.' .i WEDNESDAY; NOVEMBER '3, 1920. ' U, " 1 ' , " THE OREGON bAILY JOURNAL. PQftTLAND OREGON rjpHE EDICT has gone forth! Prices must be brought down to the lowest possible figure; based ion present wholesale costs, and that means in many instances that we are offering you merchandise at less than what we paid for it! . This is not idle talk to "entice" you into our store, but is the bare facts. Those who know Simon's as the home of low prices will "be on Hand during these isale days. You, too, may save money! Our bona fide reductions and our lower prices mean dollars left in your purse after you have made your purchases. .Get the habit of reading our advertisements and watching our windows. They tell of many bargains for you! , unmmumMiiiiiiiim I i " 1 f"" MMSC"1 ' ' " '' " ' -"-Tin r li-r- 1 , i . i ' ii i i ... i . i. . jt p-j-f- -- - ..,, , loiter -Ul ... ii , . , 3 Three Big Specials for jthe Wopkingman ! CAN'T BUST 'EM and HEADLIGHT ; OVERALLS AND t JUMPERS FOR MEN CAN'T BUST 'EM COVERALLS, Khaki or Blue Denim, heavy weight Union made Coveralls for f i - men. - ones irom a f J f 36 o 44. Regular JS J) 40 SALE PRICE, each Heavy weight Union made Over alls and Jumpers in these well known brands selt regularly for z.,s. v Overall sites 32 to 42,' jumper sizes 36 (i 0g "p.42-.- SAL? ? H .89 rniu, a garment ii only JjL MEN'S WORK SHIRTS, our reg ular 11.55 value in khaki, blue or gray cham. bray. Sizes t- to 17. SALE PRICE . , aiue in itnaiti, Diue I98g MEN'S UNION SUITS Fine cotton ribbed Union Suit's in white or ecru. Heavy weight. Sizes 36 sleeves, ankle length. Our $2.50 value. SALE PRICE to 3n auus in 46. Long $11 . y I If MEN'S EXTRA HEAVY COR DUROY PANTS, a well made pant, every pair being guar anteed to give . satisfaction. nap poceis. a i oC Our regular H -.uD SALE PRICE. . MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS, of fine percale, French cuff shirts with newf and ' neat patterns.'' - Size .14 to 17. Our 2.50 value. SALE PRICE ; Only WATER REPELLANT PANTS, Uniort made, with double seat and knees, i Guaranteed rain proof Black Bear brand. Our pair ..... T $13 ;59 MEN'S MADRAS t SHIRTS, good fitting shirts jwUh French cuffs. , - Values Wi-'. to 4 SALE $ 6J .69 t only . ... UBtl " WOOL PLUSH SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, extra heavy wool plush shirts and drawers for the man out of doors. Our SALE VPRICE,' $iH).98 onty., BOYS' UNION SUITS; Lacka wanna Twins, sub-standarl Union Suits. . An excellent wearing garment of wool and cotton. 2.50 nA value. Sizes 5 1 .9o 4 to io l.B9 II Sizes 12 to 16 IL BOYS' WOOL MACKINAWS. heather colored mackinaws wiflt shawl collar and patch pockets. Belt -.all-' around Regular a.y a fto , value. Sizes 8 Tfr to 16. PRICE SALE Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' Dresses 25 Discount! Buit:sJ5 Dk Choose from Trlcotine, Serge,; Satin, Messalines. Dresses in this large assortment of new and stylishly fashioned earments. All sizes from 16 to 5l are in the collection that we are placing at this special dis count Colors are navy, brown, tan, Copenhagen and black.' Sale prices 1 i Well tailored suits in the newest fall styles are shown in both fur trimmed and plain models. Tailored ef fects and ripple bicks are both in evidence. Colors are navy, brown, tan and black. Fabrics are tricotine, serge, velour; sllvertone. Sizes 16 to , 53. Sale prices- - . . ' . . .. " $15.00 to $27.50 $22.50 to $35.00 Women's and Misses'- Coals-f-25 o Discouht in j, vu)vuuvu, iviuubki (uu uiws.. oi&cs id ig 3j. ah mercnan- dise in this sale is marked in plain figures at the original prices and you are assured a saving of Twenty-five Per Cent on each coat. The fabrics use! to fashion these duality coats ire olvertor i v,imr vrv h,n,inth melton.. Sale prices- $16.50 to $29.50 w - Real Grocery ains Bars New Pack Minnesota CORN Ptr Dozen Cant $170 3 Cans for 45c !A Dandy Cereal JOY O' WHEAT 9 Pkgs. for $1 Try These APRICOTS No. 2 Cans Pmr Dozen. Cant $1.85 Per Can 17c Small White CALIFORNIA j BEANS ! 12Lbsfor50c ; Medium Size Cans VAN CAMP'S PORK AND BEANS 6 Cans for $1 Tobaccos and ugarenes Priced Lower for This Sale PENN'S THICK CHEWING TOBACCO . A Plug 95c U. S. MARINE SMOKING TOBACCO Lunch Box Can Each72c RELU CIGARETTES A Carton $1.60 SHOES For the Entire Family At Pre-War Prices During This Stock Reduction Sale HAND- TURNED SHOES FOR INFANTS Hi Quality shoes irr brown kid, black kid and patent leather with colored kid tops. All solid leather. Sizes 1 to 5 have no heel. Sizes 4 to 8 have wed ce I . heel. Values $2.50 $ .98 SHU Ii).VU cL U All . SALE PRICE .. II- WOMEN'S BLACK COMFORT SHOES with rubber heels and cushioned soles. Tip or plain toe cap. Sizes 2 to i SALE PRICE 3 .89 CO M F O R T KID SLIPPERS for women. Choice of one and two, strap kid house slippers and, ox- Aiv fords. Cushion soles. Rub- $ J .98 ber heels. Sizes 24 to 9. jjm- CAT t? TJUTr-tr . ' " ' . WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SHOES- The famous "Star" b id ' shoes in either Gunftel gg or prown, A-atc , Sizes V to 8. SALE CHILDREN'S SHOES Black or brown all leather shoes. Both f oot-formYand E nglish Af latVEx- $T).98 traordin a r y values. Sale 11 BOYS' ENGLISH MEN'S MAHOGANY SHOE S The popular SHOES, Goodyear welt English style mahogany shoes in either blucher or color shoes n sizes l to a 4f .OJ m SALE PRICE English last. Solid leather shoes, sizes 6 to 11. SALE $.85 PAT PAW. EXTRA Special the Pair Why pay 32.00 ana' gj.uu a pair ror spais 1 Itvtl w j " j j -1 y II II Brown, Taupe, Pearl Gray, Tan, Chamois, Vw J YF idsWhite. Sizes 13 to 8. SALE PRICE, ; cOJLb pair.... ARMY LAST SHOES Epr men and boys. Tan . color, double soles, solid 1 e a t h e r J no throughout. 51 9o Sizes ey2 to faj 12 ' . : . . Boys' Sises It Boys' 8iss , 1 ' - Boys' SiM 2 WOMEN'S GRAY KID SHOES High!-heeled shoes with flexible hand turned soles, j ' Fabric tons to match. 97 oizes xya 10 8. SALE to 13H S3.95 to X S4.45 1 to i $4.76 I X.: 1 Savory Roasters 18-inch Steel Savory :.$2.45 '. ' j -'."-.-. 1 5-inch Blue Enamel Sa vory Roast- JQ QPI ers, each. . fD&eXJt) DINNER SETS 36-pjece dinner sets in gold band and (JJQ fTCT decorated, patterns. A SET.... (DO I O ' 42-piece, Blue Bird 'dinner, sets. ( - OKA ppen .stock pattern.. A SET... . tDX9U ! GAS PLATES AT SALE PRICES Extra heayy two-burner gas plates with v yi 9c drilled star burners.' Sfi.Sn. valnwi . vyil SALE PRICE, each. IF ! - Blankets and Comforts at Remarkably Low Prices 54x76 Cotton Fleeced Blankets, a pair . . . v. . . . . .......... 4x76 Cotton Fleeced Blankets, a pair ... .Uv. . . ...... 68x80 Cotton Fleeced Blankets, a pair . . . ... . ..... .'. ..... . $2.59 $2 ,95 S3.75 Double bed size Silkoline Com-. (IJQ fTQ fi)rts, each ... i .x . iDOtOV Double bed size Silkoline Com- fljl : (Q forts, each ... ..i fDmVO BEST STANDARD DRESS PERCALE These Percales are not Mill Ends, Seconds or Sub-standards, but are the standard grade. We sell them regularly for -45c and 49c a yard. Full 36 inches wide in a wide range of i patte r n s COTTON COMFORT BATTS72x90 stitched Cotton Comforter bitts, fUefl with 100 cotton. Limit of T to t customer jat SALE CI OCT PRICE,-ach CHILDREN'S - SUEDE LISLE GLOVES White, tan and trey in all sizes. k SALE -PX.....29c WOMEN'S COTTON SUEDE LINED GLCKVES Black, grey and tan, in all sizes. SALE OQa ' fRlCE, a raJr COTTON .CHALLIS and SIIXOLINESOur 39c best standard challis and silkolines for c 0 m f o r t coverings ; 50 : patterns to choose from i PRICE, a yd. 25c FIRST, SECOND AND ALDER STS. .Winter Weight Underwear for Women At Reduced Prices WOMEN'S WOOL MIXED PANTS Band Hop, tight knee pants in white only. Our $2.25 value. Sizes 34, 36, 38, 40. SALE PRICE, each $9c WOMEN'S VESTS AND PANTS Heavy fleece lined. A remarkable bargain. Shown in either high neck, long sleeve or Dutch neck, elbow sleeves. Pants are band top and ankle length. $1.69 to $1.79 values, SALE PRICE .25 WOMEN'S UNION SUITS Fleece lined. $20 value Union Suits in Dutch neck, el bow sleeves and ankle length. Sizes 34 to 44 in white, only. SALE PRICE, each... 1 .89