The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 03, 1920, Page 15, Image 15

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rTwenty-twb Cougars on Way South .V Plenty of Action Scheduled for Milwaukie Tonight
7 -
... ;a.
Here on Way to
Berkeley, Cal.
GOACH GUS WELCH. Dr. Frederick
Bohler. director of athletics, and 20
- husky members of the Washington State
. college football squad arrived In Port
land Wednesday -morning -and-will re
main here until midnight. whaA they will
" take the rattler for. Berkeley, Cal.
fh Couarars went to the Multnomah
Amateur Athletic club and workd out
two hours and a half on the Wlnped
. "M" gridiron. This was made necessary
because of the fact that the visitors had
not been able to Knt in a 'practice since
the 31 to-0 victory over the Montana
Bruins st Pullman, Wash., last Satur--.
day. ; " ' ... . .
All the athletes look to bo in the
"pink" of condition and a greaame Is
expect-d when the Staters tangle with
lh University of California warriors On
California field next . Saturday after
noon. Bob Schnebley, tackle, was the
only one who showed arty marks of hav
ing been fn a football game and all he
has is a couple of scratches over his
black left eye. .
Kldoa Jenne did not work out with
the squad. Coach Welch feeling that his
star " punter 5.nd halfback deservd a
- rest. He remained at the Imperial .ho
tel.' where the team registered for the
day. . ,
Moe Rax. a Portland boy and former
Jefferson high school favorite. Is In the
party and looks as fit as any of the rest
of the athletes. He took a hand at call
Inip signals and directing the team's
play on Multnomah field Wednesday
morning and he still Is full of the old
tlm "pep" and enthusiasm. '
' Frank "Curly" Skadan and Earl Dun-
lap, who came to Portland with the
Thirteenth' division eleven of Camp
Lewis In 1918, and again with the Wash
ington Staters last year, again are with
the Cougars and they feel that they have
. been ' to Portland so many times thai
they have won a "home" here;- f
Mike Moran of the United States ma-
, rine fame, also Is one of the stars In
the party and the big halfback can
haj-dly wait to line up. against the Bears
next Saturday afternoon. ,
"We knbw we ahe going to get a hard
game." said Coach Welch in speaking of
the coming engagement against Coach
Andy Smith's conference, championship
X contenders, "buvwe are going down
there with the. idea to give them all we
have. The players are not overconfl
' i dent bjany means, in fact they are just
determined to make the best team whi.
" Which one that is, of course, we are not
, Dr. Bohler.-who looks after the condi
tion of the athletes as well as to attend
to all the managerial duties, says Uie
Cougars are expecting everything frpnv
. the Bears. .
;. v: "Fortunately, our players are in
mighty good shape, because of lack of
- Injuries. We haven't what you might
term an Injured athlete In the lot. but
" ' that, does, not mean that we haven't had
vv any hard games to date, fpr we certainly
.. -. have." - -. ' V :-- s-
Fallowing are those-in the Washington
State college party: Coach Oua Welch,
Vr. J, Frederick Bohler, Captain Fred
'. -Hamilton," Moe Sax, Bpb Schnebley, 'Roy
'f Sandberg, Harold Ilanly, Frank Hka-
tfnnKnrl J?unlap,. Bay Ring. Ford. Dun
! ton, C. ' A. Webster, Leslie Troman-
boucer. . Kldon Jenne, Lloyd Oillis, Bud
McKay, ii'Buck" Davis, "Spud" Loomle,
John StacUhouse, Boy Hanley and
. ; "PlnV Mclvor. .
Wisconsin Quintet .
May Play Guards
Arrangements are being made by Man
ager Ray Brooks' f the Multnomah
. Uuurd basketball team to bring some of
he fastest Independent .quintets on the
Pacific coast to -local gymnasiums. At
present negotiations are under way
hereby the guard representatives will
-, meet Uie famous Wisconsin Caromals.
ho r planning: on touring the United
:' states this -winter.' Just when the game
. will be played has not been determined,
' Put it will b sometime after the middle
: . of qext -month, according to .present
plans. The guards will put two teams
In the field during the 1920-21 campaign.
one for the city league and the other to
play out of town squads.
. A Good
Place to
Bring a
, Friend
delicious meals and wide
variety. - '""
At These
i .
-. .- - -i ,
50c to 75c
60c - v
Table d'Hote
JACK DAVIS, Oakland, Cal., battler, who meets Joe Gorman
in the headliner of tonight's boxing smoker at Milwaukie.
Davis has a knockdown to his credit over Gorman.
. A. ' f
Line-ap to
I 'HE flnjll wnrtrnnt nf ha Miiltnntnoh
X Amateur Athletic club football
squad Thursday night on Multnomah
field Will m n lnnp1 wav tnwnrH H.
termlnlng who is to start against Gon-
saga universuy in rortiana Saturday
afternoon. Manairer-Coarh Marrv flnr.
man has fceen holding strenuous ses
sions with Wing-ed 'M'' athletes and h
pronounces them In great shape to meet
tho Spokane contingent . i
J " w.n v hi ii rw IM, llul
able to show Its real .ability against
the Willamette university eleven a
week ago. and for that reason he Is
determined to have his men ready 'to
put up a great battle to get into the
good Braces of thn . Portland fa
game Saturday on Multnomah field will
Start, at -2:30 o'clock nnd with .Cam
Dolan acting as referee there will be
Tin iTir.n tnw n m , n r,. 1.. r .
. . ' j "ana ui wcjujb.
The linRim. Blthlwt In ohanm. .fU.
Thursday hlght's two-hour practice, on
Multnomah field. . will be something
" iiiib; aiarKeu ana Kalclirr. : ends ;
Kerns . and Pete De Cicco, tackles ;
Fields and NcWm. inmrrta- t;vo . ro
Cicco, center; "Pudffe" Brown, quar-
leroacK ; muck- Miatt, full back. The
halves will be taken from Wright,
weicn, a. . jones and Cook.
- Coach Dnrinii nH hla room win - A.
xlve in Pprtland Friday . morning- 'and
. . , . i . . . . .
win uu a. worxoui in tne arternoon
on MultQpmah flftld. .
LEGE. Corvallls. Nov. 3. Waslina
Club Of PollnC hflll. thn man's Hnmiinm.
of the college, leads all campus organi
zations in cross country running at the
end of the second week of the six during
which the run wilt twt mnitnftiul un r.r
that club hve turned In points which
total 480. In the national fraternity
league. Alpha Sigma, Phi leads with 293
nolnt-S. while Kami Theta . T?hr vo
jumped to the lead of the local fraternity
l.nnli. n. ( . v. mtm t
Points are 'based on timri marie in run.
nlngia 2 mile loop. Each organization
i peruiiLieu 10 enie as many men as le
sired.x each man belne allowed to rnn
twice each week. Th hot time vat
turned In was made Monday evening by
seweu u. .rvewnouse of Kappa Pelta
Sigma, who tore around the loop In 11
minutes flat. . I . j i -
Fans LookTorward
To Friday's Contest
Preparations are being made for one
of the largest crowds that ver wit
nessed a Portland Interscholastie league
football game when the Washington high
eleven tangles with the Columbia uni
versity contingent on Multnomah field
Friday arternoon.
Neither squad has been defeated bo
far during the 1920 season and it means
that one or the other will be, in line to
grab off the pennant Bach has won
five -contests, and save for a 7 to 0 by
Columbia over Benson Tech, all have
been' decisive. Columbia played Lincoln
last Monday and, won 49 to 21. The Co
lonials administered a 10 to 0 wallop
ing to the James John athletes last Fri
day, In the last appearance of Coach
Fenstermacher's representatives. The
game willtart at 3 o'clock in order to
be completed before darkness sets in
Thursday afternoon the High School
of Commerce meets the. James John boys,
while this afternoon Franklin high and
Jefferson are, scheduled to battle.
Herman to Battle Winner
New. York, Nov. 3. (U. P.) Pete Her
man, bantam champion, has promised to
meet the winner , of the Lynch-Sharkey
bou to be fought Friday night In Madi
son Square Garden. Sharkey has an
nounce! he will postpone his trip to Eng-
iana in me . event ne wins tne bout and
Herman will live up to hia promise. He
is scheduled to fight Jimmy Wilde in
London early in January, i
Davis Cup Toiar Planned
New York, Nov. -3. U. P.) America's
Davis tup team will make an exhibition
tour of Australia, following the cup
matches In New Zealand the first of the
year. The United, States Lawn Tennle
association has accepted the Invitation
of the Australian association to have the
team tour that country.
- - jj
v: ', , , x2t h, " .,,.. .-,, &
'K3 ; -
' 4T
Mechanics "
Are Victors
Over Cadets
Intaneholaitle Lsague SUndlngt
won. ijoit.
S 0
Bennon .
Hill ....
Lineolh .
James Joha
BENSON TECH'S footbairt e a m
trimmed the Hill Military academy
eleven, i 21 to 14, on Multnomahfleld
Tuesday afternon in a game full of fum
bles,, "breaks" and real football strata
egy. The opening, touchdown of the
contest came a" few .minutes after the
start of play, when the Cadets brought
into prominence the Old but famous
"dead man" trick.
With ,the ball on the Benson 25-yard
line, Bobby Robinson called for the play.
The Hill! center fell down as if Injured
and in his reclining, position tossed the
pall to Robinson, who dashed around
left end to the goal line, Captain Hey
den kicking the goal. In "..tho same
period, Benson tied it up when Maloney
squirmed his way through the first line
defense for a" 10-yard gain andia touch
down, after the Benson athletes ' had
plunged the ball from the middle of the
The Mechanics counted twice in the
second j when R, . ,E. . Barber came
into the limelight "without any opposi
tion.! Barber came tearing through the
line and. picked, up a fumble. Before he
could be reached he had raced 35 yards
to a touchdown and It was only a, few
minutes later that he Intercepted a for
ward pass and again negotiated six
points, j After each score, Colt kicked
goat ! . ' - i -
A punting duel featured the fourth
quarter,; after neither, team bad been
able toi f igure on- the score sheet in
the third stanza. 'Robinson punted a
high one and when the Benson safety
fumbled, Dewey of the West Siders
grabbed the -ball and ran 77 yards be
fore hei was overtaken. This put the
ball on i Benson's 8-yard line-. An off
side play netted five more yards for the
Cadets and at this juncture Robinson
bucked i his way across the -goal line.
Captain Heyden goaled.
Fauisi Maloney, Colt-and Barber fea
tured for Coach Phllbrook's aggregation.
while Heyden. Robinson. Dem-ey and
Goodrich worked like trojans for Coach
Donason's Cadets. .
Following Is the summary!
Bmoa (21)
Hill (1
Barber .j ,
Greet ..j. ....i
. . RTt, .
. .RGL.
.... Hathwjr
....... Smith
C) H. Heyden
, . . .. Thompson
HairrerL . d .
Parlor .i. ........ . . IXin.
f -1 1 . t n,i
Courtney, kEHT? Dewey
rolt (C.) ........... Q. . . . . . . . .. Robinson
Bell IJSR.. A. Heyden
Maloney j .......... . RHL. . ....... Hinmen
Sberrid i . , ,..,F; Goodrich
Beaaoa .. i ..... . . . V. .7 14 0 ... 021
Hill 7 0 O 7 14
Substitution Benson: Cover for Sherrid,
Peter for Colt, Colt tor Courtney, Harkneas for
Taylor, Fairmao for Bell, Lennox for Barber,
Barber for Lennox, Taylor for Harkneas. Bell
for Fairman, Burton tor Hacren. Hill : Person,
eous for - Smith, Webb for Wright, Huntley for
A. HeyaVn. .
Officials Grow Francis, referee; Bill
TI..1 J.n , TI
iwrps, head linesman.; A. H. Barton and O, W.
Atuey.timers. . -t..-
Two Hoop Circuits
MayBe Organized
The Portland Basketball league held
Its weekly meeting: at the Multnomah
Guard club Monday night, at which time
several new teams entered. The election
of officers waa postponed nntll the next
regular meeting, which will be held next
Monday night. ': . v
An effort will be made to form two
leagues in , the form! of an Inter-City
league, and a city league with Hillsboro,
Oregon ' City, -Vancouver and possibly
Sherwood, with two or. three of the best
local teams representing Portland. Any
teams ; or any players that wish to play
are requested to see Jack Routledge at
A. G. Spalding BrosM or Ray Brooks at
the Multnomah Guard club, second floor
of the Chamber of Commerce building.
Bryan Keeps Silent;
May Talk Later Today
Lincoln. Neb- Nov. 3. (L N. & Wil
liam Jennings Bryan continued today to
maintain the silence that characterised
his attitude during the campaign. He
declined to issue any statement regard
ing the election but intimated that he
would ,have a statement to make prob
ably late this afternoon or tonight.
Joe Gorman -Will
Try for
ALTHOUGH i Jack Davis. I the 130
pounder of Oakland, Cal.. floored Joe
Gorman In their four-round encounter
last, February, there is little likelihood of
the trans-baymrtt wielder winhing his
10-round" encounter with the Po-irtlander
tonight at Milwaukie. ' "
Gorman is In wonderful shape for his
first appearance before the Portland
fans In five months. 'He finished train-'
Ing Tuesday with a light workout and
pronounced himself fit Gormart is anx
ious to win from Davis aa early as pos
sible. ' " " : f ;
Davis on the other hand Is hopeful of
gaining' a verdict over Gorman, j He is a
terrifio puncher, but his hope o victory
lies In an early K. O. If the bout goes
over four rounds. Davis' chances of a
victory are very elim. ! ;
There are two other 10-round! encoun
ters on the card, "Kid" Palmer-of Los
Angeles belnjt bllle4 to tackle Jimmy
Parcy in the second 10-round affair and
Ole Anderson, the big .TarOmi heavy
weight, and Leo Cross. Both' these af
fairs should be full of action. Parcy is
going to make an effort to gain favor
here again by going after Palmer from
the gong, but he may run into a tartar,
as Palmer has quite a reputation as a
battler. . ' J- ' : -i
The Cross-Anderson bout Bhould be a
furious contest.
The curtain raiser will bring - together
Al Neleon and Roy Sutherland. The first
bout will start af 8:30 o'clock, i
Manager Moore of the arena has
promised better car service for tonight's
event. . .
n.T.EM. fir.. Nov. 2. The I Medford
tD high school was reinstated Tuesdar
In the State Athletic association by the
Wna4 if Annt
uuai vrs. w- w -
lowing admissions by the principal of
the high school, the city superintendent
of schools and the athletic coach that
men were used on the Medford football
team in the game with Klamath Falls
who were : ineligible to play under the
rules of the association.
In ending the suspension, placed ton
the school more than a week ago follow
ing protests by Klamath Falls, the board
of control severely reprimands Superin
tendent" Aubrey G. Smith of the Medford
schools and O. B. Klum, athletic, coach,
for permitting; the irregularities in the
conduct of the football team. In a signed
statement admitting the irregularities as
charged against the team the Medford
officials declare the board of control
of the state association to Rave been
justified In suspending the team on the
chargesNnade by the Klamath Falls
school. Sitting on the board here this
morning were J. A. Churchill,! state su
perintendent of public instruction; J. C.
Nelson, principal of the Salem high
school, and George-JHug, superintendent
of the Salem schools,xrepresenting A. C
Strange of Astoria who was unable to
attend. '- , , ...
Oregon's New Gym ;
Almost Completed
University of "Oregon. Eugene. Nov. 3.
The new open air gymnasium, which
has been under construction for the past
six weeks, will be completed, in about
two weeks, according to General Super
visor W- K. Newell. The structure is
located just behind the Woman's uiia
lng and is 45x90, being five feet longer
than the . old gymnasium. ' The cost is
approximately 310,000 and is a part of
the physical training department build
ing group. ' I '
Ten-Year-Old Boy
Acts as Keconciler
Kansas City, Mo. Two years ago
Jimmie Stinson's father and mother were
divorced.- His father, an oil man of
Tulsa, paid his former wife; 31000 per
month alimony and also gave her the
care of Jimmie. '
The years were .long and Jimmie
yearned for the companionship of his
"daddy.'- N - i
Then his father csrne to Kansas City
for an operation and Jimmie- pleaded
With his mother to visit him;
Finally, the mother consented with
the result that the Stinsons are once
more reunited and Jimmy, his father and
mother are mutually, happy. I
Jimmie is 10 years old. I
Clark Is Swept; to I
Defeat in Missouri
Kansas City. Nov. 8. (Ii N. SJ
Champ Clark, - former speaker of the
house of representatives, was swept to
defeat in the Republican tidal wave that
carried Missouri back into the Republi
can column. T. W. "Hukrelde, Republi
can, has piled up majorities which can
not be shaken by later returns. Hukreide
now has a majority in the Ninth district
of 9650! and Democratic leaders concede
Clark's defeat, i I
.;- I .,- I
Be sure to ask for the original Flor
de Baltimore at your favorite smoke
shop. It's the . quality cigar with the
union laoei. Adv. j j
TWO of .,- the most I homelike
hotels- in . Portland.: located Jn
the heart of the shopping and thea
tre district --.All Oregon Electric
tnifis stop at the Seward Hote!,
the House of Cheer. Excellent din
ing room in connection.! The Hotel
Cornelinv the House of Welcome,,
only two short blocks from the
Seward. Our brown busses, meet
Ml trains. -
Rates $1.50 and ap
W. C. CalberUoa, Prop. ,
GHEHALIS. Wash., Nov. 3. A good
turnout v to" the football game - be
tween Chehalis' and Aberdeen high
schools in Millett field here- Saturday Is
expected. Aberdeen is reported, to have
Nov. 1 to 8
3d Floor
(Rw&Aj job
$faW&n) tjrv
0 N
I .. .. ... .. , .... : - 1 n
'xsn. i rS) ; A GREAT ! ti
- "
a fast and strong team and Chehalis is
working nearer and nearer to the 1920
championship of Southwest Washington.
Chehalis is scheduled to play Vancouver
at that place on November 11, Armistice
.The Multnomah Guard club basketball
team will hold Its first practice of the
1920-21 season in the Washington high
school gymnasium Wednesday nlsht
starting at 7 :30 o'clock. The guard
quintet made a wonderful showing- dur-
25 Per Cent Off on Our Entire Stock
November 1st to 8tH is National Blanket Week, this week
hundreds of stores all over the United States will feature Blankets.
place on sale its entire stock of fine, fleece wool blankets at 25 per
cent off; a stock that is famous throughout the Northwest! ;
This great sale comprises the most complete and varied assortment of the
famous Pendleton blankets and other nationally known Oregon makes.
No attempt will be made to describe all of .this colossal assortment wd
can only state that here you will find all colorings, in all standard weights, in
such an array as you have never seen before. : ! j j '.. .
$ 8.50 Blankets.....
$ 9.00 Blankets. .
.....NOW $
... ..NOW S
$ 9.50 Blankets. . . . .
$10.50 Blankets. ....
.....NOW S
$11.00 Blankets.....
$12.50 Blankets.....
.....NOW ,S
$13.50 Blankets. . . . . . . . . .NOW S10.15
Entire Bldg, (S.W.Cor.) Tbird & Morrison
Astoria "
cur M cUnmUnq pal labhe? tJit0cr"t&MJ
amju view Xblftv CamtJb dbriJU. m3iju&, fCuMjMx
dctvt" yAuruAt ami !" Stmu, CLxq y II AciyJK -fcw Mteuru $X uiit
hf OlxiAj &tjj Lair, &oi
Carnal ouU
inx the campaign last year and claimed
the independent "championship, of Ore
gon, t There will be no disputing the
title after' the coming schedule is com
pleted, says Manager Ray Brooks. All
players wishing a tryout are requested
to be on 'hand promptly at 7:30 o'clock.
f University of Oregon, Nov, 3. Oregon
may have suffered a defeat in football
at Palo Alto last Saturday, but the
Oregon- spirit" Is evidently as good as
Blankets. ..
Blankets.. .
Blankets.. ..
Blankets. .
Blankets.. .
Blankets. . .
Blankets.. .
uujtvJr AAmAtnulj yvx ffQmr
; JLitrvu toe- nRjmmnfTUiL,
ever, for there were over a -thousand
students to meet the team when it ar
rived just a little after 7 Monday morn-lag.-
' 1 e i -IS
hoped Captain J. K. Robertson.
Dartmouth's . star, line plunge? and
dropklcker, "who broke his shoulder in
the recent game at Penn State college,
may be In shape to play against browa
November 20. . . - - .
....... NOW $11.25
.......NOW $12.00
......NOW $15.00
NOW $16.85
.......NOW $18.75
....... N0W$22.50
1 Filled., Statt alia, color and pries
yea want to pay. Wa Mil alct a
blanket and a.nd It on appraral. If
not .atixf.rtorjr, rturn, mad . wa will
r.f nnd purch... prtoa. .
North Bend
Ui tV Aufoic, I
ytrjPA llmrtt
l 1 K