The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 04, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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Stuart Freeman, prominent Port-,
land boy who was killed in a railroad
accident In France May 10, 1918,
while serving as a cadet In the avia
tion section of the signal corps, will
be buried Friday by hla former com
rades, in arms. The casket, together
with those of 1Q other overseas sol
diers which will be sent to various
points in the jNorthwest, reached
the city this afternoon.
Freeman was 24 years of age at the
time of his death.. Before his enlistment
he was In the law offices of Ralph W.
Wilbur. He was 'a member of the Mult
nomah club, the Waverley Golf club and
the Zeta Tsl fraternity. He was a grad
uate, of Stanford university. He under
went his army training in the ground
school at Berkeley and in a private avi
ation school. . " - :
Dr. Joshua Stansfield will officiate at
the interment ceremAiies to take place
Friday afternoon at Riverview cemetery.
A detachment of former classmates and
soldiers will accompany the body from
the Holman undertaking parlors to the
Other overseas ,bodics to arrive jon the
same train are: Private James' H.
Klakely, 157th aero -squadron, Kugene,
Or.,; rrivate Ciirtis W. Willson. Com
pany F, Tenth encineers, Salfem. Or,
Private (firHt class) Chester W. Wilson.
section 671, U. A. service, Arlington,
Wash. ; Private ! J.. B. Gurney, Company
F, Twentieth engineers. Roseburg, Or.
Corporal Ivcr Burke, battery E, 146th
field artillery, Moscow, . Idaho : Private
John CJ. Robinson, Company D, Twen
tieth engineers! Potlatch, Idaho; Ser
geant Kdward I Stephens, Company A
309th motor transport corps, Spokane,
Wash. ; Wagoner' Harrison L. Busey,
battery K. 146th field artilery, Yakima,
Wash.: Private; Goorge M. Ewing. Com
pany E, Sixteenth engineers, Seattle,
Wash.; Private (first class) George W.
Caldwell, battery K, 146th field artillery.
Wenatchfe. Wash.
Rusticity Features :
Cabin , Tom Carter
Has on Clackamas
Tom Carter's new Iok -cabin
at Oak Ridge on the trail of the north
fork of the Clackamas river leading to
riaMcsmaa lake, is to be the flne&t ex
ample of artistic rusticity in the Oregon
national forest wnen ne gets k iut
nlshed. 1 -v
The cabin Is built entirely of logs. The
mmrir ni done under Carter's direction
w fnmr urviM mnlore In - the sum
mer of 1919. this ; wmier vrwr win
make all the furniture with which it is
t k onninnpd. It will i all be on the
fn.t in order, made from natural . Iocs.
Carter is adept in the use of logs for
. . . . . i . i
building purposes, ana me jog noici
LaBarre at Kstacada is the , work of
bis hands.
The Oak Gr6ve cabin is 30 miles from
the nearest railway station, Estacada.
Carter expects to move into the cabin
with his family next spring.
One Drank in Pain,
- His Mate for Joy;
Judge Fijees Both
Did you ever hear of old Dr. Budd's
relentless, reliable, infallible pain killer,
the only sure preventive against colds,
chillblatns: influenza ; the one sure cure
for malaria; the only known substitute
for Colonel Seller's mint Juleps? Keeps
you warm in winter, cools Kpu off in
summer. ' :
Alex Luncmark and Klmer Roberts
Offered in explanation of drunk charges
this mornine excuses as widely! diverg
ent as Dr. Budd's cheerful; claims, Kl
mer is a Republican, and he drank be
cause' his candidate won. Alex ! Is a
Democrat and he drank to drown his
"I don't like to play politics, so 'I'll
have to let you both go," said Municipal
Judge Rossmanl
Unequalled Reductions
I. W. Wf Invasion
Nearing Portland,
Police Chief Is Told
r '
'Chief of roljice Leo V.- Jenkins . was
.informed Tuesday by J. A. Dundon,
chief special agent of the S., P. & S.,
that a general movement of I. W. W.'s
toward Portland was In progress.
Dundon stated that 30 radicals boarded
a Portland train at Pasco Tuesday.
After an. attempt to terrify the train
crew, they were subdued at Vancouver
and nine of them taken from- the train.
The others came on to Portland, he
stated. Secret; organization of the "One
Big Union." which ts considered by the
Mice about the Fame thing- ns the I.
W. . W.. has been poing on for some
time, the police believe.
Blaze in Fireplace
Does $700 Damage
Fire In the fireplace ignited the under
side of a mantel at 612 Madisqn street
at 4 :2 this morning,'; spreading to the
J attic and roof and causing a damage
of $i00. The house Is occupied by T.
H. Otten and owned by K O. Balaton,
60S , Market drive, i. No Insurance, was
carried. - Engine 3 and truck 3 responded
to the call. :
Indications are Auditorium will be
packed for Stefansson. November 12. Get
scats today. Meier & Frank's. Adv.
iWl If
nnlflbJ lit
ciaan co.
Portland. Or.
305-7. Pine U
Foley & Van Dyke
Phonograph Dept. ".
106 Fifth Street
Special Terms on
Outfit Number 1
This style X Victfbia in mahog
any, oak or walnut with . 24 se
lections. (12 records), needles,
brush, etc. -
ray iu casn, $iu. per month. .tictbqla x
Pay $10 cash; $6 month
Outfit Number 2
.- This' Style IX Victro
a la. price . ... $75-00
24 Selections (12 rec
' ords), 300 needles.
brush, etc....... $10.20
Pay $10 cash, $6 month
' The $150. $223: tno sn j iL. .
'VUfntii. .nii , u' ' iuu me more expensive
V ictrolas all sold on reasonable terms. ...
New November Victor Record, (Partial List)
Drowsy Baby.............. ." -
Drowny Baby. ..... ... ... -Olive Kline-Klsie Baker I
Waiting for the Sun to Come but'.! " " VinSlT,lrku'p I ,
i cannon jsieep without Dreaming of Tou T"i4,jl vi 1 u" Y
1 11 Be With Tou in Abd1 Blhnm V. L ' " ' .Aiieen Stanley f
TrlDoli. . 1 . L t "". .vnries tiarrison
Tirert of Me.
I'd Love
- .85"
IjOUlRe Terrell. n-i
Me. ....... ...iw.m nuu.) i i ,
to. Fall Aaleep'knd wVtoUpta;MV,.Mimmy:. X
. . j. . . . . ... . . ... v Peerless Quartet
I V Dance Records
Avalon Just Like a Oypsv Medley Fox Trot '
Best EVeVVidlVjwOne'sp.f." Afb'nor Orchira
VvWlspVrihg-Fox TrotaU.1 iteman and His 'Anbador brcheatra
ThV-j;in'&-dM,tenrtn Hia i'mbaasador bwheitra
rul -Whiteman and His Ambassador' brchestra
. Red Seal Records
Nocturne..... -b ............nopnie tfraslau 1
J1. Ul AIIHUH ......... -r- V
....., FrtU Kreisler Jt
FOLET & .VAX DYKE, portt ivn ad
OenUemen: Carefully pack 'and! 8hip me your Vlctrola outfit
i umoer. . . . . . . .......
YoUunrsetrly,., balance 's to be paid at S
.(records as checked), for which I enclom
.(If for Vlctrola enclose at least first payment)?
per month.
Write address ' plainly.
in High Grade Women's Apparel
The entire building
in which pur store
is located has been
leased to the Wool
worth Company.
We cannot obtain a
elsewhere and are
going out of busi
ness. Our complete
stock of Fall and
.Winter merchan
dise must be sold at
' BrlfeFn
l l j i
Eyeryliing in the
store has been
marked down so
low that no one
who looks will fail
to buy. ' There is
absolutely no res
ervation. Every
thing must go.
Every garment car
ries the original
price tag so that
you can tell exactly
what you are sav
ing. Naturally
those who get the
first choice get the
biggest values, but
there are bargains
enough for all.
Sale Starts Tomorrow at 9:30 A. tyl.
Women who appreciate real values; where value means both quality and style in a garment, will appreciate those we are offering
; . and will fill many needs and desires for her winter outfit here;
i Reductions Range From 35 to 45 on All
Coats 321. SO
The, materials of the coats in this lot are Broad
cloth, Velour and Silvertones in all shades. These
coats are beautifully lined and are fashioned along
the neiwest lines. They come in all sizes and
have sold regularly at $39.50, $37.50 an?l $42.50
We have grouped together a notable lot of coats of Velour,
Silvertone, Polo Cloth and Camel's Hair. The majority of
them are three' quarter length and are lined with the best
quality of Pussywillow silk They have sold for as high
'as $69.50. We will close them out at the sub-sale nrice of
Other Coats reduced from 35 to 45. Regular prices as high as $197.50
Coats $3 1 .SO
These coats of fihe winter weaves include a large
and very fine assortment of black plush coats jn
three-quarter' and full length styles. They are
trimmed with collars of the same or with wide and
luxurious fur collars. They have sold regularly"
at $42.50, $45.00 and $49.50.
Tailoirefd aiid Sfemi-Tafe
No more stunning models in suits are .shown in the city than those we are, now displaying at prices that seem
almost too good to' be true. Only a closing out sale could afford to give you such reductions. ,
SUITS 332.5'
SUITS $42.50
frPTrv III
I '' I ilk..
Very attractive suits of; navy blue serge and trlcotine -that sell regu
larly at $45.00. $49.50 and $57.50 are grouped in one special lot.
They come in sizes from 16, to 46 and are suits that will give you satis
factory wear all the year , around. .
The materials of these splendid suits: are velours, silvertones, Yalama
cloth and Duvet de Laines. They sold regularly for' $62.50 $69.50.
S79.50 to $82.50. The styles are original and distinctive and they
are a very wonderful bargain.
All Suits in our entire stock, ranging in price up to $189.50, are reduced 35 to 45 per cent for this forced sale. '
Extra Special! Dresses 339.SOf
We have included jn one group a, great number of very lovely velvet dresses. They jiave sold regularly to $69.50. so you can easily see
that this is a very special offering. We expect these dresses to go very quickly and! urge that yo shop early for them.
Dresses $19.50 Dresses $34.50 Dresses $37.50
Street and office dresses of serge, tricotine
and wool jersey are in great demand for
winter wear. (Here is your opportunity to
get a dress that has so!das high as $37.50
for a great deal less. 1
Included in this lot are dresses of a fine
grade of tricotine and serge. Many are
trimmed with chenille or beaded embroidery.
They are most attractive afternoon dresses
and have sold at $47.50. $52.50. $59.50.
These frocks are of satin,1 crepe de chine, and
Georgette. Many are beautifully beaded for
ornament 'and the range of design and colors,
Is very good. They have sold regularly for
$49.50. $59.50 and $67.50. "
TIT fT C"CC In one lot of Georgette and Crepe de Chine Blouses you "wift' find" values as high as $11.95. Every, shade de-. QfT
l-)LVy LOllrtj sired is included and the styles are varied and new. They are priced to sell specially at .. '. ; ............ . DO7tl
A second assortment of blouses including the finest grades of Georgette and Crepe de Chine in our store Man blouses of Trlcolette A
are also in this display. These blouses come in all shades, and; styles and in values up to $18.50 at V. . . . . . .'. . ; ..... ...... .,' DXU
143 Broadway.
Near Alder
r ' U M
! t
Near Alder
Foley & Van Dyke
106 Fifth Street
Just Below Wmk.'n rf
Phonographs Records