The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 03, 1920, Page 10, Image 10

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1 8 esita, b eonfldent. be eheerlul d obW
Xhm a yog would ha them do "to yca-1
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bill tret, rortuna. ures.
Entered t tb. Pt-t'"l.uI,ortl?"L.Sd
for trnmiii6- Uironth tb eeaa
clam matter.' .
Ail department rficnm "w
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J2twiW.. It slo will not print snjr op
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By Carrier, City and Country
w '-. 1 ,U IOm month...... .
PmW. .$ .10 On. -..-.. .
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tlon. Ml remittance by Money Order.
Order or Dr.ft. If your ptof f r is not a
Uoaey Ord.r of fie. 1- or 2-cent tmp. willb
ptd. Mk ll remitUno oayabl to IM
Journal. Portland, Own. -
Truth cra.ihl to rarth thall rise ataln;
Tb eternal yeais of God ar hr.
HISTORY, repeals. Heaction follows
In the wake of war. The resurg
ence of yesterd'ay. was inevitable.
The thought of change ,was in the
high.i Profiteering bS been wide
spread. ' Man groups ot interests were,
not -allowed ' salt down their war
profits in full. The government took
a part, to help pay for the war. The
greedy interests were in ugly- mood
at ' the ?overtment. They called it
interference" jvith private business. .
! Other great groups did not like the
federal rcserve 8ystcm, th,e farm loan
system and ' the proposal through a
tariff commission for duties lo be as
sessed on a- scientific basis. Other
great gro'ips'dtd 'not 'like the Wilson
legislation which declared that "labor
is not a commodity." They-thought,
and s from their viewpoint naturally
thoight, that ' government , has no
right to. legislate on such matters.
' ThfM-was the war with its misun
derstandings and complexities.; Most
of the Italians forgot American serv
ice to Italy In the war an1 remem
bered and relented Flume. Many
Irishmen, incdrrcctly ihougiit, the
Leagiio of Nations stood in the way
of Irisih freedom, and .voted against
, it, Ge jrgc Sylvester Viereck and his
followers resented tf.e terms ifnposed
on Germany al Paris, and struci at it
at the palls.
, The whole country was disgusted
with ihe long and bitter controversy
over tha peace treaty. The results
'show that in that quarrel Senator
Lodge and his associates got the bet
ter of the argument in that they
manag-d ta make a great many peo
ple believe that the president was too
unyielding and that therefore failure
- of ratification was mostly his -fault
It isn't true, but it was so defiJy pre
sented that it carried hundreds of
thousands of Qeople ' into the voting
booths in a determination to vote for
a change. ;:: ".:v ; A.V? .
. Looked upon , as ar strictly moral
issue, the emancipation proclamation
would have, been long postponed. It,
was. not until dismemberment of the
Union was ( threatened that slavery
aa W JahaJ .tlU..t .it aV
viiiii if is-1 hi itir SHLiiPiimni , ' 11 inn a i rT
until the business wi. rid sensed pro-
hibition as a business issue that pro
' hibition was adopted.' ; It will not be
until the League of .Nations becomes
v fully, understood as not only; a moral
Issue but as a' business Issue, that it
will ba an appeal to very large groups
of American voters. It may . become
"this within a yely 6hort time after
Mr. ' Harding's inauguration, if the
treaty ' WTeckcrs have iheir way
; v In the'very thick of the campaign,
fam- products showed great weakness
In .price It has always been'believed
that a sharp, advance, in the price of
wheat, beat Bryan in 1836. Undoubt
edly the-market situation ia agricul
tural districts told heavily against tie
Democrats during the past few weeks.
In the business, world there have
' been a great many; cancellations' of
. orders. ' This has probabljt3een due
to the unsettled co'nditions of peace,
- to the state- of chaor in the world,
and to the natural, recession from the
Intensified activity of the past four
years.: But the situation: disturbed
business men and In many an instance
caused them to vott for a change.'
AD these and other; grievances are
reflected in the election returns. The
psychology of the time is 'such." that
anyone representing opposition to the
present administratioa would have
been" elected. 'r ' ' "
It is a temporary mood of the peo
ple. Presently it wilt pass, and the
true achievements of Woodrow Wilson
will be more accurately measured and
more generously acknowledged. In
time, the pendulum will swing back.
: The United States is aald to lead
th world in flnMingr and applying
means to bait juvenile crime and de
linquency. England, roused by this
leadership and realizing its own fail
ure in this department of correction,
looked about and came to the con
clusion that woman's work in be
half of the children of the United
States was and is the big factor
underlying our comparative success.
As an - unacknowledged tribute to
Yankee initiative, England has now
sent forth a cry for -women magis
trates in Juvenile courts and for
women .helpers on the outside. It
is safe to predict that British pertin
acity will apply the American rules
and remedies with '; marked success.
man of the shipping board, in an
article contributed to Leslie's, calls
attention to the fact that America,
with the ships built by the shipping
board under the -stimulus of war, pos
sesses the second ' largest merchant
marine, among the nations of crth.r
Great Britain, including all its do
minions, possesses 10.831 merchant
vesseli ; .of 100 gross tons rad over, a
total of 20.582,652 gross tons. On June
30 "of this year the United States
owned 3404 ocean vessels of 500 gross
tons and over, a total of 16,918,212
dead weight tons. This is a larger
total than that possessed by the Ger
man empire 8,188,344 deadweight tons
before the war, when ,.ae Teutons
were striving for' commercial maitery
of the peas. - .'
During the six months ending June
30 last, Admiral Benson adds, 61.4. per
cent of all the vessels which .entered
and, cleared, the ports of this nation
were under American registry. These
vessels represented 3,3 per cent of
the total tonnage, of the period named
and handled '60.8 per. cent of all the
export and Import business of the
UniteUStates during that period.
It is little to bewondered that Great
Britain Is worried by tie increasing
merchant ship power of, the United
States. ' . , '
An admirable recommendation of
the Pacific Northwest Tourltt asso-
elation at its annuel, meeting : in
Tacoma. was that closer . cooperation
between local communities and the
association be obtained. , JFor . ins
tance, it would be cooperation with
the larger tourist enterprise for
Portland to establish permanent and
well equipped motor tourist : camp
grounds and for Portland "business
and hotel ran to see that tourist
hostelries are placed convenient i to
points of exceptional scenic interest
AS everyone, including shoppers
and the people from offices, stores
and shops, tr'es 16 go. home at the
same time in the evening, so it seems
from the appeal of Postmaster Jones
that everyone makes the getting of
mail into Jhe postoff ice. ths last act
of a hectio day. j ,
The electric cancelling machines
handle letters at the rate o 72,000 an
hourJ The' postoffice clerks are mob
ilized for speed.. But if most of the
200,000 letters arid 15,000 rarcel post
packages which are sent daily from
the oUy,. not to- mantion local mail,
are received ail at once it Is esylto
understand why that important letter?
dropped into the box, fails to make
the. train on which it was intended
it should be dispatched.
Cooperation appears to be an ex
ceedingly comprehensive word. ' Co
operation between; the public and the
postoffice might J solve the mailing
Drohlem ami end - fhi rHIIrlcmi i ef
slow delivery. j ; 1 i
Do your mailing early. . i
If Mose Christensen, back there
in tho hearse, heard the melody from
the instruments o! his fellow musi
cians as his funeral cortege passed
through: Portland streets yesterday,
his soul must have , been full ; of
peace. Together, the dead musician
and his fellow, players joined in
many ;a symphon:- ;and together eft
drank of the wine of music. , Few
there were who watched the passing
funeral train that did not have
the thought of how meet J It was
that in a baptism; of music by his
comrades Mose Christensen passed
on and out. " 7 t ;
WHEN Lieo.enant Charles Wan
derer was" put on trial for the
murder of his wife and unborn child.
psychologists tesUiied that he had
the mind of a ten-year-old child.
Yet lie' :jiad pa'ssec "the tests im
posed by the army. Us had deliber
ately planned and cold bloodcdly exe
cuted an atrocious crime., before his
horrible act he had been classified
with normal persons of fair intelli
gence.' :. k . - , . ' (
Do the psychoiogj tests need re
vision?' ;
Or should a multitude of apparently
normal p ople .be subjected to tests
before they have a chance either to
do harm or to escape punishment . on
a specious plea?
This is the .!mo of the year when
slips may best be cut for the sum
mer's growth of rose ' bushes and
placed in mcist sand preliminary
to being planted as' rooted plants
next fall. To do so is to curb rank
growth and distribute' the beauty of
the roses. : ' i r----;. , ' V ' ;;;'
APPROXIMATELY ' e tenth of the
population of the United Stated
lives in New York, Chicago and Philadelphia.-
'i , -. . ;
The propo-tion Is 9.8 per. cent. In
1910, it was 9.1. It is a gain in 10
years of seveni tenths, of i per cent
over the rest of the country, c j
It is not a wholesome condition. It
is extraordinary that an approximate
one tenth of r !I the people should
be crowded into three great centers.
Nor is it in these mighty munici
palities alone that the condition ap
pears. More tban half the people of
the country art now for the first time
living in Inaorporated places of 2500
population and i over. The number of
people living in incorporated cities
of less-than 5O0 population increased
215 per cent between 1910 and 192Q,
That portion of the American popula
tion living In ourely country districts
decreased six enths of 1 per cent, cr
one tenth of 1 ,ier cent less than the
population of the cities of New York,
Chicago and Pbiladelphia increased.
The increase jti the number of farms
from 1910 to 19'40 was 98,496 against
an increase of j 620,000 from 1900 to
1910. The drop n the increase ; of
farms through- reclamation of wild
land and the subdivision of large
farms is a mosE'' significant indication
of the drift to. tha cities.
AV'e cannot afford to let this tide of
humanity continue to flow from the
country to the town. To check it is
one of the greatest problems In Amer
can life. j .
There Is. no way to misunderstand
what it means.) It means that the
legislation and iprescnt economic ad
justments. In. the country; are such
that farms ! and j farming are not suf
ficiently profitable to' make ' country
life attractive. There can be no other
explanation.! j. .
At the polling places yesterday
many vdters did not know the names
of candidates ij be written j'in for
supreme judge mnd attorney general.
It is a weak place In the system. The
law should; provide" that the names
of those who are candidates for va
cancies should T be posted in polling
places. At some places th judges
and clerks took the position they
could not tell i voters who were can
didates for- the two offices, and at
others, no one present knew who
these candidates were.
MRS. JOSEPH STONE, 27. is dead
at Riverhead, Long Island.
Investigation showed that she. died
from the effects of lemon extract
poisoning. Police say that during the
past few months" the sale of the ex
tract in tli a I section increased rapidly.
The army was the first l recognize
the deleterious effects of lemon ex
tract arid forbade its use. Chemical
analysis shows that the alcohol con
tent is 60 to 80 per cent.
. The "-symptoms;, of victims poisoned
by its use do aot iresemble those in
wood alcohol poisoning..
A herd of cows at Winsted, Conn.,
got "jagged" oni cider apples and one
died from the effects of the debauch.
Their owner played the role of nurse.
fastening burlap bags soaked in hot
water about the heaas of the cows.
Th Volstead act has its' place in
history. Prohibition has worked ,a
revolution that ! saved thousands.
But. King ;Alcoholi.Ics hard.
Booze .starts at the hovel, takes in
the stable on its rounds, and winds
jup at the palace. It tak-T the widow
and the hopeless inebriate firsts Then
it spreads . Its claws for , the , ragged
street urchin, and the toiling mother
at the washtub' ; " ;
Gavin McNab of San Francisco is
the second Pacific Coast appointee
by President Wilson to membership
on the shipping board. Joseph N.
Teal is the first. ..Both are excep
tionally able in matters pertaining to
rates, traffic and shipping.
17 AILURE of judge v clerks of elec-
1 tion to be' at polling places and
fully organized for work at the hour
appointed for receiving ballots is all
too frequent, in Portland. - ";..
Yesterday there vas such a failure
in a dozen j Portland precincts. At
every election there is simiiar remiss
ness.'' ',"-' V j: : : : '
There is no higher , trust than the
solemn responsibility committed to
election clerks, ani 'judges.' There is
no more sacred 1 function in the re-
Public 'than receivray and .counting
the balloU of the? citizenry on election
day. Those ; whot in advance, accept
the responsibility should either be
present or signify beforehand their" In
ability to -carry out their trust
One , claim is that the pay is too
small. The pay is no smaller on-elec
tion day than it was when the per
sons named for Judges and clerks ac
cepted the. appointment If the pay
was too small at the time of accept
ance, that was the time to make lis
facts known. ! . '
Delay jn organizing and opening, the
polling places 'lag a bad effect on the
public mind.- It! creates iistrust.- It
gives the waiting voter the Impression
that: the whole election business is
slipshod, that frauds are possible, and
that: the election is anything "but a
solemn function.; ' H is not 'a whole
some or an intelligent condition.
; Perhaps we try by law too much
and too often to "compel people to
do their duty.; But would .It be out
of the way to lay a penally upon
judges or clerks who accept appoint
ment and then, without noticeor ex
cuse, fall to be; on hand for duty
when the polls open?
Before Wilson went Into the presi
dency, 10 per :ert cr ess of Amer
ican foreign commerce was . carried
in American bottoms under the Stars
and Stripes. W even, had to . hire
foreign bottoms to carr, fuel for the
American fleet which Roosevelt sent
around the world. The tremendous
change from that status to the pres
ent high place in which the Amer
ican merchant marine stands Is one
of , the; achievements of the Wilson
Enormous Consumption in Transporta
tion la a Knife That Cuts in Marty
Directions at Once "White Coal"
As the Way Out.
-From the Detroit Sew
Just before the opening ot winter, coal
is always an interesting topic, and par
ticularly of late years when the ques
tion is whether there will be enough coal
to keep fthe homes of the people warm
and the public utilities running. If then
It can be discovered that a single in
dustry Is wasting millions) of tons, of coal
every year- the fact should elicit more
than passing notice; . . 1
The railroads of the country-get about
a quarter of the total output Cl the coal
mines. v They - require approximatejy
ISO. 000.000 tonu of coal everv vear. Ob
viously they can consume very little bf
this at the mines, so there -follows the
necessity of burning a lot of coal in loco-,
motives which are employed' hauling the
railroad coal to distant: points where it
is to be burned in other locomotives.
And as the question of !car shortage is
important, it may also be mentioned
that all transportation t is continially
cluttered up with cars of coal which can
serve no other purpose than to keep the
railroads going. 1
Costs also enter intimately into the
discussion. The railroads (constantly, de
mand increasing rates and a very con
siderable 5 part of their expense is for
fuel. The price of steam-making coal
is always on the up graded. How rapidly
this increase has developed in the past
few years is shown by the report of the
Detroit Edison company. Reviewing the
past 10 years, that company shows that
between 1910 and. 1915 the cost of its
coal was $2.21 per ton. During 1916 and
1917 the price of, coal rose steadily until
by the end of the latter year it was sell
ing' at about $4.50 per ton. By June.
1920, coal had gone up to $7.37 per ton,
an increase in the 10 years of 233 per
cent. How much so marked an increase
of costs must have adaed to he "ex
pense of the country's transportation is
easy-to understand.
And now: come the electrical experts
and declare that, the railroads have an
easy and logical means of - eicape and
the public -should force them- to avail
themselves of 1C- Charles P. Steinmets.
a recognized authority in electrical mat
ters, told, the Chicago Electric club .; the
other day? that "by the electrification-of
the railroads and the installation of elec
tric locomotives, a saving of fuel of 66
per cent would be accomplished. He. said
he was not guessing at the figures but
that they were summaries-of j results
carefully worked out by railroads for
merly using coal- but now electrified.
And he pointed out, also, that thousands
of cars now used for hauling railroad
coal would be released for handling other
commodities. i
An electrical expert connected with
transportation work has also , recently
testified upon the subject. Edward
Wanamaker, electrical engineer for the
Chicago, Rock Island., and Pacific rail
road, speaking before the American
Railway Electrical Engineers' associa
tion, said : "The prices of coal and fuel
oil have been constantly on the' increase,
and while the present rate of wages is
being paid there will be no decrease in
the -price of transportation. Consequent
ly, the only alternative is to utilize our
vast water power resources and electrify
our railroads.
The question is of vast public interest
and should be kept in the public mind
so- as to develop an intelligent public
opinion. For because of the intimate
relations which exist between the rail
roads and the coal mining-interests, the
present system of waste and inefficiency
may not correct itself. A strong pres
sure from without may be necessary to
bring the transportation interests to a
sense of their obligation to make the
best use of ; the country's natural re
sources. . . I
- ( Communication sent to Th Journal for
publication in tbis department ahould be written
on only on side of the paper: should not exceed
300 words in length, and must be (ifned by th
writer, whose mail address in full most accom
pany th contribution.
Portland, Oct- 16. To the Editor of
The Journal Whoever may be elected
as our next president. I hope he
will some way try to stop so many
immigrants from - coming- over here.
My reasons are that they come over for
only one thing, and that's the American
dollar. Ninety pep cent do not intend
to become American citizens. ' Then,
again, we laboring men, cannot under
stand their speech. They will not talk
United . States. But you talk about
revolution, then they can talk, j
' I was born In this country. My father
was a soldier, under .General Sherman.
Therefore I will not work alongside
any man who cannot talk United States.
Roy Bennett.
Portland. Oct 22. To the Editor of
The Journal I wish you would publfsh
this, as it is from one who has been
through the mill. I know all about the
third ' degree. It bas burned -murder
right into myj heart. I am an ex
convict spent -two years in Salem,
served time and. am now free, but .the
torture that I had to endure while taking
the third degree did not help, me any,
but down deep in .my heart there , is
that " hatred, that I can never: exter
minate, for those who took part In that
brutal work. People don't dare mistreat
dumb animals, but they can almost kill
their fellow man and - nothing is said.
When I read about the brutal way in
which Owens, Hart and the others" were
treated it brings hack to me the things
I had to go through and makes my
blood boil, and I wonder if this world
Is still inhabited by cannibals, j -
" Nothing can" be accomplished by the
severe methods used in the third- degree,
and it only makes criminals ; for who
wouldn't have murder In his heart after
being beaten and ' every other method
of cruelty applied by those .who wish to
show their authority?. "CS
i : v.r. One Who Knows.
Portland,! Oct 29. To the Editor of
The Journal John Walrod, through the
Oregonian,: boasts rof blsi longevity. He
says he voted for Abraham Lincoln for
president, and has been "voting er
straight" ever since. .He is 81 years old
Letters From the People
and still a kid and ready to put on the
gloves with the winner of the champion
ship. :; j'-.';v,'i '
I can go him one better. I voted for
James Buchanan for president in' 1856.
Buchanan proved a little wobbly, like
Harding is now, tnd X voted for Stephen
A. . Douglas in 186a t have n-: been
voting er straight except for -pres;dent,
ever since.' Sometimes, though rarely, I
have found a better man f or a minor
office In the Republican party than -his
Democratic opponent, and have voted for
him sccordinrlv. " .
My independence arid seal for the good k
of the country may have lengthened my
years to near 86, according to Mr. Wal
rod's logic, and. though active and Jolly.
I am not ready to put on the mitts for
the prize ring, as I think I am more
skilful with the ballot than with the
gloves. " J. B. Wright.
Vancouver.' Wash., ' Oct.' 26 To ' the
Editor of The Journal The great Edison
is now working on his mi.sterpece- This
he refers to as an "apparatus" and de
scribes it as "an unusually delicate in
strument capable of magnifying the
most minute presences thousands of
times."' From his brief description of
this futurity one infers that In nature it
will be an apparition apparatus a psy
chometerK a psycho-camera, or. in plain
English, a soul finder. Now it appears
evident that, ' through experience, Mr.
Edison has learned that souls, like birds,
cannot be captured by sprinkling salt
on their tails. He stated: "If we are
to make any real progress in the field
of psychic investigations we must do it
with scientific apparatus and in a scien
tific , manner," This "is sound sense.
Chasing black cats In dark garrets in
which cats have never been has ever
proved discouraging. If spirits are things
even any manner of things then Mr.
Edison's experiment will unquestionably
prove successful. Now no intelligent
spiritist can doubt that . a spirit is a
thing, and a very material thing at that.
Prominent scientists inform us that thesis
things can live, move and have their
being on earth and in earth's atmo
sphere -that they can be seen, heard and
felt. . Thin proves that a spirit while
at earth's level must be materially
heavier than air. To be seen, it must
have the'power to reflect light and thus
initiate sight waves. This, matter alone
can do. To be. heard, it must crea'e at
mospheric convulsion in order to start
sound waves into motion. And in order
to be felt it must be a thing that can
induce feeling. Mr. Edison is suffici
ently pane to be trusted. He won't
waste his highly valuable time chasing
spooks, wraiths and banshees.
J, Harold.
"Weiser, Idaho. Oct, 30. To the Editor
of The Journal--In coimplete accord with
your sentiments uolitically as expressed
editorially, I must give vent. to. my ab
solute objection to your, sentiments in
your recent editorial entitled "Chicago's
Roman Holiday.! How can you express
such sentiments on this just retribution?
Haven't the people of Oregon, expressed
their conviction Strongly enough on the
death penalty for murderers? Did the
Incidents of the Boston police strike
make so little impression on you? Have
you ever had personal experience as a
police reporter, and yet still fail to
understand that only fear of punish
ment deters most of us from crime? .
- Different crimes justly call for dif
ferent punishments. A man that takes
life must in turn expiate his erime with
bis own life. It is absolutely just ; in
addition, it probably deters many others
from committing similar crimes,
i Do you know that every one of these
men murdered in cold blood, for gain,
and that over some of them all but
sufficient legal evidence was at hand
that they were mixed in other murders
before the crime ait they were sentenced
on? ' ft B. Dougherty.
; Albany. Oct. 28. To the Editor of The
Journal I thank you most heartily for
the fine send-off you gave some of us
Oregon Prohibition party presidential
electors, in which I am included, on
your editorial .page in The Journal of
October 7.. However, the writer of same
does not give me-the full measure of
my status as a pioneer by saying "hav
ing come to the state during the early
40s. Really, I did not "come to the
state." ' The state came to me ; for I
was born in the then unsettled territor
called Oregon, at the Whitman mission,
near the present Walla Walla. December
7, 1838, and so will soon be 82. Oregon
has always been my home,
: This is not written , as a criticism.
Cyrus H. Walker.
i Alrlie, Oct. 20. To the Editor of The
Journal In the Oregonlan of October-13
appeared a lot of balderdash about a
Morrow, county rhymester, and some of
his verse, s Yes, J read It because I
happen to' know the "poet." But it
was too cheap stuff to occupy the col
umns of a great dally newspaper. It
was not even good humor, but was ani
example of the decadent journalism .of
the present day. I say "decadent" ad
visedly, for-where at the present day
are. the Danas, the Greeleys, the Hal
steads, Ulnong the editors, or the Nas
bys, M.;QOads and Josh Billingses among
our "humorous" contributors?
The poor old Oregoniah must be hard
up for something to fill space.
.' ' Herbert W. Copeland.
: Vancouver. Wash., Nov. 1. To the Ed
itor of The Journal A umatilla con
tributor writes: '-'The land Question is
the root . question ' of Russia."
Yes, it is the "root question" of the
world. But why is this question so in
tensely recondite? . Why is the question
of air not perplexing? One could exist
for days Independent of the earth, but
shut off his air supply and his mundane
stay would be limited to minutes. Thus
tbe air is of more immediate importance
to us than ia the land. Still it is free to
all, while the land is free only to ex
ploiters. . A' word to the wise is sufficient, and
a sermon will pot benefit a fool.
J. Harold.
: Portland. Oct 27. To the Editor of
The Journal At my boyhood home,
Jacksonville, ' III., there was . a sheriff,
of Morgan' county, by the name of both
Democratic and Republican candidates
now running . for president His name
was Harding Cox; for verification of
this statement, ask Dick Yates, governor
of Illinois, or W. J. Bryan. These men
were both ; acquainted with him, no
doubt as Yates was born - there and
Bryan attended college there. S. T. S.'
Portland. Oct 24. To the. Editor, of
The Journal I write this in View of R.
L. Woods' recent letter entitled "Victory
Medals": fv ?-'""'. ;!'V
Don't you know the war is all over?
Didn't you get $60 and a discharge?
Didn't you get free writing material and
good advice from the- Y. M. C-A.T r So
what ' are you kicking : about ? . Get - a
pick and shovel and go to work. That
is a' good trade that I am told the sol
diers all learned while in the service.
I -;:V-' , A W. Ftnlin.
Portland, Oct 31. To the Editor of
The - Journal Your "Letters From the
People" column is both interesting and
amusing. . It gives the people & chance
to exchange views on political, religious
and economic questions. - When one's
ideas begin to boil over be writes a let
Now let's hear the swan songs, r
Glad we didn't have to vote In North
western Wyoming's - snow-covered polls.
'I ' -' ' ' .' ' .."' - -v f: :; :'-
1 france needs small change. ' But
wherein does France -differ from the
general rule?
.! in any, event Esther Tohl Lovejoy
ponied a lot of votes. '
. -The
market page says : "Hogs show
excellent demand." 'Twas ever thus.
- - ..,:-.--,
. "i1" to look like Portland might
be hit by a little more Oregon mist.
There really should be ! enough lus
cious Oregon apples of enough varieties
to satisfy every appetite. v
J:1' fiver Is ue world's one stream In
tion? r r no ob8tacle to navlga
' . v ' . - : '
.Times have changed. The barbers used
I.-,- i1.1?1 of business after every
national defeat1 of the party In power,
rrom those funny old chaps who were
accustomed- to vow, they would never
nave their hair cut until a Republican
-"-or Democratic, as the case might be
president was elected.
: , . -. .... By Fred Lockley ,
, TA personal tribute to mn .who tin be
come pottmutef ot Portland on hi record and
not rU politic: is paid by Mr. Lockley. who
also tn rributa to the excellence of th merit
principle in fenerat a applied to all manner cf
erne and all cues ot promotion (or food
emc. . ,.. I .
Portland has a new' postmaster, t His
name is John M. Jones. For the first
time In Portland's history . a postmaster
has been selected on account of experi
ence and demonstrated' efficiency. John
M, Jones Is not a poet in someone's po
litical ; neither was be made post
master as a reward for past political
services. No politician is paying a pri
vate debt with public ; funds by having
him made postmaster.
John M Jones went to work In the'
Portland postoffice just 30 years ago, as
a carrier. Recently itlwas my pleasant
task in behalf of the Portland public to
congratulate him on his selection as
postmaster and to wish him well In his
coming administration.) More than 200
of his, fellow workers piet at the Port
land hotel at a banquet in his honor.
Postmaster Jones in a inost happy man
ner asked for the cooperation of these
fellow workers in giving Portland the
best service we have' ever had. ' '
Sometimes the letter carriers think
they are the foundation stone of .the
postal service. Talk to a postal , clerk
and you will find lie thinks it is the
clerks who are the ! most important
branch of the service. But after all, it
is ydu and 1 the public, who are the
foundation stone of tbe postal depart
ment, for if we quit writing letters and
patronizing the postal department it
would crumble.-' ; '
"When John M. Jones entered the serv
ice as a carrier in June, 18310, Portland
had 16 carriers. Today we have 214 and
need more. In the past the fatal defect
of government service, particularly in
the postal department, has been that it
was a blind alley job. No matter how
intelligent, industrious and zealous a
ter to The Journal for relief and believes
It will lift his fellow man to a higher
standard of living. , Many times his op
ponent shows the weakness of his argu
ment and brings his idea -down to a
level. -The fundamental principle of pub
lic discussion Is educating, but there is
one bad feature about it: Many indulge
in personal attacks, and attacK the char
acter of an opponent This should be
avoided, because it never gains a point
on the question involved, and stirs up
strife and hatred. Many times we get
brilliant ideas from bad cnaracter?'. l
have written, many letters to The Journal
condemning our drastic prohibition law.
For so. doing I have' been cailea : vue
names. One writer wenr so far as to
say if a. man like met went to heaven.
hell should be taken out or the tsipie oy
God's own .hand. I am not simf)le
enough to believe anyone will go to hell
for not believinr as 1 do. jseitner no
think I shall go to hell for not thinking
as others do. I -have not defended social
evils from the 'point Of view that they
are right but from the point of view
that it is beyond the power of
destroy Chem, and this J is being demon
strated by -our drastic! prohibition- law,
When we enact laws against nature there
Is no foundation for them to rest on.'
, E. A. Linscott v
Portland, Oct 30. To" the Editor of
The Journal A fundamental law. of
psychology tells us that, "every thought
entertained tends to express Itself in
terms of action, unless! counteracted by
a contrary thought of equal power."
This law applies to all suggestions either
from without, or within. Those which
are entertained - tend to' result in action.
For instance, the carrying of a revolver
suggests the right to kill at your dis
cretion, and the temptation tO do so
is continually present, only waiting the
opportunity for expression. The practice
of ' carrying revolvers cannot , be too
strongly condemned. I much appreciate
the attitude of The Journal on this sub
ject . ', ... .Harry St. Opp. -
' t: -
Lowell Thomas In VAsi." . ,
f "History Is against the probability of
the creation of an Arabian empire. ) The
Semitic mind deos not lean toward: sys
tem or organization." said Colonel Thorn
as E. Lawrence recently, ?
"The Semites are represented by
little art architecture; i philosophy.
we find an amazing, fertility among the
Semites in the creation of creeds? and
religions.. Three of these creeds Juda
ism. Christifenity and Mohamedanfami
have,, become . great world movements.
Th broken fragments of countless other
religions which have failed are found
today on the fringes of the desert
"The desert seems to produce only
one' Idea the universality of God. We.
who have gone out to discover the meaning-of
the desert, have found only emp
tiness nothing but sand. wind, soil and
empty -space. The Bedouins leave be
hind them every extraneous comfort and
go to live in the desert, in the very
arms of starvation, that they may be
free, The desert exacts a price for Its
secret It makes the Bedouins entirely
useless to , their fellowmen. There has
never been a Bedouin prophet On the
other hand," there has never been a Se
mitic prophet who has not before
preaching his message, gone into the
desert and caught from the desert dwel
lers a reflection of their belief. The idea
of the absolute worthlessness of ths
present world is a pure desert concep
tion, at the root of every i Semitic re
ligion, which must ber filtered through
the screen of a non-nomad prophet be
fore it can be accepted by a settled
people." . . -i
' 'lYoni the Philadelphia Public tedrer
; The t cry from the soil which gave
such tenseness, and even bitterness, to
the meeting of the farmers with the
federal reserve board in Washington is
a real one. In all this issue of high
prices for foods and the products of
tbe farm the farmer has been Lha under
- The dog licenses issued to date In Polk
county number 837. which has cost ma
taxpayers the sum of $951.50 Folk
County Popt, -. i .'
' The early rains have made excellent
fall pasturage for stock., so that somj
benefit is derived -along with the losses.
I'owers Patriot.
Heating stoves are being set up this
week as a result of the cold weather.
This is no time for the minister to call.
Crane American. ,
The editor of the Sentinel had an en
forced three-day lay-off the first of the
Meek, paying the penalty by ieye trouble
of too much night: work. Carlton Sen
tinel. : . -.-'.'--'
. - -' - - .1 "
"There is no manipulation of prices lor
gambling on the board of trade." Pres
ident Gates of the Chicago board testi
fied. We would believe that about as
quickly as We would believe a statement
that there areno sinners in hell. As
toria Budget.
No one has been placed in Jail here
since September 13, though there is no
doibt .some', would have been if I hey
had got what was coming to them. Cer
tainly the man who attempted to dyna
mite Cameron's office at North Bend is
letter carrier was, there was. no chance
for advancement or recognition of tys
ability. He was in a rut from which
there was ijo escape except by resigna
tion., dismissal or death. The same
thing held true of the clerks. To secure
permission to "take the examination for
postal inspector one had to have . por
lifical pull. Government clerks, as a
result of the system..-soon lost their
initiative and were afraid to strike out
for. themselves. They lost pride In the
service and considered their jobs wholly
In the light of meal tickets. Let us
hope that time has gone by forever, and
let. us also hope the time will soon come
when. froiSt postmaster general down to
special delivery messenger, the only test
will; be ability and pride in doing the
job we'll. The public should strive to"
cooperate with the postal employes, and
the clerks and carriers should never for
get that the public pays their salaries
and is entitled to courteous and effi
cient service.; If a carrier or clerk is
harsh, , brusque or sarcastic to a for
eigner, the foreigner iudces the govern
ment by the; acts of- the government
employe, and damns the government, for
the acts of &; thoughtless or inefficient
public servant A courteous, intelligent
and obliging postal employe can make
friends for our government and help
make good citizens.
. -
Yes, a new and better day has dawned
for'government employes and in seeing a
former letter carrier rewarded for long
and efficient service by being appointed
postmaster, they can all take heart and
buckle down to their work with new
courage. ' V
It is said there are no microbes on
the money- paid postal employes, be
cause a' microbe couldn't live on the
salary "of a postal employe.' . Let us hope
that they will sdon be paid salaries, suf
ficient 1 to live on in comfort and on
which they can educate their ' children
and lay by for old age.:
a tic
do e. His credit has been, restricted artd
his labor costs have gone bp. All this
does prophesy "general bankruptcy and
ruin" unless the farmer, by some; mirac
ulous act of his own and Incredible
thrift, plus the most self -sacrificing
methods, manages to keep-things 'going
and secure bumper crops. !
In the face of this. the farmer has
teen met everywhere with abuse or with
fine words. That he has taken to pro
test and to politics is but natural.
In the meantime, H is ; a condition
that ; confronts the firmer which no
promised future panacea .can cure. As
President McSparren of the Pennsyl
vania state grange said in Washington,
the whole issue is one of- credits. Art
enlightened public opinion should sup
port the farmers-in their demand for a
reasonable reform on the part of ' the
federal reserve board and for a change
in the attitude of "Tie secretary of the
treasury toward farVi collateral. The
farmers ;have; been misrepresented too.
long..- They face the .paradoxical position
of getting low nricesVfor farm products,
below the cost-of prjSeBuction in , many"
cases, while the costs ot the same
products -to the ultimate consumer are
so pyramided as to reach unbelievable
levels. Of allthe factors in this final
cost, the farmer plays the smallest part
and yet gets the maximum share of the
blame while-denied .the kind of easy
credit that would be " granted to the
smallest manufacturer or business man
In any center of the country. '
' j Strange -
From' tliNew York Post. ' ,
'There's one thing I can't understand
about these spirit communications."- re
marked Mr. Brown as he .finished read
ing the account of a highly successful
seance. -
"What's that John, dear?" asked his
wife. ' :
"Why, you never her of - ar departed
soul having gone any other place ex
cept straight to heaven."
Curious Bits of information
Gleaned From Curious riaces
Trial by taste is the rule on the mar
ket in'Aleppoj, Syria7 where the dealers
In the ! market stalls of Jer' loaves i of
bread, bowls of soured rnilk, basins of
stew, cooked potatoes, ' roasted meats,
boiled vegetables, cakes, nuts, etc,
writes Captain .Alan Bott, R. A. F., In
Harper's Magazine. 1 An Intending buyer
digs finger and thumb into some steam
ing dish. fisl s out s piece of meat and
eats It. Then he either buys i it or
passes on to another stalls following the
same process.; After tasting the various
offerings, th;; taster 'can sometimes eat
a full meal. I ; The merchants, however,
have a keen sense . of perception and
differentiate between legitimate buyers
and those seeking free feeds, "handing
out kicks promiscuously to those of the
latter type, ; - j
Olden -Oregon
How Daniel .Lee Moved a Bunch of
' Cattle to The Dalles.
The Methodist mission af The Dalles
was established m March, 1838. ! Sup
plies were taken up the river by boat
Cattle were ' driven ovtr the Cascade
mountains uy Daniel Lee, who was as
sisted onlr by Indians. Lieer8 descrip
tion of his helpers is interesting. Tr-re
were an old Chinook, w ith only one .good
eye; a stout young Walla -Walla 'jear
ing a name which signified 'destltute,"
because be bad gambled away his pat
rimony ; another Chinook with a. flat
tened head :and "big mouth ; another
Walla Walla, a gamester and a rogue.
The fifth was a cripple who carried a
long crutch j oa which he rested and
swung his body forwanl by-leaps, l With
this company Lee arrlvid at The Dalles
with 14 head of cattle eight days after
leaving the Willamette valley.
The Oregon Country
North t Hippmlnri 1n Brief Form for th
Columbia county's loss of clover see4
on account of he rains U estimated at
5-0t0. ::. - , ''.""
On account of 111 health. Le BettK
son of J. Ou Bettls of Coburp, borrowed,
a( reyoU-cr and killed himself.
Vandals broke Into the Cat hollo
church at Marshflekl. smashed noma of
the statues and did considerable damage
to the seats and furniture.
Threshing Is lnv progress' again In
Crook county, the ruins buying held It
up for a while.'are reiorteii of
35 to 40 bushels to the acre. Y
v Five sides will be oiierated In Ihe lo? i
glng 'camjt of the Buehner Lumber com-;
nany at Allegheny, and alKiut 025 mn
will be employed in the wockIh. r
The Portland. Astoria & Ii lfic Hall
way company will have trao laid from
Banks clear over the dlvhte Into ths
Nehalem A-ia Button and Beaver Creok
by Jiext June. i.
Louis W. SegTRel. who served in France
as a ileajtenant durinc the world war,
but who is no;v farming near Iiidepnd- '
ence, -has been elected captain of .Com
pany K, O. N. G.
A wingl that. will cost $262,000 Is being
added to St Lukes hospital at .Spokane. :
Isaac Benjamin Huntington, a resident :
of Cowlitz county for 69 years, Is dead i
at Castlerock. !
On .account' of early storms the QuU
nault salmon cannery has closed opera
tions for the.souHon. .
Two ferninine footpads held up TC
Ohira, a Japanese farmer,, near Wapato,
and relieved html of $263. V. v
The Spokane bounty farm hureaM Yinn
started a campaign that it Is hoped will I
.uyu m us int'inuernnip roil.
John' Mapner Jr.. a 14-year-old boy
or Seattle.-has nrHher been absent, nor r
tardy-rom m-hool 'for eight years. .
'.The Bucoda council has passed an i
ordinance prohibiting stork from run
ning at large within, the limits of the
town, i - .
A bond Issup calling for $2. 000,000' will '
be, presented to the votpra at'thn nnniiul
srhool election in Tacoma on Decem
ber 2. ' , - - '
Joseph Tt. Johnston was fatally In
jured at Yakima when he nllpped under
th wheels of a truck he was attempting
to board.
Because be was despondent. i(3utav
Klir.gliell, aged 38, who owned a frfrnt
near Manor, borrowed a shotgun and
killed himself.
Matt Gilmoro of Rook Creek, s sheep
man. Is reported to have lost ftOO sheep
in . the country between Mount Adams
and Lewis river. '
Contracts " have been awarded for
graveling one mile ofth North Bank
nignway at tjnderwood and anoSher mile
near -Beacon Rock.
club In Walla Walla have been awarded
i r i urrs ni i lie unvs: sarin i iiris' i ir
prizes or in gold. Henry Delaney s
winnings totaled $140. r
Ij. t. E. Morso of Bellinghsm was
trapped while asleep and burned to
death when fire destroyed the OBtorman
building at Mount Vernon.
Mrs. Adelia Coolidca Is dead at
Everett from irj'iries received when she
was knocked down by an automobile
driven by Miss ltarhl Seiber. '
A memorial costing $15,ri00 will be
erected in Seattle to honor former Wash
ington National - (fuardsmea who lost
their lives during the World war.
A touring car belonging to Attorney A. -R-
Venable of Yakima overturned and
burned on th Benton Citv road. The
occupants escaped with a few bruises.
Since the Mount Carmel hospital Was
poet of $18,600. the institution has cared
for 248 surgical cases and 131 medical
cases. - -s,
vitiuijicr infretiifj in i-no pner or nin-
mond is predicted during April or May
in a cablegram received by Seattle
jewelers. The price prevailing In that
city is $350 ;a karat.
Bankers of the Palouse country have
extended all possible credit to the farm
ers to aid -them In -hnlrlitiir thtlr alint
The crops are 4he best that the PsIoumo
country has ever seen. ,' .
; While attempting to steal a" ride ort a
freight train at Wenatchee. MJkfe Amler
son aiubNick Coseridge, Austrian labor
ers, were each shot throuRh the thigh
by Special Officer It A. Brockman.
The North' racifir- has bppwi cmist ruc
tion of a 2i-roo;n hotel at Kootenai.
' Pocatello Is now In the firKt claws lint,
having a population, according to.cchrfUs
returnB. of 15.001.
" Dried prunes sre not being uhipped
from. Idaho, as thet i said to bo no
demand for the -fruit'. .
Sy the end of t rVia week over 300 ear-,
loads pf apples will have been thipe!
out of LewbUon valley.
. During seven month's' hultiein from
the tinie of opening, a Caldwell produce
bouse reports more than $100,000 worth'
of. trade.. ' ' '
"Potiy" Young, who opened the first'
racetrack. In Idaho at Boise lnv-J(i4, and
well; known throtiehout the. state. Is dead
Bt Vttrrtni. u vt 90 ' f "-
Growers on the bottom lands along
the "Boise river from Boise to Star are
getting "a net profit of $625 per acre from
ianu piaiiicu iu i cai sun
ceiery, -
Uncle Jef-f Snow Sas
Not sich a awful sight of the things
Uie poliUcians threatens ys wltb is as
tad as they re Jald out to be. we air
llKe jra iorenian in ijio s'juiii nanu;
country in. Texas. Ue was alius skeert
of the dark and of bobcats and fallln'
ifvpa-arirl Ml.h. nrt hnrdtv ever sUrrel
but of nights. . But one night corain"
home a little late a bunch of vigilantles
ketched him and by mistake they strunc
him up for a hossthlef. They cut him
Hnu-n rlirhf atenv' hnwevrr. and hruriff.
him to- and apologized. After that Jed
wasn't skeert of nuthin' whatsoever at
night v and .run around vitiitln snd
dancin' somethln' scandtus.- lie low-ea
nuthin' couldn't be no worse "n-what
he- had got clear from. . , ;
Census Shows a Dwindling in
Increase of Oregon Farms
- in the Past Decade.
, "
The United States census tells us
that Increase In the number of Ore
gon farms; was about 10.000 between
1900 aiid 1510 and only about half
that number between 1310 and 1920.
The figures may or may not have
significance In Indicating the area
farmed, but they do suggest a slowing
up in the attack by sheer numbers
upon the raw lands of the state.
In 1300 Oregon had 35.837 farms;
inlSio, 43.502: in 1920. 60, US.. The
census bureau explains:
"A TarmV for census , purpose Is
all the land which is directly farmed
by one person, either by his own
labor alone or;wlth the assistance
of members of his household or hired
employes. When a .landowner has
one or more tenants, "rentcrB. crop
pers or managers, the -land opernisd
by each ia considered a farm."
Puring the two census periods the
number of far.ns has sfiown greater
Increase-In Washington thsn in Ore
gon. During the period' from 1900 to
1910, the number of farms In Owgoi?
increased 27 "per cent, in Washing
ton, 69.2 per cent Similarly. Jie in
crease between 1910 and 1920 was 10.3
per cent In Oregon and 18 per cent
in Washington. , " ,
In J900 Washington had 33.203
farms; in 1910. 66,162: in 1920. 66.
2S8. . . ... V
There will be printed in this-corner
tomorrow the table furnished by the
census -bureau showing by. counties
the number of farms In Oregon. - -