The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 04, 1920, Page 13, Image 13

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Double Tradin
s On 1 All Charge and Gasli Purchases
3 1
Money In
Yciur Pocket!
Trading jstamps represent a direct
cash saving' on the money you spend.
To encourage early showing of Holiday
Merchandise we will give Double
Stamps on (all charge and cash pur
chases. Plan to do your shopping at
this store and reap the benefit of this
double savifig.
Single Stamps Given
On Cctober Accounts
Charge customers will receive Sin
gle Trading Stamps on October bills if
paid in full on or before November 10.
Boxed Stationery
Half Price
Main Floor Clean-up Sale of odd lines of
high grade boxed Stationery at V price.
Sale prices special 25c to Si. 50 the box.
A . . , , . i. -
The Standard Store, of the Northwest
Entire Block Morrison, Tenth, West Park and 'Alder Streets
$3 Hair Brushes
At $1.50;
Main Floor Hughes' No. 66 Rubber Cush
loir Hair Brushes. Fully guaran- I" f?(
teed. ! Regular, 3 grade special DXtlU
A. Sale Unlike All Other Sales-Lucky for Those Who Come, But Unlucky for Those Who Stay Away
Kid Gloves at $1.98
Values Up to $10.50
Center Circle, Main Floor This is a most
remarkable sale from the standpoint of qual
itytand variety and you will pocket a hand
some saving by taking advantage, of it.
MONARCH $5.00 GLOVES' in black, dark
green, navy, tan. AUTOCRAT 4.50 Glovei
in black. DERBY $4.50 Gloves in black, and
navy. SUPERBA 4.00 Gloves fn black, tan,
navy. SUZETTE 4.00 Gloves in black.
REYN1ER 4.50 Gloves in black and. tan.
UN10UE 2.75 Gloves in tan, UNIQUE 2.50
Cape 1 in tan. 20-BUTTON length FAN-
CHON Suede io.5o Gloves in black,
light blue and pink. OLAN 20-button
lenRth Suede Gloves, 10.50 grade, in black,
FANCHON 8.75 Gloves, 16-button length in
black, lighrblue and pink. OLAN. 16-button .
length Suede Gloves; 8.25 grade, in black.
VALUER r.75 Suede Gloves in'black, 16
button length. 16-button ALEXANDRA Kid
Gloves in light, blue, 8.75 grade.
Not all sizes in. each kind arid color but all sizes in the sale, accordin to chart:
SIZE ' MV 54 6 I6J4 I 6V2 I GV 7 7 iVr Total"
QUANTITY :.. 1 1 52 1 78 1 to 205 134 12 30 62 51 934 Pr,
On Sale at Center Circle, Main Floor
Hundreds of Underprice Offerings will be: on sale Unlucky, Friday at notable savings
bargains from the various departments. Read, every item m this advertisement you
. - ' : I - i j'i, -I-.' V -"I.:-
We have planned to make this . a record breaking event and have selected a trreat list of
jwill find each arid .every one of them a-money saver. Double Stamps given . tomorrow.
Cane Sugar
12y2clb. '
Fourth Floor Best grade Cane
Sugar at low price for Unlucky
Friday. Order good sup- " O-i-
ply. Priced special lb. XaJ2C
Pancake Flour
30c Pkg. j
Fourth Floor Kerr P a n c a'k e
Flour has no equal for hot cakes
and waffles. No trouble to mix
and always reliable. Try' a waffle
at demonstration booth.; Oflp
Introduction price, pkg. Oli
Royal White Soap . i
17 for $1
Fourth Floor Royal White Soap
gives universal satisfaction. Order
a dollar's worth and give it
a trial. Special 17 cakes for DJ-
Women's Suits $28.98
Values to $59.75
A selected group of Women's and
Misses' Suits offered for Unlucky Fri
day at a special low price. In sale are:
Veloar Sells, Serf Sail
Tfttama Suits, Gabardla
SuiU and SUrertone Soltt
in the season's best colors, including
green, bisque, brown, reindeer, Pekin,
navy, also black. Box and tailored styles
with novelty collars, belts and pockeis.
Every garment is beautifully tailored.
16 to i44 Suits for- (POO QQ
priced to 59.75. DOWO
Silk Petticoats
At $5.50
Second Floor Satin Petticoats with hemstitched "or
cuff bottoms. Tucked and plaited Jersey Petticoats
and Messaline Petticoats. Great range of the season's
best colors. All lengths 36 to 40. Values (PP pTA
in the lot up to 11.50. Priced Special at DtiJU
$7.95 Waists
$4,98 !
Second Floor Georgette Crepe. Voile,
Lingerie and Crepe de Chine Waists-
odd lines from our.regularstock offered
lucky Friday. Large assortment of
styles. Sizes from 36 to 52. QQ
Values t 7.95. Sale price tlriwO
'Handbags I
$3.50 ,
Mala' Floor Women's Handbags of
Velvet and Silk. Several attractive
styles some fitted with coin purse
and extra large mirror, . Bags select
ed from our regular lines. Don't
miss semr these remark (3Q pTA
able values. Special tt DOjlIU
9 ri j
s puits
Main Floor Boys' Corduroy Suits in
attractive - styles with all around belt
and patch pockets. Pants full cut and
full lined. Dark; colors. Ages PQ OPT
8 to 181 Priced special at 000
$3.50 Pants $1.85
Main ' Floor Boys' Knicker
good serviceable material in
ors. Ages from 8 to 16.
Regular 3.50?pants special
- Unjon Suits $3.
Main Floor Globe Union
boys. Of fine quality wool
color. JM.00 and 4.50
Union Suits. Priced special
Pants of
dark col-
Suits for
in natural
m fit
$5"Union Suits
At $2;QC
'Main Floor Men's Natural Merino Union Suits of a
famo,us make. Good heavy weight for. win- IJOK A
ter wear. Regular 5.0Q garments special D(atll
$3.50 Pajamas
At $2.63
Main Floor Men's Flannelette Pajamas specially priced
for Unlucky Friday. Of splendid quality materia in
neat striped patterns. Regular 3.50 d0 CO
Pajamas. Priced for- special selling at only tDDO
. $125 Gloves 49c
Men's Fabric Dress Gloves in gray and
khaki. Regular 1.25 values, special pair at
Large Sheets
Main: Floor Bleached Sheets, size
81x99 inches, for double bed. One
of our best makes. Well I-J QQ
made, Priced special at fliiO
-L Cotton Batts
Main Floor' Full size Cotton Batts
of very fine quality. Slightly soiled,
wool' finish, 3 pounds . OQ
to the batt. Priced special DL00
75c to 90c WhiteVoiles
j 43c Yard
Main Floor Striped and Checked.
White Voiles, suitable for waists,
dresses, curtains and" drap- iO
eries. 75c-90c grades, yard t:01
Double Stamps
All Philippine Undeiswear
At y4 Off
Alder Street CircU. Main Floor Unlucky Friday
you may choose from our entire stock of Philippine
hand embroidered, Underwear at XA off regular
prices. .Night Gowns and Envelope Chemise in a
great range of beautiful patterns 50 to 11.98 ,
garments priced special at from $3.37 to S8.99
$150 Chemise $1.19 .! '
Second Floor Muslin Chemise of fine quality. Lace
and embroidery trimmed.' Our regular OH "I Q "
1.50 garments, priced special at only D Xa.Lt
$10 Corsets $355
Second Floor Gossard. Blen Jolie and Nemo Cor
sets, discontinued numbers, but all are in good
styles. Front and back laced. Broken (PQ OPT
Sizes. 7.5o to 10.00 Corsets special DO(J
Satin Francaise $3.45 Yard
$1.25 Linings at 79c
Main Floor This is the genuine Satin
Francaise the kind you have always
bought. We show the only complete
assortment of colors in the (JQ JP
city. 36 inches wide. 'Yard 5tO
Habutine a silk and lisle fabric
unexcelled for lining purposes and for
undergarments. Full range of light and
dark colors. 36 inches wide. HQ
Regular 1.25 giiade. Yard at C
Storm Serge $1.98 Yard
All-wool Storm Serge of an excel
lent quality. 48 inch. QQ
Nary only. Special, the yard tDXi0
54 inch French Serge of a splendid
quality. Navy blue. Priced QQ fTfr
very special this sale, yard DOiD
15e, 20c Laces illc Yard
50c Laces at 35c
Main Floor Novelty and Cluny Wash
Laces in bands and edges. Large as
sortment of patterns to select from.
Width Vi to 4 inches. l5c to - " n
20c Laces special, a yard J--LC
Filet 'and Crochet Laces for making
of camisoles and other holiday gift
articles Of fine mercerized cotton
strong and durable. Widths 3 QK
to 4 inches. 45c, ?0c values OOlx
Given With All Charge and Cash Purchases
Half Price
All Trimmed Hats and Pattern Hats on display i"
in the Millinery Salons offered for Unlucky Fri
day at half price. Beautiful models in Velvet,;
Duvetyn, Velour, etc. Gold and silver trimmed"'
hats, fur trimmed hats, ostrich trimmed1 hats,
turbans, sailors and other smart styles all at V,'
$10.00 Hats Now $5
$35. Hats Now $1750
Hi 7.50
$ s.oo
$ 8.75
35.o Hats
All Tailored Hats
At Half Price
--Unrestricted choice of all Tailored Hats at
half price, s Very latest models in hatter's plush,
Velours and beavers. Black and leading colors.
7.50 to 15.00 Hats now $3.75 to $7.50
. . ii
Boudoir Slippers
Main Floor Women's Boudoir
Slippers of corduroy, fjjmpon
toe and fiber sole. Pink, laven
der, old rose, dark, blue, light
blue. Sizes 3 to 8. 1.69 QC
Slippers, special,' the pair tlL
$2.48 Spats $1.98
Main Floor Women's Felt Spats
in nine-button height.. Taupe,
light gray, brown, white, castor,
fawn, beaver and black. Sizes
1 to 7. 2.48 Spats J" QQ
priced speciaf at, pair DJ.a0
Knit Slippers at 50c
Main Floor Women's Cretonne
and Knitted Slippers in a broken
range of sizes. These Cft
were 1.25. Special, pair eJUi
NOTE The Great 10 Sale of
Women's Boots will continue
Friday. Don't miss these savings.
Extra Specials
Main Floor Hair Nets in all wanted .
colors. . uooa full size. 10c HF
gride. Priced special, per doz. OC
65c Hair Brushes with ebony or rose-
wooa. oacKs. , iriea special nn.
for; Unlucky Friday's -selling at OtC
N. R. G. (Energy) Bath Powder put
up in one-pound tins. Priced -j Q
very special for Unlucky Friday -LC
Novelty Bead Necklaces in straight
and graduated styles. All colors and
Vin4e n.t,.j4 HMAfl & tfi, r nmsn
7 " ' milieu jyctldl Al nnLf rlvlLC.
SPECIAL FREE OFFER With every purchase amounting to 25c or more made
hi jiwuvii uvu., tt, uut tAtgc 5ie arry-Aii tsa(f rKtt (Jr CHAKGE.
65c Veilings
At 42c
Main! Floor Fancy and plain
Mesh Veilings in black, brown,
taupe and navy. Regular Af)p
65c quality. Special, yard xV
Veils, at 8c
Main Floor Society Veils , of
strong hexagon mesh. Elastic
ityles. Black, brown, taupe Op
and navy. Special, each at Ot
Stamped and Made Gowns $1150
Bargain Circle, Main Floor Women's Stamped and made3 Night Gowns greatly
underpriced for Unlucky Friday. Round, square and V-neck styles. J- PA
Stamped in several very attractive designs. Priced very special at only vXaOU
Dresser Scarfs $1.50 . i
Bargain Circle Embroidered Dresser
Scarf andc Pin Cushion worked in
pink, blue and yellow. . Put up
in neat box for gift-giving. J" PA
Special for Unlucky Friday DJ-t)U
Bargain Circle Battcnberg Scarfs spe
cially priced for Unlucky Friday. ! Made
of splendid quality material, j These
are also desirable for gifts. : I Priced
very special at $1.00 and ;$1J25
Toyland, 4th Floor Ball-bearing
Roller Skates of standard make,
too pairs only in this lot. Never
sold for, less than 3;? Pft
the pair. Special, only DAJU
Double Stamps with purchases.
6 Cup Percolators
Special $2.59
A I u ra
in um Coffee
- Percola to r
with seam
less body
ind fire pro
tec ted eb
ony handles.
High polish
finish. Ri
sure and get one of IJO ETQ
these. Very special tDiOU
v Third Floor
Sale of Warm Blankets
' and Auto Robes
Third Floor Mixed Wool Blankets in
large size for double bed. Gray or
white. These are fiom regular lines
selling up to 10.50. On or
sale Unlucky Friday at only (DOaOO
7.50 Plaid Woolnap Cot- Of AfT
ton Blankets. Special at DU
M2.50 Whif Wool
Blankets Urge . size
S3 $9.90
Auto ; Robes and Steamer Robes in
a laree and varied sssnrtmont nf n.t.
terns and colors, a seasonable offering.
grades special
grades special
grades special
grades special
grades special
at S
at $
at. S
$ ! 9.90
M. J. B. Goffeeg
1 Pound Tins 50c
3 Pound Tins $1.40
. . " 5 Pound Tins J2.50
M. J. B. Coffee is vacuum packed in air-tight tins to pre
serve its freshness and aroma. You cannot buy better
coffee no matter what the price Model Grocery, 4th Floor.
Itlrr it flBl
Main Floor Women's plain Hand
kerchiefs ! of fine quality ' material.
A inch hems. These are splendid
values at 10c each. Specially
priced for Unlucky Friday at til
Women's Handkerchiefs with
dainty white and colored corner em
broidery. ; Good ouality material.
Excellent 20c, 3 for 50c " O 1 n
valuei. 1 Special, . each JL& 2
$3.50 Ribbons
Main'. Floor 9 TA inch wide Fancy
Ribbons -beautiful all-silk tapestry
effects in blues, browns, greens
and henna combinations. -Regular
3.50 Ribbons' sile sale Ql Q
Unlucky Friday at, yard DAD7
$3.50 Georgette
Lace Dept. Georgette Crepe of extra
good quality. Double twist thread and
pure dye. Very durable " for party
frocks. Choiceiof over -25 light and
dark colors. Regular 3.50 3- QP
grade. Unluckyj Friday, yd.. fDLVD
Double Stamps
$1.25 Neckwear
At 79c j -
Main Floor Every woman" can now
have a good supply qf dainty neckwear.
In this lot there are ' Fancy-. Val Lace
Fronts and Collars Net and Lace Com
binations Organdie Collars and Sets
Venise Lace Collar. - Regular! rTft
1.25 values. Priced special at: Iwt
Unlucky Friday Sales In the
The Basement Underprice Store will feature a number of extraordinary offer
ings for Unlucky Friday that every thrifty shopper should' take advantage of.
wuawMuiii j j wait ucu wjKifi i vuiiu ui iu . yuiyuc
Women's Hose29c
Basement 350 pairs Women's good quality Cotton , Hose
an sale Unlucky Friday at very low prices. ;,Only6 pairs to
- a customer and positively none sold to dealers. vOQl
Black with whit foot. Sizes 8 Vi to 9 V . Pair only y
Night Gowns $1.75
Basement Women's Night Gowns of good heavy duality
outing flannel. Several pretty styles to select from. Well
made. Full assortment, of sizes 'to start with., rtfZ
On sale for Unlucky Friday's selling at only 51U
.width. Large assortment of lieht and
aark colors. . Priced very spe- "1 Qy,
cial for Unlucky' Friday at, yard Xtl
$7.45 Trimmed Hats $4.98
Basement Sale
MEN'S UNION SUITS, fleece lined,
winter weight,, long sleeves, ankle
length. Sizes 34 up to QQ
46. Basement Sale at only Dla0
Here's one of the best offerings in
New Fall Hats the basement Store has
announced for a long time. . 150 beau
tiful Hats, in the sale". Be here early.
Turbans; draped small hats of Lyons
Velvet hats, with ostrich crowns, hats
trimmed with ostrich, embroidery, ap
plique and 'other novelties. Smart, be
coming styles for maids and QA QQ
matrons. Values to 7.4 5 it wiiiO
' 100 Misses' Tarns
At $2.48 . '