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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1920)
iHVl7otiU.GQ tfD AWY JO UKNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. .7 1 "AND WHAT IS SO . VIS Silk Petticoats Like These at $4.35 They Expected to Be Sojd ' . at $5.95 to $80 1 This splendid offering didn't just happen we I planned it specially for. this economy , sale to "neip tne back to - normal - move ment." .They are all jersey, with fancy flounces, or taf feta with figured flounces. niyyii i' pnptmsnpsj ,,,h va IPIlin i F7? K 54 LE IS FINAL ! POSITIVELY NO EX CHANGES OR REFUNDS For some yeirs past: The Emporium has held a se ries of . Economy .Sales in Novemberan event looked forward to by the discriminating, careful shoppers of this .city.L Thisj year with merchandise conditions as they are we have been moved to greater effort and this, extraordiniry garment offering is evidence of our sincere, desire to' make this the greatest of Economy Sales ever held. , Liberal reductions on our regular stocks in addi tion to hundreds of .garments obtained recently in the .open market at very advantageous prices permit us to oner tnese nign-graaei aisuncuve, caretuiiy tai- Fifty Exquisite Silk Dresses Featured in the Economy Sale f ' $39.50 lored Fall and Winter garments at prices' that will prove, hpw economically 3-ou canj shop here. , ,Coupled with low prices is the absolute " surety of quality in merchandise. This supreme Garment SellV ing Event commences Friday you have been waiting for this sale it is here come early! ; - SUBSTANDARD ' i Silk Stockings : $1.25 a pair 3 Pairs for $320 m Rut for. small imperfections (which really don't affect the wearing qualities at, all) these s hose would sell at $2 and $2.50 . a pair, the regular price of this ' well-known make. Black, brown and somecolors-. i $2.75 FULL FASH IONED SILK HOSE $2.19 Exceptionally well made,' of, pure, thread silk. Black, navy, brown, white and: gray. EVERY SALE IS FINAL' I POSITIVELY: NO EX CHANGES OR REFUNDS with navy clever . touches brown and black. of colors in Dresses considered .splen did values earlier in the season at $55,00 to $65.00. Never, before was there a time when money could more wisely be ' spent-j ;for this very unusual buying , opportunity offers latest versions of the de- signers' art in women's finest silk dresses. ' Developed ' in shimmering, .heavy J satins, clinging -charmettse ' and lovely , Kitten's Ear Crepe'of truly ex ceptional : quality elaborated with rich embroidery in wool, silk and bugle beads. . Graceful . long waisted and tunic j effects, contrast Avithjp the shades of j This sensational offering, includes but 50 dresses selection !.-'- " -we advise an earlv. Stunnin g Wool Dresses Regular $39.50 to $49.50 Lines . In a REAL ECONOM Y SALE at $33.50 One must see to annreriate the i'mrnriiinrA rf 4hic j rr- . "mo uiacjiil. JJJ JV.C ICUUt- tidn in women s desirable wool dresses, j Extremely smart styles in tricotines, w-ool'velours, serges and a few serge and satin I combinations. The trimmings arc dashing and unusual tiny pleated frills of Oriole and Orange with touches of Jade braiding and embroidery and clever tai lored . models With trimmincrs of wide, military silk b raid- Tn naw l,t,il, 1 1 -lJ j-ll - 1 W f . - : : . . ' . ' ' : . . . -1 - : -.' 1 The , Fur Shop Announces EveryFur Reduced 25. Simply deduct. J4 from the marked price.' Buy your Christmas furs now pay a small -deposit if you like, and hold . them and make sure Of these substantiajsavings. .1 $ 3950 Fitch Choker ........ i$ 29.65 - $ 85.00 Hudson Seal Scarf . , .,$ 63.75 j $100.1)0 Black Lynx $ 75.00 ' I .. $125.00 Fitch Collar $ 93.75 $200.00 Choice Skunk Stole .... $150.00 1. $275.00 Kolinsky Jap Mink Stole $20625 Really Marvelous Values in This Goat Sale We've sold hundreds of the same grades at $55 to $65 ..' ANNUAL ECONOMY SALE PRICE $39.50 These unsurpassed values in coats will astonish the buying. -) public coats of a distinguished character, embodying the ' most graceful Fall and Winter modes-r-beautifully silk lined. " THE MATERIALS Fine velours, bolivia, duyetyne, ya lama and silvertones. , THE STYLESExtremely smart belted models pleated effects ' with silk stitchery the wrap-like . garment with full, loose back the dashing tailored coat with trim belt and a host of other distinctive styles with effective touches in large hawl or round collars of natural raccoon, dyed opossum and scaline. ' L jTHE COLORS A. generous range of rich browns in the vana and baver, reindeer, taupe and blues, j of varying tones heather, tobacco, Ha? Suits Priced With Utter Disregard to Their . . High QualityIn Our Annual Economy Sale . 83 Suits That Were $59J50 to $79J50 ; . : , $46;.95 ; ; ; : The premier Suit sale of the year every suit from our regular stock of finely tailored garments for women and misses. y Clever, straight i line models aricl variations of the youthful ripple effects in tricotinc, fine , .velours, lyalama, duvet de laine and velour-checks.. An excellent assort ment of "shades to choose from: Reindeer, F'rench or Pekin blue, navy, taupe and the various lovely -shades of brown beautifully silk lined. . The high quality of the fabrics the originality of the styles' -tnc care ful workmanship all emphasize the desirability of these stunning suits. .50 to $45.00 Suits' A Limited Number at $39 $26 .75 l rif 75 Goats That Sold at $29.50 to $35 SPECIAL ANNUAL ECONOMY SALE PRICE $22 50 These are principally sizes for misses and small women. If you are fortunate enough to be "srwall size, . you 11 find these extraordinary values, i The fabrics are chiefly silvertones of excellent quality full lined with lustrous sateen and handsome full collars of sealine fur. Plush and Pile Fabric Coats Reduced , j Luxurious plush and pile fabric coats the fa mous Salts, H. & Hi and Shelton loom weaves. J Plain and fur trimmed clever loose effects, belted or unbelted models in short, three quarter and full lengths. , $ 39.50 Coats at ......$ 31.60 ,$ 59.50,Coats at ..... .$ 48.55 $ 75.00 Coats at $ 59.85 $135.00 Coats at : $108.00 $195.00 Coats at $1465 All High-Grade Cloth Coats Reduced ' Sweeping reductions on all our finest, high grade cloth coats ' in such desirable ; fabrics as bolivia, peachbloom, Salt's Hudsoa Seal. Duve tyne and Yalama. Beautifully silk lined through- out. ' , , $135.00 Coats at $10125 $150.00 Coats at $105.00 $195.00 Coats at $132.50 $250.00 Coats at ..... .$169.50 $275.00 Coats at $18950 Shop Economy and the Blouse Shop Point the Way to These $8.50 to $10 Georgette and Crepe de Chine Blouses $595 They take their place among- the bargains of other days, these amazingly good quality waists, in white, flesh, bisqite, 1 brown, peach, gray and navy. Dozens of the smartest practical styles, tucking, embroidery, beading, braiding and lace trimmed. Reasons enough for .their charm, but every woman will exclaim over their wonderful quality- heavy, firm and durable, materials. : It's easy to economize if you buy your blquses from this group. ' belts emphasize the smartness of these silvertone suits.: Excep- tional values, these in dependable browns and blues- all are lined with good quality fancy silks and some have smart scaline fur collars ; ;. STRIKING REDUCTIONS ON ALL HIGHER PRICED SUITS : -$165.00 Suits reduced to. . ...-, .$110.00 ; $135.00 Suits reduced to . .... . . . . . .$ 90.00 - $100.00 Suits reduced to. .1 . ;U 69J5 $ 89.50 Suits reduced to . . c . $ 67.45 . $ 75.00 Suits reduced to. $ 5625 $ 690 Suits reduced to. . . . .... .$ 52.15 ; , $ 65.00 Suits reduced to. ...... . $ 48.75 ECONOMY SPECIALS FROM THE Underwear $4.25 Vanity Fair Trico Glove Silk Vests ECONOMY PRICE $3.69 $5.95 Vanity Reinforced Bloomers' ECONOMY PRICE $4.95 $5.95 Crepe de Chine -Nightgowns ; ECONOMY PRICE $4.95 $2.75 Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemise ECONOMY PRICE $1.95 $2.50 and $2.75 Silk Camisoles TJLlf 1 CT ECONOMY PRICE $1.95 vamiyair .- , 1 , OIK UNDZSWSWJt - Novelty Umbrellas Suitable for Gifts f $10.95 to $14.50 Silk Umbrellas Economy Price i ,:. $9.85 What more practical and acceptable-as a gift to an other or yourself than a fine waterproof silk umbrella? Most any color, likewise a variety 6i handles "of interesting-design. Economy says "Buy one'of these handsome .umbrellas at $9.85." , v , : f 1 sA Actual Reproductions of Our $30, $35 and $40 Hats Now ' , $15.00 124tol28 SIXTH SUOST OFF VftSHINGTDM Not one of our clever, smart hats is reserved dozens of our most striking models all our $20, $23, $30, $35' and $40 beautifully, trimmed hats exponents of fashion's latest whimsies are included in this extraordinary offer at $15.00! , : 1 400 TRIMMED HATS (J-A AA 350 TRIMMED HATS if ; Values to $20.00. ....... . . JJU.UU j ; Values to $1250 JpD.UU " i Lovely, hats of Icharm and distinction effective ostrich,' It scarcely seems possible that these exceptionally smart hats cocque,i feather fancies and hackle trimmings. Grouped for our can be so radically underpriced. A large and most interesting Annual. Economy Sale at $10.00. ,1 . assortment to select, from. s ' 150 FISK VELOURS AND ALL OUR HATTER'S PLUSH &n AND BEAVER. FACED SAILORS $15.00 VALUES . . . . . . Jp J m) Fisk Velours the tailored; hat of quality, as well as our entire line of handsome hatters' plush ands beaver faced sailors are in cluded in; this drastic price reduction.' In black, 'browni navy and taupe straight, mushroom and rolling brims. - ' 150 Odds and Ends in. Trimmed Our Entire Line of Children's and Untrimmed Hat Specials Hats Has Been Reduced to $1.00 Half Price Actual Reproductions ' of Our $27 SO, $30 and P $32J50 Hats Now &r $15.00 . . Ml- ' " ' 124128 SDCTH STJUST Off VSSfflCTlM