TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1920. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. 15 -1 Si x.; .PUBLIC SALE! AUCTION BALE 8S bead- of flo enilk LIVESTOCK I . row af public auction. air retiring iroin me r J- J 1 I It ul . nuhlio - llttln at my place adjoining the city limit of Hills bo ro, on the aoutu and 44 mil du the Pcifie Coast Condensed Milk Plant No. 5, at 10 a. m. on Friday. November 12. Fifty bd ' of- milk com, tuberculin, tested, Jersey. Hol stetas nd iurn my entire herd- Fouru-en fresh since September 1) 12 heJ n-rtolen; S bd givluf larg flow of milk; I tad Mint n fmir W.k Ol.t- Ml 2-Yrtf-OKl re- literexi, Jersey boll, fin trin. Tb milk from my herd ha dmi CoM to th retail trad in HillMwro annng tne im year. i m a there i nothing but stork tor al. Lunch at noon. Term of Ml: $20 end trader, cash; over $20, bankable not at 8 per ceut Interest ZINA WOOD, Owner. ' i J. C. Kt'RATLl,' Auctioneer. GRADE or registered rheep for tale, 'any breed, any number. Write for particulars. Box 61. N, Portland. Or. - fi IlEAlJ of good ' cow, aome freh and some - comma fresh soon; mostly Jersey-Guernsey. 845 and np. Will trad any of then owa for bnree or SA aatotnobil. Cell at 680 Powell valley road. Woodstock oaf. . 12 FRESH cow, to 6 gallon i on -yellow - Jeraey cow, 660: one foil blood Holstein null. 2 '- year old. Take Vancouver ear to Columbia boulevard, go on block north. B"laCK Jersey cow andTCjuet frmh, o year old. good rich milker and gentle: ,$180. Wrtin'a. corner of 7 let and Powell Vaiey road I Hawthorne car tine) . in f fO R SALlToung family cow. due to freshen March 12, also 1 buggy and barnes. 1967 Stark t. BOSEMONT. herd buck- ior service. ; bun. It pay to breed for milk. Toggf n 295 E. Wh at. W. Tabor 64 S. I IS I LEAD coming 2 -year-old i HEAD coming 2-year-old registered Cota. wold wa." Pric $18 per bead. Box. 61, i forth Portland. Or. ' J POULTRY" AND RABBIT8 IT rVBITE, wire or pbone ns your wants In, henaT pallets or CQBaereie, asanas T" ! "" IT A aa4afaatiaai maranteea. Jt. ITi. PbOM Kaet 404, STRAW OATS 10c PER 100 LBS. DELIVERED, foil 8PKOUTLNO Phone Bellwood 1014. BARREH HOCKS and Rhode Inland Hed pul )U, $1.60 to S2; White leghorn hen, l.ZS, each;. months-old White Leghorn pulleta, (1 1 ae.h. J. R. Magulr. TT Oregon st.. fOB SALE WWU Angora rabhiu. fur like O awansdown, flesh delicjona: lorely peta for children; prle II to 1 5. Mr. E. E. Watford, Bheridan, Or. . . ; - r ... It O. A. ('.' strain W. U rnckereU, 3 each; aha 4 Wysndott eockerels. Id to 17.60 oh; fin forrwdrnt stock. Msin 81o0. . it vdl LETS and hens, also A bred does and i f- - New Zealand bocks, cheap. 1860 Waahburne at. Col. 480. fir CHICKENS (Jon t pay, Hoaantae out non layers, WiU teach yon. Culls bought and taken for pay. Woodlawn t03. tb W. LEGHORN pullets, 41. B0 esoh, at Bull x ae., uregon line. a. it.- nimpion. CRATCH. $4. ITILilCilJ' Woodlawn 4344. I SO O. A. C. strain Whit Ig horn yeartfng bens. laying. Eaat 404. ' ' . : 150 WHITE LEUHORN pulleU for aal. W. H. Btrane, on flnnnytid road. DOCS. BTBT!4. PETW. ETC. 44 FU!JKEKD police dog, Irish, Hoottish terrier puppies. Speedway JKenaels, Tabor J5088. ITiUNGnbrimllirbulldog, e9Clinton at. Phone Hellwood e JaI'ANEKE Spaniel for Hi tery cheap to good hnnie; marked beautiful. 0-B38, Jounul PEIIi REED Boston Roll pnaa, fine stockTw weella old, cheap. Mam 4016 or Main 24 0 S. FOR BALK Airedale, 1 year old. tall 608 E. Rth st fi. CLWelLTN setter dg. Bellwood 825 TWO 'singers for sal and cage. Call Tab. 8187' AUTOMOBILES AHD ACCE8SOKIES 44 rTEBE'B TOTTR CfUNCB TO BUT . A FINE TOUHIVO CAB OV A STANDARD MAKE AT t'NUSDAr, . LOW PRICES. TERMS IT DESIRED. 191 B POtXlKI toorifit.... .....'...$! 1017 CHEVROLET touring. ...... , 850 11 BI'ICK llaht als !. ...... 405 1BIT OVERUND model 75B 8B0 JMXWELL tonrir......... 47S 1917 OAKLAND light alx......... 60 1817 OLDSatOBILK aiiht. ....... . DTS - -1 ..., -ki ' , Ton win i b tnrprbai at th fin - conditio f these cars when you see them. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. ; E. $770. Grand are. and Hawthorne ara. M. B. FlSCH Rtdlaton. tender, nodi, poods, tanks repaired and remodeled. Auto abeet metal work a spa malty. 105-107 N. 15th st. Pbone Brosdway 2200. roCCTCHIWTTL TTRB TlEPATTtrNO lUmttlrea a full knowldg ot tire conatrnctloa and proper equipment for each repair 1 w bate bothl Bring us that tire or tub and w will fix it right; pricee roaaonable;. pew and maed tire for leas: liberal allowance , on old tire. Vnlcan Tir Shop, 41 Grand ara corner Pin. avaat anso. HACRinCE BART.AIVa:- 43ADTMAO, 7-paa. . . : . . . $1B0 NATIONAL, 4 -pea. t ,......,-. 850 OAKLAND Sedan. 1021....... 1900 Cash or Term. WILLAMETTE MOTORS COMPANY. BROADWAY AT FLANDERS. . . Broadway 4184. TOE PENDER MAN 7. E. DURHAM, who Uka the kink out white yon wait: aim , repair radiator and oodles. Broadway lai. 80 K. lit at.. Dear BonMde. WEAVER TIRE COMPANY FEDERAL TIRES OREGON VTJLCANMnfO CO., TTRB REPAIRING 88S-88S Bnrneide at Broadway FOCR PA8SENGEB BUICK COUPE Recently purrbaaed and unharmed in any . way. Hit cord tire and other accessories. Not cheap, but a really new car at aom $600 under present prioa. , Owner, $73 K. Salmon. Pbone aiain 73U. INDIVlbCAL AUCTION OAKLAND touring car; will sell to best otter make me one. Mint lea re city. Call R, P. Saintley. Broadway 4184. . 100 North Broad way. MOTORS, gears, taeartng. wbeeU, axles; we - wrack all makes of cars and sail their part t to price. Hodea AutJ Wrecking Depu. 105 107 N. 11th at. . ODGE Classy looking car, new top of beat -material, plat glass, good cord tires. A-1 tne ehanical condition ; price $850; term. At 02 N. Broadway. Phone Broadway 4283. OAXLAVTLlK NEW Touring car. 1920 model; can aar inn $400 on guaranteed car: See car at 100 North Broad way. Call Mr. Stoker. Broadway 4184. BUICK coupe. 1818 model, car run 8000 miles. v ' Urea 200 miles; car in irfect order and looks ana n pracucany good as new. Meiepnon own er. Broadway 6679. 1'ORD TOURIW oar. lust orernauled. perfect runAing, condition. Term. Open Sunday and eirwiir. -aa I mm aTe.' N. " rnn KITE! C-A . ; rpotlight; Just overhauled aud painted; good ,fCT. .ov, xmo Aiienn are. n TPASSENGER Studcbaker Six, new top. paint nd rubber, a bargain at $B0O, with terms. .' . "'"Tg aaraag, omn. ana ueimont. 1918 HUDSON Super Six. perftct shape, six ur, rarai pen ai once, caan or terms. Phone Broadway 68BB. M10,,M 8. like new, S good tiias. new paint; j. J your car in trade; Uru Endri. BOW V. 1HAH. " STt'DKBAKER touring car Will guarantee motor in 4.1 mmIUU. T-.a . . . . . .. """i uu ure, tiid ,- miron .-1. trpen nun, ana ere . INW 1920 Mitchell Light Six. owner" must . . .V. Dnct- or una. Phone Broad- way offon. :BIi,WiEK' 192 CHANDLER TOURING " UAXWKLL tourinc. oood runnm. i lei"- ? bJTS1 1'IOT .rTP"r nd Moraga elMrgea, 1175 cash. 433 Hawthorne are. AIF 4. excellent condiUon; terms. En3ru! ; Bdwy. 1858., 1917 WILL-SS-KNIGHT roadster, a bargain just- oTerhauled. Phone Milwaukie 8 7 -X. Hl3T' eondition; a bargain; terms. Endria, , Bdwy. 1858. - BY OWNER 1919 Hodge A-l mechanically1 gaAK T.hn. IRKK ' BI2.l;niP',i SALE OF AUTOMOBILES? SAT., NOV. t. 1920. 10 A..M. 528 ALDER! . 118 FORD, completely orerhauled. new too. Call Tabor 7891. 8 4 7 E.filat. ' FOB SALE 8y owner, Hudson, auper 6, In good condition; 8 good cord tires. Ant 211-74. B,-VACIl0Ji 8ALE OP At-TCBILES SAT.. NOV. 8. 1920. 10 A M. B23 ALDER. OVERLAND "90." newly painted. goodTrunt -: 1 nng order; term. Kndria, Bdwy.. 18S8. 1018 DODGE in Ai condition forf70flL 248 , Tamhill nt. Hkka, -BI .AUCTION--SATE OP- AUTOMOtTfTpT -:, BAT., NOV. 0, 1920. 10 A. M. 025 ALDER. AUTOMOBILES AXP ACCESSORIES 44 HICttSAIJE Our big Used Car Sal to run during tb . next two weeks will begin next Tuesday, ' KLECTION DAT. W bar poaitaely re duced the price of bur used care. Rom tsl tbem we hare priced at a pflc that mean a large lose to ns, but we are determined . to clean up and get ready - for fipring. buftine. Look orer thrtv list, then com and ae tb car. "FORMER RALES PRICK. 800 i 600 Mitchell, 1918, 7-paasenger .. 7fl Briscoe, 1916, C-pasaenger .... SC Briscoe, 1918. 8-paaenger . , 70 rerbuid. Model 80. 5 -paw. . .- 85 Oreriand, Model 75, 6-paa. . . 59 Mitchell, 1917, 6-paasrnger. , 79 Overland. Model 88. 6-paaa. . . . 7t Mitchell. 1918, 3-pasa. . 8fl A illjro-Knlght. 5-paaaengr ... Pt Oakland, 1918. ' 5-paeaenger . t 80 Oakland, 1919. 5-pasnger . . IOC Mitchell, 1917, 5-pamn(r . . 9(1 Mitchell. 1918. Club 103 Mitchell. 1918. 6-pasengr . . IOC Mitchell. 1918, 5-pawienger . . Mitchell, 1917, Roadster . , ..711 Mitchell, 1917, o-passenger .. IOC Mitchell. 1919, 6-psssengtr ..123 Mitchell, 1919, Roadster ..... 14C Mitchell, 1918. 5-paaienger . ., 109 Mitchell, 1918. 5-pasaenger , . . I 12 Mitchell, 1919, 5-passenger .. 150 Mitchell, 1919. 5-paasenger . . 159 Mitchell. 1919. 5-passenger .. 12(1 Mitchell. 1919, S-paasenger . . 14(1 850 650 225 475 850 660 700 775 700 875 760 850 850 800 060 i 800 10T5 ,1160 ! 900 1000 Ll20 1200 11100 : I860 REASONABLE TERMS WHEN DESIRElV AND NO CHARGES FOR BROKERAGE. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS . . . DURING THE SALE j LEWISf STAYER COMPANY J . Pbone Broadway 4675 W - r f Af-E. RALE fcki.E PA ICES SLAUGHTERED ) This is th4 third week of onr ent-nriea sale. We are taking our lots and getting back to pre-. war prim. Thirteen cars hare been sold already.,: which shows that the i publio appreciate what are doing. . Come look tbem orer critically. Try them out thoroughly. Then compare , prices. We will get your busuieaa. Make. 191(1 0rlnd.... , 1917 Cherrolet..., 1918 Maxwell...... 1918 Cole. 4-cyl... 1917 Velie... License. WsJ Now: . .... $ 400 $ 250 ':, 876 .44009 600 450 600 .4ri69 850 700 1917 Velie... 1918 Velie... , ,.87420 950 700 975 . 8429 1100 1919 Veli, 4 -pass. 191S Olda ...... 1U19 Villa. lOlSf Velie. 191 Velie,. 1920 Essex... 675 ....64141 1850 1100 . 3188 ' 175 1150 . . . .67800 13T5 1175 ... .41335 . 1400 1200 ....74720 1700 1800 D. C. WARBEN MOTOR CAR CO.. , 68 N. 23d St. Main 780. CHEVROLET AND FORD OWNERS . FORD oterbanled ..$20.00 Rear axl overhauled...., e.oo Paleea rboB ramorad ....... a. 00 Masneo reefaaraed 6.00 W m lund-lui nwtnn. i mr ' ' which iaauna perfect runnlaa aaotar. Genuute aero paru only used. All work guaranteed. - i TUB REASON . Tht ford en gin atarte bard and tb BibU art dim is bveause tbe MAGNETO is Weak. : Hate il HSvtiA8UD by EXPERTS. . ) Universal Auto Repair 210 Jefferson t Mala 7644. 16,000 carried in atoca. Our springs sold with a written gusrsntee. W give you. aervtea. 84 North Fifteenth t " OUR SPECIALTY . Automobile Painting . ' i BOB FULTON. . . 16th and Washington eta. Bdwy. 4041. W1NTON SIX . 8585 -1 IJke 'new, perfect shape, self-stsrtet, clectrie lights, good battery, good tiraa; Would koake good atage car; might take eld ear in trade. This ear is worth $1500. See me at once. J. W , McColpin. 210 Jefferson st Tops 'Em Orecon- Anto Ton c& 14th and Couch eta. Bdwy. 4408. A SNAP Kissel Six $650; $200 down, $35 a month, no brokerage, or will trade for late model Ford. Car can be seen 'at 864 Sandy, cor. zmn. r.asi -iu. -ADILLAC -4-cylinder car in aplendid shape. . owner orupnai purcnaaer, easily worth 11200 and $500 Liberty bond aa part payment on rancn near rortianq. i-aos, journaL Mt'ST'iaiw money; will aell our" 1920 Baby Overland, run about 3000 miles, very cheap. Call at 990 Powell Valley road. Phon Sell- wood 717. CADILLAC 8, A-l condition, looks like new, will sacrifice for cash or oonaider smaller car in rxaae. lau Kast 8B57, v vji. i a large garage, iuuy equipped, cement runway and -floor. 197 frOtb, St. Tahor 04XQ AUTO WRECKING, all parts for all can. PORTLAND AUTO WRECKING CO., 290 Union ave.. near Hawthorne. EAST 7.ta. Afllftl" TniTtie Recovering and repairing raUkU lUp& t reasonable ;price. 823 Salmon t.. between 6th and Broadway. '20 MAXWELL, fine condition : tarm. Call at 9201 Foster road, Lenta Pharmacy. Tabor CASH paid for old -car, condition no object; part tor all makes of car. Oregon Ante Exchange. 448 Flanders, nr. 11th. Bdwy. USPS. WE PUT Steel teeth in your old flywheel; crank , shsft turping. H. B. Black, machine shop. awirr fx. . nroaaway zoel OAKLAND sedan, one year old. everything first elan order, for aale eheap. Owner. Make appointment lrom W to 11 a tn. East -4 105 FOUR passenger Franklin roadater in elegant shape; must sell at, once. Will give aome terms. Broadway 901. FOR SALE Good Presto tank rt.t f1A..f. also neat iair of "aidelight electriq" auitable ior pug, r-pone uag urove 174-M. 1919 CHEVROLET tmiring. In perfect condi tion, good tire, bargain, 475. 345 Union vrtxTH ouoqay ana eveningv. FORD sedan, like now, 1920; trad for Ford touring, rnon 318-H2. ' STUDEBAKER 4 new paint 0od running Ciirani, X.UW7. lead. FOR quick e:e, $600 ukea my Mitchell 6 Automatic 228-77. tTSKS, 80x3 H , $4. Guaranteed repairing" 42 Grand ave. N.. cor. Conch. - GARAGE FOR RENT. -5012 42D AVE. S L fRD touring, late model, new tires, extras. $275; terms; snap. Pbone 813-92. ELGIN SIX, 1819, in fine abapc; $l66o casH, 830 Patton are ! 1919 FORD roadater. good condition, mwtt aeu. in puh. ana eve.t ae t nlon ave. N. TRADE , Overland delivery, 1916. tine condi uovi. tor lot or acreage. - East 4376. I IK to BUgbtly ersaa, $3 to 13 eecel' vmw un repamaa zut BI AUCTION SALE OF AUTOMOBTT.ES" oat.. r.vj . e. iwati. m A. si. S25 ALDER GASOLINE 28o per gallon; oils and graaaeaT Pioneer Paint Co.. 1 86 First at. "'. o. xeaii. iu a. SI. q-jb ALDER. 1 r - 5n.- kotrto trter, good shape. $600 "BO I EXCELLENT Chevroiet roadster for sale at . i t, r.. v ater - t. LATE rnodrl Ford touring, good shape: must . 275. ; SOJIon.jsorner Beimonr. $03 BUYS tola bug. . Terms. 832 "E.14tbrH. araOpr AUTOMOBILES A ACCESSORIES 44 C. a. BLEASDALE Not a special aale. Compare these price and. care with others before piscina your order. , FORD TOURING, fin condition, food , tires. apoUiabt , . . ... . . . , . ...... $ S00 MAXWELL 1917, good tires, good me ' chaaical eonditioti, for Quick .aal .... 400 IAX0X StT ThU ear U In peciaCy food coadiUoa, paint and tire in fin ahape ......................... 450 STUDEBAEEB LIGHT 4. reCniahed. 6 : food tires, leather upholstering ..... 450 STUDEBAEEB 8-cyL, 7 -peas., food tires, r ideal .atag ear .... i .......... . 4TS MAXWELL 118. S good tir, first class mechanical condition. This car most " be aeea to be appreciated ......... 650 SUlCK LIGHT 4. motor thoronghly orer : hauled, good tire-,............, 650 BUICK BO ADSTEB, 1919; owner leering - r - ' city; must sell oar at ones; a bargain. OVERLAND, model 90, 'reftniahed, first : alas eondiUoa throughout ........ 8T5 CHALMERS LIGHT , S feed tires, bum , per, aMteneter. fine mechanical eon- , ditioa . .,.. 678 " ,v - ' ' h - Chandler chummy Thi ct b ; bean eeerbanled, good fares, Victoria . ' -; top. With plat glaa ............. 976 BTCDEBAKItt LIGHT . 1919, cord , equipmeat ma only 4$00 tail . ... 1400 ' W hat on band many other cart t aelect from, ranging in pric from 676 to $2000. W aJao gir term to auit th cuktomcr. I TEB.MS NO BROKERAGE . , C. G; Bleasdaie 630 ALDER ST., BDWY. 1$52. USED CARS 8ee these used car before buying elsewhere. We aire the same service on our used Stephen that we do on the new ones. 1920 Stephens Sedan, practically , new, big discount i ' ' : :-- 1120 Stepbtni Sport model, extra tir, ; iDotllght, etc 1919 Stephens Touring, just out Of our own (hop. i - 1920 Peterson Six, run. 800 miles; a ' bargain. ! 1917 Cadillac Ebrfct, . ererbauled, new ' . . top. good ptint, 'just the thing for j 'a atage. 1918 Budaoa Six-Forty, fin condition. 1920 Harley - Davidson motorcycl and sidecar. 2 good Bugs, i ' i - We win take year old car as part payment, and aire term on the balance. Open Sunday. Hamilton Auto Co. ' Broadway 8608. th at Enrctt it 1 USED CAR SALE Wonderful Value on Good Car. Price ' that will make you Buy. 1920 OAKLAND TOURING...: $1250 1920 OAKLAND TOVRINO ......... . 1150 1919 OAKLAND TOURING.... 800 1918 OAKLAND-TOURING. 750 1917 OAKLAND TOURING ....... ;-. . 700 ,1917 OAKLAND TOl'BINC 650 1910 OAKLAND TOURINCJ BOO 1916 OAKLAND ROADSTER 600 1916 OAKLAND SPEEDSTER. ...... 600 Cant of merit at prieea far below normal. Liberty bonds accepted at face vsIubl Cash disconnm allowed Tenwa awmnted. 1 WILLIAMETTK MOTORS COMPANY, BROADWAY AT JTANDEBS ST.V Broadway 4184. 1918 BUICK d, newly painted, 1st clasa Con diUon. This ' car can hardly be. told from new. Will sacrifice for Quick sale. Owner go ing East Open Sun. and eve, 84$ Union ave. N. TRUCKS AST TRACTORS 81 C HAVEL TRUCK, S H ton dump bod, oa food condition;, can be bought Very reasonable; owner, private party. $1000 ca-h will hang)!. oca aiu, Datuunai ivu. FOR SALE or exchange by owner of 2-ton i Maater track, used 1 year; fin condition, new tires. Will give terms . or take a Ford car or truck 1b exchange. Price $1850. - Call A.. Lenta 2011 MAXWELL 1-ton truck, cheap; too light for . our wood haul, trial allowed. Atlas .woodyard. 827 Front st. STAKE" body, all hardwood, well ironed, 2 H to 5 ton. Palac Garage, 42th and cttark sta. Broadway 1572. 2-TON Reo with lob, 1250 will handle this. tr.. A rasa ftmaftr R. riewk f htui mxjwi a tiswm v LATE 191 A Ford ltcm tmck. large express . . . IIRA V.-. . BRINGING UP FATHER , - y '1 vT5H I COOUO " T ' HrDE OMr.WHEPe " , ' , NOW ?0 MAtlfr " ; WOUL.O THllMK Jlt. j OOT-THEN bHE 'A'" ' lookin- FER CfXwy , COUUO tnEAK uj 'S. n 2 1 OUT LATER- YI T S. r U ! TRUCKS A2TU TRACTORS 81 ONE ton Federal, bargain for cash. Palace Us. rag. 12th and Surktw. Broaaway 1T8. AUTOMOBILES WANTED T8 TRADE your ear for a farm. Hare 160 acres - Eastern Oregon, sum improvement, which WiU trade for late model touring car In good condition. Woodlawn 1271. BEING your r to Jake a Uaad Car Excbtag snd get Quick tetion, 26 N. UU at. Bdwy. M14, eppceit Weinhardt Brewing. i"OK SALE- Close ia acreage; truck, automobile - or carpenter work as firtt payment. 292 Lar Wbeeet. East 6971. Call Croa. VANTKD Tractor plow, truck or ' automobile . aa first payment on close in acreage. . 292 terra bee t. East 5371.- Call Cross. FORD touring, 1919 or 20; must be les than $430: call out of working hour. 7720 68th .. 8. fc. BO" ACRES timber, near fillsmook. 61300. trade for late auto. MigHt pay aome cash. peii. iau, atter p. m. WANT 1919 Chevrolet touring; must be bargain for-caah. 932 Oregon at. Eaat 6277. - ATJTOS rOR HIRE cs AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New 1920 M -xiol Cars Reasonable Rate FEARING A KOBtN KTT 4JITI UARAUB 182 12th rL, bet. Wash, and Alder. Bdwy. 649 Sew AuToi '.VIthocT fcaiVtits OVKRLANDS UODSONS LOWNSDALE OARAOE BROADWAY 9408. 13TH AND WASH. AUTOS FOR HIRB WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVER S, L. SULLIVAIf. FASHION OA- RACK, MAR. 882. 1 Oth at YsmbiU. A-l j 8 ft. ALTH611' k "BKNNEfT, ' CARS-FOR ' lltltlS WITHOUT URrVERS. ARMT GARAGE. THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. ; ' ATJTO REPAIR SHOPS 8S FORD OWNERS FORD overhanled S26 Rear axle overhauled , ...8 6 Vavea ground, carbon removed .......$ 8 MagMtp rscharged ,...,,,,,,,.....,.,$ S We band-lap pistons, scrap bearings, etc, which insure a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parte only used. All Work guaranteed. , GUARANTEE -tTO REPAIR CO 180 Front St., Comer JetfmoB. Don't Threw away - your (id Fon block, beeau we Chang them to starter type, overhaul your en gine. Install genuine Ford make starter for $133. at Burke', garage. 6403 72d st. S. E. Tabor 6527. We repair all makes of ears. E. H. CHAMBERS. MAXWELL SPECIALIST. BeDwood $755. 767 Division SL Caa called for and delivered. AUTOMOBILES overhauled at reduced rate. Hemphill's Trad Schools, 20th and Haw thorne. ' MOTORCYCLES. BICTCLES MOTOHCYLEH and parts, all makes EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. 44-46 Orsnd Ave. 14 INDIAN cheap. Apply after 3 o'clock, 650 E. 80th st MAN'S bike, $23; in excellent cundiUou. 1100 Union ave. N. LATjyCWBS AXTt BOATS 44 fl ItOLI.EK (Elaine), 86x10, with 16 il. I'. Ec terprice en;ine; new and fully quippd. Owner going Kaat. Call 6-7066, foot of Main. MACHINERY 81 ' MACHINERY 1 ft -in. Gen. Eire portabl drill. " 1 2 20-volt f org blower. 1 8-h. p. 80-v. bat. chging generator. ' 1 reciprocating air pump. 1 Kellogg into air pump. I standard elec. wood boring rnacbin nd chisel mortlser. 1 wood lathe, 6-fu bed. 1 New Ultra lathe. 10-ft. bed. 16-ln. awtng; 1 220-440 v. A. C 1 h. p. Urocker-Wbeeler motor. v BAH.ET Jb BECKER, Electrical Eafiaeen A Machlnttta. ' 129 East Waterat Anto. 22.1-28. PlASOS, OUUANH. MUSICAL INSTRUMESiTS 84 USEi TALKING MACHINES at prices that will move tbem quickly. ALL IN OOOD CONDITION Columbia and 6 record .........;..-...$ 23 . Victor and t records 85 Victor and 8 records ................ 4 5 Victor and 12 records .............. v- 100 Columbia and 12 record 120 $5 to $10 cash and 84 to $7 monthly. Bebwaa Piano Co.. 101 10th. Cor. Stark. -FX'LX. CASH VALUE PAIU arUH Phonographs & Records KIWltAN'S RECORD M CHANGE. 128 First rt. Main 4496. Tabor ,67. fRADlTtOUfe TfANO"" WU1 trade S22S new V1CTROLA and records for used PIANO. SeibcTling-Luca Jlusio Co. Main 8580. 120 4th it . ' PIANO WANTED ' , - HIGHEST CASH PAID for tiaed PIANOS or PLAYERS. 8eibarltac-I.ueaa Hiuu Co- S586. 126 4th at. e250 EblSON eabiriftt with Victor attachment and 84 records, all for $165. N. F. Don nelly. Sell. 1719: YOSE A SONS upright, fin Ivory keys." $238; $140 Columbia Grafonola, filing device, $115. Harold S. UUbert, 38 ism 11111 st. $900 PLAYER pisno, beach and miMe; just liks new; only $375. terms. 312 Worcester FOR SALE $70 E-B tuba, A-l condition, price z. Ftione woociawn ho. LARGE cabinet phonograph, a bargain. 188 Ho Had ay. Between 7 and 9 p. m. ALMOST new Victor piano for aal. Mala 8559 PIANO WANTED for practice, baring good lone; V jt 1 W.H1..1t -isao - , caau Ufa. m . -11 awww. FIRST-CLASS organ and stool for aale. Take piano benoei part. East 680. - l Copyright 920. by Service. SHEt LOOKt4 rER ME. tOW -I HO0Q HE. lX3r4CCj OUT THE. WINDOW! I'D HATE. TO TALL TEN vrtokiE: jn MtSICAI, IKSTRtTMESTS t WASTED 4 PIANO. WANTBD eheap, cash. Mala 6686. TYPEWRITERS It ALL . naakes ackL rented end exchanged. Terms if desired. ) Send for retail prior. Whole sale TyTJewriteJHCo.t 821 Washington at., K. W. Cor. 6th. !. - . I- - - FOR RENT typewriters, $4 per month, three month $10; (pedal students' rates. Reming tow Typewriter! company, 66 Broadway. P borne Broadway 621.j f- - ALL MAKES lot "typewriter rented, repaired and okl cn monthlj payment plan. Oregoa Typewriter Com 94 6U. et Main 8668. UNDERWOOD NO. 6 CHEAP For cash, perfect condition. 481 Artisans bldg. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE $5 EKE' SALE Meier' & Frank Stock Recently damaged by amok at th warehouse, Broadway and, Taylor, baa been moved to 454 Washington St. Consisting of furniture., draperies, tapeatrlea in various designs; mohairs, plushes, corduroys, velvets; 8800 yards fancy ticking, 80c and 50c a yard; 6000! yard Denims, 75e yard! barber denims 40e yard; covering and linings, 2Se yard. All kinds bed iraverings. ; . ENTIRE: STOCK PURCHASED BY COHAN , BROTHERS k DIRECTORS A5D Nov? ON SALE AT ONE-THIRD AND ONE-HALF OFF. Plenty of Ternnant of velvets, plush es and mohairs very heap. ' Draperies Sale at 454 WASHINGTON ST., COR. 18th. Furniture Sale at MADISON STREET DOCK At Foot of Madlsoa St Bridge. West Side. COAL lad wood range, t .... .115.00 na Cool staves ..... 10.00 np , Caa stove 10.00 up Gss water heater. .... ........ 9.00 u Floor coverings, yard ........ .75 up Kitchea qneene ............. S.OOnp Kitchen cabinet 12.00 u pining rowa extenatoa tables. . . 7.00 up pining roara chairs t ........ . 1.60 up Living roam rocker... , 4.00 up Library tables .............. 6.00 up Slmmona beds , ..... 12.00 up Cotton felt mattreasea ........ S.OOnp Steel apriag ................ 6. OOnp Coil spring . ., 8. 00 up Dressers ! , 9.00 ua PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 1 208-810 First St $460 WILL buy entire Set Limbert solid oak dining mom set. canaiating of 64 inch table, pad mad to ordeT, 6 chair including 2 carvers, serving tabl, buffet; 2 Ice chest, fruit jar. 664 Couch, apt- 1. Phone Bdwy. 1719. WANTED Furniture to upholster and repair. Used furniture taken in exchange. Juat phone East 7 90S. Residence Service Upholstery, 664 Union are, I Mr sale i a. . fas range and Lawson . beater. uad only 8 month. 1 china cabinet. 20 ytU. inlaid linolemm. 14 97 Belmont, cor. RRrh IaVuhea CA HOWARD wood and coal beater $12.50: nerie tal dininf table $10; full six bed spring $1.50.! Tabor 8282. GOOD new f and used furniture, ranges, heaters. rug-; verV low art prieea. Juehen Furniture Co.. East OB 5 7. 118 .Grand are. i BEDROOM drtiweri, all" finished la Ivory enamel, il 1S7 Mtncesota ire. 8 HlUH-ciRADK beaten. 1 range, il cook stores for sale. ; Call at 14B. 8th. F0RRALEr Som furniture, stove, etc. Tabor 8040. ' . - FUR"n1TUP.E for aale in 6 room flat cheap rent. 666 H Eaat Morrison. " FOB BALE MISCELLAJTEors 19 T.1T. AKT alltA fnra a.t.mmnful mM tnaj. Ill new for 13.50, with a money-back loartntet. r.. OflTf t BK1 atl AL -a W ""I $ ONI .c. 7am 91. BUGS Washed cn your floor with Hamilton nr.cn cieciw carpei waaoer. Aiao vacuum cleaning aone. test 4043. DRY old growth fir cordwood. Phon Bdwy. ueiirereq ny place m city. . CEMENT laundry trays. Factory 314 WaaW loaron it t m anip. rau or water. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, show cane. 43 Uirot t, Nr Ash. " CASH" BEdMTER' t-Loftft fcasfca And other fixtures. 242 Salmon. Main 642. FOR BALE Everbearing progressive strawberrir plants. It 6. Box 14. HilUboro, Or. FOR RENT Electric vscuum clesners, 24 hour i. at .h.j uiji.No,. y . . mil i.. IT mil. 1.,., VACUUM, ; cleaners isold, rented; repaired, ex changed,! bought Ray Bentley. Mala 4907. POTATOES and onion by tbe sack; we deliver. East 404. i FOR atrawberrey plant write H. O. Lane. VvH lamina. Or. , HUBBARD squashes and pi pumpkin Tabor 481 ' WRECKAGE wood for sale cheap. Tabor 3643. TWO'RadUtor gaa neater. Woodlawn 106" DRY wreckage wood, eheap. Tabor 8643. Uuriutiooal Featere Inc.) j H f). 1B20 v .. ' ) I the: bNEv-he ot ; X OUT SOMEHOW- I j J ' fh OOOfAANO HE WONT !:-' K " x . C'J3 ET CCK rT'Hi'b r- X Hi RPQH WITHOUT hen. FgATuaa Sfwviei. Inc t e l t FOR SALB MISCELLATTEOrS II Sewing Machine Emporium New and Sd band machines sold -or leas; bo acents employed. Com plete line ot parts for all make. ." aiacbine repaired end rented, Third, TAYLOR ST. MAIN . 481 Woodstock Nursery Strawberry plants. Etterberga. Magoana. Mar (nails, Wilsons, Unproved Oregon and Treblaa; gooseberry plant and currant buahee; prune tree, grafted filbert and English walnut tree; Cuth bert red raspberries, blackcaps, loganberry plant (tipa) ; cherry, pear, apple, plum and peach trees; prices reasonable. 6808 Woodstock are. Phone Sellwood 2382. FOR SALE OR TRADE . and 1 H -ton ice machine. 14 ft. abowcass. 1 meat block. 4 nickel plat rack,! . , . 3 hangine scales. U ton butcher ptptr. -1 000 vax cartons. ovit ronrrn pit Mam oo. SINGER KLECffeW SEWtN'd. aUUUUcS W tak your machines la etchange. bsisno cash r eay payuenta. Phone tor demonstra tion. Mac hints rested. Bxpert repaints, any make. - - , MORRISON ST. SINGER STORM. ' 800 Fourth St Main 8898. eo aiomwon. ssarsnair rax. 76 DROP-HEAD and cabinet sewing ma ehines, every kind: U guarsnteedi 616 to 685; all th latest new Singer: cash cr term. Machine rented $3 a month. Singer 8tore, Moos bidf.. 19$ Fourth St Main 6833. ONE " Beemen garden tractor, used 2 months. Price $200. One Fsirbsnks-Morse centri fugal pump, 3-in.. about 24-ft of 4 -in. suction pipe. One Byron at Jacksoe foot valve for aama. George J, King, cat Steamer Amtrica, Portland. or. BUT. SELL. UliNT OR TKADK Shotguns or Rifles' .NEWMAN'S GUN STORE. ? 118 First t Mala '4496. Ttbor 67HV, Electric Motors Bought sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electrio Works, 418 Burn aide, comer 10th. Broadway 6874. EuY a-DKni cusin luvurt 99 novpoinfc cscuh irons 67.25, $1 flashlighbi 75c Reliable Elec- a-ught clisin fixture S. uotpoint etsctno tno, tnion at uuaseu, Asst too. vpeo eve ning. " CIRCLE EXCHANGE ' We buy. sell and exchange ladies and chil dren's clothing. 416 Filed ner blda, lotto and Wsshington. Bdwy. 220. GOOSEBERRY plants, bregon ' Champion, and currant tnuhee. Order now. 'Supply limited. Price reasonable - Woodstock Nursery, 6808 Woodstock av., Portland. Phon Sellwood 1332. LADIES GENTLEMEN ATTENTION Bring in your wed suits, coat, gowns, hat, furs, fancy work, bric-a-brac and let ua tell them for yon. 191 Adams et East 8981. NEW SYSTEM NEW OFFICB V HeBest, Conscientious Dentistry, t . DR. FRED MELLISH, ' 103 H Fourth, Between Washington and Stark. WHY aa everlasting aggravauoa by a leaky roofT Why not a permanent and comfortable roofT W repair, rubber-bend and rejuvenate all kind o' leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Main 3660. Ladies, attention. l ' Slightly used wearing apparel at the Vogue Apparel ExebaBf. 403 Alisky bldg. , Main 1B2, POTATOES and apples at wholesale prices, Get your winter's supply. Portland Fruit Co., 153 Front- at. near Morrison bridge. . BOOKS on prophecy end other 'Bible subject. Gotpal tract, pamphlet and charts; printing. OregouJBook 1 k Tract Dept. 165 4th st FOR 6ALfi-i old ivory. 1 mahogany, 1 "floor lamp. $11. Eastman Studio scales. $3, con tains, tc. 454 Sslmott at. ., SAFES, bw and seconuhsnil, torn wita blrflar best, t reasonsbl price. Pacific Scale k Bnpplr Co.. S Front ft Bdwy. lao. FOR SALE- Electric fan. alternating current. o aneeus. useo one week, new: Dnce-aas.oa. Will take $23. Tabor 4246 bet 9 and 11am. FOR SALE New 2 horse potato digger, lirtt new bouse oa 72d st, north of Diruuon, J. mumuwen. Sfk BUSINESS CARDS gtl -Tie W ROSE ClTT prlntery 5 " A5 You mut bring thl d. 120 6 h t oeniistry tm waxhingwn st Without Pain. latest Nerve Blocking Method. TWO pool tables, bstl's snd cues, at a bargain. write Secretary Stcrsnnon, Aerie NO. 1744. Suvensoft. Wash. . ' APPLES -Oood. aound Bellflower and Green- Inaa. gl.bo per boa. Brine containers. Cor. of Tint at. and PoweU valley road. FOR BALE On large Howard neater, full nickel tnmmeO, first eiasa condition; aio on mall fa store. Ttbof t2jl. : , - FOR BALE CHEAP A good chicken houee; can eauily be moved. Call 332 E. 21st st N., cor. Weidler. SAFE Fireproof safe. Hall make, la food order. Cheap. R-15A. Jotrnl . : VArt't'M eleeners rented $1 per day?- deli - ered. Tabor 5786 evenings, . Bdwy. 2872 day. With coils. KITCHEN range, good condition. : eheap Tabor 9y. 1220 iron. pSfATOES. $2?10 and $225 delivered. 831 K. Everett at. East 0703 NOT ICE to merchants: Job lot of horn snd flags for le, ehep. 94 Third t. SECONDHAND tent and coven for aale. Pa- cific Tent m Awning Co., 1 ryst at. FOR SALE Rose. 200 Caroline Ten tout from private garden. Se Mr. O'Brien. 235 -Stark. UNCALLED FOR tailor mad suits, $12.60 up. Tsylor. the tailor, 289 Vs Bnrnside t. f ACUt'li clesners for rent, II I dsy: delivered anywhere. Wdln. 8493. formerly Bdwy. 256. SLIGHTLY worn suit cost bat fur and di tabig bargain. Mar 8215. GOOD WINTER SUIT. WDLN. 666. GARDEN manure for sale. Tabor"6684. FOR country slab call Main 1408. By George McManus SOW I'M WORE OFT" I CrNJS T EVEt4 -r: Ovr MY ROOM. li i. II I I I , a - m k I am W ' - ' - - . H FOR SALEMISCELLATTEOTJl 10 Buy. Sell AND EICHANGB cash registere showrsies. fnantatna. aealae, t r f latwres. L BOXER. Mir, 2488. 118 Sfflt , CEDAR CHESTS. IXrecl from factory to year bam a. Tsnneaaea snd port Orford cedar; olid copper trimmlogs, latest designs. Write for eetakim. J. W. HIGOINS k SON ... 191 a-l 6-1 8 E. 'GLlSAN. TABOR 80S. WB SAVE OBONEX , Boas artrlat, lujbtlnf fta hires, electrical repairing, sup plies. Third Street Elect He Store, IS4 H TBtra raves Salmon. Mala 6068. IOR SALE 6 window sasu. 9x18 1 18 light (nearly stew) for worth ot glass; $-bnrner plate, unitary couch, child rocker, nearly new On. Minute electric washer, ironing board. Owner aoa-NsudiBk 100 E. 09th st U. V. car. ' - " . - . . . Sewing Machines 4 W bat Mia terten stock of d Sewing Machine in th city. Com pere price. We rest aad repair. 176 ad,- near Tsmuiu, SAFES Fire nd burglar ' proof sstes. new and - aecondhand, at rigbt price, bought oM aad exchanged. Easy term if desired. NORRIS SAFE k LOCK CO.. 108 Second St'-'. Main 2046. Independent Printers W are still doing promptly "printiaf for lea" t 11 No. 6th st Commonwealth .Ida. Smith, printers. Broadway 2986, BIQ BARGAINS - Sllfhtiy ttsed disk, chair and bookcase, also bookkeeper's desk. D. C Wax, 81 N. Ota. sowy. giaa. HOT WATER TANKS 60-gaL. $7 ; 40 gat, ft. xestea ana guaranteed atove and rurnaoe coils. Gaa beaters installed. Expert plumbing repairing. East Bide Welding Shop, ,208 Adam at K. 8616. CICEnsED Independent eleetriciaa wire I .room for 812, 6 rooms $20. All new ma renal used and guaranteed to pas inspection. woodlawn B7V1 LADIES' kxdUStvk tffED APPABEL ' Buy of as end cut tbe H. C L. 1132 E. Gllan St Tabor 2825. ' - AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCTCl.ESw LAUNCH.! or boats are aeperate classifies tions. A Isrg Hsting will be found under these different classi- ricettnna ONK Uemingtoa typewriter, i heavy braa cue pidor, 2 filing boiea, Ullkil cabinet' 1 lttt HI. - y - ' woodlawv JSii. STRAWBERRY pUn t7Y rietf es ; plant a few teres ot Cuthbert raspbernea. One s rower mad 81500 per acre. Woodstock, nursery. Pbone SeUwood 2388. 8IBIXCO PIPELESS FUB.'IacE 869.45 and $1$3. Phon East 4567. Show room ,164 E. Broadway, near Bridge, Open rt ning ana annaay. FOR SALE perfection oil bester $2.75. tW trie vacunm cleaner $19. Ediaoa pbonogrspB with 40 rolls $14. pillow, electric table lamps, uiane. roots, many things. 454 Salmon St WHEN Uiinkin of moving or lea vine citv. call seu. ioou ior general household packing and crating; lowest prices; quick service. Transfer, storage, shipping. :- , COLUMBIA WALLBOARD. the lointleea plaster wall. Cent buckle, burn, swell or shrink. Ohsfeldt. 419 Henry bid, Bdwy. 1901. FOB SALE 500 square feet of ber $10. 13 windows, $2x38, $5. urn- 660 Eaat ceny sr., near . iztn. St HA WBERRY PLANTS Ne Oregon, $4 per 1000; Kami $10 per lootr. wain. 1717. i LOGANBERRY tip snd planU for sale, spring 7 , ui'i-i idiuhuhwij. E.nq oi woo, stock oarltne. Woodstock Nursery. Belt 389. MONEOEeamerao7TTnilO. lent ana atuo. shuiur with ease, 6 Plata hold era ann tnprxi. woin. arST Rottssd hor$ or cow iruuiurv dtxliTered ivay whcr$ in city. Tabor 2704. "T yoFTDHTNlC VtfTUBtS Bar and back bar, showcaws, tobacco esse, candy case. Pali club. 235 lt St. cor. Msln. -.JVJi-K..I.V" WAIT. ' T A SB SHOat 0 ooo Honi.nriuj unit g v fat. LET us wa.h your rugs with the Hamilton- iieacn eiectne carpet waaher without remor tn from tbe floor. Wd'n. '1256. - V,. -4. 1" ' it . ; -r , nom ana Turnaee repaired; aa luungs, roue maoe ana eunnectea. . 7 Urend ve. r. cist oooo, TWO frnuln Alk whit iat fur. IRO. Call 223-82 or 167 RandsU it. cer 2fth-and nanny. . i pFOR billiard end pool tables. More fixtures, cask regwers ana, snow rases oa easy payment. . . yuigiey, t)0 luwtnom ra East 128 HOOD RIVER apples tor aale, $1 Up to kl.nd wr not -wiu aeuver. rnou ast islt. fOR8ATjiPockt pool and billiard tabl. SS2 jUalon r.;??, -. i ..- ONE set of trnln, also aable aet 'for aale. 531 - lltb st to ttnna sve. FPBS.TlWBg Vf ANTED t .BE WISE CALL MAIN 8961 We Buy Everything ; i in Furniture . WB PAY THW PRICE . .frwman's: -IWtore 200-202-204 FIRST. S. E. COR. TAYTX5B. SPOrCASH FORSKfTViTRlfl'SljBE- !iiain8878 j UNITED FTrBNlTlTRB STOBI . 17 rlulT BTKMT. Owl Furniture Co. morron We want your used furniture, stoves, carpet and pianos; we pay th highest eab price. inn ana ion rim nt csll Msin 40ZT WK BUY used furniture. For best results phone Automatic 217-71 or East 2405. LET u give you an eatimtte na your faraitnrei Reliable Fnrnltnr Co., 208-205 2d. Mta GOOD price paid for good furniture! 622-62 Washington. Broadway 8686. -,. SWAPS Si ;: Plumbers, Attention! Wanted To exchange automobile work for about $36 worth of plumbing 'work, jrasran teed; good reference. - Toung'i Auto Shop, 787 Washington. Main 6652. - WILL' TRADE bay mare, weight about 900; ' work or drive anywhere; extra good rider; for 12-iacB plow, two section barrow, or will sell. Pbone Osk Grove 174-M. WILL trad for food, fresh -cow and aom work horse for a light aatotaobll or lot Call at 990 Powell Valley road. SWAP Set of fur for 8 inger sewing machine. 606 K. 10th S. - , ' , WHAT liar you to trade for 6 acre of in Hood River county. Call Main 6127. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS $ $12.50 to 25 . For Second-IMand SUITS OR OVERCOATS ' MEYER THE TAILOB ' Pays more for clothing and afaoea. we caQ day or evening, anywhere in the city. Cell Mar tha U 12,29 or 358 Madlsoc st, Bear Third et UP TO $35j rOR MEN'S aCtTS AND OVERCOATS ' We Pay Any Prfa-e for Men'a Ctothee OREGON CLEANERS k TAILORS 117 2d L, M. W. Cor. Waih. Main 0344. WANTED Peocl of Portlsnd to know ttiat ' 1 pey -the bighest cash price, for aacoad hand household goods. No amount too large or tew mail. xtompc, attention. - -w u arim ' Phon East 2208. " i48 BaaseO St $7.60 TO $25 for men used suit aad orerr - ciata. cau uoutasa ue Tailor, (or good lesulta. Will pay mora end all rt la worth far your eaat off clothing. Phone Mala 788. 167 First st. near Morrison. WANTED -USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND JUNK. EAST SIDE SECONDHAND STORE, ZTl HLBBUJi. r-HUDiB, KABT 6387. SEWER connection tnd ces cool. SL Millioa -A Son. Tabor 6652. 15 E. 7th at S. tall between 6 and 8 a. m., or s and 8 p. at WANTED Furniture to crate, crockery end china aad glasswsre to peck, evenings after e .-ciock. pen. tto; eu wore gnarenteeq. WANTED Bines aootgun. ! caaaeraa. m ttocnneiri. aa aq. rnone Main asst. WANTED All tmds aecond-haad furaitor aad yunk. Can East 892 3. SAFE Want cheap office safe or cabinet P- 24 er. Journal. WANTED To buy one donkey logging outfit. size about axio, AX-ias. Journal. W A N TED To buy a Royal furnace ia good condition. Phono woodlawn 2')wa., -ELECTRIC motor, 1-6 boraepower. ainale puaie, aeoond band. 665 35th at Mr. Smith. PERSONAL it "CXSBsTlS .t a tarl. 1 solicit yew patroaaaw oa the basis of eapsbl serrte. ThoUssndt at satisfied pa- trona. t'iiaa W ftnndBa optorDetrhrt. 1 09 Morrlaon st M tn 11 2 4. REWARD will be paid by r7jri;riawoid. Helix, Or., tn- the first person sending hire the correct address of Emerson GrWwbld, 21 fl aid, whose home ia Camp Point. HI. aG ETS both feet fixed np at Dr. Eato1 th - CHIROPODIST and ABCU SPECIALIST who doesn't kurt ytw, 6 yra. ber. Exam. tree. Glob Theatre bldg., 11th and Wash. Bdwy. 2824. liR. GEORGE RMENSfEfNT"thrt"efnr optkua, i a exirt in fitting eyegisase. nd charge so very reasonable. Broken lenses umcaiy uupucatea. ssj Morriaoa t JiWrVtW Co"u!ttlonFREK. All aUttWyer-fiiJ s,uing 6Wg. uia raaea. 49;t BATHS, violet ' ray, and maasaf. Dr. Elna Soreaaaa. 60S Psnsm bid. Mala auaa. s BUSINESS "MRECTQIY ADDINO MACHINCO ITT BUYS dilng lachine; add Mar. 687. .7 flgursaT 618 Corbet t bldg. " ASBCR6' SUPPLIES v LEWIS STEN'GeR Barber Supply' to.,' 16t ana seornoa at, 'in piece to Day aaroeff chair and euppliea. Stock of furniture always oa hand at right prices. i '-' ' ' '. r BIAVfll r".' WaLDEN S I'cYCLERT. 468 Hawthorn, "am. .iian nut picyciw, suppiiea ana repairing. .ii-SWH BOOK MAKERS bAVlS a. HOLMNTCtJOsTTd tZ lail a- a- aMKb.u.a . a ifaaa m t Tk as. aa . sryva. mwHaiacwiron, a-siBw, wMiiii is,. AIT IMF tWtl UanaBtlrfll - V.. 7h aVrarf nnnt lh xm.s.. Amm aa T w . w eel. uiasis, tnrtu UUHwj : g wtaaWal Bight service; three vetcrlnariena - ewatwaiw umb. ALL claasea cement work, general Building aad ryir mm. saia Tcaannaoie. fWllt Ull-ai, 0HI0PaOTOS6 RZ "M'MAHONrT5v"j, e'hlropr.ctie mln; P..I 1. a t A ... .Ann .. . X Throng pro Bounce, it uprior treatment N eamouflag. Ja house stunt or proftteartn adjunct. Adjustmenta, mad eaa. entovahla. Beaefictal and euraUve, Terma: Initial treat ai.Ma reaaonable, and all cam carefully. dV Justed. PaUenta requiring extended time, SI adjustments 616. phone, call. writ. DR. E. B. ANOEI 191 1 Jill U, 1 block touth of WsAbtnitegu' - aiaranati asio.- . . -, . ... . . .w mtm w. i .in, Biinrai aoej !?J?Ittr ,hl- massage. Ijidy attendant. rtr.a.E.AMlNATION FOR LIMITED TTMR. IROPKACtiO, .. bath, and m.e77. 10U floor Broadway bldg. MarahaU 8187. Dr. Laura R. Downing. Open evening. , 1 00LLS0TI0NS . eollectloB. no charge. Established 1900.' COAL AND WOOD BOXWpdlf n'"red Immediately by, Fulton Wooi rc. 1281 Macadam, l'hon. -W.ln iiti v. WOOD FOB BALK Order, taken' lor hTv' SB e r v BA wiaeja taawa . a. a m . a. & a a.hv v;-; i.a'.T .- or OfSjD 10 Inch ftabwtioU 4 hl . Ud. Surely , a Ft a Par I ev - - . SelTwrS I 1769. ' " ."'wuw.- BIwKii-n,,rU" ' ' Price" la " f -LT vmn run W Wdln. 4103. FLi.iK',raoi Jor "d.tiv.ri 1 ui p; " - okntistT Dentistry Dr. A w "wtrtriitrf " ' 851 Mi Washington St Without Pain. latest Nerve Blocking Method., aoucaTioMAL SPANISH snd sliorthTnd taught by' lady, " 4 It PUtt bldg. DicUtioQ la Hpanleit r EofUia, Mala J202. . OANOINO BE bANCE STUTilOl 60l Dekum "bldg". Washlngtoo t Third. Privita hour or balf - turur lesaons, day, frcalng, 0 :80 a. at to a, at. vwirse lesaons peduy priced. - Clas Mon., Frl..J:80 p. m. , Miaa IraUnd. BCMM tnro3ni Academy PrlvaA. ' itwanri. day and eventne. . Ail latest etapa abown. Daae every Saturday aight Maaehester baU. 83 H 8th, riwf Burt. Brodwy 3300. . eaUieUe dancing, 610 BUere bldg.. WaslL. between 4 th end 0th. . Mala II 28. 8DU6IO SCHOOLS SWO TSSCMSBS MHS lANNAi5K, taaciirr of pbasi on thorough musical toundstlon. Laaann at studio or pupila' bease, w-r-h-U 6108. SBA PROFESSOR T. H LAWSbl, Twenty ' year1 - t)rinr, Ms no leasoni at your bom, Lj Phon Tabor 7698. ' L. CARROLL DA T, teacher of voice aBd'sieaZ 146 18th St. Broadway 2666. MAT OttSWIM AND OVtSS ' ILtf 8 clsaniThcked, ' " dyed, reaaonaoie and satisfactory. Royal Hat Work. 228 lot st. PACiriO LANDSCAPE fii'srilrviicr; Spoeialist in creating and taking ear of parka, lawn, garden, rookeris. foanuina, etc. ; ahruba, perennials and bulbs; old manure and fertilisers. Pbone Sellwood 1906. 4608 6la avenue S. E. a - " GENEHAL landsoai work; good service. " Call WoodUwB 2941. Beat Portland Lndscp Co. - orroiatTRiBT XYES oientifioaUy test ad with' oK .-.V7 era iPAtrugnenla; giaase fit) era uHinamenie; giaase nuew at a A K. HUBWITZ, Optometrut, 236. let t aTBSJT irrnaami GOLDBERG, 620 WornWier bldg. ,, y , . , , . . PaiMTIWa. TIMVla A aiHaala.ia. HOUSE PAINTING, DECRATllioniTT, TABOR i68 "' AXPERIXNCJC. Fa1.StXU. paperlianglng, tinting, work auaraa rcaTraBoV fttT""' lX1 '"U V. L7TL Painting. ppnng. ttntina. lfi w. i iisa. uroaaway 4414. Woodlawn 2126j ... ...rJOHS - CONLIsk " ', '. . 1J8 16th rt. N. Broadway 2948. StUMSIMtt SUB STEAM FITTINa) PLUiTOINd tfsrav 0Ma .Mt-a.t. m.a . aw aea. ay - amiMi aj IfTfJfflUy rtaMMai AbW pricm; m tMUlltk arpsMsiait; ttrk- n a. ash 1 fk lllAMBIgavl - UttnaiA Er.-, to A ... Russell L ' Z MKRKO METAL WOBRg. PRICKS. STARK-DAVIS CO., 1 86 4tait gMlTL.KLlNK-Co., 64.66-6fr.9 ront'aL REPAlRlNij, etcs J. Birdeao, East 884 j, " PnlnTInu, ENORAVINa. BINDINa Print! no w. baltes - Co,, iai riHIUHSml Oak. Main 166. tli-ae. 1 . 'fiptiff ioiuiv tl.r"Ul,u . viu o . vlw 1 11 ana luni.i-uv v.. svmwm&M. 887 Wasbingtoa. Broadway 434, A-133, REST MOMS GLEN HAVEN rest borne. Diet aad rest care, maaaago aad electrio treatment. 166 E, 28th at Bast 4222. f t WfPAISIWO DON'T CHANG'S your roof" re pelting in tb band ot inexperienced persona, it tb gaoal - iaaportant part of tb Uotue. Oar pnoes are raaaonabl. Investigation invited. Main 471,- , UmiUvt, Main 6644.- Roof Security to, i V'i LEAKt ROOFS repaired and patated; taaao - bl. labor 3. TRANER ABO STOMA t SECURITY StORAGB A TBAKSFEB OO. Piclfnf ' MovlBf Btorti' 1 Reduced Freight Bate Honey Loaned on Warehooe Meeetpt IN THE HttART OF TUB fit I 68 4TH 81., CORNER UF P1NB PUONB ilBOADWAX 8716. Oregon Transfer Co, EstabliabMl 1870 , Trsnefer snd Forwarding Agent STORAGE FREE tHACKAUB - Of tic aud Storage, 474- GUaaa 18tb snd Glwan. Broadway 1281. A-1169. ALWAYS "PICK " THE BEaT BOLntaoLil v JOODS SPECIALIST florae, packing, ship ping and moving; boras and auto taaa; apexuaj rate to all pointa U 0. PICK TRANSFER k STORAGE CO. 2d end Pine Sta. Broadway twi. A-199, Storage and Transfer, v ' Clay S. Morse. Incv ' 12TH AND G LISA N. BROADWAY 847S. "" . , V ' ." CUTFKI0liT RATES V" ' """ Oa household good snipped east aad aoath. Manning Warehouse- Transfer to.. 9U and Hoyt Phoae-Broadway 703. ' WANTED Moving and trannirrring. by hour er Joh. - Call aut.mhc 820-48. PIANO sxd fiirnttiire moring, crsiing aod to tag. Broadway 2445. -e,