WEDNESDAY. : NOVEMBER 3, 1020, THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, -: OREGON. 11 TOWN TOPICS -TriTdfis to all point of ib TJnlUd BtaUa or abroad ahould taa adrantaa. of cipcnvncad ia fnrraatioa and rie offered Wroogn Th Oro fjB Journal Inform. Uoa and TraI Bonu, in iwrmnal efaain of Dom; H. Smith. ' Kulroad ticket and atMiuahip bookin itiucad. - Vor eicn exchanc btoad. lalormatioa na Kcud- COULNQ K VENTS " If 11 Itnnm, h t ikiiiI feuiwl. Sclloof Willi -convention, Moeember 12.' V We, tarn Walnut , aaaoelaUoo. Portland, lo-. venbtr 17 and Is.: - . K)reoO Stat liar aaaoclatkro, Portland, So . ttfflbrr 14 to It. . iTacMie. iDtefMUosal Ueatock ExpoaiUoo. HrtlaDd, Nortaober 1ft to 20. . t : rU Cream -ttuppl Men' coortnUon, Forv land, Nomhr 16 to 20. Orasoa fiuta Horticultural aoeiety, annual - aaeetuic Euaene. ttecembcr 2, S and . . Orrgua and tkutti Idaho JtatfeaUoual union. The iMliai, Uretraber 2 to 4, Orroo Stat lioul , Men, Kufen. Paecaber Wrntern Winter "how. Oreroa Poultry and I'tt Stuck, aaaooation, Tb Auditorium, Fork irml, Darrmbcr IV to 18. 8Ut Tracuara' aaaoeiattoa, ForUaod, Dacro btr. . P. A., suta aawciatlon. Portland. Decem ber SI. - ,ltfti1 Hardwar and Implement uaalara, Fort- i'i, January 25 to 28. Oregon UeUU alercnanti' axociatioo. Marab tiekl, February. l'actho Coaat Society of Ortbodontata, Febro- atr 10 to is. Bruthrrhood jf Amrrlrao Taomen, t' eo elate. Kuten. April,; 121. r'orciter of Amerloa. arand court, Portland, Slay 22 to 23. , Military Order of tb Loral Lesion. PorUind. Ill 10. , . , KuleUu of Colnmboa. itaU council. PortUhd. r 3o. - - ) - A.-U..V. W . (nuid lodrv. ; Apeil. third Toeaday. ' tun twntal aocieU. 1921. WEATHER FORECASTS Tort land and, vicinity- Thursday fair; variable- winrl. , Oirgi-.n Tnarwiay fair;- rook-r east portion; gentle winda, beroinlng eatrly. Washington Tonight fair; cooler a.t por tion; Thursday fair. nrt probably rain ex- - trrme et jxjrtioa; moderata aoutnerly winds. v"- WEATHER rONTHTIO.NS The jirewtre la low from Alaska aoutbraxtwaM ti the North Atlantic ataten, the point of cratl dettreanlnn beiny apparently in tile in tmor of Wnteni aa4a. A crent of: high lrrwure eitenda fm'm the North Pacific atatea and Brttteh Colnmhia to th Gulf of Mexico, rreripitation ha orrurred on tho North I'a (fi roaat and orar a Marge part of the country -'eaat, of the MiMutit.(M rirer. Tbe weather is coiuWerably milder in the norihern Korky.Monn tain and northern Plains tate and is gfrally 'oliKr fxl ol tJie Mimtsaippi rirer. The kiwit-t temperature. t in Southern t!tah. ' . Helitute humidity at Portland:' Noon yester ilar, 0t !er cent; 5 :0it p. m. ynteTdar, 60 per t 4xni; 6:00 a. m. today, 100 per cent, rrecipita.tion. ainr January 1: Total, 27.5 inrhea; normal, 31.88 inches: deficiency 4.73 ijicbes. . EDWAbD 1 WfcUS. '1 OBSF.HFATIOXH Yamp. 9a : O TATIO if Xi IS - i II -il Jl ', Haaer. Or. : . . 4 I Itoiw.. Idaho . -i-. 80 8B 0 Kt.on, .Maw. .,...;,..... 68 62 .82 Jluffalo, NT... . . ........ 68 . I'altary. Alberta. ....... .. . . 60 82 0 hicago, UL 42 82 0 Dentrt, Colo. 62 S2 O Ilea Moins. Iowa. ... .' 42 -0 0 , Kagle, Alai-ka . 2 Kresno, UI. ............. 70 0 tialreitun. Texaa. .......... 61 0.- Helena.- Mont. ........ i i .. 60 36 0 llmolulu. T. It. 80 04 . Huron. S. 1. .............' . 32 20 O ' Jiineatf, AUska' 44 70 Kanaa City. Mo. . 40 34. 0 . ' 1i Anceles, Cal... ... 76 0 .0 MaTKlificld. Or. . 2 3 .16 - Medlord, Or....... 58 .25 0 New Urleans, La ..'74 64' 0 New York. N. 62 42 .62 Noinc, Alaska 21 ... 0 North Hend. Waeh 65 48 .08 North I'latte. Neb. 42 28 0 Oklaiioma t'ity, Oala . 54, 8 0 Shoenix, Aria......... . 74 42 H JMt&burg, Pa 60. 88 ,22 l'o.-atili4daho ,j 4 2 30 0 1'ruif ItupeTV. B. X'. ....... . 4 4 ......... H.Meburg, Or. ,. 62 44 .04 i ltoiwell, N. M . , ! . . i . . 82 0 . HacramenUi, taX .......... 68 42 0 . St. Louis. Sto. . 4;- 34 0 : ht. I'aui ilino. 3,s 30 0 fialt Laka City, Tub.. ...... 4 4 30 " '" Sail -lheso, Cal. ........ . . 70 J M ft Han- eranci, Oal. ....... . 68 50 ' - 0 Wcattle. Vli...i...,,,.,. 62 4S .01 Mbka, -, Alaxka . 40 34 Spokane, Wash............. 46 ,36 0 . Tnan, AU , 24 -v. ,04 : Tatoosh Uland, Waah ........ 64 4 X20 Tonopah. Neda .......... 4 8 88 0 - Vahlea. Alka ........... . 42 .... ".lO Yaiicuutrr. U. C. 4K 38 ,fi Walla Walla, Wash......... 44 42 -0 ' Wniiinston, D. C..,......i 70 42 ,03 Winhemucra, NaT. . 6tf 1(1 0 Vakima. - Wash ....... 46 28 0 . P. M. report of preceding day.. .Lnmber Workm tuestsTho first of u. series of entertainments to be given by; employes of the Peninsula Lumber company during the winter was held Saturday night at the Peninsula club house. Several hundred employes and - How would .you like , . , ,$3o ; As a Present? You can win a cash prize ( if you can figure. No strings to it no catch. Just a reward , for some clean-cut thinkinjr and figuring., Wjitch the papers for details. Portland Gas & Coke Co. 1 Portland Gas & Coke Co. member of their farrjilles participated In the event, and V CV Knapp, presi dent of the company, -with Mrs. Knapp. were tnieete of honor. . The program wa arranged by .A. E. KenL Brier addresses . were made by Mayor Baker and Chief of Police Jenkins. Kerklea Motorist JJot Identified Po lice officers have found no trace of the motorist who struck 18-year-old John Harris, a messenger,- Monday, throwing him from his bicycle at Earft Seventy third and Stark, street and inflicting; setious injuries. The boy was taken to the home of his aunt, where )t is report ed he is still unconscious. ' ..; 'j Brlylng Wine Driiak Charged C..C. Miller was arrested at. Sixteenth : and Washington streets Tuesday night on a charge of driving while intoxicated. Patrolman Olson stated Miller was only prevented from driving Jnto a butcher shop by the timely intervention of afire hydrant. Miller was released on , $250 bail. ;'. Ton cant" afford bad teeth, when broken health, pain and disease are the prices you must pay for them. We will positively .show you the cause and pre vention of pyorrhea, -decay and soft, crumblyteeth "while your work is be ing done." C. Smith Long, and J. K. Stevenson (Dentist), 310 Bush & JLane building. Adv. -'.. Dr. Mills to Be SpeaieiVrDr. Edward Laird Mills, editor of the Pacific Chris tian Advocate, will be the speaker be fore the Progressive Business . Men's club at the Benson hotel Thursday tiootC his subject,. "Democratizing the World." Ur. William Wallace iYounisson, district superintendent of the Methodists, will preside. . ' ' BBsinosM AVomen' Clob The Uusl nes Women's club luncheon, will be held Thursday at 12 :10 ' p. ni. in the social hall of the Y. W. C. A. Harold Ieonard Bowman, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will be the speaker on "Aunt Hannah and the Telescope.' Miss Cora K. 'York will be hostess. Ir. Hlnson to Talk Thursday Dr. W. B. Ilinson will civ! his regular weekly lecture on "The Facts of . the Faith" Thursday afternoon, from 3 to 4 o'clock, at the Kast Side Baptist church, Rait Twentieth and Salmon r streets. This week's subject will be "The -True Church." Mrs. Virginia. Spencer Hutch inson Will lhg. j Hood Rlye r Sf age leavves Zt. Charles hotel daily at 8:15 a, m., 10:30 a. ni. and2:45 p. m. .Stage -for Bridal Veil leaves 4 p. m. Leaves Hood River for Portland at 8:30 a. m., 11 a. m. and 2 :45 p. m. For further information phono Shephard's Auto Bus Line, Inc. Marshall 4381.wAdv. Jobs Birhl Soaght The police were requested to search for John Burhl. 21, of Tacoma, who has been missing 6ince October 15. Burhl's fatlier, who lives at 5627 South Clement street, Tacoma, reported to the police that he thought his son had come here, W. L. Block Bead Wprd has been re ceived from Mrs. W. L.' Block to the efT feet that she is on her way to Chicago with the body of the late iW. L. Block, who passed away Friday in San Diego. ChrlsteBeB Dancing CIajiseg win oe resumed according to schedules previous ly arraneerl Yiptritmintr with v. ..i I- . ...... ..e, . . i.ic utua lor adults this Wednesday evening at 7:30. Salenr-Mlll City Stage Line Connects O E. train No. 5 Salem, arrive Mill City 1 p. m. Also connects O. E. train No. , 9- Salem, arrive Mfll City 7 p. m. Joseph Hamman. proprietor. Salem. Phono 44. Adv. . ; St. Johns Church, MHwaiikle, Or- November 3. 4 onH e 9 .t,- j. the annual parish bazaar in '; the city hall. Milwaukie. The ladies of the so dality, the childrert and the men will mve ineir separate booth. On Wednes- PLENTY FOR TWENTY y . iv ! -m. - 3 ( a-W LOOK FOR THE STEAMING CUP ' We Serve a Business Men's Lunch for 20c That's a Wonder Choice of Meat or FIsb, Fie or Padding . Coffee or Tea. i - $5.50 Meal Tickets SS oast Beef ........ . . .... .20c Roast Veal 20c Stewed Beef ..... ...... . . .15c Hamburger Steak .......... 15c dhicken Pie . . ......... . : .20c VeaStew ....... ..J. .. ...15c Baked-eans ..... . . . 1 0c Fish . . . . . . yr,: ...... 20c fastries ..;v...5c 10c. 15c Coffee ..... . . ........ ... 5c Canteloupe . . L. . .. . . , .V10c Fried Mush ' . . . . . i . . i . ; . . . 15c Doughnuts. 5 for.-. . . . . ... . 10c Sliced j Peaches ...... J ..... 15c Ham' or Bacon and .Eggs. . . . .40c Stewed Prunes ..... . . ...10c Toast. Buttered 5c Apple Sauce .5C French Toast ........... .. .15c PastrievBear Claws. Snails, But Hot Cakes, Syrup and Butter 10c " ter I Horns, Maple Bars, Nut Fried'Ham or Bacon .30c Squares, Pigs. .......... 10c DINNER j Veal Chops ............ .;25c Small Steak .............. ,25c French Fried Potatoes. . . ; . ,5C .Rib Steak .. 8 P. Hot Roast Beel Sandwich. . : .20c i : Hot Roast Veal NEXT FRIDAY, NOV. 5TH, we wilt GIVE the ENTIRE DAY'S RECEIPTS of our Lunch Room at Park and Alder- St. to the ALBERT IN A KERR BABY'S HOME. Do your best for the Babies. . i NO CHARGE FOR BREAD c We Make and Bake Everything We Use Most Talked of and Best Thought of Eating Places in Town 3 APPETIZING PLACES 3 ' 133 Park Street 124 Broadway 332 Washington St day, the opening evening, a chicken dinner wiU be served by the ladle) from 6:30: till 7:30 o'clock. Thursday afternon a card contest and on Friday evening a big five-foot cake.' which will be baked by the" men, will be cut in smaU pieces and sold at a -nominal charge. One of the pieces will contain a ''15 gold ; coin. .r.-!1-.J, Fortlasd-HewDerg Banes leave Fourth and Alder dally, 1 :30, 1 ;30, 11 a. m., and L 3 :30. 4:15. 6:30. 8:30 p. m.; Saturday and Sunday. 11. p. xn. Phone Mala Ml. Adv. , . . I Pat Art ) Artificial Teeth to make them look and feel -natural. Dr. E. C Rossman, Plate Specialist, 809 i Journal Building. -Adv. " Steamer . Iralda for St Helens and Rainier, daily at 2 :30 p. m., foot of Alder street. Sundays. St. Helens only. 1 :30 p. m. Adv. ;;; " Dr. E. A. Sominer has returned Adv. Vancouver, Vash., Nov. 3. That Vancouver may be a part of a na tional airplane, system. Is the opinion oK. E. Gorex, promoter of the establishment Of an airplane landing field he Arrangements-are .being made for tnlocaUorr of a landing field in Vancouver, as this Is said to be a very centraila.ce ' The Hidden farm, ast ofNVancouver, has been.suggested by the men lrr-charge of the movement, as it is believedbat it can be prepared for this use with the least cspense, ; The matter has been iresentd to the city council aji -will be taken up. by a special committee. The selection of a field "wilt probably be approved at the next council meeting. . V.. W. Drive $600 Short Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 3. According to a report made by tie finance com mittee of the Y. M. Ci A. 13200 'was raised during the drive this year, which is 600! short of the amount named. Of the sum raised, $328.45' was taken in from the benefit shows offered by John IV Kiggins. Card Party Announced Vancouver, Wash., Nov. S. The Elks ladies will meet at cards Thursday aft ernoon at the Elks temple, with Mrs. Oscar Wood tas hostess. Cards of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. S. Natseher wish to thank their friends for the floral-offerings and their kindness shown in the death of their beloved daughter, Pauline. We wish to thank our friends and ac quaintances for their kindness and many "beautiful floral offerings during our sorrow and bereavemertt in'the death of Cora Shattuck Dunlap. Roy Dunlap. . Mr. Millie D. . Shattuck. Mrs. L.Wool rlrige. Mrs. -J. A. Cousins,' Mrs. It. IL (Jrahm, Mrs. E. K, Weidner. Mrs. A; M. McCdrby, Mrs. W. W. McLaren, T. J. Shattuck, Charles Shattuck. ," We sincerelywish to thank our many kind- friends and acquaintances and es pecially the members of Shiloh c'.rcle No. 19. Sumner Relief -Corps No. 21, Daughters of Veterans, Golden Rule Re view UlO. T. M-. A. U. U. W. NO. 8 and Sumner Post G. A. K., who honored us by their presence and floral tributes at the funeral of our beloved husband and father. Mrs. F. A. Niedermark. and family. i . . Over 1,750,000 Served , j a year "There's a Reason!" We - Serve the Best and Sell for Less Tea Salads . . ..i . . . . . .5c 5c, 10c. 15c 2 Eggs, any style. .2Sc Vegetables .5c Macaroni and Cheese . . .5c, 10c Soujf 5c,.10c Corned Beef Hash ..... 1 5c Pot Roast of Beef . ; . ; . j . . . . ,25c Pork Sausage and' Sweet Potatoes ..... .... .25c Breast of Veal with dressing, ,25c HIDDEN FARM 1Y BE AIRPLANE BASE RRFAIfTFACr ! ! Tea-Bone Steak Sirloin! Steak . . .. ..50c j...40c Tenderloin Steak ,.-35c M. Hot Roast Ham Sandwich. .. Sandwich. 20c ? - ' ' 30c ARMISTICE DAY PROGRAM FINISHED Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 3.' Final touches were placed to the arrange ments for the Armistice day celebra tion at a meeting of the local post of 'the American Legion, Tuesday. According: to J. T. McDonough, the celebration will be one of the largest and motet effective ever held In Van couver." ; " . ''The festivities will begin at 10 o'clock in. the morning with a large street parade. The color guard and municipal band will head the lnie of march, which will include all soldiers' in Vancouver Barracks, G. A. R.,' Spanish -War Vet erans and auxiliaries. ' The line of march will proceed from Tenth to C streets,: to Main, down Main to Fourth, cross to Washington. Tenth street to Main and to Thirteenth and B streets, where a memorial service will be held on the site for Jie new legion clubhouse. i . During the afternoon the Vancouver eleven will meet Ghehalia high at foot ball on the high school field. A special vaudeville show and a dance will complete the celebration. Armistice diy will mark the breaking of the ground for the legion Community bouse, according to A. ?. Berry, chair man of the building committee. The bonds have been dated November 11 for issue and will be ready for delivery at that time. " . J W. W. Murray Dies ftelso, Wash., Nov. S. William Walte, ilte' A Murraya resident of Kelso for years. dieda.t his home south of town Saturday. nightHe was injured seven years . atp at aVlogglng camp near Kalama and never fUUy recovered. He was 47 years of age and leaves his wife and five children.! "v Mrs. Sarah Hasldrjs Dies Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 3. Sarah lias kins, 66, died Wednesday morning at her home, 810 East Ninth street follow ing a .short illness. She came to Van couver about a month ago. She is sur vived ;" by two sons and four daughters. One son, Walter, and a daughter, Mrs. Give Your An A tmosphere that Vwijl build confidence and inspire action in a cus tomer as soon as he opens the door. A careful selection $ of the best in office furniture will produce this atmos phere. We have the means of giv ing you best selection in the city on our third floor furni ture department, so if you . , are thinking of buying desks, filing cabinets, sectional book-, cases, tables, chairs or anything conceivable in the way of office equipntettt, consult us noW. . We nave, from time to time, used desks. The J. K. Third and PORTLAND LYCEUM l COURSE Direction of EUi$on4Vhite " ft BIG NUMBERS Less Thi an 23cEacIi Nov. 13 ; VILHJAiIkIR ' . ARCTiPsEXPLORE Dec. IS ALBERT LINDOtHST : J AND ASSISTING - ARTISTS Dec. US FREDERICK WARDE " I ' SHAKESiPEARlAN ACTOR" Jan. G i JOSEPHINE MARTINO v I ! AND ASSISTING ARTISTS Jan. 2 UNIVERSITY OF Feb. 9 LINCOLN McCONNELL 1 ; I j WHO TALKS OUT OF' LIFE- I Mar. il HERBERT LEON COPE ' ' ; .!;.. ' r. humorist . ;". j. j April HARRY LEITER LIGHT. OPERA COMPANY April HON. THOMAS R. MARSHALL .-'!!'-"- VICE-PRESIDENT U. S. A. ALL NUMBERS AT THE AUDITORIUM i Main Floor and choice- Balcony seats v " additional for the nine numbers. Season Ticket Sale Opens Today meier & frank Ni. . CHRISTENSEN Halls and, School of Dancing BEGTJLAR WEB3TE8DAT ETESITfO CtASS FOK aBI'LTS WILL BE H19 TONIGHT, NOVEMBER 3, 7:30 o' Clock i '!" : "' I- :: ' "." ;' 'm . . . , AH classes of the Christensen School x. i wiU be resumed . according- to their regu- x lar schedules beajinningr with this evening. "- ; CAHJIIE M. CH&ISTE5SEX TICT0B CHBISTEKSE3T X Maoacers ; The ' . Pastor Goes to dmonds Vancouver, Wash-, Nov. 3. Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Zabel left Tuxday for Edr monds, . Wash., where Rev. Mr. , Zabel has accepted a pastorate for the ifeder ated Christian association. Rev. Mr. Zabel has been pastor of the local Con gregational church for ' two years. lie will be succeeded by Rev. E. H. Bollin ger of Portland. ' V Game Decision Reversed Vancouver, Wash, Nov. 3. Accord ing to a 'notice received by the state game warden, the decision preventing the removal of game birds from the state by non-residents has been reversed and hunters are allowed to take their kill with them. .ftW 1 TH TIM Season Lyceum tickets only-$2 each ior nine attractions, uei yours loaay, Meier & Frank'a Adv. THE KSRT CIQAR CO. 305-307 riXE ST. PORTLAND, ORE. U some extraordinary values in ' . Gill Co Alder Streets $2 Including Wa r Ta x sf ElANSSOX OREGON GLEE CLUB s main floor 9S Flora : Munce, . live in Vancouver, body. Is at Limber's parlors. . 'j , imldHf gBSK Office There Is No Magic connected -with the filling of prescriptions. AM there is to it Is: A registered pharma cist who knows how; the highest quality of fresh drugs, and the necessary equipment. We will save you money on your prescriptions the same as we" do on all drug store merchandise Northern Pacific Pharmacy 3d and Morrison Sts. rgMIB: Allen TIE HEAL PLAYER Fa. ' 3ai...-'. ; More versatile and more satisfying than any electric piano at or near its price is this little type of piano in one. but it is in the astonishing beauty of its reproduc ing features that it creates greatest enthusiasm. It brings the artistry of the great . pianists to every home, with all their , charm and . bewitchirig beauty of technique and, read ing, and all this it does at a price much less than one must pay for its equal, f For popular and dance music, too, it is unrivaled. Sign this ad Jorv catalogs. N Name .............. ... ' : ddres .................. MORRISON ST.' PIANOS irWoaflTie) rWSIC -MASON AND CTHKK rrOtK SAM rHAMCISCO. OAKLAND. PRCSMO. BAM lCe SAM JOmm. ACalAMCMTO. UO AJMCLCS ABOUT PRESCRIPTIONS We carry the largest stock (wholesale or retail) of Squibbs Drugs and Chemicals in our prescription departments carried in the city, and there is no higher quality than SQUIBBS. We employ more REGIS ISTERED PHARMACISTS than anyfirm in 'the city. In fact, we i are all registered with the exception of those emjployed in the Kodak, Soda Fountain arid? Toilet Goods departments. ... The pricing method vised in our prescription depart ments is the same as used throughout our establish- merits and the saving we make vou SURPRISES US after learn ing what other stores-have asked. 8 Sfouf-Luotis Drui Irving tot Pharmacy E. 1 5th and Broadway - . - .' j - ... .. i f" EUPHONA' SOME ELECTRIC wonder. It is every. .. ' X". AT BROADWAY HAMUN RANOS- Perkins Pharmacy 5th and Washington Sts. UMIOM DENTISTS IXC. ' ' ' PLATES $10 WE GUARANTEE OV& WORK Porrelala Crowat. 5.00 Poreelaln Fllllsga Mt.OO rt-X Geld Crows ...M5.00 12-K Gold Bridge , $5.00 Extracting " -V You can have in examination . of your teeth free of any .charge or obli-' gallon by calling; at our office. ' 231 H Morrison, Corner Second En tira Corner. PT LOOK FOR THE . BIG UNION SIGN W8& QualitvAlways Jlskior- PAPER Heat Your House Right! ' There ts a rlfht ! and a wrong wy. The "right iway saves you ex pens la fuel and fives you eaUs-' faction. The wron way . costs more to'start with, more for fuel, lots of trouble and future expense. We are experts on faeat and ventil ation and guar a tea satisfaction. We have both the pipeless and 'pipe lumaeo in the well-known Bornton and Richardson ot iioya ton makes. . JC. BAYER FUaIUCE CO. -. f MaKKBT ST. V ' CORNELIUS HOTEL OPEN ALL NIGHT. Read Journal Want Ads Opea lttS a.m. to 8 p.m OPEN ALL. NIGHT