The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 05, 1920, Page 10, Image 10

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Dublin. Nov. 6. (I. N. S.) -Re-prlaals
were renewed at Tem'pleraore
today by tne military police. In re
taliation for the munjer of Captain
Hamilton, 'according to advices froip.
that place. - The . whole population
was reported in panic. . I-
Two swldiers were killed In a pitched
battle bttween Sinn Fein volunteer and
; Britten :;, troops at Edg;eworthtown,
' County Lonfford, today.
' The coast guard station at Union Hall,
near Sklbbereen, on the southwest coast
of Ireland, was under attack during the
night and one man was killed. :
London, Nov. 5. CI. N. S.) Three
ilvlllans, one of them a woman with a
baby in her arms, were shot In Ireland
today, according to advices from Dub
Jin. '
Brakeman .Killed
- Under Lumber Car
Kalama, i"ash.t Nov. 6. Carl A. Rus
sell, brakeman on a local O-W. H. & N.
freight train running between Portland
and Centralia was killed Thursday aft
emoon when a car loaded with railroad
ties toppled over a trestle on a spur
track of the Mountain Timber company
. while being switched. Brakemen Russell
and Steele were on top of the car. Steele
m as thrown clear, but Russell was buried
beneath the car in two feet of water.
The body was removed from the wreck.
Russell was 28 years old. He Is sur
vived by the widow and two children in
Centralia. Ills parents live in La
Grande. "
Guard Sees Bomb Suspects
That two roughly dressed men planted
the bombs in the niche In the wall be
tween the First National Bank building
and the Henry Jennlng Sons furniture
store early Wednesday morning Is be
lieved by the police as a result of in
formation from Night Watchman Bat
son. - Batson told Inspectors Swennes
and Schulpius Thursday that shortly
after he had gone home he. was roused
by a hammering, on the , back door of
bis house. , ' ' . .
Two roughly dressed men, one tail,
the other short and fat, are alleged, to
have demanded "the package."
. "What packager- Batson asked.
"You know well enough what pack
age," one of the men' is alleged to have
said gruffly. ;"And unless you come
across pronto .well come in and get
it," he added, : . v
Batson told-the police that he flashed
his deputy police star and told "the men
that he had a gun and demanded that
they leave. They left, without further
comment, he said. t
Batson said that be had not examined
the packaKS. but did so as eoon as he
was assured that his visitors' had left.
When he learned "the contents of the
package, he Immediately notified the
police.:.- : i " -
Two of the bombs were sent to Se
attle as a follow to one lead that they
might be celebration bombs manufac
tured In that city.
Inspectors Swennes and Schulpius dis
claim the theory that they, were left
as a post-election joy lest. ,
' Chief Jenkins has worked witn tne
detectives in carrying on a rigid in
vestigation since the discovery of the
bombs. He said Thursday that he be
lieved firmly that it was part of a
reign of terror promulgated by I. W. W.
Swes for
The Fall Walk-Overs for semi-dress oc
casions look as well in the house as on the
street. Walk-Over lasts are made to give
a dressy effect even in street shoes. Our
window displays will interest you now.
A new timiia shads,
of tan. Splendid for.
crtec dm and walk.
n(. Fomied toe with
Cuban heel a ad aliro
soil, lines. , It ap
pear! to be moUeo
rif St ento your foot.
Is all ether leather
as wefl. -
A dressy, narrow
toe oxford with
i tjrliah, graceful,
Cuban heel.
Breaking in is
never necessary
on Walk-Orers.
Kara srrle with
foot free li oss. .
342 Washington Street
and 125 Broadway .
The Purchasing Power
of a Copper Penny,
Will be demonstrated
in the Three - Day
Sale next Monday,
Tuesday and Wed
nesday which .has
been planned to com
memorate 28 years
of active and success
ful business life.
Details in the Sunday
and Monday Papers
W JLJ&iJ l,
He announced again Thursday that a
determined effort to ferret out all X. W.
W. would be made and extra precaution
would be made to guard downtown'
buildings. - -. . '.; '' . .. t, ' -.
William Bryon, chief of the bureau of
Investigation of the department of jus
tice of the Northwest, has Joined the
police department in an . effort to get
at the bottom of the alleged reign of
terror. . 1 ' - ;
That the bomb exploded by Chief Jen
kins at Kelly butte . late Wednesday
afternoon was of the same material as
a bomb exploded, at the home of C. B.
Hurtt, 1067 East' Burnslde street, last
week is the onJnion of Inspector.
Swennes. who compared pieces , of the
broken bombs Thursday.
WIthBatsons description of the two
men who called at his home, the police
are making every effort to locate them,
who. they believe, planted the bombs
with, malicious intent. -
Miss Ezma Jones
;lsKilledby Auto
Near Hood River
Hood River, Nov. 4. Miss, Euna
Jones, better known as "Auntie Jones,
aged 65, formerly a nurse here, was in
stantly killed Tuesday night near here t being rushed.
In the Barret district, when she was
struck by an automobile driven by Ber
tha Cate. 16-year-old girt, who had' no
drivers license. The. car got out of con
trol and left the road, striking Miss
Jones, who was walking in the grass,
and knocking her nearly 60 feet, caused
an extensive fracture to the base of her
A coroner's Jury Thursday recommend
ed that the driver of the ear not be
again permitted to take the wheel. Miss
Jones was loved by a wide circle of
friends and was always ready to help
others,; evenat her own .Inconvenience.
Arrangements for 'the funeral are being
made..-v ,, -K , . .",&'
Sheridan ::Eoad Work
N earing Completion
McMlnnville; Or., Nov. 5. The Dennis
Construction company has' Its .contract
on the Sheridan road pavement com
pleted with the exception of 700 feet near
George Santera place. The work is
When completed this will
give a. continuous paved "road from
.Sheridan via McMtanville to . Yamhill,
about-Z4. miles. w ,4
: , Opening Sale Big
Biggest advance sale in history of
Portland Lyceum course. Better buy to
day. Nine numbers, : J2. Meier &
Frank. Adv.
Oveivoat Bargains!
.This -Special Sale of
,,4' -
The values are so pronounced that ori-loes not . :
need to be ari expert judge of clothing to appreciate; f
their intrinsic worth. !
These overcoats were made to retail at from $65
to $85'each. , '
We also will show you special overcoat "value? at
from $75 to $100. ,r
Heavy English motor coats a specialty. ,
Winthrop Hammond Co:
Correct Apparel for Men '
We Open at 9 A. M. and Close at 6 P. M. ' '
Formerly . ' . . .' .
Buffum & Pendleton
Est. 1884 ;: ,;
. r
. i
ITlr crQRr yttilKS C(Gtu tors
i iSsv.Y JVb. Arka AiLCJi Monroe Cfa& tM&I
I The Seal of I
; I ' KTh I Sadsfictioa I
. ' f f . Jk I swt nirttii "
f J LVt I eoeli - to
J V J ls f JT sleadsrd Kwrat
Monroe Clothes are . bought by
New York men more than ; any
other kind. New York styles
America, so when New York men
single out Monroe Clothes as their
choice from a wide range of styles
and makest is logical to assume that
here is the clothing thoroughbred
That's our, opinion and that's
why we rett tbem. j
We know they ve the very max
imum in style and value and we
assure yon that nowhere can you
equal them in price See Monroe
Clothes and judge for yourself.
Sold Exclusively By
and Morrison
C Oft B WW)
haihpmyonll he
Glistening, snow white vitreous china fixtures, that give
years and years of service without showing wear and
without even requiring repairs ': . :
A bathroom which provides the convenience, saves the
.. ... housework, affords the comfort and gives the health
security that are assured with modern, sanitary ,equip-
' ment of Thomas Maddock quality the fixtures which
we recommend and guarantee ! . 3.,.. ,
That is the bathroom you'll be proud to own. That is
the bathroom you should have in Jour home.' You
owe it to your family and to yourself, to have such a
bathroom. V . '-. .
s Our display of modern, sanitary fixtures, which shows-
'the equipment that will, give you a bathroorri , of this
character, is now ready for inspecuon. Let us show"
you how easily and how economically you - can have
such a bathroom in your home. Come in today, 'y r -
. '; Wholisate Plambing jSapplies -i .
. ' ,- . --.s . ; . ":' : ;.. . . . - J !' -v . v ' ' r -
, REMEMBER to ask your.
a 1. grocer for Calumet Baking
Powder and be sure that you get it
the Indian Head on the orange
labeL ; - ' ;
Then forget about bake day
failures. ' For you will never have
any. Calumet always produces the
' sweetest and most palatable foods.
It never varies in . quality
And now remember, you always
use less than of most other brands
because it possesses greater leav
ening strength.
.n -
Now Remember-r
Always use
. S ft
There is no wast. K a recipe
calls forgone egg two cups of
flour halfa cup of milk that's all
you use. Ybu never hare to re-bake.
Calumet is absolutely sure.' In any
baking any time, whether the can has
. just been opened or whether it is the
: last spoonfuL ' . .' ; 1 .
Contains only such ingredients as
r have been officially approved by U. S. "
Food Authorities and is the product
of the largest most modem and
sanitary - Baking Powder Factories la. existence.
A pound can of Calumet contains full
16 oz. Some baking powders come in '
11 95: c1 instead of 16 oc eans. Be
sure you get a pound when you want it
Columbia '
Msffia i
4 cups of sifted
flour, 4 level tea
spoons Calumet
Baking Powder.
1 tablespoon sugar,
1 teaspoon salt,
2 eggs, 2 cups sweet .
' milk. Then mix ksj
the regular waj.-r