OLYMPIC FLOUR A Sack $3.00 STANQARD No. 2H cans 9 Cans $1 CALIFOR NIA JAP RICE 11 Lbs. $1 'k DEL ' MONTE PUMPKIN 10 Cans $1' MINCED CLAMS . No. 1 cuts 8 Cans for $1 SUGAR CURED PICNICS A Pound 25c DANDY PEAS 8 Cans $1 SOLAR . Pineapple No. 2H cans 3for$l CEREALS ROLLED OATS 9-pounl sack 70c CORN MEAL 9-pound sack 45c BUCKWHEAT 9-pound sack 85c FARINA 9-pound sack 75c GRAHAM FLOUR 9-pound sack 65c OLYMPIC PANCAKE FLOUR 9-pound sack 80c SMOKING TOBACCO Vrince Albert Tuxedo and Velvet In i6-ounce j tins, each SlS Pedro. Dixie Oueen and Union Leader. 14- ounce lunch box .............. ....90c U. S. Marine, lunch box ..............70c CHEWING TOBACCO - Star and Horseshoe, a plu............90c Climax, a plug" ........... ...... ...,85c . Penn's thick, a plue . . .......... . . t . .95c JOY O' WHEAT A toasted cereal. Try it! We are sure it will please you: 9 Packages for $1 Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobaccos Simon's feature the lowest prices in town on quality Tobaccos. Cigarettes Fein Cigarettes, a cartoa .$1.60 Camels, Chesterfields and Lucky Strike Cigarettes, carton of 200 $1.69 First, Second and Alder Street 9m Cigars by the Roi Tan specials, box of SO ..$5.75 La Natividai Deluxe, box of 50. ....................... A .$5.75 El Verona Cigars, box of SO.'. $3.50 La Rosa, mild, box of SO. ..... . . .$2.75 1 s a m m I 1 II I n ! i i5 un 1 m IH0 0D11HH11II11 mwm m lliill y