THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1920. SHORT TER$ BONDS' TAKE LEAD - ; : .- - ' - ,. :.-r . ".' : -- : - . ' - SUPPLY OF WHEAT BURDENS MARKET ANP PRICE IS LOWERED Edited by ; Ilrmaa H. Cobea Edited by I Will F. rJessUj THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,. PORTLAND, OREGON i . t IK . EGG I IE IS SAID TO BEATEXTRE ME ?u Market for eg;s;s ' appears to have " finally, hit the high mark for the season, aside from perhaps a day or-bo late In the year, when there might probably be famine of offerings. 5- F, oj. b. buyer are nt'ill paying th estresn ' mack, but there is tmr lea disposition to apec-u- ' rirt of Nhs matter hi that. comparatively st-eakinji, the -price ot fresh eg i utterly out - 4 of line with storage mods. - Heemingly this is product of the timea.-th public baring Uie " money and it willing to pay (or the best. The - differential between storage good and fr,h tork has been Tery heary tlua aeaaon. but at tihat storage siMCulator have made consid erable money on their investment They hare, in measure. maiiiimlaled the price of Iresn .' eee t' an extreme level In-order- to cure ; more . favorable condition for the sale of in tct-heuae goods. Those desiring special information regarding any market lKuld write th Market Lditor, Ureeon Journal, inclosing gtaion (or reply. BI TTKR mrVLTfOS . IS . STKADT iNMiiite the usual price shading by certain ' creameries, the general market for prints is .'steady here. While trading .continue of a ; band to mouth -character, lew art electing ny J material reductions. jtltaR PRICK C'l'T BT KEFISEBT ' I'Hce of sugar has been cut $1 per hundred pounds by th refineries to the former low level. No change has been made in local saW because ( th previous refinery advance of j 1 was nevtr shown her. List quotations are 81 lower. .. CMARICET BASKET RETAIL PRJOUf By Hrnai H. Cohen , Consumers should beware of potatoes with dark streaks down the center. The markets are flooded with such offerings and such stock is nearly, worthless so far as average Home use Is concerned Due to the lohg-contlnued rain's, the potatoes began to ' rot' in the ground. Much of the -starch left the tubers nd especially on the lowlands the quality has greatly detriorated. The average dealer Is able to tell -what class of stock he is getting before mak ing purchases. . Owing to the damage done by the rains it is not now believed that potatoes will sell as low as previously believed. In fact, it begins to -look as if the price was either at the bottom' or within a frac tion of it at this time. . , This means, therefore, that consumers should pur chase their winter requirements, provid ing they can get suitable quality. Tlie following prices ruled generally in retail hops for good quality. Home Talues are frac tionally higher and inferior r stuff fractionally lower:' Butter Best creamery, 5T($60c Kggs Kresh laid, 85c dozen; ordinary fresh, 75 (fli KOc jier doxen. I'oultry Chickens, dressed. 85845c per lb. Kwh Solmon, 10 25c lb.; halibut, SO 9 35c per lb. Flour Best local patent, $3.00 3.15 per aack. 49 lbs. Potatoes Borbanks. 2 c. Unions Oregon, 2 & 3c. i'vr'lT SilTiATinV IS VERT (JOOB All' through the "country killed meat trad st eici-llent. tone is -shown. Sales of calves an-V generally at -'Oc; with a sprinkling ft 21c and ,- stinilax 'rang is shown her lor best Quality ; liogsv , TOTATOF.S SHOW A STKADT TOE Market for; tpotatoe is showing a steady i' tone ber for good quality and general sale ar around $1.78 2.00 lr cental for best ".quality to the retailer. Country purchase! re tried, in a limited wsy at $1.2501.50. "wOO"L MARKET CO TIMES Qt'IET - . lMMite talk of a political nature to the - contrary, there Is absolutely no change in the Wool inarket situation. leading operators do not espect any material change lor aereral General Losses in Chicago Grain Are ; Shown at Opening ' BRIEF' TfOTES OF PRODUCE TRADE Apple demand continue larorkbl for low i priced atock. , Celery- market is stesdy at 50c to 8oe doaen v hAriiona grapefruit has been reduced 50c case Hit $6 SO 7.O0. ' CUfornis repacked tomatoea offering at ' $2.30 in lugs. ,' Car of California Tokay grapes in; also car Sacramento .lettuce. WEATHER NOTICE TO SHIPPERS . The Weather bureau adrise: Protect ahtp - menu during tha next 36 hour against the fol lowing minimum temperatures: tjo'n no rtn . . 3 ilegrees; northeast orer 8., P. S. K. .. ' ,80 Bcgrees; east to Baker. 2S degrees, and sonth ' to Ashland, 32 degreea.. Minimum temperature at Portlaud Thursday night about 38 degree. '. lirilSHOWlf IS Tl'RKEY BEMASD i With a liberal supply now showing, a lull is ' indicated in the demand for turkeys. Former ready buyer at ooc lor new uresseu were uuw ' offering aboTt 1850c,! but no sale wer con - firnved st the lower prices. Printed quotations for the day axf therefore out of .line with actual conditions. , e ' - . - ' WHOLESALE. PRICES IS POETLAITD .. .. 5T . V, : The, are prices retailer pay wholesalers, ex cept as i otherwise noted: ' Dairy! Product ' - BUTTER Belling price, bog lota; Cream ery. extras, parchment wrapped, S3o per lb. "Jobbing prices: Cubes, extras, 48o lb.; dairy, buying price, 35c per lb. BUTTERFAT Portland' delirery bash. Bio A grade; 4 So B grade; country stations, ii0 :4 7c tier lb. ' ', OlEOMARGARINE Best "brand, 81c; ordi - nary,.. 33 He; bakers. 33c; nutmarganne, 1 lb.' t cartons, 22c. i CHEKSE Selling price. Tillamook, fresh (he gun fancy triplets. 31c per lb.; loung Amer ' leas 32c lb." prices to jobbers, f. o. b. Tilla i roook. triplets." 8c; Young Americas. 29c. Sell-, ing prio: Block Swt. 48 48c; Umburger. 40 9 42c per lb. . EC.CiS Buying price: Current receipt, 8e per do.; candled, selling price. 74 75c; select Jmie per aoien. irvtn pruiT.TRV Rcllin once!. Heary hen. 28 30c lb.; light hen. 20 22c lb.; pring,: light, 28 80c; heary, Z4.'0c: oiq. roosters, 12CT14C lb.: turkey, lire. 43 45c; dressed, 52 ( 53c; dpeks. 85c Freth VeggtabM and Fruit i FRESH FRUIT Orange. $9.50 10.50 bo; bananas. 12VhlSHc lb : lemons $6.00 we.50 a rate: grapefruit, . Florida, t.SO( M0OO; California, $6.60; peacbes. $2.00 2.50 per box; pears. $2.75; Tokay grape. 15c r APPT.ES Vew. $1.253.00. liKIKI) FRUlTS-lHitea, Promedarlea, $7.25; Tard. 4.50 per box: fig. $3.5U ta'4 00, ONIONS Selling price to retailer: Ixx-1, -S1.75; associatiou selling price, car, $1.25; : California onions, $1.251.75; gar Uc. 20c per lb ; green onions, 45c per doreo bunches; onion el. 1 2e per lb. n - ' POTATOES ' SelHng prica: Oregon - fancy, ; $1.752.00; aweets. 4&4c per lb. BERRIES Huckleberries, 18k0e lb.; cran-. berries, local, $5.000 5.50 box; eastern. $8.50 50 per bhl. ' - VEGETABLES Turnip. $2.73 per ack: rsrrntsj- 2 00; beets. $2.00; lettuce. $1.50 per era!; encumbers. $1.50 sack; tomatoes. Cali l.rnis. 2.25(2.60 lug: Tgg plant. 10c; broc- 'roll. $1.001.50; beU peppen, 10c lb.; celery, SC0S5e don ; string beans, 4 6c per lb. MeaU and Provlalon -F COrNTRT MEATS Selling price: Country hogs. 20 21c per lb. for top blockers; heary, k14l6o: real, 2021r; heary Teal. ; SMOKED MEA.T8 Ham. 42J4o,per lb.; '1.reakfast bacon, 3356c; picnic. 2 To per lb.; ,,' cottage roll. S5o per lb. ; LARD KetUe rendered. 29 He lb.; tierce basir, compound. 20Vc. t ! Fhh and Sh4hlsh FRESH FISH Salmon, fresh Chinook. 20c -r per lb.; halibut, fresh, 24c lb.; sturgeon, ( ) ; Mack cod, 10 lis lb..; kippered salmon, IP.50 per 10 lb. basket; kippered end, $2.85; razor i cu,ms, . ); crabs, $2.7503.75 dozen; ling icod. 8c per lb. OYSTERS Eastern, per gallon. $5.00; i Obmuia, $3.50. Oracarla f . 8CCAR Nominal price, reftnery baste: iCnbe. $13. 5; fruit and berry, $12 00; D yel 1m, $11.40; granulated. $12.00; extra C, i $10.80; golden C, $11.50. HONET New, $7.00 8.00 case. , r mt. japan aiyie, no. l lie; Iter-' Orlean ;nel. f ): Klu Rose, llHllc per lb. SALT Coarse, half ground. 100s. $17.25 ' r ton; 50s, $18.75; table dairy 60s, $27.25; : caies, hduhiov; isncy uoie and dairy, t $J4 50; Inmp reck, $26-5$ per ton. M BEAN'S Sale by Jobber: Small white, .So lb.; large white, 6c; pink, 7c per lb.: limas ; 10c: bayon, 9tc; red. 14c; Oregon bean. . CANNED MILK Carnation. $8 00; Borden 8C.OO; Astor, $5.90; Eacle. $12.50; Libby, . ,; .-ntmiu t crnon, e--w per case, i tuciui Aouico, v tug an sack or arums. SODA CRACKERS In bulk. 18e per lb. i NCTS Walnutn. 23 W 26c per--lb.; almonds. 27H38c: filbert. 32c in sack k)U; pa- auu, mxoc; pecans, zoc; xsraxua, 85c. ji -,. " Rope. Paint, Oil . i ROPE Sisal, dark, 18 He; whit. 20c lb.; atandard manila, 26 He LINSEED OIL Raw. bbla., $1.34 gal; ktt- iie ooueu, oois., ei.oo; raw, case. 11.49; boiled, cases. $1.51 gallon. - COAL OIL Pearl or watr white. In drums r iron barrels. 17 Ho gallon; cases, 30c per .gallon. - v GASOLINE Iron barrels.' 29 030 He; cases. WHTTB LEAD - Ton lota. 15c; BOO lb.. IS He per lb. ; TURPKNTINE Taata. $1.$1; case. $1.6; 10 casa kita. lc las. . vHepa, Wool and Hldaa - HOPS Nominal. 1920 crop, 44 949c lb. ' HIDES Best calfskin, 13c; kips. 8c; green . aide. e per lb. . ! MOHAIR Long. 25: short. lSe lb. TALLOW AND CKEASE N& J UUlow. 7c; NO. 2. Sc. Chicago, Nov. 4. (I. N. S.) Pressure on wheat was persistent on all meager rallies, especially on the December deliv ery. Prices closed at sharp declines. Deferred deliveries of corn continued weak, while December corn "was higher at the last in sympathy with the' strength in the cash . market. There was little buying support throughout the session, except that which came from shorts. Sentiment is bearish and lowex prices look inevitable. The close found December wheat 6c off and the March 3c down. December corn gained He to, c ; May lost -c to l4c, and July dropped c to c. De cember oats, were 4c to c lower and May Vic off. Provisions were not quoted at the close, . Chicago. Not. 4. (I. N. S.) With alt commission bonnes ' baring selling orders and small buying by seaboard houses on the break, wlieat started He to 2c lower , for December and lHc to 2fc off for March. Corn opened He lower to He l.igher "for December and He to lc lower for May, with leading communion bouses the bent, sellers. Home prominent locals were on the buying side on the bresk. Oats started with selling led ! by Northwest interests. December was off He to e and May 'was down He. . l'roruiioru started firm, reflecting higher hog prices. Range of Chicago prices as furnished by the .Cnited Press. WHEAT Open. High. 20 H -OH H 195 197 CORN 82 Vi t3 88 NH OATS 54H' 54 H 59 " 0 BYE 189H l9'i 157 VS 158i BARLEY -04 93 914 93 H5 ..... 95 Iec. . March Dec. . May . Decs , May . Deo. . May ., Dec. May , Cash barley, 95c. Not. . . , . Jan . .. . Iw. 200 H 193 9 i 81H 87 H ! 33 H 58H ; 167 j 157 91 K Close. 200 194 82H 88 53 H 69 167 H 157 H TOUR Not; Jan. 1880 1630 XAKD 1900 ; 1632 BIBS 1870 1625 Dec ..... Jan .... .... Cash wheat: No. 2 hard, f. .04. 2350 2500 J872 1626 J40O 1327 Lumber Market Is More Encouraging Seattle. Wash., Not. 4. (I. N. 8.) Lum ber buying in California, Arizona and New Mexico is an encouraging feature in the North west market, which has been in a slump for several weeks. Tbe heariest rolume of lumber erer shipped to California is now going forwsrd, according to lumbermen. Cargo orders in the last week reported- 16,295.438 feet, of which domestic orders wer 11, -80 1,507 feet, while ex port cargo orders amounted to 4.493,931 feet, for the mills reporting to the West Coast Lum bermen's association. tt Tork Butter and Eggs New York. Nor. 4. (I. N. 8.) Butter Market firm. -.Creamery, extras, 63 64c; do firsts. 47 62c: do higher scoring. 63H666r: ktate dairy, tubs, 37ff62c; renoiated. extras. tWJc per lb. Cbeese Market firm. State Whole milk specials, 2328c: do fancy. 22(25c. Wiccwi- sin Whole milk, fancy Yonng America, 20 i'tic state Skims, specials. 27 H 0 28 r; do choice, 18 20c; do choice to good, 15 1. He per lb. : Keg" Market .irregular. Nearby white, fancy. 03t96c; do brown, fancy. 80 85c; extras, 76 g 77c: firsts, 68 & 73c Per do. - WHEAT CONTINUES E DOWNWARD COURS THCKSDAT WHEAT MARKET Soft White ..... Wblte Club Hard Winter ... .Northern Spring Bed Walla . Bid Um .19$ ie .1 le ISi ie .187 Se .1SS ie NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS Reported by Portland Merchant Exchange: t ar M'hrat. Barley. Floor. Oats. Hay. Portland. Thurs. 47 ...i 4 10 Year ago 53 . . .: 34 ... 11 Season to date. 6445 74 -265 225 615 Year ago. . . .4152 113 1552 273 711 Taroma, Wed .. It 1 2: 2 Year ago. ... 44 .... .... ... 0 Season to date. 2612 33 352: ff" 370 Year airos .. .2812 54 . . . ' . 100 402 Seattle Wed. . . 1 : 2 Year ago. .. . 83 2' 6 3 Season to date. 2353 122 136i 140 785 Year ago 2456 .129 306 311 608 Those wheat" growers who felt that by electing a Republicain president they would be able to; force the price of their products higher immediately have been greatly disappointed. For two day the price of wheat has been dropping instead of showing the expected ad vance. Those politicians that promised higher wheat prices a a result of ! the election of cer tain candidtaes cannot deliver the goods. Supply and demand still control the market price of wheat to a more armies extent. Just now the supply appear to be somewhat in ex cess of current requirements and this bas nat urally been reflected in the price. Liberal sales of wheat continues to be made to Europe, but exporting interests bad pur chased most of this stock some time ago, when Talues were higher than at present. There appear a sRgut lull in ; the foreign demand for flour, but generally speaking con ditions are about steady. . Millstuffs and feedstuff ifn generally steady and hay trade is holding practically unchanged. FLOUR Selling pric, mill door. Patent. $11.40; Montana spring wheat, $11.70; Willam ette T&lley brands, $11.50; local straight, $9.50; baker; local. $10.80 11.05; graham, $9.60; whole wheat, $9.80. Price for city . deliTeriea 15c extra; suburban, 20c extra, HAY Buying price, ominaL Willamette timothy, fancy, $28. Q0 30.00 per ton; clorer, $20.00; cheat, $23.00; straw, $11.00 011.50; train, $25.00; alfalfa, $24.00 per ton. GRAIN SACKS Nominal No. 1 Calcnt-a. 10 10 He: domestic. 11c, in car lots;-lias amount higher. MILLSTUFFS Mill run at mill, aackoL $50.00. OATS Per ton. buying price: Feed. $47. 0) 48.00. BARLEY Buying price: Feed. $47.00; milling, $4 7.00 4 7.50. SEED Buying price. Nominal; no demand, Red clorer. recleaned, ( -) per lb.; alsike, ( ') : Tetch, ( ). i FEEDSTUFFS F. a B.' mills: Boiled bar ley, $56.00; alfalfa meal. $36.00; cocoa nut meal, $50.00; soy bean rami. $68.00; Unseed meal, $81.00; cracked corn, $60.00: whole corn, $57.00 ton; scratch fted, $74.00; whole oats, $52; rolled oats, $54 per ton. ROLLED OATS Selling price, $11.00 bbl Merchants exchange bid.: : WHEAT Not. Dec. . 'o Bid Hard white Soft white . 190 ....... 190 ' 185 187 185 FEED OATS 4600 . . 4,400 BARLEY 4i700 4:600 CORN i No. 3 eastern (bulk ... 4200 No. 3 locals (bulk) 4.250 White club Hard winter . . . Northern spring Red Walla No. 2 white . . No. 2 gray Brewing Feed 190 190 185 tK7 185 4600 4400 4700 4600 4100 4130 PACIFIC. COAST BANK STATEMENT Portland Bank Crrinza This Week.! Year Abo. Monday ....$ 8,165,078.39 $ 8,503.453.38 Tuesday Holiday Wednesday .. 8.594,157.08 5.788,109.92 Thursday . . 7.093,744.88 4,829,119.88 Tacoma Banks Clearings Thursday ..,.$ 1,209.584.00 Balance Thursday . . . i . . 118.246.00 Spokane Banks Clearings Thursday Balances Thursday . . . Seattlo Bank Clearing Thursday -. $ Balances Thursday .......... San Francisco Banks Clearings Thursday t . . $33,900,000.00 La Anjieles Banks Clearing Thursday ........ .$17,090,537.00 . .$ 2.180,816.00 346,627.00 7,726.952.00 1,268.008.00 QUIET TONE AND LOWER ! COTTON PRICE AT OPENING New Tork, Not. 4. (I. N. S.) The cotton market waa quiet at the opening rtoday. 12 to 20 points lower, following the setback at Liver pool, where the settlement of the strike of the coal miner had caused strength early. Tbe weather was farorable and European and Wall street sold moderately on tbe initial call. Later pressure from room sources: weakened the list about 17 pointa from first leTels. 1 Wall street selling in sympathy with an easier stock market together with Southern offerings sent the market down in the late afternoon. Th clnee was barely steady at a net decline of 45 O70 point. Spot cotton was quiet today. 45 points lower at 21.65c. No sales. Berry Growers Organize Elma, Wash., Not. 4. At the conTention of berry grower held in . Satsop this week,; the or-g.-nization was started under the name of the .rays naroor lonncy Berry (Growers adsociatuinW r-ima was selected as Uie principal place of busi"; neas. A constitution and bylaws was adopted and at the next nwting, in-two or three weeks, r.fficer will be elected. The climate and soil in tiie Chehali River valley is particularly appli cable for berry growing and hundreds of acres will be planted here in the rery near future. The present acting president is W. S. Murdock of Montesano and acting secretary is A. P. Flcjfning ot Elma. - - New Tork Wool and Hide ' New York, Not. 4. (I. N. S.) Wool Market unsettled. Domestic fleece, XX Ohio, 8260e; domestic pulled. ' scoured basis. 80 80c; domestic Texas, scoured basis. 6ftc (S $ 1 to Hides Dull. Native steers, 19 23c; brand ed steers, ijgino. Bried Fruit and Bean New York. Nor. 4. (I. N. S.) Beans Steady. Marrow, choice, $9.25; pea, choice. $5.506 0. j - ; Dried fruits Steady. Apricot, extra choice -to fancy, 80 & 36c: apples, erapbrated. prime to fancy. 813e; prunes, 30s to 6s, 17 23Hc; 60s to 100s. 1 1 15 HcTpeaches. ex tra choice to fancy, 1821 He; teded raisins. coon io incy, y m zoc. Slver - New Tork 4agar aad Coffee New York, Not. 4. (U. P. Sngar Fasy; raw, $8.03; refined, easy granulated. $io.oei2.oo. . . : Coffee No 7 Rio. S148!ic; No. 4 San to. 11 H 13 . New Tork Potato Market Chicago. Not. 4. L N. S.) Potatoes h ,fclk. barrel or bag) : Market firm. Nearby white, $2.75 4. 50; Southern. $ 1.50 tf 3.50. New York-London York. Not. 4. (I. N. Sf) Commercial oar m-rer was today quoted as follows: Itonnrstic, g" !? m.1?tc; foreign! He higher at V J u . , I t . r""""- yi. . B- j-k-Bar urtr was -nu uiKuer Esuay at d4 5ad. Month Open. High. Low. Close. Jn 2050 2065 201S 2018 Mch. V 2030 2042 2002 2002 May 2010 2020 1972 1972 July 1972 1972 1933 1935 Aug 1950 Sept. 1940 Oct. , 1850 Dec. 2110 2113 2065 2065 S. P. SHARES ARE STILL L LADING New Tork. Nov. 4. (I. N. & The stock market closed heavy today. The entire list became reactionary in the final hour; and many issues closed at the lowest levels of the day. Baldwin, after selling up to 116;, reacted to 113!; Bethlehem Steel B fell back over . 2 points to 86 ; Steel common closed at a loss of nearly 1 point to 87. The Railroad issues reacted from 1 to 3 points, Southern Pacific dropping 3 pointa te 115 ; Reading, after its early high of 103. fell to 99 H ; Northern Pacific declined over 1 point from the high to 94. j The Oils generally were about 1 point lower. The Motors continued "Weak. Government' bonds unchanged. Rail way and cjther bonds Bteady. Total Bales of stocks today were 970,- 800 shares New York, Nov. market movements opening bonds, $15,786,000. 4. (I. N. S.) Stock were mixed at the: today with the professional elements again offering many stocks at concessions, but there was aggressive buying in a number of issues that later caused a strong tone in many important groups. '" Southern Pacific again t was most prominentj that' stock opening with sales of 8000 shires at 114 to 115 and after a further igain-to 115 reacted to 114L The feature of the market during the fore noon ws the. brisk demand for all the railroad issues, many of which rose from 1' to 3 points. Trading was on a large scale. Southern Pacific continued its upward movement, touching a new high of 118 H, a gahi of over 3 points. Reading rose to 102 Ti , Union Pacific to 129 H and New York Central to 84. ' Steel common sold up to 88, reacted again to 87 H , and Baldwin IxK-omoti re rose 2 point to 115 H. and then yielded to 114 H. Mexican Petroleum rose 3 points from the low to 193 H and then dopped to 1 9 1 H . The motor ami copper issues showed fractional gains. Furnished by Overbeck cf Trade building: & Cooke Co.. Board Stock. High, j Low. Bid. ; 500Agr. Chem. . . . 600jAjax Rubber .. 7 00 1 Alaska Cold . . 20oAllis-Chalmers . nOlAm. Beet Sugar 900 1 Am. Can Co. 3600 100 100 200 400 "2666 1300 600 3800 700 9800 100 45700 16500 34)0 200 4 800 ' '466 iiioo 00 800 1200 700 pfd. Am. Car Si Fdy. Am. Car & F. Am. Cot. Oil . . Am. Express .... Am. Hide b. Iea. . 3 100 1 Am. Intl. Corp. . . 400Am. Linseed .... 6200 -Am. Loco. . . . . Am. Ship & Com. . .... Am. Smelter .... Am. teel t dy. . . . Am. :Sugar Am. : Sumatra . . . Am. Tel. & Tel. . . Am. Tobacco .... Am. Wool Am. Zinc Anaconda Associated Oil . . Atchison , . . Atlantic Coast Line Atl. Gtllf & W. I. Baldwin Loco Baltoj. & Ohio . . . Bethj Motors . . . Booth llsh B. K. T Butte C. & Z. . . . Butte & Sup. . . . Caddo Oil Canadian Pac. . . . Centi Leather . . . Chicago & N. W. . Chicago (It. W. . . Chili Copper .... Chino C, M. tt St- P. . . 76H 39 32 135 110 72 H 97 16 74 59 38 '84 j 100 H 128 70 H 51 H 117 89 75H 38 54 32H 133 H 110 70 95 H 144 58 37 '83H 100. HJ10O 75H 38 1 H 32 72 32 H 133 U0 i 25 134 i 10 ; 7l4 66 H 95 15 i, 58:4. 37 H 103 127 H 69 '56'H 116 88 128 69' OH. 50 H 116 89 97 H 139 O. Southern. . , Gas. A. Elec Craph tias Products 5400 C. k 400Colo. 600Colo. 800CoL ICbn. 2;00Corn 2000 t osden OU . , C. H. I. & 7!)00lCrucible . . . 400IDome Mines 1700ID. & R. G. 3300 Erie JFed. M. S. 600 Oastqn Wms. , C.igars Elec. . Motor DAIRY PRODUCE ,OE THE COAST Seattlo Market Seattle, Not.1 4. !'. P.) Butter- Local creamery cubes, 6 2c bricks, 53cj Eggs Fresh ranch;- 80c; puUetsj 62c. Cheese Triplets. 82 & 33c. j Milk. $2.25. ' ' - Los Ans4 Warkat Ixjs Angeles. Not. 4 Al. N. S.) Butter 87c ". .. Eggs Extras. 75c; case count,, 78c; pullets, 70c: peewees, 53c. ? I'oultrj Hens, 3237e; brokers, 38 42c; fryers, 34c. POTATOES ALONG THE COAST Seattle Market Seattle. Wash., Not. 4. i-tU. P.) Potatoes, per ton- Yakima Gems. $48:, local, $35 36. San Francisco Market San Francisco, Not. 4. -( U. P.) PoUtoe RiTerl; white. $ 1.7 5 S 2.00; Salinas, $3.00; sweets, 3c. Onions YeUow , and white, 90c $1.00; Aus tralian brown, $1.00 1. 2 5- i 1 Lo Anoola Market Los Angeles, Not. 4. L N, S.) Potatoes Stockton Burbank. mostly $2.25 2.50; poor, $2.00; Idaho russets mostly $2.25 2.50. New Tork Cah Wkeai New York. Not. 4. Cash wheat for export, $2.20 H c i. f, trade.' . i . : j New Tork Bond Maftket , irurrusnea oj ' Overbeck lc, Codk. Company. wwiw Anus DUlluing) Atchison gea'l 4$ BaL A Ohia 4 .......1', Beth. Steel iref. 5 ...... . Central Pacific 1st 4. . . . . C., B. A Q. coL 4 8t Paul ccnl, 4 Hs Chicago N. W. gcnl. 4 . . . I -fc N. unt 4s ........ New York- 113. 5s . . . . , . ' : " Northern Pacific p. L. i',' Reading genL 4s, . . . . .a , . . Union Pacifie 1st 4i . . U. S. Steel Ss Union Pacific 1st ref. 5s . Southern Pacific con v. 6si . Southern Pacific conT. 4s. -Peona. eonT.! 4 H. ....... - , Penna. 1st -4H ... .... , Che. Jb Ohio eonT. 5s. . . .-. , Oregon Short Line. Bid. Ask, -7H ' 77 73H 74 79 79 74 74 98 98 H 77 77,. 77 - ' 81 S 82 57 i ,. 2S " 75 78 H 85 8H 80 , 80 93 H ; 94 i 7 77 H 10H 110 77 78 89 90 83 H 84 884 80 S2' San Fntndseo Ponltrr - Market San Francisco,? Sot. 4. tU. P.) Broilers, 60 w 63c; large hens, 36 37c; best ducks, 27 30c. ChieagoDalry - Prednre Chicago, Not. 4. (L N. S.1 Butter Re ceipts 4083 tubs; creamery - extra, 61c; firsts, 47(54c ' j - - Egg Receipts 1662 cases; miscellaneous. 53 60c; ordinary first, 555"c: firsts, 61 0 extras, 7374c; cbec&s, 32 40c; dirties. 40(r4.-.c. . 1- - Cheese Twin, new, 22 He; daisies, 23 9 24 He: Young Americas, 24 ( 24 He; long horns, 24 24 He: brick, 22c I Ijt Poultry Turkeys, 35e; cfiickenv 23 28 He; springs, 26c; roosters, 22c; geese, 27 He Gen. Gen. 10300 t;eti. IGranby lOOOiGt. Nor. Ore. 1000 GU Nor. pfd 300 Greene Cananea . . - 000 Gulf 8. Steel 1400 Hask Barker 900 Houston Oil 700 Ills. Cent. 2K00 Inspiration 11 700 1 Int. Agr. Cor., c. jlnterboro 300lnt. Callahan . . 1000Int. Harr ISOOjlnt. Merc Marine 100lnt. Nickel . 6600lnt. IPaper . 1600Invincible Oil.... llsUnd Oil 600 K. a Southern . . 2400,Kennecott 1400 Lack. Steel 4200Lehigh Valley . . . 1900 U A N 22200 Mex.l Pet ...... i Miami , 13100Mid.! SUtes Oil. 3900!Midvale Steel . . . 300M., K. Ac T. 2500Mo. Pacific 1800 Mont Ward 2900M. & St I 500;Xat Analine . . . I Sat. Biscuit . . . 300Nat Enamel . . . Nat. Lead , 200 Nev. Conv .... 4600N'ew Haven . . INorfolk & W.'. . Northern Pacific ..1 2 1200 N. jr. Central.... 2h0iOkla, Prod. rr . . 400Ontario W.... 2ff0iPaci(ic Per. ...... OOOiPac. Gas & Elec.. 4000iPan Am. Pet. . . lOoipan Am. Pet. "B". 4000iPenna 2900Peo. i ;a ....... 1400Pere Marquette... 2500PureJ Oil 600tPierc Oil & West Va. . 000: Pressed Steel Car. 200 Pullman ..... IRayJ Jpns. 72800 Reading . . . IReplpgle ' Steel . . . 900; Republican I. S. 5000 i Royal Dutch Chi. . . I Ry. Steel Springs. lShatltuck, Ariz. . lOOOiSinclair. JOOOOO'iSouthern Pacific.. 4500Southra Ry...... 1000 St I- ft S. F 1000 Studehaker Swift ft Co 900 Tenn. Cop. ft Chem. 2000 Texas Oil ....... SOOOTeias Pacific 800 T. P. C. AO . 900 Tob.i Products ROOjTran. Contl Oil... 2000Union Oil Del. . . . 190000Union Pac 1900 P. 8. Ind. Alcohol. 89000itT. 8. Steel : 800Utah Copper (Virginia Chem. .... 9000, Vanadium SteeL . . . ViTandou , 1000 Wabash IWells-Fargo j Western Pacific. . . . . . . .-. I Western Union. . . . . 90iyestingh. E. ft M. 2500!Willys-OTerlsnd . . . 142 139 116H113H:il3 ; 48 I 46HI 46 4 6 I 5T 54 14 J 15 14 . . . , 12 16 f 15 H 15 ....1 18 V 127 125 H 125 : 40 39 39 83 82 H 83 12 H 11 H) 11 13 13 13 26 25 H 25 H 43 Vi 42 H 42 68 67 67 H 35 33 H 33 59 V. 59 H 59 H 19 18 18 01 88 f 88 H 83H 81 81 38 37 37 38 38 86 121 118 M 12 11 11 2' 2 j 2 .i' 18 a 18 H 18 H I 10 1 -.'..I 4 I 61 H .130H139137 .1 16HI 18 lVy .1 26 ; . I 33 T4! 33 33 H .1 90 H 88 45 67 H 106 95 43 18 4 8 is' ' 62" 33 V4 6 25 H 23 H 64 41 66 105 94 42 II Vi 5H 7 'l6 " 60 " ' 32 5', 24 ,o a: 63 56 t 54 H 108 89 27 i 42 66 103 " 94 42 17 5 7 104 17 i 17 59 32 i 193 H 19 14 38 27 21 I I i 56 H 24 H 22 63 H 54 10S 107 189190 19 14 4 37 T 37 H 4H 27 21 56?, 1 t j . . . . . 33 j '32 1102 !101 Chicago Potato Market Chicago. Not; 4. US. S.) Potato Receipts 81 can. Minnesota, $2.252.60. -New Tork Metal Market New York. Not. ,4. N. S.) Copper: Quiet: spot and November offered 15 ; December, January and February offered 15. . Lead Quiet; spot and November offered 67$ ; December and January offered 670. - Spelter -Quiet f pot and November offered 685; December and January offered 4390. 8aa Francisco Grain Market San Francisco. Kot. 4. tV. P.) Barley i New feed per cental, $2.05 e 2.15; shipping, $2.15(8 2.27. i T 95 I 91 U 84 82 4 4 24 23 53 53 H 89 88 81 H 81 43 43 43 42 26 H 25 40 39 15 14 98' " 97" 111 111 14H 14 103 99 78 76 77 74 76 74 95 93 H ! 32 '31 118 114 '31 30 31 30 I 58 56 105 H 105 ' 9 9 51 51 26 24 33 32 66 65 H 1 3 13. 29 28 129 127 82 81 I 88 86 . 61 60 I 55 55 I 62 58 "ii ii 89. -88 47 48 H 10 H 10 19 14 FEEDER PIGS ARE 'I SHOWING ADVANCE THURSDAY HOG MARKET , Tone Portland ..Steady! Chicago ...Steady; Kansas Cityv..... Ball Center ...2i40e higher PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN ' Hog, tattle. Carves. Thursday . . Week ago Two weeks ago . . . Four weeks ago. . . Year ago . . Two years ago . . , Three yearn. ago. . . Feur yean ago. . . US 227 '. 335 "'32 '. 473 73. 1070 .1131 273 213 ' 53 13.1 32' 241 216 116 5 3 15 32 14 7 Ten $14-2i 14 11.4 14.0$ Sheep. 504 46 181 "28 588 415 18 UTILITIES HIT BY 11 .$14 0014.25 . 13.5014.00 . 10.00 12.25 . 12.00 13.00 . 11.00 13.00 Thirteen cars formed total arrival at North Portland Thursday, - but of this amount only a small portion entered the regular market. All prices were consid ered unchanged for the day. ; Hog market price continue at $14.23 fof tops at North Portland, a Quotation that ap pears somewhat too low. In Tiew of the stiff ad vances made in the Eastern trade. While; Eastern market values were advancing. North Portland was dropping. At one time there wasi a differ ence of nearly 3c a pound between Portland and Chicago on hogs, in faror of this market, but this has been entirely wiped out. The only change' noted in the hog market here for the -day was in feeder pig, an adrance of 56c to $1 being shown for the day. This alone indicates that killing stuff is .too low. ' General hog market range: Prime mixed Smooth heavy Rough heavy Fat pigs Feeder pigs. Cattle About Steady No change whatever was indicated either In price or condition of the' cattle market at North Portland Thursday. Only a small run wa shown and quotations wer continued. General cattle range: Choice steers $ Good to choice steers ....... Medium to good steers ........ Fair to good steers Common to fair steers ...... Good to choice cows and heifer Choice cows and heifers '. Medium to good cows and heifer Fair to medium cows and heifer Canner Bulla . . ; Choice dairy calves . Heavy calves Best light calves . . Medium light calve Best feeders ...... Fair to good feeders Mutton Coma Olreot Out of the fair upp!y that entered the sheep allev for the day. all but on single deck went direct to killers, and. therefore, did not go upon the market. General trade steady. General sheep and lamb range East of mountain lambs Willamette ralley lambs Feeder lamb Cull lambs Yearlings Wethers Ewes ..... i Wednesday Afternoon STEERS Price. I No. $ 7.50 9.50 8.75 7.75 6.75 , 6.23 6.50 7.00 5.50 4. SO 30 6.00 8.73 9 7.75 8.75 6.25 5.50 0 6.50 6 60 4.60 -3.50$ 2.50 0 5.00 13 00 (15.00 7.09 0 9.00 11.00 013.00 9.00 011.00 7.00 0 7.50 6.00 0 7.00 conditions were ...$9.00 9.50 . .. 8.00 0 8.50 . .. 8.00 0 8.50 , .. BOO 6 00 ... 6.00 0 7.50 . .. 6.00 06.50 . .. 2.50 W 6.75 81 No. 10. 8. -.4 . 1 . At. Lbs. . . .1233 . . .1070 . .. 847 . . .1000 I. . 1., , . soo .1070 . 880 91 1 . . . . 13... . 74 11 . 7.. 18 1... 3 Ml... 27 21 18H '58 105 56 n 11 , 32 100 94 82 3 23 21 -53 88 81 43 42 25 40 ir. 35 1 98 110 14 99 j77-i 174 i74 193 I 7 31 114 30 30 57 105 ' j 9 51 25 ! 32 65 : I 13 28, 127 82 i 87 1 60 54 i 59 ! 13. i 11 T3 ' 38 i 88 i 46 ' 10 So. 6. 1 . 4 . 3. 29. 1 . 1 . 1 . At, lbs. 768 6.25 3. .75 23. 6.25 I COWS 3.00 6 35 4.00 MIXED 790 $ 4.00 HOGS $14.25 10.00 14.00 . 14.00 12.00 13.50 ' 18.00 14.25 10.00 14.00 LAMBS 83 $ 8.75 I 7. EWES t 2.50 J 1. . ... MIXED $ 7.75 1 7 Thursday Morning Salt. ' STEERS Price. I No. 6.00 1 cows At. Lbs. . . 890 . . 915 . .102,4 Price. $ 6.60 6.25 6.00 00 j 610 225 231 327 167 174 182 450 153 90 65 1 . 1. 26. 3. 3. 3. 57. . . 780 . . 960 . .1050 3.50 5.00 6 60 480 290 240 216 392 200 320 140 240 $12.00 13.0O 14 00 14.10 14.00 14.00 11.00 12.50 18.50 . .1140 . 10.0 . . 968 . . 913 . . 760. .1190 . .1310 . .1385 . . 270 . . 180 . . 768 0 $ 8.75 120 $ 5.00 102 $ 4 50 Ave. lbs. Price. II $ 4,00 5.25 fi 00 6.50 6.00 BULLS 3.50 3.50 $ 5.7.1 I ' HOGS $13.25 1 14... 14.25 1 MIXED CATTLE $ 5.25 I HOGS 21... 1000 920 735 932 1110 1210 5i50 0.1) 6.011 7.00 5.50 6.50 202 $14.25 Public utility- security issues for the month of September amounted to $26,524,000. Of these issues only two were for preferred . stock: issued to yield 8 per cent, the remainder of the issues being short term notes and bonds, with the exception of three Issues of 15,. 25 and 30 year bonds, which were sold to yield 8 per cent. 7.4 per cent and 7.75 per cent, re spectively. ' ! " No one of the securities was sold to yield an amount even as low as some of the issues for August from which it Is evident that the cost of money to public utilities still does' not show a tendency to become less. The number of issues for September increased over those for- Auitust and there continues to be' a tendency for some long term financing: even at pres ent high rates, j This is a further Indica tion of the disposition to believe that the present cost of money is not likely to be appreciably les,s for some .time to come. 5 One of the factors that tends to keep the cost of money high is the competi tion of foreign government securities in our money market. Furnished- bT Orrterk-Contt- Company. V i New York etate bond issue of not mpre than. $45,000,000 to pay bonuses to ex-service men carried by large. major ity. Incomplete returns indicate 'result of soldiers' bonus in New Jersey still in doubt. ' . Troposed $28,000,000 bond issue to pay New jersey's share in constructing ve hicle tunnel under Hudson river'iasrried. apparently. Western Pacific stockholders meet No vember 8 to vote on increase f $25,000, 000 in capital stock, made necessary by proposed plans to take over P. & R. Q. Dun's report 923 failures in October. October 16 to 23 were 91SS.28S.54. dls burscrriVnts $486,739.44. i Tubing and molding of several forms are made from flat strips of metal at high speed with a machine invented Jn Ohio. - I i For eight months ended with August total net deficit in railroad operating inr come totaled $154,810,774. (FumWhed by Herrin At Rhodes) New; York Tribune. Leading interests iv the American copper trade 'refused yesterday to confirm or , deny a report that approximately 100,000,000 pounds of copper had been sold to German consum ers.. Payment for the copper had been negotiated, it was stated, through a credit arrangement running'for 120: days. The price paid by the Germans was not stated in jthe report, .although- it was Baid to be in excess of 16 cents a pound. The prevailing quotation in this market is aroynd 15 cents. . High-Grade Maids to yield about 1.35 J .51 Casper, Wyo., 6's Income Tax Exempt SHORT TERM 7VOTES Quotations furnished by Clark, Kendall Co.. Inc.:. Security- Maturity Bid Asked Am. Cot Oil 6s ... 9-2-24 91 92 Am T. A T. 6s 10-1-22 93 95 Am. T. & T. 6s 2-1-24 92 93 Am. Thread 6s. 12-1-28 94 96 Am. Tobacco 7. . . . .111-20 99 100 Am. Tob. 7s 11-1-21 99 100 Aid. Tob. 7s 11-1-23 99 100 Am. Tob. 7. ..... .11-1-23 '90 100 Anglo Am. Oil 7 s. . 4-1-25 100. 100 Armour Con t. 7s... 7-15-30 97 97 Belgian Gov. 7s. .. 6-1-45 99 1O0 Belgian Got. 8s.... 1-1-21' 99 'i 99 Belgian Got. 6s 1-1-23 91 92 Peht Steel 7s 7-15-22 97 98 Bethl. Steel 7s.... 7-15-23 96 67 British Got. 5 s 11-1-21 94 95 Britifh Got. 5 i . .11-1-22 95 95 Vi Canadian Got. 5a.. 8-1-21 98 99 Canadian Got. 5a.. 8-1-29 92 92 Cudahy Packmg 7s.. 7-15-23 98 99 Inter. R. T. 7s..... 9-1-21 74 74 Japanese Got. 4 s. . 7-10-25 74 - 74 Kennecott Cop. 7s... 2-1-30 93 93 Ligg. Myer Tob. 6s. 12-1-21 98 08 Moline Plow 7s 9-1-21 96 Moline Plow 7s...... 9-1-22 95 ' Moline Plow 7s 9-1-23 94 .... Moline Plow 7s 9-1-24 93 .... Xor. Pac. Equip. 7s. 5-13-22 99 Pac. Gas 7 5-1-25 97 .... Swift A Co. Of 8-15-21 97 9S U. S. Rubber 7s 12-1-23 98 98 Mlnneapolls-Dolath Flax Duluth. Not. 4. (I. X. S.) Flax. Novem ber. 2.65; December, 2.85; May, 2.81 bid; track, 2.66: arrive, same: Minneapolis, Not; 4. (L N. S.) Flax, 2.JB6 0 2.67: arrive, same. New York Herald says: Midvale Steel earned $2.22 in September quarter. Southern Pacific executive committee may take up oil segregation today. Western : Pacific to take" over and re habilitate Denver & Rio Grande, to spend $12,000,000. , FOREIGX EXCHANGE RATES Corrected daily by "the foreign exchange de partment of the United States Nations I bank. Opening nominal rates on bank transactions: . Drsft. Cble - Par London Check.' Transfer. Value. , IJ. sterling. .$3.42 $ 8.43 $ 4.SK6 Paris Franc.. 0.17 6.19 ." 19.30 Hamburg-Bremen Marks . 126 128 28.81 Genoa Lirt. .. 3.58 3.69 1 19.30 Athens Drachma 9.30, . 9.40 - 19.30 Bopenhagen Kroner 13.45 13 35 . 26.70 Christiania Kroner .... 13.40 13. 5p 28.70 Stocknolm-- Kroner 19.15 i 19.25 26.70 Hongkong ' Currency ... 70.50 71.00 Japan Yen .. '50.75 31.00- 48.84 Shanghai ..TaeU 94 .94 I ...... Washlnton Flnancvs Told Olympia, Oct. 30. The general fund of the state had an overdraft of $498, 024.37 for the week ending October 23, and the public highway fund $712,338.46. The balance m tne Biate treasury was $4.976.303.26.. Receipts for the week. Maturity Prlc Vlld SepL 1, 1922. tV 'J7.50... .7.517 P.I23 " " ....... 7.W 1924 " , " 6.75' 1925 " " ........6.62 " 11126 " " .;...v..6.fi3" 1927 ......J. 6.46 1928 " " 6.41. 1929 ' ...6.88 1930 - " 6.35 Casper, Wyo., 6 Cash or partial payment plan. Ask for details'. Call or phone. Wire orders collect. V9 ci'iiijam . a... Srxoiro aooaCWt? main 649 NORTHWESTERN BANK BL06. 9 mm Exempt From All Dominion Government Tax We offer subject to prior sale , and change In price j The Unsold Portion General Obllgatloa 7o Gold Kotes, City of EDMONTON Province of Alberta Dated Sept. 1. 1920. Due Sept 1, 1922. Price Subject to Increase Without Price 95.04. Notice. 58.... 196 $14.25 I 12. . . . 172 14.25 6 193 14.25 ( I.AM 151 310 $14 00 13.50 16. 4. , 48. . IBS $ 8.00 BICK SHEEP $ 6.00 I 8. . . MIXED SHEEP .5138 $ 4.25 95 112 123 $ 6 00 AMERICAN LITESTOCK PRICES - Total sales $15,786,000. stocks, 970,800 shares; bonds, Money and Exchange - Ne.w Tork, Not. 4. fL N. S.) Call money on tbe floor of th New York Stock Exchange today ruled at 9 per cent, high 10 per cent, low 9 per cent. Tuna money was fiam. j Rates were 8 per cent. I- - The market for prime ' mercantile paper was ateady. - : j - Sterling 'exchange -was weak -with business in' bankers bills at $3.41 for demand. . Foreign Exchange Market New Tork. Not. 4. U. P.) Foreign -change opened weak. Sterling, $3.42 Vi . off r; franca, .0618. off .000; fife, .0360, off .0003; marks. .A123. off .0002; Canadian dol lars. .9060. unchanged. . Foreign exchange closed lower. Sterling, $3.41. off 2: franc. .0610. off .0001: lire. .035S. off .0005: marks. .0124, off .0004; Canadian dollars. .9060. unchanged. Chicago Hogs 914.28 Chicago. Not. 4. Hogs Receipts, 24,000; steady. Bulk. $13.40 014.20; top. $14.25: hearyweisht. $13.75 014.25; medium weight, $13.850 14.25; lightweightb. $13.50 014.25; light lights. $13.40013.85: heavy Packing sows, smooth, $13.00 013.25; packing sows, rough, $12.50 013.00. ' . , Cattle Receipt, I-1.000; steady to unevarily lower. Beef Steers Choice and prime. $16750 017.85; medium and good.- $11.50016.50; lightweight, $14.00 017.60.; good and choice, $14.00 017.60. Butcher Cattle Heifers, $6.00013.00; cows, $5.25011.25; bulls, $5.75 010.75. Canners and Cutter Cow and heifers, $3.75 sf 5.25 ; canner eteera. $4.50 0 6.25; veal calves (light 'and handr weight), $12.50 014.73; feeder steers, $7.75 012.00: stacker steers. $5.00.0 9.50; stocker cows and heifers. $5.00 0 7.75. Western Range Cattle Beef steers. $9.25 014.00; cows and heifers, $6.5O09.7h. Sheep Receipts. 20,000; 25e to 50c lower. Lambs 84 lbs. down), $11.00 013.25; lambs tcuiis ana common), ,uo w 10.75 ; ewes, (culls and common)-, $4.50 0 6. 00 ;! breeding ewes. $0.7308.23; feeder lambs. $12,000 13.25. . Kansas City Hog $13.40 Kansas City, Sot. 4. (I. N. S4 Cattle.. 7500; limited. Steers. $10.00 012.00; cows and heifers, $7.00 13.00 : storkent and feed ers. $8.00 014.00; calves, $8.00014.50. Hogs Receipts, 6000: dull. Bulk. $12,75 0 13.20; top. $13.40: heavies, $12.75 0 13.40; lights. $12.75013,30; mediums. $12,750 13.35, . - Sheep-i Receipts, 5500; moderate. Lambs, $12.00013.00; ewes.' $6.0007.26. Denver Hogs 814.00- TJenrer, Not. 4. 1 P. (Cattle Reoeipto 200; steady. Steers, $8.00010.50; cows and heifers, $6.50 0 8.00: stackers and feeder. $7.5009.60; calvws, $10.00 013.00. Hog Receipts. 1000; 25 0 40c higher. Top. $14.00; bulk, $13.50013.90. . Sheep Receipts, 7000: steady. : Lambs, $11.00012.00; ewes. $5.00 0 6.35; feeder lambs,, $11.35012.25. No Seattlo Hog Market . Seattle. Nor. 4. (I. N. S.) Hogs None. Cattle Receipts 82, steady; prime steers. $9.50010.00; common to good. $6.0007.50; medium to choice, $8.00 0 9.00 ; beat cow and heifer. $6.50 0 7.00; medinm to choice, $5.09 0 6.00; common to good. $3.50 0 5.00; calves." $6 50013 00; bulls, $4.0006.00. Sheep None. The exceptionally high yield of on these notes' was made possible only by the condition of the Canadian Exchange when purchase was made. Ia this lssoe, is offered a eomblnatioa of altraetlTe return and investment safety. FINANCIAL, STATEMENT- Gross assessed valuation ,....$86,605,715.00 .Value municipal property (pot including .public utilities) 11,035,376.00 Net, debenture debt ...;.$ 9.488.997.00 Revenue from public utilities (above cost of operation)... 767,773.00 Net local improvement debt (rate payers' share) . 3.046,763.00 In addition to being General Obligation Notes, these are' secured by long-time debentures totaling $294,420 Denominations $100, $500 and $1000 Principal and semi-annual interest payable (March 1st and Septem ber 1st) in Gold Coin of the United States in New York City or at the offices of Morris Brothers, Inc. Telephone or Telegraph Orders at Our Expense MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. Established Over a Qnarter Century "The Premier Municipal Bond Hoose!' P0RTLAN1 OR. MORRIS BLDO, $$11 8TARK. BDWY. Slwl Other Offices at Seattle, Tacoma, Wash., and San Francisco, Cal. Capital One MHJion Dollars Liverpool Cotton Easier Liverpool, Sot. 4. (L V. S.) Spot cot ton opened - quiet, today. Prices were easier. Sales 5000 bales. Amn. mid.. 21.22: good mid. 13 47; full mid.. 17.47; low mid, 8 47S: mi4- l-22; good ord., 9.47; ord.. Future opened steady. 9510 9460 Liberty Bond Market (Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co.) . . ., High.' Iw. Close. a 1st 4s . . . . 2d 4s 1st 4 s......; 2d 4s....... 3d 4s 4th 4s..i.... 4s 3s ........... Liberty, I,iberty. Liberty, Liberty. Liberty. Liberty, Liberty, Victory; Victory, 8870, 9050 8858 9058 8890 9630 9628 SftilO 9020 8842 9032 8NS4 9620 9616 9510 9014 8 ft 50 9O50 8852 0052 KB90 9622 9620 Canadian and Domestic Bonds of High Character Yield From 7 to 7.70 Amount Bonds Due Price Yield $56,500 City of Vancouver, B. C. .1933 75.85 7Vz $97,000 Prov. of Ontario. .... ... 1923 96.68 712 $92,500 Prov. British Columbia . 1923 96.55 7.30 $31,500 Sears, Roebuck & Co.. .. 1922-98.72 7.70 $40,000 Sears, Roebuck & Co. . . . 1922 98.41 7.60 $20,000 Anaconda Cop. Min. Co. . 1929 96.25 7.60 The present time is an opportune one in ' which to purchase high yielding securi ties. Indications are that there will shortly be an advance in prices. mmsmsm 7 UformaKrOnm. ItWa rmVtogDqaHwmLt. BROADWAY and OAK CrCnscrvalive Ctttodian CIiateT You Mfill find the? Hibernia get , ac quainted with its patrons in a friendly way and thug serves them most effectively. MMll'linffiOl , FACTS, Ao. 585 TWO PLANKS . Regardless of elcctiori results, motorists are assured that hinh way. development uill be contin ued. 'Both the itepublicaiis and Democrats placed themselves on record favoring; federal appro priations for roa.l work. These planks in the platforms are 11- lustrations of the value of good roads made apparent by be ins; paved with WARRENITE BITULITHIG Warren brothers Company ( 3 Efficiency and Low Cost F.W.Baltes &Company Printers First and Oak Streets ! MalolCS Aut0 SJI-CS Stocks, Bonds, Cefton,' Grain, Ete. Ill 117 Board of Trade Balldin Oyerbeck&CookeCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Members Ckknro Board of Trad) Correspondents of Losran Bryan Calcavo . y Vw Terk 1 .s i I.